The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1901, Image 1

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t yviiinrrx djtxo.
The Satisfaction of
wmn !
i -.00
i s.25
$11.50 OTisiS
$6.25 w
tAULt ' iSttLl tslit' li A I &'
Is knowing you receive the best furniture that can be had. Our stock is of the
broadest range and the most critical taste can be quicbly satisfied. Great care
exercised in buying always gives you the opportunity of buying for less money.
The large caJ just unloaded gives you a choice stock to select from at a special
selling price.
Bed Boom Suites $14.50 to $50.00.
To make room for new stock patterns good- quaky best.
Regular $28.00 Sideboard, oak quarter sawed, French Mirror,
Regular $14.00 Sideboard, special at
Regular 16.00 Sideboard, special at
Regular 20.00 Sideboard, special at ...
Regular 25.00 Sideboard, oak, quarter sawed, special
Special in IRON BEDS.
Dark Green Enamel, regular $16.00, now
Black Enamel, regular $17.00, now
Green enamel, regular $21.00 now
Other Grades, all colots, $2.50 to
Bed,.Spring and Mattress complete
75 spring Couch, Silk Damask Cover, $14.00.
We a rej. showing a full line of Karpen guaranteed
i. couches. Let us show you the difference between
tycouches built by river jobbers and our guarantee
Prices $10.00 to $20.00.
Our No. 1320 Cane Seat at $1.27. Our Cobbler Seat at $1.38.
A good roomy wood seat, arm rocker, 4 patterns at $1.50.
$6.00 and $7.00 Wood beds, special, $4.00
Special in Commodes $2.00 to $4.00.
Combination Book Cases, $26.00 to $9.50.
Kitchen Chairs, 3 spindle, 50c.
Kitchen Chairs, 4 spindle, 60c.
Dining Chairs, 70c to $2.00 each.
Kitchen Cupboards $4.80 to $1800.
Kitchen Cabinets, Russell patent $7.50.
A carpet that will
wear is the kind that
you are always looking
for. Fresh carpets
that have not laid
in stock for months
and months -but vou
want the new styles
and the new carpets
and the nrettv ones.
We have always prided ourselves in having the newest, freshest, best styles of
carpets on the market.
Hemps, yard wide, 10c to 25c the yard,- Granites, 25c to 45c the yard,
Unions, 40c to 50c the yard. Light weight all wool 25c the yard.
Extra all wool 50c the yard. Extra Supers 65c the yard.
This line comprises Lowell's two-plys, Leceistershire two-ply extra supers. They
are the best.
Axminsters and Moquettes $1.00. Extra Axminster and Moquettes $1.10 per yard.
Our stock contains forty patterns to select from. We cut and make carpets the
same day "bought" if desired. No extra charge for waste in making.
A nice new rug will do a great deal toward
brightening up the old carpet.
Smvrna 1 "N. oauette Eue-s.
Samples of Moquettes, Wilton Velvets, Brussels, hi ., Etc., 50c per yard.
10HH fol toll H iflewB
uniirir 4 -H
DUttrlct Court Proceedings. ,
Tho following 11 ro the cases disposed of
nt tho term of cotut in session tliu foro
part of thin week:
Statu of Nfhritsku vs duty, bustardj ;
dismissed by county attorney.
State of Nebraska vs Komi West; ice
ogni.inee to keep the pence; tUaiuissctl
by county nttoincy.
State of Nebraka vs Henry Vandcr
fcclit, assault, dismissed by county at
torney New England Loai, stud Ti list Coin
punj vs Thomas Kiingh el ul, sulc con.
liiiiicd and deed oidctiil.ilcfiuuliiut ex
oepts, foity das to piopatn and pic
sunt lull of exceptions; hiipcisoiloas
boiiillied tit $101)
First National Hunk of Uiualia vs
State Hunk of Hluo Hill, continued for
Itmriet Dcnnison ot al vs Sylvia C.
Warner ct nl; for conlirniation; salo
continued and deed oidcrod
J. S. Whitu vh Webster County; ap
peal; continued by agreement of all
John V. Moon vh Isadoio Fioymaik,
consolidated with City of Ked Cloud,
Nebrnskn vs Tho Michigan Trust Co.,
oxeeutors, etui; petition in equity, de-
fondant Riven leavo to amond answer
by intcilineation, in eusn of Moon vh
Freyinaik the death of plainlitT is sug
gested mill casi) niado in naniu of Mich
iunii Trust Co . executor; answer is
amended to st.iuil as lust amended pn
titlon; alno former answer of Dr. Dam
01 ell to stand as answer forliimsulf and
wife to lust amended petition; reply of
City.of Heil Cloud to stand us icply to
amended answer mid loivo niviui City
oi Ked Cloud to lilo reply instauter to
answer of defendant Michigan Tiust
Co ; also answer of Kuloy, tiusteu, to
stand as his answer to amended peti
tion. Plaintiir given leave to amend
petition by intcilineation inslmiter to
bringtin all verifications intuiested in
trust deed claimed. Demurrer to to
ply overruled, defendant excepts.
Th McKiuloy Latining Loan and
Trust Co. vs Henry C. Cutter ot ul;
foieclosuro tax lien; default of all de
fendants taken; court linds duo plait
tilT on tax certificates $151 03, first lien;
interest 10 per cent; attorneys feus,
$15.50; deeieo of foreclosure) and order
of sale.
Adams County Hank vs William
Schmidt; appeal; jury impaneled and
sworn, who ufter hearing all the evi
dence, argument of counsel and in
Mructions of court retiieil and on same
day returned verdict in favor of plain
till for sum of 9158.51. Judgment on
ChfTonl J. Pope vs Stnto Hunk of
Hluo Hill; suit on note, settled and dis
missed at plaintilT's cost.
Miuer Bros, vs li & M. It 11. Co , ap
peal; dif missed and casts paid.
Hurry McCormal vs Hoard of County
Commissioners of Webster diunty nnd
Archin Campbell; continued for term;
plaintiff given 40 days to lilo unloaded
Silas M. Milligan vs Hmriol A. Milli-
gun; default of defendant taken; court
finds facts stated in petition trtio-,
prayer of petition granted nnd Jivoico
awarded upon payment of costs.
Tho Western, Lund Company vs Tho
Neb Loan A; Trust Comp'y; foreclosure;
Default of all def'ts taken except Neb L
& T Co; court finds due plt'ff on tux
sulo certificates and tax receipt in sum
of $158.20, 1st lien; int 10 poicenf; utt'.vs
fees, 15,8ii; decree of foreclosme and
order of sale.
Harrison Sanderson vs George M
Smith; appeal; Trial to jury; verdict for
plaintiff for $30.00; motion for new trial
overruled; judgment on verdict; 10 days
given to prepnro and present bill of ex
ceptions. John C. Rose vaGerd Meeutz; appeal;
plt'ff given 30 doys to fllo petition and
deft 30 days thereafter to answer.
Mary Snce et al vs Georgiunu Sneo
etui; settled.
Theodoro Mostellei vs Purinelm Mos-
inltij. trt rt.lif 4lM.t. mntlnn ? ij.k
trial overrnled; pltTF except; 10 days
given to fllo bill of exceptions; superso-
! dons bond fixed lit $300.00.
State of Nebr ox rel. A. D. Hannoy,
county attornoy, L, S. Wilson, deputy
co. ntt'y vs J. P. Hale us county clerk
mandamus; prcctnt county uttorney dis-
iiualifleil from acting in this case; L. S.
Wilson appointed to prosecute huuio
without fee, and if not tritd at tliis term
will bo continued till Deoemlicr term.
In the mutter of tlux nppliciition ot
Oliver Allen for chungo of nnine; peti
tion to chiiuge iiiinie; defuult of liny and
all peihous iuteieHtid; tiial to eoiiil;
fiom tlie evidence iuttodiiced, couit
finds fiiefs in petition tun-; inuyerof pe
tition giunted on puymeiit of costs.
lCrntst Welsch vh Neb Loan iV Tnit
Co; fiiieclosute; dismissed; costs paid.
The FiiuneiH Louti A: Titisl Co.,
Tllistee vsTlios. Kiuiglietal; f'oieclosllle;
motion to quiiHli ovettuleil; deft given
30 days to answer.
Elizabeth Scott vh Kiigeuo M. Scott;
divoice; default of deft taken; 1 1 fill to
couit; dfvoico gianted on payment of
Kdwaid M. Hotrmau vs Lilliun A.
HolTmuu; divoice; pll'II in open couit
outers u dismissal of his petition; is
granted by couit; cuso on imswer and
cross-petition of deft continued for term.
( L. Jones & Co. vs The Western
Union Telegraph Co; appeal; continued
by ngi cement.
Matthew It. Dent ley vs Turnuro Dro ;
petition in eiror; decision of judgment
of lower couit .nfllriuod; motion for new
trial ovei ruled; 10 days to pieputo and
piescitt bill of exceptions.
Pi ttibono A: Nixou vs M. Thompson
etui; fuieclosuie; settled and dismissed.
-III... .!.... I)... 1.1 . U I.. tf
AMU isl'iiiii jvnpiun oiljuilj Vi. vn ".I
Guild dc Co; appeal; continued and to lie
tiied on pleadings tiled in lower court.
John 1). Stnnser vs Anna J. Hartley
etal; foreclosuie; default of all deftH
takuu; tiial to couit; couit finds duo
plflf on note, mnitguge, taxis and in-
wo have seldom mot a stranger cuso
thnu his. Mr. Johnson's ear bus not
only developed to its full natural bi.o
but has kopton growing nnd growing
until it is nearly n foot long. It is
l-irgnr than an ordinary cnbbugo. It
cowis his entile check and rests upon
Ills .shoulitci Indeed it, is so largo
that it rondeis its owner lop-sided ami
tint doctor lias found it necessary to
suspend a brick from the pnlienl'H
other ear in older that ho may main
tain his balance in walking. Tho our is
still growing lupldly ami Mi Jnhnsoii,
wlio takes the mutter clii'mluu , tmyx
that l midsummer it will sei vo tho
double put poso of uu ear and nn uni
hicllu t'tl like lo lic a liu) hkhIii, (t know I mi not li
IM llko lo kco tliu ili'Hr (ilit farm, (I know I
cannot pit It);
O'er ulilrli I crhtwlille ncil lo ilrho the balky
inure iniiiicil M utile ;
It kuoiiih to mo, In looking buck, tliatcery
iliiy wai Jolly.
IM like toitmlti n llimliiK lionl f York SUt
tipple elder;
IM llko tu tin 1 Id lomo moro rail fence, with
pout nnd nuke, mill rlilur;
IM like to run nwnj from nchool iiinl lke two
UckliiRH luler,
Thn Hrnt ne from the mimler anil lli tcoonil
frem my pnter.
I'd like to pull tliu iniUcrliiK uar on tilue
(Intnrln'n lr;
IM llko ( ftel tlic old lime thrill of toiuttiiK
TlmmpBOii'ii iliiiKhter;
IM llko tn rut h llrlil of In at llh Hint olil
Or Imll tl.p friiKraut maple imp nnd lick It
from Hie Inillo.
miiaiicetliosiini of 125,75; interest 10
percent; deeieo of fouclosuro and order
of sale; stay of nine mouths,
Chailotte L. Heevis vs Geo. Reeves;
divoice; default of deft taken; trial to
court; divoice giunted uu payment of
Win. U. Vnnco vs Hurry M. Wallet ;
injunction; motion todissolvoinjunctioi
sustained; plf if excepts.
I). D. Spauogle vh Clias A. Doran; on
appeal; trial to jury; verdict to plf fT;
motion for now triul overrnled; deft
excepts; judgment on verdict; deft ex
cepts; 10 duys given to prepuro bill of
exceptions; supeisedens bond fixed us by
statute piovided; continued for teim.
Sliaw Ellsworth M'fg Co. vs Wayne
G. Parker, receiver diiectert to pay to
grunteo in sheriffs deeds or his assigns
any surplus in his hands us receiver.
Will llopka has purchased a cur loud
of sugar to hold for u rise.
Doctor Franklin and family mo now
located permanently in Hluo Hill,
Mrs. D. P. Newcomer, who lias been
quite ill the past week is recovering.
I ho entertainment given Mnnduy
evoning by tho ladies gymnasium class
of tho high school was a distinguished
Mrs. William Dolahoyde of South
Dakota, formeily living horo nnd at
Ayr, died nidilenly ut her homo litbt
wook and was buried tun eon Sutunlay.
J H Southwell of Plainviow was in
town Tuesday, icinaining over night
and punming his journey south and
wot tho following day,
Chu. ScliHirnit, formerly of Ked
Cloud but now a commercial tiuvelor,
I'ns been In town most of tin week
On Monday evoning, dining tno
thunder stoim the telephone wirts ut a
point about two miles west of Hluo Hill
wore struck by lightning mid binned
off, interrupting communication with
Tho rcadois of the Chief will recall
that there was, lust winter, a little
trouble in tho lodgu of tho A.O. B. 11. P.
is this town, in thecoma of which Mr.
Thoinus Johnson of Oak Creek town
ship was so unfortunate us to lose an
ear. Later on we loported, upon au
thority of Dr. Fulkeisoii, thut n now
oar wuh growing out upon the sito of
tho lost meinbot. This romarkablo
circumstance wn's so unusual that your
correspondent ilotei mined to vvatoli
tho further piogiou of the cuso unit
wont out, yesteiduy, with tho doctor
and called upon Air Johnson. In tho of a lifo devoted 'u close obw
ation ,ud a keva searck for ;h trnth
I'd like to ko to npcltlnK cliool, (e nlwnjH
I'll lllu tohpcll tlicin ilouu iikaIii, especially
Jim Hull) ;
IM like- lint uliat'n tli iim; my frlcmli t
Imven't loti), to lliiRcr,
Kornlxt) jciiik, mill then a Ten -limetbifctik-il
mo wllli their linger.
COMJM litis.
George Mooie was over from KansiiH
this week.
C. Wagoner has his now homo en
Mrs. Coplon died last Sunday anil
funeral services wttn held Monday.
Mrs. Coplon has been poorly fcr some
S. A. Redden was at St. Paul tho llrst
of the week.
S. A. Redden mid J. S. Large nt hnvo
bought P. E. Fuirliold'a stock barn.
Joseph Hunter's now house is com
pleted. Chus. Diisheo's new house is nnnily
A Horn Is building un addition lo
his house.
Tim Guy brothers iiilurned the first
of iim week fnnn Iowa, whoio they
weie called by the illness and MiHsu
quent death of their 8ti.'t.
R Stickloy Is very sfolr.
Mrs. T. F. Watt is improving.
Maiido Fcntresi is improving slowly.
W. E. Tompkins was on the sick list
but is nut again.
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist. -
bi VTii "
Tie Dluoverer of Swamp-Boot at Work U
Hit Uborttory.
There is a disease prevailing in thla
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by
It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
or apoplexy are often the result of kidney
disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to n
vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack
tho vital organs, or tho kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Then tho richness of the blood tho albumen
leaks out and tho sufferer has Brlght's
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root tho new dis
covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands
of apparently hopeless cases, after all other
efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent
and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free
by mall, also a book telling about Swamp
Root and Its wonderful cures. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and