The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 24, 1901, PART ONE, Image 5

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    f -MtsjSbt&.irZ,
" ., ! . ..I I. II III I -I III. I - 1- I gH
4 a
J At the Trustee's Sale of the Nebraska Mercantile Company's stock of General Merchandise is Tl I K PLACK to buy. While w
3 lille of 00lls- 0ur Summer Dress Goods Department is overflowing with Primrose Matiste, Brilliant Matiste, Golden R(
While we are selling out we still have a complete
goods. Uur Summer Dress Goods Department is overflowing with Primrose Hntistiv M.-itUte. Gnldrn Rml :u S.-itin St mm Dimities. Pommf's.
l-oulards, Zephyr and Lace Stripe Ginghams in the latest effects. Every price a seller and a bargain. In price they wont last long.
Granulated Kuur, ltillw
5 Granulated Sugar, pur sack
j, AH package collee, 'i package.
Slmdeleured ten, worth liOc, now
8 Rolled outs, 10 pounds
. Whole Japan Kice, per pound
I'oiirliue, pur package
Lono soap,S Imrs
. Host Hour, por suck
T5 Crystal Hour, por suck
All pan cake tlour, per package
S Canned Goods.
.-g Pilgrim sweet corn, 4 cans
Solid hand packed tomatoes It cans
Choice peaches, sold for 'JOc, now
Choice i)lunis, sold for 'JOo, now
; Choice nectar syrup, per gallon
J$ Wo have but few left and they are bargain
for the led price murk
S AH Stoneware at 7c por gallon.
SI 0(1
t 10
Shoe Department.
Our shoes are the best values the people of lied
Cloinl and icinlty ever heard of. An inspec
tion will convince you These are a few of
our prices
(juoati Quality for
(I'uoen Quality for
Koyal Kid for
Victors for
Old Ladies Dongoln for
Children' shoes for
Children's shoei for
$.1 o0
12 ."0
j ro
j '.'.")
i r.o
l in
l ur,
1 75
I 50
LOT NO. 1 Ladies shoes, odd pair of shoes and
slippers that sold from $1.50 to J'.,4',5 per pair
choice 87c
LOT NO. 'J 12 pairs men' plow shoes that sold
for 1 50, nt 07c w Idle they lint.
Remember we sell the Celebrated G.
D. Corsets.
Iltihv slum.
Italiy shoes
Hoy s shoes
Hoy's shoes
1 00
1 OH
1 70
I 111
i :u
1 10
Dry Goods.
.lust a few of the many bargain- in our .store
Ki-inch black Henriettas, worth 1 10, now 7'Jc
'l inch black Hrocaded Hritliautines, worth (l.'e
now l!lc
IIS inch black and gray Surge, idl wool, woith 35c,
now I llc
.'IS Inch black and gray Serge, half wool, worth 110c
now ISe
All 15 and !!0V novelties for 10c
All 10c novelties for UiH
All other novelties prices in proportion.
Men's Shirts.
I'M ne Madras in fancy stripes and checks worth
fitV, for 15c
I'nlauiKlried white shlits, well made and full size,
woith 50c, for I0c
Men's work Shirts in fancy blue, and black and
white stripes, full size ami made for service,
50c the world over, our price 45c
Lace Curtains and Carpets.
We will close out our entire stock of LaceCurtaius
Tapestry Curtains, Table covers, Carpets, Car
pet paper and Mattings at (iOc on the dollar.
Wash Goods.
1'ongeo in latest ellects worth I(V for .'We
Satin Stripe Dimities, worth i!0c for I fie.
Primrose llatlste in doslggs that are winners,
worth '.'IV, now I5e.
Ilrilliant llutlMe, wortli Hie, now ItV
LOT NO. t-V.7 Inch Madras, best blue print, and
assortment of gray and light Calicoes at lc
per yard
LOT NO '.'.- W ill be shown in south window and
will include 15c Dimities, lMipies and a line
of l-'jC percales.
LOT NO. .'I -A barrel or bargains All silk rib
bons in bright colors, sizes 5 to Vi, at fie pur
LOT NO. 1- All ItVoiitiiiKsat 76 per paid.
Dried Fruits.
Choice peaches, It! pounds $1 00
Choice pears, 1(5 pounds 1 00
Kaporatnd apples, 1 1 pounds 1 (Ml
Prunes, III) pounds 1 00
We otter a line of I Icing's host pickles, salad dress
inland Wordiest er sauce, at less than cost
See north window.
jS The closing out sale will be continued until all goods are sold or otherwise disposed of. The best advertisements wc have to offer are the goods themselves. We have
-3 hundreds who have taken our bargains. There are many more for you. We sell the clebrated G. D corsets.
E. D. Gaston, Trustee.
R. N. Plants, Manager.
- af:
Webster County.
(Continual from juige -, pari 1 )
M'tiey are always prompt on settle
ments, and no red tapo or vexatious
delays to annoy one. Mr. Teel eamo
to Red Cloud from .Jacksonville, III.,
in 18S7 and served the county two
years as deputy slieiill. Ho has as
sisted the various county otlicei-. in
their offices and is a conservative ltui iiiuii in all Ins ir.insaetioiis, hivim
ids pairon-i .very advantage when
lrawinj; up :i policy.
There is in every braudi of trade
some business eoiieern which bears the
stamp of the enterprise of its proprie
tors and which has attained meri
torious celebrity. Not thai a linn's
enterprise alone makes a reputation,
but it tends to draw attention to the
"cnoral excellence of its stock. A
visit to the .store of Turnuie Hros. and
an examination of their larRo and up-to-date,
stock of dry Roods, notions,
shoes, carpel, ladies' ami Rent's fur
nishitiRS, and Rrocenes will convince
oiio of the business ability of its pro
liriotor. This house was stablishoil
jii December 1893 an was then known
as hoa & Turuuro Hres. and con
tinued under this name fr two yoats,
Mr. Shea retiring At this time only a
MiiiaH Htsck of Rrocenos and queens
ware was carried Addition wore
made, Uio first being shoos, thou a
general dry Roods lino. The store
today is a favorite tradisR placo for
Uio largo number of people tributary
to Itod Cloud .uid has always hold its
placo aniiiu t loaders, as the biui
ness policy ot us proprietois has evei
been one that commanded a roiiciou
trailo. They have ulways taken an
active pait m all public entevptise.s
and their high xtaiidinR a" business
ii.-u lias beeu ultaliieil throiiRh earncsi
:tud honest inethod.
Tho rapidity .UH which this western
-country is beitiR settled makes it neces
sary for one tu have farming tools of
cvory character. A busiuoss supplying
these commodities in Hcd Cloud is that
of Pope Bros. A largo stock of farm
implements, buggius, wagons, etc., ii
carried, and customors are troatcd at
all times with the utmost courtesy.
The old linn of Popo Bros, was estab
lished some eighteen years ago, and its
reliability anil koi1s riinks wlthtliu
best iu southern Nebraska. They
haudle tins well-known Milwaukee
harvesters and binders and tho cole
b.-ateil Kaciuo wagons ami carriages
throughout. Their business last year
was one of tUe largest in the history of
tr.e house and was fully up to tho ex
pectations of its piopntiiors. If you
are thinking of purchasing a vehicle oi
implement you should not fail of look
ing at Pope Bros, lino as they are in
position to make you otters of good
goods at rcasonaWle prices.
There are few, if any, of the numer
ous readers of this edition who flaw
not p.iinfully expel ienced tho process
of breaking iu footwear. Instead ot
the shoe titling tin' f"Ot the foot l
forced into tint shoe, and all kno
what pain and inconvenience th..
means. By patronizing an oxolusiw
sik.o house, whoso management make
a tudy of font forms, good results are
a-sured. In-this connection wo want
to call attention to Mr. Henry Died
rrich, tho "feet titter." lie located
hero from Madison, Ind., in 1888, nd
worked at tho boncli for some t'tne
and then put in a stock for himself. A
huge stock is now carried anil he is
ei joying a good trade. Today Mr,
Diederieh owns his business and tesi
deuce property and is hero to stay.
Ho hat lately established a green house
and is at this lime supplying plants
and 11 nvcrs of all Kinds. 1 his is iu
charge of Mr. Diederieh, who is mak
ing this branch a special study.
A sensible community always values
a live ami wide awake citizen who
strives to ndvanco tho best interests of
the city where he lias cast his desti
nies. Mr. j. II. Fort is one of tlioso
men who have greatly aided in Hod
Cloud's material growth and develop,
nient. He is in tho abstract and in
surance business and is bonded in the
sum of $10,000 for tho faithful pet for
manco of his duties. His books nro
strictly up to date and everything
undertaken is done in a strictly busi
nesslike manaer. In furnishing an
abstraot of titlo ko is prompt, accurate
and reliable) a" oan furnish an ab
stract to av pieee ef property U Web
ster oounty on tUo shortest possible
Onoof tho west skilled mechaiiee in
tho city in A. N. Boers, blacksmith,
with a sliop oae block cast of tho Chi
cago Lumbor Yard. Ho has spent
nearly 23 years at tho trade and located
hero ono joar ago from Smith Center.
Kansas. He does all kinds of general
blaoksmithiiig, repair worn and makes
lino tool edging a specialty. His plow
work is of the best, and in shoeing he
is painstaking and careful. Any work
ieft in Mr. Beers hands will bo well
done and satisfaction atlorded
' L. H. BECK, M. D.
From no professional man do wo ex
poet or exact so many of tho cardinal
virtttos as from our physician. If our
clergyman is austere wo imagine his
mind is absorbed in the contemplation
of things boyond our ken; but in our
doctor wo expect a groat amount of
wisdom, the gentleness cf a woman
and a sympathy as oxtonsivo as the
human ills. Tho subject of this sketch,
Dr. L. H. Book, in a largo measure
appears to till those requirements and
to a largo number of tho pcoplo of
Webster county ho is tho ideal physi
ciau. Dr. Beck is a graduate ef the
Keokuk Medical college, cl:i9s of 1895,
ami is a member of tho Nebraska State
Mudical socioty. Ho is the present
secretary of tho local hoard of pension
examiners and is in more ways than
ono identified with tho city's best
There is no uioie important criterion
by which to judge tho commercial sta
bility of a community than tUo lise
and progress of liwr banking institu
tions. Tho city of Bed Cloud takes
jut pride iu her banking houses and
points to the solid and substantial b,i
sis upon which they rest. One vety
popular with the pcop'e is the State
li.iuk of Kd Cloud, an institution that
is regarded as one of the strongest of
its kind in this sect! 'ii. It is a reliable
aud favorite depository of tho funds of
tho people and its affairs aro niauagcd
witli prudeaco and great caro. The
men at tho head of the bank aro rep
resentative citizens holding the unqual
ified eonlidono and esteem of tho peo
ple. It has a casli capital and surplus
of $2.-),00 and is ollicered by the fid
lowing gentlemen- .1. II. Auld, presi
dent; W.T. Auld, cashier and M. Finch,
assistant cashier.
A harness shop doing a good busi
ness in this city is that of Mr. Jos
Fogel, located in the Moon block.
This business was established in IS'.H
and is now commanding a good trade
A Rood stock of light and heavy har
ness is carried besides a nice lino of
collars, laprobes, whips, etc. Ho
makes a specialty of buggy tops and
carries a stock on hand nt all times
I u tho work room we see a Landis wax
thread machine in operation, which is
nn indication that good work is turm-d
out This macliino is guaranteed to do
work equal to hand work as it uses r.
smaller awl, pulls the Htitehos lighter
and makes more Htitehos to tho inch
than can possibly bo done by hand. A
trial is all he asks to convince you.
Try him on your netct cmler.
Mr. W. A. Mitchell eontributcs in no
small degree to the busiuoss activity ot
this progressive and wido awake city.
Ue is an energetic merchant aid has
built up a reputation in tho cenmier
uiai world here that places him in the
frent inns. Ho carries an elegant lino
of hardware, stoves, tinware, etc., and
there is no hotter to bo found any
where and ho onj ys a trado among the
farmers and citizens generally that he
fully deserves. Mr. Mitchell gives his
entire time to the business. His store
is stocked full witli host things iu hard
ware and nt this season ho is showing
a nice line of gasoline stoves. A trip
to his store will verify all we have said
and you will bo treated with tho utmost
courtesy whether you purchase or not.
It goes withont saying that the tl mr,
feed, grain and hay business of Mr. S
V. Spokosfield is ono of tho BiOBt popu
lar in tho city of Ucd Cloud, and this
is proven by tho largo and growing
trade ho enjoys. Ho has established
here a business and has gradually
brought it up to a solid basis by fur
nishing goods at live and let live prices.
Ho has always mado it a point to troat
his eustomors fairly and by this method
expects to continue to receive tho fa
vors of his many patrons.
Kvorybody who has boon iu an up-to-datosocoud-hand
storo knows what
kind of a stock Mr. Kvnai oarrios.
Here can bo found everything from a
paporof tacks up to a parlor or bod
room suito, and at prlcos too low to
think about. Mr. Evans has n largo
stock to select from, and by his squaro
and honorable way of doing Imsliiosi
has made hundreds of customors. If
you nro looking for somothiiig choap
and reasonable call on him and look
over his stock as tho chances are ton
to one you will Hud juit what you
Tho Fair Store has beeomi a liouso
Hold word iu aud about Bed Cloud. It
is discussed at tho homo circle by the
Brirr mtt nt'Tr i i r i i i r niayrT'rrTri m
fV "syAA.''X4ttK'lvlXW
m w"wr v
REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Wabash, Ind., Ii President of tho
Bethany Assembly at Hrooklyn, hid. Ho Is perhaps tho most prominent
clergyman In tho Christian Church to-day. tlo has dedicated about C00
churches and baptised "000 converts. He writes: "It affords mo groat
pleasuro to give mv testimony as to tho clllelency of Dr. Kay'a remedies.
Dr. Kay's Lung Halm is tho very best cough, coin and throat remedy
that I ever used.
I havo also received great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator.
My son had for years been gruatly aftlietod with tho piles; ho commenced
the uso of Dr. Kay's remedies ami experienced relief almost from tho
Wo havo no words to oxpress our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo
received as the result of useing these remedies. 1 take gruab pluasuruln
commending them to the sulTering." L. h. C'auii:nti:u,
Missionary aud S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church.
Kay's Renovator.
It is a perfect renovator of tho whnlc system. It is tho very licst remedy
known for Htmimch Lrnnlilcx. Iiulliroutinn. .Ivutwiiuln. rr tl.n
stomach, constipation, nlfolivcr and kidney troubles, and to overcome olTects of La-drlppo and Spiunci lassi
tude. It is an excellent Nervu Tonic. Send for free sample and a freo illustrated 110 jingo book of receipts
etc.. nnd send your BvinpUmis anil wo will give you fr o ndvlee. If druggists don't havo Dr. Kay's Renovator
don t take, any subhtltute they iuuy say is "jiibtangn. d,"for It has no equal; but send direct to us and wo
will send It by return mall prepaid. Price IVwUs., and $1.00 or six for $,").()0. Also Dr. Kay's Lung Halm
lOcts., and i!.1cts., iiostuco prepaid. I). H. .1. Kay Mkdicai. Co.. Sarntntra Rnrlnirs. N. Y.
- --,-, 0.-,j. n , -. ,
elder.; it is pi ittled by tho children
and everybody swears by it so to speak
It is the critfi mi, t)f all their want", thu
Mecca to whieli they turn for neressa
rics and coMifoi ts, for the name of this
extensive stahlishmeut has com to
signify almost everything under the I
sun. They havo a judicious buyer
and an aWIe manager iu tho person of
Mr. W. (5. Blaek and no matter what
you want go to the store and you will
find it. Tim people of this city should
feel proud of a business of such wide
spread and far reaching enterprise as
the Fair, and indeed they aro.
The Clark Marble and (iranito Co.'s
business is no Kiunll factor in tho busi
ness enterprise of Bed (Jlotiti. They
conduct a marble and granite yard un
der the pri'prictmship of II .1. Claik,
who started a business in tins city some
live years ago. They do all kinds of
Red Cloud Monumental Works.
Overing Bros. & Co., Props.
(Continued on puiji S, port J )
should always be kept in
the house for the fol
lowing reasons:
FIRST Because, If any member
of the family has a hard cold, It
will cure It.
SECOND Because, if the chil
dren are delicate and sickly. It wBl
make them strong and well.
THIRD Because, if the father or
mother is losing flesh and becom
ing thin and emaciated, it will build
them up and give them flesh and
FOURTH - Because It is the
standard remedy In all throat and
lung affections.
No household should be without It.
II can be taken In summer as well
as In winter.
tcx, anJ $i.oo, all druggkM,
SCOTT & UOWNE, Cliemliw. Nw Yofk.
L .
W. ...-
. .r - -j
. - 'W . A,
--"i6 i - ...r. v
l-, j! ''
'W...-..H' "
-" .,...'
Granite, Marble Monuments and Statuary.
fttine'i'M work of all kind promptly executed. Fencing
of lota a specialty
All material first class. Workmanship guarantee.
iUniiivrQii,,,tEitLY ftml wnnt
Wi U I II VloIliomottravellnuiuiU.-aen
r nrsraiiytokull, always
TllCflie. Olltllt AHAOLVTCLY FKKK.
tho (rwiuent ruiw of Apprndlcltla and nuinjr olhfcr 9,-r.
lout lilt ulinulil DOTer lw KVlnUil. The objection to tkn
iiuI rtliArtlo remHile ! their ooatlvs rvu-tlon which
Ininnni rondlUon Imteailof curliiKlt. rAUKMt'a
OI.MII.Ii TONIU U lio iiroiwr irmnly. It aruou tin
lJTer, a4 when OMtl aj dlrwt-tHl. iM-rnuinently reiavu4
Uie cuiutlUao. U) eta, & KM at all UrutTjlsU.
RENO VATOR. tnvlcoratcs ana ronovatC8 tho
ayhteiu; purlHt'H audcnrlclii'B ttm blood; cures
tho worm ilyvpcphlu, coriKtlimtlon, heailacho.
liver aail kidneys. SPcimlll.utdruBgUm. Freo
Radrlce. sntnplu and book.
Ur. II. J.Kny, SnrnUnra.N.V Hi
mm? Jm
CKuki tn4 wMu the tulr.
l'rtuotcf ft luiu. ul frblh.
Hover Fallo to UerUro Oru
Hlp to IU Y&mhful Color7
Curt irtip ilieaiL bilr tilling.
)g,inJlouiu l)nitUu
-.ftf.J "