The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1901, Image 4

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Li uhiiiiiii - -- - I IM I ' ' MMWWiJJIMllIMIIIIailllWII'l,
Ecrctnn is caused by nil acid humor in
tbc blood coming in contact with the
ekiii nnd producing great redness and in
nomination ; little pustular eruptions form
and discharge n thin, sticky fluid, which
dries and scales oft ; sometimes the skin U
hard, dry nnd fissured. Kczcnta in nny
form is n tormenting, stubborn disease,
and the itching and burning at times arc
almost unbearable; the ncid burning
humor pectin to ooze out and set the skin
on fire. Salves, wushes nor other exter
nal applications do any real good, for as
long as the poison remains in the blood
it will keep the skin irritated,
"I'or tlirte euts I
hsd Tetter on my
titnds, which canted
thetu to swell to twice
their natural slr. l'att
of the time the disease
win In the form of run.
nlng sores, very pain
ful, A 11 (I causing me
much discomfort four
doctors mIiI the Tetter
hid progressed too far
to he cured, nnd they
could do nothing for
me. I took only three
bottles of 8. H. H. nnd
wai completely cut til.
Thliwas fifteen years
affo. and I hae neier
ifbceaeen any sign of my old trouble." Mas.
1,. U. Jackson, 1414 McGee St., Kanas City, Mo.
S. S. S. neutralizes this acid poison,
cools the blood and restores it to n healthy,
natural state, and the rough, unhealthy
kin becomes soft, smooth and clear.
cures Tetter, Ery
sipelas, Psoriasis, Salt
Rlieuni nnd all skin
I diseases due to a pois
oned condition of the
.blood. Send for our book and write us
about your case. Our physicians have
made these diseases a life study, and can
help you by their advice ; we make no
chargeforthisscrvicc. All correspondence
U conducted in strictest confidence.
w. l. McMillan.
On yr St 00
BliBonthi M
Intared at tne pott offlce at Red Cloud,
scond clan mall matter.
Local ndTcrtlil'iR 6 cents per line per Issue.
Local Advertising for entertainments, con
rtru.soclnls, e'c. given by churches, cliarltablc
societies, etc., whero all moneys raised there
from aroused wholly for church or charitable
ioclctle Drat ten linen frco and nil over ten
Unci 3V4 cents per lino per Issue.
Local ndverilRlitK of ciitertAlumonts, concerts,
recitals, etc., whero per cent la given to pro
moters, 5 cents per lino per Untie.
One column per month. .... .17 00
One-half column per month ........................ a fto
One fourth column per month..... 1 75
General dliplay advertising 1 8X cents per
Inch perlsstic.
Republican County Convention
A republican county convention 1' hereby call
ed to meet at the court hottso. In Hed Cloud,
Nebraska, 011 Wednesday, .August 21, 1001, at
eleven o'clock n. m lor the purpose of unml
listing a candidate for each of the follow lug
oOlccs, to wit:
One County Judge.
One County Sheriff.
One County Coroner,
One County Treasurer.
One County Clerk.
One County Surveyor.
O110 County Superintendent of Public Ultimo
On County Commissioner from Kind District
to till vacancy.
Ono County Commissioner from Third District.
One County Commissioner from Fifth District,
Also to elect (IK) fifteen delegates to attend
tin State Convention to he held at Lincoln, Nc
Unsks.on August !M. 1001,
The various townshlpi ami wards arc entitled
to representation ns follows, baaed on the vote
of John K, Xeshlt, for preeldcntlal elector, nl.
lowing ono delegate for each ten votes and
major fraction thereof so cast, and one at lsrga
for each township or war J tn-wlt:
Guide Hock..
- 181
Ueavur Creek f)
Oak Creek..... 6
Garfield 7
Pleasant Hill 0
Kim Creek... .
Fatsdam... I
Line.- tl
Ited cloud......
Walnut Creek...
... 10
.. ft
.. 8
. 7
lit rs of tin; Kiiiiiish-Aiiii'i'lt:iiii wiir nnd
all Lnlics of th- O A. It. unit the V.
It C, wlii'thtT of Nnbriiikn or Kiuisms,
(in; invited to piutlclpiito in the excr
cists. Tin- success of reunions si t
Franklin in (ho putt Is nn tinipk" gti:ir
iiiiWu of tlio sitcoi'Ms of this nnd f til me
Kiithi'iiiigrf. t
iicrnnftur thu judges nnd (dinks of
nli'utioii will bo nppoiutcd by llin cli'ik
of 1 tin district court instead of tlm
county judge ns horntoforu. Thu
chniigo is nccompnnicd with n provls
ion niiikiug it compulsory for the Judg
es and clerks of election, nfU't: having
beau appointed, to attend at the voting
place nl lenst one half hour before
opening tlio polls, Upon fniliiro to tit
tend ninl M'lvo the offender will bo li
able to 11 linn of 95 to $50 mid costs.
No out! excused except for sickness,
The political pot has begun to boil.
The number ot candidates is unlimited
In Mimber nnd ability. Sonic of them
have already secured the noinination
from tholr point of view, that is they
think they have secured enough pledg
es to Insure them the nomination.
This is ono thing the republicans ought
to watch out for in their caucuses. Do
not send n delegate to n convention
who is pledged, or do not instruct n.
delegation. Lot them romo unincum
bered with pledges or instructions to
net nccording to the dictntcs of their
own conscience for thu good of tlio
party. Instructions nnd pledges never
result in nny thing but rows, hard feel
ings, diiscntlnn nnd defeat. Therefore
wo say, send delegates who nre not
plodged nnd not instructed. Cutout
anyone who is pledged nnd wants to
bo n delegate,
A young fellow in (Jloncoc, Oklu , is
soiling tickets on himself at 15.00 each.
Three thousand have been placed on
sale. He disposes of them to young
ladies and odors tho following expla
nation of tho scheme. "By s lling 8,000
chances at 15,00 each h will bring to
mo 110,000, which is n sufficient sum of
monoy to attract nny young woman de
sirous of marrying. I may not got tho
prettiest girl in tho country, but 1 will
got out) I am sure, who is anxious to
marry mo. I sell uumbers for 95 and
agreo whim paid for tho numbers to
marry tho holder of said number pro
vided sho draws thu lucky number tit
tho rn tlio. I uill have tho rnill.t con
ducted on fair and squnro moans, by
parties entirely disinterested in it.
Numbers from 1 to 3,000 will bo placed
in a box, and n blindfoldad party will
draw out one number. Tho girl hold
ing thu similar number shall become
my wife. I will marry her ns soon as
she is ready. Tho money will bo in
vested son- to support us hnndsomoly.
I .shall lake lhe bible on nn extended
wedding trip." The tickets are going
like, hot enke. All of which goes to
show that 11 fool with money is much
more acceptable, to many girls than n
man with brains and ability.
Thro' Yellowstone Park Personally Con
A personally conducted excursion
ptuty leaves Nebraska, Kansas and
Colorado points Tuesday, August 20,
for a lO'days' trip to and through Yel
lowstone Park.
Tlio cost will lie less, considerably
less, than $100 Ti at amount covers
every expense of tho trip railroad
fure, sleeper both ways, meals eu route,
hotels and singe through lhe park.
Booklet giving full information mail
ed on request. J. Fhancis,
General Pnssenger Agent. Omaha,
Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
nccoum 01 1 neir uimcncss w J
I P"- A
Numerous towns throutfhout I In1 PC 4
state ale using Mia base ball cm." to.lKrf
- r-3
k '3MZ3B3ijEEAZttJx u 1 uwa..
or j.
tiling trade to their respective town.
The Indian club of Kansas nnd of this
state have bad engagements iiheml for
a long while. lied Cloud might pos.
slhly get people to forget the dryness
of tho atmosphere if they voitlil only
produce some amusement to keep their
minds employed. This is the only
town we ever saw whein building oper
ations were going on wlu-iu the opera
tots were so lankly I'tireles in pioiect.
ing the public from lhe ehniiee of get
ting hurt On Saturday evening 11
young man came in contact with the
heavy iron girders in front of the build
Ing in Webster street and received a
painful cut 011 the knee Of course
as lice didn't eiipple himself m ns to
have u basis for :i damage suit, he bad
to stand it. A person can stumble
over obstruct! ms nnd tear his clothes
nnd bark his shins and get up and look
pleasant. Ho ought to know better.
It makes a big diltoienco in this town
as to who you aro and what kind of
pedestal you stand on, whether you
wear ragged clothes and no socks or
whother you wenr good clothes nnd
have rocks. It makes a person feel as
if ho is four nlles from nowhere when
thu ilrst of August passes and ho has
not been able to go next a good mess
of roasting ears. The person who
brings us in a dozen or so of this kind
of fodder will have our overlasting
gratltudo Candidates for office aro
gotting as thick as grasshoppers in an
alfalfa Held. We have still a number
of spaces left for political nnnounce
ment?. W will assure all those who
let their light shino through our win
dow that they will get their ticket in
tho political lottery wheel.
"Something New Under The Sun.
All Doctors hnvc tried to cure Cti -arrh
by the use of powders, acid gases,
inhalers, nnd drugs in paste form.
Tholr powders dry up the mucous mem
briwies causing them to crack open and
bleed, l'ho powerful acids used in tho
inhalers have entitely eaten away tho
same membranes that their makers
have aimed to cure, while pastes and
ointments cannot reach tho disease.
An old and experienced practitioner
who has for many years made a close
study ano specialty of the treatment of
REV. L. L CARPENTER, Wajsash, Intl., j President of tlio m
Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn. Ind. lie is perhaps the most prominent b
clergyman in tho Christian Church to-day. Ho has dedicated ubout f.00 Hj
churches and baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It nfTonla mo grcnt h
t) ensure IO ClVC ill V testimony ns 10 lliu en uiuuuy ui uv. nny g ruiiiuiucs. M
Dr. Kuy's Lung Balm Is tho very best cough, coin nnd throat remedy
that I ever used.
I have also received great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's ituovator.
My son had for years been greatly aflllctcd with tho piles; ho commenced
the uso of Dr. 'Kay's remedies and experienced relief almost from tho
Wo have no words tocxprc3sour thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo
received as tho result of useing theso remedies. I tako great pleasure in
commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Cahpentek,
Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church.
Dr. Kay's Renovator.
It is a perfect renovator of tho whole system. It is tho very best remedy
... -,,. , Known ior siumucii iruuuica, iuuiubiiiuu, uBiiujinu, vuuurii 01 wiu
Btomach, constipation, nUollvcrand kidney troubles, and to ovorcomc effects of La-Grlppo and Spuing lassi
tude It is nn cxcollent Nerve Tonic. Send for free sample nnd a free illustrated 110 page book of receipts
etc.. nnd send your symptoms and wo will give you freo advice. If druggists don't have Dr. Kay's Renovator
don't tako any substitute .they mnv Bav is "just as good," for it has no equal; but send direct to us and wo
will send It by return mail prepaid. Price flots., and $1.00 or six for $5.00. Also Dr. Kny'a Lung Balm
lOots., and 25cts., postage prepaid. Dlt. U. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Inroriiornied In the MhU' of Nebraska st the
clo't'of IjuMncss July lttli, 1V0I.
I.oaiik nnd Discounts $S!,fVXl .13
OvutilrnftK, sccureil slid nticcnrel 23145
Stie ninl county warrant.. 2H00
Furniture ami fixtures Bit 36
rurrciit execute and tnxes n(l. 4140
Due from Nntlotml nnd btnte
llnulcn. cash W7M3 17
Hills of banks. Riild and sil
ver certificates 2,3.12 0)
Nickels and cents ..... 29 HS
Specie 331 40
Legal tender notes 1.000 00
Total cash on hand "I,8ifl 75
Total I13.',H7J 38
Capital tuck I.S.POO 00
Huiplus fund lil.lYO 00
Undivided profit 372 l
Individual Deposits subject
to check .189,183 31
Demand Certificates ot de
posit 18.31S 88-107,801 23
. Total 1133.873 5
State or Nrbiuska, 1 .
county or ouster, t
I, W. A. buerwood. cashier of the
above named bank, do xolenmly swear that the
above statement In rorrect and a true copy of
the report made to the State UatikltiR board.
Iattkut W. a, Mir.uwooi), Cahler.
.1. I. MiNEit. Director.
C. II. MiSElt. Director,
iiubvrrlbed and sworn to before me this 2S1I1
day of July, I Qui.
A. II. Seli.aii, Notary Public.
Catarrh, has at last perfected a treat-1 Iffiu"5y'ioV,iJ?lty
Total .
Harmony 8
Ited Cloud, 1st ward 1?
Ited Cloud. 3 J ward 15
And for the transaction of such othcrbiitliiess
as may cmnc ocforo the convention.
It U recommended that 110 proxies be alio ed
but that the'dcleKSlCN present cnt the full vote
of the delegation.
L. II, Fort, Chairman.
J. K., Scrretnry.
- I hereby nnnounce myself ns a can
didate for the nillco of Sheriff of Web
ster county, Nebraska, sublet to tho
decision of tho republican county con
vention which convenes at Hed Cloud
on Wedueidny, August 31.
Wm, Woui.
The weather tho past wook has be n
somewhat better than for some tin e
past, but thorn is still plenty of room
for improvement. Hains have bien
numerous throughout the state and
also the entire west. The crop eon
dilions are considerably improved also
and cvorvono appears more hopeful.
Tho iirU recognized cannldnte I y
this paper for an ofllco at thu hands ot
tho republican sonvention which will
convene in this city on Wednesday,
August 2lst, is Win. Wolfo who aspires
to tho 0UI00 of sheriff, and who comes
out in the right manner and'S
himself in this issue. Mr. .Wolfe is
nn old nnd well known lesidentof this
county unit should he rccoive thu m xa
inallon nnd eloution will make n good
and ('illcittut sheriff.
The old soldiers of Franklin county
will hold their 10th annual reunion at
Hose Park, Franklin, (thu most bimuti
ful grove in this part of tho couutry),
August 0, 0, 7 and 8 All soldiers,
sailors or marines who wore the blue
or the gray in 1801 to 1805, also sol
Ladies' Can Wear Shoes,
ono size smaller nfler using Allen's
Foot Kase, 11 powder to be shaken into
the sho s. It makes liirlit or new shoes
fool easy; gives instant leliet to coriis
anil bunions. Ii's the greatest com.
foi t discovery of the age. Cures ami
prevents swoolen feet, blisters, callous
ai.d Mile spots. Allen's foot ensu is a
certain cine for sweaiirg, hot, aching
feet. At all druggiM and shoe Uores,
2rc. Trial package fiee by mail. Ad
dress AllenS. Obliged, LeHoy, N. Y.
Farm for Sale.
Hatf section, live miles from Hod
Cloud. One of the. best upland farms
in Webster count'.
J. W.,
Hod Cloud, Neb.
Rheumatbm Cured in a Day,
Mystic Cure for rheumatism and neuralgia
readily cures In from one to three days. Its ac
tion upon the nystein In remarkable slid mys
tcrloui. It remove at once the cminc and the
dlseake Immediately disappears. Tho llrttdoi-e
Kreatly tienelHu. "Scents Sold by II. K. Orlce.
tied Cloud. Neb.
BjBST lliB I M
ment which when faithfully used, not
only relieves at once, but permanently
cures Catarrh by removing the cause,
stopping the itischnrges, and curing
all inflammation. It is tho only rem
edy known to sclenco that actually
rcaohes the nillicted parts This won
derful remedy is known ns Snuflle s the
Guaranteed Catarrh Curo" and is sold
at the extremely low price of One Dob
lar, ouch packsge containing internal
and external medicine sufllcient for a
full month's treatment and everything
necessary to its peifect use.
"Snuflles" is tlio only perfect Catarrh
Cure over made and is now recognized
as the only safe nnd positive cure for
that annoying nnl disgusting disense.
It euros all inflamation quickly and
permanently and is also wonderfully
quick to relieve Hay Fevpr or cold in
tho bond.
Catarrh when neglected often leads
to Consumption "Snuflles" will save
you if you use it at once. It is nn ordi
nary remedy, but a complete" treat
ment which is positively gunrnnteed to
curo Uatnrrn in any mrni or stage :i
used according to directions which no
company each package. Don't delay
but send for it nt once, nnd write full
particulars ns to jour condition, and
you will receive special advice from
tho discoverer of this wonderful rem.
edy regarding your ease without cost
to you beyond the regular prico '
"Snuflles" the "(iuarameed Catarrh
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United Slates or Canada on receipt, of
One Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Ed
win H Giles & Company, 2330 and 2332
Market Street, Philadelphia.
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days.
Morton I.. Hill of Lebanon, Ind. says: "My
wife had Inflammatory rheumatism In every
mimcle and Joints licrkutTerlng was terrible and
her body and face wero swoolen almost beyond
recognition: had been In bed lor xlx weeks and
had elgbt physicians, but received 110 beiif-tlt
until she tried tho MjMlc cure fur lthcumatltm.
It Kavo Immediate relief and ho was able to
walk about In three day, lam urO It hkvp(1
her life." Sold by II. K. Orlce. Druggist, Ited
Cloud, Neb.
AN OUDtNAXCKImpolagau occupst on Tax
nthel'lrelniiiraticeCoinpiiuIci). Carporutloui
or Aiooelatlons doing liuliien In the City of
lied Cloud, for the ue. support and benefit of
the Volunteer Fire Department of enld city,
tie It ordained by the .Mayor and City Council
of the City f Hed Cloud, Ncbraika!
!-ectlon I, That nuOci'iipiitleii Tax of Phc
Dollars per annum Is hereby Imposed on each
Fire Insurance Corporation. Company or Atso
elation doing business lit the City of Hed t loud,
for the use. mipport and benefit of the Volunteer
nre Department 01 nam city.
Sect 011 2 Any Flie Insurance Corporation.
Pniiiimini nil t,i-iiliif Iiii it u hi 11 II if Id inurulra I ti
I the business or now ciiKagcd In tne ImMueMiOf
111 uic citv. 01 iten ciomi.
treasurer of Hed Cloud the
The Chief
One Year $1.25.
Now is the time to
sum of Five Dollarsand shall tile the receipt
incrfut wiin tne cur ciers, wuo upon pa ment
ot his fee thcrfor. shall therciipun luo to lhe
applicant a certllicnte showing that said nppll
cant has paid the Occupation Tax as herein pro
vided for the cutrent municipal ear.
section 3.--11 shall be unlawful for any Fire
Insurance Corporation, Company or Associa
tion or nny person in their behalf as Agent or
otherwise, to engage In the business of writing
tire Insurance In the City of lt-d Cloud without
having first paid said occupation tax and pro
cured said ccrllllcate as herein provided
Section 4 The said lax shall be by the said
treasurer accredited ton special fund whlihls
hereby created and to be' known as a
"Fire Department Fund " and the mouer so
nald and accredited shall be by the citv tress
urer paid eut only on warrants drawn by the
inn or ami city clerk when ordered by Hie the
city council of said city, upon orders or bills
authorized by the prclldeut or vice president
of the Hed Cloud Ftrellepartmeut duly coun
tersigned by lis secretary and by no otuer per
son whomsoever. s
Section 5. Any Klie Insurance Corporation,
Company or Association or any person or per
sons on their behalf as agents or otherwise that
shall write fire Insurance lit said city without
paying said license as herein provided, shall,
upon comlctlou tlnd In any sum
not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One
Hundred Dollars for each ofTeuse.
This Ordinance shall be In force and effect
from and after Its pataagoaua publication
Passed and approed
J. K.,
city clerk.
ISih day of July,
D. J. Mr mis.
Furniture !
Little Store Room
Big Damerell Block
is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur
niture and at prices lower than ever before offered.
Call and get our prices before buying. We will save
you money and please you with quality.
Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb.
Albert lltirdlck will take notice that on the
sKitti ilav of .tune, Wl, I. W. Kdsou County
Judge of Webster county. Nebraska. Issued an
order of attachment for lhe sum of ?M)0i in nn
action pending before him wherein Hobt. T.
1'ctter Is platutltf aii(t.MIerl lliirdluk defendant,
that property of thel ilrfcudMiit. consisting of
thne cows and one buffer bus been nlluched
under said order. y
said c.itise was continued to the 15th day of
August, 1U I, nt tu o'clock a.iu,
Hobt T. t'oTTKit, I'.alnllll'.
lis- J. t. CiiAvris. Ills Attorney
Dated July 1U. 1901.
fc. bbk ibtbtb skUi lb iinlilUiiillnioioiiUiUiaaliisisli'
Cooli, Comforti and Heal the Skin, Enabling
the Most Tender Face to Enjoy a Close
Shave Without Unpleasant Results.
Avoid danirerous. Irrltattnt? Witch
Hates, preparations, represented to bo
I" runua
tlio umo
which easily sour and Ben
"wood alcohol," a deadly
;enerally contain
where it is hot all the year round
'Scott's Emulsion
sells better than any where else
inthewo:'. So don't stop taking
it In summer, or you will lofc '
what vou have iaincd.
heml lor n lice nnuit'l-",
tscorr t iiowNi:. c Wmistv
4oy-4H I'earl Street, Nesv Votlc,
joe. aim fi.oo!nu uniKgists.
Two Cool
1 Things!
1 Soda Water! 1
LUMBER and COAIs material, Etc.
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Chas. L. Cottingt
II" ,. Dr. Kay'sUtlcure cures all
llTlflMsril femttlf diseases. At drug
w . w Jlllt8i ,, niUgtrate(1 boon
and df Ice tree. Dr.U. J.Kay, Saratoga, N. Y-,
Health for 10 Cents.
A lively liver, pure blood, clean
skin, bright eyes, perfect health
Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob
tain and secure them for you. Genu
ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never
sold in bulk. All druggists, xoc.
How tunny of you Imvo lo-t tlio price of tins Ktifrlnn In ono rlay on nccount of In
sufficient wlml in opi'Mtu your wliiil mills, loiivinK jour stock without water. Oct one
now to do your iniuiplnir whou thoru Is no wind or to ilo it r ulurl". Wuutlior Uoos not
nuYct lis work, hot or cold, t I or ilry, wlnti or culm. It Is a . iho sumo to this machine.
MI1 iilso Bliell com, Rrlnil fei-il, suw wood, churn tmttor nnd Is liuutly fern hundred other
lobs, In tho Iioiim) or on tho farm. Oosts noihlnit to koon when not worKlnir, nnd onlp 1
to 'i cunts nor hour when worMwr. Slilppod coinplotuly sot up, ready to run. no founda
tion needed, n grout lnixir nnd money stiver. Koqulres praotlonlly no uttoiitlou, and Is
tbsolutely safe. Wu ninko all sites ot Uasollno Engines, from Hi to 75 horse miwer. Write
M circular and special prices. -