The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1901, Image 1

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"T 'r nl
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mjwji,Rmniii iiiiiiiMjjmiw n mi mi Mm n m iimw wiMijMi)iiiwmiuiwmiii n nwniiii iiiaiMi,MiM-jMMWMMMWMBi 11 imibiiii i in i linn in i i m iiminn mini nai ) 1 w IP
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Strange about our prices isn't it. When the thermometer goes up our prices go
down. Makes it interesting to you and to us. Wc try and give you what
you want and the price will be a delight,
20 per cent Discouut to August jo,
Table Linens and
Many have already taken advan
tage of our sale on table linens and
napkin's and it's right they should.
Anyone can have a nice table cloth
or napkins at these prices. 20 per
cent off.
Cheviot Shirtings.
We have about 100 d yards fancy
plaids, stripes and checks. Our
price has always been 150 yd. In
this sale they go at 12-k.
Shirt Waists.
Get our prices on Shirt waists.
We are selling the entire lot at a
big reduction.
Wash Skirts.
Don't you think a wash skirt
rill would be the proper thing these
'rJ. days.QWe !Tare closing them out
and are doing it for your special
The $1.00 skirt is a linen color
with braid trimming, full length
and width, the price is now 65c.
A $2.00 skirt, Blue Denrins, nice
ly made, 4 rows braid trimming,
wide flounce, lap seams, price now,
Any skirt in stock at the same
liberal discount. - ,
Dress Plaid Ginghams.
The kind you paid 10c for last
season; you can buy them now for
7c yd. They will make good school
dresses this fall.
Apron checks at 4c yd.
Lonsdale muslin like the trian
gular shape sample, our price
Farmer's Choice, like
sample, our price, 6c yd.
Caarpets for Rug's. " -
All samples of Ingrain Carpets
at 25c per yard.
All samples of Moquette, Velvet,
and Brussels carpet at 50c yd.
is a
opportunity to
lay in a supply of samples for rugs.
Those samples of 4c Calicoes
we sent ' out last week were
just to show you the quality of
the many patterns we have. Some
of the other colors might suit you
better. All at 4jc yd.
3 dozen $1.00 Corsets
at 69c each.
flllflEH BROS., Hed Gloud, Nebraska.
Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn,
Baled Hay and Coal Oil.
h Aier - and - soiror - COAL,
H No. i Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-il'hone No, 51,
i Seissore Ground,
Razors Honed,!
Chicago - Lumber - Vard.
Lumber, . Lime,' I Goal and Cement.
Mrs. H.J.Clark nml Miss Louis Pope
gave a "Spoony Party" attliorosldonco
of tho former Inst evening on tlio Inwn.
Bowery dancing was the clilof amuse
tuont. As wo ditl not learn tho partic
ulars wr aro unablo to give n (totalled
During thu .stoim Tuesday evening a
lurgu quantity of plaster dropped from
tho coiling in the grocery room of Tor
nine Hi 08., store, landing on two largo
show oases and miiiiu f i osh f i nits. Tho
show eases were smashed in and tho
f 1 it i t was considerably damagr'd.
We wish our 3ono.spondciits would
endeavor to get their items in each
week and if possible not Hater limn
than Thursday. No depaitment of
tho paper is looked after by our read
ers more than this. If your locality is
not represented send us in t. e news.
). A. Held le turned last Wednesday
morning from Oklahoma, where ho
had been for the purpose of registering
fo" j claim. Jaek speaks very highly
of the country and says that all ho is
afraid ' is 'I"11 ' will llot uc luuky
enough to get a claim." If so ho will re
turn to that place in tho near future.
Work on the brick buildings under
course of constiuciiou in this city has
piogrcssed rapidly this week. The
Potter-Wiighl building is now up to
the beginning of the second story with
the exception of tho front which is de
layed on account of tho non-arrival of
ji list- The Oalmau hotel and Polnicky
building are now above the second
An outdoor union service on Sunday
evenings has beon agreed upon by sev
eral churches of tuo town. Next Sun
day evening tho services will bo held
near .he Methodist church where seats
will be provided. Those desiring to
remain in their buggies during tho ser
vices mny do so without interrupting
he service and receive full benefit of
same. A cordial invitation is extended
to everybody.
A petition praying for the appoint;
moot by the government of M. B. Mc
Nitt as postmaster at Lawton, Okla
homa, was circulated In this city this
week, and was quite liberally signed
by Mc's old friends hero who know
him when ho was our postmaster. We
hope he will succeed in his desire and
get tho appointment, and we can
assure tbo good people of Lawton that
they will have a good man to handle
their mail.
An unusual treat awaits the people
of Red Cloud, as on the evening of
August 81b, Miss Beatrix Mizor will
render a number of her choice selec
tions of music. The Plants brothers,
one of whom holds a gold medal won
in an elocutionary contest, will also ap
p ar upon the program, as will also
MissGilka Buss, from one of our stato
institutiens. Programs and prices will
appear later.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postoflico at Rod Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending July 25,
Chas. Eldudge S. F. Fergus
Llndsey Nockctt J. Pago Leland
Roy Oney J. C. Robinson.
Those loiters will bo sent to the dead
letter ofllco August 9, if not call
cd for before. When calling for above
please say "advertised. " T. C. Hack
rk, Postmaster,
II Tn n
vt.. 1tfln 1U Jiff
(jriftss ut ?ri-j. MHM
Put a nanuiuioiiww IIWOTI
IPIff in a glass of water, lWIP
":isli off the coating, A'sMfl?!.
I look at it; smell it! Is
11 lit 10 tiriiiKt him- oj
1 1 inu nncccE
the same test, it leaves tnc uaicr
BH 1. :..!.. nrwl Ml.tUr I Pf I 1 E I I W 11IXI H
H ill im nun viv.t.1 , i" " - -,
fin if coffee. I
ciuallty nml frMlinn.
J Bob Barkley & W. F. Lodge j
I Harhpr Shnn.
Barber Shop.
First door south of Star J
bakery and restaurant. !
All kinds of barber work executed
promptly and satisfaction 2
guaranteed. J
US - A - CALL, j
CmcataToor Bowta Wltb OuokNlt,
Ms,Mo. It a o. o. Uii, dryuu mvLa mtmif. Jtlekot agent about thtnj.
Outing for busy business men. Yel
lowstone Park id tho place to go if you
can get away from your business for
only tea days or two weeks at a timo.
The trip there and back can be made
in little more than a week. And such
a week. For enjoyment, novelty and
interest it will eclipse anything in your
experience. The air it delicious cool
as cool can be. Tho sconory is magnif
icent, and the 100 mile stage ride past
geysers, boiling springs, Iskes and can
ons, is enjoyablo in the highest degree
Write to J. Francis, General Passenger
Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Ne
braska, for folder giving full, informa
tion about the Park. It contains a
largo map of tho Park as well as a do
sorintion of the prinohml points of in
terest. Kscursion rates da
A good lain in thi.s locality on Tues
day which spoiled the small potatoes
and nubbins
Tho wind blow the toot olT Mr. Beau
champ's chicken house and his alfalfa
stacks were about three feet high and
tho yard needed taking.
John Fox reports the tidgo bonids of
his bouse went north during tho wind.
Mr. Men ill and sons aro moving tho
fence belonging to Mr. Maynard on
tho Gibb place pioparatory to tbo open
ing of tho i oad south of state line.
Ben Gibson had a half bi other visit
ing him last week
Mr. HoUL'btaiinir and family had
dinner with Mrs. Hilton on Sunday.
Grant Christy and family wont down
to sec why grandpa did not como to
Sunday school.
Dug Davis ropoi Is his family all improving.
The voice of tho threshing machine
is no longer honrd as.thq farmers aro
all tbteshed in every way
ollog hauling is tho order of tho day.
From midnight to noon you hear tho
rattle of tho wagon nr.d tho squeal of
the bog on its way to market.
Undo Billy VanDyko accompanied
his daughter on a visit to Montrose,
but was not settled whether to stay at
Nortli Branch or goon.
Earnest Beauchamp does not think
it fair for lino young ladies to bo bach
ing alone on tho creek Ho says Mit
and he would not allow it on any ac
count if the young ladies would say so.
Say, pleaso leave no more bran sacks
in tho middle of tho road unless you
wish to pay the blacksmith bill. Ask
Mr. Shannon how much that sack of
bran cost.
Archio Shannon came down from
Cowles on Saturday night and returned
tho next- evening. Ho is working for
Mr. Harris east of Cowles.
John Young attended lodgo at Red
Cloud last Monday night.
Chas. Throckmorton feels bolter and
can oat as much ico cream as Harvey
Morrill or Chas. HMton. Tho ibrco
can empty an ordinary freer twice a
day and not try very hard.
Mrs. Goorgo Boardsleo is improving
in health and wo hopo eio long sho will
be able to afsociato with us as sho
used to.
If Otis Frazler cannot go to the Phil
ippines as a teacher ho hopes to stay at
Mt, Hopo.
Goorgo Castell has arrived from Ok
lahoma. Ho reports tho water very
bad, not lit to drink mid will remain in
Smith county.
Mr. Oggs house wiih shifted from the
foundation during the recent wind
Al, Slaby'a bouse was turned partly
around and wbon Al. comes homo from
threshing, iu all probability, ho will
mlsstho front door.
Mr. Aubusbon's barn was unroofed
and tho harness blown out and over
the yard.
Mrs. Throckmorton was over to Mr.
Barlow's last Monday for cherries.
ponding a few days with friends in
this vicinity and enjoying tho sport of
shooting at rabbits.
Frnzior Bros, aro shelling Hicks1 corn
this wook, which ho sold at half a dot
lar per bushel.
Many of our f'irmers aio disponing
of their cattle and hogs on account of
the continued drouth.
Died, last Wednesday, of brain fever,
the youngest chihl of Mr. and Mrs.
Louie Anderson. They have tho sym
pithy of their many ft lends in this vicinity.
Mr. Da), the insurance agent for tho
Bankeis Life of Lincoln left the litst
of the week fur Wymore.
Geo. Cox' threshing outllt was laid
up for repairs the Hint of this week
and all on account of a fork getting in
the cylinder.
Dr. Swigart left for Oklahoma. Ho
expects to be gone about a week unless
ho .should Hliikc a guidicr.
.las. McCoy received a message that '
his uiollit'i in .Missouri was not ex
pected to live, llu left on the early
Monday morning train
Al. Reed and two sous contemplate
going west in tho near future to look
for work.
Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Wholan visited
Sunday with their son Bert uoar Hose
laud. Keith Brothers sold and delivered
about 10,000 bushels of wheat that they
raised this year.
Wotd from J. W. Wratten who is
now in Illinois says It is very hot and ,
dry and the prospects for com is (iot
as good as iu Nebraska. John wishes
himself back again and wlltx-ouio as'
soon as lie can. ' v
Nebraska Epworth Assembly, at Lincoln
Park, August 7 to 15. ,
Thousands of Nebraska Methodists
look forward with keenest plcnsuto to
tho annual sessions of tbo Kpworth As
sembly. Tbo location is ideal, and the pro
gram can always bo depended upon to
amuse, instruct and elevate
This year's assembly will maiiituiu
the high standard of previous years.
The program includes such lecturers'
nud entertainers as Eli Perkins, Col.
Bain, Mrs. Chant, Robt. Mclntyro,
Fred Emcnon Brooks, S. R. Stoddard
and Sam Jones.
Half rates to Llneolu via tho Burling
ton Route, August G, 7, 8, 10, 14 and 15,
gooit to return until August iu
aw An Tar KMm f
.Dr. Hobbt' Bpartfnii plllt curt all kldnr I1U. IMP
fH tree. aaa. Sterling nemrdr Co .Chicago or H.T.
"Wanted, a good rain.
The wind and hot weather continues.
Corn is holding out fairly well but
conuot stand it much linger.
Messrs. Hioks and Bowker took a
drive Sutiday to tho foimcr's farm uoar
Cowles. j
Prof. Diesback of Guide Rock is
An exploding lamp; the clothing In
a blaze; a paragraph in the paper tell
ing of horrible suflfering from burns.
Tragedy in this form moves a man to
tears, itut lor
women who are
dally leing con
sumed by the
smouldering fire
of disease there is
little sympathy.
with its fierce
burning; ulcera
tion, citing into
the tissues ; the
nervous hysteiu al
most shattered by
suffering; these
are only part of
the daily agonies
Iwme by many a
Dr. Pierce's Pa
vorite Prescription
puts out thi: fire
of Inflammation,
heals ulceration,
and cures female
weakness. It tran-
quiliies the nerves, restores the appetite,
and gives refreshing sleep. "Favorite
Prescription " la the most reliable put-up
mediciue offered us a cure for diseases
peculiar to women. always helps.
It almost afaj's cures.
"Wtteu t finit roimumcfil ualur Ttr. fitrtm'm
nicdichief," write Mr. C'.corac A. Htxmg.ol
. y..
I rig irom Icuutlt- wcakiits. dlAturreeablc dnta
xanmrmauru (villi, weak and tireil frllnal
the time. I drawee! around iu that way forlw
"I waa aufvr
iblc draw,
ft alloc all
yeari, mil I began taking your medicine. Alter
lining nrat Dottle I began to reel better. I teak
four tiotilei of Dr. Pierce's 1'Avorite rraacrip-
tint Iwa nf .nAlH.N M.ll...! nJuM
1 L WW.M Vl.k.t 't.WV. WW
vim oi mv - riraani jeiiein, aiso uaea ome
tattle or Dr rVtRe' Catarrh Remedy; Now f
feel like a new ucmoii. I cau't thank you
enough for your Liud udklec and the good your
medicine done me,"
Dr, Pierce'a Common Sense Medical
Adviser, iiaper Ixnmd, is sent free on
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Addiea. Dr.
K. V. fierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
; i
I i
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