Scrofula THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAINT. Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood Poison nud Consumption. The parent who is tainted hy cither will 6cc in the child the same disease manifesting itself in the form of swollen gland9 of the neck nud throat, catarrh, weak eyes, offensive sores mid abscesses and of tentimes white swell ing sure signs of Scrofula. There may be no external slcns for longtime, forthcdiscasedevelopsslowly in some canes, but the poison is in the blood and will breakout at the first favor able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast ing, destructive disease by first putifying and building up the blood nud stimulating and invigorating the whole system. J. II. 6mI, i is Tubllc (Vjuiire, N'hllle,Teun., My! t "Ten ) ran ago my (laughter fclljamt cut ber forehead, l'rom till- wound the aland, on the aide of her face became nwolten find limited. Some of the heM doctors here and eliewhere attended her without any benefit. We decided to try 8. B. 8 , and a few bottle- cured her entirely." It overcomes all forms of blood jioison, whether inherited or ncquircd, and no remedy 60 thoroughly nnd effectively cleanses the blood. If you have any blood trouble, or your child has inherited some blood taint, take S. S. S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage. Send for our free beok and wrke our physicians about your case. We make no charge whatever for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. STATE CREEK. Corn planting hits been the older ol lie ilny since about April 30th though it will soon bo n thing yf tho past, n. Into has hcon a grunt many netes (limited and thu fanners nro about thtougli. Somu me sowing consider able millet. Alfalfa U something that when 1 lived Imuk cast 1 rend of but know nothing about, nnd now I jiicsuine. nro many otlmrs in tho same condition, nnd wure I to writu to an old friund buck in Iowa or some other statu and tell him it was a good or a hotter feed than thu red clovor ho vould not hellovu mo. ltut I will make thu Htntomunt hero and if ho chitncei to rend it ho could not doubt it for n minute as it will hoar inspection. It is proving to ho n great crop, Is cut as many as four limes u year and will ijiow taller than tho largo ted clover Tho first ctop Is now in somu fields tit least 21 inches high and about ready to mow, and will iniiKo two ions to the acre or eight tons in onu year Hogs will do on one. half thu corn if foil on thu font Hi ci up liny in winter. Wo One year., laufonttit PUW.IiirHM KVKV KRfOAY Intend at trie iu-t mtu-i-Mi Had tXoud. Suli.n. matte:. AUVKIlTllflXH IIATKS: Local adrcrll.ltig 6 nvitti per Hue par laaue. Local AdvortlKiuK for entertalinnatiti, con tcilK, aoalal-, etc., given by cliiirctici, charitable jocletlen, etc., whero all moueya rained llicru from aroukod wholly for uliarcU or charitable ootellc, tltnl tou lluoa froo and all orer ten linen Wi couta per line per Iwtie. Local advertising of tiilMtillimontfl, couccrla, rccltnln, etc., where per cent la given to pro motcm, 6 cents per lino per Imue. IHM'I.AY AIIVKIUIMNO, One roliimu per month . . . - -. IT m One half column per month . a Wi One fourth column per mouth I'd General illsplny mlvcrtMiiK S1 cents per Inch per Issue. Ployed Out 99 i VUWUVUfArAfAAAiAAAV ' ' I N V -w f W W 0 W W T w I ? VvvWvWaavWvWvWa' rlVjl jv.w fefe makes new nnd pure (nT u ML, '" "i'"K '' ivuiisits . f blood to nourish nnd any time fiom KebniHry to June, fix- fW iV fk strengthen the body. ng our land for it about as wu do for feiureo7scrofulad ""?1. or '.-! .S.' would not nenevu mo n l siiouiti say that I could point out hundreds of old settlers who camu horo without menus anil who nro now rich and own sections of laud antl herds of cattle and hogs. Ono of my neighbors last year sold 75 head of hogs at ono time for $1007. Another sold $1400 worth in the full nnd spriug. Onu man near town sold !H hind of hogs last winter for over $1000, and now has over 1800 bushels of p-r -T- r-v (-Tl T "CT 17 ' li't i" his granary. Another one of A fl t-v vnli-! I my ne!gUori has 1200 bushels in his -nmuniiai r ' . bins, nnd wo rained her lust yenr from W I. AlnMll.l.A I . .. ...... ...w........ . hi to iiij auikels per ticrc, and cora .'..'." .'!".'.'...' vj thai measured 'J5 bushels per acre, and ihtii wu hear it said thai tho corn crop -!!... I I... M .I....I.. .1 IIHIVU 1H3U J till. VU UUUWL IUU1U III U I I.. fl... .... ...l. ..II .. Mlil"J III IMU lll.b WUU UUIIIIVU llll Ul those exaggerated drouth stories nail thank wu nro actually suffering for bread. Hogs sell hece at present for $5.85 to $5.05; earn only 40 cents. Cuttlo nro W!g,h and some of them that had no grain last winter will soon bo fat on tho grass. Tho first planting of corn is up nnd will soon have to bo harrowed or plowed. Wheat and rye headed out. Pot ut lies ate up and have been worked once. (iaideus look splendid. Now some one may chanco to see this that mny think I am only trying to boom tho country but I am simply stating facts ns though mulct onth. Is one of the curious expressions used for worked out. Many a woman drop into a chair, in utttr weariness "all played out," and wonders why she feels so weak She has not yet rcnlied the general health is so intimately related to the local health of the womanly organism, that weakness must follow womanly dis eases, Restoration of the general health invari ably follows the use of Dr. I'icrce's I'ii voritc I're scriolioti. 1 1 regulates the periods, dries weakening drains, heals lull.immatioii nud ulcer. i Hon, nnd cures female weakness It trii(iiili7es the nerves, eticotir.igi-s the appetite and induces ruircstmtg sleep. There is no substitute for "I.ivorite Prescription," for there is nothing "just us good" for womanly ills. "I witli toadvlie the iinrioir women nf tills Ric-it laud of the K I I ' 't' if 'veil ftiwti I)r I'l-rce'H I'.iv .rite PteM:iiilloil nnd Colden Mrd leal Ilncovetv " write Mr Mary hh.inpell of Columbus ('.rove i'litnini Co Ohio "I'ot f. ur jeais I bid bcrti n su.. "Tlroiii fenuile troubles, and ul limes uu i to il t n ill" li .11 I work for tinea- In Ok nily I ! 1 I such j 1 u . that I iin"cted nlmo-it ileilli iloteimof time but j niter tnklni; five botlli 1 of your meillcinrs I nil Iruthlully .iy thu my heilth was nre.itly 1 111 , ptoveit I Ijaven Kntfnjipellleiiinl mil KainliiK I In llesli right iiuing This slirhui U the first tune In five ye.irt tint I have done mv house (li'.iuliiK nil bv ui)s If nnd without the least 1 1,'itlUiif wn.ttcvir 1 noiic nn suucriiig women m iv find teller ns I have done "My K-thJ In weiuhi has lieeu Just ten twutids, and I nin htlll t,"iitilm; " Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages, paper covers, is sent tec on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to piy expense of mailing only, or for cloth-bnuuii lxiok, send 31 rtatnps. Address Or. R. V. Pierce, Utt(Llo, N. Y. I Scissors Ground, S 1 Razors -Honed, I COWLES liomnr Kiusol, the noted inid-ioiul pop, was In town n few days this week. Mrs. John Storey and daughter Kdith spoilt Sundny in Itinvtilu visiting friends nnd rulatives. Tho A.O. U. W. will givo a grand ball in thuir now hall soon, l'ho ditto has not hcon set but thuy nro making piopnrntions. Thoy htivo secured n HiiBtincs orchestra to furnish tho music. Supper and ico cream will ho nerved up stairs nud tbo dancing will bo on tho first lloor. Watch for tho date, whioli we no doubt can report next week. Whenever wo mako it statement that is not correct wo ulways liko to apolo gise to set tho offended parties right In thu first placo wo reported last week the Red Cloud ball team as boing con siderably under tho liilluenco of liquor but have since learned that said drunks bud no connection with thu ball team. Also wo reuarted Dr. Uall as baring is offlco in Brown's hotel but have slice learned ho is located in tho Tur ner fiat. Wo also reported that Jack Waller hud gone to work after au eleven months' layoff, hut it was a mistake. Chris Koehler was in Cuwles this week. J. H. Watson was in town a few minutes Wednesday. Tho school entertainment last Friday was a grnud success. Tho stogo wus tnstefully decorated nnd thosu taking part showed careful training. Stand ing room was at a premium and tho entertainment was atucooss finauoially as well as otherwise. Misses Karquhar and Brown desorvo groat cradit. Ask Hutch if ho Is a pretty good shot by lamp light, but be ready to hide and bo sure you hide well for if yon do not ho will bo suro to Ferret you out. What wo said about Cowled getting in thu front rank is all right. Sho fur nished two correspondences last week to tho Chikf. Tho new correspondent is all right, but wo thought it suuided a little Hippey. We don't cato to say anything about Hart helping John Wallordo his chores every night, for ko wight got knt. A number of our young folks at tunded a danco at Sam Arnold's Satur day ulght. Tho gleo club is practicing for memorial day services. M. Hennes, the ullacial "shioken" buyer at this point is doing a land oilice business tuoso days. He Hip from throe to six coops a day. Another point that wo are not afraid to com. peto with surrounding towns. Wo think for good society and "shicken" buying wo oan beat tiny towu in tie county. 1 ft AND I AT THE I I GIVE - US - A - CALL. ALL KINDS OF EDGE J TOOLS SHARPENED Bob Barkley &W. F. Lodge J Barber Shop. , First door south of Star bakery and restaurant. J 1 All kinds of harbor work promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. executed WILLOW CREEK. Quito a number from Cowles and Willow Creek attended tho party til Mr. Arnold's last Saturday night, given in honor of Miss Marion Church. Mr. and Mrs. Uarciis from Kansas are visiting with rulatives this weak. Cecil Sheets froai tinkle lUck was m the arcek Sunday afternoon. Somu people can't tako n hint with out a "kick" and in thu future girls be careful how you tread on otker people's toes. How are yon Fajf Tho now hall at Cowles is noaring completion and the Workmen are go ing to lot the by&.Iuitiato it by giving a danco. Miss Dora Lacy spent last Sunday with Carrie Arnold. Mrs. Chnrles Fuller fiom Cowles was visiting on thecteek with her tluughlur Mi. Adatiijou last TiieMliiy. Milt Atlaniion is putting up new windmill. Jesse may be iu thu millinury busi ness hut aot very extensively, fur if you notice lie hasn't vry much of n vmicty in thu hat lino. This calls lo mind Just Una (Jirl. Alva 1 bourns Keml, known to the residents of Hod Cloud and vicinity as "Uncle Tommy," dierf nt his homo in this city Monday, May 20th, from ex treuio old ago. Tho deceased wns born at Boston, Mass., August 16, 183, ami at tho time of Wis death was nearly ninety-three years of age. Us served in three wars, tho Semiiolu war in 1887, tho Mexican war nnd war of tho rebel ion. After the Seminole war ho served tho government in the capacity of an interpreter in treating with thu Indians. Whoa tkutroublo arose with Mexico We enlisted with General Win tUld Suott and served under that re doubtable loader throughout tko war. Ho again took up arms in thu defense of his country at tha first call for vol steers by President Lincoln. With his family hu camu to Webster county iu 1871 and located o a farm north west of Ueil Cloud where hu lived intil a lew years ago wuen ns moveti to town. Thu funeral services were held Tuesdnv It't noon under tho auspices of the i. A. K. and the remains laid at rest in ihe Hotl Cloud cemetery. A wife and six ehildten survive him,toj whom ! oiteiided ihe sympathy of the J entire ci in nur.ity. JflERE we arc AGAIN! To the front on low prices and good goods. Will quote you a few of our! low prices: J .'10 lbs, good primus ovaiioratett pears bright evapnratod apples 1.00 3 4 $1.00 i.eo 100 j 1.00 4 100 a 1 Jir, 20 .10 : A lino Cluiiii cup iitul saucer givon t witit one iiiMiiii'M woritt ot tsreaK- 7 " California plums 20 lbs gloss starch Him driod poaches evaporated peaches large ovap. peaches best bulk roust colfeo best Mocha it Jnvtt bet African Java best Breakfast Blend fast Blond colfeo 10 cuns Burtlett pours 10 " plums iu heavy syrup 1.00 1.00 J 1.00 100' 3 cans line tomutos 4 " good corn 1 glass sat, six places 1 glass borry sot i 51.00 100 J 100 J 1.00 J .25 .25 J .25 J flO 3 J A reduction of 20 per cent. J on all 100 piece dinner j s sets and all 12 chamber sets, above are a few of piece ; The J our 4 jPflY -BARGAINS: Nell's Gash Bargain House I Special Bargain Sale! A choice line of new seasonable merchandise at Special Bargain Prices. A Special sale of Shirt Waists. recent purchase of twenty dozen Ladies Shirt waists enables us to make a Great Special sale on them. This purchase placed on sal'i in three special lots fit 39C, 49c and 59c. former prices were irom 00c to iji .75. Special Clearing1 Sale Prices on Silk Waists. We have just twenty-three Silk Waists left. If you want a Silk Waist, and we have your sixe you can secure a bargain. Prices less than half the usual price. Special Sale of Spring1 Summer Dress Fabrics. New Manila Corded Dimities at 5c per yard; regular SA and 10c goods. New Dotted Swisses, Dimities, Batistes, Zcqhyr Ginghams, Etc., placed on sale at ioc per yard, regular 15c, 18c and 20c goods. Special selling of our new 40c Foulards for this sale at 25c per yard. New 30c Fabrics, sale price iSc per yard. Special Sale of Window Shades t! dozen 50c Opaque window shades on spring rol lers, fringo bottom, salo prico 2oc. Special Clearing sale of Ladies' Tailor Made Suits. $5 00 Suits, siilu prico $2..")0. ?I5.00 Suit', stilo prieu $3.00 $7.50 Suits, Mile prico S3 75. $10 00 suits, salo price $5 00. $15.00 Suits, snlo prico $7.50. Special sale of Ingrain Carpets. HuiKUoino new pntturns lo select from. :15c Ingrain Carpet, :tlo price 'J5i 40c Ingruiu Carpet, salo pi it" 2I)o. 50c Iugrain Cnrpot, sale prico 3S. 00c Ingruiu Carpet, sulo price 45c. 70c Ingruiu Carpets, sulo prico 55c. Special sale of Ladies' Wrappers. New lot of ladies' $1.50 and $175 wrappors and houso drosses placed on salo at 51 00. In Our Millinery Department. Now Sailors, Knox shapes and stylos at the right prices New ready to wenr street huts tttid trimmed lints nt the right prices, CORSETS. Now Girdle Corsets nt 50c, in pink, blue, whlto. Koronu Uust Form Perfaetors at 50c. Now Summer Corsets at 25c ami 50c. Special Values in Men's Summer Underwear. ut 25c, efpial to most 00c grades sliown. Ladios Vests at 10c, 12iu'c, 15o, 18c, antl 25o. Ladies' Silk-Lisle Vests at 25c. Special on White Goods. 15e Whlto Goodial 10c. 18c White floods ut 12J.p. , 25c hit Goods and India Linons 18K- Ladies and Children's Shoes. Vo can savo you monoy in your shoe buying. Now Ladles' Oxfords nnd Slippers at tha right prices Children's Oxfords antl Slippors. Special sale of Ladies' Underskirts. 81 50 Underskirts, sulo prico 61.00. $1 75 Underskirts, sulo prico $1 25 S'J.OO Underskirts, sulo prico $1.50. HLFRED HHDELL ja ) tv 0 ft ft ft il it) vi il a nn Hi il) i iD DECORRTIOfl DAY EXERGISES Unveiling of Ex-Congressman Jleeighan's Jlonament. I HED GliOUO, JlEBRASHil, JIAY 30, 1901. $ m m m m m if) 0 it) if U il il) vi 0 il) Hon. W. J- Bryan will Address the People on tne Occasion and Ex-Senator W. V. Allen will Deliver the Oration. l After InYOcation tlie McKeighan Monumeat will be Unveiled m W 8 m 9 by Miss Edith McKeighan Daughterlof the Late Congressman. IIow Are Yoar Klil.era ' Dr. Uobbe' Sparairut l'UUcure ll klduey HU. Hm-1 plarrtM. Add.BtetllDg UmeJrC'y ,CblcfOorM,Y. i 4 4 In our Immense stock lm Groceries, Queensware and Glassware that you J can select from. Many useful articles are shown at very low prices. All kinds of produce han- died j ja RMizer.l il) it) il) il) t EXCURSION - RATES - ON - RAILROADS il) J- Let everybody arrange to spend all day in Red Cloud. Bring your families as D it will be a day long to be remembered. 11 il) il) D l) i) il) it) il) vv ft ft ft ft ft The procession will form on Webster Street at 12:30, headed Jlbyl'members of ft - HI the Grand Army of the Republic, and march to the cemetery. On arriving nt th tm cemetery there will be an address by R. T. Potter on behalf of the G. A. R. ft The ceremonies of the day will be under the auspices of the G. A, R., y. R m C. and Monumental Committee. m Everybody come. ft Hon. John R. Thompson, presiding officer for Unveiling Ceremonies. JW ' ' ' A.