The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1901, Image 4

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Catarrh has become nuch n common
disease that n person entirely free from
Ibis disgusting complaint is seldom met
with. It is customary to spenk of Catarrh
as nothing more serious tlmn n bud cold,
a simple inflammation of the nose and
throat. It is, in fact, n complicated and
vcrjr dangerous disease ; if not at first, it
very soon becomes so.
The blood is quickly contaminated br
the foul secretions, and the iwison through
the general circulation is carried to all
parts of the system.
Salves, washes and (prays are unsatis
factory and disappointing, because they do
not reach the sent of the trouble. S. S. S.
does. It cleanses the blood of the poison
and eliminates from the system nil catar
rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly
and permanently the worst ca&cs.
tr T. A. William, a leading dryeood mer
chant of hpnrfnnliiirg, H. C, write I'or years
I nail ii sc ere rae ni
nasal Oitnrrli, Willi all
Jlie illnacireabte eflect
which Ixl'inif to tint
dlee. n n 1 which
UIIC1C n ii . r .. . .
mike life tialnful ami
unendurable. I use J
medicine piescritieit ly
leading thylclaii and
UKRetted liy nmiilier
ot friend, Imt without
fettlnic any t)etler. I
hen began to lake S B.
8 It had the ilctlretl
(Teef . a n it cured me
afttr taking eighteen--ImiiUi
In inv amnion S.
S.I (he only medl-
cine now In me that will effect permanent cura
of Catarrh."
j is the only purely veg
C L jf ctable blood purifier
known, and the grent
i,k. . Mcst of nil blood tncdi
m0 W0 W0 cities and tonics.
If you have Catarrh don't wait until it
becomes dcep-iCMed and chronic, but be-
t... .a? ff 4T5 C? . Atjfctl
gtn at once me use 01 o. o. o., n m-"u
IUI w axa v.. ... ...... -- -
nd write our physicians uboul your case. I
ihe swin si'ccinc co., akanta, oa.
t . . I
.. 1
' mi 1
'TVilZ CI ill
"tin- mum nr
Oae year...
1x month
i'Uiu..i;,a i:vskv FiumT
Snleroda; 1..1. i-uiiiiftiii'itt ItodUlomt Neb .
soondcla' tnr II wane:.
Loral artverllnliiK 6 cents pur lino per Ismio.
(Loral AdvcrtlsliiK for entertainment, con
rerti, social, etc., given by ctiurchci, chnrltablo
loclelle, etc., where, nil moneys ruined thero
f mm aro lined wholly for clmrcli or charltHblo
torlctle. flrnl ton line free suit nil over ten
4luen3K cent per lino per Untie.
Loral ailTcrtlkliiK of ciiturtnliimoatii, concerts,
-tacit!, etc., where pur cent Is k'vou to pro
.aotcr, & cents per line pur Imiu.
-One column per month .....I" on
One hslf roliitnn per month :i N)
One fourth roliiinn per month 1 75
ttencrril dlnplny ndvurtUliiK 1 HU cents per
Inch per Inane.
The government coined $19,000,000
in gold during tho mouth ot April just
past. So it doesn't look as though
thero would bo a famine, of tho cur
rency "of ultimate redemption," that
our fusion friends used to talk about,
very soon.
Should a person leave K"d Cloud
today perfectly acquainted with tho
location of every business house in
town, and return one year from today
alio probabilities are ho would havo n
'hard timo linding anyone hu wanted
without a search. Wo pr diet that by
next spring one half of our business
men will havo changed their locution.
Kxpcrimontfl of great impnrtnnco to
tho corn bult havo been in progress for
several years at the experiment station
of the university of Illinois. Tho
director, Dr. Hopkins, conceived tho
idea that it would bo ndvantngcous to
cultivate different grades or kinds of
porn for different uses in feeding nnd
in the arts. Ho accordingly stlected
seed with varying percentages of
starch, fat tnd other substances, and
phnted them in isolated fields where
there would be no danger of cross for
till. vtion. The developed corn from
thi'si" Holds wmtld ho !inalyz"d ami tho
highest and lowest percentages would
iig-iiu bo taken and planted as before.
In live years Dr. Hopkins has suc
ceeded in increasing tho amount of
protein in the hhjh protein plots from
U 10 per cent to 13 32 per cent, while
the annuiit has been reduced in about
the same proportion in the low pro
tein plots. Dr. Hopkins is convinced
that it will be possible to produce dif
ferent kinds of corn at will, so that tho
Xnrmer in tho futtiie will grow a spe
cial grnin for use in fattening stock,
or for tho making of starch, syrup,
glucoso or alcohol. Tho value- of the
stop will thus bo coiisidctably in
creased, at comparatively no cost to
the grower.
Last Tuesday evening tho old coun
cil finished iii their business nnd the
siew council wns sworn in. For the
-old council wo havo nothing hut kind
words and praise. No council for ye us
has advanced the city more than has
tho past council Now improvements
improvements of tho substantial
kiud have been introduced. This is
Honiuthing that should have been dono
lung ago. Tue cily in tho past ten or
(ihtfou years has spout ouotigh for lum--boi
(or crosswalks to havo stone walks
on most of the street-crossing. An
other thing tho outgoing council is to
bo commended for is the manner in
which the) haiidiod tho smallpox epi
demic which broke out last full. Very
few towns in tliu stale where the epi
-domiu broke out cscapnl as easily as'
rti-ii (MoikI. Willie siiMHi fiintiii...- it 1
-was a very expensive campaign against1
tssrur' ji4M
t uonlnglotis disease, llio more conger
vatlvo think that it was "easy nnd
heap" Tlo most expensive pint of
ho whole past mlministrntion was tin
Inl.ilicil business left over from tin
.irevlous council I. o. thn wells nt the
.vnter works. Ilowover, tliu work wan
Urtod.tlio peoplo demanded it and it
nnd to In) completed. On tliu fuco of
it, it npponrcd us n feasible solution of
tho wntor problrin hut il proved ii
failure1, or t least n partial failure
Wo say to tho new council whatover
improvements you choosn to make,
iiiiiko permanent ones, ones that will
iast. They cost u little mora itt first
but l("j In Hit' end. Follow up the
precedent sot by tho old council.
Don't Hpond money for ImptnvoiiientH
which will bo gotio heforn your term
of ollk'o expire. Theio N plenty id
room for the new council in -lio.v us
iiiucli, or evmi more, puriiiiiiieiit nn
tiroviiiiient (linn tliu last oik- and it N
their placi) to do it In tin- doing of it
they will havo the hearty cm operation
of all and 'I'iik CiltKi' nincciely hopes
they will.
The statu weather bureau at Linen n
give out tho following general crop md
weather report for Nebraska for the
past week; "Tliu first paitof tint week
was warm and dry with high south
winds. Tho last days of tho wenk were
cool, with heavy general raiiiH. Tl o
daily moan tompornturo has averaged
irom ton to twelve degrees above the
normal. Tho weekly maximum torn
poratures wero genornlly between 85
, i nn .i.,-,..,,.
The rainfall of tho
week loll on (lie last days of tho week,
! generally exceeded tho normal for
Mi first week in May in tho eastern
oart of Mm state. In tho vostm-ii conn-
tics It wns about or slightly below nor-
mi In a largo putt of tho eastern
p -i lion the rainfall ranged from 1 to
-" ''' Tliu Pst week has been fit-
voruuiu tor '.lie udrnncouient of farm
work, and genornlly for the growth of
vegotatlon. Tho high south wind dried
ulU.tho top of the oionnd 11 ml in
some instances retarded tho growth of
oats, wheat and grass, but no danugo
resulted to any crop, bocauso of tho
timely rain tho last of thn weok. At
tho cIoho of tho weok winter wheat was
in very lluo condition. Oats nnd pring
wheat tiro coming tiplovcnly nnd grow
ing well, (trass is still somewhat back
ward, but is now HUlliciently ndvnnced
in pastures to sustain stock. Corn
planting has made good progress in the
southern counties, whom about one
third of tho crop is planted nnd a little
of tho earliest planted is tip. Com
planting has commenced in nearly all
parts of tho state. Fruit trees are
blossoming very fully in all parts of
tho stnto."
Considerable talk hits been indulged
in by tho city council nnd others dur
ing tho past threo months on tho quos
Hon of water motors and whether it
would pay to put them in or not. The
average eitiznn wants them (ml in, nnd
let tho council inako a price per thou
snnrt giil Inns Mint will mnintnin tho
waterworks without drawing from all
the other resources of the city A
large number of our peoplo are getting
tired of paying taxes to maintain an
institution for the Menelit of someone
else. While it i trtio that tho cost of
meters would bo considerable, from
9750 to $1000, it would bo a uaying in
vestment to tho city of lied Cloud. It
would stop nil unnecessary waste of
water and tboro would bo a sulllclont
supply of good wntor for nil consumers.
Again, under tho prosont system 0110
man pays fivo dollars for tho privilego
of sprinkling a twenty-live foot front
lawn and another man pays live dol
lars for sprinkling a one hundred mid
titty foot front Is thero any ju-tiee
in this? Another thing, a man is
charged fifty dollars for water for tho
purpose of running a motor 11 year.
A motor will run on an average about
three or four hours a day. Tho j-a on
a motor is about the same sizn as the
no..lo on a lawn hose. Is ii right to
charge one maii'lifty dollars per year
for tho uso of water and anofher live
dollars for one-half a year whim tlioy
use M10 same quantity per day? Dur
ing tho past summer on nn average
about four standpipes full of water
were used a day, three during tl.o day
time and ono at night. For the entire
year it will easily nvorago threo per
daj. This moans for the year ono
thousand nnd ninotr-iivo. Tho total
amount collected for water rent was
1011 DO, or in other words abjut ono
dollar for every standpipeful of over
135,000 gallons of witter. We say put
in meters. If 11 man wants to uso n
wliolo standpipeful of water on his
lawn let him pay for it al so much per
thousand gallons. There is 110 justice
in charging one man from two to ten
times more fur water than another.
l'ut in meters nnd charge all alike and
put tho water works on a paying basis.
Special Bargains in Men's Suits.
We have Just n-ceived 50 men's suits
mndo up to sell at $13, $13 and 14.
Wo bought them 111 Into Hi-1-.on close-
out prices ami are oiroriug them nt
$10, JU ami 81'.! Tlmy ate made to lit
and are Hist eia ,1 ... .t. i. -,, ,n every
particular. 1 1 .. 1 t ,, a.i- jou if
you need a new mih
it' How Are Your Kldn... t
To California and Back.
If you realized as do those who
have been thero what a delightful ex
perience a month in California is, 3011
would not fail to take advantage of tne
low ratvs to San Francisco which the
liurlinglnn olTers on account of the
Kpworth Leap ut! meeting in that city
In July Tho eo-t of reaching Cali
fornia will be reduced one-half. Add
to this that the summer climate of San
Francisco is very neatly pei feet, and It
is easy to understand wny tens of
thousands are eagerly looking forward
to what, in their opinion, will he the
holiday of a lifetime. lieiiuHfu iv il
Itistratcd folder, giving full ihf.i mil
lion about rates, M-etierv, tout"-, top
over privileges, tlinmuli ei, etc.,
mailed on miiicst. J. Fr.incis.CJunerul
Passenger Agent, Omahn, Neb
If j 011 tiro going to uive a
iimI want some swell line it 1
joii 'ire going to get m-iiii' -I ai
-ids, if
' want
up to ditto wedding Minis, if j 11 are
going -i have an opening in the nring
ami wih to plea--- in llii- line, it vou
want ii(n-vi-lter )i:ipi-i nr -iniionux of
any kind, i-uini ininiid or plain eotiie
and bud ii-. We ive a fine line.
Twentieth Century Medicine.
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic arc as
far ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, ioc.
Notiokto Wohkmkn: The Hurling-
ton runs a special train Lincoln to
Nebraska City, May 13th, leaving
Lincoln G:i5 p.m , arriving Nebraska
City 8:15 A. Conovor, Agent.
' a
Mothnrs of good judgment nnd ex
perience give their littlo ones Kncky
Mountain Ton this month. Keeps
them well. 35c. Madn by Madison
Medicine Co. C. L. Cotting.
For n hand made harness to givo
wear, mndo of tho best onk tanned
leather that will not rip or tear, and
warrnnted to bo niado with tho best of
caro, go to J. O Duller.
(Jo to No 1 Third avenun for fresh
garden nnd Hold seeds of nil kinds.
Also hqadquarteis for tho BEST coal
in town. Union sots, cauo seed, Katllr
corn, otc.
Inflammatory Rheumatum cured in 3 days.
Morton L. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. nays: "My
wlfo hud InllnmmAlory rheumatism In every
tmificlo And Joint; her MifTerlin? wn tcrribtonnd
her body mid f urn were swoolen almost beyond
recognition: hurt been In bed for six weeks mid
Imd elKht phyKlclnna, but received no bcnellt
1111111 Mic irien me Myanc uure ror;i(iieumHUMn
It Kuvo Immediate, relief and aho was nblo to
walk nbont In three days, I am mire It naved
her life." Sold by 11. K. Orlcc. DruKnlst. lied
Cloud, Neb,
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
MyntlcCuro for rlieunrntlnm nnd neuralgia
readily curca In from ono lo threo days, its ac
Hon upon tho system I ronmrknble and mys
terious It removes at oneu the ranee nnd the
illxente Immediately disappear. The Ilrt (Ionc
urratlrbencllt. 7i cents, Sold by 11, K. Urlce.
Ited Cloud. Nob,
women Dread
The disfiguration rnused by skin disease,
even more than the tormenting irrita
tion which is so commonly associated
with it. The use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
generally results
in a complete
cure of eczema,
pimples, eruptions
and other forms
of disease which
have their cause
in nn impure con
dition of the blood.
"Golden Medical
Discovery" abso
lutely purges the
.ilood of humors
and poisons, nnd
so cures the cuta
neous diseases
which bad blood
breeds and feeds.
There is no alco
hol in the "Golden
Medical Discov
ery" nnd it is en
tirely free from
opium, cocaine,
and all other nar
cotics. "I wa troubled
with eczema from the
crown of my head to the wilf of my feet."
vrrtcit Mix Klla Quick, of Cns City, Tuscola
Co., Mich. "Could not walk ut tlmrs, nor wear
my ahnea Thouuht there wn no help for me
at U-not the doctor Mild there wu none. I went
to ce friends nt Clirixtmm time and there
liruril of f:e good that Dr Herce'H Golden Med
ical Discovery linil done for them, and wa
ndvUrd to try it at once For fenr that I might
ncRlcct it mv friend sent to the village and
got a battle and made me promise that I would
take it 1 had been getting worse all the time
I took thirteen liottles of tke T.olden Medico!
I)scoery 'nmt ten vials of Dr Pierce' Pleasant
reikis, and n-eil the All Uealing Salve,' which
made n complete cure It wa low, but sure. I
wns taking the medicine about eight month.
"I would mv to nil who read this Trv Dr.
Tierce's iioldcn Medical Discovery txfore wast
ing time and money,"
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant I'ellets assist tho
action of the, Discovery."
otlce In hereby kIvcb that tealed proposals
for lilds will bo received at tho utlico of the city
clerk o' the pity of Hed Cloud, until ft o'clock
11.111. on tho Will day of May, IU01, for the faleof
refunding tiaiula of said oliv to the amount of
Tivpiiiv live Tlioitnand .Dollar (t. 00) author
Izcil by the Compiled Matiilea of Nebraska,
Kci'tlonSVuf Clnfiiii-y'9. for the lurposeof re
funding certain spt (6) per rent water bondi
now outstanding agaiubt said city. Said bond
will bear dato oflf 11110 1st. WOl will be of the
denomination of Klvo Hundred Dollars (I.VM 00)
1 mil, slid will boar four nnd one-half per cent
Interest pnvablu Hiiiiually on the first day of
Jiiiiu each ear, and redeemable at the option
of tho city at any minim! Interest pay day after
ten jears from date. hld bonds, principal and
inliii"t ttlll beninde payablu at tho Nebraska
llM-ni IK1 or 1111m 'iiyni m-ii ii n coin i
lied cheek of 'two 1 1 11 ml rid anil Filly Dollars'
iiiiist lu'company all bids as n guaranteu of good
faith, which will bo relumed to bidder If iiiisuc
eessful mid If ktieci'ssrul will bo forfeited in
tho city of Ited Clou I on failure to complete
Council reserve tho rlnht to reject or refine
to accept any bid or any part thereof.
Jons K. Kklkh, City Clerk. '
Dated Mays. 1901.
rL vwuKXHflaV
This is
Made also
in four
larger size.
JTo the Smokers?
5 of Red Cloud, i
it) 'V'Vr
-jnuu run iiir. u
j"Bloe - fpontl
"J j
1 'j
J 'VA tlr
m ib
I Five Cent Cigar J
? made- wet of 1 mi ,Mi-wi,.Mi.j
5 riv 1. .iii.- of nico lui i A'Hi'i' u
ic.-iii II i ma tiller. Tne Oual u
JJJ thii cm bo purchased in tho JjJ
if United Stntes. These cignrs
nro strictly hand made.
i j isrnsTT?.Tir 5
. . . ., , m
Hambletonian Wilkes,
Hubert Cyril, 30379,
Foaled in 1SU8, brown horse 10 hands
high nnd weighs over 1200 pounds.
Will make tho season at C. L. Winfrey's
bioeding barn, Red Cloud, Neb.
For terms or information address
Chas. j. Besse,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
vVe can surnish 7011 brick in
x ij at tho lowest pos
sible rate. Btick on saio at
either of tho lumber yards.
Get Our Prices Before You
Buy Brick.
Red Cloud, Neb.
And want to got started earning money
at ouch, send us 25 cts for our book f
"40 New Money -Making Ideas."
It is worth its weight in gold to 11113 on
who is unemployed. Send today.
Century Publishing: Co., Box 73,
Heron Lake, Alinn.
rnwb Q Bridge Work or Teeih Without I'l&tei.
I mi all tne latest Improvement In deulal meob
I anlsm
I llcst Cough Syrup. 1'astoa UcmU. U'jo !
inui whuii. aii 1 st r an s.
in nine. roia dt uniit)'
IW B . aWSS-
the Smallest
fJER 1 53
pKkBkou?$ fm A fli .ii MlBi
1 (( nnnSoieet Potato
Early Jersey and ;
Southern Beauty.
Standard and Dwarf Tomato
Early and Late Cabbage Plants.
A large variety of House,
Flowering and Yard Plants.
Call at Hoot and Shoe Store and seo them.
IVJi'S. Henry Oeiderioli,
Furniture !
Little Store Room
Big Damerell Block
is packed to its utmost with all the. latest styles of fur
niture and at prices lower than ever before offered.
Call and get our prices before buying. We will save
you mpney and please you with quality.
Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb.
W. B.
Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn,
Baled Hay and Coal Oil.
No. 1 Third Avenue, Red
If your dealer
does not have
them write to
the nearest
agency of
(Darble Granite
Is now near at hand and wo
are prepared "as few are" to
till all uiders (or monuments
promptly. Anyone wishing a
monument for this spiing, wo
ask you to call nnd examine
our stock nnd prices.
Agent for iho celebrated
Stewart and
Cemetery Fences.
.Plants f of Sale 1 1
i -js
'-- -t-M.
Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51.
' "yiH' 'Al MK' iW '1WW
nr. ln IHJMieMX,l8HWfKf,
Ml' M.I
faMJLgJWiaaiaMp iiwi'i'imiK 1 1 1
, 't i'