0 -9 - .-)NivkikiiUifctltfctktiititk4tlblfcfclfctfcfc, WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Stove repairs sit W. V. Wright's. For farm loans call on C. V. Knloy. Cane soat Rockers $1 i27 at Miner tiros. I Ed. Hurr of Uuidu Mock was hero on Thursday. Geo. V. Caster of Rirorton was In tho city Thursday. Ed. Overinjj left this week for a ouplo of weeks vUit at Klmwood, Nebraska. Prof. II L. Sams left this week for Klmwood, this state, whero ho will y spend his summer vacation. Shafo Kautzman, representing tho American Typo Founders Co., was looking after business matters here Wednesday. The Congregational Sunday schoo will hold its Children's Day exercis.s next Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Tho public is cordially invited. 'aUlUifckiikbd,tbifcUiikhkhUfklt)Uil'Uii'4t. 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 4 Do you know what your hardware has been cost ing you for the past year? INVESTIGATE I You can save money the next year by buying of us. We carry a line complete and of the best material. You should see what we have in -9 1 Jlammoeks, 9 9 9 9 9 i 9 the latest golf pat terns and spring pillows-. -i I Gasoline Stoves "Reliable Process" the best and must up-to-date made. Oil Stoves 9 9 9 9 9 9 a Standard Oil Co's. Perfection B at $7.00 A bargain and a fine piece ef goods. 1 BEE Hives and 9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Supplies, cherry stoners 65c. We want your trade and will save you money to get it. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 T 1M11M J MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Thk Chiek $1 per year. Lonsdale cambric 9c at Miner Hros. Hy Shepardsos of Kiveiton was lure this wock. K. A. Simpson of Blue Hill was here this week. 10 yards Standard prints for 02c irt Minor Hros. Cnarlie Husheo of Guide Mock vas hero today. Miss Mabel Wells is homo from the state university. Geo. Fentrcs of (initio Mock was hot 0 this week. E. II. Morgan of Alma was doing business hero this week. Miss Clara Sehncller has gono to her home at Clay Center. T. C. Hacker visited in tho eastern part of the state this wc k, Fly nuts and dusters in endless v.v riety at Fogel & Hutchison's. Olivor Hodgo is reported as being sick at his homo north of town. Special sale of work shirts until June 1"). 50c shirts nt I)l)c, at tho Fair. To close out stock I am selling hay rakes and cultivatois nt less than cost. -G W.Dow. New Model sewine machine, cuaran teed to do Eood work, orico $12.00 at Miner Hros. The H. & M. have tho tower erected on which to place their new water tank at the depot here. Don't target tho date and placo of the special sulo of nets, dusters and light harness at Hutlrt's. Mrs Lulu Fuller departed Tuosday for an extended summer visit with relatives at Onawa, Iowa. The cellar for the Oatman hotel building is about completed, and the brick work will bs begun at once. Foil Sai.K: 2T00 bushols of old corn in crib at my residence. 40 cents per bushel. J. II. Haii.kv, Ked Cloud. Thero will bo regular scrivco bold at tho Christian church each Lords day at tho usual hours. II. S. Soudku, Pastor. Miss Vonl'ilsum who has been ono of tho popular teachers in the city schools left for her homo at Pella, Iowa, Tues day morning. Ward Iliatt is painting, papering and otherwise remodeling his barber shop. He will also put a lino lot of now fixtures in soon. Herbert Cook of Chicago who has been here visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Honry Cook left Saturday to resume his duties ia that city. Morhart Bros.' binder twine has ar rived. Every fifty pounds put up in a two and ona-half bushel soamless grain sack. (Jet their prices beforo you buy. Tho cemetery board are certainly do sorviitg of grcAt credit for tho ablo and eflicient manner in which they are keeping up tho appeal ance of that place. The work of tearing down tho build ing at presont occupied by N. Long tin's billiard hall will commenco Men day. Jno. Polnicky will orect a new two story brick thereon to bo usod as a saloon building. Word was received here this week that the barn on Win. A. May's placo near Hluo Hill was struck by lightning Tuesday morning and burned down. Wo did not hoar whether there was any insurance 011 it or not We wish our lorrespondcnts would endeavor to pet their items in each week and if possible not later than than Thursday. No department of tho paper is looked after by our read ers more than this. If your locality is not represented send us in tbe news. -Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Beatley tecdered very pleasant lawn party to a lum ber of their -friends last Tuesday even ing 5 to 8. A Tory pleasant time was had and the participants speak very highly of Mr. and Mrs. Bontley as en tertainers. Tho Haikell Indian base ball team of Lawrenoo, Kansas, will play tho Lob anon, Kansas, baso ball team, at Leb anon July 3d and 4th, 1001. Tho In dians are without question the fastest ball team in the state and Lebanon will endeavor to keep up her well earned reputation for putting up a good game. The institute being held this week is one uf tbe best attended and moat boa- oliclal to teachers, ever held in this county. We aro pleased to note tho amount of Interest our teachers take in this manor and hope to see them mado even more beneficial, ulthough wo dod't quite see how they can he mado so. Manied, on Monday, Juno 10, 1001, at the homo uf tho bible's parents in Norman, Kearney county, .Mr. Win, Koon of this city and Miss Myrtle Duckworth. The groom is 0110 of Red Cloud's business mon, a membor of tho linn of Rifo & Koon, butchers, The couplo will mako their futurehorao Imrn Wn nvrnml nnnrrrafntutlnno ami best wishes. LOCALLY Hrcad boxes at the Fair. Good shirtings 5c tho yard at Miner Hros. Tho CiiiKr and Chicago Inter Ocean no year for 11.25. Iron bed, spring and mattress com plete $000 at Miner Hros. Mrs Caso entertained tho teachers at her home Monday night. A lino lino of summer lap robes and tly nets at Fogel & Hutchison's. Good milch cow for salo. Enquire of E J. Wiight, Ked Cloud, Nebraska. Miss Gorby, formerly teacher in tho schools of this city, was here this week. Have you seen tLo latest styles of nets and dusters? Hutler's is tho place for them. Lost Large plain gold ring, Findor will please leturn to J. V. Kunchoy and receive rewnrd. t v Taylor was in Hcatrice this week, attending 11 meeting of the State Undertakes s' association. C. II. Kaley returned Saturday from a sovcral weeks trip down in Oklahoma. He thinks it is a grand country. Nets, nets, nets. On Saturday, Juno 22, J. O. Hutlur vill mako a special sale on nets, dusters and light harness. K. D. Gaston camo up from Concor dia Wednesday to look after tho af fairs of the Nebraska Mercac tile Co. Finest lino of rorkers in tho prices at J. C. iron beds and fancy vulley, at bed-rock Wolfe's, tho furniture man. Farm loans at 5 per cent interest on good improved land. C. F. Cathor, wflico over Cotting's drug store, Ked Cloud, Xob. Mrs. Ifrank Henderson of Womer, Kansas, is hero visiting with hor daughter, Mrs. 1) II. Kaley, and other relatives and friends Farm Insuan cc I v','W','vv,v''''A'""V"v ' German - Insurance - Co. OF FREEPORT, ILL. Tho largest old lino company in the west. Farmers Mutual Ins Co. Of Nebraska, of Lincoln. Largest mutual in tho stato with J over 300 policies in Webster County. I tfr'jS'fjfjfff'frJff''f. l 0. C. Teel, Agt.j Rku Cloud, Neiikaska. Mr. and Mrs. E II. Wrightef Kansas City are visiting in the city this week. Mrs. Wrif ht was formerly one of Ked Cloud's young ladies, (Mist Pearl Skeen), and at one time prominent in music circles here. I J. Drown nnd wife of Now York City aro hero visiting with M. M. Stern nnd wife. Mi. Drown hns boon attend ing tho Muster Plummer's convention at Kansas City and with his wifo will visit the principal cities of Colorado. Cheap trip vo Chicago via Hurling ton Route. Ono faio plus $2 for tho i' mini tiip. Tickets on sale June IS, 1!), 11 ni.d 15. Return limit September 15. Additional information about rates, tickets and train service may be secured from nearest ngent, H. & M. R. It. R. J. Fkancis, General Passen ger. Agent, Hurlington Route, Omaha, Neb. The Fire Department at thoir last meeting received a complimentary do nation from tho businosi men of 157.00. It was somewhat of a surprise to tho boys as none of them know onything was being raised for them. W. S. Dense headed tho list with 110 which certainly showol that bo appreciated tho work done by tho department ut his rccont lire. During tho heavy storm last Thurs day morning tho hoase of Mr. Chap man, northeast of Cowles, wns struck by lightning and almost entirely wrecked. Five persons wero in tho hoase at the tiino and all wero knocked jenseless and injured moro or less, but fortunately no ono was Killed. -Fire broke out but ono of the oecupauts re covered consciousness in tlino to res ells the other four and put tho tire out, This wooK wo received the first copy of the Ivanhoo Chief, published at Ivauhon, Oklahoma, by Messts. Span eglo and White, two former Red Cloud boys who went to that country recent ly. Tho papor is a clean, neat and newsy ono, and is receiving good sup port for a now beginnor. Tho boys havo our best wbhos for success in tbe new venture. GENERAl CITY NEWS. Laco for trimming summer drosses at tho Fair. Regular $25 00 side boards now f 1(5.00 at Miner Hros. Alvin l'opo who has been teaching in Omaha is here. Regular $18 00 bed room suits now $1150 at Miner Hros. If you want a set of light harness go to Fogel iV Hutchison. J. R. Vanllorn of McCook visited with old fi lends in tho city this week. Pay your subscription nnd get n cal dilating pencil. Thoy at 0 a little won der. C W Kaley Is looking after Masonic lodgo matters in Kansas City this week. J.S. Dyer mado n business trip to Greoly, Colorado, tho foro part of the week. A. E. Hcckcr formerly of this city, now of Omaha, is in tho city greeting old friends. Mr". Levi Mooro left ing for n visit with Gravity, Iowa. Monday morn old friends nt The Farmers Mutual Insurance com pany adjusted the claim of T. 11. Rich nrdson this week. Fishing parties should drop their lino in the Potter-Wright collar and seo if thoy eouldnjt hook onto something, Loucks Xnndciswho has been nt tending school nt Kearney tins re turned to his homo hero to spend his mention. Go to No 1 Third nvenuo for fresh garden nnd Held seeds of all kinds. Also headquarters for tho HKST coal in town. Onion sets, canoseed, Kattir corn, eta. Don't got sidetracked in business. Dullness somotimes passos for death. Mon with brains reach the goal. Rocky Mountain tea puts gray matter into tho head. 35c. C. L. Cottilig. Ghack EiMSCOPAt.: Services Sun day, Juce 10. "Second Sunday after Trinity." Morning prayer, litany and sermon, 10110 a. in. Evening prayer nnd sermon, 8 p. m. Sunday s hool at 12. Tho public is cordially invited. Notice: Tho commissioners of this county will meet as an equalization board for tno equalization of taxes from Juno 11th to 18th. Tho regular county board meeting for tho transac tion of business will convene on Juno 17th. J. P. Hai.k, County Clerk. Tho man who looks liko thirty conis comes UacK to town. Ho waits 'till darkness covers all; ho waits 'till sun is down. Ho wants to hido hit sun burned cheek; ho shuns tho jorring glnnco. Ho seems ashamed to show mud on tho basement of his pants. Ho hides his lish-rods nnd his boots; he slips away to bed and of the (ish ho didn't cntcb not ono brief word is said. In dreams ho sees tbe cork go down he gives tho polo a yank, nnd lands a bass that weighs four pounds, upon tho mossy bank. Thon he awakes nnd his disguct is something great immense When his wifo asks, "Jim, what's wrong?" ho feela liko thirty conts. It is reported on tho uuthority of the Columbus Telegram that W. V. Allen aspires to tho governor's chair of tho great state of Nebraska. This is iv laudablo ambition on tho part of Mr. Allen, and It would havo to bo a pretty largo chair that ho couldn't (ill clear out to the arm. Dy tho way, that just reminds us that Mr. Allen was in Ponca some years ago to make a .speech, but was taken sick ( vj and nimble to de liver it. Wonder if tho Leader would devote as much free advci Using to this "sickness" in Candidate Allen ns it did to tho fact that Candidate Dietrich took a few schooners of foaming nectar whon ho was campaigning in Ponca last fall. When tho Leader supported Alien for United States sonatoritdidn't devote very much space to that feature of his qualifications, Possibly this was a mere oversight, howover. Northern Nebraska (Ponca) Joaanal. gi, WALL PAPER. Having purchased our large stock of Wall Paper for cash we took advan tage of cash and quality discounts and are there fore able to sell it at REASONABLE PRICES. We have some nice pat terns as low as 5c per roll and from that to 5 dc. Call and examine our stock. Chas. L. Cotting, THE DRUGGIST. MM ,944494 J44444444?444444444944-M44 ISOfT SHIRTS MGJiT UJIDEHWEAR, June witli its hot weather suggests the above named articles. J We would suggest our store the place to Special prices on MEN'S FINE HALBR1GGAN UN $ DERWEAR at asc. soc. 75c and $1. 2. Men's Union Suits in all The front of our store is filled with straw hats for Chil dren, Boys anil Men up to Si. 50. All the m WE SELL THE FAMOUS I "Lion Brand" I SHIRTS. Fast Friends, Fast Colors, the Best Fitters. I Prices, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Goutden-Haley - Glothing - Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. ittitt9KtmfmminntfntP ppppjpa 5tfap9 at jpj BUY THE You will want something that you big enough to umj 11 cult ivator I have tho tools that you want mid tho price that 1 mako will havo you money. Don't - Let - Anyone - Hold - You - Up. Seo mo bel'oio .foil buy anything in f somo attract ivo prices on n s xviroxirrv or ipenvir. X I will build you a job rigid. If you want anything in the line of Job Work call and get prices before giving an order. PRICES THE LOWEST. QUALITY THE BEST. 1 STRAW HATS. Of as buy them. 50c, sizes. at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c anil new shapes and colors. and Good Things Are Always Copied! That ia why thoro ' nro over twouty , imltatore of tho Famous Olio Cul-' tivator. I havo , thorn. Four und nix nhovol. !Mako , no o ORIGINAL. can go over your corn with beforo it is tho farm tool lino I will iniilto VsV ...i IBBBH III III m H HI H III PPPBB .. IPpfl 1 1 I ! II I III I 111 P IJI t PT - you