The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1901, Image 3

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I VBl)
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Into l.lnen-Itiinni of n Well-
Kept limine,
A poop nl the well tilled shelves of a
linen closet Just stocked up with the
newest nf pretty fable linen has dis
closed some fascinating xx outlets for
dainty housekeeping.
Of the six tnlile cloths there to lie
Been the were of (sturdy, lustrous lrUh
linen tiuil one of l-'ronoh dumnsk with
an especially m tittle design. All the
cloths had a set of napkin to match
and weie designed rospocllxely with
the flour-do lis pattern, the walls o
Tioy and pansy together, the daisy
and polka dot pattern, a dose design
of fan design, the sluituroch and walls
of Tioy, and a rose pattern, whleh
adoilied the Flench Mt.
In addition to these won- two totiud
elolhs with scalloped edges. These
weie shown with giont pride hy the
young housekeeper as the niiisi corieet
thing for the round tahle tea parly.
A many colored array of centre
pieces, dollies and scarfs next came to
view. Hesldos those embroidered with
silks there were several centiepleces
and small covers or the exquisitely
delicate Mexican dtawn and wheel
work. One piece of the fairylll.e wheel
woil;, nhout half a yaid In diameter,
was prized at .?,") by Its owner. It
looked almost tine enough to melt
Tiiero were several pieces of siibsian
tial Saxony diawn woil; upon the lat
ticed linen of which heavy embiold
cry llnds such a becoming bsekgiound
Several scarfs and side tahle coeisof
tills promised a most attractive shoxv
inn on polished surfaces.
The lunch cloths and napkins were
all Rlddy, giddy gay. They were the
new "art" effects. Several colors were
employed In the decoration of one
cloth, and the tlower designs weie
quite large. One was the hollyhoik
pattern, another the morning glory
and a third the wide-spreading
These cloths, set off with cut
and sllxor, nie very altiactlve
they do not dlsngioe with the
scheme of the rest of the room.
The three sets In this particular col
lout Ion all managed to keep within the
hounds required for them. Chicago
w . '"$
Good Color Si'liemei.
'A careful study of color tone anil
combinations would bring much moie
effective tcsults In many homes. Kor
Instance, blue and white Is a favorite
color scheme for bedroom furnishing,
and Is often chosen and as otten
spoiled by incongruous suriotindlngs.
Japauese rugs are the best solution of
the dIUlculty of floor coveilng with
blue and white furnishing schemes,
or If Persian rugs are chosen, to give
a touch of warmth, they should have
predominating blue tones and all sub
dued colorings. Then confusion should
he avoided and a majority of plain
stuffs prevail. Plain portleieH of solid
color arc restful to the eye.
.household recipes
Khubnrb Tapioca One pint of
chopped rhubarb, add two doze
cooked prunes, one fomth cup of the
liquid In -which the prunes were
cooked and one-half cupful of sugar.
Iloll for live or ten minutes, then add
onc-hnlf cup of tapioca which has loch
soaked for half an tour In thiee
fourths of a cupful of coid watei Cook
until the tapioca is transparent and
serve either hot or cold with cream
and sugar or whipped cream.
Spinach Souffle Take a cupful of
spinach which has been prepared and
mix with It the beaten yon or an egg
and stir It over the Hie until the egg
is set. Lot it cool. When tendy to
serve stir Into It lightly the well heat
en whites of three eggs, l-'lll Individ
ual buttered paper boxes half full and
place them in a hot oven for ten or fif
teen minutes. Serve at once, like any
souffle, it will fall If not sutlk-lently
baked or If not served very promptly.
Celery Soup-One large nd celery
cut fine. Cook half an hour in a pint
and one-half of water, with a small
onion and sprig of parsley. Mash lu
tamo water and add a plat of boiling
milk that has been thickened xvPh a
tahlespoouful each or butter and flour.
Sensou with teaspoouful salt and salt
spoonful whipped cream on each dish,
on stove until It thickens to the con
sistency of cream Se;ve wltn a table
spoonful of whipped cream on each
Cream of Veal with Mushrooms-Cut
one and one-half pounds of veal into
nhout half-Inch squares. Pu. two
tablespoons butter in frylug pan.
AVheii hot add the veal and sprinkle
over a tablespoonful salt, n tablespoon
fill popper and two tablcspoonfuls
tlour. Cook until nice brown, then
take upon a hot platter, add a small
lablespoonful Hour to what Is left in
the pan, three-fourths cup hot water
and half n dozen mushrooms cut line.
.Stir uutll .t bolls; add one teaspoonful
lemon Juice. Hank xenl In centre of
platter ami pour mushrooms aiouud It.
How Shtitrr Are rooted-Tent Whlrti
Mimr tlir l-iire Mnteilnl.
Pure sill,, when it lias been through
nil the piocesves necessary to bilng out
all Its good qualities. Is wolth Its
weight In slhcr, said an expert the
other day Therefoie the women who
expect to buv pure silk at little more
than the pi Ice of cotton must expect to
he fooled, and there ate lots of ways
hy which the inanufactuier gels, even
with them.
They make stuff that Is called silk,
and passes for It with ci editions per
sons who don't know any belter, out
of nearly any old tiling now. One fa
vorite imitation silk Is made of cellu
lose (tented with chemicals. It Isn't
a good material to get on lire In. Then
there sie South Sen Island cottons
ami some mercerized cotton which, af
ter treatment, look something like
silk, though of com so they wear veiy
differently and their silken appear
ance soon vanishes.
Kilt It Is in udultctln;' goods which
really h.ixo some silk in them that (he
greatest skill Is exercised to deeolxo
the buyer. To obtain Hie icqtilied un
tie and body rough tlos Is often used
for Hie woof of the mateilal. This
soon causes It to wear shiny.
Another trick Is In increase the
weight and appateiit solidity of a
flimsy silk material by using metallic
s.tlts In the d.c xnts Pressing, with
some kinds of silk. Increases I he
weight also, hut at the saciitlce of
stiength. Cheap. orackly. stiff silk
whleh has heavy coids Is good silk to
avoid. It won't wear.
There ate sex oral tests xvhleh icveal
icadlly the purity of a piece of silk.
The inlcioscope, of course, will show
It at once, even to an unpractlccd e.xe.
Pine sill, has the appearance of tine
smooth lubes Another good test Is by
burning. Puio silk hut us shixvly. with
u flight odor; cotton flares up qulckl.x
and would tlnow off a dccldcdl.x disa
greeable' smell.
Then the tongue will readily reveal
the presence of metallic suits. Then
Is no mistaking their taste. I'.ut all
those may be dlsregaided, said II x-
pett, when silk Is offeied for the price
of cotton. You need not bother to test
that stuff- New Yotk Sun.
lltmlnml'ii llrokrn Oonn Stilillrri.
ThedMtkc oi Marllioiough's explana
tion in Hie Mouse of Lords or the pi in
clple on xvhleh the Cuiuuilsslmiois of
Chelsea Hospital are granting pen
sions to sohlleis dlseliaigeil ft out t lit
army because of wounds and disease
xvlll be xvclcnmid by all who continue
to take an Inlet est In our vihllcis even
after they an- totally or partially dls
abled ror life. It did not use to be t In
case. The soldier, discharged because
unlit to serve any longer with the ol
ors. xvas cast adrift to shift for him
self, hoxvever Impossible that may
haxv been for him. lie managed, too
often, to die lu a ditch or crawl to the
workhouse. Partially disabled soldiers
noxv lecelve a maximum pension of
one shilling and sixpence a day and a
minimum of sixpence a day. but noxv
Tor the llrst year they gel the maxi
mum pension In all cases, and after a
year their cases an- reconsidered and
pensions granted on a scale suitable to
their general condition. It Is well,
too, that the soldier discharged for dis
ease Incurred xvhlle serving with I lie
at my In Hie Held should be put on the
same footing as his comrade disabled
through xvounds - Mall Gazette.
IImmiiU'k LutTiuHkern.
Tin- Hawaiian Legislature Is an In
leicstlugsel of men to behold. Though
Hie majority haxe the rich, clear,
brown skin of the native, with large,
lustious black eyes, there are those
with the light skin and blue exes of
Hie Anglo-Saxon, lu I wo pioinluent
members already mentioned, Hie Orien
tal strain shows plainly The brown
skins range from the deep chocolate
or Hie pure Hawaiian to the light
brown or the fractional Hawaiian, and
some are almost as light as their white
hiothren beside them. The natives an
dlgnliied. and carry thoinsolx'os xvitha
grace pleasant to see. As 1 xvatch
them walking the streets lu earnest
converse, they seem like Sotous Indeed,
with grave responsibilities on their
shoulders. As they ascend the Capi
tol steps wreathed in Ids or flowers,
Hie plctuiesqueness of It all comes to
us. and we feel they are quite In har
mony xvltii th-- blight sunshine and the
tropical sui foundings. A Hawaiian Is
never without ids xvicnth or brilliant
flowers ror a hatband, and this Is one
or the charms of the country to a noxv
comor. lloston Transcript.
New ClirinU-ul I'rodnrlK.
Messleuis Mnlssnu and Stocks. Un
original dlseoveters of ciirhni nudum,
a mineral bind enough to cut diamond,
have recently announced two new
chemical products xvhleh may also be
of use In the arts. They are com
pound of boron, xvhleh is best known
In the salt xvhleh Is called borax, and
or silicon, xvhleh in combluntinu xvllh
oxygen forms quarts, the seientllie
name of which Is silicic acid. Iloth
boron and , silicon aio non metallic
chemical elements. The two com
pounds Just discovered an- lu the form
of crystals laving an adamantine Ins
tic, and are so bard that thex st-iatch
the hardest ruby xvltb ease.
The Mt If online.
Napoleon laid gteat stress upon that
supremu moment, that "Nick of time"
which occuis in every battle, to take
advantage or xvhleh moans victory,
and to lose In hosltntlotj means disas
ter. He said that he heat Hie Aus
trians because they did not know the
value or live minutes; and It has been
said that among the trifles that eon
spited to defciit him nt Waterloo, the
loss or a fexv moments hy hlmseir
and Grouchy on the fatal morning
xverc the most slgnlllcant. Hluehor
xvas on time, and Grouchy xvas late.
It xvas sulllcicnt to scud Nupok-ou to
St. llel'.'ua,
A Common. Sen KiitiMllute Vor ttie Old
TIimi'-XVhMIiik Hint Dirty Mrttioit of
fouling mi r.nslnr A ChIi Tlint Will
Atcominoilnte Two I'll emeu.
Possibly no one save the ollleors dl
teetly charged xvllh such details com
prehends rullx the lequliements laid
on the operative depattments or rail
xx-a.xs, ir Hues are lo keep up with the
procession uud an- to be operated xvlth
an economy equal to or approaching
that of a competing road. To the uisu
al traveler these signs aie upparcnt
lu the development of special classes
of locomotives designed In strict ne
eordanee with the class of xvork upon
which the engines xvlll be kept busy,
and lu the xvldespread adoption of the
steel car. Kor the carriage or u weight
or l.'lto tons, it Is stated that Hie non
productive or dead weight lo be hauled
Is sixty txvo tons less ir Hie goods ate
loaded In steel cars than ir wooden
cars me used, with the additional ad
vantage that the weight Is neaier the
engine, and. therefoie. easier handled,
and then- Is an Incidental sax lug in
the tequlreinents for sidings, juul
loom and xvnges or lialn ciexvs. One
or the Hues doing a through business
to the West is about to be ttiouillghly
equipped xvllh track tanks Tor taking
up water while (tains aie tunning at
full speed, for the icasou Unit Its most
active competitor has the use of such
appliances, on one load Hie engine
tanks on all engines weie euhiiged
last year, the xvater space being in
cicascd ft out :iT(H) gallons to as high
as TtKHl gallons, and the coal capacity
Inct eased hi a like intln. Such fnclll
ties as these mean a lengthening of
cxpicss iialu inns xvlthout stopping.
The Pan Handle road has thiee cx
picss naiiis which aie not scheduled
to stop lu ll).'l miles, and on oilier toads
l hole sue inns of oxer IN) miles with
stops only ror xvater and coal. The
teplenlshlug ()r those neeessiules ror
the engine alxxa.xs seems to consume a
deal ot time, and a Pittsburg Inventor
has come lo I lie lioiit with a coiiinion
seiise substitute for the piosenl time
wasting and ditty method. He pro
poses lo have all engine tanks made
xvllh an outside liaiiie of sluing boiler
plate, xvltii peipeuillctilar steel slides,
aiiauged lo lit Into an luteiehauge
able water and coal tank. These
tanks ate to be placed on a track
above the l tin In line, and can be tilled
xvllh water and oal. When u tialn
a Hives, the li.xdiaullc lilt is attached
to Hie empty tank and It Is lifted up
to be tilled for another tialn, and lu
an Instant the loaded tank xvlth 7000
gallons of water and seven Ions of
coal Is lowered down Inside the tank
frame. The Inventor claims that his
arrangement will permit the engine to
be coaled and xvateied in txventy sec
onds, and that then- xvlll be no waste
or stilling up of dust and illtt, and
that leaking tanks can lie repahed
without dlsiouncetlng the engine aud
On the Chnileml Canal, u nanoxv
xvaterxvay, about firty miles in length,
lu Itelgluin, there is an Inteiestlng
system or eiccttlc haulage. Iloise
ti not Ion forincily used gave a speed
or one and u quarter miles per hour.
This has been Inct eased to two ami n
half to three miles at the same cost
per ton-mile. The haulage Is done by
llxo hoi'se-poxvcr automobiles, xvlth
Uuee-phase motors, taking ciinent
from overhead xvlies. thiougli separ
ale tiolleys, which inn on the xvlres
and an- diagged b.x a slack lope. Cur
rent Is supplied at COO volts. Then
are six xvlres lu the system. The up
per thiee cany cuiieui al (iOOO volts,
and the lower or trolley xvhes an- fed
fioin them thiougli substations llnee
miles apart, each containing a stop
down transformer. On the length of
firty miles there are txvo generating
stations, txvonty-nlne miles upnrt. The
automobiles o mil pusi each other,
but are couliucd to approximately the
same section or canal. Knob one takes
over the boat Hint apptoaehes It and
pioeocds to ict urn along Its track un
til it meets another boat, itoats aie
again exchanged, mid the motois again
retrace their paths. When- the canal
banks aie poor, cleotilcally propelled
tugboats are opeiatcd Instead, aud
these xvlll make about txvo miles an
hour with two seventy-ton boats. The
tug can tut ii xvlthout changing the
tioliey and can also keep sixty reel
fioin tin- line, though the cable mast
Is only fourteen reel high. Locks are
passed with the tug In four minutes,
which tequlicd Alteon minutes xvlth
horses, in i-'ianco there an- double
tow paths, arid lu Get many on the
I-'luoxv Canal experiments have been
made xvlth continuous curient mechan
ism aud the pole trolley. The experi
ence lu these countries seems lo Indi
cate that canal haulage may be econ
omically done by electricity.
The Thulle high-speed loeomoiixe, a
French design, is of a decidedly spe
cial type. It Is catrled on fourteen
xvlioels, or xvhleh Tour are coupled, and
set bctxvcuu a four-wheeled bogle in
I tout and u six wheeled one at the
tear. It Is dilven hy txvo simple ex
pansion .eyllndeis aud has a motor by
which the entire train Is lighted elec
trically. One of its most piomlnont
fenlures is I ho position occupied by
the engine driver, xvhleh Is In a cab
at the extreme front. The cab It
xvcdge-sliaped to lesson the xvind ie
slstnuce. The tli email Is located at
the lear. The boiler Is built to sustain
a ptossure of liCM pounds per square
Inch, xvhleh is considered somewhat
high ror n simple expansion niachlue.
The Jlrehox Is or the Jtelpaiiu type,
xvlth flexible slays in the txvo front
ioxvs supporting the crown shoot. The
piston' valves niu placed above the cyl
inders and me almost perfectly bal
anced, lu onler to lessen to some ex
tent the condensation to which live
bteuiu would bo hiibjoctvd xrhcu lu
contact xvllh walls, nlong the other
side of xvhh h exhaust steam Is tloxv
lug, the admission and exhaust us
age have been separated, and the
steam admitted at the centio of the
xnlvo and exhausted at the ends.
Again, lu older Unit, xvhlle miming
xvltii the throttle dosed, thoie may be
no admission or smoke box gases Into
the cxllndeis, it mechanism attached
to the thtoltle lexer Is so urianged
that a valve closing the admission or
gusoi to the eyllndeis can be shut nt
the same time as the throttle xalxts
A call has been plaood tit the rear
ror the accommodation of two llrcmou
A Lax al turbine Is used to dilve n
dynamo for lighting tin- train. Al
(bough sepal ated flout the tlieuieti,
means of communication an- furnished
the engineer by a hoiu and a bell. Tin
tender Is can led on txvo bogle tun Us;
one, that lu ft out, having fom wheels
and the other six. Pi ox Idem e Journal.
When tin- Wliutou Itntllea.
Possibly you haxo had lids ex perl
The xvlnd howls xvlthout. aud Jusi
ns you nie falling Into n dos-e the sash
"Prat the xvlndow :" .xou su, ami
tin n over.
Then- Is a lull; then another gust of
xvlnd, ami the milling Is hentd louihr
than befoie.
"I'll have to tlx Unit." .xou exclaim,
for u single loose w ludow Is a most
offeetlxe sleep dlstutbor. If seveiul
xverc rattling it would not be so bad,
but one that shakes sharply nt Inter
vals xveais on the nerves. So you gel
up and put a tiny papei plug between
the casing and no sash.
A few minutes Intel ,xou hr-comc sud
deiily conscious of the lad that It Is
tattling again.
"Well, lei II." you mix. In disgust;
but .xou cau'l. Your mlml Is now on
It, and .xou And youtsell luvoluulaill.x
listening ror the expeeled noise, and
xvomh-ilug how long It will be befoie
you hear It. So at last .xou gel up uud
put in another nlug of paper,
"That'll settle It," xou sax ; hut It
doesn't, .lust as .xou an- convinced it
Is all tight it tattles again.
"In how many phues Is that window
loose"'" .von inniler, as you gel up and
Insert a third plug. Then for leu lulu
ules you listen so Intently I lull it
butts, hut .xou do nol hear a sound.
"At Inst," .xou say, vvlili n sigh of
roller, and Immediately tiieieafti-i It
1'ei haps on the fourth or llfth tilal
you get It tlxed, and xv lieu you aie
satlsfled that It Is all light .xou say lo
youiself, "I'll send a caipenler up lo
intend to that to morioxv," after xvhleh
joii fall asleep.
And then you forget all about the
carpenter uutll some night when the
xvlnd gels on another bonder.-Chli ago
A Muinmotli S homier1
I A mammoiu live master schooner is
to be consliuolod ul the yard of .lohn
M. Hiooks, Hni hot- View, Kast lloston,
xvhleh will exceed in point of tonnage
aud carrying capacity any schooner
afloat, not excepting tin- giant six
innster Kleanor A. Percy, xvhleh noxv
holds Hie lecold.
Her general dimensions xvlll he .'100
foot oxer all, .'KM I feel In length of keel,
lU'j feet beam, thirty loot depth. of
hold. Her gross tonnage will hi- ,'t."(K)
tons and net tonnage .T.MHI tons. The
oxtieme length of I he Percy is ISIS
loot, or eight feet longer than the xos
sel to he const! uctcd al Kast Itostou.
Tin- Percy's gross tonnage Is IMOl.PC
or 100 tons less than the live master's
xvlll he. The latter vessel xvlll have a
greater depth of hold than the Perc.x,
aud her carryiug capacity will he be
txvceii ri;M and ,"'00 tons, or about 100
tons moie than the Percy.
The tive-ninster xvlll have three flush
decks, the poop being eight root, To
add to her stiengtli a scheme entirely
original hns been decided upon. She
xvnl have stool holts on the floor and
top Umbers, xvlth diagonal Iron straps
extending her entire length.
Her live masts xvlll he or Ou-gon
plue. and xviie ilgglug will be used
throughout. The lontiact calls for the
compietlon of the vessel next Novem
ber. She xvlll cost SI-'.. 500 icady for
sea.- Kostou Globe.
Ilimitluii 'onciiet of Xlaiii IiuiIh.
Lust year, xvhen the ltoxeis lu Man
churia inn In arms ami attacked
lUagovostohPiisk, oxo.- ."000 Chinese
residing lu win toxvn xveu- dioxvned
In Hie Amur Uixor by Hie older of the
general, xvho lias slmo boon culled
"the Murderous Governor" Having
ouce been nsked It It xvas not too cruel
to drown them all, the general oul
ly iiuHXven-d' "The Chinamen them
selves have invited their lab-. If they
had not invaded Hie Itusslau province
and destroyed the -all way they would
not have mot such a fate." It Is said
that no care lias been taken by him
to distinguish peaceful citizens fioin
armed soldiers, ns his outers an- to
kill indiscriminately, lu fact, he in
slsts on wiping out n nation by kill
ing old nun young until theie Is not
a single soul let lo oppose him. The
governor well deserves the title. Nl
ro Uu Shlnpo. Toklo, .Japan.
t!liii-r 1'uel For Cnsliinil.
Noxv that tin- price of (oal has In
creased to such an cnoiinous extent
in IJughiud, as a lcsull of the vast
quantities xvhleh are expoitcd to for
eign couutilos, attempts ate being
made to obtain cheaper fuel, especial
ly for the benollt of the poou-r classes.
Kxperlments an- being made xvlth
peat. At Tiegaron, lu Caullganslilre,
there is u vast bog, 1000 acres In ex
tent, lu which the peat extends lu
veins xarylng fioin twenty to llfty
feet in thickness. It Is stated to he
very rich in caihon uud attempts au
to he made to extract this caibou and
to coinpiess It Into briquettes, after
the piocess advlncd by some Gciuiau
Bclemlstu. .
Mimic, XVil(l mul llnnrxtii XVItliln III
lorlc riineUxSltli-eii ('uiiilwtroii Ant
IiiiiU 'Iliiiuclit to KilM S-JSIO In
Itountlr-P r.Mineil t) One Mnn,
A cuilous popular misapprehension
seems to exist concerning the scat city
ir the xvlhler animals lu New Yotk
State, xvt lies the Albany oouespoiid
cut or Hie Now Yoik Sun To Judge
rutin the scant space given them lu
guide books and other literatim- tola
live to the natural history of the Stale
one might fancy that aside ftom an
occasional deer or bear (he laigest and
Aetcest wild mammal still existing
was a fox. This Is by no menus- the
case, and a lulef siunniaty of our
fauna may bo of general Intel est.
Pour species or hoofed mammals
haxe probably existed In this State
xvlthln hlsioile times, of these four
the Vligliiln deer Is the only survivor,
and Is still rah I v common lu parts or
Hie Slate. The moose, ouce common
tluoughout Hie State, was exterminat
ed nt a still eailler date, no tiust
woi I thy mollis existing or live mil
mats being seen sliuc the eaily pail or
the hist tent my.
fniuctulug the fiunlb member or
Hie older, the Ameiieaii bison, (he
evidence Is almost eutltel.x oucctur
al I).- William P lloiuadx thinks
It tot lulu that the bison lotmeily x Is
lied the salt lakes In the vicinity oT
S.xtaeuse. Wluiloxer their otlglnal
range may have been they seem never
lo haxe t cached the Atlantic coast, and
licxcr to haxe been seen III (ills Slate
since lis Hist settlement by white
Tin- list or eainivoioiis nuhmils Is
much longer and, euihuisly enough. II
Is not tei lain that a single species
has been clitlu-ly dilven out of the
Stale, though soxcial ute, of com so,
extieinely i.ire. Sixteen species of
Ih-sheiiteis occur within Uu- houudar
les of New York State. Beginning
xvlth the largest, these aie- Tin- puma
or American panther, lynx, wildcat.
gray ami led foxes, limber wolf, black
bear, oiler, skunk, wolxcilue. mink,
txvo species of weasels, marten, Usher
or black cat, and uiecooii.
Of lids list, both species or weasels
are still common tluoughout the Slate.
The skunk seems to he Increasing lu
numbers, as Uu- forests uu- becoming
cleaicd. being an animal of xisv dom
estic habits. It Is still xci.x common
in tin- southeastern counties. A few
.xeais ago, when tin- new buildings lor
Noxv Yoik Pnlvorslty wen- being ou-et
ed near Koiillmin Heights, well within
the piesent city limits of New Yoik.
soveuil specimens xverc killed hy the
xvoikmou. The species is hunted
steadily, Its skin furnishing many of
the fins vvoin, under oilier names, or
The mink, xvhleh Is also trapped ex
tensively, Is common enough still, lu
the highlands, within A fly miles of the
city, the bank of almost every sticani
or pond xvlll shoxv tracks or the mink.
Tile otter Is becoming scaice. though
a pair has been seen xvlthln the past
live yea is In a small lake about llfty
miles noith of New Yoik City.
The laccoou Is si 111 a common In
habitant of our wooded dlstilcls, cs
pcelally lu swampy u-glons. Tim
red fox Is well known thioughuul (In
State and seems to have doci eased bill
little lu numbers hi locent years. The
gray fox Is couliued almost out holy to
tin- southeastern counties. In Orange
County ami the adjoining areas II
scorns to be more common than the
re d species.
The iiiiii (en, much hunted ror Its fur.
Is now ptactlcally couliucd to the
wilder pails of the Adlroiuhieks,
though Meatus sMs Hint only a few
years ago It was said to bo an Inhabi
tant of the Calskllls. A much larger
and moie powerful carnivore, the Ush
er or black cat, Is still quite common
in certain pints of Uu- Adiroudaeks,
though puicticnlly exterminated else-when-
tluoughout Uu- Stale.
An animal (oncoming whoso cun
ning and feioelty many ma v tins
tales have been told Is the xvolveiiuo
or glutton. Tin- last ceitaiu records
xve haxe coucoiiilng tin- occuricnce
of this species in the State tells of
the killing of a suoclmcii In Itcusse
liter County by the njlurallsi, H.ich
inan, about the year 1811, and or an
other lu Jefferson County in 1827.
After lejocting the fabulous- portions
or the accounts given or this animal's
habits tin- substantial u-sldiim is still
or high iuteu-st. Possessed or groat
stu-ngth, I bough xvlthout gu-nt activi
ty, It Is a paiticiihir roe to the tiapper
and exploier. Ilaully nu expedition
to the North Inn has given us a iccord
or Hie depiedntlous committed hy this
Its pioponsity to steal and hide what
It cannot devour on the spot makes it
parthulaily a nuisance, (.'aches or
stores aud piovislous an- torn open,
litled aud their contents seeu-tcd; the
fur hunteis lino of Haps Is followed;
any animal found lu the tuips Is oat
on, and the daps themselves dragged
off and cunningly hidden.
The black boar, once common
thtoughotii the State still occurs in
the Adhomlack and Catskill moun
tains and lu the counties near the
eastern end of the Pennsjlvaula-Noxv
York boundary line. Considering its
comparative sloxvness aud clumsiness.
It Is surprising that the species has
not been eutlu-ly exterminated in Ha
state. Txvo species often confounded are
the Canada lynx and the wildcat. The
former Is much tin- larger and has
tufts of fur on lis onis xvhleh at ouce
distinguish It ftom Its smaller and
commoner u-latlve. Tho lynx is still
comnaratlvoly abundant lu the Adl
rondaiks aud also occurs, though
much mote laiely, In I ho loss settled
poitlous of Hie Cuts-kills. Jt Is said
to be cxtoi iDlmucd lu the highlands
or the Hudson, hut several nnlmnls,
killed n year or so ago In tho moun
tains Just noi (Invest (lr Stony Point,
have boon dosirlhed lu such a manner
as to make It appear piohablo that
tlie,v weie l.xnxrs. The wildcat, of
cotiisc, occuis In (ho Adiroudaeks ami
Calskllls, and Is occasionally killed hi
tho highlands or Oiaiige County
l-'iom 1871 down to xvlthln a few
yeais the Stale paid it bounty of $.'10
ror wolves, and we have therefore mi
almost complete leiord of the spuol
mens killed In that time. In the years
IS71 to ISO", Inclusive, ninety-eight
xveie killed, the gi cutest number In
any one year being twenty-one, In
tS81 All save one of tliopu ntilinnlH
xvoro killed In the Adirondack conn
ties. The exceptional Individual xvnn
ftom Urooine County. It Is noteworthy
that no rower than thirty-nine or tin
ninety eight wen- killed hy one man,
George Mulr.
l'or pnntheis puiiins, more proper
ly speaking we have tho sum" exact
data, as a twenty dollar bounty was
paid ror Ibis species, lu the same sev
enteen .vents bounties wore paid on
107 pumas, the last iccouled having
been killed In INK), lu Saratoga Coun
ty The maximum number killed In
tiny one year xvas twenty-one, In 1881.
All those killed wen- In the Adiron
dack counties, St. Lawrence heading
the list, xvltii fuily-foiir, xvhlle the
second county. Lewis, Is credited with
twenty Hiioc The same George Mulr
xvho had such u-marUablo luck In tho
111111101- of killing wolves had still morn
oxtiaordluary foiluiio as a hunter of
p.iuthets, having killed sixty-seven out
of the ontlte 107 Ills total u-celptH
fiotu the Stale, as bounties on wolves
ami panthois killed, amounted to
L'Mo, most of xvhleh xvas obtained lu
a few xouis lu Hie eaily '80s.
It seems piohablo that Hie puma,
though undoubtedly noxv very rare,
can still bo found lu Hie wilder por
tions of Hit- Adhomlacks. The wolf Is
known to occur, though hardly a com
mon Inhabitant.
Our only muisuplnl, (ho opossum, U
a widely dlsti Hinted though lint illy
well-known mammal. It seems lo
have extended Its range to the north
lu comparatively locent times, and Is
now round pietly well tluoughout the
Slate, though still most common in
Oiango ami Hookhtud counties and on
Long Island.
lleiillm or rrentilentii.
A u-miirkohlo piuallol, liithi-i to un
remarked, exists between the deaths
of Itenjamliie Jlnulsoii and George
The Hist ami the twenty thhd Pu-sl-dents
of Uu- Itcpubllc died nt exactly
the same ago slxly-soxon- and of tho
same disease pneumonia. In built
cases Hie ratal illness xvas a short one,
and lu all essential pauioiilais ti.o
parallel Is close.
It' there Is any asliologioal or other
signllieaueo In (ho ago and manner of
death, then- Is doubtless uu Indissol
uble link hoi vx eon the departed spirits
of tho Father or his Country and of
the soldier statesman from Indiana
Pour Presidents bav died or debil
ity, tluoe of paralysis, only one of
consumption, tluoe from bilious dis
eases, two ri in dysentery, txvo xxeio
assassinated, xvhlle asthmatic ca
timii, In ft" mini ( Inn or sloui'ch, vliou
malic gout, cancer and Hilght's dis
ease have account d ror one each.
XVolvtm Aliiiniliiiit III Northern Cviiniln.
Wolves are rapidly Increasing in
many or the forest lauds of Northern
Canada. At St. A gat he, only sixty
live miles l'loin Montienl, Mr. Hrnmhlc,
a deer-hunter, declares that he has
boon kept awake at night in camp by
the howling of (he beasts. Their ap
peal mice lu such huge numbers of late
Is undoubtedly duo to the largo In
crease lu the herds or door throughout
Hie country. Wolves have also inndo
their appeaiauce lu tho valley or tho
St. Maurice, causing gieat destruction
among the rod door. They are also ex
ceedingly numerous lu the xvoods north
or Ottawa and on the Ontario sldo of
the Ottawa Itivor. Hunters say that
each wolf kills on an average thirty
door hi the course or a year; conse
quently there Is a demand ror Hie pay
ment by l he Government or a bounty
upon the beads or the brutes. New
York IJvenlug Post.
lot h Lock of HI Hair.
About a dozen lociuits ror the army
lu the Philippines xvote standing lu
the depot talking lo fi lends when Al
Hauthoiue, who calls trains, came hy
and aiiuoiimod that their train wus
u-ady to leave.
"I must go," said n tall soldier to a
young xvomiin lo xvho m he was talk
ing. He removed his hat as he stiffly
bowed to her. As lie loaned for war J
she caught a look of his hair aud
reaching down In the pocket of her
dress pulled out u small pair of shears
ami cut off the lock of hair. Those
standing by laughed and the young;
soldier, xvllh teats iu Ids eyes, turned
aud walked out on tho depot platform
to his tialn. The young xvoinuu care
fully placed tin- lock of hair In a small
valise she catrled and thou she left
the depot, going uptown. Kansas
City Star.
Uloinlllie Jlua mi l.'qijubln Climate.
All Illusion ill Hie minds of the nil
Informed is 1 licit tho tllmuto of tho
Klondike is such as lo make life un
endurable. The fact Is that the win
ter rrom November to March is no
hauler ihan In Hie northern part of
Noxv York, Minnesota or Wisconsin,
and bettor than the bllzard stricken
States ruither West, ou account of tho
small snowfall. YVlille it Is true that
the thermometer will go as luxv as
folly degrees holoxv zero for four or
live das during tho xvintor, tho xventh
er Is uniformly oomfoi tabic enough to
alloxv outdoor milling operations dur
ing tho entire xvintor season. The
spring, summer and fall are dlstluct
with nu ideal climate. Noxv York