The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 31, 1901, Image 4

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(""WW IT ( -
poison oak
Poison ivg
rc among the best known
of the many dangerous
wild plants and stinths.
To touch or handle them
quickly produces swelling
.and inflammation with in
tense itching and burning
of the skin. The eruption
soon disappears, the suf-
trr linnr forever ! but
almost as soon as the little blisters and
pustules appeared the poison had reached
the blood, and will break out at regular
intervals and each time in a more aggra
vatcd form. This poison will loiter In the
system for years, and every atom of it
must be forced out of the blood before you
can expect a perfect, permanent cure.
M Nature's Aillfttc
iOv Nature's Poisons,
is the only cure for Tolson Oak, Poison
lw. and all noxious plants. It is com
posed exclusively of roots and herbs. Now
is the time to get the poison out of your
system, as delay makes your condition
worse. Don't experiment lonner with
alves.washes and soaps they never cure.
Mr. S. M. ManhMI, bookkeeper of the Atlanta
(Oa ) Oaa Light Co., n poisoned with Poison
Oak. lie took Sulphur. Arsenic ami varlotu
other druM, nd applied externally ntimeroui
lotion nnil naive with no benefit. At timei the
swelling anil Inflammation wnaao severe he w
almost blind, l'or eight yeara the polon would
break out every season. Ills condition was much
improved after taking one Imtlle of 8. ft. 8, and
few trollies cleared hi blood of the poison, and
U evidences of the disease disappeared.
Feoplc are often poisoned without
knowing when or how. Explain your case
fully to our physicians, and they will
cheerfully give such information and ad
vice as you require, without charge, .and
we will send at the same time an interest
ing book on Wood and Skin Diseases.
"unlmnKii nr
w.i.. McMillan.
Stat jesr,..
U tiro 1111
i: ia
. .v
nteted at iliu pom more at Had Cloud. Nuu.a.
oondalasiMidl matter.
Loral advertising 6 ssnts per Hue per Issue.
1cal Advertising for entertainments, con
tcru, stelals, etc., given by churches, charitable
societies, etc., where all moneys raised there
from are used wholly for churcU or charitable
societies, first ten Hues free aud all over ten
lines 3M cents per Hue per Issue
Loral advertising of entertainments, concerts,
recitals, etc., where per cent Is given to pro
aiders, 6 cents per Hue per Issue.
One column per month.............-..................!' 00
One half column per month ....... .1 M
One fourth column per month 1 75
General display advertising I 6M cunts per
Inch perlsaue.
A Race War Threatened. Grave later
national Crisis Happily Averted.
The members of the Ancient Older
of Bald Headed I'rovnrlentors hnvo
been reluctant to respond to our re
quests for information sico wo ex
posed some of their doings, but wo
have found n now wiiy of gettiKg nt
them. They liiul plenty of exeltement
on tnp Inst Saturday night, nnd It wns
known over town that mimolhing tin
usual was taking plaeo In thu lodgo
room. What actually happened is still
a mystery that will be cleared up by
this voracious chronicle. It scorns that
JLeopold Sctaulz hid applied for mem
bership in the order and a ballot was
About to be taken whoa Louie Schu
mann arose and began a speech which,
though well meant, was unfortunately
worded and produced a most unhappy
effect. After paying au eloquent trib
ute to the order and dwelling upon its
grand effects upon the human race, he
proceeded to point out what ho con
sidered somo dangerous tendencies
and continued as follows:" I don't
got noddings 'gainst Leopold" said
Brother Schumann, "Leopold vas all
right, but vat 1 say is, dot if all do
Dutch 'round 1'lCin Hill is join dis
U,;. li, I gits minuseU out mit it already
pritty quick. I don't got noddings
gainst tlo Dutch, dey gan't help it, dey
vas born dot vay. But doro vas blenty
Dutch already in dis Dere vas
"iiornborger unit Zimniorman und
Kejcklehakn und plenty more. Vat
f ui- vn want somo moi'O Dutch. 1 vas
tired ralt'em. Dem Dutch got into
brytlnt;. Bey got do land. Day got
de monoy. Dey got do bollytlx. Ve
as got a Dutch governor. Dun dey
make him a Dutch senator. Ve vas
got a Dutoh vice bresident. Pretty
quick, ve vas got a Dutch emperor.
.Down mit de Dutch." There is no tel
Ving what Schuman would have said
next for, at uh point in his remarks,
ho was interrupted by the (rand Chief
rrovtu loalor, Colonel Hoover, who
dialed that his speech could not ho
heal d further as It was liable to muse
international complications and might
-ovea produce such an unfoitunato
effect as tho causing of a war between
America nnd Germany. "Led urn
onmo on" cried the angrylSchuniann.ui
-,.0t-solMU Imitation of Spartaeus,
-Led ui come on; I vas ready." 'I Ins
' bellicose statement was tho lust straw.
It hadhoan noticed by everybody pies
.iit excent Schumann, thai l'liilip Zim
merman had been removing his outer
uarmonts and expectorating upon his
hands. Just as Schumann iinnounoul
his readiness to exterminate (Jetniany,
l'liilip seemed to bo rtndy also for ho
sprang like a tigor toward the unsiis
peeling Schumann and with terrilic
il; nnd loft banders closed both his
' eyli, thu rendering him incapable of
o nlinuing, or even of commencing
the engagement. As he could
not see his foo no rcasnuablo man
vould expect him to remain in action.
It seemed to bo a case where both
were ready but ono was more ready
nan thu other. Tho lodge was now in
an uproar nnd tho Grand Chief I'rcvnr
Iciitor indicated his displeasure at the
Mini affairs worn taking by launching
his gavel at tho head of Brother Zim
merman, but tho aim boing n trifle low,
it buried itself somewhere in tho depths
of his whiskers. Zimmermnn, now
thoroughly aroused, (his Dutch being
up as one might say) forgot thu res
pect duo his Chief, forgot everything
he should have remomhered and actu
ally hurled a chair nt Colonel Hoover,
grazing his head nnd carrying away a
portion of liis scalp. All was now (lite
confusion nnd running to and fro and
pandemonium prevailed. Finally, doc
ors having been sent for anil the
wounds dressed, order ngiln began to
dawn and reus in to regain its sway
and apologies to bo made. An unsuc
cessful search for tho gavel having been
mado through Zimmerman's whlskeis,
the Grand Chief Prevaricator ilually
called tho lodgo to order by lluce dis
tinct raps of his boot, which he had re
moved from his foot nnd hcl 1 in his
hand as an emblem of authority. Bus
iness wns resumed whore it had been
interrupted nnd Leopold Schulz was
declared duly elected to membership
Brother Zimmerman's punishment for
offending the peaco and dignity of tho
lodgo wns taken under advisement
Bioihor Schumann was lined two casus
of beer and a box of cigars. IIu paid
thu lino and withdrew his remarks
concerning tho G-rmans, and in tho
subsequent proceedings, which lasted
voral hours, during which Schumann
generously doubled his own line and as
g-tteivnisly paid it, nil animosity and
nice prejudice between Teuton and
Anglo Saxon woro washed down or
floated away in wrcatning clouds of
smoko. And thus another groat nat
ional crisis has passed and another
cruel war is averted.
Wo are nooding rain.
C. A. Francis replanted thirty-five
acres of corn.
Klrnor Wilson has a tine field of
S. I. Howard has a splendid Held of
alfalfa that is ready for tho mower.
Ves. Small Is rejoicing over tho nr
rival of a lino son. Waller Fordyco is
also happy over the advent of a daugh
ter. Memorial services woro hold nt tho
stone church Sunday nnd also at tho
U II. church Sunday evening.
Quite a number of our young people
nttended services at tho Friends church
at North Brunch.
F. W. Houghtnllng and family at
tended memoiial services hero Sunday
While moving a building Ueubon
B iyce was somewhat mixed up with
tho building, teams and whillletroes
and lud not a clevis pin broken ho
would have had his neck broken and
been killed. As it wns ho escaped with
a fow slight injuries.
Mrs. M. A. Ilouch has added a pen of
brown Leghorns to her poultry yards.
Phone 61. 1 Turnure Bros. Phone 61.
Men's calf, fine quulity
lace or congress, coin
oJ globe toe, $3.00 and
3.50 quality, sale price
Huvo you soon thosoue.v
Knatnol Vicl Kid Ladiss' $1 50
Wo intend tog glvo big bar
gains in shoes far the noxt ten
Our line or $2 00 mid 92 M) shoes going nt $1 psr pair.
Our lino of 11 00 mid $3 5(1 shoos going nt IJ 00 mid $2 50 pair.
Don't full to soo our lino os patent calf shoos for children.
Men's shoes, ons of oar strongest lines
Ladles Oxfords In the lalest stylo of too
Wash Goods.
' Our store is headquarters for the latest effects
in wash goods. Dimities in stripes, and plain col
or Batistes, latest efiects. Silk mull in black and
white dotted effects. Light colors in Ginghams
and pretty waist goods.
Shirt Waists,
You will miss it if you don't see our line.
"HEW pDEIt" Sewing Waehines.
You can purchase a drop head machine of the
best quality and workmanship and fully guaran
teed, at our store for only
at Half
The bargains in
this Department
are creating quite
a sensation. Think
of it. Only half
price. Ladies this
this is is an opportunity net to be passed by. All
the suits arc made in first class style and by one of
the largest made to order suit houses in the United
States. The workmanship on all suits is guaran
teed. Come in and see them.
When we say our line is complet it is not put
ting it too strong as we carry the largest stock in
the county and can and can please you with good
quality and low prices; we are still giving away
linings free with each pattern sold over 50c per yd.
Belts and Belt Buckles.
Can both both be found in great quantities at
our store.
Still have a quantity of laces at 5c per yard.
A full assortment always on hand
You can depend on getting the best at the lowest prfces when you trade with us. Our stock is kept up
Fruits of all kinds in season. Telephone orders promptly and carefully attended to.
Shs has tbreo inoubatois In ue.
We regret to noto that Grandpa Fer
guson has said good-bye to his many
friends and has returned to Spring
Hold, Illinois, his former homo whero
lis ozpects to spend the remainder of
his days.
Iiy your subscription and gel a cal
dilating pencil.
They area little won-
The dial of the punch
ing tunchiuc won't
answer that question.
Strength depends on
nutrition. When the
.stomach and other organs of digestion
and nutrition are diseased, the body fails
to receive its full supply of nourishment
and hence grows weal;. That is why no is stronger tlinu Ills stoiuncli.
Dr. l'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and the
allied organs of digestion and nutrition.
The food eaten is then perfectly digested
and assimilated and the body is made
strong in the only possible way by nu
trition. "I was troubled with Indigestion Tor nhout two
nr " write Win Ikmker. l'q. of Jullnettn.
bit nh Co lil.iho, "I tried illdcrcnt ihxturnntiil
rctui'illrH lint to no avail, until I wrote to ou
,'iti.l uu tokl me what toilo I Miflereil with n
- i"i In tiivfionnih nnd left Ulc nnil thought
tint it . l kill i ne Now I am rIikI to write
tin aiul l- vou know Hint I nm all right. I can
ilo my wo . .ow without iln anil I don't hac
that tirnt feeling Unit 1 u-eil to have. l'le hot
tie of Dr. Plcice's C.oU'.tu Medical Discovery
and two vial of hi ' I'lcanant 1'ellet' cured
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets stimulate
the liver.
Weather cool.
Frost Sunday night killed somo fruit
on tho low land, but did no damago to
tho general crop.
Miss Malviua VatiDjke of North
Branch was visiting with frionds In
Lino Inst week.
Mrs. Wickwirs attended tho Guruum
Uaplist mooting in Lincoln this week.
J. K. Fox harvested J. Heauchamp's
alfalfa this week. Ho reports two tons
to the acre.
Mr. Barton of Cora, Kansas, has
woved into the dug out near tho river
bridge that Geo. Beauchatnp occupied
last winter.
Geo. Benuchamp has gone to the
Hugh Boyco started overland for
Fountain, Oklahoma.
Friends received tho newsl.ov. H. H.
Haskius was working on the irrigation
ditch in Colorado for SD.mO per day for
himself and team lie pays $100 per
bushel for corn and $1.00 per hundied
for hay.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. ltichard Kea
gle on May 2U, a girl.
Grandpa and Grandma Soderllnd
wero the guests of J as. Keagla Satur
day. E V. Andarson has a full load of
milk for the Rett Cloud creamery this
Mr. Subline had the misfortune to
stop on a nail, and as a result has been
laid up for a few days.
Andrew Sodorlind caught six young
wolves on Monday of last week.
Mark Nobis and son and daughter
from Kearney, woro the guests of
Frank VanDyke last week. They re
port the wheat prospect good, tho corn
all planted, and the alfalfa ready to
Mr. Aubushon of Gailield was on a
liuinrs trip in Lino last week
Cultivating corn is the older of tho
Wo hear some complaint about tne
divide road south of the river litnlgc,
which lends to lied Cloud being shin i
The iiualfr.i about diy weather had
bettor shut up oi muvu mi:, WelMcr
con it lias mi inn fur ihem.
Limp m upIi rr pi ( i'i'i) -i' lli.
. I .1' " ' il li'M Cl'MHI '
H7ttDJVr!I2IIwlEKl'Y nnl want mN
I hoinettriivollnesiilcsmon
-- nrt raty to boll, olways
plcfte. Outfit AIMOI.TJTKl.YrRK.
STARK BRO'S, Louisiana, M.
th. fniunt cum of Appvnillcltli and ninjr otbr etr.
lout llli dhould n.Ttr bo axilecuxl. Th. objcctljo to tat
usual eathartlo remodlea la thetr coatlvo reaction whloh
lnrrara conidlaaUon Inateatlof eurlnglt. l'AKKUt'S
OINOKH TON 10 la the nrrr remedy. It action tin
UTer. aad when uaod aj directed, itermanently romreg
Um oomtlpaUon. M 0I4.& Si-W at ail VrugjrlaUk
KKNOVATOB Invigorates and renovates the
system; purines and enriches the blood; cures
the worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache,
llreranrl ktclneya. SSoandlt.atdrueglsts. Free
R advice, samplo and book. .
Dr. 11. J. K ay, Saratoga. N. V BklBm
ClMSKi and brautlflct tbt half,
l-rumotel a lumriint crowth.
N'ver l'alla to ltf-rtor. Oray
Cuttn tralp K hair t&llUig,
aie,i d tlji lliufj-ltti
" - IOr.KyL.
vice, etc., of
TlCnRES all Kidney
I acho, etc. Atdrue
' L'Ists. or bv mail.
, t
Dr. D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y.
IT". -
Furniture !
Little Store Room
Big Dam ere II Block
is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur
niture and at prices lower than ever before offered.
Call and get our prices before buying. e will save
you money and please you with quality.
Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb,
B & M. B.T
81. JOE
S'l. LOUIS mid
all jirnnts east nnd
und nil juimi
fotxildLixTg; jnoaEiter'iol. Etc.
Red Cloud. - - Nebraska
City Dray and Express Line.
B, 3fl. ROSS. PROP.
i i
I r. I fp .,ihi inn HUM i'tli,
Niiiiu puoplti don't it down und liuwl;
O Iv f.ntl Hiiioidc ortnUo to lllht,
.'inari iMiplu tnkti Ucoky Motiiituin
I'm ut uklit.
"HtV t.EAVX A oiil.t.iiHi.
No li rifi.uiT .Iniii t'.f iihitini
ninl i Kihui ! t'liiiii'lii'- nx
I on) Mo De .m mini ii
.uttli wt-l . 7 IS in
Ni. II l'i.-.iie.i iiiil li.i "i ,
U ii i ' ( iint' .
I.nlll-. I.illlulll l" iVWimiio
Hint nil I'uliHN ertkt inn) ...iiili -J'.li a i'
s,. if, l',vi'imcr. (ImIij. in-uiir, nil
tuillltl. Ill C'llloriKl'i I lull Htlil
I'ttllforiilK . fin
Nn H'. I'i'iii:i'r. dull? f r i .l".
Uhli-ni. ll . All lil"li .
i.l'lll" Hllll ill lllllll l"ll HIm!
.until in." n i
Ni. Ml Airmiimodstloii i1II ei-i
siiihIhi. IliiUlmit. ttriilut U
iHint. IllmV. Ittltf Aiul nil
tiulliioln tlif urlliwi'M . ..
o. HJ. Acciiniiiiodsllnii.ilitll) except
Suiidny, Obcrlln, Kaunas hih!
lulcriiH'dliiioiitiitldiis, vIk lte
piilillcim 12:30p.rz.
Nil in I'ri'litlit. lsll. W)more Hiid
-.1. .loo ninl liilt'nr.ediaie
luiictton iiolntk I3:p.m
Nil 41. f rciKlil. UKiiy iur iicinuiiiinii
iirli'aiik.dxfonl nnil till nolnii.
west 10'4fa..rt
.. ', I'n-li.-lii.ilHll) fMi'il miiik
fnl t Miinri-hihI All iiintiieil .0i il
Nii.IT:) I'lcl.lii ilull; iniixrunl ninl iur I'dtiiik .... I ::tii p il
i-iiiut!. iIIiiIuk. hiiiI rcrlliiliiK rhHir rar
i.ri tui'l mi tliruiieli irnln. TU'U'UkoM xml
fxutciiue clicckiMl to mi point In tlie L'ulted
for InfiTtmitUm. lime tKblu.inap rr tlctct
tall on or Rildroki. A. coumer. Apeut. IteC
t.-ioiid. Sebr. or .1. Frauds. General faatetiRei
Ageu; Omaha, Nebraska.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Chicago - Lumber - Vard.
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
. .