' h m m W aS am fe'i inil H: m JM3HH lllv tmd. .m T Wuiun Midcr ingfroin fuma!" troubles and weakness, nncl from irrcRtilnr or painful men- ,ses, ought not to lose hope if Idoctors cannot Ihelpthem.Pliy- Bicinns nre so busy with other I diseases that O-o-BS they do not un- Wl J fl dcrstand fully ' I V the peculiar nil- ' " ments nnd the delicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to do is to givo a fair trial to BRADFSELD'S Female Regulator which is the true cure provided by Nature for nil female troubles. 1$ is the formula of n physicinn of the highest standing, who devoted his whole life to the study of the dis tlnct ailments peculiar to our moth ers, wives and daughters. It is made of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which have been provided by n kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses, Leu. corrhoua, Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness. Headache and Hackaehe. In fairness to herself and to Brad field' Female Reriulntor. every suffering woman ought to give it n trial. A large $i bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. &Ririratl rlyli .1 tuirirmt . konl'i I The nr.iJfl2!d Rcguhtor Co., Atlanta, Ga. S A Dairying Proposition JfCk I flJ doei not go badly with !,. I A'VI'vl thatolralslngNo.1Hird ArviM Wnei, B,h ar ,,," lrMdM ilclory in me ureal agricultural niiiriEii i Manitoba, Aiilnlboli. Alberta and Saskatchewan. Moil laored dli trlcti In Weilarn Canada. Mlxid Farming It tn atsund sucoiss. V.trrj rondlllon U ratoreble. (Itbeolo, Ohurrhr. lUllwajo, t'l. mate meet erprr requirement. Il letter from tilers we find after i few jearo' rmtdence, oaa man who cama to Wmlern Canada with $7J. la now worth 110,00, aa olhar who brought $1,(11) It now worth IW.onO.nnother who cama with barely enotiiih money tohuj ataam, la now worth 3),0IU, ami to on. Thiwa lanili ara Ilia moat valuable on tha contlnant. llallroail and other lamia at low fliiurra adjoin Freeltomeoteail Lamia. For fuller Information, mat, iituihleto, eto., arfilriwa 1'. lV.llnr, Hiirrlhtemlnt of Irutnliiralion, Ottawa, Canada, or to W. V. HRNN'KTT. , , Mil N. V Life UltlK.. Oinahn, Neb. Speolal low excursion raien during February, March and April. B .srzHsm t"'ir:aerVssa'W ud ', r T ij ,. a v i ncrus ) Mn ...( I.....1,... -.. r iiu ii:iii;kiiuiisu VvtbtI dainty, no light so WJ charming as the mellow glow that comes from l'roiaml in inanj color tlnta iu uafiuuniEti Willi aur runmlliitfa In Ulnluic ruuiii, iirawintr rtioin, I, ,1 m,,,,, ... Imll fs.1.1 t eferrnnrro, aiuilu l . STANDARD ''"'Vs.''7 nil rtn i.-'V? ilrwTP-nmP'i- "vv.nr"-rf i... &iti r :," An Irate Editor's Opinion oi Doctor. " Iiu ilt i" or f i (iiu it iifiKl't'ii i' K lmvn .ill tint iH'wpiipt"-" 't'l'iiui furnvn mi" l Wlittt, in iluintlor ! doi-Uns I.. . II.JU.'I D ' t ' f' '' yf Urn lioui' lii'itl' v lni"l a bill would inn inli oilier m. iiiuiitlis. An editor work half n dn ' tlnitulol Inn w.'li mi invtstiiHNi -f ilLOOO, n iloi'lor lookK wini ami worUs ten mill' titcs for S'JOO with iiivt'HtiniTit ot tlure fi-nts lot fiitiilpiiiiil a pill-lioxtliittcost $1 37. A doctor goes to collrge two or thii'i) yearn, giitsudinlonin and a trlng nt words tlitidovll hinmulf cunnotpio nounco, ctiltlvnU'H a look of gravity Hint lie pawns off for wisdom, gets n hox of pills, a cnyusii nnd a meat saw anil sticks out his shingle, a fulMlpdgud doctor. Ho will thou tloctor you until you din nt a stipulated price per visit, nnd puts thorn in ns thick as your pocket book will permit. An editor never gets his education llnishod; lie lenrns ns long as ho lives', nnd studies nil his life. Ho eats bran ni.ish and liver, ho tnkes his pay in hnv and tur nips, and keeps the tloctor in town by rofntining to print the truth about him. Wo rvoiild like to live in that neighbor ing town nntl run a nowspapor six months nnd seo if tho doctor would chnngo his mind about our 'running a nowspapor for rovenuo only.' If wo didn't got Bomo glory out of it wo would ngroo to uke one doso of bis pills, after first saying our prayers. If tho editor makes a mistake he hns to npologize for it, but if tho doctor raakoi a miitoko ho buries it. If wo tnaka ono tuore is a lawsuit, tall swearing and a sinoll of sulphur, but if the doctor makes ono there is n funornl, cut 11 (Wers and n smell of varnish. Tho doctor enn uso a word a foot long, but if the editor uses it ho luvs to spell it. if tho tloctor goes to see another man's wifo hn will charge tho man for tho visit. If the editor calls on another man's wifo hn get's a charge of buck lint. Ativ medical college can innke a 'doctor You cant make an etnior. ) llu has to he hot n one. When the doc- lor gets drunk it is a case of 'overcome hy the heat,' and if he tiles it is heart- failuie When an editor gets drunk it It too mneli hoi ze, and if ho dies it is a 1 ease of delirium tremens The editor 1 worl.s to keep ftoni starving while tho 'doctor woiks to ward off the gout. Tim editor helps men to live better, and the doctor assists them to tlie easy. The doctor pulls a sick man's leg, thu editor is lml if he can collect his bills at all. Uevenuo only? Wo are only living for fun and to spite tho doctt n." Stolen. THE HOME GOLD CURH. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. HEAD ACHE Both mr wire mud myneirtiMve been Btlnic CASCAUKTS nod tliey aro thu brat ' medicine we hare ever had In the house. Laat waek my wifo was frnntlo with headache for I twoilayn, Kho trloil anmoof yoiirCASCAHETS, i and tliov rolloTcd tho patu In her heud almost Immediately. Wo hotti recommend Cascarots." Oiiah. STCliiromi, Pittaburir Safe & UejiosU Civ , I'Utahurg, l'a. CANDY aa vi nnm l, "Somrthlng New Under The Sun. All Doctors have tried to cure Cai arrh by the u;e of powdors, acid gases, inhnlers, nnd ilrugs in paste form. Their ponders dry up tho mucous mem branos causing theia to crack open and bleed, l'be po wet ful acids used in tho inhnlers have enlitely eaten away thu same membranes that their makers have aimed to euro, while pastes aud ointments cannot reach tho disease. An old aud experienced practitioner who has for many years nitulo a close study and specialty of the treatment of C'atarih, has at last perfected a treat ment which when faithfully used, not I only leliovc at once, but permanently I cm es Catarrh by removing the cause, I popping thu ttischnrcfs, anil cuing all iuilitmmation It is the only rem- etly known to science that actually reaches the iilllictcd parts. This won del fill remedy is known as Snuffles the '(liiaranteed Catarth Cure" and is sold at tlie extremely low price of One Dol lar, each package containing iuivrnnl and external medicino sufficient for a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its pel feet uso. "Snuffles" is tho only perfect Catarrh (uro over mttdo nntl is now recognized ns the only safe and positive cure for that annoying mil disgusting disease It cures all intlamatioii quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve Hay Fever or cold in the bend. Catarrh wlion ncclccted ofton lends to Consumption "Snuffle" will save you if you use it at once. It is uo ortli- 1 nary remedy, but a complete treat I meat which is positively guaiautied to 'cuiii Catarili hi any form 01 stage il used Hceoiiling to directions wnieh ac eomiinny ench imckaee. Don't iu' send for it at once, and write full 1 particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful rem- lv regarding your casn without cost An Ingenlout Treatment by which Drunk. ards arc Being Cured Dally h Splf r Themselves. No Noxious Doses No Weakening of the I Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for (he Liquor Habit. It is now generally known nnd under stood that Drunkenness is a disease nnd not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shnttered hy periodical or constant use of intoxi cating liquors, requires an antidoto cnpnblo of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying tho crav ing for intoxiennts. Sufferers may now euro themselves at homo without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "Home Gold Cure," which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. Thu fnithful uso according to directions of thii wonderful discov ery is positively guaranteed to euro tho most obstinato case, no matter how bard a drinkor. Our records show ths marvelous transformation of thousand! of Drunkards into sobor, Industrious and upright mon. Wives cure your husbands!! Child ren euro your fathorsll This remedy is in no senso a nostrum but is a spec ific for this disoase only, nnd is so skill fully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble nnd pleasant to the tnste, so that it can bo given in a cup of ten or coffee without tho knowledge of thu person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this piiceless remedy, ami as many more have been cured and made tem perate men by having thu "Cure" ad ministered by loving friends ami rela tives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they dis continued drinking of their own free will. ")o not wait. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improve ment." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. "The Home Cold Cute" is sold nt tho cxtiemely low price of One Dollar, thus planing with in reach of everybody a treatment, more effective than others costing $2."j to $M). Full directions accompany each pack age. Speeial advice by skilled physi cians whou requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of tho world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Edwin 1). (.ilea & Company, 12330 nnd '.'1133 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly coutiden tial. a Comer Davies, wlio is a good friend of tha boys under all circumstance-', says in the Concordia Kausan. "It is no kindness to jour son that you permit him to grow up in idleness. It is a misfortune to him if you are stuck up with the idea that; your sou don'i have to work, that yon have enough money to keep him. Idleness is the devil's workshop Tho man that, will hunt a mime of poker and find it, no matter where it is hidden away, learnt to play poker in a ham lofi ulum he had nothing else to tin and his father was nble to keep him out of work. The hoy who goes to wot k at seven in the morning and works until six in tho evening is not the boy that, becomes a cigarette lienil. The' younu' man that nets into 'scrapes' and brings prema ture gray hairs on his father's head, and fnqueiitly makes painful wound. hi his mother's heart, is the ono who passes his youth in idleness nnd shift lessness. Work is a great purifier, be tides no man ovor amounted to shucks in this world who wns nfrnid of work." What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question atlM-s in the family oeiy day. Lit us atiswei p today. Try ilell-O, a delicious di.wit Pro pared in two minutes. No baking! add hot wa.cr and set to cool. Flavor,: Lemon, orange raspberry and straw bei ry. At your gtoceis, 10 ets. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In 3 days. Morton I,. Hill of Lebanon. Inil, anja: "My wifo had Inllnmmntory rlienmntlnm In every inurcle anil Joint i her MirfcrliiK win terrible ami her body ami fare were hwooIcii nlmont beyond recognition ; had been In bed for alx woeka and hail clRht iiliyalclana, but received no benefit until he tried the Myatlo. Cure forJIUieumatiim. ltKAVe Itnmcdlnto relief and alio war able to wiui anoiit in tnreo (in her life." Sold bv Cloud, Neb. II. ys. I am tare It anvcri K. mice. DrtiRKlnt. Ited Rheumatism Cured In a Day. MratlcCuro. for rheumntlam and neuralgia readily cures In from one to three days. Itn ac tion upon the nyHlcm Is remarkable nnd mys terious. It removes nt otico the cause nnd tho dlw.'ne Immediately diftnrear. The llrstdoso ercntly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by II. K. (Irlre. KcdClimd,Ncb. Blood. Wc live by our blood, and on a WT il u. we innve or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are beinp- re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con tinual How of rich blood. This is health. lien weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no sprinir, when rest is not iv" t and sleep is not sleep, we are starved ; our blood is poor; there is htllu ntil incut in it. Back of the blood, is fond, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's lmul.sion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again man woman and child. If jnu have not tried it, send for free Minnie, lit .igtecnhlc tate will Mirpn-e ou. SCOTT & 110WN15, uiicmitU 4cxj-.i i -, l'carl Sttect, Viw Yuri, oc mid Jt oo: all druggist!" PLATT & FREES CO., Chicago - Lumber - Vard. KKU CLOUD, NEHKASKA. Lumber, Lime. Coal and Cement. DEALERS IN LUMBER and COA& nil cling? material, Bte. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska City Dray and Express Line. E, inL. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONENO. 52. tfambletonian Wilkes, MEMBRIN0 CHIEF. i llh Ml Ji I I ! M All lit. Hi. ! " DnciM. Genuine stamped C. C C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." pnt'o oi Cntarili t vim hiivniul tun reinilnr "Sniiflli'8" tho "Uuarrtuicutl Cure." Sunt prepaid to an)' address in tho Unituil SlnteH or Cnniulii on receipt of Ono Dollitr. Address l)tpt A 402, Ed win I) Giles & Company, 2330 and 2333 Market Streot, Philadelphia. 88 TNAOI UAAN ftMWrtMO Plqinant. I'nlntnlilo. I'oient. Taste Oo.nl Do OcxhI, NuTcrrilckoii, Vcitktii, or firlo, lllo, 2jc We ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Httll.t It.w.Jy t'oupa.;, Ul.., U.or,l, N wi, u; N0T0B1R e?M and Biijrjnii'H.l hy nil drim nU'lU'llflU Klttilo OVllKTnbnci'O Habit '- ' .M , Ml msk m )!Kyl m SALZER'S SEEDS H WILL MAKE YOU RICH" H iniiiuoinni iut.ment, cut HI. rtcr'iaMda b4rlt oat i.rj tlmB. Oomblnntlon Oorn. nrwtMtcamonurth. will pott tlraly Billion DollarOraaa. urniM.1 marr.l ortbci lton,otbTprun. Finn crop in c, uitr owmc What Is It QUlocnUlU. ; roi loo.tTAtiri U4UWK0TICS aull l Ml uUlo. O.. uataaluU4utam,M NrUriTiM.Mi) ru, ,iiw7u;iix. mc. iMw m .utww - ATT Bvf s i rw umi. HT VH.I 3DEM TRiUMPH INCUPATOR8 Hatcboa all Hatchable Egfs.-. Uaw loss oil ttun any other machlno made. Hoqutros no supplied motet uro, PorfoctVontUatron.Bqual Hixul. Absolutely Autoraatia. Catalogue f ro. 'TRESTER SUPPLY CO.. . WIITIRN AQCNTS, 103 8. U tb St., IinoaJn, NoU Stat of Ohio, City of Toledo. I Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho iit senior partner of tha tirm of K.J, Cliennv & Co. doinfj business in tho City of Toledo, County and Stato afore said, and that said turn will pay tha sum ot Uno Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cliri). Pit AN K J. ClIKNKY Swi tn to btifuru me iihil btibscribud in in v pri'UMiep, this (1th day of l)ierm hi-) . A I). 18SII. , A. V. (jl.KA.iON, si:ai. Notary Tiilitiv. Hall' Catarili Cure is taken Inter nutly, nnd acts directly on thu blood mid mucous surfasuB of tho system. Send for testimonials, fret'. F J. Cuknkv & Co., Toledo, (). Sold bv druggists, 7GV. Hall's Family IMIls are tin best. Don't Accept a Substitute ! When you ask for Cascarets be sure you get the genuine Cascarets Candy Cathartic! Don't accent fraudulent substitutes, imitations or counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Tho smokers of Hed Cloud can lintl on snle by H.E. Grico nnd n few of tho locol dealers ouo of tho choicest and 1 most phenomenal retailing cigars over manufactured in tho west, tho "Tuck' cignr. It is hand intuit) throughout and I unenualed in workmanship by any 0 j0.iv i cent cigar on tliomarkot Tho "Tuck" cigar lias in us liner win iiui'si nnum ui old uutlavored tobacco that can bt pur ehniL'ti and used in a S cent cigar Its draft is perfection. Tho "Tuck" cigar is packed in tin foil in packages of live with the object in view of keeping it fresh, retaining tho flavor anil protect ing it from bronkage when carried in tha pocket.' Tho "Tuck" cignr is in fact perfection in everything that is required to make a choice smoke. There is n cigar niado-in the tlvo cent cigars that equals tho Tuck cigar, in lino workmanship, quality, draft and tiller. Try tho "Tucks". Si aaaAJAi 1 III IlliV1! ' mtW jTSsWUPr iril avZHt'iriaWri i I 1 n I 1 mm fiflWiTHgTil Km i -in fcSljyyiPfft 1 ii 1 1 HV 1 Jell-O, tke New Dessert, pleases all tho family. Four tlavorsi 1,1)111011, orange, raspberry unit straw lierrv, At your grocors. 10 cts Try : itt day. i - I How Are Yonr Kldneyi I I Dr. Uobba" fliraaui 1'lUi cure all kidney UU. 8am. (i traa. Ada. UwruiW r Oa , Obleaco or N. Y. THE RI6HT THING TO PUT ON. (Benson's Plaster Is Pain's Mister.) From tha natural impulse to "put aomo thlng on" n painful spot all applications for tho roliof of pain havo arisen. ' Tho most successful havo ovor boon poul. ticos or plasters, and the best of theso it lieusou's I'orous Flastor. No othor has anything liko tho same power as n curativo ngeut; it is highly and Bcientitieally medicntod, and iU standard is advanced year by yoar. Use Donson's Plustor for coughs, colds, chest diac.WB, rhoumutism, grip, neuralgia, kidney troublo, lamu bock, and other ail ments that make Winter a season of suffer lug and danger. It relieves and curas quioker than any other remedy. Do not accept Capsicum, Strengthening or Belladonna planters in place of Benson's, as they possess nono of its curative power. Insist on having tho genuine. Tha people of ovary oivilieed land hava testified for years to tha superlative merit of Banson'aPloMera; and 5,000 physicians and druggists of this country have declared mora wortuy o( pubiia conndenoe. , In official comparisons with others, Ben son's Plasters have been honored vnlfa fiftv.ftvd highest awards. lor sale by all druggists, or wo will pre pay postage on any number ordered in the United States on tha receipt of 2Co. each. Accept no Imitation or substitute. Beabnry & Johnson, Ug, ktealsts, NX t-EHjaRiii d ;ftff .-y ffl; gl ASK YOUR GROCER FOR "V4A talstoi The 5 Minute Breakfast Food. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKK8 "15RATN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo. THK STANDAUI) I1KK1) STAI.I.ION rjobert Cyril, 30379, Foaled in 181)0, brown hoic 10 hands high mid weighs over 1200 pounds. Will make thu season at C. L. Winfrey's bioeditig barn, Kcil Cloud, Neb. For terms or information ad'Jn Chas. . Besse, lii-il Cum!, Ni)i)iaUa. br!cT BRICK xv i' fan sin ni-li i. ii In n k in v i at Hie lni pnv tbli1 i 'itt liiick on miIii nt either of tho lumber yards. t Our Prices Before Buy Brick. You LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. G. V. ARGAimiGHT, ARTIST! PORTRAIT PAINTER. Kkd Ci.oud. Nkiiuaska, Laiulscnpi'o, Flowers, Fruits ami Por traits madi) to order. STUDIO IN DAllEltKM. 1ILOCK. I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE g FARM LOANS. Lock Uox s!3. Outdo Itoct, Neb. mm CHICHESTER'S CNQL PiHHVR0yAdL T-0fcf8AKK. Al;tr!ibi. I.B. PILLS lr 3enutnfk k,.rhftbl. l.a.lM, ill Ilru'Hrt foi CIIIOIIlTKK'S KN11US1I i In KKI tnl Oold mcttllh bona w ': i with tin ribbon, lakonoothrr. Hrf o Dattffcront Hubtltutlonii nnd Invito tl.m. Hu7 or jour llrofci.t. or ,roil4r. m umt'o tut tarllrulnr. TrotltAOl.tlt aa4 ' nailer rnri,aaic." in nor,DT rr I ura Mull. lO.IHPI) l,.rlra.Dil.. H.'tUr 11 Ii.ii. I.ib I 'hlnh .t f !h ml,. I t n.. HiaoaUiUMIr. jMadlouui'rl..l-lllLA.. 1. W A) lv p Application For License. Notice Is hereby given that a petition .IkiicJ hv thirty or more renldent freeholder!. f tho njeonil ward of the city of Ited Cloud, Nebraska. Iihi been tiled with the city clerk of Bald city of Hed cloiidprayliiRtbatallc.niebo granieil bv "alii rlty eo'uicll of nald city to Meyer) M. Mem fur the RRla of malt, Btdrltuouit and v iioub llnuorsonlotlhrte (s) bfock one (1) Wllllnras addition to tbo city of Hed Cloud. Nebraska, that action will bo taken in eald pttltlau by tho mayor and theclty council on the 2nd da) of May, 1911, or at the tlret meetins of the rpuncll thereafter. J. K. Kkm.uk, City .Clerk. Dated thUM day of April, IM, allied Cloud. Nebra$k, Appllcatloa For License. Notice It hereby gtvea that a ttltlon lK"ed bT thirty ormororoiildciit freeholders of the I rsl ward of the city of Hct Cloud, Nobraska. ha; i,. ni.ri win, thit rltv i-lurk uf Kald city uf Hed Claud iiraylunthatallcenge bo Kranted by ald i,. ,',,.1i rTt ooiit rltv to lohn Fain cky for tho iplrltuotiB and vlnoiu lliiiors on UK MMOmliftllir KtTAils!iSi Um Ueot Uogh Byrnp. '1'Mtea 0(xhJ. Cn PfS rl In Coio. Bold by dmmtlnu. H ralo of malt, n l. l tn 1,1 r ,.,OI. IU. ... v- .. .... -- .--,. -,,, ,, ,.,,., nowciiyot iieiiuiuiiu. mui kh "v -.. a said petition by tho mayor titut city i-ouiictl on the 2nd day of Slay 1901. ot at the lim meet lK of the council ihwr.. (.,(y rfc llnled llili 3d day of April. ll, l IiiU loud, Nebraska. K kinds of property bought, sold tad exchanged. COM.KCTION8 MADK. TKRMSK 1 l IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK And want to get started enrning money nt once, Bond us 25 cts for our book of "40 New Money-Making Ideas." It U worth its weight, in gold to anyone who is unomployod. Send today. Century Publishing Co., Bex 73, Heron Lake, Aiinn. J. S. EMIG-H, DBNTIBT. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crown g Bridge Work or Teeth Withi.t Pitta PORCELAIN INLAT ind all the lateit Improvement la dental mech anlia Every Woman 11 luiciroicu iii oiiuuiu onurr about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Tne ntiroinii jno(. intte. nvn ana ouriion. urti nai. il-.Moi uoriTrnleiit. 1. iiooB.ro lojiuu. asm s.visRya?-ssi x;x visijv. lr v mTmtflKfl' -A3T - . -tvff . rW Ub'f m mr ifpJF 4 tit ir JmrtUt for II. If hA enn no l tipply tliO MAItVHI,. iirivtithn Dtber. tint iHtiil itainit for 11. luttratiM NoK-flf J.U hivm full luirttruUnt and tliiertloniiln. valiui)rtnl(lieii MAUVKMO,, uum iuiuti iuiri.-t'fv wuru BlnoatToar BowU With CftftrU 1A1UUJ UUlUUIIlUt tlUB VUHBIUUUU iUTCTDr SOUTB SIDEi SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, rnoi'HiKToit. OBAUEK IX Vines, Liquors, California brandies. ALWAYS ON TAP. ma TIMETABLE. B & M. R.Y liKI) Vl.UUD XEBll. UMA11A C1IWAGO S'J. .JOE KANSAS CITY S'l. LOUIS nnd all points cast mid south. DENVER HELENA IiUT'lE SAL'l LAKE V'Y PORTLAND SA.X FRAXCISC0 and all point west. TIIAINP LEAVE AS fOLLOWS. L No. 13. l'asfciiKer ilully for OLvrllii nuil St. Krriurln brnticlicr.. Ox foril. MeCuok. Denver nnd all points west Sta a.m. No, II. rHteiiKcr ilnlly for St. Joe, Kixumis city, Atvhlsdii, si, I.oiiln. Lincoln via Wyinoro mid nil polntH eiibt nml Koutli S15 p. id No. 17. I'afseiiKer. ilKlly. Denver, h11 polntN In Colomilo, Utnti and California. ........ .. 8:40 p.m. No. 18. TaBseiiKcr. ilnlly for St, Joe, KiuiMts city. Atehlton, St. Louis and all polntH cant nnd south io;oO a.M. No. in. Accoromoilatlon, dAlly except Sunday. Hastings, Grand Is land, Itlack Hills and all points In the northrett 1:00 p.m. No. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, KatitiaB, and Intermediate stations, via Ite publican 12:3ii.m. No. 04. Freight, dally, Wymore and w St. Joe and intermediate " Junction points.. 13:45 n.ra No. 63. KrelRht. dally for Itepiibllcan Orleans, Oxford and nil points west 10:10 a.m. No. 60. Krelitht, dally except Sntiday for Wrinoreaiid all point east O.ISa.m. No. 173. FrelKht dally to Oxford and Intermediate point . l:,Toptn SIccnliiR. dlnlnK. and reclliilnn chair ran. (eats free! on through trains. Tickets sold and baRKage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conovcr, Agent, Hed Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis. General Passenger Agent Omaha. Nebraska. rLLrBj!H PARKER'S m HAIR BALSAM ClttsiM ud Utatiriu tht hr, lmmnl.o O M.vtiH.n, m.1. Nover PJU to Uritore a'r llalr to Its Vntithr.,1 rvn,rT. Cureo tlp dioritri hr.fr IiUii tOc.oBdllWiu lnj fglili CONSTIPATION' the rrdjuent u ot AppondlcItU and many oUmr t lout lilt ohould nTcr bo nvloctcd. The objKllon to the uauat cathartic remnlles l their cootlre rrArtlon whloh Inrrmooe cnnijtlpaUon iDttradot curing It. rAHKKlt'S JJlNllKU TONTO ! the proper mmwly. It act.on th? IJTcr, and hrn unod as dlrwtcd, iwrnianentlr reiuovui the contipaUon. 60 CU.& Hutu all lruinfllt PONT TOD ACCO SPIT and SAIOKP - YourLlfrnwn.,t Ton can be cured of any form of tobacco tulao easily, bo made well, strouc, macnetic full nl that makes weak men stroutr. M."iy ?f5 ten pounds In ten days. Over Baa lima cured. All ilrm.cl.l. .. '.... f U. " let and adrtce vmiC Addreks STHRi mr . . ., .vv ui new idic Dont Be Fooledi lake the cen .original ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Mad anly by MadUoo Mdl flna Co.. MadUen, WlV. t keep you well. Oar trad mark cut on each pukatre. tula. Ask yoar drugglit. FT WRITERS CORRESPONDENTS Ofr REPORTERS Wrtntul ovm-ywlwro. Stories, news, tilens, poaina, illinmatud nrtinlo ntU unique nrticles, etc , etc., niitchnHiV Articli-H revisiiil nnil preparod for put liiinlioii HnnkR published. Send fnp particulars iintl full inforiuntiun beforo M-inlinu'eitlelet-. Tlie llullttio Press Association, New York G&Mi'&ii giySga WRJBi mWWV&WWW&&VU&iIWSiK' liTWrri.rL MWmmVWtilfr&ofZ' -ofcl '" 'l,Vl'WVM