RJ3f?wwsa:.?, fc-4 a . .- Scrofula THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAINT. Scrofula is but n modified form of Mood Poison and Consumption. Tile parent vho is tainted by cither will see in the child the same disease manifesting itself in .the form of swollen glands of the neck and throat, catarrh, weak cjes, offensive sores and abscesses and of tentimes white swell ingsure signs of Scrofula. There may be no external hijins for a long time, for the disease develops slowly in sonic cases, but the jioiioti is in the blood and will breakout at the first favor able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast ing, destructive disease by first purifying and building up the blood mid stimulating and invigorating the whole system. J. M. S-a1, iij Public Square, NanhvlIle.Tenn., ayns "Ten y-ntno my daughter fell am! cut her foreheml, I'rom tlil woinul the eland on the tide of her fare became mtoIIcii niul luittel, Some of the tet doctor here ami eluewhere attended her without any benefit. We decided to try 8. 6. S., mid a for bottle, cured her en tirely." sss Snakes new and pure uioou to noiinsii nnu , rifc cure or Scrofula. It overcomes all forms of blood poison, , whether inherited or acquired, und no t cleanses the blood. If vou have anv blood trouble, or your child has inherited interested in tho hutching of tliu ineti some blood taint, take S. S. S. and get , bator at Mr. llaget's, that they forgot he d seosc doV further lannc '' I Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. Wo make no charge whatever for medical n Ivuv. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. THE CHIE1" ?urLiM r W. 1.. MoMILLAN. 9ae -r... txmoalh. .11 i in rUMMiJHlID EVKRY KltlliAY Butored nl uiu ,-! mtn-o at Ited Cloud, Nib coudcl mall nutliu:. ADVKUTISINO KATKS: Local RiJrcf llnltiR f cents ier lino ler Ikmio. Local AdvcrtlthiK for eiilcrtnlnmmtK, con rcrtk.xoulala, etc., Ktven by cliurclicn, rhnrltnble locletlua, etc., "hero nil motieyi rained thoru from are used wholly for ehurcli r ulinrltnhlu Qclotlo, first ten lines freo and allovurtcn lines U cents cr line per Issue. Local advortlsliiK of entertainments, concerts, recitals, etc., where per cent In glrdi to pro moters, u cents per lino per Issue. DIHl'I.AV AIIVKIlTiSINtl. One ruliimu per month I T 00 Ouehnlf rolnmu per month '! Ml Ono fourth column per mouth 1 T5 Gc ni' rill display advertUliiK I fi cents per tnrh iierlnmie. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Incidents oi Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Accouut of Their Littleness. At utmost any hour of thu day onu can sou tho property owners huru dig ging in tho garden. The passiug pub lie is not privileged to know whether hu is striving to got tho host of the weodluts, is energetically cultivating tho gar Jen truck, or industriously dig ging for bait. It Is dollars to dough nuts it is thu latter Digging for bait is not hard work; it U it pusliniu. Sovtiral of our professional men throw oil thu cates of business and hied them selves to the bunk of the silver stream to angle for its linuy treasures. Ono would hnvo thought to sou thorn start out that thoy were going to Oklahoma overland. Thoy had sovoral kinds of bait und plenty of it. The stream was reached iu duo time. For over two hours thosu men snt .villi "baited" breath and hook, watching tho bobber bob und tho sinker sink. An impious ant circuinstauoo happened during tho evening. Itwas all caused by a cur ious optical delusion. Tho glinting ruys of thu descending sun made two bobbers to appear whero thoro should havo been but one. Ono of tho lishur men seeing two bobbers on his lino accused tho man next to him of trying to ontanglo tho linos. It vasun unjust, accusation. Tho accused could not .stand the imputation. Ho said tho Until on was more than uo could boar, and picking up his tackle was about to t.tcklo his licensor when an unforsoen circumstance occurred to stop thu row. One of tho others had caught a 11m. This gavo them courage and they tiahed on. i'hoir elforts were rewarded and oach had u good string (of lies) to how how it happened. Tho deadlock cont;uuoi. It is fuuny how men illtler in their estimates of another's ,1ua.iucntions.-ni it , .o ' 1 hi-city is at present doing wllhoui' a streui commissioner aim tnu Al- mighty is tuning euro of th water proposition. And if a lire should break out some night now it wouldn't bo discovered until someone uaaio down towu next morning. Query; If .it took sixty days to clsct a United States sotmtor, howj long will Hud Cloud bo without a night watuh and street aud water commissioner! The vacant lots north of tha fireman's hall has become quite u pleasure resort for tho young folks. Tounis and basket ball furnish, tho niuusemont. Did you ever play basket ball. It is all the sumo as foot ball only, you kick the ball with your hands. The town herd is with us again. Tho pastures aro good now. Nevertheless bossy dousu't mi ml a liltlo extra and browses on the trees by tho waysldo. Kven if she has to break tho sidewalk to got at them. I'licro should bo fewer cows or more oys to tnkti ram of tliuin. Tho bojs also ought to kuup tin- right of way with thuir horses. They Imvu no mine Ighl on thu wlilewulks thiiu thu cotvti Or as much Tim cows know no jotter. Tliu boys ought to. COWLES llu'ri thirty llvu dollars ahead boy.", you hail butter htiiry. Thu now lodgu hull is rapidly pro gressing and tho joung folks anticipate .1 grand time at tho ball which will take pi aco there soon. Miss Kills Hagor I. ft Saturday for hiiiiklin whore she will attuml the .vedilingof Ik r aunt. Midnight cany-alls are now the older of the night on main .tiecl. Jess Hayes It boaiding at homo thi week, and hits a fow hut which he wishes to dispose of iniiiiidi tel3. (iivohim a call. Mil. Stotey departed for Omaha last week. Tho oht.tch social given nt (!. A. I.itttit'h was well attended and ail ie- rl " K00'1 l'"- cias.s win lie orimn y.i.i hr n viiiimr (f lll -vlpa girls. At tno beginning more will ho reduced rates, three les sons for twenty. live cents. All jiiu. A llu of young ladies OL'camo so ,0 K l" Jl. What all excuse ! I hero is to bo an untortuinmont iu i be school homo Friday evening. All an- invitod. Oival Watson was n guest at homo Sunday. Now, girls, what tto you think of tho lUd Cloud bojt sinue the ball gamo. .Mr. lluugkt of Kckley gave a danct 'iul Thursday. A largo nutubor of tho (Jowles young folks attonded but soiuo not knowing tho way went to church, no all together did not haro it very pleasant drivo over .thoro but coming homo tho roustiug, frying uud "biloing" exceeded uny over heard of in this neck of tho woods. Where aro your hats Jesse! Thu froo distribution of seeds by a govornmout nnxious to dovolop agri culture and, incidentally, to make con gress us popular as possible in tho rural district, has boon so pronounced u succbss, that, by provision of tho recent congress, gratuitous beneiiconco nnd cheap vote-getting is to bo ex tended. This spring tho constituent will not only receivo his annual pack ago ol seeds, as usual, but if ho so do. sires, some small trees for tho decora tion of his bucolic hoinu or thu replenishment of his orchaid. Thus will limber euluitu bo developed throughout tho country, and tho postal department bo induced to show up with tho regular annual dolicit. Tho freo distribution of Plymouth Uock ehiekuns, Durham calves and Uerk shiro pigs may bo expected iu duo time Newark (N. J ) News, April 10, 1U01. Mothers of gouil judgment aut! ex pericneo give their little ones KoeKy Mountain Tea this month. Keeps tliem well. Ittc. Made by MudUun .UutioinuCo. C. L. Cutting. m For a hand made harness to givo wear, made of tho best oak tauued leather that will not rip or tear, and warranted to bo made with tho best of care, go to J. O. llutler. How Are Your Kldneye t Dr. IIobbs'HparaiiusI'lllicuro all kidney llli. Sam ple free. Add, stcrlliiK llewedy Co., Chicago or N. V. Educate Toor liowoli With CaioareU. Candy Cathnrtlc, euro constipation faover. 10c, C3o. If c. CO. fall, drucRlsts refund money. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood, due to nrrlrr-li-H kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes aulck or unMMrfu ,W over-working In pumping thick, kldney- p"jcu uiuuu uirourn veins ana arteries. It used to ba censidered that onlv i.rinnrv troublns were te be traced to the kidneys, but now modern seltnce proves that nearly all constitutional diseasos hsve their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you aro sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases ana is sola on its merits f'fi- oy an aruggisis in titty- geWpntel cent and cxie-dollar :lz- givn!5H: es. You may havo aiiijyi sampie Dome oy mail iin,. s.v,,, free, also pamphlet tilling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer 4c Co., Blnghamton, N. Y". MR LUl.tS WHtHe ALL LLSt FAILS. 151 IIimi Uouuh Sjrui. 'lutos Lio.il. Um CrI in Mmo. fold d tif druvittita. Kl iictiiiMr-acTc iffl?n m 3i".m7S Eft ",..,fciMj3 Tho days of tho ubiquitous train newsboy appear to be numbered. The management of thu lliirliugton Route has sounded his death knoll. After I lino 1 passengers on tho lltirlingtou will havo no need to decline lemon drops mill chewing gum, nor hold "all the popular works of thu day" on their laps until the return trip of tho atten tive attache. Of tho several million passengers who havo mado tho ho (iiaiutancc of this iiidividii.il fow will chant a r((iiiem for him. Uo Merer enjoyed n great degree of popularity, save with children who ooidia y wel comed Ins aid to make persl-tteiit ns stultsoii their moiheis' pockctOooks. The loss of thu new-boy on lliirlingtoii tiiiins will lio more than atoned for by the increase in the nii'iiboi of maga zines niul other periodicals on its libimy cars. Morcovc-, new- stands will be provided at mote than double the number of lttirliiigtuu Mutism now pu.wsjing theiii. Tin- r.tdicul cuangc, nlN'gether eomfortalil" to tho-'- who travel, marks an epiKii in Hie gndirtl hiipiiiVfiueiit of p:iM'iigcr train service. Special Bargains in Men's Suits. Wo have just itcoived 51) men's suits inailc nil to sell at 1',, 1!5 mnl 51 1 We bought tliem at late soa-ou close out prices uud are olTcriug them at $10, 11 and 81'J. They aro in.ide to lit and are llrst-c!las pioduetions iu every particular. They will plenso you if VMi need a new suit. Cowdkn-Kai.kv Ci.otiiino Co. a ItlaiiiMS $, I 97 r lujiv-j j. Is one of the curious expressions used for worked out. Many a woman drops into n chair, in utter weariness "all plnyed out," anil wonders why she feels so weak. She has not yet realized tlmt the general health is so intimately related to the local health ol the womanly orcamsm, that weakness must follow womanly dis cases. Restoration of the general health invari ably follows the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Pre scription. 1 1 regulates the periods, dries weakening drains, heals inllammatinn and ulcer, i lion, and cures female weakness It trauquilizes the nerves, encourages the appetite and induces refreshing sleep. There is no substitute for " Favorite Prescription," for there is nothing "just as good " for womanly ills. "I wish tomlWoe the MtfTermir women of thu Rie.it land, of the kuim! I have rtcuvnl from I)r 1'iene's I'avoritc Prescription noil I'.oldiii Meil leal Discovery.' " ivrltt-s Mr Mnry Shnppell of Columbus t.iove. I'utniin Co Dlilo "1'ot four yrntit 1 h.ul hern a siillcriT (rom female troubles, and nt times w.i unable to iln rveu the house work for three in the family I had such puns that I iiilTcred ntmo.t deJtli ihuciis of times, but tiller taWliiK live bottles or your iiicdlcliirs I can truthfully s.iy that my hiltli was Kieatly tin proved I have a rikjiI appetite and nm ealuiiiK in llcnh rlRht nln( This stirinx Is the first tune iu five veals that I hac done mv house cteaiiiiu; nil liv mvsetf nnd without the least (atUue wlhilever I hutie all sulTcnii); women mnv finJ relief as I have done "My Rain lit unglit has been just ten pounds, and lam still RamiiiR " Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, looS large pages, tuper covers, is sent Jrcc on receipt ol 21 one-cent stamps to pay extwnse of mailing only, or for cluth-bouuil lxok, send 31 sumps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Ihimilo, N. Y. PROPOSAL FOR BIDS. Notice Is hereby eUfii Unit scaled vroputilK for bills will b reruived at the olbce of the city clerk of thu why of lied Cloud, until il o'clock p. m 011 thelfllli ilny of May, IMI. for the Mile of lufiiudliie boiulN of nalil cltv to ilie niiount of Twenty live Thouniuid l)ollnr. ifyfi. 00) authwr Ized" by the ('(implied Mamies of Nebraska, Section ;w of CliHpter t), for the turposuof re fuudluK certain i-lx (0) pur rent water bonds now oulstiiuilliiR iiRalust snlil city s,alil bond will bear ilatu of .luue 1ft'. IMI will be of the denomination of l-'lve Hundred Dollars (f.vxj.oo) each, and will bear four mnl one half per cent interest pa) able auuinflly on the tlrst day of June each j ear, and reOeeinatile at the option of tlitM'lty atauy iintiua! Interest pay dav after ten jears from date. ald bonds, principal and Interest will bo made pimihlo at the Nebraska llscalaRcncy In thecliyor New Yo k A certl lied check of 1 wo Hundred and fifty Dollars must accompany all bids ns a Rttaraiilee of romI faith, which 111 be returned to bidder If uiiMic cfssful. and If successful will be forfeited to the Clly of Ited Clou J 011 failure to complete coulraut Council reserves the rluht to reject or rttuse to Bccept any bid or any part thereof. -Ions K, Kksleii, City Clerk. Dated May 11. 11HJ1. SOUTH SIDEi SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, l'KOPIUKTOR. DEAt.KK IN Vines. Liquors, California brandies. eirp liinuiiiinn ALWAYS ON TAP. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm euros nvorj kind of ooukIi, la urTpiw. bronchitis, sore throat, croup, wliooplnt; couuli, vte. Nuver deruusestUestouiucU. At DrutftfUtu, 10i.'J6c, FREE lyjEDICAL ADVICE. iVrltous r nftaBa an your bvniptoms. KenoratliiL'tho system la the only aafo nnd suro method of cur tm all Chronic Diseases. I)r. Kay's Ilcnovutor la th only perfect by stem renovator. Kree bam pleh uod book. Ur, U. J, Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. ;SkBBM 1r- lfy' Utlcuro cures all UWICUb 6 femalo diseases. At druK , ',. RlUi. II. ltltutrated book and dviee freo. Dr. 11. J, Kaj, Saratyju, N. Y. yglg tf You use & WlCKLESS 3& No Fuss No Muss f. - sS.CJ.sS.C.C'.sS.s.s - Mr DECOKRTIOH DAY EXERCISES Unveiling of Ex-Gongressman Weighan's Jlonament. ( ft ft 1 HED GIiOUD, it) U Hi l ft it i l tt h i t ) vi U W i) U to ij 0 it itt it it it it it it it it it Hon. W. J- Bryan will Address the People on tne Occasion and ExSenator W. V. Allen will Deliver the Oration. After Invocation the McKeighan Monument will be Unveiled by Miss Edith McKeighan Daughter of the Late Congressman. EXCUESION Let everybody arrange to spend all day in Red Cloud. Bring your families as it will be a day long to be remembered. The procession will form on Webster Street at 12:30, headed by members of the Grand Army of the Republic, and march to the cemetery. On arriving at the cemetery there will be an address by R. T. Potter on behalf of the G. A. R. The ceremonies of the day will be under the auspices of the G. A. R V. R. C. and Monumental Committee. Everybody come. Hon. John R. Thompson, presiding officer for Unveiling Ceremonies. W 'b'3'i''S'S'i'S'S''l'5i''ii't'!'3''S'3''S''i''S'8'Ti''''S'l'l'''3''i?'3'j Hambletonian Wilkes, MEMBR1N0 CHIEF. THK STANUAltl) IIKEl) STALLION Hubert Cyril, 30379. FimU'tl in lStitJ, brown liorso 10 hittids Iiiku and wuIkIu ovor l-'OO pountld. Will nuki' tho so:on ut C. ,. Wiufrcj's IjiohIuik luirii, Ited Cltiiut, Nob. For tonus or iiifoiniutloii ntlilrcss Chas. i?. Besse, I Red Clou I, Nebraska. A- Match Starts the Meal Oil Stove n :ni wm Sftr"3 sC.t.s.s - s.sys.sy.s - s.s.s.s NEBHASUft, JIIflY 30, 1901. - RATES - ON - mmmmwk If your dealer does not keep them, wrlto to the nearest Hfency of STANDARD OIL CO. RAILROADS. CLARK ffiarble f Granite WORKS. "Decoration Day" is now noftr at band and wo aro prepared "as (ow aro" to fill all orders (or uiouuments promptly. Anyone wisbiug a monumont for tbis spring, wo ask you to call and examine our stock and prices. Agent for I lie celebrated Stewart and Combination Cemetery Fences. m m m m m (i m n . 1 m m m (t d m m m d w m (t (t m m m m 9 m m r-W'W'WrfWW'WW'W'W WW M". iM i-wtmwmt