.tClCCCelClltCCCCClCC(tCttCttCf(tK(t(((((K(Kd((((((tKK(((lr(f j,ttttctetttfttttttttt-tctttct -..., ...,.w,,w. ..,-.-- . ITurnures General Merchandise, Turnure's lb UV ft.. C W & tKfffff,,-lrrrr"m p SEWING Women's & Shoesand Oxfords. XflPV m fa m m m m m m m m fa fa m fa v MACHINES. We have added to our large stock a line of sewing machines. We have one of the best machines on the market for the money. We will sell you a Drop Cabinet Machine, perfectly protecting the machine from dust and making a convenient and ornamental stand. No cover to take off and put on or to lie around in the way when the machine is in use. By raising the cover the sewing machine head is automatically raised to the level of the sewing ma chine table. The wood work is antique oak, highly polished. This machine has two drawers on each side and one in the center, making five drawers in all. 25 year guarantee with each machine, Our Price $16,50. New Silk and Satin Waists. Women's s Tailor viz t Made I SUITS. ? Made of fine all wool w ' Homespuns. W Uf ft 0 itt Oi fa m fa fa fa m Wc have the finest line of waists in 3"hr: city. Almost any color, made of the lines! taffeta silk, handsomely trim med, with tucking, cording, hemstitch ing, etc. Made with the puff cuff and the bishop sleeve. No better waist in your reach for less than $7 or $8. Our Price $5 and $6. m m m m m fa m m Blue Gray and Brown. Made in t.ie new "MiS-ij it it i& 0 i iXi ft 0 0 ft fa fa Belts M yj We are jjff showing the av most com- fU plete line of ...,-:...- .. ....! spi my uu ci ties to be seen in the city in patent leathers, enomelcd vici, turned soles or welts. Our line is made by one of the best shoe manufacturers in America, and are sure to give satisfaction. v ll Hi Hi Hi Hi 0 0 of the latest styles and all qualities ioc to $1.00. Neckwear Ladies latest ef fects in neckwear 15c to 75c. tight fitting blouse and Lton effects. Jacket trimmed with stitched taffeta or braid, taffeta lined, the new flaring or flounce skirt. These suits are made with as much care as perfect in fit and ffi morkmanship as any fa $25 suit in the market, jfi Our price jfi $9.00 to $17.00 fa fa Wash Goods. l Hi f Hi Hi Hi Hi , Hi Hi Hi Hi i i $ LACE CURTAINS $ $ and PORTIERRES. T? We are in a position to sell you the Hi r 5r- best lace curtains ever brought Hi m to the city. Hosiery. A complete line of ladies, misses and children's always on hand. Ladies Muslin Underwear and Gowns. at bargain prices. The verdict of the ladies who have examined our line of Wash Goods is. Turnure Bros, have the best line of in- ,. i-. Hi wash goods in the city." Have you L Large Lace Curtains 45c ttO 0 jL seen our striped dimities, lace striped jL $4.00 per pair. Hi i oatiste, tissues, pineapple lawns, noiy- zi hone brtiste, silk mulle and ored dimities. Spring Suitings. Have you purchased your new spring suits yet. If not don't fail to take a careful look at our line of suitings in dress lengths. All the latest colorings at money saving prices. plain coi- Price ioc to 6oc per yard. Gloves Latest Shades in Kid Gloves. 85c, $1.00, $1.25, and ,M-50. ITIACi r Jr VkWL gm --w. ww, A-Si 111 XS Summer Shirt Waists. ' a Latest styles and colors. Made up 01 Lawns, Dimities, Percales and Chambray 50c to $3.00. Exquisite line ot White Waists made with lace and embrodery, full fronts, $ 1. 50"to $3.00. m m fa fa fa fa fa fa CORSETS. "Puritan" straight front and satin striped corsets and girdles. Also a full line of the Jackson corsets and girdles. ft ft ft tt Hi V, -H, Phone6i. r19P 9iiiiA rtmtmt;frmtimmmtj y w w ie jLicttuviu'cti ters iux-rruufcjnes. a large sluua ui ntJsii, bfctauiiaui MMm-gjOk f w eroodsal'wavs on hand. All Phono orders -nrom-otlv attended to. St M M MvJ M M.KS L M 0 " " 1 tttFtttttf-ttttttttttFtfttttttttttttfrtfttttttttttfrttttttttFtfrtf THE CHIEF rUBMMlRD BT W. L. MoMIhliAN. ". ytr... "Ctx nontht .1100 . SO PUBLISHED KVBIIV FKIDAT T.liod t the pit office at Red Cloud, Neb.ti -mfloVntnll matter. ADVEIITISINO ItATKS: rmcl dTert!lnB 6 centi per Hue ier Itmie. Ucal AdTerttMn for eiitertalnmiU, con e,MUU. etc.. glren bj churchei, cherluble Mt4i, etc., where all roonejre relied there- ttaareuetdwhelly for church or charitable OeilM, Brit ten Unci free ami all over ten iaatVi t Pr line per Itnue. TLal adTertlelnic of entertainment", concert. rreottaU, etc., where per cent It gtveu to pro iMUn, cenli per line per Issue. ,. .v AttvKnTlalNd. a . ..Imhh r.a mnntn ........V' i mrm half column per month a J" nrve-eurth column per month Vrctral dUplay ailrcrtUIng I W cents per t.-ofct issue. l.o you, lonrn thorn to patroni.o homo industries by Belting uu uxuniple. ihm't lunrn them that thu Knnsns Jity Stur tit twunty-tivo cents a yeitr is choapor tlinn your homti paper ntnno ilollar. Don't loan) thorn that a for eign brand of Hour is better than the uomo-mario bocatisn you can niako ten cunts moro a facte on it, and don't try to palm off on overyono a cheap-made stink-adora cigar that costs you llfleen dollars a thousand bocauso your home product eoits a littlu moro. Patronizo homo industries yourself. Use the homo product and dispose of all you can of it. If a man wants a paper sond him to tho homo olllcc. If ha wauts Hour cive him the home product unless hu calls for some particular brand, oven if you do fail to make three or four cents, and if ho wants a cigar aire him the homo product, oven if it does cost one-fourth or one-half a cent moro than a Stink-a-Dota. Lot every cit izen call for tho homo product if it can be had. .Souio people havo very queer ideas boil tho proper way to build up a citv. Sumo of our cilizens are of the ri"mcm that they should pationlzo and buy Roods of a r-alaloRim house, em so trusts and combinations and do every- thine tint patronize tho lior.io mui'chanl, for thu reason that the homo merchant will "Wander Ids money paylnR taxes ?.- M'Uoois, helpliiR churches ami mak- mc pub.ie impcoveniHiitH. When stran- aw are around it is the lieiRhtli of ome poopleN ambition to tell what a wicked town wo havo, laud other f.,i m tlm skies and show thorn this is no place in which to take up a rest--Hone. Now tills does not only uppl.C othe uveraRu cUi7.nn mil to several tmsintss men. In this city arosomo i.,i.inn men who will actually come auto a printirR ollic and ask us to -COTttpete Willi UlllKlin nu viiii..-. tpriocs U wo want their work, wh, t -would they say if wo would bring n r-ataloRiio to their stores and ask them to compete with catalogue pnees when -w want some of thoir Roods? And what would they do if wo would sond u a 4,cataloRUo" houso and gel the BOOihl As a rule wo never "jew" do n any store in the city on tho price of it-. coods. If they havo anything wo want ;e pay for it. Hut this does not cover tthe whole subject. Red Oloud has t.cstitiUions besides a few print shops .that aro worthy uo ueip 01 inner mis v.ess nion. Wo have a (louring mill. "Why don't tho business men push it? They all wanted it. They got it. Now why not soil evory pound of Ked Cloud .amir possible. It Is as good as any 'brand on tho market today. Another 'thiog. lied Cloud has a cigar factory. How many business men in this city who handlo tho cigars 01 uus lacioij, give thoir customers Why do people hang black crape on tho door whon a lovad ono takes her departuro to tho "undiscovered coun try from whoso borno no traveller ro turns," and clothe themselves in black WheirlfgSid f;arments in memory of tho dopartcd oved one? What is there about black appropriate for these occasions? Ulack suggests nothing sweet, tender or beau tiful. It is not an emblem of purity or lope. It is a symbol of night ami night in scripture is a symbol of danger and despair. Night ii tho time whon doors are bolted and windows fastonod and when tho sighing of tho wind and the rustle of the leaves nettle tuo nerves. Ono of the best things said about heaven is that "thoro is no night theno." Then why wear tho emblem of night in memory of friends? Did you ever think tha'.it is really a reflec tion upon them? Hesidee.it is an on hoallliy.ctistoiii. Any medical expert will tell you that. Ileally tho world needs no symbol of mourning. Nature Hides and heals her scars as soon as possible. Evory soul knows its own sorrows, and that is enough. No need to advertise them. Hut If the world must have a symbol of sorrow, lot it bo while, unless indeed tlfo sorrow be without hope. White is tho emblem of purity. Win to is tho symbol of peace. White is the garb in which angels are supposed to bo robed. White is tho color of tho great throne around which we like to think our loved ones are gathered. White is typical of tho eter nal day, which it gives us joy to bo lievii has dawned noon tlirm Asstirc- V iff dill lfil-.nl ittt.iu iinuld Ill-mi .Iwm ji. ' I i. mi. iwivii inn vjwh.i, irii'iin lull ."- lence of the tomb, they would bid us remember them joyfully instead of sor rowfully. Marion Record. chewed their gum a few minutes and then moulding it into some form. The result was lino. Among the articles moulded were tho Eastern Star, a snake, a mouse, a supposed calf and others too numerous to mor tion. In this contest Mis ('ok took tho prize, her production being a bird's not with three eggs in it. Th sun bount drill was very atniiMng nud llio rrfresiiuieuts were excellent its usual. Tho committee were well satisliied with their labors, the guests were pleased and all went home happy. Do you linve a feeling of undue fullness in the stomach, lclchiugs, or sour or bitter risings? These are but n few of the symptoms, of the diseased stomach. Hie wor.si tiling wmen can oe none for the stomach in such a case is to take home tablet or powder which merely gives temporary relief from discomfort. The best thing to do is to begin the cure of the disease by beginning the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, It cures diseases of the stomach pud other organs of digestion nud nutrition. It makes the "weak" btoinach strong, and puts the Ixxly in a condition of vigorous health. "t wns troubled a lonR time with dyspepsia, torpid liver, and constipation," writes Mrs Julia It Deal, ol Ostwalt. Iredell Co.. N C "Could ono of them un- 9,r,y e??..Vfr,,.1.,A,,R.,,i ?",i-w;;Jl VY5.?.l.!2f k ...- ....... --- ....... 1... ,, T "I IMUl MIIIICIIIIHK 'I" VllllW. lll nuilllllliii' i ,JeS it is asued for? iy lliaj lie UU". Memed though I could not live iwtotelo that they do not IliakO Its much oil ir k V. Pierce tatiiin tny condition, and in a 1 I, up iln mi aniiiii olhor ?rad lew lUysrecexrdoUnd letter of nihlce. telling -ihem as they do on some ouior i.um vi.s.,, ooiilvn Medical niscov shippeu in v,,"lu wiiii-ii inn KUMi-.i.ij 'i,u .." 7-i t i,.n,. !.i,.,ul,i. Mini wnnt and it don t hurt tne I have not been in iur m1' tit'1" " ..,....., , The upbuilillng of Iheeity do that iniiee ? If thoy can't how can thoy expect other .eitize s to patronize thorn? 'lo our . . .. ..... i.mlllil ml' if Villi MlltSlllOSS IIIUII w ,tw..... ....j, .. j--" - - - -want to educato tho people to patron- stipation. Uunchint of the Battleship "Ohio." San Francisco, California, May 18th, 1001. OnlylGOOO for the round nip. Tickets on sale May 7th and 8th, limited lo continuous passage on llio going trip. Returning, stop-over will bo allowed within tho liual limit, which is thirty days from date of sale. A. Conover, Agent. Tho lino of heating stoves at Wright's is superb. See them. ECZEMA'S ITOH IS TORTURE. Eczema is caused by an acid humor in the blood coming in contact with the jAttrfrttlttltMltltltrlttfttttttlttttittlttlttltfrtfr ti. A Mortgage Works All of the Time. -I So does good newspaper advertising. If properly prepared it does good work, if not properly prepared it is an eqpensive proposition. Our experience enables us to prepare ads that pull business. We would like to prepare copy for your ads we give the matter prompt and careful at tention adn make advertising profitable. Publishers' Advertising Agency, David City, Nebraska. bj? "We were amused," writes the editor s,km aml. producing great redness anil in of the Heaver City Tribune, "at read- flau"Btioii; little pustular eruptions form UI1U UI3.MU1G tl Willi, E)hlV.Jtjr llUUi, lllllbll dries and scales off ; sometimes the skin is itig a paragraph recently in ono of the daily papers, to the effect tiiat it is the duty ol a newspaper, as well as to its interest, to publish all the nows with out regard to what the editor or pub lisher might fancy to be its probablo effect. In other words, ho has nothing to do with tho consequences. This is a most excellent idea for the editor of a city daily, who sits perched up in a lit tle room thirteen stories above the busy world; but lei our distinguished city friend iry a country weekly, put his theory into practice, nnd if he does n.it have something to do with tho fonsriiucnccs it will be beeiuse he is u bettor sprinter than most of his breth ren of tho country press." Furniture and Furniture ! THE ery l took lour Home aim one vuii oi ur fierce reiiem. nun now i cjii eoi unytnuiK lied n day ulnce I took our 'Cioldcn Medical Iliscovrrv,' and 1 hae not mucc fell au nynip. turns of ilUensc I hae not taken any medicine in twche iiionttiN" Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Tellets cure con- Tho Order of the Eastern Star hold one of their periodical entertainments last Monday night. Thoy havo given these bainiucts during tho last year when new members were initiated. A limit d number of guests were niesent. Only members of the serving com mittee aro allowed to invito and the number is limited. Hut those invita tious aro at a premium. Tho order of tho evening wns as follows: The guests lining assemnieii in the ante room, were admitted after the initia tion nud greeted cordially by tho members. Then enlled to order and lltti program commenced by Mr. Hlauk- ledge reading a paper on the secrets of J the Older as told by or.o who had1 lately been through the ordeal of the services. Then a reading bv Mis. ( Knight, showing what woman can ito i Next I'linni a guos,.ing coolest in which Mrs. liohiiiMiii carried off the prize, tho "Star" goat. Thou came the gum ' chewing in which tho contestants hard, drv and fissured. Eczema in any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times are almost unbearable; the acid burning humor sccuii to ooze out and set the skin on fire, Salves, washes nor other exter nal applications do any real good, for as loti as the poison remains in the blood it will keep the skin irritated. BAD FORM OF TETTER, "For three years I had Tetter on my hands, wliicti caused them to swell to twice their natural site. Tart of the time the disease was in the form of run ning sores, very pain ful, and causfiiK me much discomfort l'our doctors said the Tetter had progressed too far to lie cured, and they could da nothing for me, I took ouly three bottles of S. S, ft and was completely cured. This was fifteen years offo. and I have never since seen any sign of my old trouble." Mrs. I. 11. Jackson, 1414 McGec St., Kansas City, Mo, S. S. S. neutralizes this acid poison, cools the blood and restores it to a healthy, naUiral state, and the roueh. unhealthy skin becomes soft, smooth and clear. cures Tetter, Ury sipelas, Psoriasis, Salt Klietim and all skin diseases due to n pois oned condition of the blood. Send for our book anil write us nbout your case. Our physicians have made he.e diseases a life study, and can help j ou by their advice; we make no charge for this service. All correspondence is conducted in strictest confidence. THE SWIFT SPECiriC CO.. ATLANTA, QA. Little Store Room IN TDK Big Damcrell Block is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur niture and at prices lower than ever before offered. Call and get our prices before buying. We will save you money and please you with quality. Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb. W. B. ROBY, DEALKK IK Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn, Baled Hayland Coal OU. JEXiVIfcO - iVKTI - SOFT - COAL' No. 1 Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. THE CHIEF, $1.00 PER TBAB.5 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m