ribmjlri'u'm'r r" ." Jl lfc'liM"',WjS-nji.. a wwtlwTOWiniti """ "' nwwi,-.n wnwniw I M.iii,vrfrftfrMftyA (t-..TK . :1 Dt ftj- TRY IT Women suffer ing from female troubles ami weakness, niul from irregular or painful men Ses, ought not I to lose hope if doctors cannot Ihelpthcm.Phy- I sicians are so busy with other I diseases that they do not un derstand tuny the peculiar ail ments and the delicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to lo .is to give fair trial to mRADFIELD'S Fmmmlm Rmgulmtmr iriiich is the true cure provided by Nature forU female troubles. 1 k the formula el a physician of the highest standing, -who (devoted his trhote life the study of the 'die tlact aliments peculiar to our moth-, rs, wive JKid'daHghters. It made f soothiaf, "heaUng, strengthening kerbs and -vegetables, which .have been provided by a 'kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses, lieu corrhoea, Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Bratl fleleVa Female Regulator, every suffering woman ought to give it a trial. A large ft bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. Send Tot nt.f Ijr lllutttltt.l fret book ca 1h luljnl, The Drndfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yon hftvm't a rcirular, hi-nllhr raoTrnirnt of thn fiowrli rerjr day. you're III ur will be. Keep your liowrln open, nml b well. Korrr.lu (ho tlinrmuf lo lcntiilirlourillllon,l itnuiirrotia. Tim smooth. it,ulr.t, most pvrrrrt way uf krtilntr llie bowels clour nnd cl.an Ulu tako CANDY CATHARTIC EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY 1'lra.nnt, r.lntnlil. I'olfht. Tmlo Clooil, Ilu flood, hi'Vi r Hlrken, Weak'vn. or III I Id, S.1. nml M rcnt per liot. Writ" lor free ainiilr, niul booklet on health .Xililrpes 133 stui i.i mi iiiittnr tunrm, iiuai.o fr .sr.w rnus. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Klm TrUYTASTEVERV MUCH U Jlll 1 M 9444 4444444)u m m m m m EESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE. One aero of ground, good hotino nnd'barn ami other out-build-ings. (Jnod clrovo well nnd good water. Simile fruit nnd ornauiontal trees. For particulars inquire of J. NUSTEIN, UHJAK MANUFACTURER. Red Cloub, Nohrnskit. l s i m a I m " jt UtttCfrtCfrtfrC-t- i tMum, Pap -Fizz! Fbam-Sp&rhlel Tfcc Nation's MRES iSHft2L,- vs mammas rTWQ WML All USE FU. I Baat Oowh Brnip. Toate Ooud. Uaef I tatlma. sM bT druairlata. M Biaiaraa F m il MLaA. I -iBjVjVJBBaaaaJ flB I k ftl I DOUBLE LIVES OF CRIMINALS. Umppr Home flnrrnnnillnRi of Men Who Were Itotarluu for Their Hail PrciU. Tho picture of tin- happy home life of tlic innn who stole tho (lulnnlinr otih portrait of the fair Ocorglann, (hii'lu'sH of Devonshire, Iiiik hi-cii given to the publlf lately through (lie news paper!. A illlettnnte In art nnd u judge of gcniH, it xeetns lie Ik, and, of course, n rcHpccted citizen, fund of children, fiuyH the Chicago Inter Ocean. Then enine the nceount of the pious work of Kkoog, the counterfeiter, Who has been living for yearn under mi nn Htinied name in IlrooVlyn, where he waH n inueh riHpcctel cltlcn and prominent in the Sunday nehoola. It Is by no nienmt utumunl for "crooks" of the first rank to live a Dr. Jekyl und Mr. Hyde existence. Some yearn ngo there lived In llrln tol, Hnglaud, a cheery And kind-hearted mun, Jtmt pant tire middle age, known to all the children In town an Uncle Hilly Nanh. Mr. Nath had a well-furnished house and commanded the reirpeot of tke community as a re tired West India merchant of means. He was always doing good in some way -or other, kU special hobby being kindness to children. Oh, he was such a benevolent, lovable old fellow! He was nil the tlracorganlzlng entertain ments for thc-dear children and treat ing whole primary Hchools to taffy and toys. He used to gather children at his house to wltnrHS Punch and Judy hIiowh, where he would stuff them with candy and cake nnd send each one away with n nice little present. To the police dear old Uncle Hilly wan known an Inane. Morgan, daring hotel .swindler and Jewel thief. He found time In the intervals of making glad the heartN of the children of IIiIh tol to commit mime, of the cleverest jewelry robberies on record. One day he would be rilling a jewel casket in home "swell" hotel, anil the next, clad in a long frock eoat and cashmere trousers, distributing prl.es to school children. It was he who stole the great IMrbeek ruby from Duchess iI'I'zch. His last exploit in the line of his profession was to steal the d'ia iiioikIh of Princess ICIIdoIT from a hotel In Scarborough. For this crime he was run to earth by thedeteetlves.nnd there were no more Punch und Judy shows for Uncle Hilly for 1H years. A clever forger named Hooper, who was known an the "Ring of tin- Pen." to the police, hail a large house at Itouriiemouth ami auothir in llrigh ton, where lie lied in luxury and piety as Mr. Ilargreims. Mr. liar greaves was one of the best organlers of church fairs and homes for the pone ever known, and gave liberally to all charities. He equipped and endowed a lifeboat which did some splendid rct-cue work on the coast. Two i.ajs after his biggest forgery, which netted him sf.S.HOO, he presented ilu rector of Itouriiemouth with $1,500 to be used in founding beds In a private hos pital. He had a beautiful voice, anil on the very day of his arrest was due to slug at a concert, the expenses of w hleh he paid, In aid of the families of lishermen who bad lost their nets and gear at sea. In Norwich, Kngland, there once lived a philanthropic gentleman, a re tired merchant, who never turned a deaf ear to the cry of the needy. Any laborer or farmhand who fell upon evil days had only to go to kind and sym pathetic Mr. Fennluiore and help was forthcoming. He founded a private in firmary, which he superintended per sonally, and he paid for the mainten ance of six old and inllrm 'lingers. The philanthropist was c nstantly distributing hampers of provisions among the poor and making cash gifts to the needy. Nobody was better be loved In the neighborhood than Mr. Fennlmorc. All the time, as "Punch" Palmer the kind gentleman was com- Jimltllug an average of at least live burglaries a month, In the course of JJ which he found it necessary tocommlt severnl murders. One bank robbery netted him $10,000, and most of this money he devoted to his pet institu tion, the private Infirmary. A SoallraB Comataaltr. Jjj A young clergyman, just arrived at 5 1 the locality of his first call, met at the railway station a boyhood ac- qualntance whom lie hud not met sines J they were playmates together in a re 5 mote town. After a handshake and Jj mutual expressions of pleasure at the unexpected meeting the newly-found JJ friend exclaimed: H "Hut, say! What on earth are you JJJ doing in this part of the world?" 7 1 "Me?" enthusiastically replied the eeeleslast, "1 have come here to save souls." "You have, eh?" was the response. "Well, let me tell you I've been long enough in this town to know that you've struck a sinecure," Boston Courier. Too floutl an ttlra tn ffnule, "I see they are embaliulng pel dogs now," he suld. "(, I.su't that lovely?" she cxclalpied. "That's what I'll hmve done to Fldo." "Just the thing," he returned, sud denly growing rnthnMaHtic himself, "Give him to me, and I'll have it done, to-day." Btrsy Utories. Oa Merit, She (rising from the plsno) What do you think of those self-playing pianos? He Well, there la at lest one thlnf to be said in their favor, "And whal Is that?" "They know when to stop." Chica go Daily News. Tk t)44laaaaa. Girl. Cora What would you like me to get you for a blrihrijiy present, love? Merrltt A cigar-ease, iny dear. Since we became engaged I can never find an unbroken cigar In my vest pocket. Judge. HOUSELESS HEARSES. Something That Undertakers Are Slow to Adopt. Rcmmi for TheU- Itelnctaae ( Via Motor WnKoaa la Tlielr Hull aeaa It la Thonaht That Tar Will ll t'aa. Tha undertaker aeeo't llkaly to be among the vary last users of vehicles for business and other purposes to take up the automobile. New York undertakers suld lately that so far as they knew there was only one auto mobile vehicle running In the country In the undertaking buainas. That is a wagon used in Philadelphia, says the New York Sun. One reason for tha undertakers not taking up tha motor vehicle is their greater cost; another Is the fear that they might break down; sentimental reasons apply also in the case of the hearse. Tha undartakara doa't Ilka to take any oaaocsa. At taa oce of a Esanufaoturar of iactrie wagons It wh said that saotor hides could readily b made tossrva iaa undertaker sad it was expected that motor-drives hearses would in tins coma to be regarded simply as iny other. The concern had in fact bean in negotiation with regard to the supply of vehicles of one kind and aa other for undertakers' use. - TJ(ls view was shared by undertak ers seen, who, though there is only one motor vehicle nnd that not a hearse, but a wagon, in use at present in their business In the United States, expect ed, nevertheless, to see them come into use in It. InteiiM'lv cnns.TVMtlv.. as the undertaker might seem to be, ' und most scrupulously and tmlnstak- I Ingly careful, as he really is, as to ministered by loving friends and ruin avoid anything that could shock the ' uves wilhout their knowledge In coffeo feelings of 'anybody concerned in the ' or leil, and believe today that they ills Jead, yet he is nevertheless iirotrres- .i . . . , , . ., , , she ilk.. ,.v..rvi..iv ...... .... .,'1 ?'.... . coiitinuud drinking of their own free ulays many appurtenances nnd'appli- ' uncus never dreamed of in old days i niul In all these tlilii(,'., Improvements mid ndvnuees are nil the time belujj made. HenrsfHtind undertakers' wiions nre built nowadays with ruliher-tired wheels, and many (if these vehicles, linplo as they may lie Jn design, may yet lie elaborate In workmanship and finish. An undertaker's lop wagon of the kind familiar In this use, theblaek painted, .solid top delivery wagon in which a burial eahket would be carried from Hie undertaker's to tliu house, costs commonly from $:i.'i( to $h()0; and some run up in cost as high as St.r.OO. A line and beautifully lliiislicd licar.-e, uioiigli simple In form, mlht cost as much as $:i.()(iii; perhaps more. Any of these vehicles would cost considerably more with electric mo tors; hut whether undertakers are at present deterred from inine- them fcolei. by the cost, or wla'tiiiM' It is the fear of breakdown, with the eon Hciiienl annoyance, they express the belief Unit such ehlclcs will come into use betore many t ears. One undertaker uld he expected to see the motor wagons come into use by the undertaker and then he looked to see the carriages in funeral pro cessions all motor-driven, mill then he expected to see motor-driven hearses, the hearse thus gradually led up to being the last funeral chicle so pro pelled to come into use. Within five years he nil her expert to see going along the .streets funeral processions in which every ehlelr, Including tho henrso, will be horseless, How's This, Wo. oiler One Hundred Dollars re ward for any ensu of catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio. Wo, the undersigned have known F J. Cheney for tho pasl fifteen yoais, und boliovo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions nnd financial ly ublo to carry out any obligations mado by their lirm. ' Wkst&Tkuax, Wholesnlo Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldimu. Kinnan & Mauvin, Wholesnlo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting dirsctly on tho blood and murrus surfaces of tho system. Price 7l5o per bottle, Sold by nil druggists, Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Quiz claims to have a girl in its employ who has not ridden on a met'-ry-go-rouml nnd has upl once stood in the crowd and watched it go. Sfio eon fosses, however, that ohee, and only oiiso, sho stopped in lur work just n minute while washing dishes ouo even- lug last week and listened to the mu sic, and shu would not have done that had she thought how biul it was. She promises never to do that again. Ord Quiz. Nets, uels, nets. Un Saturday, Juno v'2, J. O. Butler -will make a special sale on nets, dusters and light harness. Inflamnutory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton L. Hill of Lebanon, Ind.. bsti: "My wife had Inflammatory rheumatism lu every niUMle and Joint; tier auffetlng wan terrible and ber body and face were awoolen almost beyond recognition; had been lu bed for ilx week aud had elKht pbyalclam, but received no benefit 1111UI the tried the Myatlo Cure for;ilheuraallim. It rave Immediate relief and sbo was able to waiLanoui "i inree uaja, 1 am mire It saved her life." Sold by II. K. Orleo, Druiiglit, lied Cloud, Neb. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. MvKllcCure for rheumatism and neuralgia readily cur in from one to three days. Its ao- uon upon tno ayiiem ia reman a wo anutnyu' lerlom. It removes at once tho cauao and the niacaaeimmpaiaioiTulcanDpara. Thn nratilnan vreatlrbi'iiettta. TSceula. Bold by II, E. Urlcc. Ucd Cloud, Neb. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ards are Being Cured Dally in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening oi the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit It is now generally known nnd under stood that Drunkenness is a discaso nnd not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerve completely shattered by periodical or constant iho of intoxi cating liquors, requires nn antldoto capable of neutralizing and eradicating litis poison, and destroying tho crav ing for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cine themselves at homo without publicity or loss of timo from business by this wonderful "Homo Gold Cure," which has been perfected after many years of close study nnd trcnttnontof inebriates. The faithful uso accordiug to directions of thii wonderful discov ery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. Wives cure your husbands!! Child ren cure your fathers!! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum bnt is a spec ific for this diseaso only, and is so skill fully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the tasto, so that it can bo given in a cup of ten or coffee without tho knowledge of tho person tnking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this pticeless remedy, and as many nioro havo been cured and made teib pernio men by having tho ,,Curo" ad wil1' -')o "ol WuiU Do not bo UullI,lcl1 by apparent nnd misleading "improve- ment." Drivo out the lispnu at once 'and for all time. "Tho Homo Gold I Cure" is sold ut tho e.xttumuly low price of One Dollar, thus placing with- J in reach of everybody a treatment more I cllccliro than othets costing $2 to $.r0 I Full directions accompany each park age. Special advice by skilled phjM cians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. j Addiess Dopt. A 102, Kdwin li. Giles & i Company, UO.'lOand 'i'Vii Maikel Street, i Philadelphia. I All correspondence strictly conliilun- 1 tial. i I Use Allen's Foot-Ease, j A powder to Ini shaken into the I shoes. Your feet feel swoolen, nervous and hot, anil gel tired easily. If you havo smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot F.usc, it cools the feet and makes wnlkinir "asy. Cures swnolen, .sweating feet, ingi owing nails, blisters (Old cAIIoim spots, Heliures corns and bunions of nil pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today Sold bv all druggists and shoe stores for!25o. 1'iial package free. Addiess, Allen S Olm sted, Ln Hoy, N. Y. Educate Your Bowels. Your bowels can be trained as well as your muscles or your brain. Cas carets Candy Cathartic train your bowels to do right. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Women as Wei! as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor 'l. . -'" -..ww....iwa wv.i ortH ihrfiilna An aisappear wnen tne mo neys are out of order or diseased. I Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon tnr a -hIM in Vu hrtrn affllotart uillh ,.,oL- LM. I neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, It is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root 3 soon realized. It is sold by druggists, In fifty- eVrr. cent and one dollar ffiiPS?RC3i sizes. You may haveaKKSpWHHi!jJJES sample bottle by mall "JajSJmjgM free, also pamphlet tell- Home ot swamp-Root Ing all about it, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. ORDINANCE. An ordinance, providing for the levying of taxes uihjii all the Rcauble property In the city of Ited Cloud. Nobraika, both real and per gonal, for all general and ipeclal purponei. aa per tbe regulitr AKheaaed valuation nt the aaroo for the fiscal year eoniinunclng on the flrnt Tuea day In May, 1WI. BeHonlaliKHl by tho mayor and council uf tho rllv of lied Cloud. Nebraska; That the follorrluB taxes be and tho tame aro hereby luvkil upon all the aiwcaaable property within the city or Kcil Cloud, Nebraska, both real and personal, aa per the aaaeased valuation of lliu amo for tho year ItfJl. to wit; l'nr general purioof ten (10) uillla on the dol lar of tbe aaaeased valuation. Korlntereaton water bond flfeteu (II) mills on tho dollar on the aiweKgcd valuation thereof. For Intercut 011 electric light bond four (4) mill" on the dollar un tho aanenied mluntlon thereof. Thli onlluanro hall tke effect fioia and nf tcr lu Hiproval and publlcntlon an provided bylaw. D.J.Utibi, Major. Attrit. J. E. Katun. City Clerk, MAYDOLE'S HAMMER. (Benton's Plaster Is Pain's Master.) When Mnydolo was told that he made "a pretty good hammer," ho said, "No, I don't mnkoa 'pretty good horamor,1 1 make the bet hammer that over tea made." Every carpenter who saw n Msydolo ham mer wanted ouo. It was of tho best ma terial, perfectly balanced, and tho head never flew off. Hammers were divided into two classes 1st, Maydole's; 2d, all the rest. Plasters are soparated by the same line of cleavago; 1st, llcnson's Porous Plaster; 2d, all tho rest. When, for rheumatic pain, a cold, a cough, kidney trouble or any other disease or ailmontthat may be treated externally, you ask for a plaster, any hon est, reputable druggist will give you a Ben son's. Ho knmn it is incomparably the best, and ho assumes that you know ft too. As the name of Maydole stood for hammers the name of Benson stands for plasters the "reol thing." All the medicinal poten cies that are valuable in a plaster are in Benson's. Capsicum, Strengthening and Belladonna plasters are out of date. An army of physicians and druggists, and millions of the people, haTe written of Benson's Platters as a remedy to be trusted. Benson's Plasters have ifty-ive hlghe mnrdi. Accept no substitute. For sale by all druggists, or we will pre- rj rsjw- "a Dancer orasrea ia tae VI sited States, on recalnt el aa. eamry jc jomuob, Mfg. Chesilsts, K.T. G. V. ARGABRIGHT, ARTISTf PORTRAIT PAINTER. Red Cloud. Nebraska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits and Por traits made to order. STUDIO IN DAMERKIX 1ILOCK. I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock Ilox 23. Guldo flock, Neb. VII kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. 'OM.ECT10NS MADE. TEHM ItEASOKAIILK CONSTIPATION tho fmiuentcauwof App.'nil!cltlftndntftny olhw peft Ions Ills hould nrcr bo nirlucusl. Tho objection to tho iikuiI cAthnrtlo remedies In their cokiIvc rrnctlon which Inrrviwn roniitlUon Intteiul of rurln It. l'AHKKK'S lll.vil.ll TONIU la the proper remedy. It wnon -N 1.1 rvr, nnd when nod aa directed, Krmnnently removes Uio com tlpaUon. M eta. & SLOO at all ImiggUts. II- YOU ARE OUT OF WORK l I t Mil' I ! s'-ll'll'll I" I lj IT llli'l'l J i ullee, sehll Us -" I'l.S t ll Kill In "I, ( ".o New Moncy-Mnking Ideas." I It is worth its weight, in gold to anyone who is unemployed. Send today. ' Century Publishing Co., Box 73, ' Heron Luke, Minn. CCij7-ij3Mra f iiMI'1'!"" '""" e proBPrvo.aniliilcklP, pronil 11 tlmi roulliit; of rellnoU PARAFFINE WAX Will kwp tliom ali.olntflr tnoUtnri" and acid proof. l'sraiTmo Wax ialiKiufnl In a dozen nthrr rayn about tho houaa. Fall dlrrctlonaiurai'li uouml uackaco. hold fterjwhere. STANDARD OIL CO. WANTED WToDlVf 5QHWKEKLY an1 want more 11 Br n I V10IIhomcttravcllnRsalcmcn TREKS Haves 77-YR.KECORD aro easy to Bell, always TilMvan. Outfit AnROI.UTSLY rsrK. CSTAI STARK BRO'S, Louisiana, Me. -" lav.iui-sPES- aCTJRES all Kidney ivcineycui-a. & am. Diseases, isacic- IT"---,,--" "- Mi. Free book, 4 vice, etc., of Dr. B. J, Kaj. Saratoot N. V. ( TIMET AIlTiE. U & M. It.Y RED OLOUD NEBR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY 81. LOUIS and all points cast anil south. DENVER . HELENA ' BVT1E 8AL1LAREC' PORTLAND SAA FRANC18C0 anil all point' west. TRAINS 11UVB At fOLLOWe! No. 13. Panscnger dally for Oberlln and St. Francis branches, Ox ford, McCook, Denver and all points weft................- TM5 a.m 7(o, 14. Pasecnger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchison, tit. Louis. Lincoln via Wymoro and all points east and south 2 '32 aa Mo. in. Passenger, dally. Denver, all points in Colorado, Utah and California . 8:10p.m. No. 18. Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas lilt v. Atchison. HI. Louts and all poluti east and south -. 10:00 a.m Mo. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Uastlng aunaay, uasungs, urana is land, Black Hills and all points in the northweit...... l;00p.m No. 143. Accommi uuauuu, aaiiy eacepi Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and iniermeaisio siauona, Tia tie- publican 11 :30 p.a Mo. 04. Freight, dally, Wymore and SU Joe and Intermediate lunctlou nolnts... lBMSn.e No. ss. Freight, dally for Republican Orleans. Oxford and all points west ..... ....l0:40a.s Mo. 60. Mo. ITS. Freignt, dally except Sunday for wrmore and all rjolnt east for wymore and all point east 6.00 a.m Freight dally to Oxford aud dallv to Oxford and . intermediate points 130 p.m Bleeping, dining, and reclining cnalr cart, (teats free) on through trains. Ticket told and baggaco checked to any point In tne United titates or Canada. For Information, time tables, map or UokoM call on or addresa A. Couover, Agent, Red Cloud, Mebr. or J. Francis, General Pastengei Agent Omaha, Nobraska, The Chief, 1$ A Year. jffi ASK YOUR GROCER FOR" r-'SF w Wvpnj3i'BWri-. tr-ty ?i8Kn Ralsfoi The 5 Minute Breakfast Food. PURIAN - HEALTH FLOUR M A K F S "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo Don't Be Fooledi Take the cn . erlf laal PIOCKV MOUNTAIN TCA Made only by Madison Mdl cine Co., Madlion, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trsda mark cut on each Beckett. Price, 13 cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept no subtil tutt. Ask your druggist. or. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of couRh, lafrrTppc, broncliltK soro inrotti, croup, waoopiDR COUgU, etc. Ne utres the stomach. AtDragglate, 10 A: derail ires ver S5c. rauswvi& Write ua aovattagthe system is we only safe and sure method f n ng all Cfcroale Dlaeeaes. Dr. Kav'a Kenorator Is the oaly parfeetaystem reaovater. Frea sam ples and fcook. I.B.J.Key,8ejratots7NrY. WRITERS CORRESPONDp:NTy OR REPORTERS Wanted evervwlipie. Stories, news, ideas, poeinn, illiistruied ai tides, nd vniirr news, diawinc, photogrnphs, unique iiiiielrJ. etc , etr , purchased. At licit s revised anil pivpued for pith lieatiou Hooks ptiblUhid. Send for ii.utlciilats nnd full I formation before si tiding article?. The Bulled Press ssociaiion, Xew PARKER'S m HAIR BALSAM piriniei and Lctutinci the hair, l'romctef a luturllnt rrnvlh. Novcr Falls to Ilertoro Orajr train n Vn.,l.r..l r-i . t , uuiuiiu .aior Cure vrtlp rtifaM A hair ...lijf. gm.aiiJtlwt l)ru"Tfu MONEY, Dakfiinafo.1 . Wo IVIMIIUVUil cunr- untco Dr.Kny's Kcnov ator pation, liver and kidneys. Hcst tonic, laxative, blood purifier lmown for nil clironlodlscascs: renovates and InviKorntcs tho wholo svstcm ami cures very worst cases. Oct trial box at once. K not Biuliitlcd Willi It notify us, wo will refund money by return mnll. Wrlto your symptoms for Frco Mcillcal Advice, samplo nnd proo'. 85 & BOO at drupglsts. Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y. - - - to euro dYMicnsin. consti rVC ksr B?. RENOVATOR In vluuratc m nn 1 r -t. j . t hvHtom; purines amUuricbeit tho niciun. turts the uorM dybpcpalu, ronstlp.itlun, hi"u'..ul.L llvernntUMnojs. .'cnndtl.ntilru;i;ltJ. I. uiivicc stuiplo mid boo ;. p-:, I r H.J ,-n! Samcm.N V fiSf?. aam chichesteh'8 tucjLlUH FlsIVuYL fills ,-rr. u.Orllnal an. I only Ornulnr. A vftv fr iiiciiiistkii's i:nomsii lfii-i iiCN Ik in.n ... ..... ...-1.1- . . . -yy... i.i. .. 1 i.ohi lu.isiiio vottw inm wiiauatrmDon. i nkens oturr. Itfruia I Ilinitran. Nnliatliutlon. and 1ml la. (lon Ilu of jour DrugclH- or ..01 4r. m "'??..'''!. 'rtlfiilara. Testimonial. nd llcllrr Top l.oJlc." in luur, br re. lumJl.il. lO.limi tr.tlm.ni.1. .. K VnMoatliltcipcr. Madlion lark. 1'llll.A.. I'A CANDY CATHARTIO litW Is lal I I in as i i iiwBaTia . toe. ' lisallllll I ' OnatUta. Genuine stamped CCC, Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who triss to tell "something just as good." fItYJ'iTr TOBACCO SPIT LWlN I and SMOKE BK,,Bt"T T Your LIfeawavt You can be cured of any form of tobacco using cwuiy, iw miac wen, strong, magnetic, lull ot new life and vleor bv talcine ttn.Tn.mmn that makes weak men stroiic Many Bala ten pounds in ten days. Over 000,000 cured. All .druggists. Cure guaranteed. nook Jet and advlca FKUR. Address STIiKLINO KKMBDY CO., Chicago or New York? 437 J. S. EMIG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS. DENTISTRY IV YOU WANT IT. Grown Bridge Work or Teeth Withal Phtet. PORCELAIN INLAY sVnd all the latest Improvement la dental mecb anltm Wo can surniih 7011 hriek in 1 tyat tho lowest pos sible rati). Brick on salo nt cither of tho lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS.. Red Cloud, Neb. I SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DKALRR M nt nt Vines, Liquors, alifornia brandies PABSTMILWAUKEEBeer m w j ALVVAYB ON TAP. a U.v iiiwinwMiHW5?itjt,vrii nn.iw.nf, nfiii.n.w in iii. mmtmni m