gjgMft1-' V - """ ' --.!rJIJM' ? " ,u . .j;!--'-1-111""111'1"' ' """ -' mimirpMpmapnf ,";,? .-, f .-.-.- fcwf mmim -.- VtJMJTlffigW: ,:: .:e l ' I BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV-. 'Y 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavj Every woman loves to think of the time when a soft little body, all her own, will nestle In her bosom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies In the heart of every good woman. But yet there Is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture In her mind which tills her with terror. The dread of childbirth takes away much of the Joy of motherhood. And yet it need not be so. For sometime there has been upon the market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called Mother's Friend which make childbirth as simple and easy as nature Intended It. It Is a strengthening, penetrating liniment, which the skin readily absorbs. It gives the muscleaelastlclty and vigor, prevents sore breasts, morning slck nass aad the loss of th Irtish figure. An Intelligent mother la Batter, Pa., tayst " War t tooted Mother' Friend tela, I woulaobUIn bottle If I had to pay fS per bottle for it." Ott Metaer'a Pries at the drug tor. aiperkxtU. TNC MUNKID MGUATM CO., AttMt.Ga. Write for our free Illuitrat.J beok, M Before ll.br ! Horn." BAD BREATH I beekra nalm CASOARrrtaodu a id) ll ami i(Tictlvn Inxatlro I tier nre tlruplr won derful. Mr ilauglitvr und I nrrr hottirrad wltli Irk ttnmnrli mul our hrotitli bhhiti Inn After taklnii n lw ilmpi nf I'linnupt we liaru IniproTcd wonJorfuUr Thny nre n ureal help In ttie SumllT." Wiiuri.siiNA MAtiri.. 1117 ItlttuntMUKc Hi., Cincinnati, Ohio. CANDY TRAPI MANN MeMTtfttO Pleasant. Palatabln. Potent. Tte (lorn l)o uood, Notcr WlcMun. Weaken, nr )rlie, 10c, lie, U)e. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... anfiui .,; rr. in. mr.ai. w irt. ai M.Tfl.llfi Hj'ldand iniarantprd br alloruc aIUBHb kImsio CUUETobaoco lUblt" JTo the Smokers? 5 of Red Cloud. ft m m m m 'JA1.L K)U THE Blue - front"! CIGAR. ss THK HKST m ;Five Cent Cigar r it m m m m a miiiiu wust of the Mississippi rivur. Mnilo of iiit'u long Amur lean Havana liller. Thu bust that can bn purchitsed in thti United Status. Thuso cigars are strictly hitiid inadu. J. FUSTEIN, MANUKAUTUHKU tai ;FCtFCt(CrCtt6ttttttttt aaHOHaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaVff HF Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal THEYTASTCVERYji MICH $,,' 0Q Fill the bottles with II 1 11E. Drink ltnoic. Kveryglan- ja ful oontrlbutei to good ,1 health. 1'urlOee ' ' tDB Woo0, clears .J the complexion, makes rosy cheeks. Make ltatnotne. .. , initana a-- M Chirlea Mcenta. lfe E. Hires ''' iaf-. Yft Compinj, write for CMmdj Malvirs, UtoBtt. FaHKpl Pa. jHirm Rootbeer 1 HR CURuTiHtli Tllf tlsiTAlts. ' BLj BJ Deet Cutwb Srrun. 1'aatoe (iixxl. use R . E3 In time. Bald by druggUta. g A BROADWAY INCIDENT. Fauiaavllr Ulrea Twice to at BeTaTr aid tkv llrsaar Doaan't Htoa. Illm. One of two men who were walking on llroadway talking was attracted by the appearance of a one-legged beg gar who sat, a crutch beside him, on the edge of some atctia In front of a tore, holding out his hat to the tmas-urs-liy. So he reached In his pocket, pulled otit a number of coins and took from iiinonir them one which he dropped In Hit' beggar's hat. The one li'VKutl man Inclined his hratl, not serv Holy nor humbly, but with a calm and decorous nort of politeness In acknowl edgment of his gi.'t, suys the New York Hun. As for thi! gler, he seemed to take no heed whnterer of that acknowledg ment; he simply kept on talking with his friend; at the time, howeer, con tinuing to pick over the money that he held In his hand, and In 11 moment he dropped unothcr coin In the one-legged man's hat. Maybe he thought the first coin waa not enough to give; perhapa ha rva also for his friend; possibly ha had truck It rich and felt flush and (CMC oils and wanted to gift; ha might hava been absent-minded; but anyhow he gave twice. And as for the cne-leggad man he, so to speak, waa notcarrled off his foot by the Incident at all; he sat perfectly "steady. As the second coin dropped' in his bathe Inclined his head gravely, with nn acknowledgment a little more pronounced in manner than the first, but with no obsequiousness or foolish show of thanks. This was Broadway, it was a business man wkn was irMiifr him this money, and he was making 11 business acknowledgment. Anil maybe he thought that, if he U not disturb, by too much jirofiueucss of thanks, what might bo n sert of la oluntnry or automatic action on tko part of the (:ier who was this repeat ing perhaps he would keep on giving- TAKING THE TIME AT NOON. All Itaalna of the Wca-tcrn Uatoa Coiapnn? fltos for Tare Mlnntva Dally. Just before Vi o'clock each day all business must be taken off the wire controlled by the Western Union com pany, and that munus the absolute cessation of but tess nlong the main lines of electric communlr.-itlon in the piiiu-lpitl cities of America, mi.vh I'enr hoii'n Mii(rn.lui'. Three minutes before noon wire chiefs in each of the prin cipal cities and the towns and cities lending to and from their large sis ters cense sending1 or receiving Mies sngi'.i, no matter bow important they may be, and devote themselves to switching on wires In such n wny as to make nn unbroken circuit of emu muiiicatinn from Washington around the uttermost boundaries of the I'nlted States. Thin Is called nn "un broken national circuit " Thus n smooth track Is mnde along wlilch the electric message may Hash encom passing the union and announcing the time of day. Ten seconds before the time bell strikes comes another si lence, and then n mighty throb, a titnnic heartbeat from the foremobt factor In modern commerce, and nn electric current pulsates from thu At lantic to the Pacific, from (loth 11 in to the golden gate, announcing the fact that the sun has passed over the seventy-fifth meridian and It is noon at AVobhiugton. OUR VAST MINERAL RICHES. Nearly a Thiiuuiiid Mllllune lu Value Taken from the ICnrth Yearly. A chart iiibllshed by the geological survey gites a summary of the milt- I eral irodiicts of the I'nlted States for i the liast ten years. 1 he airirreirate i lues hate Inercnsed by more than i ue-half in that iieriod nnd the tli;- i res for lhtiu nro greater than in aaf prettoiis yenr, looting up tlie enor mous total of 5J7li,000,OW. The Mtlue of the metnllic products of the tear is clven nt f527.!.MR.OS4 and W fit., fwiltllli.tnllt fit 411? ?7l,l kftO '111. ( nt .. 1111111111 i.,t l,b ,'.l,,,.r-f,ol f til: latter chist. iiieludes, of course, the coals jiti'i.t.otMMN) in liituitilnouH and s,(H(M'0 h l'eniisyltauia anthracite - JtH.fi(M),(HM) in petroleum. SO,(HM;,0)0 worth of natural fjas and larffe vnlwe in stone, brick clay and cement, with tarious other minerals, Of the metals our pip iron is worth nlmoKt as much as all others together, the value of last year's product being given at $'JlS,(io,0(H). Copper comes next, worth $104,000,000, nnd the $71, 000,000 in gold Is third. The mitrkut Mtlue of the silver produced in 1S9U was nlKuit $.I3,0MKH and the lend nnd zinc together were worth about ns much. Quirksilter, nlumlnum, anti mony, nickel and plnntJnum tire the other metals that figure lu the table. Mueelea nnd llratn. In one of his receut lectures at Clark University, Prof. Augelo Mosso, of Turin, averred that "Physical edu cation and gymnastics serve not only for the development of the muscles, but for that of the brain a well." It is becoming evident, he said, that as much time should be devoted to muscular exercise us to intellectual exercise, nnd children should begin reading nnd writing only ufter.they nre nine years old. Muscular fatigue exhibits phenomena identical with intellectual fatigue. Nerve cells show on the average every ten seconds n tend ency to rest. It Is probable that only part of the brain is active nt u time; the vurlous partb relieve each other. The more mobile nuy unlninl's extrem ities are the more intelligent, other things being etpinl, he says. Aa Aflcan'e Idea of Snow. An African who had visitd England deae'ribed snow aa "ruin gone to Jcp." - .. MORMON EXPLORING PARTY. M Oat to Flad In Central America RdJb Verlfleatlnn of the) Book of Mormon, One of the most remarkable expedi tions for antiquarian research which huvc set out for some time is comjMi. etl of a party of Mi -mon students wlilch left Qrahmm county, A. T., it few days ago, for a three years' trip through Central and South America. In the party are 24 men from the Ttrlghnm Yoting academy, In l'rovo, t.'tnli, Includ ing President Uenjamln Cluff nnd two professors. Their object Is to explore the country und Its resources while searching for traces of the last surviv ors of the Nephltes, says 11 local report. The Mormon theory on which the ex pedition is IhisciI, ns advanced by lead ers of the party, Is this: About fioo H. C, T.ehl and his family, necompnnled by Isbmnel nnd his family, left .terumlem and went into the wlldreness. After 40 years of wnndcrlng they built boats and nailed toward the con tinent, landing where Chill now is. Nephi and La man were two of Lehi'n ana. Nepal waa beautiful and obedi ent, Laman the reverse. Koch had many followers who married and in termarried until they numbered many thousands, and built many large cities in what Is now the northern part of South and Central America, Mexico nnd aouthern Arizona nnd New Mexico. The two factions waged wnr for many years, according to the Mormon theory, until, eTcntunlly, about 400 A. 1)., tke Nephltcs were entirely exterminated by the T.nmanites. Prom the latter the American Indians are ileseeiultil. MaronI, the last surviving Ncphite, burled the records of his people, writ ten on brass plate, in the bill "Cumornh," In the state of New York, and the angel Mnroni rcteuled these plntcs to Joseph Smith. The transla tion of these constitute the Hook of Mormon. The l'rovo expedition hopes to find in the ruins of Central and Southern American cities evidence that thev were built by the descendants of I thi and thus give to the world proof that the Hook of Mwrinon is what the I-'it-ter Day Snlnta assert it to be 11 true history of the people who inhabited this continent years ago. An imtttar Savant Footed. Thu stories arc common enough of Aire engines being turned out to quench nn nurorn, and, on the other hnnd, It has not seldom happened that a very mundnne conflagration has passed muster for it "celestial dis play," snjs Knowledge, lit the me moirs of Karon Stockmat- an amusing unecdote is related of one llerr oit Jtadowit7., who was given to making the most of easily picked tip informa tion. A friend of the baton's went to nn evening party near Frankfort, where he expected to meet llerr ton llndowitz. On his way lie saw a bam burning, stopped his carriage, assisled the people, nnd waited till the llninea were nearly extinguished. When he nrrived at his friend's house, he found If err von lUriowltz, who hud pretlously tnken the party to the top of the building, to see nn aurora, ili'.atlngon terrestrial magnetism, electricity, etc. Itaduwitz asked Stockmnr's friend1: "Have you seen the beautiful aurora borenlis?" He replied: "( erlalnly: I was there myself; it will soon bemcr." An e.xpluimtiHii followed as to the barn on tire. ltndrMa was alien t some ten minutes, then he took up his hut and quietly disappeared. HISTORIC COAT-OF-ARMS. Tor I-Mrtjr-Soteu Ycura It Hun Over the Olilr.t .llurket lu llavfimi. Alderinan II. J. .a.vas, of Helena, Mont., was recently the recipient nt the hands of ( ulmn friends, in recogni tion of his services in behalf of that is land, of a lartfe number of relics, ouo of which, a Spanish coat-of-arms, pos sesses n very interesting history, ""his coat-of-arins, sajs the Chicago 'nines Herald, hung for 07 years over the oldest mitrkut In Havana, known as the 1'lnza Vieja. It was secured through thecourtcsy of Mayor l'erfeeto hacoste, Alfredo Zayas and Onofre Gome, the latter two councilman. On March 27, 1805, nt th beginning of the last revolution, it was taken down and thrown into the street by a Cuban named Jose Gonzalez. He was captured after n hard chase and shot the next morning, at. Cabanas, for the crime of insulting the Spanish crown. Seventeen years previous a Spanish colonel was detailed by the captain general to inspect all the Spanish property within the city limits. On entering the l'laza Vieja the colonel ob served that the crown was entangled in cobwebs and ordered the porter of tho market to clean it. A lndder was Im mediately secured, while the colonel stood under watching that the work should be thoroughly done,' nnd while so directing the copper wire parted which held the crown in position and struck Colonel Ilamou Perez JJovas over the temple, breaking his skull and killing him instantly. The porter was sent to the carcel (Jail) and died thera about a year ago. IN CUBA where it is hot all the year round Scott's Emulsion sells better than any where else in the work!. So don't stop taking it in summer, or you will lore ' what you have gained. benti tor n itec sample. KCOTT & riOWNli. ChemllU. 409-4IS Fearl Street, New York. joe. nu ji, 0011 uruKii. Fill SCnU It l)V return mall nreimld. ,10cts., nnd 2octa., postage prepaid, ' -- ....w mmrnj vu -ru VavU ,u VMlyJ At 1 1ST yyywrytriyyir-lKyffthyyyihinrTnfT THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatmeat by which Drunk- ards arc Being Cured Dally in Spit of Themselves. No Noxious Doses No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit, It is now generally known and under stood that Diiinkunncss Is n disease nnd not weakness. A body filled with poison, nnd nerves completely shattered by periodica! or constant uso of intoxi cating liquors, requires an nnlidotu capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, itutl destroying tho crav ing for iiitoxicnnts. SiilIcrurH may now euro themselves nt home without publicity or loss of time from business by tli is wonderful "Homo Gold Cure," which has been perfected after many years of closn study and treatment uf inebriates. The faithful tisa according to directions of thii wonderful discov ery is positively guaranteed to cute the most obstinate ease, no inattor how hard a drinker. Our records show thu marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, intlustiious and upright men. Wires euro your husbands!! Child, ion euro your faihorsl! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is n spec ific for this disense only, nnd is so skill fully devised nnd prepared that It is thoroughly soluble nnd pleasant to tho taste, so that it can bo given in it cup of tva or colTeo without tho knowledge of the person tnkinir it Thousand of Drtinkni'dsdinvo cured themselves with this piicelcss remedy, nut! ns ninny more have been cured and mnde tem perate men by having the "Cure" ad ministered by loving friends anil rein tivs without their knowledge in culTeu or ten, and believe today that they dis continued drinking of their own free will. .')o not wait. Do not bu deluded by apparent and misleading "improvt itient." Diivo out tint disease -it once ami for all time. "Tho Homo Gold Cure" is sold at the cxti finely low price of Onu Dollar, thus placing with in reach of everybody a treatment more elVectivo than others costing $23 to $W). Full directions iiccompnny each pack age. Spec'.al advice by skilled -physicians when requested without extrn charge. Sunt prppnid to any pnrt of tlie world on receipt, of One Dollar. Address Dopt A 102, Kilwln 11. Giles ei Company. 33110 and 'J'Mi Mitrkut Street, Philadelphia All correspondence strictly confiden tial. Inllammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Merton I., lllllof t.eliniiou, Iml. sv: "My vvlfe'hinl lutliuiimntory rhemmitlMii In ever) iniiKCle mill Joint; licrsitlTeiliiR vvr terrible kikI her hotly nnd fiicu were woolen iilnitiht bejunil rceoKiiltluu; hint been lu bed for lx week" nnd had clidit pliyi-lelniii', but received no beuctll until sin-tried the MjMlcl'iire for.ltheiiumtum ItKitve linineilliite relief slid she whs iible in walk nbtitit In three dnvx, I Mil sure 11 -iiveil her life." bold by II. li. (Irlee. DniKslit lied t'leml, Neb. Rheumatism Cured in a Day- Mullct'ure tat rlieuimitlim nnd netirnlsln ri-idlly eunt. In from onu to three diijK. IImic lion upon Ihe nyHleni In rcinnrknble and mis titriiktt 11 ritiini-H nt nni'ii ih' r,in-.o mid the 1 dlmu-o Immediately disappear. Tho Urn dose KreutlybeuclltH. 7S eciil. &oiu ny 11 iv. urn. Iteil Cloud. Neb. IN THE WINTER. (Benson's Plaster Is Pain's Master.) For coughs and colds Bomon'a Porous rifistcru nro an Incoratmrably bcttr rein edy than any othrr external or internal. Their medicinal properties enter tho skin and 00 Hraight to the seat of the disease. Thoy roliovo nnd euro a 'seaUd" cold without disturbing tho eystom or upsottlng tho stomach. Couch mixtures often nau seate, lionson's Plasters aro medicinal in tho highest degree, and quickest to act. Placed on tho chest or back or on both at once, in serious cases, tho good effect is f olt Immediately. Tho congestion yields, tho cough ubates and tho breathing improves. Lung or bronchial nffectlons or kldnoy diieaso, nro curod with tho least possiblo Buttering ana loss 01 tune. Eeuson'a Plasters aro immeasurably su perior to Belladonna, Strengthening, Cap sicum or anv other combination in plaster form. Thoy aro also preferable to oint ments, liniments and salves. Benson's Plasters have rocelved fifly-JItt highest awards over all competitors; and moro than 5,000 pbysloiana and druggist havo declared them to bo ono of tho fow trustworthy household remedies. For silo by all druggists, or wo will propoy postage on any number ordered in the UniWd States on receipt of 25c. caoh. Bo sure you get tho genuine. Accept no imltotlon or substitute. Seabory & Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.T. WANTED tlTrJIVin'JI CH" weekly and want mM W 6 FA I V nail home i travellnit saUtmioii KtmrWK. Hlfea77.YaKEi;OUll aro cany to sell, always nlvaiA. Ontnt ABSOLUTH.Y FKIK. STARK BBO'S, Louisiana, Mo. CONSTIPATION uauat clbrtlo remodlM Hlhelr co0e reaction which IncrvaM coniilwiUon liutoad of carluglt. PAtUvKU'S OINOKH TONfO la the Bipr remedy. It cUon thi UTf r, uK beo Md m ajwjMd. riroannUjr nmoyf riax MaU DrW I I CtDDCMTCD TL'nKod, Tn,1 li T..ot.1f r t. Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn, Ind. Ho is perhaps tho most prominent clergyman in tho Christian Church to-day, Ho has dedicated about 500 churches and baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It nlTords mo rrrcat pleasure to give my testimony as to tho efficiency of Dr. Kay's remedies. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is tho very best cough, cold and throat remedy that I ever used. I have also received great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator. My son had for years been greatly afflicted with tho piles; ho commenced the ubo of Dr. Kay's remedies and experienced relief almost from tho first. Wchavo no words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo received as tho result of uselng these romedics. I take great ploasuro in commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Caupentei:, Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. , Dr. Kay's Renovator. It Is ft Doffed rcDOVator Of tho Whole flVBtm. Tt. la thn vnr-v twint. enmiulv known for Btomach troubles, indigestion, dvsnepsia. catarrh of tho C PpIpa 2Ant.a.. nni1 Aim nr otr fni. AR.m. Dk. D. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga ASKYOUBGROCERFO The 5 Minute Breakfast Fool PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MA It Kg "HKAIK - J5KEAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo. DON'T Be Fooledi Take tho cn - arlglnal ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by MuJIion Medi cine Co., Madison, Wj. It keeps jom well. Oar traec murk cut aa each package. Price, 35 ceatx. Never old in bulk. Actrrt ne aubsti tute. Aik jaur draglst. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind at t'tiu:h, la grippe bnmch'tK tiore throat, rroHp, w huoptni; eoURh, rtc. Never ilenuU'vslucatuiiiHCti. AtDrugB-ists, lOAUSc. FREE lyiEDICAL ADVICE. WrlretM " all your tiympiomk. KenovaUnEthe system U the only K.iro and vura method of cur- idk an unronie uucaseg. ur. It ay's Itcnovtilor ts tho only perfect ayivtem renovator. Five sam ples and baok. Ur. U, J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. WK1TEKS CO-RESPONDENTS OR HKE'ORTERS Wnntetl uvervwlii'io. Stories, news. ideiiH, poems, illustrated artit'le, ml timich news, ilrawiims, photographs, iin'qnu artlcltw, etc , etc , purchased Articles' revised and prepaid! for pub lication llmiks pul)lisheil. Suuil for Din ticuliirs and full information before sending avtielcs. The lliilldin 1're.ss Association, Xew York. IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK And want to get started earning money at once, sentl us 'Jo cts fnr our book ( "40 New Money -Making Ideas." It is worth its weight, in goltl to anyone who is unemployed. Send today Century Publishing Co., Box 73, Heron Lnke, Atinn. DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR InvlKaratcs and rcanvate tho kystcm: purines and enrlchws thu blood, otircii the workt ilypepsla, constipation, headache liver and kidneys. J.rcuinHl, utilruflhts. Vrre Rndvlne snmpln und book. . Ur. li. J. Kay.SnrntoK, N V B ENOVATOK HARKER'tS HAIR BALSAM (Hfcii atil ba'jnrii tka tulr. rroinutfi ft kiiuriant imwIb. Never Falls to iltor a ray Itulr to in Yoiitlil Color. Cunn ptiilp ilt,ia-ri k hair laUuig. oij.nnJSI'I'at ilrur?lrta Itr.myil- : aCUIUTfi all Kidney 1 ftt ai Ban aAe uat k- H Kicmevcura. w thc. et. AtdmR t ry- : I-. if lis r r man. 1. f'rf book, ad- vlco, eta, of Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratot, N. Y. a )r Kiiy's Utlcurr cures nil llfiniirft fcmals dlM'Msm. At drui; WfeiWMB w pj(it!,i !, jilinlruled 1)ook oad advice free. Dr. 11. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. V-, TIMETABLE. B. & M. H.Y IiED CLOUD NElill. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVEli HELENA 11 U TIE SAL'l LAKE 0' PORTLAND SAX FKAXCISCU and all point) west. TltalNd LKAVE AS FOLLOWS: No. 13. TaaaeiiKcr dally for Obcrlln and bt. VrancU branches. Ox ford, McCook, Deaverand nrl polnH weal Vn 11 1'amipiiL-er dnllv for St. 7:45 a.m Joe, tr--u tf-llv ainhlsnn Ml LoulH, Lincoln via Wymote and all points oast and south 2-32 a.m No. In. Va.acnr.cr. dally, Donvor, all points In Colorado, Utah and California . . . 8:40 p.m. No. 16. Paasenger. dally for St. Jos, Kansas City. Atchison, tit. I.sulsamd all joluts east and tenth ...l:00a.m. No. 14. Accommodation, dally except tiunday, UastlURR, Grand It land, lllack Hills and all points In the aorthwobt. 1:00 p.m So, 143. Aocoramolatlon, dally except bunuay, uucruu, uauaui, uuu Intormedlatestatlous, via Ho publican ..12KWp,m 'Ho, 61. Freight, dally, Wymote and St. Joe and Intermediate juHCtlon points 13:1 p.m No, 03. Freight, dally for Ilepublloan Orleaas, Oxford and all points west . - . 10:40 a.m No 66. Frelirht, dally except Sunday for Wymcre and all point cast 6.00 a.m No. 173. Freight uany to uxtora ana Intermediate nolnts 1:30 n.m Bleeping, dining, and reclining chair cars, (seats t roe) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggftgu checked to any point In the United States or Canada. ... For Information, time tables, naps or tickets call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Ited (lnnd. Nebr. or J. Francis. General Passenaci I Agent Oauna, Nebraska. viSiv Wan n.v lfnw'u T nnr, TJnl, Springs, N. Y. Hambletonian Wilkes. MBMBRINO CHIEF. TI1K STANDAUI) llll!:i STAl.l.ION Habept Cyril, 30379, Foaled in ISilO, lnovvn horse 16 hands hih and weighs over l'-'OO pounds. Will mako the season at (.'. L. Winfrey's InoeditiK barn, Uetl Cloud, Neh. For terms or infuriuntion address Chas. ?. Besse, lied Cloud, Nebraska. MONEY Refunded.; Wo t-ur- unteo Dr. Kay's Kenorutor to euro uyspepsui, consti- nation, liver nnd kidneys. Mood purlaer known for iicsi ionic, laxative, nil chrnti-lt dlsonw: renovates nnd lnvli;ratoti the whole system nnd cures very worst cases. (Set trial box tit once. It notiutlsticd with It notify us, wc will refund money by return mnll. Write your symptom for l-'reo Jledlcnl Advice, sample nnd proo'. 5 A. 60c at drut'Klsts. Dr. li. J, Kay, Saratoga,- N. Y. P CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ENNYROYAL PILLS utW ..... HlnT ! Onlr Ornulnr. U for CIIIl'llllsTl-.K'S KNdf.IWII llD 11KII nl (.old MUlllo totil HtlM )HhblBffrlbboa. Take no other. Kefuto I llHitraii NabUlBUoae sad ljalla. UAilft. IUj ef y tar Dniitclit. of troj 4e. 10 uibm 1 lb, I'ortleulsn. TeellnoolaU md llrllf f for Ladlr," l.r, br r lurn Sl&ll. lll.OllUTriUBAbi&la. .qaih .,, t. ......... ..l... . ... '. MttUon IMl i.r. MadUwo I'ark. 1'lllLA.. rj m OcBMbta. Genuine stamped C. C C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLlfeaway! You can tie cured of anr form of tobacco ushie , . 1 easily, W. made well, strong, aiairiietic, fullot " I UCtT life nnd vieor by takitiir MO-TO'BAO. that makes woak men fltoiiR. Jinny caln ten jraundd in ten darn. Over BOO ,uOO cure All drucitiits. Cure eiiarntitei-d. Hook. let and advice t'Kl'.I'.. Aiidrc.is .ST1,KI,IN( MNG 437 iwumiv cu., (Jii.cago or New vort. J. S. EMIG-H, DKNTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK VOU WANT IT. )mn Bridge Work or Teeth Without I'laie.. rOItCELAIN INLAY Vnd all the latest Impravcmont lu dcnuil mccb aiiUm : BRICK Wo can surnibh 70U brick in 1 tynt the lowest pos sible ratu. Brick on snle nt either of tho lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. SOUTB SIDEi SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY. PROPRIETOR. f DEALER IN .Vines, Liquors, alifornia brandies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAI?, 1 Mm mM bbbbbbbV bbbV aaafl aaL- R&SHS aKaiSBaaaaaaaaHBaaaaaaaalaaaaaai lfjPjaBBWjjffi (l j is 3 lvv P f CANDY CATMARTIO ill aa I I .asaflBBBaa a5e tt,. "' HbHiiiumt " BBi' BB !!! I' ' BBBBTJ V .I'