1- -pw "" i""ipi m Jr' wi;i-wmiMiitiiM,.i r.i -j, ... , ., ,- " ViJMJvA ' w-'!u"t -WOW?--?- - '.wMSmr'TSfc'"'-- f n ." " A. waif among tha birds might be in appropriate name for tho common ret strange craaturo I want to toll you cbout, aan a writar for the Children's Eoltimn.' Pat-haps the word "tramp" would bettor express the Idea thun flow the word foundling, for we pity fouadllnca, bablni left by their cruel paracti to tho cure of a friendly world, or orphans whom death has out upon charity for protection. But we hnvn no love, pity nor respect for tho hu man tramp, and thin foathored fellow of whom I am writing docs not de erv many of these things either. Tho cowblrd, or cow blackbird, Is a wimderor upon the face of thn earth. Ho hns no home- he never had a home and his pa rontH novur claimed him or knew him, but left him to tho tender mercies of .other birds that Vhrought him up bo- rcausc tliey could not help them- Helves. Hut I will tell you nil about thnt later. Let us tell you alt nbout Cow Dlackblrds. UlBt ,ltor. Lut ua first got acquainted with this bird, and then wo sbull know hi in tho next time wo seo him. Thu cowblrd Ih a first cousin of tho common blackbird that makes so much noise In our dooryards, For all his cIoho kinship he has not inherited nny of the common black bird's better qualities, lie has lost all tho glo&s of his plumage and now woars a coat ns dusty and brown as nny human wunderer you ever saw. He has loBt tho common blackbird's neighborly habits, and usunlly flocks "all by himself out In the pastures, The only creatures that stir any In terest In his being are cattle, nnd wherever you nee u herd of those nnl innls grazing over tho pasturo you are pretty likely to see a cowblrd flying over their backs, dodging about their foot or oven resting upon their backs. That Is why he Is called "cowblrd," because cattle seem to bo tho only an imals ho cares anything about. Hut I havo not yet told you of the most unblrdllke trnlt of this relative of tho blackbird, nnd I nm sure you will say he does not dosorvn our re spect when you hear all nbout him. His poor orphaned baby might call forth our pity If wo were not positively certain that when It grows up it will do the same thing. Tho cowblrd nevor bulldH a nest of Its own. but the fomalo lays hor eggs In other bird's nests and lleavea tho other birds to euro for her child. Worse than that, she selects somo tiny llttlo pair that build a dainty house, like the llttlo yollow birds nnd 'lays her egg In their nest only ono In a nest You can Imagine tho dismay iot the yollow birds whon they come homo to find a great egg of the cow Iblrd there. They cannot roll tho In truder out, the neat walls aro too high, and the? thomHelvos nro too small, so they lay their eggs and hatch them, togethor with tho cowblrd's egg. Thon ,a sad thing hap'pons, for the llttlo cow blrd is bo much bigger nnd stronger a two-storied nest. than the llttlo yellow birds, and his appetite Is so much more vigorous that he gets all the food the parent birds bring and leaves the little yellow birds to die. A protty state of nfl'alrs. 1 should say! ' Hut I must tell yon a good Joko on the cowblrd that this sime yellow bird plnys sometimes. Often when the yel low birds come home mid And their new nost occupied with a cowblrd's egg they go to work mid build tho walls a little higher mid then lay a false bottom, as It were. oer tho ln tiudor. Then they lay their own eggs up In the second story of their house and hatch them. too. Hut the cow bird's egg. getting no heat from their tiny bodies, does not batch at all, and one cowblrd more hns fulled -to come forth to trouble these little feathered martyrs. I'llllll Vl Uli (if hllUHT. A striking papor on the "Dietetic Valuo of Sugar' nppoars lit 1 st week's Issue of the Hrltish Medlcr! Journal, by Dr. Willoughby (iardnor. Roughly speaking, tho world's cousu:- ptlon of sugar In the last fifteen irs hns doubled, while In Great Hrlt -i It has trebled per head In forty y irs. An j other Interesting point Ife that fie Eng- rf " " J .. a . . ." - ... m W I I lH jvA I ' Aj;:eV ' Huh nnd Amerlrans stand easily at the head of the list as the sugar-eating nations. Dr. Wllloughhy (lurdner es tablishes the fuel that sugar Is a po tent creator of energy and mnlutnlncr of stamina. This, he contends, Is i.tt only proved by laboratory experi ments, but by the case of the dnte eating Arabs, the flue health of the aiignr-cnne-eatlng negroes, nnd the re sult obtained by Alpine climbers, Arc tic explorers, athletes and German sol diers fed on u special diet. Dr. Wll loughhy Gardner's general conclusion Is that the increased height nnd weight and the Improved health of the Eng llsh people In the Inst half century aro largely due to the Increased con sumption of sugar. Philadelphia' Charitable Tumi. Philadelphia has no less than thirty seven different funds that have been left to It for various charitable pur poses. The lurgest of these Is the 01 r ard estate, which passed on the deuth of Steven Olrnrd In IbHL It now umounts to nearly $tii.U00,O0O, The income from It last year was $478.87!, which was devoted to Gliaid College. The next largest fund Is the Delaware avenue fund, which consists of the principal of Olrard's legncy of $:00.0)0 nml un accumulated Income of nearly half as much. Most of this Income will be devoted to Impiovlng the river front. The other thirty-live trusts amount to $l,301,(ini;, the Income from which last year was $.'i7,4.1l. There nre twelve fuel funds, from the Income on which 1,914 tons of coal were dis tributed. Some soup trusts yield $705 KliiC win! Tinker. A quaint story nttuclieii to nil old nlo-houso at Enileld. which bears the. remurknble sign of "King James mid the Tinker," Hunting one day in tho neighborhood, James I. got separated from his courtiers, nml pulled up ut this house, whero he Joined a tinker sitting In the poroh. In the course of conversation the tinker said he would dearly love to see the king. "Mount behind mo, then," said Jamea, "and you shall have your wish." and, the tinker taking him nt his word, they rode nwny. "Hut how shall I know the king?" asked tho tinker. "Oh, that. Is eusy enough," said James, "for all the courtiers will bo bareheaded." When they reached tho party the man Little Women Mexico """ vxs III Mexico, ns In many countries, tho mothers of tho working classes have very llttlo time In which to cam for and coddle their children. So tho old er Bisters aro always exported to play the part of "llttlo mothers," nnd many of thum take completo charge of tho wee olios of the family. As tho train passes ovory small village you will sea 1 these llttlo girls with thutr charges, 1 chattering and playing among thom- j solves nnd watching expectantly for monoy. They nre known as Coutovlta of pots nnd pans looked round puzzled. Suddenly realizing that he and hla companion were the only two people with their hats on, he slipped to the ground in consternation, nnd implored pardon for bis great presumption. Hut the king, delighted with his J ike, with toyal recklessness, knighted him on the spot and gave him a pension of JJ500 a yenr. KlndneM tllvrt Hatltfacllnn. If we take a selflsh view only of do ing helpful things for others we And sufficient reason; for It Is a fact that a kindly action, kindly received, leaves In Its wake a feeling of satisfaction nnd content, It Is true, unfortunately, that neighborly acts me not always received In quite the spirit In which they arc offered, but you cannot afford to lose your pleasure In proffering such nets even If your neighbor does lecelve It rather stlllly. Perhaps you have waited a little too long. And It Is not the gift Itself more than the pleasure of being remembered the kind ' thought that prompts the gift. So a call mid chat with a sick neigh bor, the loan of a paper or book or the new pattern, muy all count as gifts, and they count up so fust, If we only watch out for opportunities that we are amazed that they have ever been neglected by us. An Important question Is "Who Is thy neighbor?" Surely others besides your own Inti mate friends. I hold him great who, for Love's sako. Can give with generous, earnest will; Yet be who takes for Iove's sweet sake, III I think I hold more generous still. NrrMilty for u General (Tandard. In the creation of n bureau of stand ards thlH country has taken n forward step. lTp to the present we have had to verify our Instrument In Oermnny, but now that we have a bureau of our own, wo will be able to rely on our selves. What would still further help things would be the untloual adoption of a reasonable system of weights and measures, such as the metric system Until that Is done we shall have great dllllculty and confusion In tho stand nrdlzutlon of measures. Take, for In stance, the bushel measure that Is used for wheat. It differs In various states between points twenty pounds npnrt. There Is a variation In other measures mid until one stmidard Is arranged for we shall always havo trouble. Phila delphia Inquirer. Liability of Medical Institution. Is a charitable medical institution liable for the negligence of one of Its surgeons In operating on a patient gratuitously? The Supremo court, Ap pellate division, of New York, In n tecont decision In the enso of Collins vs. New York Post-Graduate Medical school and hospital (f9 N. Y.. Supp. 1.0G0), holds that such an institution Is not llnblu for damngea where tho Htirgoon is employes has been solccted with proper cure, and with no reason to bellevo him to be negligent or In competent When the Institution has oxeercised due euro In the selection of Its surgeons ami other employes the court holds that It hns then fulfilled Its duty, nnd Is not responsible for their negligence. Netios mennlng that they nro always willing to catch n penny thrown from the car window for them. They aro usually drossed in somo plcturesquo wny, and most of tho tlmo their plc turesquo garmoiita are vory ragged and old. In spite of tho burdou of having to care for small brothers and sisters, and In spite of their tattered clothes, tho llttlo Coutovlta Nonos are happy ns larks, contented with tholr lot. and 1 ready for any sport or games that may com un. NEW YORK'S WISE GULLS. TIikj Know run Day anil the Htenoier Hilllni l)ay, Kvory day is In umenstiie a fish day at Kit I toil market, but the seagulls know the chief fish day of the week, says the New York Sun. It Is then that they feast to their hearts' content. Their coming nnd going hns for years amused and Interested the ferryboat passenger, and some of the latter have been observed to look ifp from their papers, glance out of the cabin win dows, catch sight of the army of gulls and exclaim, "Bless me, there uro the gulls. It Is Friday again." The long-winged tricolors of the sea me always to be heen in the East river, opposite Fulton market In the day time, but they gather there In greater numbers on Friday because to iniKh refuse Is thrown awuy that day. They hover over the surface of the water by hundreds, taking" from the water such food as Is to their liking. They nro the senvengers of the East River In this respect. The Intelligence of the gulls Is remmkttble In one way Resides knowing which Is the big fish day on the Hast river, they know the , chief sailing days on the North river The America,, lino usually dispatches a steamer for Southampton at 10 a. m.. every Wednesday. Some minutes be fore the ship leaves the pier the circl ing of the gulls In midstream begins The blrdH know from experience that befoie the ship leaves quantities of food are thrown from the ship's ports and they niuke a dash to recover It the moment the tdilp pulls out. It Is nmusliig to watch one of tho gulls try ing to lift from the water a piece of food twice as heavy as Itself. Some times these gulls will hover uround the American Line pier until noon of Wednesday. At this hour the Red Stur liner starts for Antwerp, leaving the i wnter of the slip filled with discarded food. More fiequently, however, the birds will hurry off to the White Star line piers directly after the American liner leaves her wharf. The White Star steamer sails each Wednesday at noon. On Saturdays and Thursduys the gulls go to Hoboken to get what the Hamburg-American liners leave behind. These are about the only lines that have a fixed hour for sailing and the gulls have become acquainted with the fact. The harbor gulls fare better than their kind far out at sea. The latter frequently huve to follow a ship for days to supply the demands of their appetite. A RAZOR-BACK'S SENSE. One fan, at Leant, In Which Hot Wa Not Stupid. Hut while dogs have been celebrated for semi-human Intelligence, nnd cat tle have been known to evince some practical understanding. It was a sur prise to discover something like Intel ligence in an anlmul whoso stupldty had given occasion for a proverb. Not long ngo one of the razor-back swine ludlgenuous to the Stutemade an essay on the fence of n place nearby. It had been the site of a sawmill, nnd tho fenco was built of waste boards re maining after the removal of the works. Tho boar commenced his at tack at the end of the bonrd part of the fence by swaying sldewlse as far as possible without losing balance, mid then hurling his bulk against tho bonrd ns close as he could to the post. Ho had apparently decided that draw ing; out the nails would be tho easier manner of entrance. The force of Im pact was really formidable, and tho watchers of hlo movements were not a little fearful of his success. After several unsuccessful attempts, be de sisted, but wont grunting nlong tho fenco as If examining tho quality of the lumber until n split plank was found. A shnrp crack followed tho throwing of himself against this. Ho returned o the chnrge again and again until tho barrier was removed, when, with a astUfled grunt nnd a squeal of invitation to bis numerous family, his long bristly snout appeared through tho opening. Our Anlmnl Friends. Cat to Kradlrur lUulilts. Australian papers state that the ex periment of tho West Australian gov ernment In turning domestic cnts looso In tho southeastern districts of the colony to chock tho Invasion of rabbits from South Australia bus been n pronounced success. Tho felines destroyed Immense numbers of the nests, and In somo cases almost clear ed tho squatters' runs of tho rabbits. In anticipation of tho demand which la oxpocted for cats for this work breeding establishments nro bolng started. It Is believed, however, that It will be found much cheaper to import tho animals. ejecting Patneiicer front Nlrent Car, A passengor on n street car who acts in such a manner as to Justify the in ference thnt ho Is Intoxicated, and falls Into a sleep from which the conductor falls to arouse him by shaking him, may bo ejected, holds the Supreme Ju dicial Court of Massachusetts, In the case of Hudson vs. Lynn and II. R. R. (59 N. E. Rep., G47), but the. court holds further that It Is not due enro to put him, on a dark and stormy night. In mi unllghted road somo distance from buildings, though street cars are passing nt the time mid teams aru likely to pass. Gladstone's I)4U,;litcr Accept Position. Miss Helen Glndstono. dnughtor of the late William E, Gladstone has ac cepted tho post of warden of tho Wom en's University settlement, Southwnrk, London. Miss Gladstone) will go Into roaldonco early In September. former NaYlcatlott of tho llnv, Forty-four years ago the Kansas Kw river was navlgatod from Its mouth up ns far as Lawronco. Now railroads do the business. DYNAMITERS' WORK. AKRON POLICE SEARCH PERPETRATORS. FOR Offli'pr' Motue lllumi In lilt rattier, Mollipr. Sou anil llnby, Hurled Under the DetirlD, anil llnil n Marreloui r.'i cape. The entire police d'p.utinent nt Ak ron, O., has been working diligently and Investigating every club which may lead to the unearthing of the das tardly scheme to kill Policeman W. J. Hrtiuer and his family of that place, whose home was blowu to splinters a few days ago by dynnmltets. Mr. Brit ner, bis wife, Kllzabeth. his a on George, nine years old, mid Harold, n baby eighteen months old were In the house ut the time. They were blown out of bed and burled under the debris, but none wns seriously Injured. The house was a two-story frame structure, with s wing. Mr. Hruner, !Ih w'fe, "ml - slept on the flist "00r "f the wlnK' , ' ho oth,;(r1 bon c- cupled n loom on the second floor. The wing of the home was i educed to kindling wood, and the occupants were dug out of a big pile of plaster and broken timber. No trace of the bed was found larger than n splinter. The baby was at first missing. The little cradle in which It slept was complete ly destroyed. A faint cry presently at tracted Brunei's attention nnd the baby was found bruised under u mass of plaster and broken furniture, three feet deep. It was only slightly bruis ed. The force of the explosion damag ed bouses for a block around, nnd there was not a window left unbroken for more than 100 yaids. The report could be heard two miles away. The polico believe that the dynamiting was on at tempt at revenge upon Mr. Hruner. South Akron has recently been infest ed by u gang of firebugs and Police man Hruner has been very ambitious in his efforts to break up the gang. Several residents of that portion of the city have fnllen under suspicion, and they have been closely watched. Knowing this. It is believed they sought to get rid of the olllcer. Eight men are now under arrest on suspicion of having been connected with the work. The men under arrest nte: Frank Klein, Ed Apletzel, Charles Hall, Clarke Hooine. Lee Myers, Milton Hrecenridge and Arthur Craig. Soon after the explosion the olllcers picked these men up nt their homes. All were In theli houses nnd appar ently unconcerned, although they lived In the neighborhood of the scene, while every one else for blocks nround was out on the street and highly excited. It Is believed thnt many pounds of the explosive were used, as the explosion was tremendous nnd an enormous hole wns dug In the ground under the house. The heavy foundation timbers woro reduced to toothpicks and hurled for blocks away. A few scratches total up tho injuries sustained by the fnmlly, nnd their escape from being blown to atoms seems marvelous. Mr. Hruner has been a member of the Akron po lice department for more than fourteen years. His superiors esteem him as a faithful ofllcer and his record Is with out a flaw. He has been doing patrol duty on the east side for several mouths. Destruction of Nea Illrd nt Onlf. Professor Heyer, of the American Or nithological Association, who has been operating nlong thu Gulf const with the object of appointing bird wardens, reports that during his observations he found that the breeding places of nearly all the sea birds hud been de stroyed, both by killing the birds nnd taking their eggs. On Hru.sh, Call low, Calumet and Castello Islnnds, which wcro not long since tho abodes of millions of sea fowl, he found no birds at nil. On Timballer Island a few gulls and lions still remained, which was bIbo tho caao on Lost Is land. Ho appointed wnrdens wherever blids were found and succeeded In get ting the fishermen to promise to aid the wardens In preventing tho killing of birds during the breeding soason and the stealing of eggs. Philadelphia Times. Hlmllnr to Hnentci'ii ltaj. In 1895 a French cliomlst discovered rays emanating from tho element ura nium, which possessed properties sim ilar to tho Roentgen rnys. Recent ex periments by the Uorlln High School of Technology proved thnt a new ele ment Is responsible for tho Hecquerel rays and tho Interesting fact has been observed that these lays render almost evory transparent substance luminous In tho darkness. Tho rays make It possible to toll genulno dia monds from artificial ones In the dark. KellRlout Tt-uatilng Not I(riulred. Although tho Philippine commission enacted a provision last Janunry mak ing It lawful for the priest or nilnlstor of a church to teach religion In tho public schools at stated times to pupils i whoBo parents or guardians asked for such Instruction, It Is announced by tho commission that tnus far not one such request has been made. Tho Amorlcan authorities aro nt a loss to understand this, especially In view of tho fact that a largo majority of tho Filipinos nro Catholics, and, therefore, presumably anxious to have religion taught In the public schools. A Hammer Hint. By carefully turning on the whirli gig on your garden hose In the center of the lawn on n hot day you can thor oughly remove every blndo of grass, moles, wnrts and other blemishes In n very short space of time. When Mother Nature waters tho grass alio covers tho face of tho sun, but man knows better. St. Louis Globo-Demo-crat. STORY OF THE LUCKY 8TONB. ' IIUtoi7 of (IrnnttA lUock WhUh Wet- minder Atadn Famnui, A Eood deal haa boon heard of tho "Ma Fall," or atone of destiny, which Is plared under the seat of tho corona tion chair in Westminster Abboy, but few people realize tho extreme nn tlqulty of this uninteresting looking rough, gray block. It was brought to Ireland about 1200 B. C. by the Tuatha-dc-Dannans, a mystorloua oastorn racs which conquered Ireland at that peri od. No one Is quite clear as to their Identity, but many savants supposo them to have been Chaldeans, Persians or Phoenicians. Those racos were cer tainly highly civilized, even bo long ago as tho dnte mentioned, says a writer In Modern Society. They at tached the greatest possible value to the Btone nnd used to crown nil their monnrchs on it. Three of the Tuatha-de-Danaan queens regnnnt who sat upon tho stono of destiny rejoiced In the curious names of Fodhn, Bamba and Eire, tho Inst a nnme that Is creeping Into uso again of lnte after long eclipse. In the sixth century Fergfus, king of Scots, un Irishman by descent, borrowed tho stone for his coronation nt Scone and "froze on to It" when ho had It. It never went buck to Ireland, and many historians date tho commencement of the distressful country's woes from that loss. Edward I. of England car ried off the stone from Scono and plac ed It In Westminster Abboy, whero It still remains. Chicago News. TEMPLE OF SCIENCE. Varloui Societies In Now York Will IU Well llouiod. A temple of science, to cost $.ri00,000, is to be erected by the Scientific AM-, mice of New York to hotisa tho vari ous societies composing tho organiza tion, nnd give them the facilities for the advancement of original research which they long hnve needed. Tho project Is commended to the public over the signatures of a distinguished committee of co-opcrntlon, consisting of Andrew H. Green (chairman), Au drow Curnegle. Abrain S. Hewitt. Sam uel Slonn, William E. Dodge, Edward D. Adams, John S. Kennedy, Frederick W. Devoe, J. Hampden Robb, D. Wil lis James, and Colonel J. McCook. The Scientific Alliance is composed of the New York Academy of Sciences, the Torrey Hotanlcal Club, the New Yoik Microscopical Society, the Lln nnean Society of Now York, the New York section of the Amorlcan Chouil cnl Society and tho Now York En tomological Society. The building Is to bo to them what Hurllngton house In London Is to tho Royal, tho Geological, the Chemical, the Antlqunrlan, the Astronomical, and the Llnnaean Societies, which make their homes therein, or what tho Palas de l'lndustrle In Paris la to the four academies of Belles-Lettre3, Sci ence, Beaux Arts, and Sciences Morale et Politlques. Journal of Education. Didn't Know 1II Mlilakn, A citizen whoso respectability Is Im pressed upon hla personnel was walk ing down Wisconsin street yesterday deeply Immersed In thought, when a llttlo lady with sunny smiles and a tailor made suit tapped him on thu shoulder and Immediately turned nnd entered a store. Another lady, equally as pretty who saw the little Incident, met him faco to face with sparkling eyes. Supposing tho latter to havo been the ono from whom ho received tho delicate impact of a dainty hntiijf upon his shoulder, and not presuming to dony un acquaintanceship which might possibly exist, tho very respect ablo man doffed his hat nnd then turn ing about accompanied tho stranger up the street, while the store windows In the neighborhood with the smiling faces of thoso who had seen tho Inci dent nnd bad caught on. Mllwaukeo Sentinel. Distribution of the Scripture, Heavier than the entire population of Liverpool are tho 165,000,000 copies of tho Scriptures distributed during Oug nineteenth century by tho Hrltish and Foreign Bible Society. They weighed nbout 30,700 tons. To transport this mountnln of Bibles a train sixteen mllea long, drawn by 150 locomot ves, would be necessnry. The area of tho printed pages would furnish standing room for twice us many persons ns are now living throughout tho world. If nil these Bibles were made into asln glo volume tho book would be 202 feet high (as high ns tho London Monu ment), 140 feet wldo, and forty-ono feet thick; each page would weigh sixty tons, and to turn ono of thorn over would take tho strength of l.'.'i) men or forty horses. Further, the Bibles would ranke 197Vd columns as high ns Mount Everest (29,000 feet). Cardinal VuuKhan Newrlni; Hurenty. Cardinal Vnughan Is now In his sev entieth year, having been born nt Gloucester on April 15. 1832. Of that period forty-seven years havo been spent In the sacerdotal olllco und twen ty-nlno In the oplacopal. Ordained when but 22, his omlnenco was conse crated bishop of Salford at tho ago of 10, and administered that busy nnd populous diocese for twenty yealy, when In 1892 ho was choson to suc ceed Cnrdinal Manning In tho arch episcopal see of Westminster. Iliipplnon. Wo can't choose happiness olthor foi ourselves or for anothor; wo can't toll whero It will lie, Wo can only choos'B whether wo will indulge ourselves In tho present moment or whether we will renounce that, for the sako ol obeying Urn dlvlno voice within iir- " for the sako of being true to all .V."" motives that sanctify our lives.