jtowjpj&cflfcr i" n 1 1 1 I I I h II' Li (f Uvrrvimuli IH.e the M'wmj kctloii depends tntirviy ntwiti I Jm enro licstowed HPOtl its parent. Kxpci t.int trot hew tumid have the l ikU n it into. They 'hould lo "pared all worry nnd nnxictv. Tiny fhotild oat nlentv of lood nuiiilshing food U 1 i and take r'pntlci'ni-ri.l-'. This 5 will go a l nig wn V t nvanl prcsorv- , im tlilr ho.itth hud their beauty as 'well ns that of the I, tile one to come, inn to ik- iiijsumii-i "" of ii hhott ntul painless lubor they .should uso . Mother's Friend i regularly durlnf the month of Rctn l lion. inmiiiiiBimjuD iiiiiiucuii ni.n... g Ii to brj applied externally, it Kve i itrenKth and vigor to the mniicleH nnd J prevent nil of the illscotnioris i nree- nancy, which women nurd to think imirv. When were absolutely necossiirv MuthcrM 'frienA U used there Is no danj?r whatever , I' 1 uet Motners rrirnu m mc "" store,'! iur mil lie. 1TI1C Will. S'W 'w Tilt ORADflM) RTGIUTOR CO ATLANTA. UA. lot enr fret UxV," li.fdri nl r ' Horn ii.,- ..is. Two y eurs Ago You were aaMied, IF k RENTER, a Farmer' ion (unifcle, owing to high valuei ol land, to lecura a farm near yovr old home), or a farmer bur dened with taxation, heavy mort gages, Imaatarlihtdioll or failure al cross, la aeeure FREE 160 Acre Homestead In MANITOBA, ASCINIBOIA. SA3 KATCIIEWAN OR ALBERTA, the GRAIN and GRAZING DISTRICTS ol FERTILE WESTERN CANAOA. irrlfncrof tliowliortM itmlvlra la aiiiiraUfrlniittiat i in now rri air4i, ana m f ri-a fAtin to errrT male itrf.li f fnr it dcb nti J ninrv ii'main nr-aa oe n latuu n mane. Itallwa.. mnrLrla, .(ilivul., -liiin-lir. le, convenient. (Ml mate lii-alllile-t In tlm irnrlil. foil Iti hist Urltn for ntllrnatl ratn, map., i-niiti,li lot i. Irltern from tu tlvr. rtr, tn F. Itlr. Hurln twntpnl nt Immigration, Ottawa, I'.in.iili, or to . . . .- .i . . HP.NN'KTT , . illl N V I. in Will., umnnn, .cu. Opeolnl low otcurnlnn rnto. during February, March and April. Sonne Re: '.W Why You Should bs'. I on I : ..m HUREKfi wnrrs .81 Uiiein. 'I 1 1'V .i.tv ol'.i-RiMxIit- li.ipl K-:;iht'r 'Ht. E-.K'i'ial!v jm-tMrv-ir. Kei'i out tier. A heavy bodied oil. S-flARBXiESS An excelletit iiresorvntlvc. Reduce-) ensl of you harilesn. Never turn-, the leather; its Eldcietiev i- increased, ecures het service, btttchi kept from breaking. 08L J 'il in rH J . ,t.., M.mif! irollr irn t i il (lit mpimti. "(MNCAUIXS ill. nil rlntniiMl fnt- lliem andnro irtily nniulrrful iiicdlnnc 1 li.iMMitien wlnliiMl lur anivillcliio iloaK.im to t.iki ntul ut Inst Invit (iiiiiui n hi i uv.ireif, Mnru takliiKilum. m tilooil h.li tx'cn puriMOil umt tnjr roui U'xImii ti.n Im proT'il ntiHlerfutiy .nut 1 tirl tiiucli iH'tti r Ineverr nar iliis Siir.iB t. htLi.AHH l.'jttri'll Term. rt(,mrt P.ihtMOr Potent Tamo fioo.1 IV) flooit. Nevr iKcn, Weaken or (lr,e 10c i'. 00a. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... filrrlloK Rrmrtv tBirnf, Utlrv, YontrfO. fw Tori, 39 nn-io-BAO met L'linrnntiM'rt In atl otuu rt'Kf. 'IMiacto I libit. . to C For 14 Gmm T'if.i. ffllxrrfiil l.-f.lilf. &c. Pkr urn. tfitMii r.u ,iu x..i, $ ,u fl I Aurthxtn . nun On J, . ii ( 1 ilarax ltufltr l.uiwn h-d, 111! I " (laifril.t lir?rt ttruMtrr hJ. ,iu 1 tllj t.nrln llt-rlhrtd. ,lul I " U-lUr I.-JUli hre J. tQt a - .. fiarari l viluri-rr Jf ,J I a Minuiui i iiiwi-r pfi-j. 15 f IVikMi fil AA . . . IX- -.. ..li.VW ro, i i. AboTB il r ktgri fr rmcUiet .,,. I htUt u fi-, ley?! ier wilt, on- f ml i in nit" in i in . ituiar u kuui PiiWir'-tlimUn l(.Uur linn AU 'linli. Onloii rrl, ll()v. n lb. tasriarr vim tnonbii(T rTU it ittt. Ublettnl fftfniiMd uod rcrltLari4. Ail IhUuotli. Wbtn oner von pltnl I l tnuuik CfUffOtfrrnitn . . ni.vr i ncu tjh win ctrrutvi tout.. iun,vinuiiiiivbi.i -rtriifu. iJVf TRiUMPH INCUBATORS Hatches all Hatchablo rL'L'rt. 1p& is-r&n IeH oil than any other machine aa(,b ttiuiin l rM'IMLV UlUIKV uro. Porfuct Vontlliitlon, Enuiil j- ijLiKi. AOHOiuiojy Automiitic J Catnlouo freo. IMtijltH SUPPLY CO., .MIITINN AQKNT., V 10a 8. nth Bt Lincoln, Neb. i r tnrr ni u I mwp . iisdi c.n miu 1 affiljvS yw Ciinis: vi-t in VI III v upoutli Jl iUJ llli olIr rl -Bt fllHI I n.rt,. I m mm. w. v. BLOOD iaa CANDY M JiJ CATHARTIC , w THADI MARK ROOIPTSHID S.meAJNill aJATaafPt M&5 1 w 115 (i THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ards are Being Cured Dally In Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses No Weakening ol the Nerves A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now jciuirnlly known mid under- Mood tluit Uiiinkcniicsi N it ilienu iml not weukni's. A hotly lllled with io!on, ntul npivc" coniplett'ly dinttei cil y pciiotlifiil oicoiiHiiuit tHi'of intoxi -atnif luiiort, rupiites uti nntidoto .npnlileof ticiittnhinn nnd I'tfiilUMitliii' uii poiion, ittitl di.tro.iiijs' tlio cniv m for Ininxletint-t. Sullcrcri tuny now iiirn IliPinaplvos nl home wlfhotil :iiibliill' of loof tiuio ft niii huintis iv thin woiidciful "Iloine liohl Cure," icli lvfl been pi rlectcd nflt r nmny . . ...i.. i t I'ltl-l Ol (IIIMC lllOJ IlllU lllllllin-lll ' iik-Ih hm-fl The faitliftil ttceiiritiiii: lodiii-etlont of thi i wonili'iful iMm'ov ry is piiltlvely jiiiininti-cd to imiic the most iibstltuUii cine, mattt'i lw iiiitd ii drinkor. Our records show tlio niiiiveloiisliniisfornmtioiiof thotitinnili of DrunkiirilH into nober, Intlustrimis nnd upright men. .,.,.. Wives cure your huslmtidsll Child ten euro your fathers!! This remedy is in no Benu it nostrum but Is a spec. ifJc for this disonan only, nnd is bo skill fully devised nnd prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and plensant to tlio tnsto, so that it can bo Riven in t cup of lea or coffee williout the knowlcdco of tho person taUlnR it. Thousands of Urunknrils linvo cured tlicmsclves with this piicelcss remedy, nnd as Jtiiiny more havo been cured nnd made torn-iK-rnloinnn by havinp tlio "Guro" nil ministered by InvhiR fiiamla nnd rein lives without Hifir knowU'tlRc iu coir'G or ten, nnd believe today thai they tils continued ill inkinn of thou; own freo will ')o not wait. Do not be diltuled hi appnititituiid HiirleniHiiK "improve infill" Diivu out the disi uo at oiiee and for all time "'''I"' ll,""' (,"l,, lute" is sold at the extremely low inien of One Dollar, thus plneuiR with in n ...u f pv,,! ybody a treatment morn i-fl'retive tuti. ..iheis costinn VX to .'i0. Full diieetions aei.....,ny e:ehpaek HKe. Spoeial advice by iw;ti,.t physi emus whnn ruiucsted without i-j,ira ebniKe. Snnt prepaid to any jiart of tlio world on receipt of One Dollar. Addross Dept A -102, Kdwin H. Giles & Company, 23110 and 2IW2 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly common ti.tl. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under The Sun. All Duct oi . have tried to euro CV nrrh by the un of powder", acid nascs, inlnleis, and ilrtiRS in paste form I heir powders dry up the mucous mem branes causing them to crack open ami bleed. The powerful acids u.-ed in the inhalers have entitely eaten away the iiiin membranes that their makers Ii ivi- uinii i ii- cure while ivis( s -i tnl - ii inn iits cannot reach tlm diie.inc. An old anil experienced practitioner who has for many years Hindu a close study and specialty of the tieatment of I'ninrih, has at lat perfected a ft cat nii-nt nliii-li uhrii f-iitliftilly Usui, in I only reli c at once, but permanent l clues Cnlareii by leinoxiiijj tin- e:tne, stui lung I lie m-ehii; ti -, -nil e-ni j a'l ii 11 iiiniialion It is ihe .iil h-iii i-i known to science that -tctirili rein lies the ' filleted parts This won diiful feinetls is known as Snuuli s the Guaranteed ratal rli Cure" at d is sold tit tlm exticmely low price of One Dol lar, each packs'!) conlaiiiiiii internal and external- medicine sulUcient for n full month's treatment and everything necessary to its pot feet use. "Snulllch'Ms tlio only perfect Oatarrh rure ever mtido and is now recognized as tlu only safe and poiitivo cure for that aniioving an I disgusting disease. It cures all inllamatinu quickly and I'ctmanintlv and is also wnndet fully piiik In leln ve Ha l-'i vet or cold in the head. Catatlh wtn-n neglected often leads ' - Ci'tistimption "Snullli"" will save i u if oii u- it at once. It is no unit- tun Kinedv. but a complete treat ment which is positively guaranteed to etite Catarrh in any form or stage ;l ued acconling to directions which ac company each package. Don't delav but send for it tit once, and writo full patticiilnrs as to your condition, and j on will receive special advice from tho discoverer of this wonderful rem eily regarding your enso without cost to you beyond tho regular price of "Snnllles" the "Guaranteed Catnrih Cure." Sent prepaid to any address in tho I'nitcd Slates or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Kd win H. Giles & Company, 23150 and 2.'132 Market Street, Philadelphia. Ladies Can Wear Shoes ono si.o smaller after using Alton's I-'ont Kase, a powder to bo shaken Into tlio shoes. It makes tight or new shoos feel easy, gives instant lelief to corns and bunions. It's tho greatest ci uifort discovery of tho ago. Cures end pro vents swollen feet, blisters callous and - no spot Allen's l-oot hao is a cor i i. ii i ut' for sweating, hut, aehiug foot. -til illligci-ts nnd slum stoles, 2.V i -il paoki ge I'llKF. bv mail- Address Allen S. Olmsted, le Koy, N. Y. duly 0 to lathe llurlingtoii Home wil st II round trip tickets to San Kranci-eo at iinprccodcntodly low rates. Tho rate from Omaha, for instance will bo $15. From other points correspond ingly low. Tickets good to return un til August 111. Stopovers allowed both going and returning. Teachers, elorgy men and others who can got away dtir ing tho hot summer months aro urged to investigate this romaikablo oppor tunity of obtaining tlio most onjoyablo outing in their experience nt it cost so small as to bo within roach ol almost everyone. Hcautifuiiy iiiusimted fold or, giving full information, mailed ott ICilUvSt. .1. Kkancis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nob. Catarrh Cannot Ik Cured, with loonl applications, us they cannot reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood orconstittitlonal li'Cno, and in older to euro it you must take con stitutional remedies Hall's Culaiilt Cuio Is taken internally, and nets di rectly on tho blood and mucous sur faces. Hall's Catanh Chid is not a itiack ineilieliHi. It was piescilbcd by one of the best physicians in this coun try for years, and is a regular pro sciiption. It is composed of the hi si tonics known, combined with the bos' blood puiiliers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tim pit feet eonibi nation of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful rcsiilti inJPS curing catarrh. Solid for tesiimoMaN P2 freo. iffr K .1 t'lll'.NI'l V Cm , Toledo ) Sold li druggist", T.'ii' Hall's I-amilj PilN ate the l)ei Six Million Boxes a Year. In 1895, none; in 1900, C,ooo,ooo boxes; that's Cascarcts Candy Ca thartic's jump into popularity. The people have cast their verdict. Hcst medicine for the bowels in the world. All druggists, 10c. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton I,. Mill of Lebanon. Ind. rnifit: "My wlfu lintl liilliitnmntorj rhctiiiintlntt) In in cry tiiiindu nntl Joint j lierkiilTcrliii; was terrible anil her lioily mill fnrc were mvooIpd nlmont lieyonil recoKiiltlon ; lind ticcn In bed for Mx wccIih nnd linil I'lKht (ilij-ntclnni), but rvrolvcd no benefit until flit- tried tho Mystic: Cure forZItlictimntlcni. It m nve linmedlnto relief nnd ulie wns nblc to wiiik nbottt III three tlnvii, I nm mire It unveil her life." Sold by II. U. Orlcc, DrngKlM, Itctl I'loiul, Neb, Rheumatism Cured in a Day. tt-Ltlri t iimi ftr linlliiin( laitn til til II nil fll 1 1 111 l r in iiiu mi niviiiiiiiiii-iii a ! !. n-- ri'iium I'liri-s in iroin iinoui iitri'o uiiyK. ii- m; Hon tiKili the jslein Is runtiirli utile nmimys terlonx It rciiinvos nt oin-e the eiuiiu mid the .1UiMi.fi hutiu.illiiti.lv ilUiiluii'iirM. 'I'hn Hmttltlin trriitii iii.iH-iim. t."i i-piii. .ni tiv ii. i: iirtr.'. i . . ... . ' ........... i T. . . . ... ' Ked I'lnitd.Neli . I - RIGHT UP TO DATE. (Benson's Plaster is Pain's Master.) Thoso aro days of records nnd of tho boat ing of records, lion-urn's Porous Plaster, for mni'kai'ss of action nnd thoroughness of "nro, has no records to bent except its own. 1'Mison's Plaster, always tho best, always tlio lenlr, Is to-day AdMer than ttcr. It sticks to tlio skin but never sticks In Us trucks. 11 innrclie on. Tho pooplo not only want to be cured but eurod quifklyund Honson's Plaster doos It. Coughs, colds, lumbago, nstliinii, bronchitis, liver and kidney complaints, and otber ills afiproacuablo by an exterii'd remedy, yield to llensou'BiislootloestnhL'at. Neither llcll.idouna, Stretigthcning or Capsicum plasters aro to be compared with Ilensou'ri. People, who havo onco tested tho merits of Ilenson's Plaster havo no uso for nny other oxtcrunl remody. that ran bo trusted Fifty-five, highest nwar Is havo been made to it in competition with tho best liunun plasters of Kttropn and Anvricn. Hotter jiroof of its nirritti is iu -onceivaliln. Ha unro to uet tho evnuiuo. 1'orsalo by nil iliiiggists, or wo will pre pay jiostngo'ou any imtnltor ordered iu tho Uuitii-1 States, on receipt of 2,". . ath. Softlmry A Johnson, II'i. I'll -tnL.ta, N.Y. ? .i( STo the Smoker C ... t t - - it ft '0 it it i) i) m it 'D 'I) t) 1) (l 1 Ml 'l of Eed Glond. CALL FOll THE Blue - Front"! CIG-AR. THE 15E.S1' 1) 5iFive Cent Cigar LtJ' math west of tlio Mississippi river. Mndii of nice long Amor icati Havana Idler. The best that can bo purchased in tho United State. Thoso cigars aro strictly hand made. J. NUSTEIN, MANTFACTUllEll rffteff fftfctfftf&fffttV BRICK BRICK Wo can surni.-h you brick in i i ty ut tho lowest pos sible rate. Brick on salo at either of tho lumber yntds. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK Ami want to get started naming money at once, send us 'Jo cts for our Imok of ".o New Money-Mnklrif: Mens," It is worth its weight in gold to anyone who is unemployed. Send today. Century Publishing: Co., Box 73, Heron Lake, Minn. J. S. EMIGH. DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown g Bridge Work or Teeth Without Hates. l'bllCSI.AIN INLAY And all tbo latcat tmprovumcut lu dental mecb anlim Moro than r,,oou piivsiuiaus and ilrug. lflteJ4i8'-JfVJKS,", 7,' t r"Zih , gists (and a thoiis.-inil tiiius us iiiunv mm. ! &"n-' .,Nwi.r r. 'r i-r -m cirny profchsional persons; havo called Ilenson's I pV'' Jt-'U ".'" ' " ' "' j Plasters ono of tlm few (!) homo remedies It-i...' " . . ...' .. .'...,!. rd fir 1 m : vox, w C1 Ft im-i ). en '. 11 ii ion F.t tllil If m .-in . v,i 1 ! , Pfa f tO . .1 ill M Ml ,U! I"' t ; I I Ptk-4 (lcn'ttir.1 i" j t lil, ii.t y' w 1 I 1 ) d It l-y ivniii 1. 1 p i id. PONT TOBACCO SPIT and 5A10KB YourLifcawavl You con tie cured of any form of tobacco unlna easily, tie made well, utrotiR, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by talcing MO-TO-BAO, thnt makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds In ten days, orer 600,000 cured. Alt ilritggit. Cure guaranteed, iloolc. let and advice 1'KIUJ. Address ST1JRI.INO RliMItDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 Every Woman Is Interested ami aliotiM Lnnn about the wonderful K3 MARVEL Whirl no Sorav $ TlOtlHTTlitiulH.rlnr. JiJ(t. lion unit burfan. Host .saf. V, en-sioat (;rinTenw-iit, lltlrimr. Inttaatl, . i ,r,iIJi,i,ii ir li.- .-innot nnrily Hie .ii.liu Kl.. nrrni.tim ottli - r. l.llt ppiii! ftt.imii trr II ,.,........ t i. .. . .. ,. . '''7;" - ' i""" "r"p'.ii Kne rtlll inrtl. Ill ar ntij .II.....M..... I 'JltlllllHIOIaillfl II till f, CO.. Itoiini 1lmemiilK.,irMVirk! P7 CHIOHCST.n'S CN'iLIRH pEHMVROVfllL mUM H -VTTw 4Htlnl mmiI nr iirnulnvs ?1 i3 Mnniffrou rubtHnIlun ntl linlta- m.'fjl wlMs HnfiLIr-n 'liilitnn(l.i. IfnfntA linaat naj t joair iirueci! r ,d1 'If. in MAIM for I'nrtUlllilfK. T.atlltnnnla.lt) X fp u4Mt!lfrr..pI.il,-ln.fffr, by rr. turn xiiui I'lt"'" nsinoLii noin Dr All llt....L.. i l.l-t a a I atjt' m - '- iiiviirniT ntniiii ,Dh CfiMos tLU i-i rr. AlsdUun 1'ark, I'll I I.K. V7 DR. KAY'S ItENOVATOU Invigorates nnd renovates the system ; purities runt enriches tho blood; cures tho worst dynpepMn, cotistlpiitlon. headache, liver and kidneys SAcnmllt. uttlruirglsts. I'rt-o Riulrlce sntnplr mid book. . Or. II. J. Kuy Snrntoir:), N Y 0i ENOVATOK tlit li Mirnt cmvi) cf AT t. Hi it -mrr' ti(M 1 tlti nr lMitlni tliitiM ii- i W :l 'i i jk'i m to tti tii-unl rn tlti i Mf it wiV l t " n tv v li ill uIjMi 1rvrvifi i. n .tlitt' t li sf- l 'l ii i ' V)tKlU lilNiirit 1iifr N I bo i n i r i . It tu non 9ti 1,1 VI r Hll 1 III t llill HHIl'I'i l ' , J" I flltTH nilN JUVLf .uiifiifnH. i Mim Mil lsSktSuiLt. ,a.ffl CATCUY CATMAOTIC CANDY '"' (j. re.OLT Wf&'srs&&y H:,Trr-r- i-tmrTK3e!an JcP'.-toc '.f. r--ii i I". C C. Iit-vcr sold la bulk. D:w jfi" t tlio ilc akr v :-,o fries to sell "somcthins fust as good." ASK VOilR GIOCCi? rOF d& o IVir-riSC'Vjff VMS asffin; ri L 9 V t i ?diVi i"t- 3 vi9s2fl!5S.' The 5 Minute Breakfast food. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKl S "I?IJA1N - lSHKAJV PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo """(;. V. AlU-AUKIOIIT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. 15 Ki) Ci.oun. Nkhioska, Liuidsoapos, Flotver. Fruit- mil I'm trails niacin to unlet . STL'DIO IN DAJIF.ItKI.I, III.OCK. I. 13. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOAN Lock Ilox S3. Pitililo Hock. Ni Vll kinds of property bought s i a exchanged. COI.I.nOT.fNs MADE. TKUM HT.Aii's Hi r Dowt Be Foolsdi (SrTiAriv Tuke the cn oi.fciaal jZif v'a; nocK MOur.T, ,f fEA Mude only by W i cine Co.. flluilii" keeps nn t:i mark rut ri I'riie. .- Cfi ' n bulk At tute. Ask , i J Dr. IUi'i L Kidneycura. IJlsPllM tichr.i-i J clhts or li i t. I'rro' vice, etc., of Dr. 11. J. Knyi Sarnloca v. Refunded. - antcoUr liaj'. '! .iiul to euro dyhiwp cinsii n'.ii nntlmi. Hicr nnd kldneTS. liosl tiiiu bl.in.1 nurlller known for nil chronic -u.ses renovates and Invlnorates tho whole system nut cures vory worst cokes, uciinai nox nioni-t. If not satisfied with It notify us, we iUII rofiml money Iit return innll. lYrtla your svmptort( for f-'reo Medical Advice. naniHlo and pmo' as 60o at ilrurelatH. Dr II J Kay, Saratonu," N.r. WoPAYCASHRiV ni ni(r) i ilia iK TREES um. 77.1. 1) rilrnip. OllltltAll-soi.il.. 1- STARK BRO'S, Louisiana, .Vo. pgj i ii-" , ntul 'J..rts.. j 1 Mn.. j ,-. ; . ,) I HaMaW-r arVu T "nj. w "' n m 1 1 i, aaa IM2't''U--j" 1 HAii uf.i.ftfti rr K, r;r.VT.'JTi.fvJTl. T-CiTJirrtM 9SkC.&VZS&. -XIJV' EBmEBZBE&R!iESEZB3Bimt5EBEm REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Wanaah, Iml., ii Pns.doU of tho H2 j-. iiianj, ivrruilliMV ill, diuuhivii. I nil. clergyman in tho Christian Church to - eburohes nnd baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It alTordsj 1110 great, yrj pleasure to give my testimony us to tho cilioiency of Dr. Kay's remedies. K , Dr. Kay's hung Halm Is tho very bobt cough, coin and throat remedy that I over used. V I havo alBo received great benefit from the uso of Dr. Kav's Rnnovator. My son had for years been greatly aflllcted with thu piles; ho commenced tho uso of Dr. Kay's remedies nnd experienced relief ulmost from tho first. Wo havo no words to express our thankfulness for tho lonoflt wo have received iib tho result of itsoing thoso remedies. 1 take groat pleasure in commending them to tlm suiTering." I.. L. ('auim:ntkk, Missionary ami s. K. r.iangelist, ( hrintinn ( huroh. Dr ICay's it isarTrt rr t matnr of tho wlinio --t ;i. It i-. the verv !vt romoily 1mi.-i fur 'tilnu'li trn'ilili i, I'liiiL'e-t e.n. d; p. ii- i, ct'ii'rll of tho i rtr fit i ' it. i , trou I) r-.. mlid oir-rconv , -tl , n , f . " ( ,, ,', ,, . ,,,, ,'j.-,-(, ,qsi. ri 'lii, i- Si no fur froe ttiipl.' nnd ,i f- il n rn lis (n-i , nf n-pelpt ; ii.i-tir,i m v, nl j.ii-yn;i frr-o iuKic If dm., ! ,'t Ii.im-l"r. K k s Honovatnr tli t fca "just as goo! ''for it had r rVn, t-ut -,, ml un'v tousnnd wo rrice lints., and ?1 n()or f, , ?:, on. I : !'.. .1 Kay Mr.nn t. ( o . s -". - PLATT & FREES CO.. Chicago - Lumber - Vard. KED CLOUD. NKUUASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBER CO, DEAIiKItS IN LUMBER and COAE. l ' I irxj: niaterial. Etc. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska1 City Dray and EE. inC. ROSS, PROP, Goods Delivered to any part city agents for adaas express co. telephone:no. 52. Do ths Itches of the Alaskan Gold Fields Attract You? If so, read this. THE KING MINING TOHPANY 01s FRIEND. NEBRASKA. CAPITAL, - 100,0()().). II. P K.Mi. I'io in'. Nelrasi.-i Piosidont- hilN .I.D POPE Fii'-ii'i. N iHiisKn. Ati'niii'i at Law . Viee-Pri.sid. nt 1. E. Still I'll i H. Ii Fni'tiil, Ni liitisUn, lhiiiker Meictary unil 'rronMitor U'.M I IMIKE. FiK'iHt Ni binsl.n. (iiuiu Hitjer Director lltN I' 1. I-'OSS, Co ii-. Nebraska, Aitoi iieo nt Law lii cct'ii 1 a--1 niiipaiii js duly ii.eoiiior.'iii it imli-i the law.s ut the btato of Nohiask.'i. Tito oiiuiD'iny nil cniv o vn, ' ' TLN VALUABLE CLAIWS OF TWENTY ACRES EACH IN THE FAMOUS NOME Mi 1ING DISTRICT OF ALASKA. I -.ii' 11 1) ( 1 . iiiiiM--! 1 1, 1 1 1 111 . ml is otn-im-il lit "- mi mil'' ,11 v. ,,i irir. it hi' .1 i ii- iml 1 his w-is l lii v .i -. : i-'i Miniif n fni tune v I III' t i I I'll 'It ' "I'M III it mi Ill II! '.n ' . T'l " Anvil, Glacier, Dixler, Dry, and Oregon, -iiul mhets w Itete in tlio pant two years iiiiiiM-i'.si'ipuiiiiitteil .'t l'uhi li-'ie t 11 tnkenoui. (iold was first fount at Nome on Am il creek in tiie t ill of ISIS in I'mnr Lindorheig, a NorvM-gian. Ho then wasted "tit over $1,700(10 in s; limn Liter lids eln'ni yielded 611,000 in ono wick. L'it soas'on it pi nine- d ovi i MOO.000 worth of gold. U'u own a fnil claim of twenty acres emli a si on tli-tntu-t- fuither down Anvil crook. Ono muti nti llcxtor crook 1'ii'r.i'd ! 42-10 in two bonis. Awtlir in the anio stroam nveiagnl over ifli'O a u-i last suiiunei'. Four men shoveling mil rock ing on (Ji-ieier i-reol; iti two moi ks w-isltml out 827 0is These are but a few instances but the iieiiv leeiiot- of guiil frmii Nome by the U S. Assay oillco fully provi s that it Is in- in-lu-si ! . I camp in tlm world. Uneoomti'iiiy whose el'inn is alumi one mile ahovo one of ours sohl htoclc two v years ago at one dollai n sharo Pin- nmo stock now is worth $A00() per share. Tho stni'k of the Pione -r Mining I'd. nnd the Wild (Sonic- (Jo. stock is owned by parties who will not -veu i pneo on it. Our claims .irt. j t,0 S(um, localities and there is no i-asoii - i nm elnimi, wkeii devoloprd, will net provo jnitt tis i icli or richer. Tin pi m "f our cnmpinv lias spent two seasons in the Nnoie dist' iet proo'iio ni! ami in- iigiln cliiiuis now owtii-d by this com pany. His early arriv ' thei i' i linn to si euro the choice of location, n May ho will return to N niii t.ihn. the nocessiry in.iebinory to develop nnd onorato our olaiiiis. . STOCK FOR SALE. '1 be greater part of .hi -MIM (urn ,tn,-k n:(s neon taken but thorn still is sonio that can b h'Hight T i din-o -us li ive tlecidcd to oiler a certain ntimbetl of shares for salo to the m . n- ut u u fur ' , OME DOLLAR, A SHARE. mi can buy any iiuimV i m,u ok,. ai.L SIlAllKis AHK N'ON-ASSESSAHLE. Here is vtttr opporiiin A mimI invostmont may bring ease and comfort and even wealth Atb up o"1' il make roinittnnees navablo to THG KINO TWirs WRITRKS C0KRES130NJ)ENTS OR RIO PORTE KB Wanted everywhere. Stone-, news Ideas, poems, illustrated in nob's ml itnieo news, drawiiijs, photogiaphs, no iiio tirticles, etc , etc , purchased A i ii bs reviu'd and pivpaied for pub licatinii. Hooks jiub'i-hi-d Send for nm tloul'ii's and full u f.uiiia'ioii before sending articles. The Bulletin Press aswicialinr, Xew York. I fill Kirim ' K.M ill i i l I- iNtfliJHHi I IvA?Urft!?ftl 8 &mi$$bdwM& 11W 13 pei'Iiap3 1110 IliOst. IHOlllllKIlt . day. Ho has dedicated tibout COO fc a 0 ai-.ii Dr. K iv d Lnn" Dalm Si ti' bxpress Line, of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest. i-n uj 111" i it 3 O.t'lfoir.u Illinois. r 1 lll'll Wl'll kllOlVn irold nilldllOlnir PIP..L-a na - NG CO.. PR1GND, N6B, TIMETABLE. R ft- SI. T..Y UK I) VI A) VI) XKIUI DEnrnn II li LENA ' IWT1K SAI1 LAKE C'Y PUIITLAND S.l.X FU.YClSCb nnd nil points west. UMAIIA C11ICAUO S' JOE KANSAS LITY y'l i.orrs ami i'i fun nts en.l nml Mill"). rr.iiNs levk s rottowa: raaacsver dally for Otierlln mid St. Frnm-I. bratielioi, Ox ford. Mri tiok. Denver nnd all IHiinta wot ; .) 45 4 la u l'n,uiir dHl!) for St, Joe, Minia iiy, Aipniin. m I.oiiIk. l.liiiHiln via U 5 more and all (toiiitu eatt nnd smith 2-.1t! n m Ti. t'RiteiiBer. dally. linnver, all liolntii iu Ccilonnlo. Utah mid" I'nlifornta s-ion ta. in. l'atreneor. daily for m . joe, Kansas fity. Atrhlnon. St. I.niiN nml nil jioJiiIh cnnnml smilh- .. 10:()0b ra HI ArenmDu .tuiinii, diill) except sindfi)- llaniut-K orniiit ! Intnl. murk l(HI and nil iioiiiimh uiu n.irimrest .. .. I-Wnm AreiiiniiiiMUilnii iliiilvt-xecni 113 siiiiilny. iiiicrlln Kaitkas. nml luternipillniustKiluiik, via lie ptitilli'iui t2:30n m U. f'relKlu. dallv. Wjmoro and P ' ' St. Joe Hlltl iiilLrini.illiiti liiiietlmi points 13:4&nm f . KrulKlit.ilHlly for Keimhllenii ' No. . Drli'iuiN, Oxford and hIIiioIiiii wen. 10:18n m 66. KrelKht, daily eircpt Sunday No. , ... V.lr P f'morenixl nil point onst i.o a.i ,, No. ITS. Frelrht dally to Oxfotd and ' liitorinciliato points . iisnnm bleopliiK. ditiliiB. and reellnlnn rhalr nr. (,eit free) on thrntiRli trnlna. Tli-Vet- fold and tmcKaKc eherked to any point in the United States or Canada. For Information, ilmo tablm, mnp! or tickets cull on or iiddri-n a. Conover, Agent, Itcd Cloud. Nehr. or J. Francis. General I'aJicnger Agent Omaha. Nebraska, i 4. 1 W 1 ftWf' irrwww-,,"-,swwi