k '?. JKOOO COPIES. PA11T OXH, MaMMMnMirMiEiiiw rwo"""''' - -- - nw.. a if F i sr f Ah. or m -.:,,:;::. VOLUME XXIX. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MAY 2 1. l!01. NUMBER til WEBSTER COUNTY AND RED CLOUD. A Graphic Pen Picture of the Topographical Features, Soils, Water Supply and Agricultural Resources of A MATCHLESS COMMONWEALTH. A Region That Has Liberally Responded to the Thrift of Man and Bountiful Yields Re sult From Nature's Lavish Gifts. CONTAINING HISTORY, FACTS, PR0PHCEY AND DATA, From the Allied Archives of Time Concerning Its People and Their Interests. Red Cloud is the Fountain-Head of a Largo Trading Circle and All Branches of Business is Represented. BY M. D. STEINER. VV II KN Henry W. (Irady, tlio I I I great orator, editor and states. Ay manor the statu of (ioorgia, tho Horace (Ircoly of tlio south, a man revered by nil liberty-loving American people, declared in a burst, of touch ing eloquence Unit thero should bo no north, no south, no east, no west, but one groat and powerful republic, tree from all national strifo and differences, linked together in tho bonds of human sympathy, love and mutual welfare, he struck tho keynoto of American civil tvmtion and independence, made dear to us all bv tho fundamental laws .o wisely foreseen and laid down by eur forefathers. Had Henry W. Grady lived he probably would huve wrought perhapa by this time, tho reforms which ho so earnestly and ardently -championed and united the American puople under the one great standanl of truth, virtue, honesty, and unity of purpose and brotherly love; bound tip and healed all tho wounds and differ uncos of the past and present; set uni form standards of moral, social, indus- ..!.. i ..ml nifiliMilliii'iil life: ostllbllshei llxed and principles the deer trod these plains and that splendor of tho orient, the llery sun, cleft the azuro robes of night and set. her blaze of glory on the eastern skies, it revealed naught but. a dreary waste, bleak and bare, save for a rank growtli of prairie grass aud tho footprints of the nomadic buffalo nnd beasts of the pluins. Now, however, connected with tho great populations of tho east by the spider like bands or steel of the trans-continental railroads, aud trans formed aud awakened by tho skilled hand of man, backed by the grent prin ciples of civilization, education, und science Inherited, tho land Is indeed a roritnble garden spot The seil is rich and prolific, and Its marreloiiK fertility, coupled with tho aid and bo Dignity of Damo Nature, brings forth bounteous yields of all kinds of crops, hlef among which are wheat, rye, oats win nnd' all the cereals. They grow to perfection in this spleu did elimuUi, and although the prices at present for farm products are not extremely hiiih. the profits have been siifllcient to ulford many a innii a com 1 10 i.i r..f ..11.. 1. ft..... .....1 . lut tit:tlji 11 IIIHIT irrevocn.no governmental inn- ihi.- j ..-...., in all branches. Then sum eaon year woiildiill this vast empire west ol tne STssinni river have thriven prog- rKKMl and nrospored as never before hi her history, and the crowning getn in the ilhutrious diadem made up of these hardy and dauntless wet-tern nt-atos would have boon Xobnisku, and foremost among her energetic, enter prising and growing cities would have been lied Cloud, tho homo of industry, patriotism aud thrift. Hut tho Creator in His infinite wis dom decreed that these- things wore not to be. Mankind always was and always will bo of dlverso opiuion, and there will bo dissensions and pretun ..:..., . i.i.iiF hi. liomanitv and tho world endure. It is not tho Intention of this article to donl with politics in any way, Mmpo or form. It im i widely different. Only those facts which aro accept oil and acknowledged by all will bo given reference Whatever has been tho cause, we all know that for n period some years ago, times were hard, money scarce, prices low, and the cry of hunger, want, cold, misery aud despair went up from many parts ef this country and the whole werld. lu the face of all theso adverse circumstances however, tho grand commonwealth of Nebraska and the dauntless county of Wobitor have frrr.l sti-iidllv to the front, maintain- ed their supremacy aud shown a zeal und courage In faciiig a deplorable condition in the affairs of mon beforo which many a less enterprising and wide awake section would havo resign ed themsolves to despair aud retro, gros&lon, and today she Is tho centor of ono of the most prosperous and In dustrious regions of tho west. Fro a desert in yearn gone by, wueu Rome but the wily red rnauwid Tho energy of man rightly applied ean overcome all obstacles und make a prosper-out. community in tho midst of a desortuud cause a barren waste to become u veritable paradise When this same energy and fixedness of pur poso Is aided by nature, the result aro but the same and man naturally bo comes better repaid through his being relieved from tho combat with sterile surroundings aud consequently iiuds more in life to enjoy. Looking backwards over a lapne of but a few short years into tho desolate waste land of Webster county, when tho coyote aud the rattlesnake rulod tho domain and tho rich laud remaiued untouchod by tho plow, ono can hardly realize that in this onco barren plain cities and towns have sprung up as if by magic TIwj most gifted ien and thw most eloquent tongue cannot, paint the chango wrought within a little more tlmn a quarter of a century. Wobstur county stands among the llrst counties of tho great state of Nebraska, and within her borders is acity that has made rapid strides Red Cloud. Kho is blessed 'with a locntiou, which like u great magnot, draws trade from a large area of country. Nature may offer nil, but unaided by man remaius only a beautiful waste. Nature has done much for Webster county but man has done more. The over-llflng euergy of those brave pioneers who settlod on those broad acres, braved tho summer's sun and tho winter's blast, has produced thousands or bcauurul hornet, aud millions of wealth It is true that thero are her drones. as in any other community, who live on tho drippings of prosperity that thoir buiilnewi neighbors perait to drop from tkelr tables, and wlthettt individuality they exist, and show a contrast to their business rivals, that proves beneficial to the latter. Hut there arc only a few of this class in this county, fewer than ma.V be found in any other municipality Hut in order that the trailer may have exact and definite information lunching her i resource, and t'linahilltio, tile follow- ini' slut (sties are submitted, ami the I fact that I hoy have been iceun-d from sonnf of Webster county'n liwst in formed men is guarantee siifllcient of their reliability. Webster County win named in honor of the great statesman, Daniel Web ster. It lies in Mie sonthern tier or coanticb and is boundvd on til north by AiUiiis connty, aM fey Xukoll, south by .lewell aud Smith rountles in the state of Kansas, and v,u-t by Kfiinkllii i-iiuntv. Nebraska It haw an area or :ir,s,(M0 acres, all of whick is pialric, except u small proportion of timbered laud along the streams The topography of the county pre sents some striking features. The Republican river passes through it from east to west from four to live miles north of its southern boundary. An immense number of small creeks How into it; especially from the north, and this river unlike the Platte, in creases In breadth and volume all the way through the county. The south side or this river, as it misses through Webster county, Is bordered with bluffs that rise abruptly to a height of from 75 to 1.1(1 feet and the river generally runs next to the bluffs. Tho valley proper ranges from one to four milos in width and Is beau tifully terraced. The uplands are comparatively level, but are gently un- dulatcd and present, to tho eye every variety of form imagined. The first settlement made In the county was near Guide Hock, Anrll IP, 1870, by Donald McCallum and Eman uel Peters About tin middle of May of the same year the three darber brothers, Silas, Joseph and Abram joined thu settlement, Silas afterwards bvooining governor of the ktate During the year 1871 quite an exten sive set t lenient was made. ( iiune was plentiful and the settlers kept their larders pretty well lllled. 187:2 711 saw many now faces in tho settlement and by this time all tho better government lands had been taken and considerable of the railroad land sold. In 1874 a larco acreage wis planted to croiwuud tho prospects were Umt thero would be ii wonderful yield. In the latter part of July tho grasshoppers came. They came in countless millions Every green tree, plant and shrub was covered Not a vestige of vegetation ivkisted their ravages. Their flight obscured tho sun and tho pound of their wings was likened unto the rattle of tlio sabros of n squadron of cavalry at full gallop. This was u time when it tried men's souls. Many left tho country, those remaining practiced great economy, and tho privations they endured will uercr bo known. Though brave and uncomplaining many must have Ktarved had it not tieen for help so liberally glreii Uy more fortunate states April 10, 1871, tho first election wa Held in tlio sod houwo of Kilns G arbor aud tho location for the county seat was decided upon Tlio first regulnr election was held October 10, 1871, and tho county com missioners were authorized to issue bonds in the sum of $2,000 for tho erection of county buildings. Tho first marriage in tho county was that of Win. J. Norris and Huldu J. Ilcnuecker, July 14, 1871. Rev Penney preached the first ser mon in thu county in 1871. The llrst white child born in the csnuty was nsou to Mr, and Mrs, W, D. McKiuney. The ii-st newspaper published was the 1U. t 'loud Ciiiep, established July, 1873 Tho first liquor liconso was grunted to Silas (1 arbor, March 20, 1872, for IS5 for ono year. Two uw ssttlfl were orected in 1872, one at Guide Hock aud the other at Red Cloud. Miss Mary Kinsley taught the first school in a log houso near Guide Rock. Tim first organized religious society was the M. K church, on Penney creek. inrnti!y.d bv Kev. O. W. Wells. All- " i gust 10, IS71 ' The supply of drinking water comes from wells ami springs and Is of the most pleasant taste. Good water ill abundance can be secured lit almost nny point and the supply cannot be exhausted There are at least sexenly live church orgnuiatious in the county oiiImiIc "f Hod Cloud and all denomination are represent rd The educational resources are good and well tip to modern idea, ami as a result we find a well educated people, a sharp kilt scMvs citizuhip The climatw or Webster connky can scarcely lie exaggerated in words ll is centrally located between the cold, frigid north nnd the torrid, hot Miutk mm... mmMi.i- ki'iireolv over nets ex L.IU ..l.V..l. -....--,7 .. tremely hot and the nights me always pleasant during the warmest weather The county has as good natural roads its ono can find any where and are as good ten months of the year as the pikes of the older states. The streams are spanned at. the more important public crossing by substan tial Iron and idle bridges The soil or the bottoms and low ly ing prairies is a dark sandy loam from 18 to HO inches in depth. Upland soil Is from 10 to 2-1 Inches in depth and Is as nearly as productive and for lasting .qualities und fertility has no uqunl in Minimum. It is warm, never bakes, and Is especially adapted for all kinds of cereals. Verv best improved lands range in WTWrrXtSm -'-" ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen sable to the preparation of the finest cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins. Mousckcopers are sometimes importuned to luiv other noMiers because they are " cheap. ' Housekeepers slwuU4 stop ami think. I (such powders arc lower priced, arc they not inferior? Is it economy to spoil your digestion to save a few pennies? The "Royal Maker and i'nstry Cook" containing over 8oo most practical imd valuable cooking re ceiptsfree to every patron, bciul postal card with your full address. Alum is used in some bakuiR pow ders and in most of the so-called phosphate powders, because it is then p.aiul makes a cheaper powder. lint alum is a corrosive poison i which, taken in food, acts injuriously upon the stomach, liver and kidneys. ROYAL BAKING rOWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8T., NCW YORK. THE CITY OF RED CLOUD A Thriving Metropolis That Sots the Pace for Sister Cities. mice from 815.00 to $.'15.00 per acre. Stock farms, ranches and unimproved lauds can bo had from 18.00 to lf.oo per acre. Why should land with equal fertility, a much better climate, sell at theso prices when thf samo lauds with less advantages in many of tho older states sell at throe to four times theso prices? Tills county is known far and wide us a cattle ralsiiiK and feuding section. Many of the finest mid fattest or theso animals that go into the eastern mar kuts being raised in this section. The stock is hiirh crude and is being im proved from year to year To the poultry raiser wo can say that nowhere can poultry be rulstd more successfully than here The climate and surrounding conditions are such iu to bo perfectly adapted to this branch of industry. Just a short drive into tho country will reveal bug flocks or high grade turkeys, ducks, geese and chickens surrounding every farm house. . ii.. t u. farmers- havi ....i I., incubators and at tin itiimt'sii ii BUSINESS INTERESTS REVIEWED. And a Mention of Her Business Now Alive. Men . ... -r . .....ll r.nvl are heason iniiini'-"" be seen throughout the count ry The breeds or cattle consist prlnci pally or Horefords and Shorthorns. The Poland China, Herkshlre mid Durocs aro the favorite breeds of hog, with other strains becoming promi nent. Webster county farms product per aero '.)" to 05 bushols of corn; 15 to 15 bushels of wheat; 115 to 55 bushuls of oats; about 5 tons or alfalfa a season. Tho county is traversed by tho 11. .t M. It. Ky. from oast to wos.t, the N..v C Hy. through the northern tier of town ships iu tlio satno direction, and the Mimouri Pacific touching tht uortk oast corner, gives tlio county a total length of hteel highway of nearly 70 miles. A good, honest man with a small capital oau come to Webster county, get possession of an excellent farm by paying one-third of its value in cash und the remainder on easy payments, lie can go to work at onco and moot his obligations as nowhere can money bo turnel as easily aud quickly as here. Neither political preference nr ro ligious prediloctlon eut auy figure of Rod Cloud's estimate of a newcomer. The only quostion asked is us to whether lie is a hustler. If he isn't he might just us well puH right oh tfiroui witbovt teed or wtr. Tho city or Red Clond i aw aggres fclvoly progressive city or about 1800 population. Thu Inhabitants uro charming and ImspiUhle puople, wide awake, ambitious and enterprising to a degree that surprises visitors Ironi all sections Thero is no apatliy or ln.inuss among them, but oxeouding vim, zeal and courageous energy char notorize their every action They ox toml the open hand or welcome to tlio newcomer, aro frank, generous open hearted, unselfish and sincere iu their effort!, full of ooHiuiuroUl vim, level headed anil far soeing, what wonder tho city presents u scene or lire and bustle that must make other places hang their heads? It Is the seat or government or Web- become ........ un,i (H situated on the IS. 1: M. Ky., which gives to Its residents to ,ii,.,.i .,,,..,.,1111111.11111111 to the uost. west UllUlilil'UIHl"ui'. - ' and north, and las to their vcry;lora tin, best, markets the world. Rod Cloud has eight church edifices occupied by the various denominations aud evory opportunity Is offered to tho ohrWt Ian people, as many or tho rosi donts are, to accept and oiabruco tho great and transcendent truths which unerringly guide to that greater and hallowed existence whtsu namoiseter- nity. The business housus aud dwellings uro substantial structures of frame and brick, many or them possesidiig every improvement aud adoriimunt known to modern architecture. Tho city has a splendid water system, with stand pipe and a direct pressure. Mains and laterals run ta all purts f tho city aud give to Its rosMenta tke best of fire pcotoctlou. llei Cloud has edunational facilities which cauuot bo oxaelled UHywhore It owns three public school buildings aud twolve teachers are employed Those schools with tho corps of In structors offer the best educational fuolllties anil as competent instructors in teaching tho young Wen to shoot and burnt forth Its bun" and blossom into lifo. All the iiromluont secret aud frater nal societies are represented and each have a good membership. Thu uittata am bread, Uvl, well graded, and tho sidewalks are or both brick and lumber. One or the notable enterprises is the Interstate Fair held In Red Cloud every fall. It has gained more than locul promlnoncu nnd tho succens u has attained insures its popularity fr tho future. The city has two banks, each con servatively managed and with good working capital. It also has threo weekly and ono monthly nowspapers. Thero aro about soventy-flvo nusl hums and professions represented in tho wty, and the professions find as able exponents as thero aro In the entire west. Thu city has no boom, but consider able building is being contemplated. Among them aro two largo brick busi ness blocks a sixty-room brick hotel and an opera house. The dealers bore have rree ami di rect access to tho markets or tho world and this being so tho merchants are jiiktillud lu carrying larger stoeks or goods than are usually found In ultlos of this size. Visionary Individuals cannot get along In Rod Cloud. This is no Klondyko or Capo Noma region, Tlio streots aro not paved with goldi and you can't pick big yellow nugtfots mil of the lfiitter or make a fortune In a minute, but any legitimate business enterprise coupled with energetic en deavor on the part of tho promotor will succeed. Helow we give a roviow of the prom inent and enduring businoss interests of thoolty: P A.HANSEN. Il tliure id ono thing above all otlieru that people are particular ahoia it is their laundry work. They waul their linen done up in first-class style, jmt the kind of work turned out ly Mr. r. A. Hanson, proprietor of thu steam laundry. Ho has had long training and experiunci) in this line of business and guarantees unit gives satisfaction to all his host of customer?.' Any work left at his laundry will receive the best of attention and out-of-town trade is made a apeuial feature. I. A. CREIGHTON, M. D. Every city has its full quota ol physi cian, hut Red Cloud is particularly fortunate iu having in her midst an array of the fraternity who aro indeed a credit to tho profession. Among the most pucoossful physicians wo might mention tho name of Dr. K, A. Croigh ten. Ho is a gjuduato of tho Western Univeulty of London, Canada, anil spent seven years in the courses of this school receiving the silver mesial ai an (L'oHtiuucd onpfc 4, pqrt J.) X -f,"3!' zyy vnrnxfiff "-WW .