- 1 . 1 If I p m i Mi I "I i 3 a; u :i . H H I I.' II Blood Poison There is no poison so highly contagious so deceptive nnd so destructive. Don't be too sure yon arc cured because all external signs of the disease have disappeared, and the doctor says you arc well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury and I'otash for months or years, and pro nounced cured to realize when too late that the disease was oidy covered' up tt n. , -i. driven from the Lfko Bogots L,t0. 8urfnccto t)reak out again, and to their sorrow and morllfi cation find thobc nearest and ilcnrcst to them have been infected by this loath Mine disease, for no other poison is so Mircly transmitted from parent to child ns this, Often n bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison con- nearly The Sln ot iha Paiont' life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly treated and driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you Afterwards. pk MJ aj cures Contagious Blood "1 m. 1 Poison in any and all W W W stages; contains no ftBB mineral to break down PW0 your constitution; Hit purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier known that cleanses the blood and at the wme time builds up the general health. Our little book on contagioua blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it. THE IWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 8A. THE CHIEF roausaiD ar W. L. MCMILLAN. 9a yoar 1100 txaonUu w who lii-ffiii by li-lllng ill U tlicy in vim ,'UV tht1 t tili(- lf II S'.llunll Mill! till I dni v ti picture of om- such us no tiiim inslili' of oriu fui' saw, i-vi'ii when (I i (ink PUBLISHED EVKRT FRIDAY atered tt ids poit office at Rod Cloud, Neb.a icond class mall matter. ADVEHT1SINO IIATKS: I.ocl advertUI'iR f cent per line r Umic. Local Advertising for cntertftlnmenu, con Ml, soclolt, t'x., given by churches, charitable Mcletlcs, etc., where sll moneys raited there from stu used wholly for church or chnrltnblc ocJellc Urt len lines free nnd nil over ten Hues UK font, per lino per bnuc. Local advertising of euturtAliimenti, concerlti. recitals, etc., where per ceut Is given to pro moters, 6 cents per Hue per lue. msrLAT lUYKilTIBIhO. line column per mouth .. IT Ui One half column per month ........................ .1 ISO One-fourth column ncr month..................... I 75 General dlaplay advertising i S cents per Inch perlKiuc. Republican County Convention. A republican county convention Is hereby call ed to meet st tho court hotuc. In lied Cloud, Nebnikks, on Wednesday, August 21, 1IKJ1, nt rtevcu o'clock a. in., tor l lie purpoio of uoinl natlncacaudldnte for enrh of the following offices, to wit: One County Judge. One County Sheriff. One County Coroner. One County Treasurer, One County Cleric, One County Surveyor. Cat-County Sii erluUiidrntot t'ubllc IuMriu lion. On County Commissioner from First Dlttrlct to till vacancy. One County Commissioner from Third Ulsirii t. Oae County Commissioner from Fifth District. Alio to elect (ir) fifteen delegates to atiemi tht Stale CoiiTcntlon to be held at Lincoln, Ne Uaska, on August S3, 1901, The various townships and wards are entitled to representation as follows, bated on the iote f John F. Ntiblt, for presidential elector, s. lowing ono delegate for each ten votes and zasjor fraction thereaf so cast, and one at large for each townihlpor war J to-wlt: tlulile Rock... Clinlriiifin l-.tluiUti.Mi uf tin- pnpiiliM ilnlo i-oiniiilitt'i- confi-rrml with sevi'tul loon t politiuliius tt rid nnnoiincji'O tin stnli' i-oininltti'ti mueliiig would oi-ctir in Lincoln on AugiMt ?, thu H.tinu ilnj llmt t hi (kiiiocnitb cntinultUiu will nii-i-t. Tin fief .silver ri-piibliunii i-oin-initlut' will meet on this (Into nlso. The tni-eting uf tlio I luce commit teiM ut tin Hitniu time indicates that thnf nihil pel itieliuis have, agreed to try to push fn sioli this full for nil It is win ill. It is bulieveil 1111111110 ftisinnbts lire of one tu-cord in tho mutter. Ivntisi'iM fiirnn-rs nut only liavn tin' i'tint.iiig of their Inn vest gang down to a lino, point, but they liuvu ihu cost piici of everything on thuir tongiiu'n end. A binder will cut lUteuu nuit-sn dtiV and thu uost of run 11 lug il is forty cents tin acre. Tltureforo ti inun who is running tifteen biudurs is nt u consider able espouse about $100 every iluy. Thu cost of hitrvcsting n crop of wlieut, from the sowing to threshing in tig u red ns follows: Plowing and harrowing, $1 00; seeding and drilling, $1 50; mil ling, 1 25; tiiruxhiiig, 11.75; hauling, 11.60; total, $7 00. Tho farm help is paid t2.00 a day nnd is expected to woik from sun up to dusk, with double pay for nights nnd Sundays. When the man with tho glassy stare, tho calloused hands (from incessant toil with tho jack-knife) ami the four pound-biscuils-threu times a day look in his fnco stops you un the street and screws up his "physiog," hand him tho frosty mir. Give him tho sack I Ho wants to tell you how bad his corn looks and how bad his neighbors corn looks and how ho hasn't seen any corn that would make two quarts to the acre if il didn't rain in ten minutes. IIo'h been nil over thu county, too, nnd ho never saw it its dry in his life be foro nnd probably never will again un til ho guts his liiward in the next sphere Ho'n a worldly wise guy, too, and if he don't know n tiling it's be cause it never happened, lie will tell you how dry his fulher-in law saw it once, but thai it wasn't one-two-six with this weather. And lie knows it wont rain because lie never did see it in in when it looked like it does now. He says but then you nil know what lie says. He always shows up if it don't lain for three days nnd he shows up if it does rain for three tluys, and if it wasn't for the law for the prevention of cruelty to animals some betievi'U'iil citizen would put his light out and give dog heaven another howling eniilnu Nnvnjno Chief. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR Heaver Creek.. Stillwater oak cr Jreek Garfield 7 Pleasant II til Elm Creek Falsdam I Line , B Red lloud Bitln... Glenwood.. walnut Creek.. Itiavale Cnthcrton.. Total.. Harmony...... 0 nen i-ioun, 1st ward I lied Cloud. 'Jd wiinl " Ir7l And for the trnusnctlon of such other biihlnc as may come ocf cap the coin cntlon. It l recommended that no proxies be alloied but tluit the dolegMcs present cnt the full iote of thcdelcgntloiiK, I.. II, Pout, Chairman J. K.Kkilkii. Secretary. Tho Kansas railroads are modifying thusuverily of iho freight car famine by distributing sparks from the engines along tho dry wheat Holds. Jtn eastern preacher who announced that tho subject of his next sermon would be "Fools" made an outlandish mistake by adding, "You arc nil in vdeil." t When calling on tho farmer to hold bis wheat it might be well to drop him n hint to hold his potatoes also. The signs tiro that potatoes are going to be potiitocs. Hot winds are bud enough, but they aro a whole, lot more endurable than tho muggy, sultry ntmosphoro that makes tho pooplo, keel over in Clilcngo nnd other largo olties. It is cool in Colmntlo. Why not ex change tho heat and dust of the plains for the cool, sweet nir of tho Colorado mountain!-? You i-nn do it in a single night ami at an expense so small as to bo anything but prohibitive L w rates to Denver, Colorado Springs, Glenwood and Salt l.ako City are in iltect daily via the liurlingtnn Houte. During the lirst ten dnys of August, round trip tiekuls will be oil sale ut less than the onr-way rate. The Burlington's Color ado literature will help you to select a place that will suit you. Writo for it, enclosing six cents in stamps J. Francis, General I'.enjer Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. - - Thro' Yelkvtone Park Personally Con ducted A personally conducted excursion patty leaves Nebraska, Knustia and Colorado points Tuesday, August 20, torn 10 dnjs' trip to and through Yel lows tone Park. Thu ci.st will be li', coiisidcr.ibly les.s, than $100 Tint niiiotint covets every Npei.se if Hi- ti ip lailro'id fuie, sleeper both w.tj -.nn-nls en nitite, hotels mid stagii through tin- park. Hooklut giving full inl-ii niunin mail ed on nqiicr. J Francis, "i-ugi-i- Agent. Omaha, "Something New Under The Sun. All Doelnis linve (tied to din- C.i nrrh by the tiiof powders, acid gaes, jnlinlers, nnd drugs in paste form Their pow dels dry up the uiucotis mom bruuet catisir.g them to crack open and bleed. 1'ho powerful ncids used In tho inlinlois linve eiitliuly eaten away tho sumo membrnnos that their iiiiikers liuvu aimed to euro, while pii'tcs unit diitmonls cannot reach tin disease. An old nnd experienced prnclitloner who lias for many years made u oloso study and specinltv of the tteatiuent of Ciilatih, has at last perfected a Mont mem which when faithfully Used, not only relieves at once, but periniinpntly cures Catarrh by removing I lie cause, stopping the iiUelmrgoo, anil curing all inflammation. It, is the only rem edy known to science that actually roaelips the nlllictod parts. This won derful remedy is known ns Snufiles the Guaranteed Catarrh Cure" aril is sold at tho extremely low price of Ono Dol lar, oaoh package containing intcrnnl and extornnl mutlteino suflicient for a full month's t real men t and everything noccssarv to its poifoct use. "Snufllos"i tho only perfect Catarrh Ouro ever nihde and is now recognized as tho only safe nnd positive cure for that nnnoving nn t 'disgusting disease. It cures all inflatnatlon quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve Hay Fover or cold in the hoad. Catarrh when neglected often leads to Consumption "Snuffles" will save you if you use it ut once. It is no ordi nary remedy, but a complete treat ment which is positively guaranteed to euro Catarrh in any form or stage if used according to directions which ac company each package. Don't delay but send for it at once, and write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from tho discoverer of this wonderful rem edy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular prico of "SuuilU-s" Iho "Guaranteed Catarrh Cure." Sont prepaid I" any address in tho United Slates or Cniiad-i on receipt of Ono Doll.ir. Addres llept. A 402, Ed win Giles & Company, 23:10 and 2TC2 Market Street, Philadelphia. How's This, We rdfer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F J. Ciiknky & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio. We, the unduiaigued have known F J. Cheney for the past fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financial ly able to carry out any obligations made by their linn. West&Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino. Kink in & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hull's Ca'urih Cute is taken inter ually, acting directly on tho blond and mucous surfaces of Ihu system. Prico 75c per bottle. Sold by a. I ditiggl.sts. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills aro the best S3 mr-i AtnnriiTrn t--'...t. I...1 I. T.. ...M..... .. . .M1 tV . Detlnuiv Assembly at Di-ooklyn. Ind. Uo Is perhaps tho most promim nt, it A clcrgvninu in the Christian Church to-day. Ho hiu dcdleat-d about Co M.. churches and bajitlscd 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It tifford.4 mo frrc.it M pleasure to give my testimony as to tho ollioieney of Dr. Kay's l-cmcillci. OtJ rtn T.'nt.lo T iinr. llnlm lutlm vn'V Imcf. I'otirrli. coin nnd tin-nil. twixnulo ' that I ever used. T lini-,1 nar innntt-ni1 rtfonk linnoflt. fl-ntll lllrt 1ISO of Up. Tvliv'tf Ttntlllt-iilm. rij$ My son had for years been greatly afflicted with tho tilles; ho commenced M. the uso of Dr. Kay's remudlcs nnd experienced relief almost from tho M ilrst. Wehavono words to express our thankfulness for tho benufit wu have received as tho result of usultig theso remedies. I take groat pleasure In commending them to the suffering." L. L. Cakpi:ntkr, Missionary aud S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. Dr. Kay's Renovator. It is n perfect r ovator of tho whole system. It is tho very best remedy known foe stntniu n troubles, indlircstion. dvsictsia. catarrh of tho. stomach, constipation, nhollver and kidney trouble?, and to overcome elfccts of La-Grippo and SntlNO lassi tude. It Is nn excellent Nerve Tonic. Send for free- sample and a frco illustrated 116 page book of receipts otc.. and send your symptoms and wo will give you free advice. If druggists don't have Dr. Kay's Innovator don't take any substitute they mnv sav is "just us good," for it has no equal; butsend direct to usnnd we will send it by return mall prepaid, i'rlcc iTiph., imhI $1 00 or six for 85.00. Also Dr. Kay's Lung Balm xocis., una cis., postugo prepaiu, u. n. .1. j-.ay .medical to., Saratoga aprtng, p. 1. FPFTfyTyTIIW tlWtfWSi.fsVRl 2ir7'TlE5JEE: k&vivkllO 11 'jnr.v.ffficvxjTK' ?lvi??vi'f'vi'il RKI'OItT OP TIIK COXIHTUIN OP TIIK STATE BANK OF RED CLOUD, CHARTKR. No.aiS, lncorionited In the State of Nebrsskn. st the clou of burtucKS July 17th. lvoi, IIKSOUIU Ks. I.dnnhrtiiil Dlspouiils Overdraft!", u-t-urcd and unsecured Current exeiie nnd lazes paid C'tihd ne from National State and Private banks and bankers so,(ffi 91 Hills of national banks. a,T0 i Mckles and ceuts v IS Hpecle 2,ij e.-. Legal Tenders- s.roo 00 Total cash on hand Wi.iui ;s 1,020 ui (U.IW9 II Total., ...ini.NV) co LIAHIUTIiia. Capital stock paid In I1H,(X on Siiriilus fund 10.001) 'on liudlvldcd profit!... cm 30 Individual deposits tubject to check 101.7:0 33 Demand .certificates ofde- POklt 1,4.11 91 Time certificates of deposit.. SO 08 Total Pepoalts US.-.'H 10 Total. County of Webnter. ......(131,863 00 State op N ebrabka, I . (-' I. M. Klnrh. A11I. Caahler nf thp above named bank, do solemnly (.wear Hint the above statement la correct and a true copy of the report made to the State Hanking Uonni. Iattmt: M. Kim 11, AsM, 1 ntUWr. M. Finch, Director. W. T. Aui.ii, Din-dor. Subverlliod nnd sworn to before 111c this 2ith day of .Inly, 1801. A. It. SKLLtna. Notary Public. REPORT OP TIIK CONDITIO or Tir PEOPLE'S BANK of KED CLrUD ClIARTKRNO.aiU. Incorporated In the cli'" ( Net-n-' 1 11 t!t close of buslt.i' July ITU. wi. iils 1 1: . I.naiis and IlUcoiiuts $;r,iK' ". Oroidmfts, Keeuredaixl mi fired... ..- is Htate and county wn'-.i i. .. . .'I 0 Furniture mid llxliir 'Jil ;W rurrein expenses nml 1 xi- .i' ......... 11 10 Due from Nntlounlaii'l '..!- Ilnnks. cash .. 'f ; A. .' nillsof bnuks. (jdld m ver certlllcates i "... ( Nickels and cents.. ) ss Specie 3l 10 LcRal lender notes lUMlu Tots I cash 011 baud Tl.Siil lb Total .. I3:,S71 SS VsV Oil VsV i itV isV Ui tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt ' tt tt tt tt tt The Chief and m is m m m m 4 InterOcean One Year $1.25. Now is the time to Subscribe. m m m m m m m m m llWIICI'll NiihrasKu I l', Fann for Sale. Half section, live miles from Red Cloud. One ol the best upluud farms in cosier couniy. I. W WAI.I.IN, Ued Cloud. Neb. Rhcunntism Cured in a Day. MjMlc Cure for rheuaiatltm and ucuralxla readily rurc In from one to three day. Its ac tion upon iho uystetn U remarkable and mys U-rloii. It removes at once the cuise and the dlcac Immediately disappears. The llrot dose vrcallrbeiiellls. 73 ceuts. bold liy II. K, Orli-v. Red t'lPud.Nch. InfUrruTutory Rheumatum cured in 3 days. Morton Ii. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. says: "My wife had Inflammatory rheumatism In every muscle and Joint; ber mfTorUig was terrible and her body and face were iwoolen almost beyond recoRtiltlon ; had been In bed for six weeks and bad eight physicians, but received no benefit until she tried the Mystlo Cure for.Rbeumatlsm. It save Immediate relief aud she was able to walk about In three days, I am sure It saved ber llfo." Sold by II. K. Grlrc. Druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. IN CUBA , where it is hot all the year round 'Scott's Emulsion1 sells better than any where else inthcworJ. So don't stop taking it in summer, or you will lose ' what you have gained. hcuu tor u Ircc tuimpve. SCOTT & llOWNH. Ciemlst. 401415 Tearl Street, New York. 50c anu ji.oojQii umgKisis. 1.1 ABILITIES. Capital stock Ilh.ouo no Suiplus fund 10.1x0 ou Undivided tiroflts .172 tfi Individual Depoalts ktibjcut to check IS0.1SJ ai Demand CertltlCBtes of de posit IS.3I8 KS-I07.WI Ti TotaI - li73 2S STATr or NriiitAsKA. (kv. County of Webster, f ""' 1. , A. aiiL'muuii. cnsiner ui uie above named bunk, do solemnly svrenr that the nlioo ktateineut Ik corieet nad a true copy of the report made to the State Hanking board. IattmtI W. A. MiEitwoon, Cathler. J. U. Mi Mi 11. Director. C. It. Miser, Director. Subserlbed aud sworn to before me this i'llh day of July, 1W1. A. II. HKLLAns, Notary Public. jl Furniture and !-r J ftsn sas; A :xx tcn.. r 21 iLkkilililililillilil-ilVilk Two Cool I Things! A Sacramento paper stys n resident of that place was lined 910 and costs thu other day untruly for lovinjr, a girl Ho escaped very luaklly. Usually a fellow tuidur such circumstances i lined tho prico of n marriage liuenso and soutouced for llfo. After ilcchtrliiR ho never placd n Came of poker in his llfo and knows nothing about thu unnio the editor of 11 Kansas paper takes a half column to tell about the soduotivemiss and sinful' now of tho great American game, lie is like some of tho prohibition orators frfo1 rSTAIP TO THEINUUREIK PONDS EXTRACT For Burns, 8pralns, Wounds. Brul tee or Any Sort of Pain. Utod Internally and Externally. CAUTION I Avoid the weak, watery Witch Ilaiel preparations, represented to be "the same ns" POND'S EX. IVMur.and often ol," an irritant ex TRACT, which eaalP contain "wood alcohol trrnally and, talcan Internally, a poison. 1 Hammocks! iSoda Water! I m c- -tr V ORDINANCE. NO. 30. AN ORDINANCE impoilag an Occupat on Tax n the Flra Insurance Companies. Corporations ot Aksoclatlam doing business In tin City of Red Cloud, (or the use, support and benefit nf the Volunteer FIro Department of said city. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council or the City f Red Cloud, Nebratka: section I, That an pecupatien Tax of Five Dollars per annum la hereby Imposed on each Fire Insurance Corporation, Compnny or Asso elation doing liuctnen In the City of Red Cloud, for the tike, support and beusllt of the Volunteer Fire Department of said city. Sect on i '-Any Fire Insurance Corporation. Company or Association desiring to engage in the business or now engaged In tlie Imslnetsof writing Insurance in the Cltr of Red Cloud, shall pay 10 1 e City Treasurer of Red Cloud the sum ot Fire Dollark)aiid shall tile the receipt thereof nltli the City Clerk, who upon payment of Ills fee tlierfor, sfiiill thereupon Issuo lu the applicant nrertlllcatu sliowlrm Unit said appll cant has paid the Occupation Tax as herein pro vided for the current municipal year. ftectlou :i It shall bo uiilaWful for any Fire Insurance Corporation, Company or Associa tion or any person in their behalf as Agent or otherwise, to engage lir O10 bustne of writing tire Insurance In the Ctof It-d Cloud without having first paid said joccupatlnu tax and pro cured said cerilllcales herein provided si-pilun 4. 'I he Haiti lax shall be by the said treasurer accredited to a special fuiid which Is hereby created and to be known as a "Fir Department Fund " and the mouer so paid and (credited shall lie by the cltr ireas nrer paid ant only on warrants drawn by the mayor aud city clerk when ordered by the the city council of said city, upon orders or bills authorized by the president or vice president of the Red Cloud Fire Department duly coun tersigned by Its Secretary and by no other per ton whomsoever. Section S. Any Klia lusiirauco Corporation, Company or Association or any ersou or per sons on tliolr behalf as agents or otherwise that shall write fire Insurance lu said city without paying said license as lie-ein provided, shall, upon conviction thereof, be llud lu any mm not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars for each ott'euse. This ordinance shall bo in force aud effect from and after Us passagoaud publication. Passed aud approved this 1Mb day of July, Attest- D. J. Myxus, J, K, Keslsr. Mayor, city Clerk. NOTICE. Albert llurdlck will tuko notice that on the v!9lh day of Jinn-. IWI. I-'W. Kdson County Judge of Webster coiuidrrNeliraska. Umeil an order of nttuclimunt for the sum of f.v).0i In 1111 action ponding before him wherein ltobi. T. 1'kltcr Is plaintiff and Albert llurdlck doreudaut. that property of the defi-mlHiit. cnuslstliiK uf tiirce cows unit ono heifer bus been Attached under said order. .... . Said cause was continued to tho 15th dayol Augiibt, III l.iitlU o'clock a.in. RonT T. 1'OTTr.it, I'.alutlff. lly.I. M. CitArriN. His Attorney. l-nted July 10. Wi Furniture ! Tin-: Little Store Room IN THF. Big Dame re It Block is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur niture and at prices lower than ever before offered Call and get our prices before buying. We will save you money and please you with quality. Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb. 'TRAXEIS XvUJVXJSISIifc CO. UEALKRS IN LUMBER and COAL, lu.ilcli.i ixi.oiteiria.1, I&to. Red cloud. - r Nebraska City Dray and Express Line. -ts-J- B. W. ROSS. PROP. Health for 10 Cents. A lively liver, pure blood, clean Cias. L. Cotting, TUB DUUllGIST ',vlWTT'rv'flr'rv'ivvv''wv'MWTit skin, bright. eyes, perfect health Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob JLSMaaM Dr. Kav'a uticuro cures all tain and secure them for you. Genu UllCUlC femalr dlht-ases. At drug. Ktq ctimnerl C C C Never . 7 lrtts- illustrated book , me UDiets siampea v,. u. .. ever and ad i Ice free. Ur.ll, J. Ky, Suratoga.N. Y. , J sold in bulk. All druggists. IOC. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowe9t city agents for adats express co. telephone:no. 62. JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" It H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WOBIII 1T3 WEIGBT IH GOLD TO EVERT STOCKK&H AUD FARMER. How ninny or you linve lostllii) jirlcn of tliu Cnnlnu In ono day on nccount pX lo sufneitmt wind to opcnno your wind millk, louvin-r your block without wutor art ona 5ret,u.WJorkr IIot"ur':!f1ld"u1',Lt V,r.0,,H V! Wl,,1 SlWit dcSMwt ob. In tliu lituiDii or on tlio ti.rm. OdMh iiothlnu to Kei-i when not ' vrorRtna -and Tonlp i io 2 i-ontH nor hour u Htn unrllnir ri.i,..,,i ,.,..?..:i' ., r.'' "."V " "" worKinir, nnu ouij; . ffolNulnr"iKi .M pftoiL. ",,Ml,n" "' fro,n H to 75 liorso iiom WrIU FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO.. ODQAHA. NED. "ftr11? .(n..i'ry'WTBw Mlnr-'rfrJTUVf'i, TTlMPmj" .'.i5g g'gi'j' gt"jySlT-'!'!g