The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 03, 1901, Image 4

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runMaiiin KT
Ono year
llxmoutha M
Rntoroil at tho poet office at lied Cloud, Neb, as
eeond class mall matter.
toeal KilvcrllnluR U renin per lino per Imiio.
Local Advertising for eiitcrtalnmiiiils, con
rcru, socials, etc.. rUcii by churches, charlial.le
orletlcs, etc., whoro all mono) a rnUcil there
finin aro used wholly for church or cIixrllHblu
oclctlcx, flmt ten linen tree mid 11 ovr ten
lines 3)4 conn per lino per Imttc.
J.oral advcrtlsliiK f entertainments, concerts,
recitals, etc., wlicro per cent l Klvcn to pro
motors, 6 cents per lino per Inane .
Ono column per month . .... ...... .....-
One half column por month ....... ......... a J
One fourth column per month..-
flcncral display inlvcrtUIHK I S'i cents lcr
tnch perlnnuc.
A clorRjiiian recently addressed an
audience in this town, composed en
tirely of tlit Hlstcrs of his congregation,
as follows: "Ho not proud Hint tho
blessed Lord paid your sox tho dis
tinguished compllmont of appearing
first to n female after his resurrection,
iorltwasdono that the gird tlctinffs
might bo sproad tho sooner. Michigan
This is tho week that planting alfalfa
and corn in this county is at Its height.
A traveler through tho country can
count moTing teams by tho thousands
hitched to drills, seeders and planters.
There is no holiday for tho Nobraska
farmorfrom now until Thanksgiving
if tho corn crop matures properly
This is th'. grandmt country on eartl
Jn the spring timo.
Rolativo to tho importation mtn mm M, you
country of "nemir"' of grahobiti'iHr'Siiffl5"
nd other u-i., thuStato Journal suc:,l-l'r;;"
A recent importation has been re
ceivodaml wuioviinod by tin quaran
tiae officer of tbo California state
board of Bririiltniv t Sun Fiwnclren.
Tho newcomers ui u coualgnmi'tit of
tachlna flies from South Australia,
deadly enemies of tho grasshopper
tribo thoir wholosalo exterminators
in fact, wherever found. They camo
as cold storage passengers, and with
them camo a largo number of lady
bugs, for servlco In clearing tho or
chards of rod bciiIo tho post of fruit
growers. Tho Hies aro to bo roleased
in May. It Is hoped they will make
short work of tho giasshoppers, and
much Is hopod from tho bugs also.
"Something New Under The Son.
All Doctors linvo tiled to cure Cu
jwrh by tho uso of powders, acid gases,
inhalers, uml (liugs in paste form
Their powders dry up the mucous mem
bi'nncH causing them to crack open and
bleed, l'ho powerful acids used in the
inhalers havu entirely eaten away the
stuiiu membrane that their uiukutH
li.-ivu iilineil to (Mire, while pastes uml
oliiiiuentH ouiinot reach tho dNi'iist'.
An old and experienced prautitiotiei
who Iiiim for many yearn Hindu a close
.study uml specialty of the treatment of
Catarih, lias at last perfected a treat
inent which when faithfully used, not
only lelievus at once, but pemrttiiMitly
eiiros Catarrh by lemovirig tlm cause,
stopping tho iiischarges, and cm h g
all itillamiiiatinn. It is the only U'lii
eily known to science that actually
reaches the nlllicted parts. This won
del fill remedy is known as KiiiiIIKs the
(liiaratiteed Catarrh Cure" a? d is Hold
at Hie extremely low pi ice of One Dol
lar, each pnektgo containing Itueuial
and external medlcino sulli imit for a
full month's truatmontand everything
necessary to its perfect usu.
"Snuffles" is tho only perfect ('iitnrrli
Ouro ever mado and is now recognized
as tho only safe and positive euro for
that annoying anl disgusting disease.
It cures all inllamation quickly and
permanently and is also wonderfully
quick to roliove Hay Fever or cold in
the head.
Catarrh when neglected often loads
to Consumption "Snuffles" will savo
you if you use It at once. It is no ordi
nary romody, but a completo treat
ment which is positively guaranteed to
cure Catarrh in any form or stage if
used according to directions which ac
company each package. Don't dolav
but send for It at once, and writo full
pititiculars as to your condition, and will receive, special advico from
tlm discoverer of this wonderful rem-
ly regarding your case without cost
boyond tho regular prico of
tbo "Uuarantoed Catarrh
This papor believes in
anything which will lead to tho hotter
went of tho city llro department.
As wo gather It, a number of cities in
tho state levy an assessment of a tax
upon insuranco companios for the
maintenance of tho fire department.
Wo have been requested by members
of the department to bring this fact to
tho notloo ot the mayor and nity ooun
cil that steps tmy be taken to tbatond.
There Is no good roaBon why this mat
ter should not bo taken up by tho now
administration at an early dato. Tho
following oxtract from tho statutes
cites tho law In this case: "That in
cities of tho socoml class having less than
flvo thousand inhabitants and in vil
lager that maintain a llro department,
tho city council or board of trustees
may, by ordinance impose an occupa
tion tax on all firo Insurance compa
nies maintaining an agonoy or doing
business In such city or vlllago not to
exceed llvo dollars per annum, for tho
benefit of such tire department." No
institution In our city should bo fos
tcred with so much oaro as the .organi
zation of lads who como to your as
sistance and help to save your proporty
in caso of lire.
Wo hoard a girl last week poke fun a
a poor hard working boy whohrts been
foolish enough to quandor half his
ineagro salary on her this winter, We
know a foolish mother who slaves from
morning till night for her ungrateful
daughters and tnoy return not as much
s thank you for hor efforts; they
slouch about tho house all day In un
kempt gowns and road French novels.
At night they gad about liko fireflies
at summer's dusk. We know a man
hoso tongue runs iiko a oiapper in u
boll and you can't know him flvo min
utes without setting him down for tho
vain, brainless oreaturo he is. Shal
low brooks, forsooth, babblo the loud
est. Wo know a man whose sonl Is so
smalT'tvTOUld rattlo 'round in a thiru
bio; ho hasn't as much manhood as a
whipped cur. Money is bis god and
tho sheoklos stick to his lingers like
foathors to tho syrup smeared hands of
& youngster. Ho hasn't a friond in
the world and not one charitable act
can bo crodited to him save an occa
sional sum to tho churches. Humph !
All tho gold in Christendom couldn't
buy that foolish man a placo in heaven.
Wo know a foolish youth who worships
at tho suriue of a lickto little maid and
she makes Hfo miserable for hor
devotee; sho tantalizos him liko a cat
.docs a mouse. Sho disponses her
smiles and favors most liberally to
other admirers while tho aforesaid
foolish youth slinks oil in ono corner
liko a wounded doer. Just one smart
dose of tho maul's own modicino would
sottlo her qulckor than a mustard
plaster settles inflammation. Huigh
hoi Wo know plenty of other foolish
people, but nvo not goiug to publish
any moro.
Miut DrODold to anv address In the
UniH'd States or Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dopt. A 402, Ed
win D. Giles & Company, 2330 and 2332
Market Street, Philadelphia.
Launching of the Battleship "Ohio."
San Francisco, California, May 18tb,
1001. OnlyJGO.OO for the round trip.
Tickets on salo May 7th and 8th,
limited to continuous passago on tho
going trip. Returning, atop-mcr will
be allowed within tho final limit, which
is thirty days from date of sale. A.
Conover, Agent.
What Shall We Have for Dessert?
TIiIh question arises in tho family
every day. Let us answer it today.
Try Jell-O, a delicious dessert. Pro
pared in two minutes. No baking! add
hot water and set to cool. Flavors:
Lemon, orango raspberry and straw
bet ry. At your grocers, 10 cts.
If you aro going to givo a banquet
and want some swell menu cards, if
j on aro going to get married and want
up-todato wedding cards, if you aro
going to have an opening in the spring
nnd wish to ploaso in this lino, if you
want typowriter papor or stationery of
any kind, either printed or plain como
and 800 us. Wo have a tine lino.
The liability to disease is greatly
lessened when the blood is iti good con
dition, mid the circulation healthy nnd
vigorous. For then nil refuse matter
is promptly carried out of the system j
otherwise it would rapidly nccttmulnte
fermentation would take place, the
blood become polluted nnd the consti
tution so weakened that n simple
tnnlndy might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation means
good digestion nnd strong, healthy
As a blood purifier nnd tonic ?. P. S.
has no equal. It is the safest nnd best
remedy for old people and children
because it contains no minerals, but is
made exclusively of roots nnd herbs.
No other remedy so thoroughly nnd
effectually cleanses the blood of im-
aw aw purines, ac me
same time it builds
k k up the weak mil dc
fcBB bilitatcd, nnd rcno-
a vntea tho ontiro sva.
tcin. It cures permanently nil manner
of blood nnd skin troubles.
Mr. B. E. JColly, of Urbnnn, O.. wrltost
"I bad Eczema nn my hands ana laoo for
flvo years. It wou". I broalc out In little
whlto pustules, drt.bti would form and
drop off, leaving tho akin rod and Inflam
ed. The dootors did mo no food. I used
all the raadloated soapa and lalves without
benefit. B. B. 8. oured mo, and my akin
la aa dear and amooth aa any one'a."
Mr. Henry Siegfried, of Capo May, If.
J., aaya that twanty-ona bottlea of B. 8. 8.
oured; her of Oanoar of the braaat. Doo
tora and frlanda thought her oaaa hope
Rlohard T. Gardner. Tlorenoe. B. O.,
anff ered for jraara with Bolla. Two bot
tlea of 8. 8. o. put hla blood In rood con
dition and the Bolla disappeared.
Send for our free book, and writo
our physicians about your case.
Medical advice free.
They Work While You Sleep.
While your mind and body rest Cas
carets Candy Cathartic repair your
digestion, your liver, your bowels,
put them in perfect order. Genuine
tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold
in bulk. All druggists, ioc.
Jell-O, the New Dessert,
pleases all the family. Four tlavors:
Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw
berry. At your grocers. 10 cts. Try
m m
How Are Tear Kldeey f
Dr. llobbi' flptrurui PllUcuro all klrtner tilt. Ban
pi free. Add.merllng Uewudj Co., Chicago or N.Y.
Educate Your Dowela With Catoareta.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation roreror.
10c. 88o. It C. C. O. rail. drugKlstarotand money.
I i,: jmt
" I Buffered from female weakness for fire
months," writes Mist Belle Hcdrick, of
Nye, Putnam Co., W. Va. "I was treated
by a Rood physician but he did mc no good.
I wrote to l)r, R V. IHerce, Buffalo,
N, '., for advice, which 1 received, telling;
me to take his 'FAVORITB PRUSCRIP
TION.' When I had used the medicine a
month my health wan much improved. U
has continued to improve until now I cat
work at almost all kinds of house-work. 1
had scarcely aay appetite, but it is all
right now. nave gained several pounds in
weight. I would advUe all who suffer from
ckronic diseases to write to Dr. Tierce,"
It Makes
jLtLLLxv rL.
sfl viM ilsk
An Ordinance.
Authorising the Uiulnii of, certain water re
funding bonds of the city of tied Cloud, No
braika, to tbo amount of aU.OUl.uo for the pur
pose ot refunding at a lowor rate of interest cer
tain outstanding water bonds of the said City of
lted Cloud.
W bereas, Tho City of Rnd Cloud has now out
standing oertaln bonds denominated water
bonds, in the amount of 423 (WO lie legally lssuod
andbolug tho binding and subsisting obliga
tions of tho said City of Hod Cloud In the
amount of tin uoo 00 nil ot which bonds aro sub
ject to payment at tho option of the City ot lted
Cloud , Nebraska, which said Iwuda aro as fol
lows : Twenty flvo thousand dollnrs six percent
wnturboiids, dated Juno 1st, 1887, optional for
payment June 1st. InW: and, whereas said
bonds can bo refunded at a lower rato ol Inter
est and thoreby a largo saving ellected to tho
City of lted Cloud, therefore.
Ilnltorddlued by the major and council ot
tho City ot lted Cloud, Nebraska:
bectiutil: 'Hint fur llio purposoot refunding
tho water bonds mentioned in tho prenmblo of
this ordinance at n lower ratu ot Interest, tbo
Mayor mid City Clerk ot tho said City of lted
Cloud aro hereby authorized and diroctrd to
issue fifty water refunding bomlB of tho City of
lted Cloud, Nulnaska, each of tho denomina
tion nt Flvo hundred dollars, dated tbo 1st day
of Juno, 1901. and bearing Intorcst ovldeuced by
coupoiiB at too rate ot four and ono half iter
cent por unuum, payablo annually on tho Klrst
davofJunoln oach year, aud both principal
and Interest on said liouds shall bo payablo at
the Kisaal Aguuoy of tho Mate of Nebraska iu
tho Citv of Now York in tho Htato of New York.
Hald bonds sbull bo enumerated from Ono to
fifty inclusive, aud shall bo siguod by tho
Mayor and attested by tho City Clerk of the
City of lted Cloud, Nebraska, and tho ooudoub
attached to said bonds may bo executed by tho
ongravod signatures of said Mayor and City
Tbo said bonds shall booomo duo and payable
on tbeflrstday of .luno, IW1, aud tbo said bonds
shall reserve tbo right or option of the City of
lied Cloud, Nobraska, to pay tbo same at any
timo after ten years from and after tho first day
Bectton 3. 1 ho bonds horoln authorized to bo
Issued shall bo in substantially the following
form :
No Tho Htato of Nobraska, $300.
City of lied Cloud.
Water refunding bond WOO.
Know all men by tbeso presonts, That the
City of Hod Cloud iu Webster county, Htato of
Nobraska, acknowledges itself ludobted and
bonded to tho bearer hereof In tho sum of Klvo
Hundred dollars lawful mouoy of tho United
KtatoB, which said city promises to pay to tbo
holder hereof on tbo first day of June, 1921 ,;at
tbo Htato Fiscal Agoucy of tbo Htato of Nobras
ka In tbo City of New York, in tbo Htato of Now
York, with Interest thorsou at the rato of four
and one-half per con t por annum payablo an
nually at tbo samo plaoo, on the first day ot
,iuuo ot each yoar. on tbo presentation and sur
render as the samo may becomo due, of tho at
tached interest coupons.
For tbo prompt pavment of this bond, snd tho
Interest thereon, the full faith, credit and
resources of the City of fted Cloud are hereby
Irrevocably pledged. The City of Hed cloud
reserves the right or option to pav llilsbondat
any time after ten years from tho date hereof.
'this bond Is ono of a series ot liko tenor Is
sued for the purpose of refunding certain out'
standing Itgally ixtiued, bonded Indebtedness of
tho City of Hed Cloud, under the authority of
Chapter fourteen of tho Compiled Minutes of
Nebraska for the year 1HW, and of nn ordinance
duly prtKKMl by tho City Council of said city of
Hed Cloud
It Is hereby fortified nnd rcltcd that all arte,
conditions and things required to to done prec
edent to nud Iu tho bKiiIng of this bond ne
been done and performed in regular nud due
form ns required by law. that the Indebtedness
refunded into this bond whx and is a binding
mid Mihsisllug obligation of tho City of lied
Cloud. Niiira-ka ami that the total Indebted
ueH or said l It), Including this bond, does not
exceed tho Mututory.or eoustltiitloniil llinltn
lion, f ,
In testimony whereof the Clly Council of the
City of Hed Cloud, Kebrnxka. has caused this
liouil to iiPKiKlien oy uio .Mayor, attested livthe
Clerk, and tho corporate seal to be hereunto
affixed this 1st day of June, Idol.
Attest :
City Clerk.
Attached to each of said bonds shall bo Inter.
est coupons, ef substantially the following form :
The City or Hed Cloud. Nebraska, promises to
pay to bearer t-JS.M. lawful money ef the United
States on the 1st day of June. IB at the
Fiscal Agency of the State ot Nebraska, In the
City r New Yerk, State of New York, for In
terest due that day on Its water refunding bond
dated June 1st, lonl. No
The Nebrasda Mercantile Go's stock of General Merchandise
is selling at a price lower than ever. tfj
The entire line of groceries must be sold in the next thirty days h
Economical buyers buy the best for the least money. S
Note these prices. ?
Canned Goods !
Dried Fruits.
Choece Pears, 16 lbs, $1.00.
Choice Peaches 16 lbs for $1.00.
Choice Apricots 12 lbs for $1.00.
Choice Prunes 30 lbs for $1.00.
Choice Peaches 11c per can,
Choice Pears 1 ic per can.
Choice Plums nc per can.
Pie Peaches at 8c per can.
Sugar, 16 pounds for $1.00.
Lion Coffee, 8 pounds for $1.00.
Best pail syrup, one gallon, 30c.
Horse Shoe Tobacco, one pound 40c.
Potatoes, while they last, 60c per bushel.
Dishes at clean-up prices.
All stoneware at 7c per gallon.
Dress Goods that sold for 85c now 60c.
60c " 38c.
" " 50c " 30c.
38c " 27c.
Dimities, 15c line at
Percales, i2$c line at
Batiste, 20c line at
Batiste, 15c line at
Outing, 16 and i2$c line at
(Jueen Quality $3.00 shoes for $2.47.
Royal $2.50 shoes for $1.99.
Victor $2.25 shoes for $1.79.
Children's $1.25 shoes for 97c.
We qaote you a few prices, not for a bluff. We mean business and deal square.
Give us your trade and be convinced. We have just received a choice line of staple
and summer dress goods which we will offer you at prices that are right. Before
you buy call on us.
E. D. GASTON, Trustee.
R. M. PLANTS, Manager.
7JMKSJKZ;Xt&:7.srr'a.t-u. .... .
Hambletonian Wilkes,
Hubert Cyril, 30379,
Fouled in 161)0, brown hnrsu 10 hands
liifjli uml woilis over 1200 pounds.
Will imiku tlio sptisnii tit C. L. Winfrey's
brei'diiiK burn, Itt'd Cloud, Neb.
For twins or infoinmlion address
Chas. ?. Besse,
Ki'd Cloud, Nebraska.
CltyUcrlc. '
Miction 3: Ssld wsier refunding bonds,
niisii duly executed, shall be delivered (o the
Ity Treasurer, nnd by blm delivered to the
purchaser theresr. or tbo samo may bo exnliHiie
ed. par for par. for tliootiUtuudliiK water bonds,
so to be refunded, aud enumerated in tho pre'
umbls hereof, In such manner as to chance but
tint Incrraso the Indebtedness ot the City sf
lted Claud. '
Ssttiqm 1. This ordinance shall take offect
HHd bo In force on and after Its passage, ap
proval and publication as required by law.
I'sHked, April ilrd. 19d
Approved April ilrd. isoi,
Attkst: tlso, J. Wahiiek,
J no. R KKaisn Major.
Ulty Clerk.
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days.
Morton I,. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. says: "My
wife had iutlauimalory rheumatism In every
mutclouiid Joint; tier Mifferlni; was terrible and
her body anil faco wero mvooUmi almost bejund
recognition; had been In bed for hlx weeks and
had eUhl physicians, but received no beuotlt
until sho tried tho Msstlc Curt- folthviimatlsm,
It itavo Immediate relief nnd sho was able to
alk about Iu tbreu da), I iim aure It saved
her life" hold by II. K. Orlco, DruiiKlst, lied
Clouil, Nub,
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
Mvtlc Cure for rheumatism and neuralKla
readily cures in from one to three dajk, its hc
tlou upon tho system is remarkable and mys
terious. It removes at onpo ttiu mimu ami ilm
disease Immediately disappears. Tho first dose
urcatly benefits. 75 cents. Bold by II, K. drlce.
lted Cloud, Neb,
Wo can surni8h 70U brick in
ly at the lowest pos
sible rato. Brick on salo at
eithor of the lumber yards.
Get Our Prices Before You
Buy Brick.
Red Cloud, Nek.
And want to Ret started enrnitiK money
at once, sond us 125 cts for our book wf
"o New Money -Miking Ideas."
It is worth its weight in gold to anyone
who is uuomployad, Sond today.
Century Publishing Co., Box 73,
Heron Lake, Minn.
town Bridge Work or Teeth Without PUtei.
nd all the latest Improvement la dental meoh
lk U
100 we 2
Plants for Sale!
Early Jersey and
Southern Beauty.
Standard and Dwarf Tomato
Early and Late Cabbage Plants.
A large variety of House.
Flowering and Yard Plants.
Cull at Hoot and Shoe Store nnd fleo them.
Furniture !
Little Store Room
Big Dameretl Block
is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur
niture and at prices lower than ever before offered.
Call and get our prices before buying. We will save
you money and please you with quality.
Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb.
Flour, Peed, Oats, Corn,
Baled Hay and Coal Oil.
No. 1 Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51;
fV "&rr' a,sftwJw3Kw.,iw-
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