V v ,fK.' i S9C9999SSOOS99e ? tl a Woman wants to put out a fir) she doesn't heap on oil end wood. She throws on water.knowlng that waterquenches firo. When a woman wants to get well from diseases peculiar to her sex, 2 aha should not add fuel to the firs already burning ner me away, sne should not take worthless drugs and potions composed of harmful narcot ics and opiates. They do not steak the disease they do not curo It they Imply add fuel to the Nre. tiraaiieiai reman Regulator should be taken by every woman or girl who has the slightest suspicion ( anv of tha ail ment! which af flict women. They will simply be wauling time until they tnke It. The Regulator Is a purlf y IpK. ntronirt lirnl n k .tonic, which eels 'attherooteof t the disease and curee the cease, -the ealn. It doea not drucr It eradicates It. It (top laiiiDgoi mi WOR1D, leucorrhea, inflammation an periodical safferlasr. Ir regular, scanty or painful tnenstraaUoat andby delca; all this drives away the hundred and on aches and pa'lns which drain health and beauty, happiness aid rood temper from many a woman's fife. It Is the one remedy above all others which every'waman should kaow acorn ana uie. 1.00 per bottle at any drug- store. Send far enr f re llluttrited book. The BrdfUld Regulator Co. AiUnU, G. ii OCCCSC3SS09306 BAD BREATH I have teen One CAnCAHBTTS) nadct a rulhl ntnl oHi'il luiatlve itiey are almt)r won derful. Air ilnuulitor and I norn tKitlierwd wltb elrk Momaeti and our l,realU nas very tiart After taking a fw iIium of Caicarru we ham Improved vrouilurf llr. Tlioy urn a ureal lirlp In ilia tatnll r." WlI.liat.3ll.Va Naiiki.. ILK Klttwiilioiibe flt., Cincinnati, Olile. CANOV mADS MAAK wSOISTtMCO .Pleasant. I'nlatablc I'mum TjiMp (Irxxl. l)o Uood.ttcverSleiiGii, Weaken, or t)rlio, 10c, 'Joe, OUc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Wtrllaa llm.il; ni,n;, (Mri, JlwilrMl, ."( Tr. SU MaTd.RAn Hold and lyinrnnlocil liy all drug- I U'DAb ifUta to 4JVtt Tobacco Habit" jTo the Smokers? , . T $ of Red Cloud. CALL FOK THE a Blue - front! CIGAR. 'WW TUB BUST m a. m sFive Cent Cigar m m m mado west of the Mississippi river. Made of nico long Amor lean Havana tiller. Tho bast that can bo purchased in the United States. These cigars are strictly hand subtle. J. NUSTEIN, I MANUFACTURER. tMfttMtetct4? 1 RootbeeF , M AIL lls fULE. btlifuD. Taatesaood. Um BOia dt nnmim ziasTui lf THtYTASTEVEPY MUCH aBU H .Now? W FllHha bottles with UinE8. . Drink It nou'. Every tlaes- ml contxlbutss to good I ,'j health. Purines .'T the blood, clears the oomplexlon, . makes rosy cheeks. Make "" - UathoBie. .. . , cents. Ik J I. Hires Sealert, Jfc JL Compawf, ttfoasr. 'kstKrl Ps. 1 mm Beal5ghKp. Taatesaood. UeeH SSSl ta tlaae. Bold by drusglste, INAVALE. Sonic of theso tlnys nro pretty warm members. Two of Nebraska's old tlmo blR rnlns Imvo vlsltctl us In tlio pnSt week, nnd tho result wrts n sudden rlso in tlio creeks nnd nlso tho uplrlts of tho farm, org. Tho Inavalo choose factory la doing a rushing business this summer, at pros out turning out from 700 to 800 pounds of the finest of chceso eack day, nnd orders for it aro cons an ly in advanco of tho output. Mr. Charlie Hunter and daughter, Mrs. L. Kenyon, are tnking baths at Kxcolsior Springs, Missouri, for tnoir health. They aro expected back this WCCK. Prof. McCrary, having ilnishcd his school at Uluo Hill, is looking ovor his farm in Walnut Crack precinct this wcok. Ho contemplates building a largo barn and an addition to his houso besidos many other improvements on his farm this summer. It looks as though Walnut might have the proffei or for a regular resident In tho aear future. They are now speculating on who will be hit assistant in tb work. Mr. J. Bird and family and his cousin Mr. Dickey Bird and wife, who kare been spending tho winter in the south, arrived n short timo ago and have taken positions with H. L. Luco help ing gather his largo cherry crop. Alva Garner and Al. McClintock, two of Inavalo's popular young men, departed last work for Oklahoma. They expect to linger mound tho edges down thero until tho promised laid is opened, than they will each bring home n nice farm. Mr. atitl Mrs Elinor Simons gava a paiting dinner to Alvu darnel just leu foni his dppnrtura for Oklnhoinn. Sev eral gues'.s will's present and an excel lout dinner was set ved. Among those tit the tnblo were: Mr N. Potatoes, I. Chicken, U. I'ense, aud tke Mifrsei Cherry Pie and ley Cream. An ilToit is being inado in Inavale to hnvu a delegation of tlio Ancient Order or MaulHcailctl rrevarlnalors come down from Hluo Hill and organizo a sociuly hero. It A. Simpson, secretary of tho order there, cni word that lie would be down, but owing to n rush of business at homo lie could not couio, so lie soul down tlio Past High Chief Hornburgt'i'. Mr. Hornbcrgor looketl the ground ovc r euref ully and decldutl that while there wero only a few that were quallticd, ho thought a biimII or lorcould be started. A paper was left for Nigiiatiirus with oomiuittoo com potted of Karl Paul, K. II. Palmer, aud A. F. Hartwcll. Mr. Ilnriibergoi' com pliniontctl those who wcro qualilled as being umlnonlly tltted for high posi tions in tho order. Tho Woodmen of Inavalo scoured llov. Cobb of Ited Cloud to deliver tho momorial sermon last Sunday, which ho did, and to a packed bouss. The geulluman is an excellent speaker and everyone was pleaded with his address. llov. Lawrenoo Yost, a young mkh from Hastings, who has just graduated fron a theological institute, kas been assigned to tho Inavalo M. E. charge, and preached his tirst sermon here last Sunday. Everyone wan pleased with his address and he will ho well liked. LINE. (Jootl growing weather. Crops of all kinds aro looking well. One inch of rain Monday. Two inclws of rain this week. Come to the children's day cutcrtaln nient at tho Aubushou grove Sunday, .Juno 2:J. As all things aro now ready, bring your baskets well tilled and have a good time. Urn, to Mr.' and Mrs. Zalnan, a girl, this week. Tho Wesley Methodists will hold u camp mooting near North Branch Kan sas, commencing Juno 27th, and will last until after tho Fourth of July. Two evangelists from Lawrence, Kan sas, will bo there. Tho wheat and rye will bo ready to harvest soon. Thelirst crop of alfalfa is harvested and mado two tons to tho aero. Cultivating corn is tho order of tko day. V. H. Scrivnor reports his peach prospect good. Biloy Lowls harvested his chorrics this week. Mr, Maynard was on tho stato lino looking after his stock this wsok, and reports tbo pasture good and bis cattle looking fino. K, W. Anderaoa failed to mako the rounds with hit milk wagon lost .Mon day on account of the rail. Mr. and lira. W. L. Haakins were tko guoste ot Frank Van Dyke Sunday. Mies Cora Anderson Sundayed with her sister Mrs. Will Aubushon. Oelia and George Isoai of lied Cloud were visiting friends In Line last week. Uev. D. H. Dillon, of North Branch, will bo present at the children's day exoroibes ntxt Sunday, and givo a Ice turo on what he saw whllo visiting in Palestine. Farm for Sale. Half soctlon, live miles from Hod Cloud. Ono of tho best upland farms in Webster county. J. W. Wauim, Red Croud, Nft. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under The Sun. All Doctors havo tritd to cine Cat arrh by tbo use of powdars, acid gases, inhalers, and drugs in pasto form. Their powders dry up tho mucous mem branes causing them to crack open and bleed. Ibo powerful acids used in tho inhalers havo enllroly eaten away tho samo membranes that their makers have aimed to euro, while pastes and ointments cannot reach tho disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years mado a close study and specialty of tho treatment of Catarrh, has at last porfocted n treat ment which when faithfully used, not only relioves at once, but permanently cures Catarrh by removing tho cause, Btopplng tho discharges, and curing all inflammation. It is tho only rem edy known to sclonco that actually reaches tho nlllicted parts. This won derful remedy is known as Snuilles tho Guaranteed Catarrh Cure" and is sold at tho extremely low prlco of Ono Dol lar, each pneksgo containing internal and external medicine sufficient for a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its perfec use. "Snuffles" is the only perfect Catarrh Cure ever mado and is now recognized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying anl disgusting disease. It cures all inflamation quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve Hay Fevor or cold in the head. Catarrh when neglected often leads to Consumption "Snuflles" will savo you if you uso it at once. It is no ordi nary remedy, but a comploto treat ment which is positively guaranteed to euro Catarrh in any form or stngo if used according to directions which ac company each package. Don't delay but sond for It at oncn, and writo full particulars as to your condition, and you will rcceivo special advico from tho discoverer of tills wonderful rem edy regarding your caso without cost to you beyond tho regular prico of "Snuilles" tho "Guaranteed Catarrh Cure." Sent prepaid to any address in the United Slates ov Canada on receipt of Ono Dollar. Address Dopf. A 402, Kd win B. Giles A Company, iJ.'WO and 2:132 Market Street, Phil: dolphin. A Holiday in California. A month in California is 'an educa tion of the best kind. It will givb you new ides, sharpen your povvets of observation, bring you iuto contact witli peoplo who rogaid life from an unusual standpoint. Go thero next July at tbo timo of tlio Kp worth Lenguu meeting in Situ Francisco. Never will jou have a better oppor tunity. Never liuvo tho rates been .o low. Think of it 915 for it round trip ticket from Omaha to San Fianuiseo. Loss than tho regular one-way rate. Stop-ovets allowed going and return ing. Tickets good to return until AugnstUl. J. Fiuncis, General Pas scongr, Agent Omaha, Nebraska. How's This, We rffer Ono Hundred Dollars re ward for any caso of catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. Ciirnkt & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio. Wo, tho undersigned havo known F J. Cheney for tho past fifteen yoais, and believe him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions and financial ly ablo to enrry out any obligations mado by their firm. TTkst&Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wamhnu, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken inter nally, acting dirsctly on the blood ami raucous surfacos of tho system. Price 75c per bottlo, Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills aro the licit. - e Skake Imto Your Shoe Allen's Foot-Ease, a povyder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and in growing nails, and instantly takes tho sting out of corns and bunions, It's tlio greatest comfort discovery of tho age. Allen's Foot Easo makes tight or no v shoes fool easy. It is a certain euro for sweating, callous and hot tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoo stores. I)y mail for 25c in stamps. Trial packago froo. Address Allon S. Olmsted, Loroy N.Y. Ladies Can Tear Shoes one si.o smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to bo shaken into tho shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho ago. Cures end pre vents swollen feot, blisters, callous aad sore spots. Alloa's Foot-Easo is a cer tain enro for sweating, hot, aching feot. At all druggists and shoo stores, 35o. Trial package FREE by mail. Address Alios S. OlmsUd, Lo Boy, N. Y. Only 50 Cents i to make your baby strong mad welt. A fifty cent bottle oi Scott's Emulsion will change m sickly baby to I a plump, romping child. Only one cent a day, think of It. Its as nice as cream. Send for a free sample, and try It. SCOTT & HQWNlt. Chemist. 1 40413 Pearl Street, . . New York. goc ana ai.ou; an uruggisu. stomach , constipation, nlsollvcr It Is an excellent NcrVG tudo. etc.. and send your symptoms nnd wo will givo you frco advice. If druggists don't havo Dr. Kay's Renovator don't tako any substitute they may say is "just as good," for It has no equal; butsend direct to us and wo will sond It by return mail prepaid. Price 25cts., nnd $1.00 or six for $5.00. Also Dr. Kay'a Lung Balm lOcts., and 2flcts., postago prepaid, Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ards are Being Cured Daily in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening oi the Nerves, A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under, stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body Tilled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant uso of intoxi cating liquor, requires an antidoto capablu of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying tko crav ing for intoxicants. Sufferers may now euro themselves at homo without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "Hoiau Gold Cure," which has been peifected after many years of close study and treatment of liiubtiatcs. The faithful Uio according In ilit'ftnl if .1.4 nf I lilt Wfiiiilni'f ill iltunm. cry is positively gunianteed to cine the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show tho ' mai velous transformation of thousands I of Drunkards into sober, inelaslrinno ' anil upright mea. Wives curo your liusbnndMl Chinl ren euro your father II This reined is in no sense u nostrum but is a st iliu for t his disf:ui only, and is so skill fully tit vised unit prt-pnretl that il is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the table, so that il can be given in a cup of tea or c ft'eo without the knowledge of the person taking it Thou-innd of Drunkaids have euittl themselves with this piieeless remedy, and as many more have been fined anil iiiudn tem perate men by having the "Curo" ad ministered by loving fiieuds and tula lives without their knowledge in eoflee or tea, ami believe today that they dis continued drinking "f their own fieu will. )o not wait. Do not be deluded by apparent and miMendliK; "improve ment." Drivo run tlio disrate at oneo nnd for nil tlmo. "The Home Gold Cure" is sold at tlio extremely low price of Ono Dollar, thus placing with in reach of everybody a treatment more effect! vo Until otlieis costing $25 to $r0. Full directions accompany each pnek age. Special advice by skilled physi cians when n quested without extra charge. Sent prepaid t any part nf tho world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Edwin B. Giles et Company, 2330 anil 2S32 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly coulidcn tint. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton I,. Mill of Lebanon. Ind. hum: "My wlfu lintl liillnnnnatory rheumatism In ecr muscle nnd Joint; licr MilTerlnpc wm terrible ami her body and tnve wero kwooIch nlmoit beyond recognition; had been In bed for ilx weeks nnd hnd clK'it iiliyftlclntift, tint received no bentfH until she tried tlio Mystic Cure fiir.lllicntaatlara. 11 five Immediate relief mid alio vras able lo walk nbont In three dins, I urn ktire II aatred liar life." Sold by II, l5. Grlce, UrtiKuUt, lied Cloart, Keb. Rheumatism Cured ia a Day. ilTitlcCnre for rheumatism and nouraltrta readily cures In from ono to thrco dajs. Ih ac tion upon the system la rciaarkable nnd niys terloas. It reaiores at once the cause anal the dlteae Immediately disappears. The first dose reatly beuellts. 75 cents. Sold ay . U. Orlre, Mod Cloud. Neb. THE RIGHT THING TO PUT ON. (IsMon's Plastar Is Piin's Mitiir.) From the natural impulso to "put somo. Hsiig on" a painful spot all applicatloas for tho roliof of pain haye arisen. Ths most successful have ever been peul. risea or plasters, and the best of tfocse il Benson's Porous Plaster. ' No other has anything like tho samo power as a curative agent; it is highly and scientifically medicated, and its standard, it advanced year by year. Use Benson's Plaster for coughs, colds, choet diseases, rheumatism, grip, neuralgia, ki'dne'y trouble, lame back, and other ail ments that make Water a season of suffer ing and danger. It relieves and cures quicker than nuy other remedy. Do not accept Capsicum, Strengthening or Belladonna plasters in place of Benson's, aa they possess none of its curative power. Insist on baying tho genuine. Tho people of every civilized land hay testified for years to the auperlative merit oiuensoa'sl'laaters; and 0,ouu pbvsioians and druggists of this country havo declared them worthy of publio oonfldence. In official comparisons with others, Ben son's Plasters have been honored with fifty-fit hlgheat awards. For sale by all druggists, or we will pro pay pottage on any number ordered in tho unmd State on the reoipt,of 86c. each. Accept no Imitation or substitute, ataaswy JakM, 14 (BrtMitto, V .. WANTED nfBvs. Vivis3DwstEXLY and want asero VYOrAI VlOnhoiacstravellnesalenmen VI AkI tnaMM ro easy toseil. always Havea77YaI,KECOK OSTARfcBBO,,I.O'ilSsjr)t CONSTIPATipN iovu tiff ahould rntTe be atwlwtwl. The objoctlon to the unial tathartie ramadlM la Wlr eostire rvactlon whloh anatltiai JKRf U It acta on taw 1 Ml IVSM REV. L. L, CARPENTER, Wabash, Ind., is President of tho Bethony Assembly at Brooklyn, Ind. Ho is perhaps tho most prominent clergyman In tho Christian Church to-day. Ho has dedicated about fcOO churches and baptised "000 converts. Ho writes: "It affords mo great pleasure to givo my tcsUmony as to tho efficiency of Dr. Kay's remedies. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is tho very best cough, cold and throat remedy that I ever used. rf I havo also received great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator. My son had for years been greatly aflllctcd with tho piles; ho commenced tho uso of Dr. Kay's remedies nnd experienced relief almost from tho first. Wo havo no words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo recoived as the result of tuoing theso remedies. I tako great pleasure in commending them to the suffering." L. L. Carpenter, Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. a Dr. Kay's Renovator. It is a perfect renovator of tho whole system. It is tho very best remedy and kidney troubles, and to ovorcomo effects of La-Grippo and Sprino lassi- Tonic. Sf'nd fm- Iron nnmnlo nrwl n. fron niiiQtrntn: 11ft norm IwmU n( .li. p,.j ASK YOUtt CJtQCCK FPU The 5 Minute Breakfast Food. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKES "JBRALN - J5TCEAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo. Dont Be Fooledi Take eke em erkftaal ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Ulade enlr by Madlsen Mtdl e4ne Ce., MaSlnon, Wis. It leacps you well. Our trade nark cut eat each package. I'rlee, 3Z cent. Never seld In buH(. Myi ne eweeM tnte. Ask yetir ixi sjltt. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm aeree nrer.T kiad f couth, la grippe, teailUi, neru throat, uruup, ttIiooiHiil' aotii'li, etc. Never steruuirestue stomach. AtSruKg-iaU, I kibe. FREE lyiEDICAL ADVICE. Trlt.tn ST " all year sjuipunna. KenoTallni'tlie system ta the only safe and aare method of cun lne all Chronle Diseases. Ilr. Kay's Keaorntor la Hie only iefect system renorator. Fisesim Its ana booli. Vt. U. J. Kay, Sarategs, N. Y. W MITERS CORRESPONDENTS OR .REPORTERS Wanted everywhere. Storie., newn idea, poems, ilitiMmleil aitk'lc, nil vonou news, drawing, photographs uii'qnu niticle., etc , etc , purchasetl Arlielis reviied anil prepared for pub lication, liook published. Send for uaiticulars and full information before sending nrtlelc. The lliillclia l'ress Association, Xcw York. IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK And want to get started earning money at once, send us 25 cts for our book of "40 New Money -Making Ideas." It is worth its weight, in gold to anyone who is unemployed. Send today. Century Publishinf Co., Box 73, Heron Lake, Minn. OR. KAY'S HNe)VATOR InylcerateMADd reoevatea the nysten; purines and enriches the bloed; carH liver and kidneys. iSeandtl, atarugglsts. io wonii dyspepsia, constlDKl on. beaaarbe. l''rwj Raaviee. sample aa koek. aaaaara.. Dr.B.J. rCn.y,KnratOfa, N.V Halsa ENOVATOK PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM rrmwfH a 1 iitnt. rawiii. Jf Tr Faffs f Iiirort ry loiWta Sir fftttife lrutaJaM hm toak auiiMi Mm.mww avsj ssjeisiJilBt JiPV Wa,au4SI"t f- CWItEB allKUaey lseaaes, asks, ete. Atrtrar- rlsts, er bar asair I. FreebSek.aa vlee, eU.,et r, B. J, Kay, aHratefa, N. Y. r. Kay'a Vkieure aw res all feaslr allseaaes. Al drug, gists, 8, illustrated baek UIIGliri leaaalf a-seaaes. Al drua;. SL -- - gists, 81, Illmtratert bee aa advlee free. Dr. O. J. Kay, Sarutoeu, K. V. TIMETABLE. B. it M. B.T UED ULOUD NEBB. LINCOLN OMAHA CI1IOAVO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY 81. LOUIS and till points east and south. DENVEU HELENA DUT'lE SAL1 LAKE O'l PORTLAND SAM FMAXGISO0 and all poinU west. TBAStti LBAVa AS rOLUOWB! No. IS. ratsenger dally for Obcrlra And 8t. Frauds breaches. Ox ford, MoCook, Denver aud art points west-.-... 7Ma.sa, No. 14. I'asseiiKor dally for SL Joe, Kansas City, Atchison. Stl Louis. Lincoln via Wymote aud all poluts east and seuth 234 a. a No. In, Pateenger. dally. Denver, all pelntsln Colorado, Utah and Callfoaata SitOp.s. No. It. Passeuger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas Cltv. Atchlsoa. St. Leuis and all points east and aoatb . 10:00 a.aa- No. 144. Aeeotnmoaanon, aany ezeept anndav. Uastsnas, lead. Ulaek Hills and IDUU ! sn pelais In the northwest. 1:00 p.s No. 143. AcsommodaUon, dally eacept Sunday, Oberlia, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via Re pnbllcan 12 rtOp.i NO. 04. rreignt, oauy, nymore ana at. Joe and katcrniedlate iHuctlon polals l:4B p.i No, S3, rreignt, aauy ior itepuoucao Orleans, Oxford and all points west 10:46 a.m. No. . 1KB forW; vroere and all poiut east o.ooa.i rrNgut amy to uxiora ana inienneuiaic jwuia.. .... i.ovp.ui Slseplng, dining, aad reclining chair oars, (scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked te any point In Uie United States or Canada. Far infoimallen. time tables, macs or tickets call on or address A. Conovor, Ageas, Ked. Cloud, Nebr. or J. rcaneis, uenstai raasaager AltBt Oaaka, NMraaka. m I 1 afcii I In ST 1 1 ss ' si i aOBaBSBeasBBSBBBaeal Harobletonian Wilkes, MEMBRINO CHIEF. Tim STANI)AltI HitEl) STAI.MOK Hubert Gypil, 30379, Foaled in lS'JS, brown horsu 16 hands hih and weinln oyer 1200 pounds. Will mak tho season at C. L. Winfrey's bleeding barn, iled Cloud, Nob. For terms or Information address Chas. ?. Besse, Ued Cloud, Nebraska. MONEY Refunded' nntceDr.Kay'fciieaoTiitor to euro flvkiMmlu. aaaasl. pntton, liver mid kidney. Best to ale, laxatlre, bbod purifier known for all chronic dUeas; reaovMes and Invigorates the whole ys tetu aad cures very worst eases, (let trial box at ense. II not sntladed with It notify us, no will refund money by return uinll. Wrlto your symptoms for f'rre Medlenl Advlee, aamplo and proo'. 5 k. eve at uruwisis, ur. u. j, ivay, sarawt's,1 m.t. E'CHICHEGTCR'3 CNGLIHH ENYROYAL PILLS yJS.NAFI!. ai.,?.iui.i. I.iullc Drurdil f-.) V-Jl rr CIIICIUOTlill'.S KNULUII w ivy m nr.li ni bold BitniMo loie. Mom ll-iblmr.bbon. Take no other. Ktfn IlUftnil HrSmUIdUms and tmltm uon. Ha; or your lroul,t, or hdI 4. la Munpa 1 lor l'artltalara. Tntlaianlala . ul"K(llrnrLSI"MIMijr,kjrM f lora Mail. 10,0U0TnUmlsU. Soiltr DraCfltU U4ilkaAtn ifaBBll 1a1 11 iu - Jr T"r al Uliri.r. MaStMafark.rillLA.. fa- GsnulBc sUmped CCC, Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something fust as food." DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLlfeawayt You can be cured of any form of tobaeco uslag easily, be made well, strong;, ma magnetic, mil or nrtlc, full i kw uie anu viijor dt taxing HO-TO-BAP, mat aaakas wtak msn strontr, Uany jfalff jaa. tea oanda in ten days. Over BOOmOOQ eared. All drugrhas. Care euaranteed. Book- let arid advice MUCK. AddreM STHKI.INO 2UHIXDY CO., 437 J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY ir YOU Vf ANT IT. Srown Bridge Wirk or Teelb Withost Flalti. POUC1LAIN INLAT and all the latest Improvement la dental mcch snltm Wo can surnUh you brick in ly at tho lowest pos sible rnto. Brick on sale at cither of the lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. I SAMPLE ROOMS, JOHN FOLNICKY, PROFJllETOIl. DXALSR IN r Amines, Liquors, alifornia brandies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer AJJW AH 0 TAP, , Sksull W ; v B'.. .' . . . --r