I --M--3 V ' t General - Merchandise. VTurnure'si ITurnures " M lb .v U lb Ik kl m. ! to to '0 to to to to to to to to to to to to 'to to to to to to to to m m m m m m m to to to to to to ik SEWING MACHINES, Wc have added to our largo stock a line of sewing machines. We have one of the best machines on the market for g Ol I TC the money. We will sell you a Drop jy O LJ I I O i vl to to to Women's Tailor Made )ncy. Cabinet Machine, perfectly protecting the machine from dust and making a convenient and ornamental stand. No cover to take off and put on or to lie around in the way when the machine is in use. By raising the cover the sewing machine head is automatically raised to the level of the sewing ma chine table. The wood work is antique oak, highly polished. This machine has two drawers on each side and one in the center, making five drawers in all. 25 year guarantee with each machine, l to to to to to to to to to to to to m to to to Made of fine all wool Homespuns. Blue Gray and Our Price $16.50. New Silk and Satin Waists. We have the finest line of waists in the city. Almost any color, made of the finest taffeta silk, handsomely trim med, with tucking, cording, hemstitch ing, etc. Made with the puff cuff and the bishop sleeve. No better waist in your reach for less than $7 or $8. Our Price $5 and $6. to to m to to to frWr rnn IV MA. 1 Js M X. 7 m B I ft Brown. Made in the new tight fitting blouse and Eton effects. Jacket trimmed with stitched taffeta or braid, taffeta lined, the new flaring or flounce skirt. These suits are made with as much care as perfect in fit and morkmanship as any $25 suit in the market. Our price i i to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m m Shoes and Oxfords. $9.00 to $17.00 to Spring Suitings. Have you purchased your new spring suits yet. If not don't fail to take a careful look at our line of suitings in dress lengths. All the latest colorings at money saving prices. ig tne 1 v ' 1 vl Vlm to JKTx. to a We are showinj most com plete line of spring novel ties to be seen in the city in patent leathers, cnomeled vici, turned soles or welts. Our line is made by one of the best shoe manufacturers in America, and are sure to give satisfaction. Wash Goods. The verdict of the ladies who have examined our line of Wash Goods is, Turnure Bros, have the best line of wash goods in the city." Have you seen our striped dimities, lace striped batiste, tissues, pineapple lawns, holy hone brtiste, silk mulle and plain col ored dimities. Price 10c to 60c per yard. Gloves Latest Shades in Kid Gloves 85c, $1.00, $1.25, and ;i.50. M.TIA& 2f 'vkSWL Ml www wmS. 111 XXsS 5gjgS UPMC0 Belts of the latest styles and all qualities 10c to $1.00. Hosiery. A complete line of ladies, misses and children's always on hand. Neckwear Ladies latest ef fects in neckwear 15c to 75c. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to and PORTIERRES. to to We are in a position to sell you the to Ladies Muslin Underwear and Gowns. at bargain prices. $ LACE CURTAINS to to to to best lace curtains ever brought to the city. Large Lace Curtains 45c to $4.00 per pair. to m m m Summer Shirt Waists. jjjl Latest styles and colors. Made up of m Lawns, Dimities, Percales and m Chambray 50c to $3.00. W Exquisite line of White Waists made with lace and embrodery, full fronts, $1.50 to 93.00. C0RSET5. "Puritan" straight front and satin striped corsets and girdles. Also a full line of the Jackson corsets and girdles. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to so. lPhone6i.l 3iaaaia3a33aaa3333av tft-ftM-tffrtfr. J We are headquarters for Groceries. A large stock of fresh, seasonable 5 S Fnsm W A lEVJ ARS J M goods always on hand. All Phone orders promptly attended to. it fttttCttttttfrtttttKttttttfttFFtEttFtFttFfrtttefrttttttttttttt M', THE CHIEF runufliiBti t V. L. McMIM'AN. One year... Clsmonthi ..1100 50 PUULI3UKD KVKIIY FHIDAY Bnurcd at Iho pout offlce t Had Cloud, Nob.m CvajuJ clan mall matter. ADVKIIT1SIXO UATK8: "ucal advcrtlnlng 6 cents vet line cr Imuo. in.i AiivnrtUhiE for cnlcrlalnmanlH, con tftH.MclaU, etc., Rlvon by churclics, charltablo Mclellea. etc., where all moneys rained thore frinarUBedwhally for church or charltablo eUUei, flrt ten llnoa free and all over ten fleuVt ceata per line per Iwme. lLacal adTerlliliiK of entcrulninenu. conceriR. rdtal, etc., where per cent la given to pro 'ten, i centa pe' H"8 l,cr 1""ue DliPLAT AUVKIlTIIINa. Od celumn per month........ One half column per month .. fn fourth column per month- Oeneral dliplay advcrtUIng I 8 cents per Mich per Issue. ..17 00 ... 3 N) ... 75 Helping Your Town. 'Itisnol thii Hit of u town but its htmtelm- tlmt nuiW-s it it titisintlilo place to iivu. A livo nml prosperous town is n tlohlrulik' one, tunl it town may livo :tntl prosper uml yet lt sinitH. Kvoryoitizeu inn town should bo in vcjyited in its prosperity. .One nf tlm wnys to help n town Is to Always peak well of it- U i1 ' true patriotism to stnnil by your town unit self interest s well. As it miin who speaks 111 of his own family lowers both Jtlmsolf and his family, too, in tuo esti mation of others, so does a man who . cares little for his town and commu nity soldom caro much for his country, ll'ho man wh is respected by others Tcspoots himself and hts neighbors, and patriotism begins at home. Another way to holp your town Is to do ull you can to beautify It. Hoautify your own property nil you can and then do all you can to help beautify -the stro Is. Ho friendly to everybody yind courteous to strangers. Your -sivillty will help to make good Impres- nions and will bo carried away and cherished Nuvor forget thnt you are is. part of tho town and your doport. tnont helps to make up tho stranger's ostimato of tho place. Soil all you enn and buy all you can at home. Kvory dollar that is sent or carried away from the town makes It that much poorer. If Vott nave the moans Invest in something that will ijivo Homebody employment. Always cheer on the man who goes In for homo improvement. 1) not kiek against a proposud improvement (.Imply beeausu it is not at your own dour. A town that W improving is aNo spt ending ntselfout. If a fifth man mails a pro ject onoouritgo him. If a poor man starts help him. Don't bo afraid to thrust your hand down in your pocket to help a public. enterprise. Moro towns liuvo been killed by such refusals than any other way. Tho citizons of any prosperous town arc always public spirited and united. Stand together. Work together for tho interest of tho wholo town, always stand ready to do your part. Don't grumblo ami spond your tlmo in prophesying failures, but help to make every enterprise a success. Kvory man owes something to the community for his own success be it great or small. Ho energetic, be enterprising and your oxamplo will bo Imitated Slielton Olippor, m What a panoramic profession is this editing business! How the scene shifts! Now a hoipiut or orange blossoms tossed into the lap of a blushing bride, with its reward of radiant smiles and gontle "Thank you;" now a trembling, tearful tribute to a departed friend, which "Pleas Dreaias" Cries the young maid to her mother, ns she retires to test. The mother .smiles, litt highs. She knows that the pains that rack her will not ttop for darkness, ami that it mic sleeps her dreams will only be echoes of the sufferings of the day. Why not sleep soundly and rise refreshed at morn ing, with strength and courage for the day's duties? Weak, nervous women, sufferers from backache, bearing-down pains, and other womanly a i 1 ments, have found a perfect cure in Dr. Pierce's I'a v o r i t e Prescrip tion. It heals the womanly diseases which cause the pains and nervousness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. "I deem It my duty to express my heart felt ?rntitude for having1 been the means, under 'rovidence, of restoring me to health," writes Mrs. 11 II Muiiii. of Miritiirliill. I.rmi Co.. l'l.i. "l'or nearly two years I suffered from Innate weaknewi so I could not utand on mv feet uny leiiKth of time, could scarcely walk at all. Appetite was tnncli impaired; l had lx-.irlnp. down sensations, can't express how ludlv I did feel. Had tried seeral kinds of medicine which did me little or ho good At last decided to try Dr, Pierce's favorite Prescription, 1 had not taken all of two buttles before I iaw It was lx-iiclilltiK me, so 1 continued to take it until I had taken seven Iwltles, when I felt entirely cured Did not feel a touch of my old com. plaint It ha been over n year since I took your medicine, and I can truthfully say that my health has been better for the l.isf cnr than It inil been for four ears previously "You may publish this ns a testimonial." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Huffdlo, N. Y. wa-- m lPv & (W K7 k. K vl K- Kj F i r fei&ftll I Wm LVSk H 'fe t4-Bl'f ri4 -?K LjlM: Death of Mrs. C. W. Kaley Cjrelin, wlfoof C W. K-iley, died at her home iu tliis city on Tuesday, after a uvi re illness of about two months. Shu hud be i i in ill health for some years, but her ailment was not eon Mtlcicd seiious until iccen'ly At the Unto of her death she was tigeri forty three years, one nun h ami two dajs Cyrolia Widley was born at Auburn, Indiana, on March 13. 18')B Shu was married to C. W. Kaley on l).cembnr 23, 1879, and camn to Ri-d Cloud im mediately afterward, wheto shti has since resided. Shu was one of Mini Cloud's most respected Indie., alwajs kind, charitable, hospitable, ever try ing to assist in the upbuilding of her sex, and her death is one that causes sorrow in the wholo community. Tho funeral services were held at iho resi dence Wednesday afternoon at 2:80, anil the remains taken to Aubiian, Indians, tor interment. Tho bereaved husband and other relatives have tho .sincere sympathy of tho entire com munity in their hour of bereavement. Tlitur loss is a lo-s to all (Dm$f&gims& mocks tho editor liko an echo, now u caustic ciitieism of a derellctor corrupt A now temperance society lias been started, or has started itself, at Topoka, of course, that can beat anything else on earth in tho matter of reforming tho world on paper. The plan U tho total abstinence pledge, by wny of tho endless chain. The tirst month there is to bo one, socond month three, the third month nine, tho fourth month twenty seven, and so on up to the seventeenth month, when the society will havo a total of sixty-four und a half millions of total abstainers pledged in this country. There, of course, it will havo to stop, leaving tho othoi sixteon millions to their fate, for if it worked another month it would havo to import something liKo a hundred and ton millions of people in order to get material to work on. It is a great scheme. All Topoka schemes tiro grent. And this ono will be about as tho others usually are Lawrence ilourual. m m ollleial, now eiilogiutu of some noble achievement; now a reluctant invective Inn led itt soiun iiitoleiablo wrong' And how the shadows mid sunbeams of varying fortuno chase each other along ., . ... ,.,,. .,- ., . , . . ... i , i- 1 here is no poison so highly contagious, the cam's patnwny! loday, basking so deceptive und so destructive. Don't be in me gonial warinin oi popular appro- too sure you arc cured necauscnii external val, tomorrow, ensiirotideti in lite sombre clouds of disfavor. Hut tho A Mortgage Works All of the Time. So does good newspaper advertising. If properly prepared it does good work, if not properly prepared it is an eqpensive proposition. Our experience enables us to prepare ads that pull business. We would like to prepare copy for your ads we give the matter prompt and careful at tention adn make advertising profitable. Publishers' Advertising Agency, David Citv. Nebraska. f n m m m m f m m - n m T m n m m i m m m m m signs of the disease have disappeared, nnd the doctor says you are wen. many per sons have been dosed with Mercury and rotash for months or years, and pro nounced cured to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up fi ,, fft driven from the UkB BmgatB Ukm. 8urface to break out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poison is so surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison con- in'eartj Th Sltl ot th Ppont' life, for it remains smolderinc in the sys- ' tem forever, unless properly treated nnd things to rights and ho writes things to driven out in the beginning, b. b. t. is tot She reads what others write and I 'f &.a"liJ0!?. l s ." v!' ho writes what others read. S devil ot a time mid ho has a limo with the devil. Shu known more than she wines and he writes moro than ho known. Stolen. sunbeams outnumber tho shadows. For all tho ills there aro amplo com pensations. "Your paper is liko a lotter from home," "It has boon liko a personal letter to mo," "wo look eagerly for its coming," "it is a wol come visitor in our home," words liko thtso como to every editor now and then, and thoy dooth good liko a medicine. Thoy balm all bis wounds and buoy his spirits liko an elixir of life. Marion Record. Tho editor and his wife very often disagree with each other. She sets lite an tue oujy rcn,e(jy nown that can over lie has a j conlc it nnd drive it out of the blood, and Launching of the Battleship "Ohio." Sail Frai'u'Meo, alifornia, May 18th, 1U01. UnlyfGOOO for tho round trip. TickoU on salo Mty Till and 8th, limited to continuing pasMigo on tho going trip. Returning, atop-over will huullowed within lite limtl limit, which is tluilj dav f 11111 date of hale. A. Conover, Agent to embarrass or bin sss The line of heating Moves at Wright's is superb, See them. it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. cures contagious uiuuu Poison in any and all stages; contains no mineral to urcak down vour constitution; it is purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier known that cleanses the blood and at the same time builds up the general health. Our little book on contagious blood poiboti is the most complete nud instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells nil about this disease, but nlfo how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 0A. .y - niZ 1 1 3S5: & sissfte Furniture and Furniture ! THK Little Store Room IN TIIK Big Damcrctt Block is packed to ie utmost with all the latest styles of fur niture and at prices lower than ever before offered. Call and get our"prices before buying. We will save you money and please you with quality. Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb. W. B. ROBY, DEALEK IN Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn, I Baled Hayand Coal Oil. ' I-I-VRO - ?VVX - SOFT COAIv " A.JK No. i Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. Sv THE CHIEF, $1.00 PEE YEAR. (SmbV &ttvtJ0iii-&itrT-zr JPJKUnir iior-a - - T-j ".IHMWtJliM Jb,' T ' Wism - atsafcvy.. "tait-a.-f iW- t 1 -s-1 I i .