1 3Uv m m K i It Women are Like Flowers. "SiJSSr8 and bloom. Sickly, they wither nnd die. Every woman ought to look well and feol well. It's her rlcht and duty, but she might as well try to put out a tiro with oil a3 to bo healthy and at tractive with disease corroding the organs that mako her a woman. Upon their health depends her health. If thero Is Inflammation or weakening drains or suffering at tho monthly period, attend to It at once. Don t delay. You're ono step nearer the grave every day you put It off. Women can stand a great deal, but they cannot live forever with disease dragging at tho most delicate and vital organs In their body. You may have been deceived In so-called cures. We don't aeo how you could lielp It there la no much worthies stun on the mnrket. Uut you won't be dl appointed In BradAeld's Pemnle K em ulator. We believe itli the onemedl cine on earth for womanly llli. There U much (inference between it mid other so-culled remedies an there It between right end wrong. Uradfleld't Prmnln Itrtriilntnr Roothe tile Dain. topi the drain, promote regularity, strengthen, purlllea and cleanse. It uaei u iai quicKiy anu cuauy miu naturally. HI for women alone to de cide whether they will be healthy or sick, llradfleld'n Kegutator He at hand. 91 pir bottle nt drugstore. H.n J tut onr frt booUit THE BRADntll) REGUMTOB CO., Atlanta, C. I &Jv0mm .. W''W ". w' Biliousness "lliswo used roar valuable CANCA HBTS and find them porfect. Couldn't do without them. I havo used them for homo tlaio for tndlgostlon and biliousness and am now com .plctoly cured. Ilccomtncnd thorn, to every one. Once trlod, you will novor bo without thorn In the family.'' Edw. a. Maiix, Albany, N. Y. CANDY CATHARTIC THADIMAMN MaiiTlMO nKS".1' I1,l,.l,ub.1S' rlcnt- 'Paste "nort. o Oood, Novor Hlekoii. Weaken, or Orlpo, lOc.iJc, Wc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sl.tlUg ll.,il; fup..,, HiU..., Ilc.lful, n.i, y.,. yt NQT0B1C 8r'.rt and Biinrniilced br all rtruif nw IU UHU Klsta to OtlltE Tobacco UaDlt. Richer n Quality than most I0 Cigars LEVIS' SINGLE BINDER straight5cigar Compare them with other Clair and yon find good reasons for their costing the dealer more than other brands rfUMHRUWIS.PCORM.IU. ORIGINATOR TIN FOIL SMOKER PACKAGE 44444)443444 ju til k Mi U Ml Ml Ml EESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE. m 5 S - S Ml M, Mi Ms Mi Ml Mj Mi Mi Mi Mi Ml Ml Mi Ml Ml Ml Mi Ml Ml Ono ucre of ground, good hoitsu and 'barn and othir out-build-lri(H. (J ood drnvo well nnd good witter. Shade fruit and ornamental trees. For particulars inquire of Ml Ml Ml ; J. NUSTBIN, i CIGAR MANUFACTURER. t Rod Cloub, Nobrnakn. l Mi m ttttctttttttfc "oMai Pop-Ffezf Foam Sparkle! Wff Tf,. S Nation's temperance beverage Rootbttr Mas It at horn. So' av.mh.r. in K&o. Dad gallon (tea. UUABI.F.SK. HIKES MBiYeru, -a. HlUHtS WHtllt Ml Hot tAllb. EJ Boat Coutin fljrup. 'l'Rstostlood. OseRS in time. Sold tiydriiKtl. tl 'M 1 lit 1HH.ES Ld-1M sLV ! Iff fS'ia WF BATTLE OJb1 GERMS, Destructive Agencies Combated by Friendly Parasitti. Vast rield of Hrlrntlfla Inv-aatlajatUoa Waleh Mar Yield Valuable He- aalta to Animal nnd Veaje- table hitm. The deeper nclcnce dig" Into the secrets of nature the more wonderful the Imlnneliifr of forces appears, nnd not the least of these tunnels of ad just ntent Is the countcinetlni,' or breaking down of agencies destructive to life by the activity of other or ganisms. In u vngui- wny this balancing of ,he forces of life and death was real zed long njr, but now Investigation inn ieealcd much that n formerly n.iIOin ll has cwit "on i. .u- pothible for man to protect himself mid his property, to some extent, against harm by using minute Ihlng organ isms to check and undermine those which are his foes, says thu Cleve land Lender. The most striking recent Instance of thla kind Is afforded by the work of the department of agriculture in combating the Insects that prey upon the fruit trees of California. Parasites of organisms which are themselves parasites of the trees are saving or chards nnd groves by destroying the foea of the fruit. A destructive scnle, na the little creature la called, eats the trees, and It, In turn, Is eaten by n lndybug imported from Austrnlla. So the balance Is restored, nnd benefi cent forms of life, viewed from the humnii standpoint, ttt least, have their due advantage over the forces of destruction. The success of such ingenious levy ing of microscopic warriors for some of man's hardest fighting suggests the possibility of destroying the smallest germs of disease which are living organisms by diseotering some thing t 111 more Inllnlteslmal to prey upon these pernicious forms of de structive energy, as they do upon man. It would be rnsh to sny thnt this Is going too far for human knowledge or resources. Well-known and very significant facts indicate thnt just sucTi ngencies may yet be used to break the power of deadly germ diseases. Nature might well have some such way of preserving n fit ami wholesome bnl ance between life and death, in the highest of all her organic forms. It is well understood, for example, that when it tlriileut disease Is Intro duced where it nexer before existed lis rninges are far worse than any havoc which It causes In countries where It has been n curse for genera tions or centuries. .Smallpox simply slaughtered the Indians of America when it wns brought into this con tinent from Kurope. Pulmonary tuberculosis, or consumption of the lungs, has practically depopulated certain islands of the South seas where the natives seemed not to hate encountered the dlsense before white men brought it into their earthly paradles. On the other hand, In countries like Japan, where it race has been settled for many hundreds of years, with lit tle change in the essential habits or conditions of life, the resisting pow er of the body when assailed, as It always Is, more or less, by disease germs, appenrs to have been so devel oped by the survltal of the fittest, or otherwise, that many eases of con sumption result in cures which wotdd be deemed wonderful in other lands. Is it not possible that this growing ability to come in contact with dend ly gcriria and still retain good health may be due to the detelopment of the right kind of organism or secre tion of the body to attack, In turn, and destroy the moot fatal foes of man? There is a vast field of investiga tion opening in this direction which may yield results which now seem less substantial than any of the fairy tales of science. It may be thnt dis coveries are to be made in the con trol of naturnl forces affecting the health and strength of the liuninn body, its He and duration, which will be as revolutionary nnd epoch-making as any of those mnrvels of inven tion which made the Inst century fa mous forever in the history of our race. REAL PANAMA HATS. Mada lot Gaiador and Urlns from f 20 to f 110, According; to Their Klnanraa, The ao-called Panama hat, ao ex tensively in vogue, is not the product of Panama at all, or even of the stnte of Colombia, but Is manufactured in the neighboring republic of Kcuador In enormous quantities and of every variety of shape, texture and quality, and sold under the general name of Ouaynqull lints throughout Mexico, Central America und South America, at prices varying from 50 cents up ward, says a New York News letter. The hut, however, that is known to the wealthiest classes of those coun tries as the Panama hat Is quite a dif ferent affair, a veritable "article de luxe," selling at prices varying from $20 to $150, according to their fine ness. They nre worn indifferently by either sex, without ribbon or other adornment, as they come from the In dian mnkers' hands, without profana tion of starch, nnd are the more high ly prized from the fact that their closely woven texture nof only ren ders them impervious to tho sun's rays, but likewise waterproof, which last quality is highly esteemed whero it is deemed expedient to keep the head dry during the coustaut equa torial showers. women who answer ads. Thar Ara Some Who Do It aa a I'as- tlma, AcenrillnH to Thla Man's Ixpc rlanea, Tvcnctually got ao that I dread to advertise for female employes," said the manager of an art store, to a New York Hun man. "If it wns pos sible to get through the work myself I'd rather do It than to Interview a mob of feminine callers. "To select a good assistant didn't use to be such a big job as It is now. For one thing, there were not form erly so many triflers. You would be surprised to know how ninny women answer advertisements for help who do not want employment and neither could nor would take It if It was of to them at n good salary, They are what 1 call professional advertise ment answerers. "I lind occasion to advertise only last week for a clerk, and as a pro tection against these nuisances, I stated that no professional callers need npply. Yet they came, at least n dozen of them. Fortunately, lc got so I can spot them on short no tice, nnd don't fool away much time on them. "When the unqualified callera first began to besiege me in such numbers 1 was under the impression that the regular rounders were the repre sentatives of agencies who wished to get us on their list nnd furnish their own applicant on commission, but I wns mistaken in this, for while a few of the professionals are connected, most of them pursue the fad on their own nccord. It is without doubt the orniest hobby womankind haB ever ridden, nnd my only hope is that they will soon run down. "A goodly percentage of these Idlers are soeinl reformers who are bent on writing books and tracts nnd things. Somewhere they have im bibed the idea that men who employ help are regular tumpires, ever on the lookout for new victims, and their object in !slting us is to Investigate our methods of securing clerks 'and afterward acquaint tin: public with our evil procedures. "Hut I can stand even these trouble some spies with even more equanim ity than the woman who, finding time hang heavily on their hands, tramp around from ofllce to olllce for the fun of the thing." $100 Reward, $100. Thn readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that thero is at least ono d muled disease thai science has been able to etito in all its .stage--, and thai is catarrh. Hall's Catarth Cure is tho only positive cuio known to the medical fiMcrnity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, n quires a con. slitutioiial treatment. Hall's (Jaiarih Ctuo is taken itnet nitlly noting directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disease, und giving the patient stiength by building up the constitution and assisting naturo in do ing its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer Ono Hundred Hollars for any case that it fails to cure. Write for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CltKNKV & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 73u. Hall's Family Pills ariilhc best. See Yellowstone Park in Align t. August is thu best mouth in tho year to make the. Hip through Yellowalouii Park nnd the Inst half of thu month is better than tho first. Thu climate is perfect. Tho middle west may bo sweltering with heat, but Yellowstone Park is us cool as cool cau bn. It could hardly bo otherwise, for it is 8,000 feet abovo tho level of tho sea, nnd com pletely surrounded by snowcapped peaks. Write to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Nub., for folder giving full in formation about the park. It contains a largo map of the park, as well as a description of the principal points of interest. Excursion rates daily ask thu ticket Agent about them. a a Nebraska Epworth Assembly, at Lincoln Park, August 7 to 15. Thousands of Nebraska Methodists look forward with keenest plcasuro to tho annual sessions of tko Epworth As somb'.y. The location is ideal, und tho pro gram can always bo depended upon to aniuso, instruct and elevato. This year's assembly will maintain the high standard of provtous years. Thu program includes such lecturers and entertainers as Eli Perkins, Ool. Haiti, Mrs. Chant, Robt. Motntyre, Fred Emorson Urooks, S. R. Stoddard and Sam Jonos. Half rates to Lincoln via the Hurling tou Route, August C, 7, 8, 10, 14 and 15, good to return uutil August 1G. a Loss than half rates. Colorado anil Utah August 1 to 10. Never again, porlmps will you havo such an oppor tunity of visiting Colorado and Utah as is offered by tho Burlington Route, August 1 to 10. On those dates tho round-trip tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs, Olunwood, and Salt Laso City will bu on nalo at less than thu regular one-way rate. Return limit Ootobor 81. Mako up your mind to go, If you do not I; uow which of tho dozens of cool resorts in tho mountains will suit you best, write for the Burlington's Colorado literature sent on receipt of bisem in stamps, It will help you dcoii.c, J, 1 uancis, General Passen ger Agent, Omaha, Neb, THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ards are Being Cured Daily in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening ol the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood thnt Urunkennoss is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by potiodioal or constnut tiso of intoxi cating liquors, rt quires nn antidote cnpublo of netittnlizing mid eradicating tills poison, and destroying tho crav ing for intoxicants. Siillerers nmy now euro themselves tit homo without publicity or loss ol tiimi fioni business by this wondei fill "Homo Gold Curo," which lias been peifccted after many years of closo study and tieittnient of inebiiatos. Tho faithful usu according to dhcctlons of tlili wonderful discov ery is positively guaranteed to cure thu most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. Wives cure your husbands!! Child ren cure jour fathers!! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a spec ific for this disease only, and is so skill fully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly solublo and pleasant to the taste, so that it can bo given in a cup of tea or coffeo without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this piiceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and mado tem perate men by having tho "Curo" ad ministered by loving friends and rela tives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and hulievo today that they dis continued drinking of t licit- own frcu will. .') not wait. Do not bu deluded by apparent nnd misleading "improve ment." Drive out thu diseaso at once ttud tor nil time. "Thu Home Gold Cure" is sold at thu extremely low price of Ouu Dollar, thus placing with in rendi of everybody n treatment more effective than uthets costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each pack age. Special advice by (.killed phjsl clans when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of thu world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 102, Edwin B. Giles & Company, iM.'JOnnd 2'W3 Market Street, Philadelphia. All oorioponilonco strictly confiden tial. Use Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to ho shaken into the slioes. Your feet fi-elswooleu, uervou and hot, und gel tin d easily. If jou havo smarting feet or tight slioes, trj Allen's Foot K-iso. It. cools the feet and makes walkintr "iiuy. Ones swoolen, sweating feet, ingmwiug nails, blisters andealliiinsp.it". Relieves corns .and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfoit. Try it today. Sold by all druggi-us and shoe stores for 25c. I'rial package free. Addiess, Allen S. Olm sted, Le Roy, N. Y. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist The DUcorerer of Swamp-Root at Work ia Sis Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood -the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Brlghj's Disease, the worst form of kidney troubled Dr. Kilmer s wamp-KOOt the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling about Swamp Root and Its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. Articles of Incorporation of The Cowden Kaley Clothing Company. Know all men by theio present: That wa, A. U. Kaley, II. A. Letson, and F. W. Cawdan. da hereby uisoclato ountolves touetiior for the pur pose of organizing a corporation, une'arttiilawi of the state of Nebraska, I6r the purpose of buyiuK and felling at fctifl of clothing-, bat. caps, DOOIl, tuoea, au'l uriinuniK .um, ana all such goods, wares usually kept and ban nu uiuiuamuuiro an m ed by retail dealers In ciotnuiK. Tbensmoof kuch corporation shall ba To CowdenKaley Clothing 0 . and th principal place of transacting Its bimlneis (hall be at Ked Cloud, Webster Co., Nebraska. ... Thoamountef It capital stork hull be six thousand dollars (HJ000.00). divided Into share f one hundred dollars ilino.(O) each, all at which shall bo paid In Immediately upon the or ganization of the corporation. The corporation bliall commence on the twenty-second ('J2nd) day of July, ntnetetu hundred aud one (1001), and nhallterralnateJuly 22nd. 1020. The highest smoimt of ladebtcdneasar liabil ity to which said corporation thall at any tlmo sublert Itself Is the sum of our thouund del Isrs (HOOO.00). llsatrnlrsshillbo conducted by a board af three directors lo bo elected anulially by tho stockholder, and It oQlcer shall can.lit of a l'rvstdem, Vlco-I're.ldent. Bscretar and Tr.1 urcr. to he elected by tho board of directors. A. U, KALKr. II, A. I.ETHN. F. W.t'OWDCX, Wltueu: 0. W. Kai.st, THE RIGHT THING TO PUT ON. (Benson's Plaster Is Pain's Master.) From tho nnturnl impulse to "put some thing on" a painful spot all applications for tho reliof of pnln havo arisen. Tho most successful have ovorbecn pool, tioes or plasters, and tho best of theso it Benson's Porous Plaster. No other has anything liko tho same power as a curntivo ngentf It is highly nnd scientifically medlcntod, and its standard is advanced year by yonr. Ubo Uouson's Plnstor for coughs, colds, chest diseases, rhoumntisrn, grip, neurnlgia, kidney trouble, lnnio back, and other ail. monts that mnko Winter n season of suffer ing nnd dangor. It relieves nnd cures quicker than any other remedy. Do not nccept Capsicum, Strengthening' or Belladonna plasters in placo of Benson's, as tlioy possoss nono or its curative power. Insist on having tho gonulno. Tho pooplo of every civilized land havo testified foryonrs to tho superlative merit of Bemou'sl'lastets; and 6,000 physlclaus nnd druggists of this country havo declared thorn worthy of public confidence. In official comparisons with others, Ben Ron's Plasters havo boon honored with Af0-Jlve highest awards. For sale by all druggists, or wo will pro- Bay postage on any number ordcrod in tho 'nitod States on tho receipt of 25c. each. Accopt no imitation or substitute Soabury & Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.Y. O. V. ARGAIJIIIGIIT, ART1ST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Run Cloud. Nkbkaska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits and Por traits mado to order. , STUDIO IN DAMERELL BLOCK. I. B. COLVIN. REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS. Lock llox 23. Oulde Koct, Neb. Vll kinds of proporty bought, sold ond exchanged. OOM.KCT10N8 MADE. TKtlM ItE.VSOXAULi; CONSTIPATION tho rnxiucntcanwof Apiwiiillcltlii And ninnr other m louallls nhould nTcr Im nwloctul. Tho objwtl on to tho umal cathartic remodlea la their contlve rvactlon which lnnvAana Arndt Ivwi tt tin t nalnail rP jail tr I- tt.ifll'ffl IHNtlKIt TONIO la Uio iiroprr remedy. It nctaon tfcf j.iTer. ana wnen anoa aa uirvcicci, iKrmanenuy reiiiOY&s tho conitluaUun. M eta. SWO at all Drum! tots. IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK And want toget started earning money at once, send us '.'. els for our boo); of "40 New Money-Making Ideas." It is worth its weight, in gold to anyone who is unemployed. Send totiav. Century Publishing Co., Box 73, Heron Lake, Minn. --&aKs vV, -- - A rooii moiiinc fffz,' 5s s horimnriilnoorloolc. .'k Inc liurnuH 1 H tho .Tsrv-A unrit kind of u com- f'-JJ oinuiion. &2S&i Ewreka nV5? Harness Oil "J 11 ni nn iv iiuiKT-4 1 111 jiiiriirrs mm uij i.n hopM Iff Je ltli-r, lust mukri tho I J lotiMiitf unfr niul 1 I ii.1i mitn If irt rmi. II ' ".- ., ;" M'"'. .-...- , WftiAiaV ... it , .ll....rM. 1. iil. t i'lt al .......... .-.U ... 19 1I11 r rn i-"nrr- in aaa-siil ,, .!.. .1.1,1,, I iKvViVl.1.1 TAvrAon if SKttTXV. .. a: .,"". ! 4jj&vvv uiuku. fi 7.A.. ..IA m.. xw h J.v.iVW.ai vs? ypur w$ norsG a Chance! WANTED U7aDAVsn,A2ITWEEKLYnni1 want more ner11 vlOIllinmcttravclineBalcaincn TRMPCHsTea77.YR.KEC0KD "" are easy to sell, always Tlea.G. Ontllt AllSOI.UTKLY FBEE. I'sTAf STARK BRO'S, Louisiana, Mo. m. -.J.I ia. ,iCURES all Kldnej ' ZZTm Diseases, Uack- Kidneycura. ache. etc. At dru cists, or bv mat! if. It. Free booV, a Ttoe, etc., of Dr, B. J. Kay, Saratoca, N. Y. TIMETABLE. B & M. R.Y RED CLOUD NEBlt: LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO S'l. JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS awl all points east and south. DENVElt HELENA HUT2E SAL1LAKE C"J PORTLAND SAX FRAXCISC0 and all point west. TRAINS LXAVB AS FOLLOWS! No. 13. 1'aanenger dally for Oberlln ml Ht. Prauci branche. Oz ford, McCook, Denver aud all iiolnt west -.. 7: 7:43 a.m No. H. Tassengar dally for St. Joe, ' Ksnsa City. Atchleon. St. Louis, Lincoln via Wymare aud all points eabt and south 2-32 a, la No. IB. Passenger, dally. Deuver, all point lu Colorado, Utah and California .. 8:0.m. No. 18. Pasfcenger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis and all points cast aud south .. 10:00 a.m No. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Uastlngs, Grand I laud, lllack Hills and all points tn the northwest 1:00 p.ra No. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via He publican 12:30p.m No. G4. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. Joe aud Intermediate Junction points- 19;43p.m No. S3. Freight, dslly for Republican Orleans, Oxford and al) points west 10 :40a. in No. 6e. FrclKht, daily except Sunday for Wymore and all point cast fl .00 a.m No. 173. Freight dally to Oxford aud tiilormcdlato points............... 1 :30 p.m Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair ear. (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to auy point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tlcketi call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Red Cloud, Ncbr. or J. Francis, Qeueral I'assonget Agent Omaba. Nebraska. The Ghief, 1$ fl Year. ," K ft -i. 1 I ASK YOUR GROCER FOR &RaIst tdmi The 5 Minute Breakfast food. ' PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MARKS PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo Dowt Be Pooled. Tukr the f.eix original nOCHV MOUNTAIN TEA Aludc only by Miullson Medi cine Co., Aiuitison, Wis. It keep tit ncll. Our trade mark cut on melt package. I'rlte, ; cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no subitl incoip) tnte. Ask jour itruggljt. 1 Dr. &Cay's Lung Balm cures every Ulnil of rough. Innrlppo, bmnehltN, sore tlirout, croup, wlmopfnir couitli, etc. Never UerunKca the stomach. AtDruKglato, 10A.U5C. FREE rVIEDICAL ADVICE. 'Vrltcus r all your symptoms, ltenovatlngtho system Is the only safe und sure method of cun lng all Chronlo Diseases. Dr. Kay 'a Itenovator Is tho only perfect system renovator. Free sam ples and book. Or. 1J. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y, WRITERS CORRESPONDENTS OR REPORTERS Wanted everywhere Stories, news, ideas, poeius, illustrated articles, ad vpneo news, drawings, photograph?, unlqno articles, etc , etc., purchased. Articles revised and prepared for pub lication. Hooks published. Send for uarticulars and full information heforo sending articles. The Bullelio Press Association, Xew York. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM i'SVA. Clani and Uiutlflc. the hair. F. Promote a luiiilUnt cmwth. I.over ralln to Hcttoro Orav Ma' 0 lis Youth rul Color. Cure, .-tip ilxaiMf. hair lailtei. tr.anUlijt Urucgltu MONEY Refunded. Z? antcoDr.Kay'sItcaovator to euro dvsnensln. const! nation, liver nnd kidneys. Heat tonic, laxative, renovates nnd Invigorates tho wholo system nnd cures very worst cases. Got trial box at once. If not sutlsllcd with It notify us, wo will refund money by return matl. Wrfto your symptoms for Krea Medical Advice, sample nnd proo'. 25 & 50c ut drufc-glsts. Dr. U. J. Kay, Saratoga,-N.Y. uiauu punuor Known lor till curonic oiscases DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR Invigorates nnd renovates tho Hystcm; purines nnd enriches the hlood: cures tho worst dyspepsia, constlpntlon, headache, liver nnd Kidneys. srcnndl.atdruretsts. Fred Rndrlco a.irnplu nnd book. , . Dr. 11. J. icny, Saratoga, N V Hft ABBBBk. riJIPUrnnvpnira Pain. imi. "J dl rTW -C. 4 V UAriV lattai.ll.tl. .ZAl .w . " .... S.HArK. AIr.r.lM. l.udlr.. .ilili,iit,l torn rr CIIIUllKVrUK'.-, KNOLlSII k In Ifk1!, mA ilalJ M.l.lll. k... ... -i- V'. -I . ' -'-" ."" .n. n. U1DCTI ..riU.I, vi Oanc.rnu. Hah.lltntlan. ud Imlta. 41 Will. I. In. r.KkA. Tl. .t ..... ff) dun., liux nr Jnur I'ruitilfl or mq4 4r. in 1 in, "HVr,'"!, ',l'"!"r.TetlaoBlaU fc. ...u ..r.ici inr nuicm." tn wttr. Of re i' turn llt. 10.OtlOTntlin.gl.il. flolltir HaHca UUa p.ptr. lladUun 1'ark. I'lllLA.. I'M. CANDY CATHARTIO, DnatUta. Genuine itamped C.CC. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "somethint; uit as good." PONT TOBACCO SPIT and 5MOKB Your Life away I mat mattes weak men utrnnc M.inv nail ten pounds in ten days. Over 800.000 cured. All drtigRiita. Cure cunranteed. Hook, let and advice 1'REE. Address STHRLINtt atEMUDY CO., Chicago or New York? 437 J. S. EMIGH DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK TOU WANT IT. frown I Bridge Work or Teclb Withiot Pitta PORCELAIN INLAY ind all the latest Improvement la dental mech anlim v o enn surniFh 70U brick in , ly at the lowest pos sible rattt. Brick on sale at eithor of tho lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. MB SIDEi SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY. PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN ;. .i .Vines, Liquors, California brandies. tism mkM -"! 7t-f-' r Iv iScajit ItctOe. 111111111111 PABST MILWAUKEE ALWAYS ON TAP. .4.1 y h W"l ' y tm wnymnmii mm f '' ' ina a laHgajai '"1 i'7jtt.Vw RHjfiVfiiH?wif