memmmmmmmmmammMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma f h '! J 8 II i I I- I i S I f I? Iv i' . M t Wo Symptoms The Wood may be In bad condition, pet with no external signs, no skin eruption or sores to indicate it. The symptoms in ouch cases being a variable appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh and n general run-down condition of the lyftcm clearly showing the blood has lo-t its nutritive qualities, has become thin and watery. It is in just such cases that S. S. S. has done some of its quickest nnd most effective work by building up the blood and supplying the elements lacking to make it strong and vigorous. " My wife ttsed sev eral bottles of S. S. S. as a blood purifier and to tone up a weak and emaciated system, with very marked effect by way of improvement. "We regard it a pest tonic and blood purifier." J. P. Dorp, Princeton, Mo. is the greatest of all tonics, and you will find the appetite ha- gp proves at once, strength rttoras, and nervousness vanishes as new rich pure blood once more circulates uaraugh all parts of the system. 8. 8. S. Is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. It contains no min eral whatever. Send for our free book Mi bleodand skin diseases and write oar physicians for any information or advice wanted. No charge for medical advice. m twin nim w Atlanta, m. THE CHIEF WBUSHBD T w. l. momillan. om jw S umontas M rOBLIBtUD XVERT FKIOAT Intend at tne post office at Red Cloud, Neb. as eocnd class mall matter. ADVBUTISING RATES: Local advertising 6 cents per line per Issue. Local Advertising for outcrtalnmgnts, con terU.ioclala, elc., given by churches, charitable societies, etc., whero all moneys raised there from aro used wholly for church or charltablo soolctlo Qnttcn Unci free and all over ten lluei 9V4 conts per lino per Issue. Local advertising of entertainments, concerts, rocltals, etc., where per cent Is glten to pro moters, 5 cents per lino per Issue. DisrLAr AnvirmsiNo. One column per month............... .............. ...17 at One hair column per month . ............. a M Ono fourth column per month ............... 1 75 General display advertising I 8 cents per Inch per Issue ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Account of Their Littleness. Wo have boon importuned for several wooks past by citizens to say some thing in regard to tlio ditty condition of tlio nlleya about town. Now wo ad mitted to ono of these citizens Mint wo did not know of this condition fcr the simple ronson that wo nro not in tlio habit of traveling much in those places Ho said that as wo were from Joplin he would drivo us round and show us, but wo were willing to tako kia word for it. But now seriously, during this hoi weathor the alleys should be kept clean in order that wo keep froo from , a scourgo of fever and other disease. Go ahead and clean up. It is kind of hot to got out and work but it will be a little oxorciso and if you don't want to do It you cau hiro souieoue else. In looking over the assessment abstract this year wo notico that some of those who had diamonds last year must havo Inst them or traded them off. Lust year the value of tho diamonds in the county was 8180, hut this vent- they have dropped down to $125. Tho gold ami silver pinto and pUtod wnro Ins dropped from a value of $03 Inst year to a valuation of $M this year. Of coiitio wo always know there woio no diamonds in tho county. Tho boys who you seo going louud sporting hparklors aro really wearing tho old original Uarrios gems which sell at -i rambled into lii U'hieln nnd moved i tT ifs iioIm'ImsIj fifi n gU'iiod pig t lough a stoi pint'. You may think i nit n pig has to l" giniicd to get iMoiigh nil thing but that' whero oil nui mistaken. The "pigs" tluitiuo get ting tluough the use8sitieiit season by (Hitting in their pcisonul propnrty ul niioiit one per cent aio too stingy to liny greae, too lazy to pot spire nnd fonscqiicntly go it dry A gang of fellows, who hail been "going it ilrj" went llshing Tuesday afternoon, but did not tlnd enough water to get their feot wet until the rniu came up They might to feol sntisfled ns thoy got plenty wet both Insido and out before thoy got back. How M you like to be a brick Inycr this hot weather? Wo linnid a biick layer say thnt ho intends to lay a brick or two on the bends of somo of tho gang who stand nrotttid, if thoy don keep their beaks out of his business. Nenrly every man in town who has nothing else to do Is building brick buildings theotetically. Wo would suggest that these men put up a little "dough" and form a stock com pany and build an opera house. Then thoy could rightfully got their boak in their own mot tar. This has been sug- nested before but one or two of our monoyed men tuado tho remark that an opera house was for children nothing but a toy. They senin to think that if they keep their money they can got to heaven with it. Thoy must have been reading Shakespeare but wo don't be lieve that when Shakespeare spoke of giving eternity for a toy, that he meant that monoy alone was eternity and that Red Cloud should not have a new opera house. Jar loose gentlemen. There's time to build it yet this sum mer. . Wo have heard numerous jokes on the drouth and heat of Nebraska, but the following beats them all. It can be sung to the tunc of "Beulah Land," but to got the proper effect wo would suggest that you secure tho services of (Jeo. Iittulsey to slug it for you As n musician George has few peers and tho following whon rondered by him will causo "tenrs" to flow from a force pump and has been known to move tho "nplrits." aWKKT NKIIHASKA LAND We've reached the laud of drouth aed hent Where nothing grows for us to cat ; The wind does blow a Brorrhlng heat, Nebraska laud In hard n bent. Ciiouua: Oh Nebraska liuid, sweet Nebraska laud. While on tho burning soil we stand, And look away across the plains And wonder why It ncer rnlus, Until Gabriel docs hit trumpet sound And says the shower has gone tiromtd. We have no wheat, we ba e no oats. We hat c no corn to feed our shoals. Our chickens are too poor to rat. Our pig go fiucnlliig don u the street. The farmer goes Into his c jrn And there ha stands and looks forlorn, He looks about, oh what i shock, To see no ears upon the stock. Our horses nrc the Improved race, Stan atlonttare them In the face; We do not live, we only stay. We are too poor to mo awaj. Nebraska Epworth Assembly, at Lincoln Park, August 7 to 15. ThninrtniN of Nulirnskn Mothodhts look foi'waid with keonei' pliiiiii to tho annual session of the Kpworth A enib!y. Tho location U ideal, and thepro gram can always be depended upon to ntiitiM1, instruct ami elevate. TliU year's assembly will maintain I In; high standard of previous years. Tho program inclines such lecturers ami ontottainors m Kit Pxrkin, Col. Haiti, Mrs. Chant, Hunt. Mclntyro, Fted Kmemm Htu'jk, S. It Stoddard and Sain .lone-. Half rates to Lincoln vju the Hurling ton Uotite, August (I, 7, 8, 10, 14 and o, good to return until August 10, -A man hud toluriit'il to bin old home and was asking about former acquain tances. "There's Harry Tim r what's become of hlin?" "You will not caro to have any thing to do with Harry; Ik has g no to tho dogs He dtinks nnd abuses his wife. His homo is gone temember what a protty home ho had? and tho family is often in want. Alt his old f rionds have had to drop him." "I guess I'd better look him up then. Ho probably neo is to know that I am minCful of him more than if ho was prospering, 'A brother is born for ad versity,' you know." Titus one man showed that the true spirit of friendship wns in his heart. Kx. When girls walk out evenings with the. sole hope oi picking up a young man and walking further, it is time to have a curfew law that will include children over sixteen roars of age in Us jurisdiction. Thli restlessness that comes upon girls in summer evenings, rosultH in a lasting trouble, unless speedily controlled. Tho right kind of a man doiwn't look for a wife on the streets, and the right kind of a girl waits until a man comes to her homo for her. The mothers should quit gos sipping over the back foucc, and chase nftor their girls when they get tho boy look in their eyes. Stolen. How's This, We oiler One Hundred Dollars re ward for anj case of calai i h that enn not be cimd by Hall's Catatrh Cure. F J. Chknkv & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio. We, tho undersigned have known F J. Cheney for tho past llftcon years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions nnd financial ly able to carry out uny obligations made by their lirru. West&Tucax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino. Kinnin & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Ca'.arth Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Prico 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills ate the best Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton L. III11 of Lebanon. Ind. says: "My wlfu had Inflammatory rheumatism in eery muscle ami joint; ncrsuncruig was terrible ami SSXSSdSSO-iSiSiiiSsl REV. L. L. CARPENTER.. Wabash, Ind., h President of tho fed , Assntiib v at Hrooklvn. Ind. liu Is perhaiH mo most prominent H-,y Ttfithnn- clergyman in tho Christian Church to-day. ilo has dedicated about COO churches and baptised 7000 convctt9. lie writes: "It nffords mo groat pleasure to give my testimony ns to the clllclcncyot ur. nays remedies. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm Is tho very best cough, cold nnd throat remedy that I over used. .,., I have, also received great benefit from tho tiso of Dr. Kay's Renovator. My son had for years been greatly aftllcted with tho idles; ho commenced the use of Dr. Kay's remedies nnd experienced relief almost from tho first. Wchnvo no words to express our thankfulness for the benefit wo havo received as tho result of usolng theso remedies. I take great pleasure in commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Carpenter, Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. m Dr. Kay's Renovator. It la a perfect renovator of tho whole syetom. Known for stomacn irouoics, inuigesnon. It is tho very best remedy catarrn oi tlio UII. UBIIUI'Dli stomach, constipation, ahollvcrand kidney troubles, und to overcome effects of Ln-Grippo and Spring lassl- tuuo. n is nn excellent iNcrvoTomc. honu ior etc.. and send your symptoms nnd wc will glv don't tako any substitute they may say is 7'ji win send it by return man prcpaiu lOi'ts., and 2.0cts., postago prepaid. froo sample and a f rco illustrated 116 page book of receipts n von freo novice. iiuruErciBtsuon'tnavo ur. nays uenovaior iiMtnHfrnod.'for it has no caual. but send direct to us and wo i'rico 25(Ms.. and 81.00 or six for $5.00. Also Dr. Kay's Lnng Balm Drt. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. rypyyyyyyyjyyyyyyypFypyyriryy'yj sHvfc.sWsk.sWa.sWsKsKfc:sKsWta,sWsKk.sWsKsWfcLsKI fEmEi JiJxlaAJ A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. I fr.&&.&&&.&&.&&.$.&.&&.&.&.&.&&&&$-. "Something New Under The Sun. All Doctors have tried to euro Ca nrrh by the use of powders, acid gases, inhalers, and drugs in pasto form. Their powders dry up the mucous mem branes causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes thnt their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An old nnd experienced practitioner who has for mslny years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of Catarrh, hns at last perfected a treat ment which wlwn faithfully used, not' only relieves at once, but permanently cures Catarrh by removing the cause, stopping the discharges, nnd curing all inflammation. It is tho only rem edy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted part9. This won derful remedy is known ns Snuftlis tho Guaranteed Catarrh Cure" art! is sold at tho exti emery low price of Ono Dol lar, each package containing internnl and external medicine sufficient for n full month's treatment ! oven thin jiv necessary to its pot feet use. "Snuffles" is the only perfect Cat -irih Cure ever made and Is now iirnaii . d as the only safe and itlv" ftuufoi thnt annoying nni ili-..'.-.iug disease. Mf ft ft laV ft Hit i i ft it) The Chief and v m m m m m m m Inter-Ocean One Year $1.25. quickly n t1,., -nndp',ti'..j i .el A' cold in A Soalleaa Caasmaaitjr. A young clergyman, juat arrived at the locality of his firut call, met at the railway station a boyhood ac quaintance whom he had not met tinea they were playmates together in re mote town. After a handshake and mutual expressions of pleasure at the unexpected meeting the newly-found friend exclaimed: "But, say! What on earth are you doing in this part of the world?" "Me?" enthusiastically replied the eccleslast, "I have come here to save souls." "You have, eh?" wat the response. "Well, let tne tell you I've been long enough in this town to know that you've struck a sinecure." Boston Courier. Too Quod an III en to Wnale. "I see they ure embalming pet dogs now," he tnid. "(), Isn't that lovely?" she exclaimed. "That'-, what I'll have done to Fldo." "Just the thing," he returned, sud denly growing enthusiastic himself. ,n Ides' f.un lends ' will save Rheumatism Cured in a Day. Mystic Cure for rheumatism and euralgla readily cures In from ono to three days. Its ac tion upon the system is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once the cjiuse and the disease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Hold by II. E. Qrlre. Hed Cloud. Neb. Don't luiii up iir nose whenjou pass a food yard, dear daughter nnd Tho iilluvia em ulating therefrom is the bouquet on our Nebraska prosperity. Pionie pttties tlue d.tya. aio quite ntimiioux . -v-'f.' ."Give him til nit stud I'll liuir It ilnno 81 apiece But to think that in the to-dav." Strav Stories homes of tho numerous ladles in the county that are in tho habit of serving afternoon tens there is just the small amount of 135 worth of silver. There an) a number of women in this town who if you would Insinuate had less than t350 worth would feel insulted, Still tho assssor can't get next to it whou he goes rcuud. Tho rain wo bad Tuesday night, considering circum stances was about tuo wettest wo lime bad thiayear. Everything looked dry the weak previous and the people in this vicinity began to feol that we wero on tho vergo of getting a little of what thoy are gotting in Kansas nnd Missouri. However everything in tho way of crops is looking woll nt present and tho outlook for corn is not as dis tresslng as it might be. Wo saw n one horse rig go down main street tho other evening ami one- of our business men . made tho remark that whoever owned I that rig had butter tighten up tl o spokes iu tho wheels and also scrow up n fow nuts. Whon tho drlvor'druwi rein aud alighted from his position on tho seat wo found thnt it wasn't tho whools thnt wero rattling, but tlio driver's slats, Ho hnd not been to, town that day, but afior thoroughly soaking himself with Dr. Fred Krug's painless paiu eradlcator, be aguiu. DOCTORS say "Consumption can be cured." Nature alone won't do It. Itneeds help. Doctors say "Scott's Emulsion is tho best help." But you must continue its use even in hot weathor. If you liasc not tried It, send for free sample. fcCOTT & HOWNK, Chemists, 409-415 l'earl Street, New York. 50c and Ji.oojall druggist. It cures all iullaiv'' permanently and i quick to relieve Ha, the head. Catarrh when n .' to Consumption' o yon if you use it at once. It is no ordi nary remedy, but a complete treat ment which is positively guaranteed to cure Catarrh in any form or stnge if used according to directions which ac company each pnekago. Don't delay but send for it at once, and writo full particulars as to jour condition, nnd you will receive special advico from tho discoverer of this wonderful i em edy regarding your case without cost price oi Catarrh U A Now is the time to Subscribe. && m m m m m ?r her body and fiire were swoolen almost beyond i to yotl beyond the regUHll recognition; had been la bea lor six weeks aud 1K.,,,,!! ,i. (; hi-hii teed hul lhl nhrlrlaii. lull nwolvrri nn lniflt I 'anUttlt'S 1116 UUlllHUltlU until she tried the Mjktlc cure for.Kheuniatism. Itpavc Immediate relief and she was able to walkabout Iu three days, Jam sure It saved her life." Sold by II. K. Orlce. Druggist, Red Cloud, Neb. Cure." Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Ed win B. Giles & Company, 2330 and 2382 Market Street, Philadelphia. Farm for Sale. Half section, five miles from Red Cloud. One of the best upland farms iu Webster county. J. W. Wallin, Red Cloud, Neb. fM r-S.1 SsT' 'Wito . ORDINANCE, NO. 30. AN OltDlNANCK ImposlaR an Occupat on Tax nthe l'Ira Insurance Companlos.Corporstlons 01 An'oclRtloiiBilollig business III til City of lied Cloud, for the tine, support una iieneiu 01 the Volunteer Fire Departmental uuucii). Uu it ordained by tlio .Major and City Council of the City of lied Cloud, Nebratkii: s.ptinn 1. That an Occuiialcu Tux of F ve 4tMViilsissVsstsisVlsibAW)iUfsVikVUislraiattH 9 s 4 Two Cool I Things! AFTER WOKKOREXKRl POND'S EXTRACT 8oothe Tired Muscles l Removes Soreness and Stiffness. Don't tako tho weak, watery Witch Haiol preparations, represented to bo "tho same as" POND'S EXTRACT, which easily sour and generally tain " wood alcohol," a deadly pols con- son. Hammoeks! -9 iSoda Water!! i Chas. L. Cotting, THE DKUCiOIST Dollars per annum Is hereby Imposed on each l'lre liiMirunce Corporation, Company or Ahko elation doing business in the City of Ilel (.loud, for the uw. aupport and benefit of the olunteer l'lre Dopartweut of ald oily. beet. 011 i -Any Klre Insurance Corporation. Company or Association desiring to engage In the business or now engaged In the business of writing Insurance In the City f lied Cloud, shall pay to ti o City Treasurer of Ittd Cloud the sum of Fire Dollarstand shall file the receipt thereof with the City Clerk, who upon payment of his fee thtrfor, shall tuereupau Issue to the applicant a eertlUcate showing that said appli cant has paid the Occupation .Tax as herein pro viiimi tnr ihi pntrr-nt municipal Tear. section 3 It shall .be unlawful for any Fire Honor any ersou Id Uielr behalf as Agent or oiuerwise. 10 eugason tuvuiumn. m uns fire Insurance In the City of lied Cloud wltheut having lint paid saia occupaiinn tax aim pro iir,l k.iit rprllllrale as herein nroWded. knxiiim j i'h tali! tax shall be bv the said treasurer accredited to a special fund which is herebv created and to be known as a "Flra Department Fund " and the money su paid and accredited shall be by the cltv troaa urer paid out only on warrants drawn by the mayor ami eliy clerk when ordered by the the clij council of said city, upon orders or bills authorized by the president or vice president of the lied cloud Klre Department duly conn terslgned by Its Secretary aud by no otner pur nun whomsoever. hei lion :. Any V e Insurance Corporation, Company or Association or any persun or per sons on their behalf as agents or otherwlso that shall write lire Insurance iu said city without pay lug said license as herein provided, shall, upon -oulctlou thereof, be tlu-d In any sum nut less than Ten Dollurs nor more than Ono iiiimlroil IXiIIiim foreaeh ottensi). This Ordinance shall lo In forro and eflect from and after Its passage mid publication. Pasted and apprised title 13th day of July, 1WI. Attcat I). J Mvkiis, j. K. KKu:n. Mayor, Clt I lerk. Furniture and Furniture ! THE Little Store Room IN THE Big Damereil Block is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur niture and at prices lower than ever before offered. Call and get our prices before buying. We will save you money and please you with quality. Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb. TRADBRS LUMBER CO, DEALERS IS LUMBER and COA a3ULilclii,' rri.o.t:exias.l, JEto. Red cloud. - - Nebraska City Dray and Express Line. m. sue. ross, prop. ipifriti((na'Vr.pif airrfifnrs5t Uticure and ad flee free. NOTICE. AlborUluidlck will tali notice that nn Hie ,9ih la of .luiii), 1VJI. I w, hdktiu County Jmlfcttoi Webster count) Nebrasln. Issued nn order of iitlarhmeut for tlio sum nt M)0iln nn action pcndltijt before him wherein Itol.t T. I'stter l I'lnlmllV und Albert liurdlck defendant, that property of the deteiidaul. couslstliiK of tluce tons aud one heifer turn been ntiuclied llllticr ni'l unlet, nr if nu' utii-nrn mirea nil said cause WHS continued to the l5Ul day ill Dr. Kay a uticuro cures an . .., ,u . ... .,,. ot,k w , Kobt T. rotTKlt, I'.alutlrT, , lly J M, CiiArriN. His Attorney, i Dated July 19, 1901. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADA!S EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONEINO. 52. feinalr diseases. At drus alsu. l. Illustrated book Dr. U. J. Ksy, Saratoga, N. Y. JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE' GIANT" V, H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN G0L& TO EYERY STOCKMAN AND FARMER. How many of you havo lost tho prleo of this Knlno In ono day on ni-couut of In sufficient wind to opuruti' your wind mills, Icuvlnu your stock without wutor. Oct one now to do your imiuplnn whi'n thorn Is nn wind or to do tt rpculiirl", Wouthor does not uffect lla work, hot or cold. vvt ot dry, viuu or culm, it la nh ihu sumo to tlil.i machine. Will nlso Blioll corn, Krlnd feed, saw wood, churn butter nnd Is handy for a hundred othor Jobs, In tho liuuso or on tho fiirm. Coots nothlnc to keen when not worKlnir, and onlv I to 'J ceiita nor hour when worMiw. blitniifl ciunnlotnly sot up, ready to run, no founcWv Hon needed, u Krent lalxir and money unci. Hciiulrer. praotlc.illy no uttontlnn, aals kbeolutoly safe. Wo muUo nil size of Unsollno KnRlnc. from U4 to 75 horao power. Writ or olroulur und aneolul prlcon. FAIDBANKS, MOtSB & CO.. OOQAHfl. NEB. 'ft r iri josmmssmm ss