R ft i MARTHAWASHINGTON IN CAMP A Wile Says? 44 Wc have four children, With the fir. thrrr 1 mUrreii jtmmt untxarAblc calns from 12 o J4 hours, and had to be ptactd undsc of iirc, and those who went to the camp ... , t .ut f f ....A iL, and cxiieeted to find her nrrnjed in !".., , :,7,,'rffZf Mar our tut the gown which they had Riip.iOHed bottles of Mothers Friend before our hit j wmn hj hc gHICfrlll, wlfe , Volley Tiiriti' Sho Knit lloaklnaa lor llr llnlinmt' llora- rootrit lli-mes. Mnrthn Washington was then 45 years THE HOME GOLD CURE. child came, which U a strong, fat and healthy boy, doing my housework up to within two hours of birth, and suf fered but a few hard pains. Tfds lini ment is the grand est remedy ever made." Mother's Friend were dlwiiniolntcd, writes Wlllinm Pel rlne, in the Ladies' Home Journal. "Whilst our hiiHhnndsnnd brother nro cxatnplt-R of patriotism," she would say to her countrywomen, "we must bo pat terns of industry." She did not hesi tate to wear a brown dresR and a speckled apron when receiving fas tidious and elegant visitors nt Morris town. It was said afterward that she acquired her Inveterate habit of knit ting In her zeal at Valley Forge to re lieve the lMirefootecl men around her. On every fair day she might be seen walking through the rude street of the town of huts with n basket in her hand. Enteritis; the hut of a sergeant, of . ...,! lit tlvlnrv rr 9. nnllpf. will do for every woman what It did for the ..' Mm mit- beside him in the an- Minnesota mother who writes the above let- ffUtn 0f final separation. She minis ter. Not to use H during pregnancy is a tert(j to hi comfort with food pre roistakc to be paid for In pain and suffering. ' pared by her own hand. Then kneel Mother's Friend equips the patient with a in she earnestly prayed with hex strong body and clear Intellect, which in I 'sweet and solemn voles' for the .trick turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes en couple. All day long .he was busy . . ..,.,. j r. ' wi.h these errands of grace, or in the the muKles and allow, them to expand. It Jj or ,n urglnK relieves morning sickness and nervousness. othef ymmen to crjl- helping hand. It puts all the organs concerned in perfect Am w,en lhe ,,MBe(i n0ng the lines condition for the final hour, so that the actual of tne troops she would sometimes hear labor is short and practically painless. Dan- tnc fervent cy of 'Clod bless Lady gtr of rising or hard breasU is altogether Washington!' or 'Long live Uu.y Wash avoided, and recovery is merely a matter of ingtonl' Well, Indeed, might the men a few days I ','1 thnt '"' 0",,1 fif?ht to Uulr vcry lin.nl.ts Icll Mother'. Mend for SI bottle. Inst drop of blond with a commander The Dradflcld ItcKiilntor Co., Atlanta, Ga. Hand tor our frco Illustrated buoU. Awaiting Settlers inoiunuun in ruiii. Orant llomeileads (100 ncrml in tlin llnrtl Wheat Halt of Manitoba, Asslnl- bola, Alberta and Saskat chewan (Wrmtern Can. la.) Uiperltnce shows that and. or Western Una arn nnoxcelled for araln Growing, Mixed Panning and Dairying. Rallraada exist and aro projected whoreTersettlo nnnt extond. Schools and eliurrhea convenient. Taxes merely nominal, Cllmata the Mealthle.it In the World. Crop, nlwajr good, Wheat vary ing from 25 tn 40 lmliols to tha acre. Oats fO to 100 bushels, other grains In proportion. CATTLE RAISING mora tirofltnlila than oWnwharnon tho Cimlluotit. Marketing produce nt lilnliost prlcos I. partteutnrlr py. Low f-lgures nuked for land. WwfK i.wntwi ZtfLVZ " Vr'I:li ada ma saaai n liiiaiiri IIMft ndiolnlnx Kro lliimimtenil Lands. Wrlto for iiamtililnt nnd rnnles of letters from untller and iloln- ?nles. Address K. I'odlny, Super lntnmlr-nt of ImmlRratlon, Ottawa, Canada, or to W-V-IK,V.TI.lfoIl.dB..Ornaaa.Neb Special low excursion ratoa clurlns February, March and April. AmK.jrr II rrssa On Jellies preserves nnd pickles, spread a tUlu coating of rellued PARAFFINE WAX Will kfiop t!irm abaolntMr molitnra and acid proof. l'srarBnoW laouufnl li a doitn uthrr wam bont tbv huaie. airectloualnikcn ponmt pacxtf. noia irywnrri. STANDARD OIL CO. raj a Sm&Mammmlhlhr whose wife, who was formerly the belle nnd leader of her set ninong tho dames, nnd dnmsels of Virginia, wns not nshamed to be seen darning his and her own stockliig.il ' -VVIaltrd He llnil Knoiru It. "Jack" Wilson, whou tomb la in the Little Clolhtersnt Westminster Abbey, wns ShnkcHpenrv's tenor. He died nt the age of 7b In 167.1. The inscription on his tomb at tho nbbey was much ob literated, nnd under the direction of an nntl(iiary n man was employed to recut the letters. Tly nntl(iiiiry stood looking over him, so that lie should mnke no mistnke, nnd to make the time go pleasantly lie dwelt at great length to the workman upon the grandeur and merits of the deeensed. 'Die man eventually stopped his ork, and, look ing up at the antiquary, said: "I wish, htf, that we hnd known that he was such a swell afore we run that there drain pipe through html" I An IiikfiiIous Ad, A speculntive Scotch gentleman wanted to dLmse of home bees, so to attrnet purchasers he printed the fol lowing: "Hxtensive sale of live stock, comprising not less than 140,000 head, with an unlimited right to pnsturage." Tho ingeuioiu trick succeeded to ad miration, for bis stock brought "high prices." To California and Back. If you realized as do thoso who hiwo been thuro what a delightful ox purionco n month in California is, you would not fail to take advantage of tno low rates to San Francisco which tho Burlington offers on nccount of tho Kpworth Lenpuo meuting in that city in July Tho co.t of reaching Cali fornia will bo reduced ono-lmlf. Add to this thnt tho summer climate of San Francisco is very nenrly perfect, nnd it Is ensy to understand why tons of thousands are eagerly looking forward to what, in their opinion, will bo tho holiday of a lifetini" Hcniitifullv Il lustrated foldei, giving full infornm li m about ra'o, section, route, stop, over privilege, ihimigli curs, etc., mailed on iriet. ,) FruneN, General lisenger Agent, Oniiihn, Neb. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ards are Being Cured Dally In Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses No Weakening of the Nerves A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease nnd not weakness. A body filled with poison, nnd nerves complutoly shattered by poiiodlcnl or constant uso of intoxi cating liquors, requires an iintidoto cnpnblo of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, niul destroying tho crav ing for intoxicants. Sufferers may now euro themselves nt homo without publicity or loss of tlino from business by this wonderful "Homo Gold Cure," which lins been perfected after ninny yenrs of close study and trcittniontof inebriates. Tho faithful use according to directions of IhH wonderful discov ery is positively guaranteed to cure tho most obstlnato case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show tha marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. Wives euro your husbands!! Child ren euro your fathers!! This remedy Is in no seme a nostrum but is a spec ific for this disense only, and is so skill fully devised and prepared that it is thnrouahlv soluble nnd nloasnnt to the tnsto, so that it enn bo given in a cup of tea or coffeo without tho knowledge of tho person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards hnvo cured themselves with this piiceless remedy, nnd ns mnny more hnvo been cured nnd made teni- pcrato men by having tno "Uuro" nu ministered by loving friends and rela tives without their knowledge in eolToo or tvn. and believe today thnt they ills- continued drinking of their own free will. ') not wait. Do not bo deluded by apparent and inislcadiim "improve ment." Drivo out the disease at once and for nil time. "The Homo Gold Cure" is sold at this extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing with in reach of everybody a treatment more effective than otheis costing $2." to ?r,0. Full directions accompany each pack age. Special advice by skilled physi cians when rrquested without etrn charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 102, Edwin 11. Giles & Company, 123.10 and 2332 Mnrket Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. imm Btfyar'tr1 JS3S- mTT i nin rum n From Monday to Saturday at every turn in the kitchen work a Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove will save labor, time and expense and keep the cook comfortable. No bulky fuel to prepare or carry, no waiting for the fire to come up or die down; a fraction of the expense of the ordinary stove. A Wickless BLUB FLAME Oil Stove will boil, bake, broil or fry better than a coal stove. It is safe and cleanly can not become greasy, can not emit any odor. Made in several sizes, from one burner to five. If your dealer does not have them, write to nearest agency of STANDARD OIL COMPANY. SOUTH SIDEi SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIGKY. lMlOI'ltlKTOU. DBAI.KIt IN Sour Stomach "iflar I waa Indncad ta try (!AS)UA SETS, I will ncTerb wllbout Ihem In toe tiouio. M, llTor wa In a Tor, bad itaapo. ami mjr hd aclitd anil I bad iloinach trouble. Non.tlnco tak ing Catcaruta, 1 feel line. Mr wife hataUouied them with beneficial result (or tour itomacb." Jos. KiuuuNQ, vm Congreti Bt., Bt. Louli, Ma RIGHT UP TO DATE. (Benson's Plaster Is Pain's Master.) These- aro days of records and of tho hent inc of record). Honson's PoroiiH I'laitcr, for quickness of action nnd thoroughness of euro, has no records to hent except its own. Honaon's 1'litRtcr, always tho hest, always tho loader, is to-day better than ecer. It sticks to tho skin hut norcr sticks in its truck. It marches on. Tho pooplo not only want to he cured hut cured quickly and Henson'a Plaster does it. Coughs, colds, lumbago, asthma, bronchitis, liver and kidney complaints, nnd other ills upproachnblo by nu external remedy , ylold to Ilenson's as irodoes to heat. Neither Holludouua, Strengthening or Capsicum plasters are to ho compared with Iienson'o. People who hnvo onco tested tho merits of Honson's Plaster have no uso for any other external remody. Moro than 5,000 physicians and drug gists (and a thousand times as many non professional persons) have called Honson's Plasters ono of tho few (I) home remedies that can ho trusted. Fif tv-fl vo highest awards have- bcon made to it in competition with tho host known planters of Europe and America. Better proof of its merita is inconcoivablo. Ho aura to get the Ronulno. For salo by all drugfilats, or we will pre pay postage on any number ordorod in tho United Statea, on receipt of 25c. each. Saabury & Johnson, Mfg. Chomlsts, N.Y. ATines, Liquors. California brandies. PAKT MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. PLATT & FREES CO.. Chicago - Lumber - Vard. KED Cl.Dl'D. NEBRASKA. Lumber. Lime, Coal and Cenient.y '.TfcAJr:i: xes; IVOMTSJKIfc CO. DEALERS IN WANTED 117vlilVan,SQIIwr-FKI'v n"'l wnnt moM YGrAl vAdaalinmeltravelliuriMiU-vincn CTADK TPFPS Havea 77-VR. HIXUKP V I AKI "' aroiwytoM-ll, always .AIM" please. Outfit a iihoi.utei.y fRKK. CJ" STARK BRO'S, Loulslona.Mo. O. V. AltGAUKIGlIT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Hkd Cloud Nkkiiaska, LUMBER and COAL vxilcliiaji material. E)to. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska City Dray and Express Line'. e. lft. ROSS, PROP, Goods Delivered to anv part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest Lnndsenpo, , Flowers, Fruits and traitH madn to order. STUDIO IN DAMKItKLL M.OCK. Por- I. B. COLVIN, EAL ESTATE g FARM LOANS. Lock Uoz 23. OulJe Rock, Net). VII kinds of property bought, sold und exchanged. CANDY CATHARTIC mAOi mann tmmmto Pleaunt. Palatabla. I'otent. Taite aood. Do Oood. Merer Bloken, Weaken, or Qrlpe.lOo, Jic.Wo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... tril lr Ctaptar, CklMt. Hnlntl, It T.tk. Ill PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Olnnui and boiuiiflu thi hair, l'romntei a laiunaot tcruwth. Never Falls .o Kertore a ray iinir 10 iin louiniui voior. Ciirt M&lp Ui'tuic. L hair tailing. aiM.tniltluli't DnixUU Tint report is ttbrnatl thnt there aro lifty eases ef biuallpnx in this city nnd a pront many people do not ciimo here to iradn on nerount of tho report and widt lihl here to brand the same ns a fake pure mid simple. Thoro is not a onso of small pox in this city and thoro has not been. There wero four enses of chiekon pox nnd of a vary light form. All who were sick aro now nb.u to bo about nnd in fact hnvo not. boon very sick at all. It is a mistake. Don't bo afrnid to como hero to trndo. Our school nro not elosed, and publio meetings ro not prohibits i, which alono goos to show thnt tho authorities areiuiiy satHlied that thero is not a smnll pox enso in our nililsi. lilitdon EntorpriMi. CONSTIPATION the f riuent cauao of Apiwnillcmi and many pthr er lout Ilia thould nTor bo imkIooUxI. Tho obJt on to tha aiual catbartlo remodlea It their conlhre roactlpn whtoh InrrtMuxa eonntlpatlon lnttoad of curing It, 1'AllKKH'B OlNUKlt TONIO It tha proper remedy. It aetaon tt J Jter. and when uned aa directed, permanently remorea tha coaitlpaUon. M Ota. A $1J at all UniifgUU. IIOLLKCTIONS MADE. TERM UKASONAIILK Every Woman li Interfiled and tliould know about tha wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray nonew TBittiBrufe. nitt (ion and Huelion. lie It- Maf. en sioit Convenient, IllfUIXItltUU, M.Tfl.HP BoU and guaranteed bf all drug. I U'lMw gliu to C1IUK Tobacco Ilablt. 1 H VIM MLWA For 14 Cents We Bull Iht foll.wloi rut i.M .i.ui.t. 1 'IllHltlnlnnM, ,J 1 " '! r.i.ril. U.Ua R..4, ,lo 1 KB.rtl4Urt.rB.iM4, ,10 I (1l7U.r4.tlU.iaM4, .10 I l.n.TM.l.kh..4, .10 1 UX.tUrt.tUlt.MBM4, HrUUtilllK.rBMC, I!l Worth $1.00 r.ri4c!iu? AMt 10 uitita rtrt o.t.IUm . will Bill ;. rr... lof.lh.r k ttf ral ....r,vi o.wa v.i.Mg.i.uiBI til tDOtl a.l.er'tllllll., Dallar Grata Alia I'balea Oalta d.4, 10e. Ik, T.ituirr with lh.it4i.r..ilUtitnt. Ittl..tt4 rtrm m4i. acta r.Hlil.rlM. a.ll.l l 8r4 yo. will it., ti d.llh.ul. IIHM A.SAlItl SEID SI., UCmtt.VTW. awaaw AUnu MaTiatmin AS4 Tm taratw i, twin , ,w a 44Znra-ak1aaaaaar' aa i-Malgrtji auiiiAiaaj &. f tar draaitit rur II. I f lie cannot tupjily tha MAHVKL. accent no other, but tend ttatnnfnrll. luttratad book-4.tl.4.1t irtra full rjartleulara and dlrerttnn. tn. jaluahle to Ucllei. MARVKI.CO., taooin TlmeaUdcNewVork. IO.' U.tO. Gtnulne tUmpcd C C C. Never told In bulk. Beware of the dealer who trio to fell "aomethlnj uit ai good." ASK YOUR GROCER FOR TRIUMPH INCUBATOH8 July C to i:ithn Uurlington Houte wjil sell round trip tickets to Sitti Friincieo nt iinpreeetlenttdly low rules. Tho , rntii from Umnlin, for instance will be $l.r). From other points correspond , ingl.v low. Tickets good to return un til August 111. Sxtpovura allowed both going mid returning. Teachers, clergy men and others who Mtn get awuy dur ing the hot summer months nro urged to investignto this romnrkabln oppor tunity of oblHiuing tho most eujoyablo outing iu their experience nt a cost so small ns to bo within reach of almost everyone. HuiuiUfiilly lllustruted fold er, giving full information, mailed ou request. .1. Kuamcis, Gonern' P u'engor Agent, Umaha, Nob. ! 5 The PURIAN Minute Breakfast Food. a i ti ... HEALTH - FLOUR TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y RED CLOUD NElilt LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY Bl. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA UUT'IE SAL'l LAKE C PORTLAND SAX FRAXClSCb and all ;otttft west. CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. Do ths Miches of the Alaskan Gold Fields Attract You? If so, read this. THE KING MINING "OflPANY OF FRIEND, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL, - $100,000.00. H. P KING, Friend, Nebraska President HON. J. I POPE. Friend, NebrasKa. Attorney-ntLaw ..Vice-President L E. SOUTH WICK, Friend, Nobraska, Hanker .Secretary and Treasurer WM. BUHKE. Friend Nebraska, Grain lluyer Director HON. F. I. FOSS, Oroto, Nobrnskn, Attorneo.ntLaw .Director This company is duly incorporated unde.i tho laws of tho Stat of Nebraska. rno company airoaoy o vns. TEN VALUABLE CLAIMS OF TWENTY ACRES EACH IN THE FAMOUS NOME MINING DISTRICT OF ALASKA. These aro all placer mines and tho gold is obtained by "sluicing" or washing It out of the sand. This win thn method used by the early California miners, wlieu such immense fortunes wero nmdn. Our claims are situated on or near such well known gold producing clocks as Anvil, Glacier, Dexter, Dry, and Oregon, and others whoro in tho paat two years immense quantitlett ! gout nave ooeu (axon out. uoiu was urst fount ailMomo on Anil creek in the full of 1808. bv P"or Lindorbcrg, a Norwegian. Ho thon wasted out over $1,700.00 in six days Liter this claim yielded $14,000 in one wtek. List season it prod ucud over $800,000 worth of gold. Wo own a full claim of twenty acres only a shoit distance further down Anvil creek. Ono man on Dexter creek rooked out $210 in two hours. Anothsr in tho snuio stream averaged over $100 a day lust summer. Four mon shoveling and rock ing on Glacier creok in two weeks washed out $27,000. Theso are but a few instances but tho heavy receipts of gold from Nome by tho U. S. Assay oflico fully proves that it is the richest gold camp in tho world. Ono company whoso claim is about one milo nbnvo ono of ours sold stock two years ago nt one dollar a share. The same stock now is worth $5000 per share. Tho stock of the Pioneer Mining Co. an-l tho Wild Gooso Co. stock ia owned by parties wlio will not even put a pri to on it. Our claims nro in tho snmo localities and thoro is nnrenson why on claim?, wken developed, will nctpnvo just as rich or richer. Tho president t our company hns spont two seasons in tho Nonio district prospecting nnd loca ing the claims now owned by this com pany. His oarly arrival ihero enabled him to secure tho choice of locntion, Jn May ho will return to Noino taking th i necessary machinery to dovolop and oporato our claims. STOCK FOR SALE. , . . The groator part of our $100,000 stoei. has been taken but thero still is some that can be bought The directors hav-i decided to offer a certain number of shares for salo to tho publio at par for You can buy any number you like. A i,L Sll AKES ARE NON-ASSF1SSABLE. Hero is your opportunity. A small investment may bring oasn and comfort and ovon wealth Address nil oidnrs noil make remittances payable to TH KING WINING CO., FRISND, N6B, Haaan Il&tchea all Hatohablo Eggs.-. Uaa lees oil tbaa any other machine made. Ilequlrca no supplied raolat pro. Perfect Vontllatlon. Bqual Hoad. Absolutely Automatic. auuoguo irc3. TRESTER SUPPLY CO., 108 b!' nth St., Unoo'ln, Neb, MAKKS "HRAtN - J5READ" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo. Farm for Sale. Half section, tivo miles from Rod Cloud. Ono of thi best upland farms in Webster counts. 0. V. Wali.in, Kt I Cloud, Nob. WRITERS CORRESPONDENTS OR REPORTERS Wanted everywhere. Stories, news, ideas, poems, illustrated articles, ad vnco uews, drawings, photographs, unlqno articles, etc., etc., purchased. Articles rovised and prepared for pub lication. Uooks published. Send for particulars anal full information before sending articles. The Bulletin Press issociaiioD, New York. TIU1NA LSAVI A8 rOLLOWS: IS. I'KBkengor dally for Obcrllu and St. Francis hranclien. Ox ford, McCook, Denver and all nolnti woBt....... l:2fi a.m I'RBBCiiger dally for SI. Joe, Kanaaa City. Atchison. St. Loula. Lincoln via Wymore and nil poliua eat and aoiith 8 In p.ra No. 17. Vaenger. dally, Denver, all w points In Colorado, Utah and allfornla 8H0p.m. Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Kannas Cltr. Atchison, St. Louis and all points east and south - lOilKJa.m No. No, 14. No. 18. No. 141. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. Masting", urauu i land. Ulnck Hills and 0. 143. points In the northwest.. all Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intcrmeuiaio bibuuub, via no llOOp.m IS 1 Haat CyntS WHUlt All In tlmo. Hold rr arugKitia. rAllo. TatMa wood, Use Lf No. No. publican.. mil 64. Freight, dally, Wymorg and 12:30 p.m St. Joe luuetlou 63. Freight, and Intermediate olnta... allr for Iienubllcao Orleans, Oxford and all points 13:45 p.m west., 66. Freight, dally except Sunday tor w; 10:40 a. tn rmoreanaaii point east 0,4a a.m Freight dally to uxrora sua No. va im 4.W. ..-. --.,. ,. , a n n. lUiermeuiBHi uin.n.... .. i.ui Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair ears, (seats frco) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. ., . . For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Ited Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Paikenger Agent Omaha. Nebraska. liiil Y fiwiBaittfcH SJBM CHICHCSTCR'S CNQLIBH Pennyroyal, pius ,-Jtv .'!lnaTnrtOjilTOaln . it f?xM k. 111 ffllll.'M'rifli.u Vw11 tki.a -. m m. . UtIUUlflll U UUn AD'I Uold iQiltlllt koiea wilM UhUtrlUK)D. Takeaaathtr. IUruta naactwaaa HakaUlaUaat aad bait, tuaa. aj r yea, Urauui, ar m4 4r. la "H'R,'' 'artlaalan, Taatlaasalala lar alali. lO.OUOTtaUaio&lala. aol.lbr laatt(iaUU4rw. MaaOHal-srk.PlUIA... I-AlT DON'T TOBAtXOSPIT and SMOKB YourLlfeawayl You can te cured or any rorrn or tobacco vsine magnacic, iuiioi mo-TV' easily, bo mada well, alrontr. mairnatic. full of ..a . ... H mJl. - new uie ana vigor oy laxiag JtV-fV-aaWta that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over BOO, BOO cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. .Book let and advice FKBS. Address STliWUNO BJtMBDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 " ' " !" "aiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMM'aaaa.aaa..ia.....Btai aaaaaaa Don't Be Fooledi Take tba gen . original ROCKV MOUNTAIN TCK Mad only by Madison Mj claa Co., Madison, Wis. It koapa you wall. Our trad snark cut on cacb package. Price, 33 cent. Navar aol4 la bulk. Accept no aubath tat. Ask your druggist. 0 aaaaraM. it """ SU'Halvlfc-x. J- iimumW, awlBwiMaaMWaBalaaMirfii,Hi.w .waaaftau,