Webser County. (Continual from wjr t, pa l -M jioultry raiscis of litis section n in win is nlways on the market. 1 1 ha turned loose thnmands of dollar among tho poultry raisers of thl sec tion and lias ndcqitalo f.iellilli's for handling everything In his Inn'. This Is a ponnanont houso and operated tho year round. All ho asks Is a clianeo to place a bid on your itook, and Ih ready nt all times to receive prices and quo tations from roliablo dealers and coin mission linns, Ho alio handles com, hides and eggs and is tho only cash egg buyer in this section and will pay you every cont tho market afTordi. H E. GRICE Wbenovor you need anything In tho drug lino you always want to bo sure tknt you are gotting tho gonuluo article and when convinced on this most Im portant point you will trado nt that store. This is one of tho chluf reasons why Mr. H. K. (Slice enjoys such a liberal patranago from the citlzons of Red Cloud and surrounding country. Ho carries ono of tho bust stocks of drugs to bo found in this aockion of No branka, and by persistonl and legiti mate business methods has built up a Bplondid trade. Whonevor yon want anything in paints, wall paper, etc., you will bo wiso to give this house a call. PLATT & FREES CO. Piatt & Frees Co, dealers In lumber and coal, kave beea estabiitiiad 22 yMrs. They are reliable THOS PENMAN. O.ic of Ihi) bi'.M appoititid j"ve' Iioiim's In tint city Is Hint I'nmluc t'd by Mr Thus. l'i nniaii. Hfio is g uhuritd together one of Ihi' llni"l :usorttniiiH of watches, clocks and Jewelry to In seen in this section of Nebraska lie is an oxpoilcncod and prni'tinal jiiau in the business, huvlHg served his appruii ticcship umlur soMir of the best watch makns in England. lli u the rogu billy appointed watch iappeetor for the It. & M. it. II. at this point and his territory comprised the western diti sion. Ho is also doing u large hunt rss In optical goods and is having mo'o tnan ordinary success in tliu lining of glasses for tho young as well nt tho old. He makes the examination of tint eyes f loo of charge anil lias tho latest and approved appliances for this pur pose. He is a graduated o-jtieinn and no matter what the eye i.s troubled with ho can benefit it, if glares are the remedy. Come in and havo your oyrs tested, it will cost you nothing. HENRY COOK, M. D. In a city where there arc a number of drug stores it is always n porplex ing question whero to buy your drugs. Of courso you want tho purest ami best that, money will purchaso and that being tho case no hotter placo can bo found than tho store kept by Dr. Henry Cook. J. his business wns established twonty-ono years ago, and ho has made his business a most successful ono. Ho carries besides drugs, propriotary ar ticles and paints, a nicu lino of wall paper. He is an expert compounder ot prescriptions, and makes a specialty of tho filling of all kinds of family re cipes. SHERER & REYNOLDS People hi this part of Nebraska can afford to eat tuuat, and good meat too. 1 his they gut at tho market of Bhorer & Reynolds, first door west of the post oflico. Hero can bo spun an elegant lino of fresh and salt meats, beef, pork, mutton, etc., and all displayed in a manner that tempts even the passer-by. Taoy also handle llsh, poultry and game in season and make this a special feature of their business. They tin always in the market for young fat butcher stock, and will pay the top price for hides. If you havo never tried this shop give them a dial as they will treat you right. July 0 to KlthoHiirlington Route wil sell round trip tickets to San Francisco at uuprecedentrdly low rates. Tho rate from Omaha, for iii.Maneo will be 941).- From other points correspond ingly low. Tickets good to return un til August 31. Stopovers allowed both going and returning. Teachers, clergy men and othors who can get away din ing tho hot summer months aro urged to investigate this remarkable oppor tunity of obtaining tliu inoAt enjoyable outing in their experience at a eo.st mi small as to be within reach ot almost! everyone, licautifully illustrated Inid er, giving full information, mailed mi request. J. Fhancis, (jcneral Pasfonger Agent, OiiKiha, Neb. Farm for Sale. Half section, live mile from Ked Cloud. One of the best uplatid f in ins in Webster county. il. V. Wai.un, Ked Cloud, Neb. GENERAI CITY NEWS. A 1. Kiuncynf Hliie Hill wns here this week. See the line display of healing stoves atW.W. Wright's. Tho Ciiikk and Chicago inter Ocean t ejear for $1.25 liny Hutchison of l.ebinon, Kansas, was lieroycttcrday. Tho lfllh car of furniture just un loaded at Miner Urns. Vance Foo was visiting with frionds a'. Superior this week. Mrs. J. A. Tulleys is homo again af ter a visit to Clay Center C. F. Gund nnd wifu of Bliiu Hill wero hero the hirst of the wcok. E. U. Overman was a business visitor to Omaha tho first of tho weok. Gertie Kaloy is visiting with hor brother Walter at Orleans this week. A. M. Walters ot Bluo Hill was hero Tuesday looking after baslue&a matters. Mrs. C. F. Cather left Tueaday morn ing for a visit with f I leads at Lincoln. Chris Kochltr of liluu 11 ill wan a husintss visitor hero the liist of the wuk. Kuv. Dean and wifw led Thursday fwr a visit witk friends and i datives at Crete. Robert Potter was in Alma tliu first of the week and madu the trip homo ovuilaud. Fred Putei.son lm mult a nuu paling fence around his reMdmu-i? I'lupi-i'y in the south w.md. Percy Ludlow who belu a tnisiiiou in Hustings for some time p:isi n. visiting lin patents heiu this net I., .lames Dully was hem this neck. Ho. lias had trouble with hit eyesight for komu lime past and is hardly ahlu to see at all Mrs. Maria liriggs, mother of Mrs. J. A. Tulleys, who luu been visiting lieio returned to hor homo at Clay Center last Satin day. Janes Kidd and wife ( Sodalia, Missotui, nuivwd in tliu city luesday night for a v sit witii (J. U. Hews aad wifo and other f rieu is and relatives. Hob lUrklcy arrived in Ike city Wednesday evening from Knusas City and has usnucialcd himself with V. 1 Lodge in tho barber shop on Webster streut. Mothers of good jitdgiiienl ami ex perience give their little onus KocKy Mountain Tea this month. Keeps them null. 'irm. Matte by Mndi.iuii Medicine Co. C. L. Colling. Tho graduating class of the city schools this year will consist of live girls and six boys. This is a little out of tho ordinary as the girl graduates generally outnumber the boys. Mrs. Robert Kobel of Oxford, ar rived in tho city Monday. She is the wifu of Engitiu Hostler Kobel who has buon transferred to this point. We understand tliey will take up a rcsi- dencu here. 1'ho G. A. It , all old soldiers, the Ladies Relief Corps anil tliu Spanish Americau snldirrs aru rqiiesled to muot at tliu G. A. H hall Sunday morn ing, May 2d, at 10:30 a in , to attunU memorial services at the Methodist church JaxvMiur,tiex, j) 1J&& h si & & & & & & & && MAMA M MAM &M M k& && & h t h h & 4 A 4 i) A 6 Mi . -"i one 61. i Turnure Bros. P Ph Shoes cv ;?: ttv3 ;- Men's calf, fine quulity l.icc or congress, coin o-j Rlobe toe, $3.00 and 3.50 quality, sale price 2.25. Havo you seen those now Enamel Vlcl Kid Ludlos' $1 W hIioch, Wo Intend tog glvo big bar gaitiH in shoos for tliu tioxt ten (Uys. Our line of $200 mid $2 fiO shoes going at. $1 per pair. Our lino or ill 00 mid S3 SO shoe going at $2 00 and $2 r0 pair. Don't fall to see our lino oh patent calf nhoea for children. .Men's hliocH, ono of our strongest linos Ladles Oxfords in the lutext stylo of too Wash Goods. Our store is headquarters for the latest effects in wash goods. Dimities in stripes, and plain col or Batistes, latest efiects. Silk mull in black and white dotted effects. Light colors in Ginghams and pretty waist goods. Shirt Waists, You will miss it if you don't see our line. ;c7t- "NEW flODEh" seming fSaebioes. You can purchase a drop head machine of the best quality and workmanship and fully guaran teed, at our store for only $13.00. none 6 Tailor Made Suits at Half Price The bargains in this Department are creating quite a sensation. Think of it. Only half price. Ladies this tins is is an opportunity net to be passed by. All the suits are made in first class style and by one of the largest made to order suit houses in the United States. The workmanship on all suits is guaran teed. Come in and sec them. DRBSS GOODS. When we say our line is complet it is not put ting it too strong as we carry the largest stock in the county and can and can please vou with good quality and low prices: we are still giving away linings free with each pattern sold over 50c per yd Belts and Belt Buckles. Can both both b- found in great quantities at our store. LACES. Still have a quantity of laces at 5c per HOSIERY. A full . m '..tent always on hand. SO ' fc3 ; fpi vard. rsntwm.wiMjitiw 2&a i i GROCFRIP QL up Xxiwm You can depend on gettipg ihe best at the lowest prfces when you trade with us. Our stock is kept Fruits of all kinds in season. Telephone orders promptly and carefully attended to. GIVE US A TRIAL TELEPHONE 61. w; X-K - f 'W'WisvAtV.V Iflfti A&??A!.rAS.,AV IAVMAVt." iKi'tM.vuM .l... ...... ... . . ... tUjv " . . . . .... ... -... - .. .....-....... , . . cians whon rrqucstcd without extra cliarge. Sent prepaid to any part of tho world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept A 402, Kdwiu U. Giles & Company, 2330 and 2333 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confiden tial A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under The Sun. All Doctors havo tried to euro Ca' auh by tho tue of powders, acid gasus, inhalers, and drugs in pasto form. ' Their powders dry up the mucous mem Don't Be Fooledi Take itie ncti orlglaal ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Mide only by Mudlsan Mtiii cine Co., JMmlieon, Wli. It keeps )u weil. Our trads mark cut on ench package Price, r.l cents. Naver aoM In bulk. Accept no aubiti iNcoir lute, ask joiu- drueglst. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every hind of couuli, lacrlppo, lironcbltls, ioru tlironl, croup, wliooplni; coukIi. etc. Nover (Icrurik'catUcstouiucli. AtDrutrKiBta, 10&'.'$e. Hambletonian Wilkes, MEMBRINO CHIRP. FREE lyiEDICAL ADVICE. VTrlta sr all your aymptoms. KunoratitiKt system Is tno only sato anil nuro mcttiod ot cur us tlio branes causing thorn to crack open and ; $&X&$&1 - THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk. ards are Being Cured Daily in Spite of Themselves. Go to No 1 Third nvfiui" fir li-h garden nnd field n'cd "I ail 1.11.1!. Also hcadiiuaiteis ln ihe Itlv.VI' I in town. Onion seti-, cane M-ed, Keulr corn, oto. . . MMrtalav Bowals WUh CMrti QwAy OtMurile, car uUm1m fovTtc. ,. ttfo.wntiniiHWWyi No Noxious Dotes No Weakening of the Nerves A Pleasant and Positive Cu-.e for the Liquor Habit Il is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a diaeasu and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by peiiodicnl or constant use ot iuiom eating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the urar iug for intoxicants. Sufferers may now euro themselves at home without liublicily or loss of limu Irom business by this wonderful "Home Gold Cure," which has bean peifeeted after many years of close study and treatmont of inohiiatcri Hie talthtul use nccordlng to directions of thii wonderful discov ery is positively guuianleed to cure tho most wbstlnate case, no matter how hard a drinker Our recoid. show tho marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. Wives cure your misipamtsi! uniiu ren cure your fathers!! This remedy Is in no sense a nostrum hut is a spec ific for tills disease only, anil is so skill fully devised and prepared that il is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can ho given in a cup ol lea or cotTco without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this piiceless remedy, and as many more havo been cured and mado tem perate men by having the "Cure" acN ministered by lovinc friends and rela tives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they dis continued drinking of their own free will. Do not wait. Do not be doluded bv ainmront and misleading "iinurovo- meiit." Drive out the diseat-e at onco and for all time. "Tim Homo Gold Cure" is Bold at the extremely low price ot One Dollar, thus placing with, in reach of everybody a treatment moro effective than otheis costing $25 to ISO. Pull directions accompany each pack age. Special advice by skilled pbjsl- bleed. 1'liu powerful acids used in the i pies una book. inhalers have onliiely eaten away tho umo membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a cloe study and specialty of the treatment of ( 'atari h, has at last perfected a treat inent which when faithfully usod, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures Catarrh by removing tho cause, slopping tho discharges, and curing nil inflammation. It is tho only rem edy known to seienco that actually reaches the afllictod parts, This won derful remedy is known as Snulllfs the Guaranteed Catarrh Cure" and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dol lar, each package containing internal and external modiciuo snlllciont for a full month's treatment and ever thing necessnrv to its pel feet uso. "SuufllcH" is tho only perfect Catarrh Cure evor madu nnd is now recognized ns tho only safe and po-dtlvo cure for that annoying a t disgusting disease. It cures all intlamatiou quickly nnd permanently nnd is also wonderfully quick to relievo Hay Favor or cold in the, head. Catarrh when neglectod often loads to Consumption "Snufllos" will save you if you use it at onco. It is no ordi nary remedy, but a complete treat ment which is positively guaranteed to cure Catarth in any form or stage il used according to directions which ac company eacli packngo. Don't delay but seuil for it at once, atid writo full particulars as to your condition, nnd you will receive special advice from tho discoverer of this wonderful rem edy reuarding your case without cost to you uoyoiui tno regular price m "Snuflb's" tho "Guaranteed Catarrh Cure." Sont prepaid to any address in tho United States or Canada ou receipt of Ono Dollar. Address Dept. A 403, VA win n Olios & Company, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. Dr. U. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. I fflfeV DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Llfeawavl You can be cured of any form of tobacca lining easily, be made well, atronj;, magnetic, full ol new life and vlRor by taking MO-TO-BAO, that raakos weak men ttronr. Maav train icn days. Over BUO,OUU ten pounds in cared. All drur Set and advica J'KEH. Addrcva ST1JRI.ING mmu -o., i-mcago or new Yore. 4JJ cared. All druggist. Care euaratiiml. nook. 11JL ". fir. Kay's UUcuro curssull UtICilrft female diseases. At drur w,v"1 Blitn, It. HliMitraUd book aad advice free. Dr. II. J. Kay, Haratoga, N V. VK ITERS CO H LIESPON1 ENTS O K REPORTERS Wanted rverywhere. Stones, new. ideas, poems, illustrated articles, ad vance news, drawings, photographs, unique articles, etc , etc , purchased. Articles revised and prepared for pub lication liook-4 i!itbliiei Send tor uaiticular.s and full information btloro sending nrticlcs. The llulltlio I'rfa issoeiaiion, New Yerk. IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK And wnnt to get started uarning motioy at once, sand us 25 cts for our book of "40 New Money-Making Ideas." It is worth its weight in gold to anyone who is unemployed. Send today. Century Publishing Co., Box 73, Heron Lake, Minn. PMMiU 2T0 the Smokers? TIIKMTANUAItll BIIKU STAI.I.IOX Hubert Cyril, 30379, Foaled in lSUO, blown 1ioim If) bands high and weigh wvr 1200 pounds. Will make the season ut U. I.. Winfrey's In ceding iiarn, lied Cloiut. Ni-o For term ot iiif-iiinilion jnUlr -..-. Chas. R. Besse, Ked C'oud, Nebraska. N3SS SiCS t.k jour drainlil fur It. U!i,:fAW"PI,lTlh ff1All Kli. ACi'Httt rin OOlPr. Iilltftn.1 MmnnfApll. iHtirwKHl lxx)k-tl.lt Ktrti full DArtlftllHraana .tlrrtin... l Mluiilile to latllei MAI Kl. C Worn Tlniaa its Wew Vark. Every Woman Is Intercttcil and alinuld Lnow MARVEL Whirling Spray ThmitwTtfl.il Mjri.if. urr. icon unu .turtion. lint !Sai. eM-.ioii uotiTenknt. ltllUIllltUtla MONEY Refunded. Jur" anteo Dr. Kay's Itcnuvutor to euro dVHDorjsla, conktl- Eation, liver nnd kldnoys. Hest tonic, laxative, lood purine known for all chronic diseases! renovates nnd tuvlKoratesttiewboloBTitcm and cures vory worst eai.es. tlet trial box at once. If not Hutlstled with It notify us, wo will refund money by return mall. Writo your symptoms for Tree Medical Advice, sample nnd proo. as &. fo at druwlsts. Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.T. Pereivsoyal pills ,1(?.A lei CWIUllIK.sTUH'n KNdl.liil of Eed Cloud. -AV CAM. FOK THE Ladles Can Wear Shoes ono sizo smaller after using Allou'c Foot-Ease, a powder tti bo shaken into tho shoes. Il makes tight or new shoes feel easy, gives Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tho nge. Cures end pre vents swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore spots Allen's Koot-Kaso is a cer tain cure for sweating, hot, aching feet, At all druggists and shoe stores, o. Trial packngo FKKK by mail. Address Allen S. Olnuted, Lo Hoy, N. Y. i"Blue - Front"! CIGAR. THK BEST I Five Cent Cigar madu west of the Mississippi river. Mado of nicu long Amor ican Havana tiller. Tho hest that can lie purchased in tho United States. These cigars aro strictly hand mado. FTL L. IK LTWr. MSfi?uKMa Iti:i ul ...!! rj.l.l'.U beltl .,.! 1-v -Yy;lii!ii,i.hlWun. liil.c o other. ItofuMi TW 4f vj :unatrr,,UA uh.tllutl.ina nnd liull.,. I ' ffj tiun.. I t J'r lricc).l or .od 4c. m tf ,i.m t't I'Art'culur. Ttlmolul4 .1 .l-lrllcrrrt.s4ltp.'in(lrltrf ' l.rn 1UII. lUlluo Ivlmnalal. h.'ilt kll lr,ititu ClAfhMlcrCtirnilcalCo.. MwMoo Ull r"' Mr.ill"n I'.rL.A'lll-A... i-A S CANDY CATHARTIC " erRi r ' awa J. S. EMIGH. DKNTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. 9wd Bridge Work or Tctlh Witbtot Plitfi rOHCBLAIN INLAT od all the latest Improvement In deutal mecn ulsm BRICK e can surnish you brick in i ty nt the lowest pos sible rate. Brick on sale at either of the lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. onnm 10. Ut.KH. Genuine stamped CCC, Never sold kt bulk. Beware ot the dealer who trie to tell "iometWnt; ust'as good." ASK YOUR GROCER FOR J. NUSTBIN, J MANUFACTURE!! m Mrtft i r The 5 Minute Breakfast Food. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKKH "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louie, Mo I SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN FOLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Vines. Liquors, California brandies. PABST MILWAUKEE hi ALWAYS N TAP. f V