It K to LOiUaaiki(itiiiU(baaiaitiabtibthavtktia(btb)bbtbaiai)tAiviahabibviiiaaaftt. Notice to Intending Camera Purchasers. Beginning Saturday, March 30th, we make the following prices on cameras. Ray Camera, No 7, oxi, long foeu, No ' 4x5. 11. R. leu.. " " No. 1, 4v"i, Cyeo shutter " " No. E, t.o, with Vi inctMl i-oldors " " No It, itjxt, with V muliil holder I'oeo H, r7, R H. loin :mi Uniuiim shutter Pony 1'ieiuo, No f, 11. It lens iitul Victor shutter Cyclone, Fo f, 4fi Eastman No, It. Folding I'oeket Kodak, JUxlJ " No. 1, Fohlinir Pocket Kodnk,2ix3J " No 1, Hull's Kyr, 1x5 " No. 8, " ajxlt ' No. a, Flcxo, 3x3J " lirownio camel, 'Hx'2 Wc can hold tho prices only so long as our present stock hsts as the rankers have advanced their prices while lowering their catalogue price. Come in and get a good camera at tho lowest possible price. Newliouse Bros. 9 WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Stove repairs at W. W. Wright's. For farm loans call on C. W. Kaloy. Cano seat Rockers 1127 at Miner Bros. Dr. Spencer ol Riverton was hero Thunday. Special price on buggy whips. Fo okl & Hutchison. SSMlss Dollie Shepherdson of Riverton was shopping here Saturday. Mrs. Jaa. Burden is visiting with friends in Lincoln this week:. C Clarence Stine and wife of Superior were hero over Sunday visiting with friends. Joo Warren Jr., spent Sunday visit ing with his brother Walter and wifo at Superior. Mrs. H. E Pond of Lincoln, ferraerly of this city, arrived hero Tuesday on a visit with relatives and old friends. Boforeyou make a purchnso in the Dry Goods, Grocery or shoo line get our prices Nebraska Mercantile Co. Thero will be regular service held at tho Christian church each Lords day at tho usual hours. 11. S. Soudkk, Pastor. J. C. Wolfe, the furniture man, has just received a nice now lino of new furnituro and carpets. Call and got prices beforo buying. 1 pUDStOD 1 t j Gaptared I j Aguinaldo. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 9 9 9 9 a -a 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 That is interesting, but tho most interesting item is tho low prices we are making on hardware. You want to got in and save your mouoy along with tho rest. Let us show you 9 what we have in a f 9 9 9 '9 9 9 9 9 9 9 .9 9 9 9 9 9 .9 9 9 9 ; 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 i 9 -9 Steel Spado All-bolted Wheelbarrow. Rake Wash Board. 14 inch Cream Cans, IX tin 8-inch Monkey Wrench ..00o .2.00 .25o .20o ,.80o . .80c 8-foot Poultry Netting per rd 20o 2-foot " " " 20o 14-inch Warranted File 80o 7 lbs Nails 25o Gliddon Wiro, with staples ,3.G0 All goods guaranteed to bo tho best the market affords. Wo want your trado and will save you money to got it. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. 9 9 f. UKOUl.AU. $35 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 8 00 27 00 25 00 10 00 17 no 10 00 12 00 8 00 5 00 1 00 Unicum shutter $17 GO 10 60 5 00 5 00 I 00 14 00 in oo r :o 11 oo 8 00 0 GO 0 40 1 00 80 fr MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Thk Ciuxr II per year. District court convenes noxt Monday. Canvas leggins at cost. Foqki. & Hutchison. Just arrived a new lot of Berry Sets at the Fair. A few of those dandy 25c whips to go at 10c at Butler's. The lino of boating stoves at Wright's is superb. Seo-thorn. Don't fail to get our prices before buying. Fooel & Hutchison. Lena Brokaw of Superior spent Sun day with rolatives and friends hero. Mrs. H. A. Howard loft Monday for a visit at Indianapolis and Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Robinson, mother of C. D. Rob inson, has returned to her homo at Hastings. Willis Fulton and wifo of Riverton woro visiting with friends and rela tives hero tho last of tho week. Mis9 Mary Detour was heio the hrst of tho week visiting with Miss Edith McKcighan and Dr. Damerell and family- Tho now game law prohibits tho shooting of quail until November 1st, 1003. It is a good law and should bo on f tiro d. A fino baby daughter of usual Neb raska weight mado it's advent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Ryan on Easter aiorning. Go to No 1 Third nvenuo for fresh gardon and Held seeds of all kinds. Also headquarters for tho BEST coal in town. Union sets, cano seed, Kaffir corn, etc. For a hand made harness to give wear, mado of tho best oak tanned leather that will not rip or tear, and warranted to bo mado with tho host of caro, go to J. O. Butler. Cures dizzy spells, tired fooling, stomach, kidney and livor troubles. Koops you well all summer. Rocky Mountain Tea taken this month. 85c. C. L. Cotting. Red Cloud can now boast of four as fino crosswalks as any tewn in the stato. We hopo tho good, work will continuo until every crossing in town is supplied in a liko manner. All that assumed air of importance which Ed. Pnlsifor displays is not on account of his being olected alderman A son arrived at his homo on Sunday evening. Mother and son doing well. Wo take Butter and Eggs the same as cash at highest market prico 32 bars Lenox soap $1 00 17 pounds gran ulated sugar $1 00 Hone shoo tobacco 40 cents per pound. Nebraska Mercan tile Co. When you have urgent business with someone in another town or city, ro member you can roach your party the quickest and best by tho long distance telephone. Rates mado known on ap plication to "central." Tho mossenger boy, Andrew Jaokson, who was taken to St. Joo last Friday to undergo n surgical operation, un derwent thejsamo on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, but did not rally from its effects and died that night at 11 o'clock. Ho had been employed at this station as messenger for a number of months and had only a day or so bofero boon named for a bettor position. Ho was a quiet young man and woll liked by his associates. His former homo was in Boavor City and his remains woro taken to that place for burial. His parents reside at Forest Grovo, Oregon. The following items in regard to Louis Soderborg, formerly of this city, are taken from tho Longmont, (Col ) Call, and from his majority in tho city election would indicate that he is very popular out there. "Louis Soderberg, marshal elect has rented a houso on Kimbark near Sixth Hvoniin. He will givo up his railroad job and look after tho citj's interests ns marshal " "Louis Soderbeig is clearly entitled to ono of tho Call's mild Italian climate chromos ns being tho strongest candi date on tho citizen's ticket, His ma jority over M. E. Bashor, auti-saloon candldato was 20G." SfKCIAL. GENERAI CITY NEWS. nj and $0 00 coil at Caldwell's. 25 cents gets a no cent whip at Fogel & 11'. chisou's, WAsrr.D: Two good girls at the Hon Ton testaurant. See the lino display of heating stoves at W. W. Wright's. Tho Ciiikk and Chicago Inter Ocean no year for $1.25. Tho tilth ear of furnituro just un loaded at Miner Hros. Wo cost.- aro closing out our leggins -Fooki, & Hutchison. ut C. M. Smith is building a small barn on the east sidoof bis livery barn. Walter Roby sells tho Singer sowing nmchino. Prices riglil. (Jot tho best. Geo. J. Warren and rolatives and friends in week. wifo visited Lincoln this Tho Nebraska Mercantilo Co. have moved their grocery stock into tho dry goods room. Overalls at 45 conts, largo blue hand kerchiefs C cents and hosiory 5 to 15 cents at tho Fair. Ray Kdgorton who was badly hurt at the depot last weok has so far re covered as to bo ablo to go to his home. Mrs. Haresnapo arrived In the city last evening on a visit to Gee. Webber and family and other relatives and friends. Farm Insurance !' German - Insurance -Co. OF FEEEl'ORT, ILL. Tho largest old lino company in the ' west. Farmers Mutual Ins Co. Of Nebraska, of Lincoln. Lartrest mutual in tho state with. over 300 policies in Webster County. O. C. Teel, Agt,i Rkd Cloud, Nebraska. Some people lose their heads when they como to buying farm tools. This they find when thoy have bought a hay rake nnd llnd it is too light to do tho work. In this tho Osborn stands alieHd of all competitors. Tho rains wo aro having makes tb alfalfa grow. You will need tho best rase you can gt to rake it with, in tliU THE'IOSBORN will pleas" you. You will also need somo other go d IMPIyBMENTS. You will save 111 -noy by coining to my store and looking my goods over, nnd get my puce. You will lind thu prices to lowest and the goods tho best. Givo me a call. I will save you money. JKS. PETERSON. Prices on dry plates till April 15: size Stanlkt Cramrr Crown Suds 27 G. E. 3Jx4t 27o 860 4x5 40o 62c 5x7 G60 880 NawnousK Bros. The Cutler- Batton Theatre Co. closed their engagement in this city Wednes day night and went to Superior. Tho company is a good ono nnd tho people patronized them liborally. Wo would be pleased to havo them return ngain noxt season when tho now opera houso is built. For Salr-. I will soil at private snlo all my household goods, consisting of stoves, dining and kitchen tables, stands, chairs, bodstcads, folding bod, cupboards, washing machine and nu merous other articles. Also 1 incuba tor, 3 broodors, 1 bone grinder, 2, 4 and 5 ft, poultry netting, all my line Del pinu hares and hutches, 2G Hrown Leg horn chickens, I will exchange some haros for a lady's or gent's bicycle, watch, typowriter or offers. All goods not sold by tho 20th will bo sold at auction. My residence is for sale for cash or on oasy payments. Call at residence 5 blocks west and 1 block north of Grice's drug store. J. il, Weoman. LOCALLY A. I) Ranney of Hluo Hill was hero the last of tho wook. M. M. Stein was in Hloomington Tuesday on business. Iron bed, spring and mattress com plete 3(500 at Miner Hros. Don't forget tho Trustee's Slaughter Sale at the Nebraska Mercantile Co. Bernard M Neny left Thursday for Omaha to look after business matters. A gai len take for 20 cents and gar den seed are only one-half price now nt the Faii .Mrs. Mooes Wilson of Hluo Hill is hero the gnest of her daughter Mrs C. D. Robinson. The cemetery board this wook re ceived another carload of stone for fix ing up tho city of tho dead. C. J. Piatt this week removed his lumber yard office from tho south to tho north sido of tho yard. Foil Sai.k: Gorman millet seod. In quire of F. E. Wlldey, tlve and onehalf miles south-west of Red Cloud. Spring is here; so is Butler, with a full lino of light and heavy harness at lowpricos. Call boforeyou buy. Finest lino of iron bods and fanoy rookers in tho valtoy, at bed-rock prices at J. C. Wolfo's, tho furalturo man. Farm loaaa at 5 per cent interest or good improved land. C. F. Cather, office over Cottlng's drug storo, Red Cloud, Neb. Mrs. A.S. Marsh, a former resident of this city, but of late years residing at Pasadena, California, is hare visit ing old friends. Tho seetion crow from this place was taken out on one of tho branch lines of the B. & M. the last of the wook to clear the track of snow. Taken this month koops you woll all summer. Greatest spring tonlo known. Rocky Mountain Tea, mado by Madi son Medicino Co. 35c. C. L. Cotting. Wo have boon instructed tonnnounco by C. M. Ingrain, of Jtulsnn, Kansas, that tho new P.iwnoo Union church will bo dedicated on Sunday, April 21. All are cordially invited to attend. ThoG. A. It. is making preparations for tho largest Decoration Day service over held in the oily. Tho McKcighan monument will bounvolled on that day. W. J. Bryan, Col. Vifquin nnd other noted persons aro expected to bo pres ent. An effort is also being mado to socure the services of tho McCook band. Considerable petty thieving is re ported by farmois who leavo whips, robos, etc., in their buggies and wagons around town. Tho parties doing this should bo summarily dealt with whon caught. "Have you any doubts remaining!" tnid Mrs. Jones. "No, Marinda, I have not. I took Rocky Mountain Tea last night." ' Twill romovo nny impure thoughts in tho human family. 85c. C. I,. Cotting. Tho rains of tho past week havo been n good thing for tho country but bvo considerably retarded spring work, if tho weather bureau man would just as soon wo wish ho would savo somo of this surplus moisturo for July and August. Wo wish our correspondents would endeavor to get their items in eacli weok nnd if possible not Intor than than Thursday. No department of tho paper is looked after by our road ers more than this, If your locality is not represented send us in tie news. Wo have moved our stock of Grocer ies to tho rear of the Dry Goods room, whore wo aio prepared to givo our patrons the best of service, and furnish iheui with tho choicest of dried nnd canned fruits and staple groceries at Trustees prices, Nobraska Mercantilo Co. BEST SHOW ON EARTH! Right now you have the bust show on earth to buy clothing. Prices never were lower. Quality never better for the price. Men's Suits! Made of good honest fabrics, values at $3.00 to $8.50. Big Happy Kids and Pleased Papas Every kid Is happy when he in wearing ono of our "Goodolasa" suits. It fits him and woarn well. Ilia papa la happy because he hah pleased the kid and saved his monoy. Special values In Kid's suits 11.50 to $5.00. wSiP Men's and Boy's Hats for Easter. All the new styles and colors. The new Golf, Fedora, Pasha, Graco and Dcrbys. New line of Derbys at 1.75, 2.00, 2.50 and $3.00. See the "LION" Brand Shirts for correct things in shirt wear. Wc bought them because we know you want them. Confidence in our goods is the secret of our big success. Gouiden-lfaley - Glothing - Go. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. Tho sermons aro usually short on Easter to tho woman who hns on a now Easter bonnet. You can't always toll what kind of a lifo a person lived by looking nt tho in srciplion on his tombstone. A correspondent nsks "Is lovointoxi eating?" It is in courtship and if kept up will result In matrimonial jim-jams Thero aro too many pooplo in this world who always want to grease tho track for someono who has started down hill. Thero are a great many people who have no confidence- in a nowspapor but will believe anything they read in nn almanac. Tho life of moro than ono girl has boon blighted because her mother mado hor go to church in a faded gown or a last year's bonnot. Noffspapers are liko railroads in ono way. It costs just as much to carry dead-bonds and dead-beats or "bums" as it does tho follow who pays full price. Somoono remarks that liquor will strengthen tho voice. That is u mis take. Tho author of tho remark tvi dontly meant to say "tho breath" in stoad of tho voice. Feoplo who don't want to bo dunned should keep thoir bills paid, and peo ple who don't waat to havo their. feel ings hurt should keep thoir bills out of other people's business. If you seo anything in this paper that pleasos you if you think It has the right ring have your namo put on our list as a subscriber. If it dlspioasos you give us youi nnmo anyhow it may pleaso someono olso this time and you next. - Our friends will ploaso hand us in news items whilo thoy aro fresh. Wo prefer not to publish a birth utter the child has boon weaned, n marriage aft er the bridegroom has becomo papa, tho death of a man after his wifo hns been married again, or tho death of a woman niter her nusuanu 11ns com menced to stry out into nights. ' In Webster county this yonr sheep are to bo taxed upon n valuation of fifty cents per head, in ;Colfax county ono dollni'und in Dodgo county two dollars. Wlini Justice is there in nsking a Dodgo county citi.en to pay four times tho tax on his sheep that a Webster county resident does, or twice as much as a Colfax county man is requested to pnj T What is truo of sheep is also true of all stock and othor personal property. stylish and well made, special line at 9.00. 9.50, 10 and $12 00 Men's and Boy's Shoes. The celebrated "SRLZ"kInd. More Stylish and Wear Longer Than Any Shoe Made. They aell at 11.00, 11.25, 11.50, 1.75, f ZOO, 9X26, W.50, $3.00, 13.50 Don't be shoed without first seeing us. To Whom It May Concern, lied Cloud, Nob., March 20, 1001. At n mooting of tho board of trustco.i of the Hod Cloud Cemetery association, held nt tho office of oierk on dato abovo written, it was ordorod that all lots not paid for or satisf ctorily adjusted nt tho expiration of thirty days from this datu will bo cancelled, tho ground occupied by graves, cut off; and re mainder reclaimed by tho association nnd sold. By Order of the Board. -4M444f4444ju sTo the Smokers of Eed Cloud. CALL FOR THE Hlae - Front"! CIQAR. 'WW THE BEST I Five Cent Cigar mado west of tho Mississippi river. Made of nice long Amer ican Havana filler. The best that can he purehasod in tho United States. Thcso cigars nro strictly hand mndo. J. NUSTEIN, MANUFACTURER. S (frt(tfrfttttt Irindley's flestawant HALK IIUILDINO, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Warm Meals Hours. at A1U ,Nice, Comfortable Lodging! Kooms. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, NUTS AND CIGARS.! Ovsters if Every Stye. iALL KINDS OK HOT AND COLD! LUNCHES. A 1 1 1 m 1 1 K I i fr "fMyx fpiv"jF r-;'"T'1; TwfX&ZFty iV'tovnm3Mwl ev-wc. mew nntyjatttyuaa