The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 17, 1901, Image 1

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i '
' F - , minium nmiin.iBiiii rr"mrniiipniimnai MiMIIM m uwiim im
Take the flems to
Yoar Neighbor.
A handsome room must be involved largely through
the medium of its furniture. YVc can show you the
furniture that makes the handsome room; that wears
and shows its elegance to the last. As to price you
will always ffnd our margin the closest consistent with
the economical conduct ol business. (Jur interest is to
please the buyer.
The Bed Room Suits. S
$23.00 lied Room Suit, Special $17.00. Bed Room Suit, special Si.. 50.
$H).oo Heel Room Suit, special $13.25.
Doctor Neville, recently of Augusta,
Okliiliomn, hns located hero.
Kvory day is liko Sunday in a coun
try village iu corn planting time.
Leo Pyle recently solil his residence
to V. S. Ashby of Oxford.
William Arnold, formerly of this
place hut now of .Jonning, Oklahoma,
is. viMting hereabouts.
Many brick side walks will he laid
this -.en ion tn vat ions paits of town.
I'lii' pulili'' M-liools will i-lose 011 May
:tlt and I'ruf. McOrary will locate in
Mont. ma or Idul o
1'iof M)ii , at pi (went finishing
four j ears ot service as county super
intendent of Adams eounti, has heen
engaged as principal of our schools
for the ensuing year.
Doctor Franklin now has his roni-
deiicu and oflicu connected by telephone
and cuii conduct an argument with his
wife at long range
If your tloR li nt tnKRCil It will surety lie ImRtfisl
Hj tli uiHrlml of tills llttlv 'own; tnx:
So my friend, bi' nut lux; j:ct aunvp. pny your
Klilitr on or rotir iIok mnt "como down."
Illtiu Hill is now the proud possessor
of tin eo of those, centeis of culture
known as high license saloons. Any
body can get a tit ink if lie has the
Doc Miles informs your cm respon
dent that dining the progress of the
tecent upheaval of houscclcntiing in
In-, house, he cat lied in by actual
count 1 IT1! pails of water. And a teal
glistened in his eye. as he matin the
$15.00 Sideboards 0 ;o
SlS.oo Sideboards 10. 2-
Sjo co Sidt li.i ird $1 1.00.
$25. ,0 Sideboard $10.00
Kitchen Cupboards $. 50.
Kitchen Chairs 50c.
Large Arm Rockers $1.50.
are on
u ro nnrt
iflr I IK I
Are those that are made of the best materials. You
...... 1 1., . . .. .. . I ..!... .1. .. .. .1
c.iniuu nave ;i nciii-i t;iipii at .1 juw price man uicse
special two ply Ingrains. '1 hey are woen closely, will
wear perfectly and are full of satisfactory points. You
will enjoy owning them. We make them to lit your
Best 2-ply extra super, all wool Ingrain, Goc the yard.
Unions, 35c lo 50c the yard.
Hemps, regular price 20c to 50c, now 10c to 25c the yd.
Extra Axminstcrs, . 1.00 the yard made
Axminsters, occ the arc! made.
Moquettes, 85c the yard, made.
No charges for waste in matching carpets.
Mattings, cotton warp, good patterns, 20c, 35c and 40c.
L The county attcirney is ft rpiently
S Ueen in Blue Mill theso dajo and nil
P I tne Im''ii, j. ting :ilid 3011111411',
I till II I'i'H 1(11 lt till ft'llltll
1 in.i f : 111.
I), ,. ..I. 1 1 ,H ninl A M. Wiiien ale
itli i ii g tne giand lodgit i'f United
Wiiikiiii 11 Ins week at N-lii'itlm Citv.
lit fin si .nig i-m-h went ticfjro ft
in." 1 v i"tblio and swor mur to ro
veiu .itiything that migli oeeur during
their uhseiieo Thin the only safe
t-oiiiM! for married men Intake.
We li.i-u-iiloimlliu level ila1nuf life;
w ei limb ItxlilllH. mil oft our feu ore worn:
i' nuy of It. (enii'lew'tult and tttrlfo,
't lit.' I'd to wiiii'lL tlio mik nf u.-u are horu :
w u w.'ury of It urmtiiew and IW.grtef,
I I. mil Hmlittliin anil it UckofeaM.
lis irmti Its losses mid Its iuu 10 brief,
(.nix re lis li-i.Min s llnf Itfguii to pleilft.
Special for
Its pn Ii vep liHiiiM', .ciiifllini's bevtrewn Willi
Thi' rnsv. 1 lie tnwtic nnd tlio ml;nnnott,
Tim sn.m. ulas. 11 oiiimee-i Into eloom
AkIh 1 lie sun iiroeruioro tiniHet:
still iriHtn on, us tlioso lio hcak fur,oll.
TliruiiKli Kliustly cniliilis up tlm inotllilitlli slupc.
W't Main ut Inst upon Its Miliiiult bold,
Wcsiiuhl ninl rfii'c ilth uiltiKleil fiviriiiiil liope;
Wo 8 on wliiil" Wliot ll(slirnliil Hie liuluht
i-ic nn Itit line more niKKfd ninl nioro mep,
Ami fit Us foot ilierr lloiri, its lsrk as ul-'lit,
A roil UK rlrer Mhlr ami sulfl tun! U'fp.
Ami Is this all. tills rhor nn iliNitrcp.
TIihI lies I c yinl Hit mountain liijui of lifer
(car anncr jrrs. Hip pinl of man Is stppp."
Hut liopo .till liln-Pi'K"f auolilr life.
tine 1st
A drop head sewing mat hine, latent improved, full
set of attachments, light tunning, lie drawer, oak cise
and guaranteed for 25 years,
Special Price $13.25. 1
ViAnaAaAaAWAvvA,iaA vviA v.ArsA' v--6
W. B. 10 BY,
Floor, Feed, Oats, Com,
Baled Hay and Coal Oil.
x-ii-vrarp isiiy - soft co.3C
No. 1 Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51.
Weather windy and dry.
Mrs. P. It. Dolan Is on tho slek list
this week.
Mr. l'atsnn had tho mlsfoitiiuo to
h:e his bujryy upset while on his way
m (Juidi) Itock. Jo fjrent itunmgii.
V ernte of eygii fontairiinuail di zhii
wnstiiriish' and the enlili'tit. i iKleteil
II U.l'll linn,
Mt- Kintn 1 Cunii.bul .f North
lie -mi Ii is 1 lie mvinr .'f n i.ew orgitu.
iliiain Vnndvkf Ileil Cloud was
the K'KHi f J. C. Foot Sunday.
.!. (J. Fonts has om mile of Ainpriuitii
fi'iien on his two fmuis ami will have
another mil hefo'e tlio suiniuer in
llowind Koiits attended the ijnai tcrly
meeting nt Nortli llianeh Siimlay.
Annual Meeting, German Baptists.
Lineoln, Mny '.Mill. Half tates to
Lineolu tiom all points on the IS, & M.
11.11. atilliiiB tlatet. May 21 .'II from
stations within 100 miles of Lineoln.
M-iy 2!J27 from ijntions nioiii than ISO
mile i from Lineoln. Tlio meeting will
ho Ik hi nn ihu State Fair pi minds in
Lineoln, which aio tilonjjslilo tho Bur
liiiKton track". J. Franeis, (joueral
PassonKer Agent, Omaha, Koh.
Morgan & Good ate the names of the
new briek tirtu doing business in this
John Wnller took tho trnin from lied
Cloud Monday morning for Nebraska
City, llo goes as a delegate to the
grand lodge A (). U. W.
Cowles will soon deserve tho name
of tho windy (mill) elty, there being
si windmills erected here far this
spring and live outers now placed.
(iooiI's and Scott's are the latest. The
towers ate now oeing m tile.
Kd. Stm v h ft- last week for Ciand
Island and Om.ihn lie goes in search
of woik.
Letters wi re received liere last week
from Richard Citeenlialgh from Now
Zealand; ho having an ived there nbotit
June 1, was taken wick and hail not
written. His folks mourned him us
dead till receiving tlio lottom this week.
Tho town was full of school inarms
Saturday, there buing te.ichctV nieui
ing hero.
Tho P. anil M. Is having tlio gororn
mont building painted this week.
Uncle Tod nnd Clin". Fuller tiro doing
tliu painting.
"Hill" Arnold, an old time resident
of this county hut now of Oklahonin,
was visiting hero this week, llo re
ports Oklahoma a great country.
Dr. Fianklin anil wife df Hint Hill
weio hut Tuesday.
Friends frmn Ked Cloud nnd Lester
surpi ird Mr. antl Mrs. PiUmor at tlieir
hmiwft the corner nfH. A M. and
Maine. An eijiiiblo evoninir was
"pent piny lug games nnd eating ice
cream and cake. Oscar has nut fully
rccM'ted yvt.
Dr. Hull trns in Liecoln th wetk.
Pt..f Hiickat has nrganssed nn ur
oliesiia tnro Willi fonrtpeu pieces.
Tlioy will soon bo propnred to furnish
music for any tmtxutainiiioni.
Work on tho new A. O. U. W hall
is priigresiiing nieoly. Tho front i'.
being put tn this week.
Last Friday a mob of plnin drutiks
came tip frmj Keil Cloud to plu ball
wiih tho Cowles Ijojs. U was ;,lttt
most itisguMing game of ball we have
witnessed fnr untim timo Most of
them aeeniPil tn lie afraid pinple
wouldn't know they hiul a drink.
'1 he aid society will hold n foeial in
the A. O. II W. hall Thursday night
eo cream and cake Everybody in
vitetl. Tho .school will give an enloitain
mont Friday evening nt tho Hchool
liouso on Collcgfl Hill.
Tho parties who weio liere looking
up a location for a Hour mill did uol
decide or. anything definite but, will be
back i gain in nhoulMx weeks.
Weather windy nnd dry.
Planting corn is a thing of the past.
Haivoy (iiahaiu sold eighty acres to
Mr. Stow fortlfiOO.
Kd. MMintf ord sold a team of horses
for 200.
Kd. Coopor lias a new well and a.
now windmill.
The ijuofillon U asked whether it toad
which tins linen traveled fifteen yeats
or Hioro ho 'iiroes n public liiuluvty tn
t(nrdleH of sution t:uci 'ihe law
shs ten yi mh in all tliiti m ieoeMitir.
.Ichse Stpp startfd overland fi.:
Graham county, Kanuas, this week.
The Sunday school rally at Pjuny
oreok Inst StindHV was largi ly nttenUed.
Tlioro ttill bo n ehildien'rt day enicr
tuinuieul al tlio L. Aubushoii grove on
.JiineOih. A cordial InTitntion is tc
tended toother schools to attend and
bring woll-lillod baskets.
- v v v -r v r r u r- r v- r y rv r ir- r- m i
Hadell's Gash Bargain House.
Special Offering; of Bargain Values
Buy Your Dry Ootids Hero at Close Prices
Is thi ii'lvico which you will llud it wrollliildo to follow. Whether your
Dry tinotls imichases inn largo or hiiiiiII wo can mivo you something, tlm
uiuoiiiit will depend on the si.e of your bill. Close selling comes from
our tdose buying. We were more Mieeonsfiil this your than ever before
in picking out the liest things in the marital. Look hero betoro .spt'iiil
ing nioney for Dry (!oods.
ww wi www nm nn iws w w m-mmmm
Special Sale jjiiclies' Tailor Made Suits.
Our eiitlr line of 7i Now Stylish Tailor Mudo suits plucod on sale for
this special salo ut exactly hall price.
$5 00 Suits, sale pricu $'J..'0
J0.00 Suits, sulo price 9X00.
7.00 Suits, salo prlco $3 fit).
$S.M) Suits, sale prico $4.25.
$10 (K) Htiits, sain prlco $." 00
112 00 Suits, sale prlco JO 00.
$10.00 Suits, salo prico $7.50.
$2000 Suits. Halo prico $10 00.
$25 00 SultH, sulo prlco $12.fi0
This Is without question tho greatest, bargain opportunity ovor tnado on
now laiior .Miuio nuns.
S-necial Sale Silk Waists and Shirtwaists.
All tho balance of our lino of Silk Waists and Shirt Walst.s placed on sulo
tit. special prices.
1 1 HO Silk Waists, salo prlco VI 7r.
jriouwiiic waist, saio prico jm.-.i.
il.n0 Silk Waists. salo mice $11 75.
$7 00 Silk Waists, salo pilco ft 00.
7m; Shiit Waists, salo price fide.
Si 00 Shirt Waists, sale price 75c
$1 50 Shirt, Waists, salo pi loo $1 C10.
$'M Shirt Waists, sale prlco f 1.25
$2 50 Shirt. WiilslH.Hiilo iirit:o$l 75.
Special Salo on New Underskirts.
31 50 Underskirts ito prlco Sl.00.
$1 75 Underskirts, sale prlco $1 25
.00 Uniloi-sklrts.Htilo tuU 32.00
$2 50 Uudm-sMlts, salo prlco $1 75.
Special Carpet Sale.
L "Vic Ingrain C irpat,wln price 2.".
4tk Ingmin t'.irpel , sn'" prl'o T 'c
.Wo Ingram t arpcr. sate price .iv.
f Odo Ingrain 'at pet, sale prico l!)c.
70c Ingrain Carpet h, salo prlco 59o.
X Also eight or ten short length with from 10 to 15 yards in them
placed on wilo ut very low prices to close them out.
I Special Lace Curtain Sale.
r T. -.... 1 ..,. rii(ttif. Minnr! mmil wo find llitil, We hlivft II IWUIlhoi of ()(l(l
V III ItliiJJIUUV ! l'"""""" ....--,i,i urn u-tali iiielnuii niLt nitiitk Soeoiitl barira ill unties on them. II
you can uso tiny of them it vs i 1 1 pay you In look them ovor.
Special Whitr oods Sale.
In whltogoodH for this salo wo will show evceptional bargain values.
13)ao (iml lSn Into Goods and India Linens. kmIo prico 10c.
IRo nnd 20o Whlto floods India Llneti and Long Cloth, sale pilea 12ia'c.
Ocw Caltcous and Percales at I5aro;ain Prices. New Percales at
5C 6c, 7C 8c anil ioc.
Chihlrcn's White ruir Jackets.
Special Now lino of them They are very nice for tho lltth 'folks. Price
$1 00. $1.25 and $1 50.
New Wash Fabrics.
,ow Dimities, Now Lawns, New l!nlistc, Now F'oitlardH, Korali J'ongeos,
Kt(5 at money saving prices.
Special Muslin Sale.
Now sample lino nt Ladies Night Clowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, Ktc,
placotl on salo at imrgain prices, n, win pay you to koo mom.
Notion Department.
Our notion (lopiutnient is complete with tho right kind of goods at tho
I IK'H ini'u-t.
Millinery Department.
Wo aro as busy as busy can bo in our Millinery doparltnotit.. but if you
VMIIll a lint we win iry 10 iirasu you.
Special sale of Men's Shirts.
Sample line of Min's Shiits placed on salo at Imrgain pricov
C O U XJ O N S .
Iteinrinbor wo civo coupons with every purcliaso Handsome dishes in
our premium depart meat to soiect from.
Farm for Sale
Half section, live miles from lied
Cloud. Onn oi tho best upland fauns
in Webster county.
.1. W..,
lied Cloud, Neb.
Co to No t Thjnl aveiiuo for fresh
gauleii and lidld shciI.-i of all kinds.
AIjo heudquaiteis for the HKST cohI
in town, Onion sots, cane heed, Kalllr
corn, etc.
Pt Vhtfc .fl. Jup n ii ""i i?
and r
Furniture! ip
Little Store Room
Biff Damcrcll Block
is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur
niture and at prices lower than ever before offered.
Call and get our prices before buying. ve will save
you money and please you with quality.
Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb.
lirTrStcsTSfe'Vi iir!"!Xir"VWivm
fn$4ilfyt g