The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 31, 1901, Image 1

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Is always uncomfortable. If you are undecided about investments in the line of Dry
Goods, Furniture and groceries come in and we'll help you end that suspense in
a. way that will mean financial benefit for you. One of the best ways to "yet up
in the world" is to make your money bring you full returns. That's what you
Day Appropriately Observed at
Red Cloud by a Large
1 hrong.
aie assured here.
That Job Lot of SHIRT WAISTS
Sellers at 39c each.
are Great
We've never had a better selling of
than we are having now. Our large
stock and good assortment means a
readily satisfied customer and the price
is low while you're considering quality.
Good Standard Prints, ten
yards for 32c.
Ladies5 Shirt Waists.
The Shirt Waist Season is just begin
ning. Our large assortment will
be a great help in selecting a waist
that is up-to-date, well-made and
the latest styles.
Price now, 50c to $3.75.
$4.00 to $6.00 each.
Southern Silk Shirting, regu
rT?h lar 10c, i ow 7c.
Amoskeag s: irting, 9c.
Good shirting, 5c.
The Importance of
Buying1 Your
Furniture Now.
bo dono today. I want to 8ay n word Blno had a walkaway (rout tho suit,
in regard to tho teason, not Unit I can The seoto stood 10 to 30 In fayor of
mill anything moic to tlin subject than Hummer.
has aluady ucon said, but because as I J Saturday was a big day for Winner.
hou tho tloweis placed upon thno L,p ,.nit twenty miles to sco tl
graves I am reminded of thn fact tluitaiiorwood mid Hummer hoys pity ball
those who know 1101111111; of ninn life , (Joino aunin bns anil Winner wtll linn
I mvmIi .'
iv.uiiti s
Sj-; bed room suits, now $17.00
iS bed room suits, now 1.1.50
If- 1...l .'.-r... .-.!-( .j-.... 9 jk m
1U l-H-W IUUIII -II1L3. HUH 1 S.--
Regular $0.00, sibeboartl, now 11.50
Regular J5.00, sideboard, now 16.00
Regular 1S.00, siileboard, now 10.25
An Easy Machine.
A Field machine is easy to operate be
cause it is built on mechanical prin
ciples. Its seams are perfect and
it gives pleasure to the one who
operates it.
The 5 drawer high arm machine is
worth a great deal more than we
ask for it, our price,
DROP HEAD; s.ime make,
The New Royal Machine
is guaranteed in every respect, full
set of attachments at.d case.
Our Price Slli.OO
fflafble I Granite I
f jggU WORKS. J j
I rr'im "Decoration )
f f. ymk aay
S EBB RIH C n,xiu n.K .. . I
r fl'WwML tUJJM '"'' piepiiicd "n few aio" to i
i MrrC.(JKy' jfl till nil oidois for monuments
4awMfcw&3JMwusaW. proniptli . Aiinm. wishing 11 s
f IjggBjmgTjJl nionunu'ni for thU spiing, wo
f HMMaH&fl "sl '" examine i
s tHSSSTWrWRHfc Agent for the celebrated
i WllB Stewart and
KWjB Combination
Pw?SB'5' Cemetery Fences. J
Scissors Ground,
i Razors Honed. 1
and :
kr tiik
Bob Barklcy & W. F. Lodge J
tfarocr bhop.
rirst door south of Star J
uaKery and restaurant.
aii Kiiuih or burbfir work executed
pioniptly ami ssitisfaution
US -
In The Presence of About 10,000 People
And Dedicated to tho Memory of
Hon W A McKoighan by W.
J Bryan and W V Allen.
Novel' in the lustoiy of till oily, and
piobahly neer in its futiiio hisloi v,
uilltlicie be he'd a mote niemotahle
Drcoiation Day seiviee, than the one
whkdi h;ii huld yesienKy. As fai
as wuiitlicr got." for tieh oeeasions the
day was all that eould he askeil foi,
a ploasant,. sunny day, with just enough
lili'C.e to make it pleas-int, anil eool
tlm iitiuo-phuie. The crowd vas late,
if not laigei, tlin any that has evci
befoio assinihled 111 this city on auj
ccasion. Ftoui 111 1 v uioin until aftei
noon leaius eoiiiu 00 seen 111 11 eouiiiiu
al ill ini on eveiy le uliug to this
fit, am! by tho I10111 -el (01 tlm
tho htiet't of 0111 -until city sciefmlj
well packed wiin a m t-s oi iiiiiu-inny
l'he pat 'tile bewail to foi 111 on tho cot
nei of I'Oiulli Aeuue and Webstui
it 1 fit .it 1'.' ISO, but it was coiiMk'i.ihl
aftei 1 o'clock bufoio Hjo niaich to lliu
ceineteiy was bi'iiu. I'ho procession
was a loiif one. Upon aitivlnti at the
eeinuteij tho (1. A K. aril W. U. O.
piocecilcd with tho customary himvico
of ik'i'oiaiinjf tho RrnvoN of their do
patted dead and also tho rttu.disilc
sui vices to tho unknown (load. Kol
lou intliis cainu tho Ducoiation Day
01 ation, which was dulivutcd by Atty
Uoht. T. I'ottor, of this city, and was
one of tho best Hpcecluis of its cha"uc
actor ever delivered in this city, lie
cited lh ical causes leading up to
tint win; the bi'avcry and coui'ai? of
the noithuiii .soldier lightuiR for tho
gocitiiiieut and thcii Hag, and of th
southain soldier lighting for secession,
.slavery, a uuw ting and then hoincx,
tlic etTucls of tho war, and tho lomili
ono of thu giaiulest lution.s on oaith,
with no east, no west, 110 nnilli, no
soutli, one llrtg, ono coiinliy Wo 1
wool I liavu beiu pleased to give this
hpuceh in full to our icadeis but tun
will not peimit.
Following thu ilecoialion oiatiou on
the program was an invocation by ltov.
.J. !. N. Cobb of tills city, aflet which
tlir monument was unveiled. Piompdy
at thn tiling of tho salulo Ihoveil, a
lingo United States II Jg, was tomovud
lil MUs Hdith McK"ighxu, and tho
thioug giued upon tho uiarblo sliaft
oiectnl to thu memory of her father,
by a people- whom ho had i veil. On
the monument i the iiiKciiption, "Wil
liam Aithur MeKeighan, Ii2il and 5!Jd
U. S. Congress " Hilow this is still
another which says, "Krocteil by thu
Common lVoplo," which is as gient
a ti ihuto as could be unci ibod on a mon
ument elected to any man, and will
over hcito as a remembrance to all
teally havo no conception of what sol
dioiinir meaiiH to the soldieis. 1 am
not j'istitleil from my own oxpctionm
to do so 1 (liought I knew something
of the sohhei's sai'l ilices I thought 1
had a high opinion of the voluiiteeis
even befoio I It id any test of at my life,
' '
IttV 111 11)1 k'H'l'" " " "..nil 1
you light.
Com and small giain is looking lino.
Mis, Am Pounds is still veiy pomly.
Mis- Kiniiia Claik is elm king 111
Mathes Hi o. big stoic.
Al'Uhcs Mi 0. am lulling hogs tight
up to Ked (loud piiees
Kev. Andy Poiilsou pieiiclied at tht
Woiiici I all biiiiilav ami Snt.dai night.
Andy is iiite a favotitu with Wniner
Winner will (olohialc the Fouith.
Among the o'her spoits will be a steam
meiiy-go.iound. Winner is up'to-date-
Hutan ;
Commencement Program.
Tlio piogiams for lliw tweldli anutial
commeiicpiuimt of the Hcd Cloud high
"I'hool this lent' will take two nights
instead of 0110 as hei otofoi u. Tho dali s
as set ant Weiluesduy and riiuisday
Jiiiiii Hth ami II1I1 I'lii) class this year
liumbins eleven, hllhle K. ICllguls
lliign K Ileal, Alice 1 Pope, Samuel C.
Foster, Anna .V tlallock, Itud Mf
Cunt), Winifiod M Slieimaii, W 1 Igh
P. pe, MalmlS Heck with. On ciicm M
(,itoss, Joseph S liaibur. I'liu clas
piogiam will be gi":u tho lit Ht uveniiig
Wt dm hilav, iIuik1 O'h Tlm following
Mil Mo
Vim nt solo.
Oration ..
Kki) Cijuh Nkbuaska,
Landscapes, Floweis, FruiU and Por
traits mado to order.
Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn,
Baled Hay and Coat Oil.
No. 1 Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No5i.
Lock Ilox :i Guide liotk, Neb
Ml kinds of piopoity bought, sold
i-Ul.l.K(.-rjONS MADE.
Haw An Tur KMh,i I
.iDCLobM'J?rs,ii PtHl core all kUtotj Ilia. &
ui'tdo mn iiudot st.unl what I Had never ls "," pmgiani
uuduistood buloii) an I eo i t n-o Willi
out tlial oxpeiiencu I'lm
holdler displayed Hiililime bniTuiy and
p.UiiotiMii in going to tho fiontiiiiil
showing his willingness to make aii)
saciihcr needed to futthoi the cause,
yet the woman at home, tho mother,
tlm wife orsweetheait, made a greater
saciilico if greater could bo givor."
Hefeinng to decerned congiessiiiiiii
as a boldier Mr. liryan said: "While
many men enlisted with many blight
hones held out in the way of commis
sion and an olliueis salary fiom ttiu
stall, yet Mr MelCeighaii enlisted as a
pi i vato soldier and olfeied his life as a
sacriiice, If need lie, for his cotintij "
After Hid close of Mr. Bryan's ad
diess Kx-Seiiatoi W V. Alb n doliveied
the dcdic.i oiy oiatiou. in which
hi) loviewed tho lift) of McKeigliaii
fiom th time bo was a boy of hi
yeats until his death Ho invioweil
his sliugglu foi education, his tar.n
life, Ins life and his ucoid in
G l'ukuii in all the Ducoiation seivicii
oi yesteiday was one of tho u.osl liu
picsMVn and meuioiablu evei huld in
tins i'iiv
liinllujr lliiok
In My I'lino" .. .
.Ipiinilte Djxiirt.
MHlnlntorj-, rcmlliiK
'Dm Id Iloriim'H llorfoTnule,"
.Minn M. Ilullock.
.. "Count Toluol"
llial Mit'iuie,
"Our rrcilcitknorii"
Allie I. I'opc.
A Dream" .. . ...Ilnrtlttt
Mlllnn Smith.
. "Cnmbliintlon of fowl r"
W Leigh l'ope.
Clarence M. (lronn.
who uiiv.0 nnon it ns 11 numf of tlm n. I '"ouins ami 11 nays
. frion,iui.i.. m.i i:.i ... ,to Miss .Jane Davidson
vv...... ........ ...t. t;wuiiiuui;u n"
posed In him by his constituents, thy
common people,
Hou. W.J. Hi van was next on tho
program, and to say that ho made a
most excellent speech would bo but
putting it lightly. Tho ti ibute ho gav e
to the soldier were line, but the tubule
ho paid to tho soldier's mother, wife,
or sweetheart weio grand. Ho said in
"Ladits and Gentlemen According
to program an oration suitablo for this
occasion will be giTen by Senator AN
Ion. Thoaddiess esneeiallv for Deeo.
Death of C. M. McMillan.
It is our sad duty this week to ohiou
iclo the death of Chillies Mathews Mi:
Millan, faihei of the editwr of this
paper, which sad event oeeiiuid al his
home on Sewaid sited on Monday eve
ning, May ST, at 0 iiO p.tu
The deceasud was Inn 11 at Hunting
don, Pon. sylvania, on Novembei ICtb,
IB.!!), and at the lime of his death had
leached tlio upe old age of 75 yearn, 0
He was mauled
Mai eh Hist.
1851. Ho leaded 111 1'urkeisbuig,
West Virginia upwiuds of thiny yeata
ami came west and took up a iPiidenoo
in tins city in Oetoliei 18SII, whoio ho
has lusiiled ever siueo. Tho wife aud
live childieii, thiee daughteis and two
sons, who all leside in this city, aio left
to mourn his loss. The last sad utes of
Initial weie uondticled fiom Hie family
lesideuce at li o'clock 011 Tuesday after
noon, Kev. Cobb of the Methodist
chin eh olllciatitig, aftei which tho re
mains were laid to ichlin Hed Cloud
Vocul nolo,'
CIiish reir
CIK Will
Miihel R. Ilvckwllh.
Voialboli), "l,iillnliy" . Kron Kriilnlo
.liHiictli- I))nrt.
Orntlon "IlifComincrelsl World"
biiuniol (, Kostir,
I'Iuiin HUtory
RiiKh II Heal.
.Siltlr K l.liKoU.
VocslMlo, "Hear llcnrt" . .- Mnlel
I'Iiism 1'rHi lues
Wlnlfriil.M Mlicrniiiii. .losoiih S. (Jnrbur.
Vol nl Duet . . .. Selcclia
JvutiL'tto Djmrl, ski" irt AllirlKht.
The piogiam of the gi minuting exer
cises on the evening of Thin sday, Jm e
0th is as follows:
MllklP . ;
Vcjcnlwlo.',AiiRiPh,reiiailo".. Broa
Invocation . . ---
llev.J II. N Cobli
Vocal Duel, "NIkIiI In Venice" Luciinlunl
Lillian bmliti.HtowurtAlbrlijIit.
Allelic , "A Itlel't Mi"
rri'DCiitiitlun or Dtp Oman .
Uuartet .. Sclecicil
Ml.hMnlth, Mrv, IUiiuj.O. S. unil I.. I'. AlbrlKht.
I'Htlon (lliv hits nlrendv hunn ilnllv..wl
nil I Sltlinh mini, in liKtwonn ih.i... CAItu or I"ANKh:- wish U) ex
mldiessestomnkcifew rpm,l ! '""' 0Hitfult giullludeto tho
asasoldiyr.of expeilence, for my ex. I kiud f,iu,ul8 wUo lunl l''cif "issistanee
porienco as 11 soldier wits of too bnef a ' '" ol" Slltl ,,l),,r "' ". ""
time to pel mil me to class myself with 'limrtutt0 ,vl", f"'"'"'"-''' the bingiug
these wno have withstood the shock of wu,, to"""'""'sd thu IwHiitifuI Huimi
battle. I am lather hno as ono who Jank McMillan and
served In conmossvith Mr. McKeieh-1 Wll,ufcN'
it.. 1 ii 1
an, ouu who Knew nun intimately anil WOMER, KANSAS.
a monument The ball Kauie t Woiuer Satgidaj
ono who is glad to sec
rcied in ins memory. . WHh ,llrn. Un , mnq, nf ,hB
"ItlPPiopriuUihtthluBTtHisgtua Wowsr iporti, tbe Hummer
How Xo -.;
Gain Flesh
Persons have been known to
gain a pound a day by taking
an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL
SION. It is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
erty, so that the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made.
A certain amount of flesh is
necessary for health ; if you have
not got it you can get it by
ftcoirs pulsion
You will find it Just u useful In summer
m in winter, and if you arc thriving upon
it don't stop because the weather U warm.
50c nj f 1.00, ll drutgbu.
SCOTT & B.OWHV, cpMBktt, Nw Yk.
-.l mi-u 1