n I' I! r Red Cloud Chief. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. KBD CLOUD, NEBRASKA Christian Kluckcr, a SwIir guld in the Hocky mountains, hu a record of 2,000 mountain ascents without an ac cident to himself or his party. Thli Buffalo 1b tho same sanguine little city thnt wan bragging a few months ago that Its fair should ho ready when the opening day arrived. It In too booh to tell whether th reduction In the size of the page which several metropolitan dally newspapen are making li merely an advertising experiment, or tho beginning of an Important permanent rhnnge. The dally newspapers are much too large; they absorb bo much tlmo na to leave little for more serious reading. Sweden nnd Norway both boaBt ner eral homes for unmarried women. Ono of thoie was endowed more than 200 yearR ago by a man who loft tho bulk of hlR fortune to hln spinster descend ant. Tho homo In managed by sal aried trimtecB, and the unmarried woman who ran prove kinship to tho founder is entitled to a homo thorc. In tho new mint In Philadelphia the United States will have the finest, cost liest, nnd most complete money-making establishment of Its kind in tho world. The granite structure was com menced two yenrs ago and will cost about 12,000.000, Including tho me chanical equipment, costing $200,000. There will bo 24 coining presses In tho new mint. A physlclnn who has recently re turned from Persia says that tho na tives still bellevo that human tcarB are a remedy for certain chronic dis eases. At every funeral the bottling of mourners' tears Is ono of tho chief features of the ceremony. Each of tho mourners Is presented with a spongo with which to mop hla face and eyes, and after the burial these sponges are presented to the priest, who squeezes the tears into bottles, which ho keeps. The Forestry Department of the St. Iouls fair intends to havo an exhibi tion thnt will bo an object lesson to all who seo It of tho practical Bide of wood working In all Ita phases and branches. It will show the woods of the country and the uses to which they aro adapted; it will endeavor to how where they grow, at what prlco the standing timber can be bought, the site of the tract, accessibility, and everything that a prospectlvo pur chaser would want to know. Prlnco Alphonse, tho nephew of tho Prince Kegent of Bavaria, Is the man of the hour In Bavaria. Ho has re ceived tho "Blue Letter," which means he has been officially degraded. Ho was not severe enough to plcaso tho military, and the mistuko ho made was to manifest too much consideration lor the horses In his care. During the last maneuvers, on reaching a steep nnd stony descent. Prince Alphnnso or dered the men to dismount, so thnt the horses might be spared. It Is claimed the order completely upsot tho plnn of action. Popular feeling Is Intense against the authorities who have brought about the prince's dismissal. It Is believed to be the first time a Bavarian prlnco has received the 'Blue Ietter." Tho sumptuous chapel built to com memorate the many victims of tho ter rible fire which took place a few years ago at tho Charity Bazaar in l'arls Is now finished, and Is generally consid ered to bo exceptionally artistic nnd npproprlnte. It contains, however, n very curious optical Illusion. Tho dome Is painted by Mnlgnnn, nnd represents the Virgin surrounded by nngels car rying the TTupleinonts of tho Passion, with the vIctlniB of the awful catas trophe rising from their graves at her feet Seen from the right-hand side, tho Virgin and nngels nlono appear, but If the spectator goes to the left he sees only the unfortunate victims as cending to glory, the Madonnn nnd her celestial host, by an Ingenious arrange ment of tho light, being no longer visible. While a crew of stono laborers wert working an excavation through the Formnn cllft, two miles east of New port, II, I., for the bed of tho Tennessee and North Carolina tallroad.they found a human female skeleton 19 Inches In height, In a perfect stato of preserva tion. The only anomaly was tho teeth, which were 200 In number nnd had ao sockers, but were developed from nnd grew upon the Jnw bone with no ad Jacent valvular process. Tho bom were hermetically sealed and sent to the Smithsonian Institution. The skel eton was found In solid rock tea fee' from tho face nnd eight feet from the top of cllft, 'n a cavity two feet by 13 Inches. About tho cavity was no opening crevice or aperture for the skeleton to enter slnco tho formation of tho clirt, more than 2,000 years ago. Since the day whon Jesus Christ camo here to suffer poverty nnd painful death, lived a life of absolute devo tion to the poor and to tho weak. No man, of course, has emulated the ex ample which Christ set when ho lived with tho poor, worked for tho poor, spoko for them, prayed for them and died for them. But no man succeeds at all In a big way unless in his na ture tho dominant factor la sympathy for the other little human beings fas tened to thlB globo as ho Is, and shar ing with him Its hopes und troubles and vicissitudes. THE (RASH COMES Wall Street Speculators Become Mad and Frantic. WILDEST DAY ON (HAHGffOR YEARS Hodden Mump In Ntork Carrie Many llrokem la Ituln. Northern l'ltrlllo Hlioot to SI OOO nnd Hlunip to 300. Knd Not Vet. The corner resulting- from the Harri-mon-Oould-Uockofeller crowd and the Morgnn-Hlll-Vnndcrbllt interests seek ing control of the Northern Pacific caused the most phenomenal fluctua tions of the New York stock market ever seen. Northern Pacific opened with splurge at one hundred and sev enty. It rushed to one hundred nnd ninety, fluctuated violently, and then jhiiijmhI to '.'Oft. Later it reached 4(M); five minutes later .100 shares sold at 700 nnd later for one thousand. Later N. P. receded to SIU.'.. The panic in North ern Pacific nhorta extended all through the list, Manhattan. Tniou Pacific. Western I'nlon, Atchison and .Steel common, all tumbling'. The state of excitement was very ap parent all through the financial dis trict (luring the period of the panic, but there were few sensational set iilm. Now and then a white faced woman would jccr from a cab outside of a broker's ofllce and would 1m- driven olT In a fainting condition after receiving a message from the interior. But the real stress of the occasion came upon the men who were shut up In either their private rooms or those of brokers who were struggling and even fighting on the floor of the exchange. In the brokers' olllce sat many men who were reduced to alisolutc ruin as a result of fifteen minutes' proceedings in the exchange. Some of these have been made opulent within a few weeks past as a result of the unparalleled rise of prices. With the true gambling spirit they have replaced all their win nings In new ventures on each success ful turn. The drop, therefore, wiped them all out. In many places one could see the gamblers' fortitude wit h which the chances of gain were ac cepted. Hut the glittering attraction of this market had brought into it a constant ly Increasing assortment of more staid and inexperienced speculators: men nnd women who have brought long standlng'Konrds" from secret plnees and from saving bank deposits with the determination to make one successful stroke nnd then retire with the pro ceeds. The demonstrations from this class, which includes many women speculators, furnished the hysterical scenes and sensations of the day. Hussell Sage said he was not surpris ed nt the declines. "I wnrued the pub lic a fortnight ago that there would lie a panic come," he said, "frightful losses running into the millions were sulTerel in yesterday's slump, but they are only a ripple on the surface to what will come unless men who engineered the recent Ihkmii come to their senses," SHOOTS THE CITY MARSHAL Affray nt Alllitnre May Itmult In l.tiw Onirrr'K Itentti. Pete Workman, a day htlmrer at Al liance, Neb., shot and seriously wound ed I). W. Lee with a shotgun, landing two shots in his face, two or three in his chest, two in Ills abdomen and sev eral in his arms. Ho gave himself up to the authorities. Lee is the city mar shal, known as "Scrub Peeler!" and was overseeing the dumping of gar bage into an enclosed lot adjacent to WeMlawn and over which Workman seems to have control. Lee with noti fied not to enter and upon cutting the wire fence and entering the second time was fired upon by Workman with the above result. Workman has al ways been a respected citizen. Lee has Wen an efficient police officer for two years. Dr. Hellwood, who is caring for the patient, says he may recover, but the chances are against him. No charge has been made against Work man, but he. remains in custody await ing developments. IN LOS ANGELES I'realilent Participate In 111k Carnltul I'lirncle at Flower City. A Ios Angeles dispatch says: From a broad, blue, canopied pnvlllion, sur rounded by the members of hlscablnet, the governor of Ohio and many nota bles, President McKinly Friday re viewed the floral parade of the" Los Angeles carnival. The streets were literally jammed with people. Pasa dena, Santa Monica and other neigh boring towns in southern California were almost entirely depopulated. The president was kept on his feet most of the time returning the charm ing greeting. He apparently enjoyed the experience hugely. Each lady car ried a bag of rose leaves for use as con fetti, and after saluting the president she threw n handful of the soft petals into his carriage. Before the parade was over lie was ankle deep in rose leaves. In the morning, previous to the llor-. nl parade, the president and party were driven through the residence section of Los Angeles. Sunday will be spent in Del Monte. Ml an' having a good time and feel thr trip has Won a success thus far. Murh Cotton Humeri. Fire at August, (5a., destroyed tho Union Compress company's building, Phynizy & Co.'s warehouse, in which were stored l.'-'OO bales of cotton, nnd Whitney A Co.'s warehouse with '.',600 bales. Total loss, 8170,000, fully insured. THE PANIC PASSES. fitoVki go np and Wall Street Knmrjrea From It Day of (lloom, Wall Street has emerged from its gloom with growing confidence and with something like buoyant elation. Prices of stocks went up with a rush, at the last closing at alKittt the top, nnd with the net losses left nf tor the recenl session partly recovered There were some clouds remaining on the situation and some natural trepi dation lest the violent collapse should have left some casualties which would not lie inclosed until the clearing house sheets of the stock exchange had been made up. Early in the day the ofllcinl announcement wns made that the sheets of all the members had been cleared perfectly, and that all their checks had been honored. The measures taken over night to clear the situation left little to fear. The agreement to allow the shorts in Northern Pacific to settle at ISO really went U the root of the crlsisand wiped out the impelling cause of the panic. The announcement by the banks thnt loans, which had been provided by agreement nmong the leading institu tions of tho street, would not be called kept tho situation free from addition al tension. CATTLEMEN LYNCH FARMER Hold Him Itcponlblu For rotnonliR of llerrin. .1. L. Chandler, a farmer of Colaud, Okla., was taken from his home, pre sumably by cattlemen, and lynched. For some time there has been trouble between the farmers and cattlemen and during the last few weeks a great many cattle have died from poisoned water. Chandler was suspected. The identity of the lynchers is not known. M'CORMICK'S BODY FOUND Iloy Probably Drowned Inateuri of Heine Kidnaped. The Itody of Willie McCormick, who disappeared from his home in New York some weeks ago, was found in Cromwell creek at One Hundred and Sixty-first street and Railroad. avenue.1 The body was identified by the Ikjv's sister. The parents of the lwy believe that he was accidentally drowned. FOUND DEAD IN BOILING VAT Troy, N. Y., llrewery Hreun of n Fearful Accident, Samuel Bolton, jr., a millionaire Virewer and one of the most prominent and influential business men of Troy, N. Y., has Wen found dead in a vat of boiling boor in his brewery. His body was llttcrally cooked and death must have been instantaneous. GUILTY OF RIOTING. Mulii Aftiilitnntft of Mm. Nation Are Con victed lit Topeka. The jury in the case against Kev. F. W. Emerson and Dr. M. K. Mitchell found a verdict of guilty. Emerson and Mitchell were in tho mob that broke into n joint in North Topeka, some weeks ajjo and the specific charge against them was participating in, n riot. Will Ilulld Terminal. The I'lilon Depot, Bridge and Termi nal Hailroad company of Kansas City, with a capital of 30,000,000 has been chartered by the secretnry of state at Jefferson City, Mo. This is the com pany of which Theodore C. Bates of Boston is the head and which has plans to construct a depot, to build and operate terminals on both sides of tho river. Admiral Hthley at London. Admiral Schley has arrived in Lon don on his way to thd United States. Ho is accompanied by Lieutenant James II. Sears. The Admiral Is visit ing his daughter's relatives, the Stuart- Whortleys. He will dine with Mr. Choatc, the United States ambassador, nnd will stay in London nbout ten days Wfore sailing for New York. MarHliall I.ee Ma) Heeoier. City Marshal Lee of Chadron, who was shot by a shotgun in the hands of Peter Workman, is still in a pecarious condition, but if blood poisoning can bo prevented it is thought he will re cover. Workman is still in the lockup awaiting the filing of a charge, which perhaps will bo assault with intent to kill. lladly Injured by a Colt. Charley Jorgcnsen, a Holdrege black smith, met with quite an accident tho other day. Ho was attending to his colt when it reared up and struck him on the top of the head with a hoof that hud a shoe on. A bad wound, cutting clear to the Wno, was inflicted which took six stitches to close. Tho skull was not broken. (leorKln Nefcro Lynched, Harry Johnston, a negro, was lynch ed nt Valdosta, (la. Johnston had shot n young man named Foraker. Johnston confessed und bald he intended to kill Foraker, Searching for Kloperii, The Cass county authorities have been notified of an alleged elopement which occurred at Ashland, Neb., last Tuesday night. Tho couple are L. I). Billings and Miss Mattie Billings, cousius. The father of tho young lady was in PlatUunouth, hoping to find them. He claims they aro traveling down tho river in a bout. Cass county lost another old settler last week in tho death of James Tizke, who lived about six miles north of Weeping Water. ' jB)Kmmmm m Xr Mildred J 4A UreHJanion DY THE mmmmmHmmHmm CHAPTER XII. This tcrrlblo announcement she ut tered as though It could not fall to strike despair and remorse into tho hearts of her hearers; and, Indeed, in Lndy Carollno's breast it nwoke min gled feelings of Joy and terror, though in those of Mildred and Mabel the Joy reigned supremo. Lady Caroline attempted n faint re monstrance, but was sternly silenced; and on Wednesday, two tUyB earlier than that on which she had originally decided, the old lady, bag and bag gage. Bwept out of King's Abbott, very much to tho relief of those hIio left behind. And now came the most trying time In all poor Mildred's life. During all of the pnst weeks thnt she had been suffering violence nt tho hands of her relatives, Lord Lyndon had become a constant, untiring visitor at King's Abbott, taking no rebuffs, nor open Blights, nor petulant actions to heart, but, as might a faithful animal, attend ing all tho more assiduously to her wunts who wns his acknowledged mis tress. Patience, nsslsted by perseverance. has over been known to work wonders, so it followed that In process of time ho became though bo Imperceptibly that It was without her knowledge necessary to Mildred; so much so in deed that fewer nnd fewer grew the allghtB and unklndnessos on her part, while In their place n certain winning friendliness enme and increased, rais ing false hopes in Lyndon's breast that Bhould never bnve been there. The end of all this was that close upon Chrlstmas-tlme, somewhere about tho middle of December, while all their minds were fully occupied with Lady Eagleton'B sayings nnd doings, Lord Lyndon proposed for Miss Trevanion. and wns rejected. This blow might 'perhaps havo effectually daunted an other man; but Lyndon, still roiiowing up his trusty Instincts, determined to bide his time and never surrender hopo until a moro favored suitor took his place. Mildred, having lively recollections of the treatment she had received on a similar occasion, thought well to keep her own counsel in this matter; and so it was agreed upon between them to hold tho entire circumstance a se irt. from th rest of the family to Insure which, things of courso wont on in the usual way, he calling every oth er day and she accepting his atten tionswhich wore never of the obtrus ive description in the same manner as formerly. So well did they sustain their several parts that oven Lady Harriet's keen old eyes failed to de tect that anything was amiss. Sir George's affairs at this time were going from bad to worse. He had been hard at work 'for the past two months trying to find tho ways and meanB to ward off tho Inevitable day of reckon ing, and had suggested plans nnd pur sued theories, all of which hla man of business had frowned at and pooh poohed aa utterly impracticable. Noth ing but tho possession of a largo sum of money and that to bo written in five figures stood between him nnd complete ruin; and how to secure tho money waa the difficulty n difficulty beyond all surmounting unless some body could be found who for pure friendship's sake would lend It for an Indefinite poriod, trusting to time and chance for rennyrnent Such a friend was hard to find. Ono evening Mildred, on her way to her mother's room, was stopped by a servant with tho Intelligence that Lord Lyndon had Just called, and was In tho drawing-room. "Would Miss Trevanion go down and receive him, while she Informed her ladyship of his arrival?" To which Mildred made answer that aho would tell Lady Caroline herself, and went on to her mother's apart ment. When sho came to the bedroom aho found tho door closed, but oponins It passed on toward an inner room be yond, where Lady Caroline usually Bat, and whence voices, suppressed yet distinct, reached her. Ab she ap proached still nenror, they rose still higher, and words became intelligible to her ears. "If I do not got this money without delay wo are simply ruined," said Sir George, Irritably. "Then I suppose there Is nothing left you but to ask Mr. Younge for It," re turned Lady Caroline, in a reluctant tone. "I aupposo not," said Sir Georgo. Aak Mr. Youngo! Ask tho father of tho man whom she had not considered good enough to marry for money! What could It all mean 7 Mildred stopped short nnd pressed her hands tightly together. Surely sho had not heard aright. Thoy could not moan She drew her breath hard and swept like a whirlwind Into tho room. "Papa," she said, "what aro you thinking of? What havo you been saying? I heard you as I came along. By what right do you intend to ask money of Mr. Younge of him or nil men? What claim have you on hlm7" "Mildred, you do not understand," began her father. "I apeak of a loan." "ea, I do understand," broke in the girl passionately "only too well. You speak of a 'loan'; when, then, do you InUnd to return It In months, In & & & DVCHC8S. years? Why, you yourself told mo only the other dny you could not hopo to see the time tho estate would re trieve Itself. I ask you, therefore, Is It honorable to borrow?" "Something must be done," Sir Georgo urged feebly, "else wo must starve." "Then let us starve," cried Mildred, vehemently; "far better do that, or work for our dally broad as other have done before us, than llvo com fortably on other people's monoy. Let us be honest, whatever we aro; and surely to borrow without hope of be ing able to repay Is tho very acmo of all dishonesty." Lndy Caroline rose, pale nnd trem bling. "Mildred," she said, "how dare you speak so to your father? You havo altogether forgotten yourself, I think. How can you presume to dictate to him what Is right or wrong? Is ho not your father? Aro you not his child? Ah, It is because he has been so good to you that you now fall in lovo and obedience to him!" It was the first time sho had ever rebuked Mildred within her memory, nnd her voice shook with tho unwont ed agitation. "Do not speak to her like that." in terrupted Sir George, gently. "She Is right; she has but spoken the truth. I can now see for myself that my In tention was dishonorable nnd dishon est." But Lady Caroline was still stung to the quick. , "And you, you ungrateful girl," she went on, taking no notice, of her hus band's speech, "how can you claim to have any voice In the mntter at all you who could hnve saved us all by putting out your hands and would not?" "Hush, Carry!" Interposed Sir George, authoritatively. "We have had enough of that subject. 'I will hear no moro of It. Thinking It over of late, I can seo no just reason why Mildred should sacrifice herself to please her family. If I am to be beggared in my old age," he said, with a wretched attempt at a smile, "the sooner it comes to pass the bettor." An awful pain aroso In Mildred's heart; her mother's words had sunk deep Into It. Was she indeed tho cause of all this cruel suffering? Was it through her fault that sorrow had fall en upon the closing years of her father and mother? CHAPTKB XIII. Mildrod descended the stairs and hurried across the hall, giving herself no tlmo to think of or meditate on what lay before hor, and, going Into tho drnwlng-room, found Ixird Lyndon standing with his back to tho fire. She wont up to him, nnd held out her hand. "I want you to do something for me," sho said, in a low, choked voice "will you do It?" "Of course, I will," he responded In his pleasant, cheery wny. "Why do you nsk mo thnt? Hnve you yet to learn that there is nothing in the world I would not do for you If I could?" "Hush!" she said. "I would rather you did not promise Just yet. Walt until you have heard my request, for It Is no ordinary one. I do not think you can grant St. I shall not think It in the least strange if you tell me you cannot" At least let me hear what it is," ho requested, gently. "I want you to lend me, for nn Indef inite period, fifteen thousand pounds." Lord Lyndon was so taken nback that at first he searcejy recognized the Importance of an Immediate reply. Ho was rich, certainly richer far than mnny men who were accounted well possessed of this world's goods; but fifteen thousand pounds wns a sum that few could put their hands on nt ft moment's notice. He hesitated, there fore, for a little, nnd then recovering himself snld quietly: "What day shall I bring It to you? Or would you prefer paying it in any where?" "You will give it to me, then? You really mean It? Aro you sure cer tain? Think what n large sum It Is, and how small Is your hope of repay ment, nnd do not speak In too groat a hurry." "I am sure," ho said. "1 promise you." "And about securities?" questioned Mildred, trying anxiously to recollect nil that sho had ever heard about money matters, and not succeeding at all. "Wo will not speak about securities," answered Lyndon, gently. "Let It be an arrangement between you nnd me alone; I shall trust to you to repay me tho moment you aro ahlo." The utter kindliness and nobility of his naturo touched her to the heart. "What shall I Bay to you?" bdo said, In a low tone, whilo n strange trem bling pervaded her voice. "How Bhall I thank you?" "Say nothing do not thank me nt nil," he answered, In a hurried, pained manner, moving back a few steps from hor. Meanwhile time was flying. One, two, three minutes passed, marked by nothing oxcept the small ormolu orna ment on the chimney piece, as It tickod away its little monotonous existence. He, gazing absently In the fire, be thought him of what all this might portend; she thought of nothing re membcred nothing boyond tho fact . that, for her, llfo'a Bweetncas, llborty and tender sympathy were not. At length, rousing herself with an effort, she went up to Leydon and placed her hand on his. Her heart was boating wildly, hor faco was ash on. "Do you rememWr a question you asked me about two weeks ngo?" sho said. "Do you still caro to remember It? Because, If so, I have n different answer to make you now," "Two weeks ago I asked you to marry me," he replied, in u forced, un nnturai manner. "And thon I said 'No,' " sho mur mured faintly; "now now I would say 'Yes.' " Sho covered her faco with hor hands; a thick, dry, tearless soli escaped her. "But I havo not asked you to Bay It," observed IiIb lordship, coldly, still keeping down with firm hand tho ris ing hope thnt was consuming him. "What, Mildred, do you imagine that, becauso I havo been nblo to help you In this little matter, I have a claim on you? You are doing both yourself and mo a great Injustice." "You ure too good for mo," said Miss Trovnnlon; "nnd yet I know you love mo. If you still care to marry me, I will gladly bo your wife." "Mildred, Mildred, what are you saying?" ho cried, all tho ley brave re sorvo breaking down in nn Instant. "Think what your thoughtless words must mean to mo life, hope, happi ness greater than I have ever dared to dream of and beware lest I take advantage of them. If you are say ing nil this as I feel you are from a mistaken sense of grntltudo or pity, I lmploro you to desist nnd tcavo mo aa I was before." 1 "Listen to me," entreated Mildred, determined honestly to advocnto her own doom, nnd holding out to him her hands, which he gently took and held. "If I tell you that I do not lovo you with that passionate love with which some women love the men they marry, but mat i respect you nuove all living men, will It content you will you take mo as I am 7" "If I were quite sure you would bo happy," ho began, reluctantly. "I am quite sure I should be happy," sho Interposed, and burst into bitter tears aa she spoke. After a little sho recovered herself. "I feel norvous," sho declared, try ing bravely to appear her usual self, and smiling a wan, faint smile, though heavy drops .were on her lashes; "you should have como to my rescue it is not every day tho proposal 1b mado by the woman." "My darling," ho said, tenderly ca ressing the small hands, of which ho had again possessed himself, "I hope I think you will never regret It Mildred, if I wero quite certain that this was for your good, and that you would never wish unsaid the words you have uttered, I believe I might feel satisfied." "Be satisfied, then," sho returned, but there was a terrible, dull aching pain at her heart, aa sho gave tho expected assurance. When ho wns gono she went upstairs again to the room where sho had left her father and mother, and found them still there Sir George standing nt the window gnzlng out upon tho snow-covered ground, Lady Carollno beforo the fire, as though In tho act of warming herself. Tho traces of tears were still upon her mother's cheeks, and even aa Mildred gazed a heavy drop fell upon her lap. "Mamma, bo comforted," cried Mil dred, coming suddenly forward from where she had been standing unno ticed, In tho shadow of the door; "I have done what you wished mo to do I have got the money for you." Iady Carollno started and turned to ward her; so did Sir George. (To bo continued.) WILL NOT LEND THE BOOKS. Collector of Hare Volume Hare m Uor ror of the llorrowers. A noted book collector of New York, ono whose library Is filled with some of tho rarest treasures of the biblio phile's heart, recently complained of the total lack of the collector's spirit among literary men. "I waa recently asked by a literary man to send him a copy of nn extremely raro book that I have on my shelves to aid him in some work that ho la doing. Now, I want to help him all I can, nnd If ho will come to my house he enn have tho use of tho book as long as ho wants it, under the most favorable circumstances. But Bend him the book no, under no cir cumstances! It is not the fact that It Is worth hundreds of dollars anywhere In tho market, but tho fact that if damaged or lost it would bo utterly lr replacable that makes the collector shudder. If It were lost or spoiled Mr. Literary Man would send an abject let ter expressing his deep contrition at nn untoward accident, perhaps with a check Inclosed, but of the real horror of the situation I think ho nnd his trlbo could hnve no inkling." Improvement Upon National Capitol. About 1300,000 will he expended upon the cnpltol at Washington during the congressional recess. Many desirable Improvements will be made, and tho architect of tho capltol haB been au thorized to prepnro and submit plan for tho reconstruction and flreproof lng of the central portion of the build ing and tho renovation and redecora tlon of the rotunda. Plans are also to be prepared for a new fireproof building adjacent to the capltol grounds to bo used for additional com mittee rooms, storage and power plant. - If .- usvutMtvr, ftiwitt- sttsuMtamu nr a vuxaHuswpJjUBtrit Jw fxt w- tf-Mrrr vt rw UllJfrjtfaUUeWAIUUaiA.