The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 14, 1901, Image 1

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Any reason why a shopper should doubt the evidence of his or
1 . . -i XT1. 1 . 1 1 . I
ner senses: in nere isn i any sucn reasons; and mats wny we
ask you to come and see for yourselves how well this store is
prepared to give pou special service and unequaled merchan
dise at a great saving.
II Simple Praetiee of Economy I
Is buying where you can do the best. This week's selling of
means a selection of about 30 pieces, all good patterns, Dimities,
Lawns, Piques and ginghams. The regular price was 10c to
25c a yard. Bargain price 6 and 10c a yard.
We sell 10c Dress Gingham at 7c per yard.
Are you realizing that the season for
is here? You will notice the material and workmanship in
these garments are first class in every respect. We bought a
good many garments and bought them right. Our prices today
average lower on the goods made up than the material alone
would cost.
K GOOD TI7VE to buy.
We have about one-half ccse of fancy standard prints left. No
two patterns alike. 10 yards for 32c until closed out.
WASH SKIRTS Linen skirts, well made, nicely trimmed, price $1.25 to Si. 75.
Demins skirts, $1.00 to $2.00.
White Pique skirts, $2.00 to $2.75.
Ladies Wrappers, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50.
SHIRTINGS Amoskcag, qc; Southern Silk, regular ioc now 7c yd; Lightweight
shirting at 5c yd.
MUSLINS Lonsdale cambric, gc yd. Hleached Lonsdale, 6?c yd. Bleached
medium weight, 50 yd. Unbleached L.L., 5c yd. Unbleached, medium
weight, 3 Ac yd.
Shirt - Waist - Beauty !
Our waists this season are very attractive. By carrying two
different lines it giver our customers a chance to get the very
bqst the market alfordsat a very low price.
The Job Lot of Waists we are selling at 29c are
good bargains.
Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn,
Bated Hay and Coal Oil.
No. i Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51.
The Chief
Inter Ocean
$ 1 .25 per year.
Scissors Ground,
Razors Honed,!
Bob Barklcy & W. F. Lodge
MarDcr Shop.
First door south of Star,
bakery and restaurant.
All kinds of barber work executed t
promptly and satisfaction J
Educate Your Dowels With Cascarats.
t' SVftWiJ.S!,'S LSSUPUpB lorerar.
. , ..nvv,ii,iHiiHMnnwi
Incidents o! Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
Account oi Their Littleness
This week we have bean treated to
enough variations of weather to htiit
tlio mst fastidious. Dust, wind,
watur, and a small quantity of leal
pleasant weather Taking all in all, it
.suits 111. Ono thing sine it was a good
thine for all utowinir vegetation and
especially the wheat and other grain.
Hut lias rain of ye&UMduy morning was
quite u daiupeiier on the parties who
havo new buildings under way. And
while we are talking about new build
ing1;, what's the matter with the opera
house iroj'':t' This is ono improve
ment which is needed here and one
which could bo easily had if somo good
enterprising citizen would just ttart
the ball rolling. We believe 87,000 00
wortli of stock 'could find purchasers
in one week's time in this city. Why
not commence it now and have an
opera house by the time the next show
season rolls around. Wo would sug
gest that tlio mayor call a meeting to
this end and extend especial invitations
to about a dozen or two of our money
ed men to bo present. Wo mean thoso
who are tlio most able to take stock in
such an enterprise. Tlie merry-go-round
hasu'tdono any great amount of
business hero so far. However this is
not bebauso tlio people do not want to
ride, but because the weather has
so bad that the machine couldn't run.
Tlio boys and girls were on the
grounds regular with plenty (?) of the
wherewith with which to ride, but ns
the weather has been wet enough to
wot other things the young people did
not scum to want to art anv wetter bv
stradling tho wooden horses, especially
when the machine wouldn't run und
rub thorn up enough to dry their well,
clothes. Wo like to laugh occassion
al ly, but we don't believe in laughing
at strangers simply because they nro
strangers nnd happen to slio oil tho
sidewalk in a small uiudholu not uuito
knee deep. While wo stood at tho en
trance of our intelligence emporium
watching the outcome of tho horrible
disaster, with eyes in our tears, a loud
horfolaugh chorus arose from (J rice's
corner which would raise boils on the
back of u fellow's nook. The unfor
tunato stranger wended his way east
ward evidently seeking a littlu warm
sympathy, or something else to warm
him up. Fishermans' luck. Wo lost
sight of litui as ho past the corner and
havo not eon him since. Wo bolievo
in traating strangers with geuuiuo hos
pitality and not with "horsepitality"
laughs. Shame on you, Mys. Hut us
wo bolievo in rctiirnkig good fur evil,
wo wish for lots of ouch accidents in
tho future to eutortain tho "corner"
ntfdionco. 0iut Iwarihis in aiind: If
ovor wo should bo so unfortunate as to
be tho victim, then you'ro not supposed
to laugh. Speaking of laughing, wo
heard a follow nt tho blacksmith shop,
last Monduy, who'lnughed ho hard that
ho blow all tho coals out of -tlio forgo,
all bccausoiit boame necessary to ropo
and throw a poor little 15(10 pound
bay pony in order to got to monkey
witfi bis hoofs. Borne peoplo would
laufih if wo wro to tell thorn tbataomo
day Ked Cloud would havo a -bran now
opora house. Wo noticed in ono of our
local exchanges that a cemetery is a
good tkingforatown if well patron
ized. Wo considered this a good pro
position and iutendod to copy the arti
cle, but wo acoidently met thooditor in
a saloa and ho-explalnod to us that ho
wrote tho word "creamery," aud tho
compositor Rot it "cemotorv.Wo
don't bellovo tin r was aoy mistako in
tuo article, if it bad boon published in
this paper, and tho pt-blic allowed tn
dlctato who should patroulzi tho o?nio-
tory. Uut the good dio youujr, utfdic
tatcd, while they would ba aliro and
others occupying their graves, if tho
puuuc couiu rule and dictate who shad
succumb to the inevitable. Wn nil
must dio, like the lire in thograto but
it tlio public had tho sayso, they would
turn tho city water on somo lirns. irlvn
them a mud bath, and quonck tboir vo
homont, velocity, duitructivonoss, des
trojabilitj, backwardness, 'foruiost-
ncss" and retrogressivoncss, quicker
thin you could chase a cow going to
pasture on tho sidewalk or out of tho
garden. Wo bolievo that Uosslo enjoys
being driven to pasture better than be
ing kept in tlio pasture, as both going
aud coming she enjoys the rich food
produced by industrious garduers aud
growers of trees, llownrs, shrubbery
and things Hussy apparently knows
that thesu precious viands weie culti
valed for Hotel do Table do Private
Hesideuce, at which plHcn Uossy has no
invitation to j 'In the familr ciicle. and
therefore Invites herself to the delica
cies before they reach the aforesaid
circle. It's rather huid on the "ciiclu"
but we can't blame Hoisy. D n thu
kids that drives the cow is tho only
way to get satisfaction. If yon want
to give satiifaolion, . lint pay vp your
subscription aud give a little financial
satisfaction to this paper. We need it,
aud you ought to pay it piy it wil
linglyas willingly as you pay otlmr
subscriptions in other branches of in
dustry We expect, to pay everyone
that owes us a visit una of thuse days.
and if tho visits Wftvo conaenlnl. we
will pay our creditors a visit anyhow.
If you como to pay, come in tho day
time A common occurrence is to pay
visits at night and pay a penalty of a
year in tho "pen." TVo don't want our
friends to be tlio victims of such a fate,
lint wo do want them to pay up boloro
Mm wlinlo olllco forco cuts so hard no
Ik VJ I-..--. ----.. -
been that they will be compollod to commUt
somo torrtuiu crime in orer to get
oven with tho world. Do you know
what a torriblo crime isf Murder, we
nro positivo, is tho vilest f all crimes.
o saw a woman murdering n
chicken with a dull hatchot, tlio other
pay, nnd avory time sho struck, tho
hatchet (low off tlio haidlo. The noor
chicken lloppod and squaked nnd lin-
ally got looso but wasn't loose long us
the doz in brown soon run him (the
rooster) down. Wc beliovo ho was a
rooster, as all the chicken wo have had
the pleasure of partaking of this sprint:
was certainly lough onongh to bo full-
blooded rooster. Wonder if thu meat
markets sell rooster meat. YTo believe
that somo of our short-cut steaks tiro
clippings from some kind of an animal,
boast, bird or fowl, of tlio nialo specie.
metal wiro or pipo a thousand foot
sooner than strike throuerh half an inch
of glass, or dry air, or oven dry wood.
How to Avoid Lightning.
Tho leeward side of a tree or grovo
is safest in a thunder storm. Hut keep
a little away from it, for if you stand
near a tree, aud electricity comes down
through it from a ulouil, it may liml
your moist body a better conductor
than tho tree, und jump off and go
down through you. a
persons body is a fair conductor of
electricity, bettor than most other sub.
stances aside from metals and water
itself, which is a good conductor.
During a thiwderBtorni o not stnnd
near a ckimuoy from which warm,
moist air is ascending; becauso thid
moist air toeothor with your bodv mav
tform a roadway Hufllsiontlv good to on-
auio tlie cloctncity from a passinir
cloud to strike down to tha earth. Do
not stand or sit down nenr a stovo pipo
or near a wall which may havs wot
timber in it.
A recent ruling curtails tho sphcro
and tllleioncy of the United States
money-orilor system. Commencing
with .lime 1st, money-orders nro only
payable nt oflleii of remitter or payee,
the instructions Niiied not long slnco,
giving money-orders thu practical
elllclency of a draft, having boon re
voked. This may be tho law in tho
case, but it is n rcm'otahlo blow at tho
enlargement of the sphere of action of
the money-ordur riepnrtinenl him a
backward step wliero n'lvaneouiont
was to havo been hopod for. Wu knew
of no adequate reaon why the United
States money-oidcr should not bo
plncsd on the highest scale of cfllclonsy
convenience and eot of the gilt
udged draft, and hope to sco tho system
duty expand to that point.
"A story is told of a young lady,'
says the Nor'onville Hrrald, "wh
found a package of love letters that
had hern written to her mother by her
fathur before they were married. Tho
daughter saw sho could havo a littlo
sport by reading them to her mother
and substituting her own name for
that of her mother, and a lino youig
man for that of her father. Tlio mothor
jumped up and down in her ckair,
shifted her feet and seemed terribly
diiguslcd and forbade her daughter to
havo anything to do with tho young
man who would write such sickening
and nonsonsical stuff to a girl. When
Mm mi' I linmled tlio lottors to her
miithnr to read, tho house becamo so
still that ono could hear tho grass grow
in the back yard. Jewell Kepubllcan.
Excursion Rates to Eastern Cities.
Theso rates will Intorest you.
They aro as low as will be in offcet
nny time this summer-
DtTHOiT July 0, (i and 7, 120 05 for
tho round trip.
Cikcinnati July 4, 5 and 0, W4 40
to Cincinnati and roturn.
MiMVAUKKK-July 20, 21 and 2'2,
V21M for the round trip.
CuiCAao-JulyM, Stand 25, 820 1.1
for tho round trip.
I.w ratus dally to the Pan-AmoriOan
Exposition at HutCilo. Ask tho ticket
agent about them.
J Fuangis, (ieneral riissengor
Agent, Omaha Nebraska.
List of letters temaining uncalled for
at tho postolllco at Ked Clowd, Neb
raskn, for tho weckj ending June III,
Clark, J T. Krazer, Dulo
Shoop, (Jeo. Smith, I). U.
Theso letters will bo sent to tho dean1
letter ofllco June 27 if not call
ed for before When calling for nbovo
plenHe say "advortiscd." T . C. Hack, Postmaster.
A Letter to Mrs. Plnkham Brought
Health to Mrs. Archambo.
LITII 10 MM. riNKUAM WO. 4J,3$5 ,
"Dkar Mllfl. Piskham For two.
yours I felt tired and so weak and dizzy
that somo days I could hardly go
nrnnnrl Min 1inuc Tlnnl'ii.!.. n.1 v...i
lu short keep away from ' ncho all tho time nnd my food would
any moist air, or hay, or crain, also
torn metals. Simnlv remnmhni- Mint
any good or poor conductors of elec
tricity, your body included, lioln to
form a passage to invito electricity to
Jeavo a cloud and go to tho earth,
which is a great resorvoir.
1 ho nervous r fearful persons mny
be more comfortablo when thov under-
stand thatolostrieity will go a long way
ronna ooioro tt will try to got through
glass, wax, feathers, dry wood and tho
like. If one stands away from tho wall
and chimney, or stovo pipo. on a thick
glass, or on a feather pillow or bod, or
on wax or on a dry board, supported
by tumblers, ho or she will bo pretty
safe against ligktning.
In such a position it is possible for a
house to bo badly shattered by astroko
of lightning and the persons bo un
harmed. I his explains why Individ,
uals aro often littlo harmod, if standing
on a dry wood lloor when tho house is
struck. Thu slmnlo nrlnnlnln In tj...t
the oleotricity will seek tbo beat mn.
duetor it can And. It wlM follow .
not digest nnd had such pains In tho
womb and troubled with lcucorrhcca
ami kidneys were affected.
"After birth of each child I grew
weaker, and hearing so muck of the
good you had done, I wrote to you and
havo taken nx bottles of Lydla E.
Pinkhnm's Vegetablo Compound, on
box of Lozenges, one box of Liver Pills,
one package of Sauatlve Wash, and to
day I am feeling as well as I ever did.
When I get up in the morning I feel aa
freh as I did when a girl and cat and
sleep well and do all of my work. If
ever I feel weak again shall know
where to get my strength. I know
your medicine cured me." Mna. Bxusx
Tho present Mrs. Pinkham'a expert,
ence In treating female ills is unpural
leled; for years sho worked side by
side with Mrs. Lydia E. rinkham, and
for sometime pant has had sole charge
of the correspondence department of
her great bublnesa, treating by letter
as many as a hundred thousand ailing
women a year. All women who suffer
ore invited to write to Mrs. Plnkham
at Lynn, Mass., for advice, which will
be proaapfly fWea wttbot brf