A CARS IN NOTION Albany, N. Y., Strike Now Thing of the Past. RIOT (K(URS AT FUNERAL OF WALSH Hlfiht of Koldler Miulilem the t'rowil Unardimaii Nhtp llliimplf hj Itun uIiik A lleitty l)iirniiur of llnlii Keep .Many ofT street. The great Albany. X. V.. street rail way strike, lasting twelve days, requir ing the presence of a.iMm' national guards in tin city, costing the lives of two prominent merchants ami entailing un expense to the county of Albany of over 8.10,000, is nmlenblv settled, anil If the agreements are kept there will W no trouble for three years at least. The incidents of' the tirst day of active operation of all the railway lines affected by the great strike at Albanv. X. Y., have Won few because of the hcrtvy fall of rain. The two men shot by guardsmen were burled Sunday but the pouring rain kept away the thousands of sight seers that otherwise would have marked the occasion with their presence. The departure of the Twenty-third regiment was the second feature of the day and stirring sermons in many of the city's pulpits aided in closing the incident. The funeral of Leroy Smith was devoid of incident, except that it was attended by city olllcluls and directors of the street rail way company. At the funeral of William Walsh there whs nearly a riot. While the services wcte proceeding in the church the crowd that had Wen unable to gain admission saw a uni formed soldier coming down the street. Instantly the ieoplc were in a state of ferment. A rush wa8 made for the un lucky soldier, but a few wise beads held the maddened crowd baek for a minute while several others advised the man to run. Arguing that discre tion was the Wtter part of valor, he did mn and trouble was avoided. The starting out of the first ear of the intercity line shortly after noon Sunday was the cause of a demonstra tion. Pistols were fired, Hags waved, torpedoes were placed on the track and exploded, the motormuii and conduc tors wore flags on their coats and fully "(H) men and women fought for the privilege of the first ride. When the conductor got the car started and rang up the fares he found that he had seventy-three passengers where usually fifty is a crowd. Within an hour so many cars were running that the monotony deterred people from riding for novelty's sake. JUDGE GORDON RESUMES. Tali en l' HiihIih-hm AkhIii NtiiuiL ut th Old .Judge Cordon has been pernltted to take his seat on the police court bench at Omaha without encountering a policeman in his path. Judge Craw ford was on hand to turn hlsotllce over to his successor and gracefully retired. The tlrst offender before Judge Cor don was tendered a twenty-day sen tence. 'The council having heard the arguments in tlie case as to the juris diction of the council to entertain the charges pending and preferred against Samuel 1, Cordon, police judge, for misconduct in office, have decided to dismiss- the matter for want of juris diction." The above unsigned verdict was returned by the city council after an hour's deliberation on the arguments of the attorneys on the question of jurisdiction in the Cordon lnicnch ment case. It removes the last barrier which the law has attempted to interpose between t lie person of Samuel I. Cordon, xilicc judge, nnd his long coveted and equal ly long-denied wool sack. The conclusion was reached in exec utive session. How the vote stood is not known, as each councilman pledged himself not to reveal the ballots. RAPIDLY RECOVERING. Mm. Mi'Klnley'K Condition .Much Hull it Now Ablo to 811 Up. At (Clli p. in.. Sunday night, Secre tary Cortelyou gave out the following: "Mrs. McKliiley's physicians report that she had a very good day and pro gress made since morning is very sat isfactory." Mrs. MoKlnley's condition was so far improved Sunday afternoon that bhe was able to sit up awhile. This welcome news was glTen out shortly after a o'clock. Found Ilfuil on Hid Street. Kiioch Wood, aged twenty-six, of M unlock. 111., was found dead o:i Washington, street, Indianapolis, I ml. He was in the city on an excursion and had been lslting relatives. The cor oner is now Investigating tlie ease. Xo cause can be given. Aililltlonat Kurnl Delivery. Additional rural free delivery will be cstalished to commence July 1 next at Fairmont, Filmore county with two carriers, (1. W. Curtis and .M. K. Mullen, Tlui route is fifty-six miles long, embracing an area of eighty-four sq'uare miles and containing a popula tion of J, 725. A civil service examination will bo held at Xebraska City on June 10 for the positions of clerk and carrier in the postotllce at that place. Tho postofilco at Oscso, Kearney county, has been orperedre-cstnbllsheil with Niels Jausen. postmaster, TRAGEDY IN CHICAGO PARK Portuguese Art lit Shoot n (llrl nml Klltf HlniKrlf. At Chicago l.orle Maudoso. a Portu guese artist shot Alice Cusae. a nurse girl through the neck and then killed himself. The tragedy occurred in Washington park, which at the time was thronged with people. Maudoso had made himself disagree able to a number of people, and com plaint being made to tlte police an otll ccr started to drive him from the park This rendered the Portuguese franttc, and rushing up to the nurse girl, who is fifteen years of age. and who held in her arms a baby belonging to Mrs. .1. II. Lambert, he shot the girl through the throat, indicting a dangerous, but not fatal wound, lie then shot him self. The shooting of the girl through the neck was wholly without provoca tion, as she was an entire stranger to him. Maudoso was injured in a rail road aecciilent three years ago and since then has not been entirely sane. The girl probably will recover. MUST GO TO PENITENTIARY (Irant mid 'I llh-r Cnuxlf ted In (inrlnimll Court. Prentice Tiller and Kdward Mc Dowell, alias Orant. pleaded guilty to the charge of robbing mail lioxcs at Cincinnati and were sentenced by .Judge Thompson to tlve and three years, respectively, at hard labor In the penitentiary. It Isalleged the men rilled mall Wxes in many cities. They were arrested at Omaha several weeks' ago and while being taken to Cincin nati for trial McDowell escaped from the olllecrs at Chicago, but was captured at IlutTalo two weeks ago. There were witnesses In court from Omaha and Hastings, Xch., and Dayton and Toledo, O. MURDER AND SUICIDE. Mini I'limiied Hy IIBhti Kill t.'ninrmnlot. nml lllnmelf. T. '.. Kllsey, of McComb City, Miss., shot a woman companion and either killed himself Immediately nfterwards or was killed by olllecrs. Kllsey and the woman arrived at West Point, Texas, one day. and after leaving the next day a local olllcer learned that the man wius wanted by the authorities In Louisiana. Armed with a warrant two olllecrs started after Kllsey and his companion. They were overtaken near Klmo and Kllsey shot the woman dead and Wgan a pistol duel with the. otlleers. When the smoke of the battle cleared away Kllsey was dead. THREE KILLED BY COLLAPSE Chimney IIIrIi In Air iltm Way Whll Men Are Working;. The chimney of Jewitt's sawmill at St. Johns. X. It., collapsed and three men were killed and others were in jured. The dead are: William J. Price. John McCauskey, CharleR With on. The chimney was 107 feet high and was undergoing repairs. Price, the contractor, and McCauskey were working 100 feet up the inside of the structure, while the others were work ing below. The chimney gave way at the bottom and collapsed. BEAUTIFUL HOME ISBURNED T. II. WiiiuiiiiiitciT l.o-n'K III Ht'Hlilonco ('online Hair .Million. The country home of Thomas ll. Wanamaker, at Meadowbrook, Mont gomery county, Pa., was struck by lightning and entirely destroyed. The lu,use was adorned with valuable paint ings and bric-a-brac, all of which was destroyed. Mr. Wanamaker and his family were at Philadelphia at the time. (Mil Settler Ileiid. Mrs. Charlrw Lcmke of Stockton pre cinct, one of the first settlers in Lan caster county, died recently at her home, aged seventy-one. Mrs. Lemkc leaves a husband anil four children, tw o sons and two daughters. The sons are William and John, farmers of Stock ton precinct, and the daughters are Agnes living at Watcrtown, S. 1)., Jand Mrs. K. L. Simon, of Lincoln. Mrs. I'uike and her husband came to Lan caster county In 18,'i8 from Wisconsin. The trip wiw made with an ox team. She has lived ever since on tlie same section of land on which she and her husband lsiught their original home stead. Within tlie Time Limit. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, who left Xew York MayH in a gasollnecarriage, have arrived at their Ashland home in Chicago. Tlie trip was made inside of ten days, and they therefore win a sil ver cup offered by Mrs. ('. K. Smith of Xew York. A large amount of money Is said to have Wen wagered that the feat would not be accomplished within ten days. MiI.uiiKlilIn Dlt-H. Dcnnsi McLaughlin, who was shot on his farm near Sinnrtvlllo last Wed nesday, is dead. At the time he was shot It was feared his Injuries would prove fatal, and he could not survive the operation. This proved true, uud he died Sunday. Sublime Porte Hiilnnltn. Ahmed Tewllk Paslia, Ottoman ml n istcr of foreign affairs, called upon the foreign ambassadors at Constantinople and notified them of Turkey's desire to re-establish the status quo in the jos tal question. It is understood that tho Herman ambassador considers the in cident closed. The other powers, how uver, decline to regard a return to the status quo as an adequate settlement; and the llrltlsh, French and Austrain embassies have even declined to trans mit the explanation of Tewllk Pasha to their governments, ARMY Of IDLE MEN Machinists of the Country Oboy Striko Ordor. ABOUT FIFTY THOUSAND MEN ARE OUT Ini'iful Wntkniit nml Hut l.lttlc ll- order Detitniul for Nine Hour liny Willi Ten Hour' I'iij Airoriletl In Soini' 'mr Mini) Olijiit. A Washington dispatch says: p proximately .lo.tMM machinists through out the country struck Monday for a nine hour day. a scale of wages equal to the present ten hour day and othei demands. This Is the rough estimate of President O'Connell of the national association of machinists, based on the telegraphic ad lees that have reached him from the machinists' headquarters in the various cities. The strike thus far has not extended to the allied trades, save in one or two instances, as at Scrautou, Pa., where men in a part of the allied trades, are out. Xo machinists engaged in govern ment work are affected. This Is due to the fact that on such work an eight hour day scale already prevails, Rail road machinists, as a rule, are not in volved in the strike, though the men on several roads are out. The Central Vermont shop machinists at St. Albans, numbering probably '.'Oil, have struck. The I.chlgh Valleyinachlnlstsiit lluffn lo, Sayre. Wllkesbarre and Klmlrn are out, aggregating about .Mm. all told. The Delaware, Lackawanna Western men at IlutTalo. Scrautou, Wllkesbarre and intermediate points are out. The Culf, Colorado and Santa Ke men are also out. The strike order, however, does not apply to the railroads gener ally. It Is expected at headquarters that there is no competition between tlie railroads and private -works and work among the private establishments Ik to be. adjusted tl'st. END OF THE EXPEDITION. Ceil cm I Chuff re lncn Fiirenell Orders In Clilim. Ccncrnl Chaffee, at midnight Satur day night, issued his farewell ordei ending the American relief expedition in China. The American troops will Ward the transports at Taku, and will leave direct for Manila. , M. Pichon, Krench minister, has left Pekin for home. A meeting of foreign ministers will be held soon, but it is not likely that much will be accomplished as some of the ministers have not yet received in structions from their home govern ments. The ministers commenting on the blame attached to them by the jieople for their slowness say that as a matter of fact they are powerless to act without orders from home. One of tlte foreign ministers told a correspond ent recently that he had been in structed to co-operate heartily with the other ministers. He found, upon consultation with his colleagues, that their instructions were absolutely .Miv. .., r....... i.tu .... iili ..in, . it 1 ,. mi. ., ,. ,, .... ,, , operation was practically impossible. 1 QUEER TALE IN A BOTTLE. lloulnmn I'lrkn up u Story In .New York May. William Stanfield, a Watman found a bottle drifting with the tide near the quaniutiiu! station, Xew York. It contained a card of "A. V. I'reeiiian, Menominee, Mich., district manager Kabcr .t Watson, ties, poles and posts, Chicago, 1)1." On the reverse side was written in lead pencil. "Cod knows I had no choice. Did not come from Michigan with this intention. They say drown ing is painless." Stanfield has written to tlie company indicated on tlie card giving the par ticulars of the find. A. V. Freeman of Menominee Is alive and well. Ho cannot account for the finding of a note in a bottle Indicating his drowning. Mr. Freeman repre sents KaWr & Watson of Chicago. He has not Wen in the east for some time. KhooU Wlfe-HiHter Ileiiil. John L. Jones shot and killed Thos. Kcan in the presence of Kean's wife at Kvausville, Intl. Mrs. Kcan is bisik keeper in Jones' department store. Kcan went to the store and Wgan to abuse his wife, when Jones Interfered. Kcan pulled a gun, but Jones was too quick for him and shot Kcan lu the heart. Kcan was separated from his wife two years ago. Jones was re leased on bond. AeciiHPil of 1'niiiil. Frank Slegel, of the Mcgel-Sanders nive Stock company of Kansas City, has Wen arrested charged with the cmhczclincnt of S'i.OOO. He was re leased on a S'.',(HMI bond. 'I lie warrant was sworn out by lUley Wedge, re ceiver of the company. It is Wlicvcd the company has lost SlOO.noo by rea son of Siegcl's peculations mid mis management. Aim, McKlnley'D t.'oiiillllou Hopeful, Monday night late It was given out that Mrs. McKliiley's improvement had continued throughout the day and that at that hour her condition was ex cellent. While sho did not leave her bed, she passed considerable time propped up, and tested well. It Is be lieved slio will not be able to leave for Washington for a week. The president is taking part in as many public func tions as. )w. can, but only iuiiu informal way, as he spends most of his time at the bulslde of his sick wife. HERE AND THERE. Wlilr-World Ktrtitft of More or 1,r Intercut to the. Hinder. The store of Vanderlip v Co., at Ren net. Neb., was looted of S'.'tit) worth of goods, llarr, White, aged IT. was drowned while bathing in tlie rher near Shell Itock, la. Ktlgar. Neb., reports good rains, ex cellent crop condition, and splendid fruit prospects. Ilcnrj Mlngersshot and killed his brother-in-law Prank Crelpel, at St. Paul, Miiin. TIum, had quarreled. A San Francisco dispatch says signs arc apparent of the consolidation of the powder companies of the west. I'lr" at Kansas City. Kan. partly de stroyed the Armour Packing company elevator, entailing a damage of S.Mi.oOO. A small Hie In the Paxtou hotel at Omaha created excitement for a few moments, part of the guests stamped lug. It Is believed In Trenton, Neb., that Hen Nclfert cannot recover from In juries icceUcd by being thrown from a horse. The striking stevedores and lighter men at Havana, Cuba, have returned to work. Their grievances will Iks settled by arbitration. Hon. IMwIu I. 1'hl, former ambas sador to Cermany died at his home in Oram! Rapids. Mich., and the funeral was held Tuesday. W. D. Sterner, a Madison, Xeb., painter, fell from a .scaffolding and received severe Injury. He will not lw abh- to woik for some time. Oscar Huberts and RoWrt Shrader, alleged postotllce safeblowers, wero captured near Ringgold, La., after a light In which both were wounded. Pat ljuigley, a pioneer of Sioux county, la., was found dead In the road four miles north of Lemurs. His team and buggy were found tangled In a barbed wire fence. Kdward (liven, a St. Louis fireman, slipped from a line of hose upon which he was sliding from a roof to a ladder, and was dashed to death on the stone pavement sixty feet Itclow. I'lvderiek, the tlve-ycar-ohl Ron of Mr. and Mrs. August Cordor of Platta mouth, swallowed several jsilsonons pills for candy. The timely arrival of a physician saved the boy's life. The members of the Christian church at Table Hock recently had the satis faction of burning a mortgage for sev eral hundred dollars which had been hanging over their heads for some time. Recnier, Xeb., citizens treated Kph rliin Wcntwnrth to a coat of tar and feathers, and ordered him to leave town. He had. offended them by elop ing with and marrying thirteen-year-old Margaret Kuckclscr. RoWrt (llbbs, fifty-two years old, superludciit of an iron moulding works in Pittsburg, Pa., and a man of con siderable wealth, was found dead in Ills room on West Twenty-second street Xew York, having been asphyxiated bv gas. Josephine llerron and Carrie Shef field, Topeka, Kansas, postofllce em ployes, were frightfully injured by ex ploding gas. 'I hev had gone into tho ' ,. . . , i ... . , vault to get packages and lit a match. Oas had escaped. Miss llerron is not expected to live. At Luildington, Mich., Mrs. Kliza beth llson, alias Madame Zargari, clairvoyant, was found guilty of swind ling Miss Kthlyn (Juiinby, daughter of a wealthy lumWriuan. nut of SHOO. She was sentenced to five years in tho Detroit house of correction. Severe storms have visited parts of Oklahoma, and a docn or more houses have been demolished. At llerry, the, twelve-year-old daughter of Hen llouch er was killed by lightning. Near Ciithric, Mrs. Andrews, wlfeof a farm er, was killed in tlie wreck of a house. William Fairfax and his wife "Hlack Kl," narrowly escaped lynching at Me Counellsvllle, Pa., for the murder of William Moore, assistant yardmastcr. A mob formed but the sheriff succeed ed In preventing a lynching, and later icmoved the prisoners to a place of safety. The Turkish customs olllecrs have refused entrance to L'(M) typewriters. It is claimed that Wcausc of their style of printing authorship could not be traced, and that seditious article could be written and the author W not learned. The embassies liuvo taken the matter up. The Morgan-Hill nnd the Harriman interests have effected settlement of control of the Northern Pacific, and both parties will W represented in the directorate. The Orcat Northern and Northern Pacific, having control of tho C. II. V Q., tho latter has stopped all contemplated western extension work, Clinton C. Xorris, late of the Thirty seconil'ivglinent directly from the Phil ippines, has arrived at his home in Table Hock. He looks stout and hearty, as though military life agreed with him. Ills companions from tho same regiment, Corporal Ceorge Sut ton and Arthur Lugwell, left him at Oxford and went via Lincoln, and are expected home soon. Sheriff Phillips, of Cuming county, Xeb., has ivceUed the reward of SiSO from the Nebraska retail liquor dealers' association for his part In capturing Rhea, one of (ho murderers of Herman aim at Snyder. The battleship Ohio was launched successfully from the yards of tho I iiiou Iron works at San Francisco. Mrs, McKlnley, who was to havo pressed the button which would rcleaso the ship, Wing uiiablo to do so, tho task was given to Miss Harber, nicco of the president, while Miss Deshler, of Columbus, O., christened the shit). ANGRY AT ASSAULT Pooplo of Auburn Talk Strongly of Summary Punishment. DIRECTED AGAINST GIRL'S ASSAILANT. .1, llrn Kief, h TnirlliiK Tinker, Clutrgrit Willi Annulthir Ten-j eiir-ntd Mutt Under-! t'wptured nml I'ul In .lull, The preliminary examination of J. lien lllcf, charged with statutory rape upon ten-year-old Mary D.illey. was buhl at Auburn, Xeb.. and resulted In binding the prisoner over to the dis trict court In the sum of SM.ono. It resulted at the trial that the girl nnd two younger brothers, aged sccn and eight years, were enticed to the prison er by means of off ring them money The girl, it is charged, was struck twice on the head by the culprit, once on the hack and once across the face, and before being struck was dragged a short distance and thrown down In the weeds and bushes at the side of the railroad, she all the time crying out at the top of her voice for help. Ilefore the man could accomplish his purpose the eight-year-old brother came to his sister's leseue, and with a club com pelled him to desist, and at this mo ment nlso a twelve-year-old brother and some other Iniys, who had been fishing near, came to the rescue. The father of the girl and two neighbors made the capture. The girl was not seriously Injured. Peeling runs high on the question, but the town remained quiet. Kief is a traveling tinker and watch repairer and haw Wen at work at Shubert, Itlehardson county, for tin past two weeks. He Is alsnit forty-five years old, with dark hair and eyes ami dark mustache and weighs about Hid pounds. The assault occurred between ft and fl o'clock in the afternoon and before nightfall the man had Wen overhauled about four miles north of the place of assault, lie was Hearing Nemaha at the time of capture. He was at once taken buck to the scene of the assault nml confronted with the girl and also the lioys who there saw him. All positively identified him. NO BAR TO THE BENEFITS Rulrliltm In Woodmen of Wurlil (iel llulf rnjmentn. At a session of the supreme camp of the Woodman of the World at Colum bus, O., several Important amendments to the constitution were adopted. It was decided that all fees for transfers should go Into the emergency fund. A compromise was reached on the question of eliminating the suicide clause from policies, tlie convention de claring that no less than one-half of every claim should be paid regardless of the cause of death. The convention also decided that hereafter local camps must pay tho dues and asRcssmciits of sick members In addition to sick bene fits. The fee required to accompany applications for membership In the or der was reduced from 810 to JU. and It was decided that applicants falling to present themselves for medical exam ination within thirty da vs shall forfeit their fee. FITZJOHN PORTER IS DEAD rimat-R Auuy ill I(Imi Arc of Itliclil 1'oilKllt In I lie llehelllnll. Ceneral Fitjohn Porter is dead at his home In Morristown, X, J., from chronic diabetes, lie was eighty years old. Fitjohn Porter, major general of the volunteers, and colonel in the I 'nlted States army, retired, was born in Portsmouth, X. II., In IH-.'L'. He was a son of Captain John Porter of tho I 'nltcd States navy, lie graduated at the West Point military academy in 1 8 1.1. ami from IH4H to iRv'i was an in structor in that institution. He served through the. war with Mexico and par ticipated in tlie principle battles. He was wounded at the citv of Mexico. and was brcvette.l captain and major for gallantry. He served also In the civil war, was cashiered, but later cleared of the charges, was given back his commis sion as captain on the retired list. Ki'trnpupfir lliirred Out. At . Mansfield, O., the common pleas court granted an injunction prohibit ing the publication by newspapers of news or comments relating to the case of May S. Fleming, the stenographer under indictment for forgery of the names of olllecrs of the sanitary com mission. The court's order was granted on application of Mrs. Fleming's attor ney, and will continue in force until after the trial, It is claimed the pris oners' case was being prejudiced by publications as to her past life. (lencriil Kill lllumeir, Ceii. William Kaphus killed himself with a revolver at Portland. Ore., re cently dm Ing a fit of temporary in sanity. He was sixty-six years of age. During the civil war he was disburs ing otllcer for Oregon an Washington. ( n tn Wire'N 111 rout. Monday last Kluier Lane broke in tlie door of his wife's room at OstVin, la., cut her throat and attempted to commit suicide. Mrs. Lane is in a criti cal condition. Lane may recover. The couple had had domestic troubles and she had applied for a divorce. (ininted it 1 1 Inireiiie. Six hundred machinists in the St. Joe A- 0. I. at St. Joe. Mo., were grant ed an uiUaii'.'c of from 'J to li cents an hour with additional pay for overtime. They will have no strike there. DECKED IN GAY GARB llnfTnto Kipnalllon ltercle tin Pmllra I Ion l.rnc Cronil I'rrnent, In the presence of a vast concourso of people, with ceremonial I Kith con ventional and timet, the pan-American exposition was formally dedicated Mon day. The da, was fair and the indus trious, euetgetie men who planned tho gieat enterprise rejoice in llattorlng success. The day began with a pnrado In which there were men from nearly every country In the worhl and ended with an aerial bombardment from fly ing bombs and a billliant electrical il lumination. Itetwcen the two went the formal exercises of the dedication, with oratory that took Its theme from the les on of the time, prayer for right, music, song and poetry. Tim city was bright in dress of Hags and bunting, the cxMisltlon gioup is brilliant lu color, the moving crowds were in holi day grab, and tlie whole effect was highly pleasing, The record of attend ance was fully up to the expectations of the most enthusiastic. There was no complaint over delayed exhibit for then were spectacular things enough to weary the most ardent sightseer by the coming of night. The procession that formed at theclty halt and march ed by way of the many thoroughfan's to the grounds was an Interesting spectacle and thousands lined the route. RUSSIA MEANS TO HOLD ON Nil) Mir, t'uiiiiot Hurrrnilrr MunetnirU In tlii HnitK' In the course of a long Interview relative to the situation In China, cabled to the Xew York Herald from St. Petersburg, a iliisslan of high rank, presumably fount Lansdorff, the min ister of foreign affaiis, Is quoted as saying lu answer to the question, "What alsiut ManchurlaV" "The time to make objection wan when the concession was made yearn ago. Docs any one suppose that any country Is going to build a railway through such a country and leave It unprotected or to leave It to W wrecked whciever wild hordes of brigands choose to operate? Hcsldcs, I consider that the SlWrian railroad Is of tho highest Importance to the commerce of the worhl," E.J. WOLTER IS ACQUITTED Mmi Aceimnl of Thrrittenlnfr Senator Krnrim (liiri Irre. K. J. Wolter, the Schuyler, Xeb.. merchant, arrested on the charge of sending threatening letters U Senator Kearusof i'tah, Is again a free man. He was released by tlie federal author ities at Omaha owing to a tcchnlcul construction of the statute which de scribes the offense as "an article con structed or a scheme concocted to de fraud." Judge Mungcr holds that Woltcr's al leged crime does not come under till specification. The letters said to havu been written by Wolter threaten to de stroy beams family with dynamite if S.'i,(li)(l is not produced. HUGHES MAYOR AFTER ALL. Topeku Controlled Absolutely liy tho Jlry r.lenieiit. The Kansas supreme court reversed the decision of tlie district court in tho Topeka mayoralty contest and Installed J. W. F. Hughes, the republican and law enforcement candidate in tho may or's chair. Mayor Hughes has filled all the city apjxiintive olllces and the council eon II rmeil tlie nominations. Topeka is now entirely under the con trol of the "dry" element, and opera, tions against tlie joints are expected. DE WET AGAIN IN THE FIELD Horm lli-cnniliiR AKxrimalve AlonK tin OrmiKo 11 Ivor. Klght hundred llocrs have crossed tlie Orange river from the northwest and have reinforced the coinmandocn In the eastern districts. The latest re port locates DeWet near Philllpolis, In Orange Klver colony, not far from the. Cape line with forty horsemen. All the commandoes In the Orange Rivet colony have instructions to cross the Orange river. Several Ilrltish patrol have been ambushed. Ixird Kitchener reports to the war olllce that an armored train lias been dynamited south of American Siding. I'rove to tic n Convict. Leroy Charles Mayer, who was ar rested at St. Louis, Mo., on suspicion of Wing tin escaped convict from the Michigan penitentiary, was identified as John IE. Davis by A. C. Nortliup, deputy wnnleii of the Michigan stnU penitentiary, who said he was wanted for violating a parole. Since his ar rival in St. Units he lias lived in stylo at the Southern hotel. Sulfide Follows Quiirrel. As a result of a family quarrel, Joh i D. Kpkins of Pekin, 111., aged sixty, committed suicide by hanging himself with a clothes I Inc. Deelde to Strike. The two thousand union machinist of Cleveland. )., held an enthusiastic meeting and decided that a striko bo inaugurated on May :!u. HERE AND THERE. Designer Wats m will mike, materia alterations In tin hull of Shamrock IT. This is thought to be necessary bocauso of her defeat by Shamrock I. The Mritlsh warship Warspito ha arrived at Victoria, II. 0., from South America, via San Diego. Its crulso has extended ocr two years. "Steeple Jack" Williams, whoso dar ing feats have made Jiliu famous, met death, at Cleveland, O,, in a coinmou pla'ee"wny, being run over by a street car. --irr-e J5sr- -.