The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1901, Image 1

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Saturday of this week will close our giving FREE
LININGS with dress patterns awl selling of
Calicoes at 4AC.
While many have appreciated the past few week's of
bargain selling, and have taken advantage of the ex
tremely low prices, and while we are intent on giving
Greatest Bargains for
Least Money.
We evtend the time for a few days only to many others
who are anxious to take advantage
of this sale.
3d Week's Sale
with Saturday!
Silkateen, regular I2c grade atAc.
Draperies, regular ic at 11 Ac.
Fruit of the Loom or Lonsdale at 7c.
Best L. L. at 4 Ac.
Remnants Cabot C, at 3AC per yard.
Remnants Lonsdale Cambric, 2 to loyard lengths at Sc.
Farmers ase, regular 7c at 6.
Crnpo is doing a nice job penciling
thu now hull.
Jack Waller lms gono to work nftur
ii 11 months' luy oil.
It. A Simpson moved his real estate
buck to Blue Hill tills week.
Tho two lister hospitals in this town
aro doing a lushing business t
Mr. Pasco, solicitor for thu M. V. A.
Accident association, is in town this
A prominent member of the Blue
Hill prevaricators was in town this
- 1'iof Briekclof Blue Hill is teaching
a class lieio on thu mandolin and
Mr. (ireetihalgh's new tcsiduticu is
progressing rapidly. Brubaker &Sons
are doing thu work.
The I). & M water service gaug is
hutu raising the water tank und making
other needed repairs.
Court (not Kimgaioo) was in session
tieie last week with Justice of thu
Peace (.has. Putnam, P. M. ou the
Hilly Mottcr actually worked one
day last week. Keep your eye ou
Rippev for you cannot tell what will
happen tlieso days.
Jess Sprinklo says black oil had
ought to be good for a roof paint for it
is good for a plow share for hu has
tried it (on tho roof).
Somo parties were hero this week
from Ohio looking up a location for a
flour mill. Wo did not hear tho de
cision but may bo able to report next
A meeting will bo called hero in a
few Uajs tor the purpose of incorpora
ting Cow let as a village. This is a
step in I In- light direction anil wo lire
hoaiiilj in lavoi of it.
Hi Hall, a funnel- citizen of this
place but recently of Biuduu, has ar
rived here and will occupy tho Franco
piopuity at the corner of Cow avenue
and Pasture street and will have his
otlico in Brown's hotel.
No doubt the 100 will have a new
member after the Dr. gets located.
The society here has improved won
del fully in tho last few years and wo
can just lay it over Bladen and Guide
Kock in thu shade eveiy turn in the
days but havo grown very slow.
The prairie tiro that got away from n
man near tho ranch a few days ago
burned the barn and contents belong
ing to Oscar Scribnor ami camu near
burning the house. It burned over a
largo pasture and nearly robbed over
a hundred head of cattle and mules of
feed. Suvoral nuw funcu posts woiu
destroyed. Occasional.
A. J. Hiyes is out again after his
Harvny French of Jewell county,
Kansas, was in town this week.
Win Reeves is located in Denver.
A frost hero Tuesday Might.
C. Wagnci's liouso is about finished.
Tho fanners in this vicinity aro all
busy planting corn.
A. Ii. Crary's now liouso is progress
ing rapidly.
Mrs. Louisa Sabin is quite sick.
Wm. ii. Sawyer moved tho school
house at Bostwick this week.
Tho crcamary is doing a nice busi
O. W. Montgomery, A. Schorobourg,
and Win. Kly wero at Superior Wed
nesday. W. E. Montgomery is at Dubois,
Nebraska this week.
! w
m ramicr
M. - ,- T - -W
Each time the United S'U:: Government has
officially tested the baking P-vw.-c Lhc report
has shown Dr. Price's Cream Baking:
Powder of superlative leavening; strength, free
from alum, absolutely pure and wholesome.
This is gratifying, for Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder is depended upon by millions
of people to raise their daily bread.
NOTE. Tliep Govi'tmiiclit Inqulikii alio
ilevrlnpeil tliu (act tlmt tliiTO are many
mixture upon llio mniket made In
Imltntlon f ImltliiK powder, but
contulnlntr itlimi or otlier cnuitlc
eld whubo uio In food is dungerous.
IncUents oi Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
Accouut of Their Littleness.
A short wlulo ago we heard some of
the older folks who aro in tho habit of
giving socials, making a "holltr" bo
cause the young people didn't come
around and buy all there was in sight.
Now that may bo all right. Hut as
a rule the joung people aro just the
ones that do pationizo tlieso socials
Hut how does it go when the young
pcoplo give it social. How many of tho
"papas" and "mamma-." go and upend
fifteen cents to help them in a worthy
ounce. An instance of this kind oc
curicd last week when ttiu junior class
guvo a social. How many older peoplu
wero there. Wu will wager aycai'o
subsciiptiou against a doughnut that
there were not live. Ami then talk
about the young peoplu not patron
i.lng tho older people's socials The
"older" social givers should learn a
little lesson in lecipiocity. If jou
haven't the ambition or are loo darn
stingY to spend hfteeu rents to help a
class of young peoplo in an honest
effort for education it is poor policy
for the young people io assist the older
ones in an effort to save sumo heathen
in a foreign country from going to
hados by sending a missiouaiy at the
post of two or tluee humiied socials i
year. Pause, read and n tlect Di.n't
try to "ling" everything for the poor
heathon. Charity should begin at
jjone.-"He who piovideth not for his
own Household is worso than a" hog.
This week while ipissi"B down the
street our attention was attracted by a
very drawing window display. Soino
ono was selling vapor batli cabinets.
The cabinet was displayed in tho largo
snow window mid also a picturo of
how the apparatus worked Wo don't
know whether it was tho appaiatus or
the picture that most attracted u.-.
Hut it was undoubtedly the pictuie.
Tho cabinets, wo jodgu from the pic
Hire, are made for the gentler sex. At
least tho one on xhibiiiou was a hum
mer Seated contentedly on a stool in
tho open cabinet (in the picture) was a
very Veuub. Had it not been for the
thin cloud of vapor which surrounded
a small portion of her anatomy she
might have been likened unto Evt
without her fig leaf. Such pictures
may ho all i ight for advertising a vaoor
bath, but if u, slio.v would comu to
town and put up such pictures somo
people would stick up their noses and
'go after a bucket of gieon paint to
paiutalig lent on them. Now is thu
time to subscribe. Wiiilo talking with
John 1'olnicky this week ho informed
us that including his license this year
hu had paid to thu city of itcd Cloud
$10,000 as an occupation tax ami state
Ux and at present did not have a side
walk ou which to walk from his place
of uiisinim to the poblotllce.-Vetily
the ways of this woild are strange,
.J.H. (ireonlialgli and 10. T. Benton
of Cowles wero dowu Sunday tauing
in the sights.
Weather cool witli light frost but no
damage done to fruit.
Tho meeting at l'ennv creek, Uist. 8,
Sunday was largely attended.
E. W Anderson commenced deliver-
tug milk to tho lied Cloud creamery
Tho farmers aro getting along nicely
with thtir corn planting .
Tho winter wheat and ryo aro look
ing good and the alfalfa will ou bo
ready for harvest.
Earnest Heauchamp was laid up with
a sprained ankln this week.
Hemomber the Sunday school rally
at Penny creek Sunday, May l'ith.
G. W. Williams of Hostwick was
doing business in Line this week.
Friends received the nuws that Hilly
moved to his now home in southwest
Kansas last week
Some of the alfalfa will soon do to
mow as it is boot-top high now.
L. N. Fitzgerald of thu li. it M.
bridge gang was at home last Sunday.
The Baker Medicine agent, Mr. Hus
ton, was making the tounds as usual
last week.
Ed Cooper was notified by telegram
a few days ago from Iowa of his aged
father's serious sickness and has gone
to see him in haste.
Jesse Sapp and Leslie, his little threu
year old boy, of (Jlen Elder, Milchull
comity, Kansas have moved back and
will hereafter maku their homu at his
lather-in la w, Scri vnei s, on our creek.
Planting corn is the order of tho day.
A backward or late spring caused tho
planting to bu very irregular. Somo
commence i at the usual time for plant
ing and othctri latei iu accotdaticu with
thu season.
Quite an ouiiltof gipsies and trade is
camped by Al Scrivner's on the ranch
last Siitui day und Sunday. Of collide
hu would uot trade any with them and
says hu has quit associating with jock
eys and trading men almost entirely.
dugh (indium's four horse team ai u
lister out traveled him ou their way
homo from the lield a few day igo,
After tbey had taken up about forty
rods of wire fence that was in 'heir
way they still left him far behind and
drove up to thu barn.
There has been a great many acies
of oat& sown this year. Tho acreage
far excols any of late years ou all Miutll
grain and it all looks very piomiing.
Thu wheal and somu fuw pieces of iu
will hide a ittbbii, though it lias bien
rather dry for oats. As the soil was in
thu best of order they cume up iu a few
The weather continues to bo line.
Kveryono is planting corn except those
who havo done planting.
Itov. Park preached at the M. K.
church last Suaday at 11 o'clock u.m.
Itev. Pearson preacticd at Ii p.m. and
also conducted sacramonlal sot vice.
The basket supper at the Wagoner
school house last triday night was quite
a success socially aad financially.
It is our sad duty to record the death
of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Dow, after a short illness of a
few hours. It was interred in Wag
oner cemetery.
Mrs. Anna Pope, sister of Miss Kiiiiua
Smith, arrived hero from Wisconsin on
Wednesday last She will make a
short visit witli her sister and family.
Kd. White appears to havo found
something attractive in the east part of
the township as his iig goes cast reg
ularly every Sunday now.
Kugeno Smith is back homu from
MePliurson, Kansas, whero ho has been
attending college. He has completed
a short business cour5o.
July 0 to 13 the Burlington Route wil
sell round trip tickets to San Francisco
at uiiprecedonledly low rates. The
lato from Omaha, for instance will bo
$45, From other points correspond
ingly low. Tickets good to return un
til August 31. Stopovers allowed both
going and returning. Teachers, clergy
men and others who can get away dur
nig the hot summer months are urged
to iuvostigato this remarkable oppor
tunity of obtaining thu most enjoyable
moling in thrir expei ionco at a cost so
Miiall as to he within reach of almost
everyone. Beaiitifu'i illustmtod fold
i r, giving full information, mailed ou
1 1 quest. J. Fkancis,
(ienoral Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Council Proceedings.
An adjourned meeting of tho city
council was held on Tuesday orenlng
with Mayor Warren and Aldermon
Finch, Hollistor and bpokestiold
Minutes of last maoting read and
Tho report of J. W. Klnsol, water
commissioner was presented and read ,
and hooka having been audited and
found correct a motion pruvailod to
accopt and file report.
A small number of claims wero pre
sented and upon motion allowed.
A motion by Alderman Finch to the
ffuct that Mayor Warren b j xtondod
a vote of thanks fiom the council for
thu ablo and efficient manner in which
he conducted thu past administration
and also for tho uniinontly satisfactory
maimer in which ho has co-operated
with tho council in all business per
taining to tho city, was adopted by a
unanimous votaof the council.
1). J. Myers, nihyor-eleot, being
present was llion sworn iu by tho out
going mayor.
Upon motion the council adjourned
sine die.
Council reconvened with Mayor
Myers presiding.
Aldermen Finch and Pulsipher,
Treasurer Dow and City Clerk Kcsler
wero duly sworn in.
Bond of (. W. Dow was presented
and approved and ordered tiled.
Petition and bond of John Polnicky
for liquor license was uresuntud and
lead and upon motion bond was ap
proved and license gt anted.
Petition and bond of Myer M Stern
for liquor license was presented and
road and upon motion bond wai ap
proved and licuuso granted.
Upon motion council decided to meet
at mayor's olllce for the ensuing yeai.
Council thou adjourned to meet
Thursday evening.
firm, tho voto Rtnndlng two against,
ono for and ono not voting.
Uosolution from tho tiro department
asking tho council to adopt an ordi
nance providing for an occupation tax
on Insurance companies doing business
in the oily, for tho bonofit of the tiro
department. On motion the resolution
was pluced on tile to bo turned over to
tho ordinanco committee as soon ai
Upon motion council adjourned to
meet Friday veiling at 7:1)0.
Ladies Can Wear Shoes
ono size smaller after using Allen's
Foot-Kase, a powder to bo shaken int.)
the slioe.a. It makes tight or new shoes
feel easy; gives instant tolief to coma
aud bunions. It's the greatest comfort
discovery o.f tho age. Cures pud pre
vents swollon feet, blisters, callous anil
soio spots Allen's Foot-Kaso is a cur
tuln eurn for sweating, hot. acliini: feet.
At all druggist and shou stores, QGc.
Trial package FKKK by mall Address.
Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Uoy, N. Y.
1). A. Dickey hallVnico pot coon but
ho hasn't got any now. Tuesday oven
ing tho critter got loose and chewed up
about a dozen of one of his neighbor's
chickens, ai d not being satisfied with
that showed an inclination to finish up
a square meal on Dave whon ho want
after him in tho morning. At that
Davo concluded he had enough coon
and dispatched tho animal for eoon.
hcavon with a club.
Council met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present Mayor Myers and
all aldermen.
Minutcsof last meeting read and tip-
Bond of J. K. Kesler as city clerk
was presented and upon motion ap
pioved. Proposition from I. O O. F for lease
of hall for 810 par month was pre
sented ami read and upon motion ac
Petitions of (luorgo Smulser aud
Les. Chancy for night watch ; J, W
Kinsel as street aud water commis
sioner and marshal, and P. Barkley for
street commissioner weru presented
and lend. Councilman Hollister also
presented name of I. H. Ludlow for
stieet and water commissioner.
.Major appointed Wm. Harris as
night watch for ensuing year, and
uu in motion council refused in inn.
Thousands Hare Sidney trouble
nnd Don't Know It-
How To Find Oat.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys: if It stains
your flnen It is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too.'
frequent desired
pass It or pain In
the bark U nl
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order. " ".
What to Do.'
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
Wish In CUrlnP rhr.nmn(lrr. ,i., i .l
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
? ft!u fy paf age!J ,! correc,s Inability
o hold water and scalding pain In passlB?
ft, or bad effects iollwiin .... iul.?
wlnnnrh.., ...J ..."" " .r? w' 4
r,-..uT i ?'7u'c"-mcs mai unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
dur ng he day and to get up many times
dur ng the night. The mild and tho extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
rea Ized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
ii U;n wia Tedlclne you should Rave tha
;bji.drUrc,s,s n50c.and$l. sizes.
You may have a samnlo hntti. ki
wunucnui aiscovery
and a book that tellsi
more about It, both sentl
absolutely free by mall, sSayuUi
rrn,''iVm ," noof BwuRorf.
., u.Hfciiatiiiuii, n, i, wnen writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper
' 1