8f&ScfttJ8Mfityl&? v a8"' - ,.," - .'? "T J ,. i ,tT -- ' '- - . - - "--" w T''WiJDU BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The skin is the seat of an nlmost end less variety of diseases. They are known by various names, but nrc all due to the lutmo cause, ncid and other poisons in the blood that irritate nnd interfere with the proper action of the slcki, To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure nnd healthy. The many preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number of face powders nud lotions generally used in this class of diseases cover up for n short U'mc, but cannot remove per manently the ugly blotches and the red, disfiguring pimples. Ciarnnl vlgllanoo Ib tho prloe &f at boautiful oomploxton when such remedies arc relied on. Mr. II. T. fitiobe, J704 I.ucm Avenuf, fit, LOula, Mo , yi ! "My tUiiiflitcr won nflliclcil for ye r retlMcd all treatment, Mie vrai taken to two relelirated health apritiRi), but received no bene 6t. Many mectlclnei were prescribed, but with out remit, until we decided to try H. 8. B., and by the time the firtt Iiottle mi finlOif d theerutitlon began todliAppear. A dotrn bottles cured her completely and left her akin pocfectljr smooth. She li now aeventeeti year old, and not n aJgn of the embarratilnic diteate has crer returned." S. S. S. is ft positive, unfailing cure for the worst forms of skin troubles. It is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely vegetable. Bad blood makes bad complexions. purifies and invigo ,1 M, K rates the old and k k makes new, rich blood LVLJLJ that nourishes the mWWmwmW body and keeps the kin active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards carrying off the impurities from the body. If you have Eczema, Tetter. Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough and pimply, send for our book on Mood and Skin Diseases and write our physi dans about your case. No charge what tver for this service. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, 8A. mn a iiivigurinH eriipiion on ncr met, mu THE CHIEF ruiLiaiun bt vr. l. McMillan. On year SI 00 Isnontai so NIUUSIIBD BVKIIY FKIDAV ntered at the poit office at Hod Clout, Neb, at eooDd claii mall matter. ADVBUTIHINO HATK8: total advarttaltiR h cent per line per Imuo. Local Advertising for ontcrtalnnmnta, con rertt.aoclals, etc., given by churchci, charltrtblo aocletlea, etc., where all moneys raliod there from aro uicd wholly for church or charltaMo toclettei, Cnt ten lino free and allorartcn lines 'JH cents pur lino per Iwuio. Local advcrtbdiiK ot cntvrttilnmeuta, concerts, recitals, cto whero per cent la given to pro mqtcrs, 5 cents per lino por limit1. lltarLAY ADVKIITlBtMd. Ono column per mouth ..17 on One half column por month 3 W One fourth column per mouth 1 73 aenoral display adrcrtUliiK i 8V cents por inch per lame. Institute Notts. Instituto opened nt eight o'clock Monday morning. By evening over ono hundred teachers had enrolled nud more hnvo sinco enrolled. Prof. S. W. Miller of Lincoln is in Htructor in grnmmnr, reading, litem ture, English composition mid civics Prof. W. M. Kwrn of David City is instructor in history, geogrnphy, phy siology, didactics, arlthinalicniid book keeping. Prof. Miller lias boon instituto in structor horo for throo yonrs, unit Prof. Korn, for two yonrs. c Mrs. Caso deserves muck oredit for securing the services of two such ablo men. Miss Colin A. (iorby of McCook ta instructor in drawing, orthography, primary reading, numbers and lan guage. Sho also luadu tho singing in tho Morning and at noon. Mr. Drcsbneh of Guide Hock kas one olass in nrithnintic. Monday evening all tho teachers wero entertained nt tin informnl reception nt the plunsant homo of Mrs. Cnso. There woronnmsouie.nts of vurlous kinds and everyone spout n most delightful even ing. During tho evening a sheet of tissue pnpor was given to each one present. Kuril ono was it quoted to mako son. tilling of their paper. Arti cles of nlmost ereiy description woio munufaclured. Miss Ko.so Thorno so cured tho llrst prize and Misn Graco Skjelver stcured the secoul prlo. Shorbot nud cake woro sorved throughout th ovouing. Tuesday evening thore was a moot ing of the VTobsttr County Ttachors' Rsadirg Circle, at tho M. . church, and the following program was carried out: Invocation, Rev. Cobb. Music, Jos. Droshbach. lloport of tho secretary of the W. O. T. It. C. Gonoral review of litory work for tho year, led by Adn Skjulvor. How may we mako our work in Geo grnphy aioro effective! Maiue He.ilu. Musi;, Qiurtaltti. TIib Teachws' lteading Circle from tho point of viow of uu instituto in sti uctor. Prof. Miller. Music. Work dono by pupils of Webster ennntj's city, villago nud countrT schools, is on exhibition In one of tho rooms. Teachers can thero gain inoro information, nnd nlso gain now ideas for their next year's work in sohool. Among the many visitors at instituto were noticed, Mrs. Geo. Morhart, Mrs. F. W. Cowdon, Mr?. Kemsborg, Mrs. Letsnn, Mr. and Mrs. X-mdori', Misses LlazU Marker, Klla Homsborg, Mabel Wolls, Mym Griffith, Maine nud Ituth Housoholder, .mil Lilliau Uamey. Tho best of order prevails throughout the building and instituto work is vci y plcnsnnt as well ns very profitable. Thero will bo lectures on Thursday and Friday evenings. A. Tkachkk. ASH CREEK. A line rain last rHcsilny nlplit nnd crops look lino. Thero will bo children's day exorcises nt the M K. church Sunday. N. I.. 1). Smith was hauling liny to to,vn tho first of tho wvelt. Ilcv N. 11. Wngonor preaclud nt the school housu on HulLilo crook last Sun day. J. 1). Campbotl markotod a load of hogs Inst Monday. Mr. T. Dow and family hnvo left this coiuniiiiiity and wo wish them suc cess in their now home, llav. Fit, pioachod nt tho llrathron church lust Sunday. Mr.. Clark nnd Mrs. Flolnsof liutTalo craok wero tho gutstH ot Mrs. Strool ono dny this wcok. Mr. lllnlr of Mud Cloud wns on our creek with his iiicdicino wngon ouodny this wcok. Mr. John Wnrron nnd wife wore tho guests of Churlio Cniupboll and wife, Sunday. Joe Smith nnd wife visited with (oo Throae nnd family Sunday. Mrs. Minnio Drnko wns the gnest of Annie Howies ono day this week. John Coon cut nnd stacked his al falfa this wot k. Fahkwkm.. HIGHLAND, KANSAS. Wo huil n very nico rain Wedncsdny morning. Fnrmcrs hnvo commenced cultivnt ing corn tho second tinio. It is bo Inning to show abovo tho ridges. J. F. llassinger is busy harvestinc alfnlfa. David Fargo of Burr Oak township took supper with C. A. Francis Mon day evening. He wns on his wny homo from his ranch near Hlverton, Neb. He reports plenty of rnin, good grass nnd his uattlo looking lino. Partios desiring Duroo Jersty swine should call on J. F. Hnssingor. Mrs. J. W. Shagley who is in Topeka where sho has boon undor treatment for some time, is slowly improving. There wns a qut.rtorly mcstlng nttho U. U. church Saturday nnd Sunday. Thoir pastor, IUv. Mr. Taskor, also preached to n largo congregation Sun day evening. LINE. Weather somewhat changeable Somo local showers nnd n good heavy rain on Thursday. Crops nre now looking good. Karly Richmond cher ries nhout rendy to harvest. Rev. 1). 11. Dallas of North llrnnch, Knnsns will give n lecture on tho Holy Land at tho Aubushon grove, Child ren's day JtinU3d. Miko Shnnon is still working for Jus Kongle. lho singing nt Rochor's Sundny ingni wns inrgeiy nttonitoit. All re port n good time. Richard Turner had tho misfortune to have oaa ef his colts cut on barb wire ono day this week. Lanuy Smith of Red Cloud was iu Lino ono dny this wcok. Mr. Walker of Red Cloud wns doing somo Insaranco businoss in Line last week. Mrs. John Marsdon of Hobart, Colo rado Is visiting frionds iu Line this week. Tho farmers nro well pleased about tho rain this week. Mrs Sutherland of Kostwiek was tho gue.st of her parents Mr. and Mis. Wildoy this week and report a good rain lat week. Someone set lire to tho house that I'li Iliiyco occupied last year and burned tho basement lloor. Rev. Charles toudrick of tho Ad vent church preached nt Penny creek Dist. No 8, Sundny to u Inrgo congre gation. His text was tho 13th Chap ter of Revelation. A Holiday In California. A month in California is an educa tion of the best kind. It will give you now ideas, sharpen your powers of observation, bring you into contact with peoplo who regard lifo from au unusual standpoint. Go thero noxt July at tho timo of tho Kpworth League meeting in Sa Francisco. Never will you havo a hotter oppor tunity. Never have tho rates becH so I. TV. iiiuiK ot it 515 for a round trip ticket from Omaha to San Francisco. Less than tho regular one-way rate. Stop-ovois allowed going and return, lug. Tickets good to return until August ill. J Francis, General Pas senger Agont, Ouiahu, Nebraika. That young woman from Concordia who Is stalling out into the world with tho intention of raking in ncoiuputenco by making mi exhibition of a wilder nest of tattoo marks on her shapely body, is making tho mistake of her life. She ought to gather in a few crank notions, secure a bunch of j 'atltudea, nnd do a little ground nud lofty tum bling iu the political arena. What woman has dene iu Kansas woman can do again. Topeka Caplto'. How's This, Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars re ward for any ense of catarrh thnt can not bo currd by Hnll's Cntnrrh Cure F J. Ciiknkv & Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned hnvo known F, J. Cheney for tho past llfteen years, nnd bolicvo him perfectly honorable in nil business transactions nnd linnticlnl ly nblo to enrry out nny obligntiotis Hindu by their lirm. Wkst&Thuax, Wholesnlo Druggists, Toledo, O. Wammnu. Kinnan & Mahvin, Wholesnle Druggists, Toleilo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting dir;otly on tho blood nud inuoouH eui faces of tho system. Price 7"c per bottle. Sold by n.l druggists Testimonials free. Hull's Family Pills nre the best. Jennie To have n round beautiful neck wiggle your head from side to side every night and take Rocky Moun tain ten. It's a short cut to a graceful form. 3."5c. C. L. Cutting. ' m m m July 0 to KHhc Burlington Routo wll sell round trip tickets to San Francisco nt unprecedcnteilly low rntes. The rnto from Omuhu, for instance will be $15. From other points correspond ingly low. Tickets good to return un til August 31. Stopovers nllowed both going nnd returning. Tcnchcrs, clergy men nnri others whu can get away dur ing the hot summer months nre urged to Investigate this remarkable oppor tunity of obtaining tho most enjoyable outing in their experience nt n cost so small ns to bo within reach ot nlmost everyone. Bountifully illustrtited fold er, giving full information, mailed ou request. J. Fkancis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nob. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Kase, n powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and in growing nulls, mid instantly takes the sting out of corns nnd bunions, It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho age. Allen'a Foot Kane makes tight or no v shoes fool easy. It is a certain euro for sweating, callous nnd hot tired, nching foet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoo stores. By mall forSSu in stamps. Trial package free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lcroy N.V. Ladies Can Wear Shoes ono sizo smaller after using Alluii'e Foot-Kase, n powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or nrw shoes feel easy; gives instant telief to corns nnd bunions. It's the greatest cemfort discovery of the ngo. Cures pnd pro vents swollen feet, blisters, callous nnd sore spots. Allen's Foot-Kuso is n cer tain cure for sweating, hot, nching feet. At nil druggists nnd shoe stores, 25c. Trial package FRKK by mail. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Buy and Try a Box Tonight While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarets Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You'll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Farm for Sale. Half section, livo miles from Red Cloud. Ono of tho best upland farms in Webster county. J. W. Wali.in, Red Cloud, Neb. Imitators havo boon uiauy. Thought fal people have learned thnt truo merit comes only with tho genuine Rocky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medi cine Co. arn C. L. Coning. Hns been rudely defined by some cynic ns "slops and sweets." And nfter all there's more truth than poetry in the definition. Ice crwam nnil cake may .satisfy the palate, but they nrc far frum MtttEfyiiig to the stomach, which requires that fod be uutriuous first and nice nftcTYvard. By careless eating women pave the way for stomach " trouble," nnd its kindred miseries. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery is confidently commended ns a cure for diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. By curing diseases which prevent the aiUhiiilntion of food it enables the body to be built up nud strengthened hi siic only wny known to nature by food digested nud assimilated. "l'or lclc lorn; mouths I mfTcrcd untold ml-cry," write Mi Molllt Connie, of Ran dolph, Clmrlotlf Co., Vn ".Vo toiiKiiecuuldex prt the j'.iiii thnt I rmlurcd bUotc I com menced tnt.iii(r I)r l'urcr'x medicine I wns not able to do nnyltiliiK (it nil Could not rnt aiiylhltiK t-xrrtil hrcad nud U-v-or if 1 did the tut of my head hurt it termed it uixild kill me. Uh nil that I could do it would Uiru liV.f fire Hut now luce uIiik our ' llolden Med ical I)iscocr nml ' I'nvonle Prescription,' I cuu e.it u little of aluuxt niwlliliik' I want, and can do n p.ood dav' work a well a nnlxxly can, Am tietter than I have been for years." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure sick headache. mag's (F! Lunch y A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under The Sun. All Doctors havo tried to cure Ca arrh by the ue of powders, ncid gases inhalers, nnd drugs in pnsto form Their powders dry up the mucous mom branes cnusicg them to crack open aim bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely enton nwny the same membranes that their umkeie hnvo aimed to cure, while pnstes nut! ointments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced prnctltionei who hns for ninny years made n elose study and specialty of the treatment id Calarih, has at Inst perfected a treat meiit which when faithfully used, not only relieves nt once, but permanently cures Catarrli by removing the cause, stopping the discharges, nud curing nil iiitlauiinution. It is the only rem edy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts, This won derful remedy is known ns Snuffles the Guaranteed Cutnrih Cure" and is sold nt the extremely low price of One Dol lar, each packsgo containing internal nnd external medicine sufficient for u full month's treatment unit everything 111'ce.isnrv to its pel feet use. "Snuffles" is tho only perfect Catan h Cure ever made and is now recognized as the only safe nud posltlvu cure for that annoying an I disgusting disease. It cures nil intlamutlon quickly nnd permanently nnd is nlso wonderfully quick to relieve liny Fever or cold i if the head. Catarrh when neglected often lends to Consumption "Snuffles" will save you if you use it nt onco. It is no onii nnry remedy, but n complete treat ment which is positively guaranteed to cure Catarrh in any form or stage if used according to directions which nc company each package. Don't ilelav urt sunn lor it at once, ami write inn pni'tlciilnrs as to your condition, nnd you will receive special advice from tl.o discoverer of this wonderful rem edy regarding your ease without cost to you beyond tho regular piicw of "Snuffles" tho "Guaranteed Catarrh Cre." Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canadn on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept A 40U, Ed win B. Giles & Company. ttWO and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and 1st It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tllng indicates an unhealthy condi tion of tho kid neys; If ft stains your linen it la evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to iis pass It or pata In ' ill K4t la a1A convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. ,v What to So. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, tho great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In tha hack, klr'nrv llvf-r. VllarMov anH .mm mrl of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability j to nom waicr ana seaming pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes mat unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the hlchest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases, j u you neea a meaicine you should have tho best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and $ I. sires. You may have a samplt bottle of this wonderful discovery frA''" and a book that tellsdffllliMliaitgta more about it, both sernKptt!jHK29 absolutely free by mall, Ba address Dr. Kilmer & nome ot swunp-aoofc Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. G. V. ARGAimiGHT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Rko Cloud. Nkiiuaska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits and Por traits Hindu to order, sri.'ino in iumkui:i,i. iii.ock. I. 13. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock llox Zi. CI utile Hock, Nob. Vll kinds of property bought, sold sad exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TEHM KKASONAULE ORDINANCE. An ordlti&ne, woYldln for the levying of tixes upon all the Mreiisbla rroertr In tbo cltr ot lied Cloud Nebraska, bath real and par tonal, for all nuneral and special purposei. at nor tko recnlar atseiaed valuation of the same or the dura) year commencing on the 0 rat Tuci- darlaMaMMI Belt ordnlntd by the mayor and council ot tbo Cltvof HecriOMd. Nebraska; Thmtlio following tar s be fhattho followlnKtaxvibeand the samo are hereby levied upon all tbt assessable proper!; aufihsable nronertr wllhln the city nt Ittd (lloud. Nt hratkR, both rssl and personal, as per the assesurd valuation f lho nam for the jear Urt. to wit: Fr corpmI inirpoM1) ten noj mills ou tho dol lnr of llin asmd valuation Knrlnivreston water boa Is flfetPii (II) mills on lh( dwllnr on tho sced valuation thereof for lutwrrtt n electric lliltt lAiid four (4) mills oh tliu dollar on the listened miIimMoii thureof. This ordltmnre shall Mke effect f'nm ami after Its approval and publication as provided bylAW. I J Mvrm, Mayor. Allot. J i:. Kkslkii. Oily Clork. Iu llu DiHrlrt '"urt f lho rutted Stuto for the IMstrtrl of Nebrka. In Hie issuer ol Francis llourhln, bankrupt. To creditors: Ton nre li'iurcby notified that the aliovo naiiieil Fruacis nouchlu lis filed bis etllUn in tho k!ioc nsuu'd court for bis dlsclurgo In bank ruptcv, and It It ottered by the referto that Him Siad ilav of Juoe. i. I). 1001 be. and llin snm Is llx'ti as tha dntu' on or before which all creditor of and all ohrr persanx Interested in nld cMatc. and In irtqf matter of discharge In baiikruptcT, hall If hiot de'lre to oppot the same flle Iu Miy oillreln llamlnc. N'cbrsskn, In said dMrlcl their nptesraiicc In nrltiHK In op position to the erantluirof ald illktUinree, and aNn within ten dayt thereafter tile In my tald omen spteiiicatious of iiic Rrouuntor -aid op- tiokttion Dated June 11,1911. ,i. A. fiAiinisFii. Heferee In Bankruptcy. Dow Art) Your Kidney, t Dr. Uobbi' 8praut Pllli cure all kidney 111. Ban pla fr. Add. tiiarutm Hemitdr Co., CMcaco or M. V flotW AT Hotter We have quite a number of short length pieces in sum mer goods, such as Dimities, Lawns, Batistis and fancy Summer Goods. These are the result of our big trade in this line' and to close them out in short time we are making them at great bargains. Some of these pieces are waist lengths and others enough for children's dresses. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Carpets. We carry a full line of 2-ply ingrains, and sell them at the lowest prices. All carpets carefully cut and matched. Floor Mattings 15c per yard and upward. Shirt Waists. Our line of Shirt Waists comprises the latest styles and vest front effects. The quality of goods is the best that can be procured in Dimity, Lawn, Batiste and Percales. Belts. When in need of a new , belt do not fail to call fat 1 our stors and procure one. Have you seen those new straight front Summer Corsets. If not come in and get one. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Phone 61 when in need of choice fruits or gro ceries. Yours for trade, Furniture and Furniture ! THK Little Store Room IN THE Big Damerell Block is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur niture and at prices lower than ever before offered. Call and get our prices before buying. We will save you money and please you with quality. Aibrsght Bros., TRiV:OKI IVIXLVX332SIS CO, DKALKKS IN LUMBER and COA1 loixilcliixfi: material. Etc. RED CLOUD. City Dray and m. SHE. ROSS. PROP, Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONEINO. 52. sc PLATT & FREES CO., Chicago - Lumber - Vard. IlEl) CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. rrf'ryf' eathef Goods Prices I We still have a few of those TAILOR. MADE STITS left and are selling them at 50c on the dollar. y SHOES. Our reputation for carry ing line shoes is of long standing and we mean to keep it above par. We have a few pairs of ladies' shoes in small sizes which we will sell at 50c o the dollar and less. 334, Mi 1 M 111 1 iV m y X. m 1 M rt w j f I 11 I Mr Ik 1 v Turnure Bros. 'WWAoA- JrHSrj-i ,"'.-. ni r?is Red Cloud, Neb. Nebraska. Express Line. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest 1 yiSfiM iCrifctari- -- I . tU fe-Ai JrEsafSlV WC1K3K 4 j