tblfikJL'ilK'Jiii -wir&. i -.fiti.vjxJSTTn &n?z , a.V'(.'-r i ii I mill ii 1 1 1 mi mn ii miiin i hi minima in i 9 -9 9 9 -9 9 9 -9 9 .9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 HI 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 J - s -9 a 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 t Have You Perfect Byes. Highest authorities on the eyes say you havo not. Today the absolutely eye is unknown. perfcct Is the defect in your eyes suf- " fioiont to cause harmful results? This may be determined by our scleutiliu measuremoiits of tho eye, ami in no other way. Uso of glasses advised if you need them othenviso not. (ilasscs sold it you want them bnt no compulsion about il. e- s- r- tr c fr flewhoiise Bros. Red Cloud, Neb. 9 9 9 f -iH11T1H1"M'11tTmT1PTT,riT1 T 1 WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Stovo repairs at W. V. Wright's. Mfty cent silk foulards at 33c. a yard. Minek Bitos. Harry Plants was a visitor to Super ior on Thursday. O- tho way to Albright Urothers, a carload of furniture. M. V. Dickerson lias tackled tho job of collecting water rent. Clair Nesbitt was attending tho ball game at Superior Thursday. Fino best French ginghams, regular 30c. a yard, our price '22 Jc Minku Bkos. Hen McFarland cf McCook was hero this week visiting with his parents nnd other friends. Frank Cowtlen was taking in tho ball game and visiting with friends at Superior Thursday. Visitors are always made welcome at Albright Bros, whether you purchase or not. Always glad to seo you. -MiMrMiMiMiMiMiM'MiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiUiMiMiMiMiMi4t- 9 fr 9 -9 9 9 9 9 r9 9 - 9 9 -J 9 Grain Contest! 9 r - -9 ? 9 9 - HI Wo will give to the person, bring' ing us the best sample of Wheat in the Stem. I 9 -9 -9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 -9 9 9 9 -9 -9 9 9 9 9 v 1st Prize. Ham mock, value $4.50. 2nd Prize Cro quet Set, valued at No conditions whatever. All you do is bring us a small asmplo of your grain. Points of Judgment LKNUTH OF STEM. LENGTH OF HEAD. SIZE. OF UEURY. Contest closes ft 12 o'clock noon July lilih. THHEE DISINTERESTED JUDGES. Bring in vour wheat. You may havo tho best. It costs you nothing to show yourgraiu and yon may win ono of those priz es. Thy it anyway. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. I MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Tiik C'ltii'.K SI per year. Mark 1'arkes of McCook was lieie on riiursila. Harry Couover of McCook was here riuusday. E J.Oveiing is lioiiu again altera tiip west. li. I). O.itman is suffering with a sprained ankle. Our special price on dollar coisets is 00c Minku Hiios. A. M. Walters of Hluo Hill was in the city Wcdncsduy. Geo. It. McCreary of Blue Hill was in tho city Thursday. John Tulloys visited in Fairbury and Clay Center this week. Miss Blanch Conover is home again after a visit in MeCook. Alden Ely of .VcCook was visiting with friends hero Thursday. Fly nets aud dusters in endless va ricty at Fogel & Hutchison's. Fred Ivitniinsr, son of K B. Kummor, left this week for Columbus. J. W. Nevill nnd Geo. W.Cory of Campbell wore in tho city Thursday. County Attorney Overman has moved Into the Jeff Myers property on Cedar street. Hev. Cobb returned Thursday night from a visit in tho eastern part of tho state. F. B. Wilson and wife of Denver, nre visiting relatives here, C. D. Robinson and L. D. Wells. Mrs. John Polnicky left Monday for a few days' visit with friends and rola tives at Wilbur. Miss Bertha White, who has been visiting with Sadlo Overiug, has re turned to her homo at Alma Dr. Reed and wifo left tho first of tho week for a visit of several weeks in Chicago and tho east. Don't forget the dato and placo of the special sale of uots, dusters and light harness at Butler's. Mis. Eii Smith of Norton, Kansas, nrrlved in tho city Thursday morning for a visit with J. H. Smith and fam ily. C. J.PIittand wife left Sunday for a visit in Chicago and will also visit tho Buffalo exposition, beforo thoy re turn. Mrs. C. F. Cather who has been vis itlng for a number of weeks with friends at Lincoln returned homo Sat urday. Finest lino of rocking chairs and tho greatest variety of dining chairs ever thrown upon tho market found at Al bright Bros. J. O. Lindloy and wifo were called to Burr Oak, Kansas, on accouot of tho illness of their son William, who is ill with appondlcitis. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Francis will leavo shortly for a visit in New York state. Mrs. Francis will alio visit her old home in Virginia. Latest music by most popular authors found at Music Store. Any thing not in stocic ordered at once. All music at lowest possible prices. If you want some "just as good" 4,I make it myself" remedy, try an imita tion Rocky Mountain Tea. 'Twill make you sick and keep you sick. C. L. Cottinc Tho Bladen reunion this year will bo held on August 5 to 8. Tho reunion workeis of that burg aro doing their best to mako this year's reunion eclipse all previous ones. Sl'KCIAL Sai.k Winiiow: You will find in the south window of tho Fair Store, each afternoon, from ono to six p.m., goods that are on spcclul sale at a low prico. Each day there will bo something different. Dr. J.W. Moranville and wifo and E. G. Moranville and wife departed Tuesday morning ovcrlaud for a sum- mot outing in tho mountains of Colo rado, wi'.h tho hopes of tho doctor's health being improved by the change of ell na'e. Tho peace and quiet of our city was stirred up tho foro part of tho weoK by a roport that the smallpox had again broke out. A case was reported at the residence of Jos. Carr, on the creek In tho extiemo northeastern p.irt of tho city. Whothor It is smallpox or not wo aro unable to say as there p' pears to bn a differuncn of opinion on that point. However, our city mayor thought it was bebt to take no chances and had the placo at once quarantined. The work on the brick buildings has progressed linely this week. Tho car penter and brick work on tho Wright Potter building lias been rus'.ed and thn headway mado shows that it will bo rapidly pushed to completion. The brick work on tho Datman building has been somewhat retarded by having Ui wait for tho carpenters to make frames for tho windows. 1 he Polnicky building has been pushed as far as it can go until tho iron for tho front arrives. LOCALLY Colonial bust forms tiO ct tits each at Miner Bros Miss E la Cook is home from a visit at Hastings. Mrs. MeMiutors of Fianklin wis hero Tuesday. Tho Uiiikk and Chicago Inter Ocean ne year for ai.'Jfi. Ralph Foo was down to Norton, Kan sas, tho first of tho week. A lino line of summer lap robes and Ily nets nt Fogel Hutchison's. Havo you seen tl.e latest styles of nets and dusters? Butler's is tho place for them. Mrs. Robert Kobel who has been vis iting with friends nt Oxford returned homo Sunday. Special sale on nets, dusters and light harness for tho next thirty days at J. O.Butler's. Tho west bound pnssenger trnlns have boon having n very heavy trnllin through hero this week. A gang of painters nro hero this week painting tho B. & M. eating house nnd other buildings at tho depot. Mrs. Wm. Woods of McCook arrived in the city this week on n visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lindloy. Finest linn of iron beds aud fnncy rockers in tho valley, at bed-rock prices at J. C. Wolfe's, tho furniture man. Farm loans at 5 per cent interest on good improved land. C. F. Cathor, ollico over Cotting's drug storo, Red Cloud. Neb. Lost. Round pearl ring watch charm with square anil compass in center. Finder pleaso return to this office or to J as. Chancy. Farm Insurance ! fteiiao-taraijcc-Co. OF FREEPORT, ILL. The largest old lino company in the west. Farmers Mutual Ins Co. Of Nebraska, of Lincoln. Largest mutual in the state with: over H00 policies in Webster Count. SO. C. Teel, AgtJ Kki Cloud, Nkiiicaska. Tho weather the past week has been conclusive to ico, ico water, Icecream ico cream soda, and a few ico cold bot tles of mineral water. DTho ply "Ten Nights in n Bar Room" given at the opera house last Tuesday evening was quite largely attended and very well received. Ludlow Bros, this week commenced burning another kiln of brick. It is keoping them working night and day to supply tho demand ttis year. Fat lady Don't sleep too much; ex ercise; dont eat fats and sweets. To reduco rapidly take Rocky Mountain Tea. Acts directly on the fatty tissuep. 20c (J. L. CorriNd G. W. Dow and wifo and little daugh ter left the first of tho weok for a pro tracted visit to California and to take In the Epworth League convention at San Francisco. NOTICK TO WATKK CON8UMKKS. All parties o wing water rent aro requested to call at tho mayor's office and oav tho same before July 15, or tho water will be cut off. M. W. Dickerson, Water Commissioner. We wish our correspondents would endeavor to get their items in each week and if possiblo not later than than Thursday. No department of tho paper is looked after by our read ers more than this. If your locality is not represented send us in t'o news. Among othpr noteworthy improve ments is tho now rcsldonco of 11. E. Grice, which is now about ready for oceup.noy. Although it is not as largo as some of our other beautiful resi dence, still speaking from a point of tluenc'H, in finish and appearance, it is equal to any in tho city. On Tuesday aftoruonn last an assault and battery easo occupied tho atten tion of County Judge Edson nnd a Jury. The complainant was Adolph Jossen and tho defendant Samuel Heaton Jr. l'ho troublo arose over tho cutting and removal of a wire fenco by Road Over seer Jesson which had been erected by tho defendant Heaton. County Attor ney Overman prosecuted tho caso and tho dtfenso was represented by Ber nard McNuny. After being out, several hours tho jury disagreed and wore dismissed. GENERAl CITY NEVTS. Wi.teh the special sale window at the Fair. Mrs F. M. Hopkins of Rlverton was here this week. If J 011 want a sot of light harness go to Fogel & Hutchison. Job lot of fancy ribbons, regular 10 to lfle , 5 to l) wide; special 0 aud 7c. a ynrd at Miner Bros. O. E. Wescott of tho firm of Galtisha, Wescott & Story was hero from Platts mouth looking after his interest in the firm. There will ho regular setivco held at tho Christian church each Lords day at the usual hours. 11. S. Sotnmit, Pastor. L. 11. Fort and wifo left Saturday night for Peru, this state, being called there by tho death of tho hitter's father Mr. Culbeitson. If young ladles think sores, pimples and red noses look well with a bridal veil and orange bloss 'ins, it's all right. Rocky Mountain Tea would drive them awny. 25c O. L. Cottino, S. N. Potter of this city accomtm nied by his brother J. (. Potter of Col orndo City, Colorado, left tho first of tho week for their old homo in New York statu nnd to attend tho Buffalo exposition. An Enjoyable Event. On last evening, nt the beautiful homo of Mr. nnd Mis, E. B. Smith in the north part of the city, occurred ono of the most enjoyable occasions Hint has taken place hereabouts in many months. In response to a largo number of in vitations sent out by the Misses Lillian and Pearl Smith a few days ago, about ono hundred guests assembled between tho hours of eight aud nine o'clock when they were met. and, after being r.shoied into tho house aud disposing of their outer wraps, repaired to the Inwu where '.a spacious platform had boon erected for the purpose of "trip ping ho light fantastic." The lawn was also well (quipped with suttees, chairs, couches, etc., as well as tables upon which wore nearly nil of tho vari ous popular games enjoyed by tho twentieth century society lights. About 9:30 tho announcement was made by Miss Lillian Smith that danc ing was in order, nnd as tho piano pealed forth a beautiful two-stop and tho sweet harmony lingered on tho evening air tho temptation wns irre- sistablc by the young people nnd in n very few momonts tho platform was thickly populated and ns tho happy couples twirled about, ono could stand a little apace and witness nu occasion not unlike some wo have seen doscribod by tho poots. Aftet tho first number had been dis posed of, at tho west side of tho spacious lawn could bo soon a largo number enjoying ico cream and sherbet which bad so fittingly boon prepared by tho genial host and hostos and which by the way, was of a superior quality, judging from the soothing effect it bad upon the partakers. The lawn was lighted in a luxurious manner which was appreciated to no small extent and commented on by nearly everyone present as welt as a goodly number of spectators who hatLbeen attracted to the scone. In fact, nothing was left undone to insuro success in tho way of comfort and convenience to tho guosts. Tho large platform had a canvas cover; on the lawn hero and thoro were lounges 011 which to (rest nt intervals and en joy thoexhiliarating evening breeze; tho erokinolo boards weru in use nearly all tho evening by those who seemed to prefer games to daiiciug; tho 11101 ry laughter of tho whist players was lieaid hero and 'hero throughout the ontiio evening. Tho music was furnished by Mrs. J. O. Wiles, and rendered in a manner that prompted much praiso of her ex traordinary musical ability. Tho object of tho occasion was a fare, well party in honor of Miss Pearl Smith, who expects to leavo within the next few weeks. About 10:30 Miss Pearl was asslgnod tho duty of standing face to face, be fore tho largo assembly of guests, with Mr. E.J. Ovofing Jr., who, with a few well selected words, presented her with a beautiful cut-glass water set which bad been purchased by a numbor of her friends, After teeeiving the beau tiful tokcu of friendship and appio priately thanking tho givers, she re tired for a few moments, and as tho pianist again sttuok up a favorilo wall, the shifting of feel was soon heard on tho cauvas-corercd platform, and tho evening passed swiftly by un interrupted. Ail in all it was an event long to bo temtmbered. Nothing lucking, tho guests congenial, a model evening, and a host and iiostess up-lo-dato in the art of entertaining. Miss Pearl will long remember tho many smiling faces she met last even ing, and in future years will look with pleasure back to tho days of her maidenhood, and ospeeiully this event. We join with her iiuuy friends in wish ing her an abundnooe of happiuess in her future career. ii;iH999ii'i99-Jii-iiiiti99999m99i9ii999999ii999999J s Regular Annual July I Commencing' Saturday, July 6th. J We will offer our entire stock of Men's, Boy's and Children's SOUS & nt a big discount. On all Men's and Boy's light colored and light weight suits we will give 25 per cent discount. On all medium weight suits 20 per cent discount. On all Black goods . 10 per cent discount. Children's knee pant suits at a slight ad vance over the cost price. We iifvoice July 12th and we want to reduce our stock as much as.possible by that date. IGouiclen-Kaley 2 THE STORE THAT -P mii 1 1. - BUY 'TUB YU tfi,8.?."'"? teil0 ti MVMWagd""MLMM"B.MaMjrSa"KdBMMMMl 1 1 1 jJFyPJLJvl, ' ' JW Ij H - ''. ... .. . u-,u ,. UUii..iiii, 1. uijvo mo 1001s mat you want aud tho price that I make will savo you inonoy. Don't - Let - Anyone - Hold - You - Ut. Soo mo boforo .Sou buy nnythlnj- In .'V.w i-vvii-viuu I'lILt,'! Ull U WINDMII,Iv OR JPJMF. I will build you a job right. Are you going to have a sale? If so get your at this office. Prices the lowest. Work the best. Ml Ml Ml 1 lb Clearing Sale. Ml Mr Mi M M Ml Mi Ml Ml Ml W Mi M Mi Mi Ml Mi ti PflflTS Mi Mi t i Mi : - Glothing - Go. NEVER DISAPPOINTS. S - Good Things j 2 Always wopieai That ia why there' aro over twenty, imitators or tno Famous Olio Cul-' tivator. I have , them. Four and! six shovel. JMake inistaKO. ORIGINAL. ?? Porn with before It U tho farm tool lino. I will mako von XSLf yffV 34r irer.f' 1 w Sale Bills m I jwfdMwr Pff,B'wr'V!i -MfjtfH