vr. 'V 1 m mm "! J S .i i Pretty Children " We hare three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four hot ties of MOTHER'S FRIEND. If you bad the pictures of our children, yo could see al (lance that the last one Is healthiest, prettiest and finest-looking1 of them all. My wife thinks Mother's Friend Is the greatest nd grandest remedy In the World for expect ant mothers." Written by a Ken-tBckyAtterney-at law. FBIEID prereits alie-teath ef the ifferlac laclceai M cklU Mrth. TlecaMlaf aMtkcr's MtfMHJM tni leaver rauta anrffle4 thrMftsMt the rdeal, becatM this relax tar, MMtratlar Hilacit rellcfts the ual distress. A reod-aatvrcd other m cetty mtc M Bare a got aatarea cum the rttteit to kept la a ttroar, healthy cmsHMm, which the child also Inherits. other's mead takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. It assists la her rapid recorery, and wards off the dangers that so often follow de Ilrery. Sold by druggists lor SI bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. Semi for our free lltuatm'eJ book written exptes4y for expectant mothers. "I Imvo born iuIiik (JAM.MUI'.TN for Insomnia, with which t have been urtllctid for over twenty year, ami 1 can nay that discards havo given mo moro relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recom mcml them to my frionds an being all they nro represented." Titos. Ohxaiid, KIkIh, 111. CANDY T"adi makm "loirrimo flood, NntorHlcken. Wcakon.or (Jrh'O. 10c, 2SC. M)o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... St.rlU, U,mtj r.p..y, fHn,., lU.lrnl, H,n l.,i, 3U NO-TO-BAR HoM nti(l ifiiarnritfoil hy nil rim. w iu -HU Kineo OUHivroiinccolUbli" Richer in Quality than most IO Cigars LEVIS' SINGLE BINDER straight5cigar Compare them with other Cigars and you And good reasons for their costing the dealer more than other brands rfUNH P. LEWIS, PCORU.Ill. ORIGINATOR TIN FOIL SMOKER PACKAGE P44444444444443U EESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1 fc! $ 5 .Tl One acre of ground, good house and 'barn and other out-buildings. Good drove well and good water. Shade fruit and ornamental trees. For particulars inquiro of J. NTJSTEIN, CIGAK MANUFACTURER. Rod Cloub, Nebraska. Si I m ii.ii,pft".iBat Pop-Fizz, Fbm -Sprhe! The Nation's temperance eercrafe RHtfcitr BUk u at lst. Sol Trrlr la U. cm. which, sak ? iillauMch. MAsxu c. aiRta oe. alvara.I'k. T'-x v?SfteBf mows INSOMNIA v in T If mi HIRES Bast Oo5ih yronTTaatas Good? Use H M latfiaa. Bold by drnaiUu. M. 'JaHalaalaValaVHHKPBilaBSBalBclaaHBal WEIftD INDIAN DANCE Mourning Ceremonies In Memory of A Deceased Chief. HIImii Orjrlra and Horrible Self lafllctlon Performed 'toy Hn4 of Callforala Redmrn-Osia , las In the Plr. "" The Mesa Ornndc Indians of flan Diego county gave tlic wildest fire dance that has uver been witnessed in thin part of the country near here a short time njjo says a southern Cal ifornia paper. The ceremonial was, given to com memorate the deuth of Jose Clayto, a prominent 'young chief of his tribe, who was killed lust year. Illg mourn ing ceremonies attended his burial, but none of them were so terrific as the memorial orgies. The dance was given at nine o'clock t night In the large open square of the fiesta grounds of the village. In the middle of the plaza av greet fire of logs lighted up the weird scene and threw a flickering and un certain illumination upon the wild and excited faces and figures of hun dreds of squatting squaws and stand ing Indians, all hideously and gro tesquely painted andall grimly watch ing the places where the dancers were concealed. About 9: HO o'clock two great Indi ans emerged from the deep mysteri ous shadows of the rnmnitna about 20 yards from the spectators, and, slowly crouching and stooping as they came, approached tlio lire, ut tering wild, slrangc gutternl cries. They were naked to the waist, and tliolr great, dark, slnuotiu bodies were pniiitej hideously with n white paste. They wore n headdress of owl feath ers and a festoon of eagle plumes draped from their shoulders to their waists. In their strange, savage, crouch ing position they danced nlowlv and solemnly nnoiit tlie lire three times. bowing, kneeling and gesticulating to it with barbaric cries nnd yells and then disappearing In the shadowH whence they came. An Interval of silence followed, dur- ing which the lire plaved fitfully . . . ... .. . . . "rt I'.'v v" "' "'V upon the set, tragic faces of the spec- tutors. The ronr and cnckle of the burning l("s was the only sound In j the great plna. At last a solitary Indian leaped from the shadowy ramadas with a wild, unearthly cry and circled about the fire with mad yells nnd excited gestures, three times, mid then re turned with another strange cry into Hie shadows. He was followed by a band of Ifl In dians who emerged from the dark ness crawling slowly on tlnir hand nnd knees. As they came they ut t red fittunge, low guttcr.i! sounds In their throats. They, like their pre decessors, were tinned to their waists nnd daubed with streaked and white paint. Their lithe brown legs were bare, but their loins were encircled with n short skirt of dnrk feathers. They wore licnd dresses of black crow feathers which fell to their waists in dark festoons. The procession of crawling Indians was preceded by three braves, who walked backward, and apparently tried to herd the others back. As the processlo'i "lowly w und nrou'd the lire ten of the crawling er.eaiures tried to roll into the blaze, but they were prevented by the herders. When the band had made the cir cle of the bla.e thr"e t'mes it came to n halt and the herders were hand ed bowls of a magic fluid by tTle med icine men which they sprinkled upon the heads and backs of the kneeling savages with feathers. During this ceremony not a sound was heard but a low, monotonous chant which the squaws had begun as the procession halted. After the sprinkling the band leaped up and began a furious dance, accompanied by yells und shrieks of maddened excitement. As the dance 'grew wilder the chants grew louder ft and more frantic, the women joined 3 1 In the chorus, o.nd for ten hours the ft braves danced until they could hard- 5 ly stand. The women heaped up the ft! fire, the logs blazed up and lllumlnat- Jed the whole plara, and. the assembly ft, 'joined In the furious dnnce. For a half hotir this continued, and ei then all but the original dancers J withdrew, led by old Bonone with his ? i ....it..i.... ..i Ifl uit-uii-iiic nunc. Then came the most hideous part of the whole hideous performance. Suddenly, with deep grunts nnd gut tural snurls of excitement, the whole baud sat dawn about the fire and thrust their feet into the blaze. The place was filled with the sick ening odor of burning flesh, but not one Indian flinched or moved his fee,t from the tire. The dance continued until tho In- dlnns had danced the coals out, when tliey all fell on their knees where tho fire hau been, and with frenzied ex cltement beat it out with their un protected handa. posisa Cak Charlatt. " A variation to the usual baker's charlotte can be made at home with sponge cake. Make or buy one that la baked In a pau ubdut four Inches high, four or five inches wide and long in proportion. The raka should be 84 hours old before it la tyed. Take off the top neatly, scoop oit the center, filling the space with a charlotte of whipped cream. Restore the top and cover with a chocolate Icing. The dlah may be ornamented with almonds that have been blanched and allirhtlv browned and bits of citron If that . "- flavor is liked. Powdered mueuroona may be mixed with the whipped cream) tlliBff II eaired.-N. V. Post, OVERLOADED WITH LESSONS. Nearly All BchoolRlrla ?ltnlr Too Mnay Honn tier. Sara Elhcl- Indn Ilmltvuu, There Is only a certain amount of vital force In euch child's body; If you, by giving too much brain and nerve straining work, oblige all that vital force to concentrate itself on the brain, where Is the force which is to form the healthy body to come from? says Kthellndn Hsdwen, in Chambers' Journal. You will not produce a noble, large-mlndsd woman If you give the girl-child a puny, half developed body because you are desirous of putting too much music, Carman nnd French Into her brain in too short a time. Of what use is book learn ing to a girl who has no health? Moreover, too much nerve-straining bralnwork means not merely impaired health, but also impaired personal np pearance. A good complexion, i;ood teeth, fins hair, clear, bright eyes, .in erect, active figure, are not found in the girl whose brain has been sys tematically overworked. Six hours of bralnwork is the most that should be expected of any aehoolglrl in one day; but girls of 1ft and 10 are so overloaded with lessons that they work, not six hours, but Mine and ten hours a day. Now, an eight hour day of bralnwork is considered quite sufficient for a strong man; how U It reasonable to expect that a girl who has not only to expend brain power.hut also grow ing power, and whose nervous system ui wnoae nervous sysicm i condition that the labor is in such a Is for harder in proportion for her, shall work for two hours longer per day than the strong man? The thing is absurd, ond the gencrnl result is that the girls too often, like senior J wranglers, havo exhausted their brains and lost nV power of original thought before they leave the academ ic world nnd enter the world of action. I "flirts should not go to school until they are seven years of age, nnd then ' should not have more than three hours of lesson work dnllv. At the ngv of nine thev mnv slmlv fniir liinnw. uml 'nt 12 the hour mnv be Increased to five. At 14 years a girl should be laken from school for a year. That year will be most u-efully spent in building up 'n recrc stock of strength and' In learning hounwlfely tnl. At the age of IS or 1ft a irlrl is ant to become ........t. ............. ,....., I "hr "' ' ' ,,( ii' h l;iii li impatient over the ro 'hold tals. whereas tl ititlni of house- tht' trlrl of 1 1 or IS is deeply Interested and quite ready to learn. After a year's Interval li'c will go back to school with ?est, and her mind, having had a rest, is sivin- vlgornted that she more than makes up In quickness of comprehension nnd power for the time which has been otherwise spent. During this year of change of work the girl may profitably rend standard romances, histories and other forms of good literature. PAWNED HIS DENTAL NUGGET. Victim of Uiitownrd Glrcumatnncea l'arta with tho Only Ilcniiant of Formor I'ronixirlty. There was one vacant stool left nt the lunch counter, nnd, ns he took it, he sighed and let Ills glance roam idly ' over the long shelves of pie nnd crcniu ' puffs nnd sandwiches and many things 'good to look upon when one's capital is n dime, says the Chicago Record Herald. I "Ham," he said, wearily, to the ne gro waiter, "and mince pie. I found 1 out long ago," he went on, turning to the man on the next stool, who had ' red-hots nnd potato salad, "that there is more nourishment In the mlr.ee than In others. It is likewise filling. One lenrns life's lessons easily under prcs- 'sure of circumstances. Tako the il lusive lemon pie, for instance are you fond of lemon pie, by the way?" "Aw, back up, bnck up," murmured bis neighbor, and he sighed again and reached for the toothpicks. I "That's all right, but there was a time well, never mind; let It pass." He took his ham sandwich and mince 'pie and ate in silence. All nt once 'there waa a brief struggle over the hum, and when he had finally taken the bite he heaitatad and cautiously reached for hia mouth with n scared , look on his face. When he drew his land away it held a gold tooth. "Great dying Moses," he gasped, , "look at that. 1 give you my solemn word, sir, it'a the only thing of vnlue I owned that was saved from the 1 wreck of matter and the crush of worlds otherwisethat wasn't soaled, soaked deeply and irretrievably. Hut now " He placed the gold tooth carefully away in his inside pocket and rose from the stool. "Where are you going?" asked the other man, with'a faint show of inter est. "To a batter and a fairer laud," re plied the stranger, as he buttoned his coat collar up closer about his throat j ftml sn,iu,i, i go to mine uncle to 'present him with a dental nugget, and then," he paused, with a sidelong look I of Morn at the hnlN?aten sandwich ' and tha mine pie. "Then I shall feast on locuata and wild honey, on pan roaata and California fruita and lob atera and tutti-frutti ice cream. Fare wall." And tha other man grinned aa he turned to hia red-hots and said, soft ly; "Whoa,Biill" Jeytvl AmtfelatMie. . We anarveled much. The great In dian ahlef was slowly ebbing away with the eala smile of one who knows the great beyond. But," we interposed, "are you sure .that you will like the 'happy hunting grounda?' " I "Ugh, yeal" mapondad the great chief; '!o tat taken for deer and ahot .m .. j paia Dromar. no game wardens. We said no more. Slowly we joined i he ,ad procession. Chicago Daily ilfewe. I IB jdHilll , , ., , ' .. Known mr siomacti troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia, catarrh of tho stomach, constipation, nlsoltvcr and kidney troubles, and to overcome effects of La-Grlppo and Swung lassi tude. It Is an excellent Nerve Tonic. Send for free sample and a freo illustrated 111) page book of receipts etc., and Bend VOlll fiVmntntriR find don't tako anv substitute thnv tnnv will send it by return mall prepaid. Prico 25cts., and 11.80 or six for $5.00. uuis., unu mcw., postago prepaid, kmmmi CAUGHT AT HIS OWH GAME. ve-CeMae Oeaieaiee Fella Tletlea ke Aeeereatly silleleee. Waiting at the union depot waa a round-faced man with an attractive countenance, eves that invited confl- . , ',." , . , .. . . .dcnce' a?d r?the.r ,on .alr that . WBTe(! iroui a nne loreneaa. lie was nresseu in clericals and looked the part. When the old fnrmer took a seat after buy ing n ticket for Ypsilanti the two fell into conversation relates the Detroit Free Press. I The minister brought the talk around to pickpocket and men wlui fool you out of your money, and ex pressed a great dread of them. He clung to this topic until the noise of n row was heard from the outside and lie expressed a desire to see what was the matter. Come on," he ahuuUd, as he started. "No, my friend," replied the fnrm er, "not if you have any money about you. It is sure to be taken from you in a rough crowd like that." "Here, you hold it nnd my watch un til I run out a few minutes, and then I'll hold your valuables while you go." ( "All right, don't be too long," nnd the farmer accepted his trust. When the minister returned the farmer was gone. Never did a clerical masquerade come to n quick end. He rushed around muttering tilings pro fane, kept hi-, hand iu his hi) pocket nnd told everybody but the police man that he -could lick any farmer that ever wore shoe leather. Half an hour later he was in n wilwon making things blue. "I'll know him if I ever sec him again, I don't care how he's dressed, nnd I'll cut him into inch 1 squares. I don't 'low any man to make a sucker of me and live to blow ! about It." "Some guy cross-counter on the con gnme. Dick?" "None of your blanked business; but If thnt mug didn't do the farmer as well as I did the sky pilot I'll jump off the dock. He had n bunch with him ns thick as your arm too. Hi't he's got nil my stulT and some lamb's got to make good." It had simply been n case of dia mond cut diamond. Get What You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarets Candy Cathartic be sure you get them. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud. 13 e war el All druggists, 10c. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In 3 days. Morton I.. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. mys: "My wlfo hud Inflammatory rhoutnatiam la every mimclo and Joint; ber kutTorlng was terrible ana ber body and faco were swoolen almost beyond recognition; had been In bed for six weeks and bad eight physicians, but received no benefit until she tried the Myatlo Cure for:itbeumatltn. It gave Immediate relief and she was able to walk about In thrco days, I am sure It saved ber life." Sold by U. B. Orlco. Druggist, lied Cloud, Neb, Rheumatism Cured In a Day. Myotic Cure for rheumatism and neuralgia readily cures In from one to three days. Its ac tion upon the system Is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once the cause and the dlscaHO Immediately dlaappeara. Tho first dose greaily benefits. 75 cents. Bold by II. K. Gricc. lied Cloud. Nob. RIGHT UP TO DATE, (Benton's Pinter It Pain's Muter.) These are days of records and of the beat ing of records. Benson's Porous Plaster, for quickness of action and thoroughness of cure, lias no records to boat excopt its own. Benson's Piastor, always the best, always tho leader, is to-day better than ever. It sticks to tho skin but never sticks in its tracks. It marches on. The people not only want to be cured but cured quickly and Uenson's Plaster does it. Coughs, colds, lumbago, asthma, bronchitis, liver and kidney complaints, and otuor ills approachable by an external remedy, yield to lienson'a as ice does to heat. Neither Belladonna, Strengthening or Capsicum plasters are to be comparod with Benson's. People who have once tested the merits of Benson's Plaater have no use for any other external remedy. More than 5,000 physicians and drug gists (and a thousand times as many non professional petsons) have called Benson's Plasters one of the few (I) horns remedies that can be trusted. Fifty.fi ve highest awards have been saade te 14 U competition with the beat known plasters of Europe and America. Better proof of Um merits Is laeonseWable. Be sure to get the genuine. For sale by all druggists, or wswill pre pay postage on any nnmber ordered in the United States, on receipt of SBo. eaeh. Seeamry Johnson, Mfgj Oheaaiats, N.Y. tiMMqarauSaaa of lpfndlciu7?nd many pUw M lout IU ahouM nwrar bo nil. 1 obJto to tl M th hUh livrrvuM onaMualoalitaalofcurln-lt: I'AUKKH'B TEBSSKSSEfi REV. L. L. CARPENTER. Wabash, Ind., U President of tho Bothnny Assombly nt Brooklyn, Ind. llo 19 pcrhup3 tho most prominent clergyman in tho Christian Church to-day. IIo bus dedicated ubout COO churches and baptised 7000 converts. IIo writes: "It adonis mo crcnt pleasure to plvo my tcstlmouy as tothocfllclencyof Dr. Kay's remedies Dr. Kay'a Lung Balm is tho very beat cough, cold and throat rcmedv that I over used. ' I havo also rocolvcd great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Innovator My son had for years been greatly aflllctcd with tho piles; ho commenced ino uso or ur. Kays rcmcuics ana experienced relief almost from tho M first. rB Tr Vi ft rrt n mamIs e a AnMAsn stt m 4tAt-a1a?uAA a?u iL. 1 v P" iTutiu.uuu iiuiud uingoo uui- luituHiuuiusa lur ino DcnciiL wo havo received as tho result of tiselng these remedies. I tako great pleasure in commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Caiuenteh, Missionary ami a. a. Dr. Kay's Renovator. It is a perfect renovator of tho whole system. It is tho very best remed wn will irltmnnn livin.ilvlnn T(i1ni.l.lii.1nnltl..,..Vi. rr i n ' nnv la M,,tonn it-i.' v - DR. B. J. KAY Medical Co., Saratoga ASK YOUR CKOCBtPOH EtiSlctAnl The S Minute Breakfast Foot PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MARKS "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo. Dont Be Fooledi Take the ten original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only ty Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you welt. Our trade mark est on each package. Price, .15 cents. Navcr sold In bulk. Accept no substi tute. Ask your druggist. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of ccua-h, lninippe, bronchitis, soro throat, croup, whoopfnir cough, etc. Never deranges tho stomach. AtDrugfrlatB, 10&S5c. !! YOU ARIs OUT OP WORK . I . ' . i "i it (i.i i i , ,.y i' i'I'i , m-i.iI li-i y.i el-, f H' mil i, , ( "40 New Money -Making ideas." It is wonh its weigh!, in gold to anyone who is unemployed. Send today. century rumisliiMg Co., liox 73 Heron Lake, Minn. ome Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having PREKA HARNESS GIL Uncmtaled by any other. Renders ham leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out wntcr. A .heavy bodied oil. Harness A" excellent preservative. Reduces co.it of your harness. Never burns the leather; its E"ciciicv is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil 8 s sold iu all Localities Mnntcturo,l.,r Slnniluial Oil C'ompnny. WANTED tVADIVfJICIILY and want mere home t traveling nalewnen m Hafea77'YR. RECORD are easy to sell, alwaya TlfaM. Outfit ABSOLUTS!. Y TRSt STARK BRO'S, LeuUIaaa.Mo. a. J. i.i S.S4. jtCTJBES all Kidney -.,. f j)MMe, Back KldneyCliraf. t aeha,eta.Atdru. Iec etc, U Dr, B. J, Kay, Saratofa, N. V. !,-. . Dr. Kay'a Uticure cures all UHCUrft femalf diseases. At drug. Wkiwssi w B,8t8 lt illustrate book and advice free. Dr. B. J.Kay, Saratoga,?. Y. , TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y RED CLOUD NEDR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 82. JOE KANSAS CITY S2. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVEH HELENA BUTE SAL1 LAKE CI PORTLAND SAA FRANCISCb and all point: west. Tium lcavb as roLLows; No, 13. Paatonger dally for Oberlln and St. 1'rancln branches, Ox ford, McCook, Denver snd all points west . 7:13 a.m. No, 14, PaiBcnger dally for St. Joe, Kanaas City, Atchlaoa. ht. Louli. Lincoln via Wymote and all points cast and south 2-3ia,n 15, Faaaeagcr. dally. Denver, all nointsln Colorado, Utah and California ' 6:40p.ia. 16, Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis and all aolnta esst and No. No south ... -. . 10:00 a.a. Mo. 144. Accommodation, dauy except Sunday, HaiUnsf, Grand Is land, Black Ullla and all Dolols In the northwest.. 1:00 p.s No. 14S. AccommodsUon, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kanaas, and miermeaiaui siauons, via ne nab publican- il:Mp.sa n m. PrclihL dallv. Wvmore and St. Joe and Intermediate junction points . 13 :48 p.i NO, 68. NO. SO, No. 173. rr rralshL dallv for ItSDubllcan Orleans, Oxford and all points ..-10:Oa.s idav Freight, dally except Sunday for wrmora and all point east Freight dally to Oxford and ora and all point east 0 ,00 a.m Intermediate Mints 1 :S0 n.m Bleeping, dining, and reollnlng chair ears, (sests free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, msps or tlckeu call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Red Claud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Ageat Osaaka, Nebraska. w asu i I KijEiKSi3J2fc'r3 a :; . rsr yjk rii Evangelist, Christian Church. m .,i. u...i .ii'riA"..' cppvaior ' Also Dr. Kav'a Lnmr Halm Springs, N. Y. Write us i j yitejD Jm tho only ufo and sure MtUu novatlnalha thndnf nun idbT kii isaiDDia insuiaua. rw irtM Dr. Kaj'a Renovator plea ana book. Dr.tt j.Kej.Seratofs, N.Y. WRITERS -, CORRESPONDENTS OR REPORTERS W tinted t'vei vwlieri'. Stones, news, ideas, poems, iliusiin'cd ;n tides, ad vim. -e news, dtauinirs photographs, ui.'qiic niticlcs, utt'.ue, purchased. Anieli - revised anil pupued for pub lication Hooks published Hend for I'livilculais and full i fiiriimiinn h foro si iiiling.iirtifli't. The Bulletin Tress Association, New York. Sr5f PARKER'S" iAl. ?-.. 1.1 a 1 n r a x. a XiV.TJ imin uhuohui .'j7f 7 5JlParci ami luuiinct Hie bib, ''rv: l'ronifjtti it loxurf.M i.mis .- - J InCA.. Y7f..,M h !.... n I 5j -... .w .1 ...tuiui iuigr. to It Yo-.itUIul Color. pclp (UttiKiti hilt tilling. l-,ndH)Un I)ni7?lit l.ujt. Rl'ni WW, DR. KAY'S RJ'avice.samplonmlbook. .. Ur. B. J. Kuy, Saratoga, N.V a ENOVATOR MONEY Refunded. X2 nnteoDr.ICny'nIlcnontcih. tunlirn ,lru,innt.(n nnncl.- to euro dyspepsia, constt D.ltlnn. liver nnil IMllnnru. llfqt tnnli.. Ifirnllin blood purlilor l;nown tor all chronic discuses: renovates nnd Invito rules tho wholo system und cures cry worst cases. tJct trial box nt once. If not satlslk-d with It notify us, wc will refund moiioy by return mall. Vrltoyournjinptoins for Krco .Medical Advice, sample und proo'. as &. w iu urub'iHis Dr. IJ. J. Kay, Sarutoci, N Y. CHICHESTEH'S CNQLISH Vt'iWW.L FILLS tirtiHnisi ami ilitfw llmulio ;. (WjMl " CinOlUMTKU'S KNUUSII kUtVL ill... u..i. ii " ..". m 1(1.1) an I Unld uwulllt box,, ntm 1 With hln. Plhknn. 'I't,K .k tf.M.. . VVJ l)ncfroa Hah.lllutlan uid Iralta- iiofiN UQ7 or jour iirucciat. ar .o4 4c. la ",?.,.V.'V. rrtll. Tetlmonlta and "Rrllerr.ipldlra.ii.ii.b. . turaSlalU lll.OOU Ic.llmoal.l.. Saldtf UHoD Uli rapn. MadUou !.. 1111 LA.. fi CATMAHTIC IOe., atcioc Genuine stamped C. C C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer whe tries to sell "something just u good." DONT TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLlfeaway! xou can te cured or any form of tobacco using easily, r. uo uiuuc wen, Birun;, niaKiicuy, iuii oi XW1 it .. . . - -.- J n mm BV .. new nie ana vieor uv i.-ivinir mrt-m.mmr. me una vigor oy taicinc mat maxea weaK men strong. Many eain I VtMU. ten pounds in ten days. Over BOO.OOO cored. All drugglsta. Cure let and ndvtce 1'REU. Address STERI.INO i guaranteed, nook. RUUKDY CO.. Chicago or New York. 437 J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IF TOU WANT IT. Jrowi Bridge Work or Teeth Witinit Plitet. PORCKLAIN INLAY and sll the latest Improvement la dental caeca antra Wo can surnish you brick iti I y at the lowest pos- siblo rntu. llrick on salo nt either of tho lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. I SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DKAT.BR in .f Vines, Liquors, alifornia brandies. Bft3R rmt m Iwt a " CANDY lAcajum aKXIJj.S.aa.mawamaaaaatflrasaill " !! lSJHimlBISTa DnatfUia, ALWAYfc ON TAP. q .j v i F' fc rWff0mmimmTK BgSHawxwi w i,,.,aiwi,aiinaiilffMwlM...,wimaa...ai nSKAmiiiMMifsaa 'cuawiawmaMM 9feBTrss?ffi jRapSQaorft'WKsaDii'B