The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 24, 1901, PART ONE, Image 8

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?.A5&WWfA5WfA"A V VV A' v
OMUM & tf iJM u .t.uo
The German Insaranee Gompaoy, of Freeport, Illinois,
Mtirfiihi gN.y y "
H rFHsk )H ifciBM
Is the largest old
Is the strongest farm mutual doing business m the state. It has ten times as much insurance in force as any other state ksi
mutual. Was organized in 1891 and has not cost to exceed 50 per cent of old line insurance since its . !i
organization. Has over 300 policies in Webster County. gg
Call on
Webster County.
(Continual from page , part J.)
monumental work, cemetery work,
fliiKginfr, cHrbitiR, stone work and every
cIhsb of wcrk In their lino. Mr. K. h
DagRett is Iho goncral n?cnt nnd is n
RentUnian well known tn this section
of count! y. Three to ton men nro em
ployed in tho shops besides n number
of salesmen nnil an aro kb,ii. uummiK
ThroiiRh tho persevering efforts of Mr.
Olnrk tho buidnciis has asBumsd splon
did proportions and ranks RinonRthe
foremost enterprises of tho city.
In looking out tho hoisitlcsli ol
Wubstoi county our attention was
diriotcd to the two Hotline; stallions o(
Mr John (lilbort mi Day's livery barn.
Our attention was fust called to the
stallion Oscar Wanner, No. HO-'iO?, with
two Wilkes ciosses, one throtiRh thu
great On want and ono hlectiouecr
cross through Norvnl the greatest liv
ing site. Innvale comes next with three
Wilkes cio.sses, two tliroitgh Onward
and one through Hud Wilkes. To
luvots of lino roml horses wo will say
without successful contradiction thai in i two of tho best Hotting hied
Miillions that ever stood in Red Cloud
You should not fail to look at these
horses as they tiro models of their type.
For particulars call at tho Day biuu,
they will bo them the last four days of
onch week.
Tho Heil Cloud Wine and hiipior
House was established in 183U by Mr.
M. M. Stern. His patrons are treated
with tho utmost hospitality and cour
tesy at all times. A good stock of
vines, whiskiws and brandies, foreign
mil domestic cigars and all kinds of
oottled beer and tho celebrated Krug
keg beer is carried at all times. Mr.
Stern has made this house a popular
plaeo and first class in all its appoint
ments. He is a Philadelphinn by birth
and has adopted the same ideas as tho
rest of the business mon, that of lend
ing a helping hand for tho benefit of
lied Cloud and Webster county.
In 10 profession has there been such
important changes and great improve,
ment ns iu thai of denial stirgen.
Prominent in tho front rank of tho pro
fession in this section are Drs Kniigb
& Morrisen, with o dices over tho Statu
bank, Their rooms uro nicely tilted
up mid the operating room is supplied
wfck H the conveniences and ppli-
line company in the west. Organized in 1865:
x j a. i j?
Abstracts, Insurance or
or Address,
nueest ecossnry fonloinp; the leitelastil;othoi with :i linn nsaortiiiont of for- win it the city's upbuilding or advance
of dental work. Them is no profes- oinn mill dniue-aio cigars. Dm iug liniment. Ho is ever faithful in ntten
sion of which these gentlemen are nut
perfect masters. They make a specialty
of tine gold fillings of all classes and
shapes adapted to tho most, ditlicult
cardies. Their bridge and crow a
wttrk cannot bo excelled anywhere
and their woik is guarnnteed to pro
servo tho teeth Dr. Kmigh has beea
practicing his profession in Ked Cloud
for eighteen years and is well known
all over this setion. May 1st this year
ho formed a partneirthip with Dr. N.
11. Morrison, a graduatn of the Dutiful
Deparimentof the univciMty of Omaha.
Dr. Morrison is n young inun wlu
cjaduiitcd at the top nt hi elms and
has seen much ulliee piuciuv. In con
iieeiiiig himsclt with l)i, Ivnigh we
l)'itU lor Inin an e.Nci-ilent fiituie
and a good piaeiici
Merit wins in the end; but good
clothes hastens success Tho stylos of
dress adopted by a o'nj'ti population
form an interesting study One man
will bo slovenly drtssed, while another
will be well diessed, his clothes lit well
and wear long. The man who is look
ing for MvU, something substantial
and buiiuess like will not go "n!-i if
he drops info the Cowdon Knicy cloth
ing store. Thh business was estab
lished by Mr. Chas. Weinnr in 1881,'
and has been run under the present
management for tho past threo years.
From the beginning this hoii has boon
iccognizud as a leader, and tho stock
has always been kpt up to date and
fiesh. Tho premises used comprise a
lloor space of MOO muaro feet with an
upper room used for reserve stock.
Roth gentlemen give their personal
attention to thu lnisinst. Mr. Cowden
is tho manager and buyer for tho
house while Mr. Kaley acts iu tho
capacity of treasurer and attends to
tho correspondence. Hotli uro young
business men with plenty of push and
energy anit ihuir busines ranks with
tho best in tho city.
Among tho well known business men
in this city may bo mentioned Mr. John
Polnicky, who for tho paH nino years
Lhas been engaged in the wino and
liquor irauo. doun, as uo is familiarly
called by overyone, landed in U.tlti
more from Uohemia May 10, 1871, and
camo direct to Webster county Ho
engaged in agi (culture for eighteen
years ncd thon opened his present bus.
iness in Hod Cloud. He carries tho
best brands of old whiskies, wines and
brandies and ohniee grades of bottled
nud keg beer are always on tap, to-
fcinu a, net surplus oi over six times res capital
rosidencr in this city he has always
bcni held in high esteem as a huwticss
man and his place U welcome only to
geiitlemun. No rowdyism is overseen
In his house as it will not be tolerated.
All tho MiiTotiadingH ii ro in porfeut
keeping with the place and tho home
has a record all over this country ns a
first class establishment.
A popular house for lino ready-inade
clothing and gentlemen's fin-wishing
goods in lied Cloud u that of Uiilushn,
Weseott & Storey. This enterprise
was inaugurated miiiin thiiteen years
ago by Mr. (ialushii, who came from
Now York. Tho store occupied is
'-.TixlUO feet and in till its appointment
, is pel feet and complete. The linn
ifurucM a large and viuied stock of
lino and medium grade clothing in
now, seasonable and fashionable styles
and comprise in tho main some of tho
best finished products wo have seen.
Tho li fin also is represented by a busi
ness at Platismouth which is looked
after by Mi. Weseott. Mr. Stotoy is a
resident parin'.-r and is well known in
this section. Tho outiro salesroom is
devoted to their display of goods, and
on the many tables will bit found suit
able clothing for every man, youth or
child, whatever their respective avoca
tions may be. All goods nro sold on
their merit, and no misropresentions
arc tolerated, ami ono .price to nil is
the invariable rule.
There is uo class of business .men nt
the present day who havo so delicate a
tusk to perform as tho undertaker.
Their services are called into requisi
tion when hearts arc bowed down in
atlllction and it is no Him 1 1 matter fot
him to perform all his duties wiHi
credit to himself and to tho satisfaction
pf those who are mourning tho loss of
their loved onos, Mr. Taylor is tho
ouly undertaker iu lied Cloud and is
an expert in tho scionco of embalming.
Ho carries a largo an complete line of
funeral supplies and is prompt in ox
ocuting all erders. He came here in
1866 from Clinton, III., nnd speedily
took rank with the best men of his pro
fession in the state.
Tno medical profession is one of tho
most honorablo callings n man can do
vote his life to nud no more nblo or
successful exponents oan bo found in
tho entiro west than in Hod Cloud.
Dr. II. Dauioiell has beon pbonomi
nally successful in his practlco, nnd
takes a pride in anything tending to-
has over $265 million
a.i o. j.i
U.WtM0lttArjr -tV klliM4tMM
dunce, kind nud b inpatlielie in ine
ick room anil prompt iu netimi ami
decision. He is a graduate of Ko-li
Medical college, Chicago, ela of 1SS-.',
and has practiced his piolusi-n in
this city for I he past nineteen yeiu-
This is one of the most siipccMul
mercantile establishments in lied Cloud,
standing in the front lank of tho com
moreial world of which this city is the
vital and central point. Mr. Wolf is
an astuto and lord headed merchant,
always awake to his own and his cus
tomers interests and by fair and honest
mclhftiN has made a repntatio-n lut
exalts him in the estimation of ln fel
low fitly', 'tis, lie cirKcs a eoiiiph to
Stork nf fill nitlll'e, ( ,iri"l, etc , It
I- ii pleasuir nud a delight to taken
trip through his stoic. He has lived
in lied Cloud for twenty eight yeais,
with the exception of three yc is pt tit
in Colorado, and has witnessed the dif
ferent stages in which the coiin' lias
passed. Ho is an Oliioan by bitli a d a
cabinet maker by trade and is ren y at
any timo to make you estimates on new
work or anything in the repair line
This is one of the foremost and most
successful industries in Webster county
having boon brought up to a solid an 1
substantial basis by true merit and
honest service and dealing. Today
they do a business second to none iu
this part of Nebraska, dealing in lum
ber, lath, lime, cement, coal, shingles,
roofing material and ovorytlung neces
sary iu that line of business. The ener
getic, and capable manager is Mr. Y. H.
Fulton, a gentleman who has hail long
practical experience iu tho lumber
business. The business that this lira!
does is not coutiiied tn this country but
extends to tho ones adjoining and down
into Kansas. Their reputation is one
of which anyonn might, bo prnud nnd
vvhieh I;. sy nonunion with integrity
and squari' dealing.
geutleuittii in Hod Cloud who iu
doing considerable wark in the hotte
moving business is Mr Joan llurkley.
He has a complete house moving out
fit and no building is ino big for him
to undertake. Ho has moved some of
the largest buildings in this section,
amonK thorn the Cincinnati Hoot and
Shoo Store building nud has never had
a mishap. Work is guaranteed satis
factory or n pay. Nothing could be
fairor. When your make up you mind
?ou want a building moved, get Mr.
inrkloy's estimate. It will save you
(Continued on page J, pnrt 2.)
insurance in force with
x i
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured,
witli local application-', as thuy cannot
reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood orcoustitutionul dUcHse, and
in order to cure it you must take con
stitutional lumedies Hall' Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts di
rectly o.i tho blood and iuhchih sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cute is not a
quack undicine It was presmibed by
one of the best physicians in tins coun
try for years, and is a regular pre
scription. It is composed of the best
tonics known, combined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on tho
mucous surfaces. Tin perfect combi
nation of the two ingredients is what
produces siirh wonderful lesults in
curing catarrh. Send for testimonials
F J ( husky V- Co , T ledo, O
Sold liv diuggits,7rn
Hall's Family Pill- aio the best
"C" With a Tail.
The "C " with a tail is the trade
mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic.
Look for it on the light blue enameled
metal box! Each tablet stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, ioc.
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in3dayt
jpiritm I. muiiC i.ri i in.) viiv Mi
ulfi lixil iiitliini'ii iler nt-n imii -4M u i-LT
imiM'le nnil Jul hi . her nilleil t! nt. ii irn In mill
UT ImIiI.V rtll'l tllllMHTl' MVlillll Ii illlllll-i I'OMHMl
ri'i'iii'iililnii. Inn! I'l'i-ri in in'il (ur -l ui i'ki- Mini
tinil t'lulit ili)hi( Inn ru'tiviMl mi IhhiMIi
hi til liririt-l tUit M j lie i 'are fer lllicmimi in
It nine tin ifilime U'lluf mill slit in. aMe lo
nujt 11I..111I In tlirve ln-, I ma miiv Ii m veil
IutIiIi' ' -11I1I njr II K tirlwe. HrmiKM. eil
( liiii'l Neii
(Benson's Plaster Is Pain's Master.)
Thcso are days of records and of tho beat
ing of records. llenMin's Porous PUster, for
quickness of Hctinu and thoroughness of
cure, has no records to beat except its own.
Ilenson's Plaster, nlwuys the best, idwuys
the leudor, is to-day LctUr than ncr. It
sticks to tho skin but nerer sticks in its
tricks. It marches on.
The people not only want to be cured
but cured quickly unit Mention's Plaster Coughs, colds, liimbttgo, luHluna,
bronchitis, liver nnd kidnor complaints,
and other ills nppro.u-hnble by -an oxterusj
remedy, yield to lleusou's as icedoes to heat.
Neither Ilalladonna, (Strengthening or
Capsicum planters are to be compared with
Benson's. People who have once tested
the merits of Ilensan'a Plaster Lav ao use
for any othor external remedy.
More than C,000 physiuians and drug.
gfaU (and a thnusami times as many non
rofessionnl percons) have oalled Benson's
Plasters ono of the few (i) home remedies
that can bit 'rusted.
Fifty.flYe h;hiist awards have been made
to it in compel it ion with the best known
plaster of Hurupo and Amerioa. BeHer
proof of Us merits is iaeonMiTsble. Be
sure the neiiuine.
For solo by all druggists, 0 w will pre
pay post" 30 on any number ordered in the
United Hutes, on'reoolpt of 9So. racb.
BMkwy JolutMii, UfirOnembH M.X.
over $3,000,000 jg
Fair Store. I
5c and ioc
1 1
I Counters. I
and Children's
Hose, ioc.
Corsets, 35c to $1.00.
Ladies' Vests, 7c to 15c.
Union Suits, 25c.
Towels, 5c to 15c.
IliflGE A1D Hl6B0l.i
Men's Underwear, 2;c 3
I Men's Hose 5c to 15c.
Work Shirts 25c to dSc
Overalls, 45c, 49c and 75c. 3
Warranted Wringers, $2.03
No. 9 Boilers, 75c.
Copper Bottom Boilers 75c J
I Ts, 75c.
1 Screen Door Hinges, 15c.
J Ice Cream Freezers, $1.75. J
- ..i
J Croquet Sets, 75c. 3
Hammers, 15c to 60c. 5
Wrenches, 25c and 30c.
Bolts, ic t4c.
! Tinware, Granite J ,
I Come in and get our prices
before buying. 4
KRn C rmtA M...