( THE ST. JOSETH J The Indictment of Mrs. Addle nich-1 ardson ly the grand Jury on the charge of murdering her husband, Frank Richardson, has served to stir anew Interest in this mysterious case. The timo for the trial Is now not far away and throughout the county the probable verdict of the Jury Is the chief topic of discussion. On this Y point there Is u divergence of opinion, the friends of Mrs. Richardson stout ly defending her from the charge made against her. Mrs. Richardson herself remains confident of her acquittal. "I welcome this opportunity to prove my innocence," she said to n friend the ether day. "fiver since the death of my huaband I have been compelled to listen to veiled allusions to my guilt, and now a chance is offered to end them forever. I am Innocent and 1 have no fear that the Jury will fiifd otherwise." In less than one hour after Rich- - ardson was known to be dead at ltls home on Christian Ridge, the night boforo Christmas, it was confidently asserted that he hud committed sui cide. Mrs. Adie L. Richardson, tho widow of the dead merchant, was tho llrst to create tne Impression that he had Wiled himself. A search was made for the rovolver with which Richardson was suppohod to have shot himself, and it was not found. Rich ardson did not own a revolver. The death wound was In the back of the neck. There was no Indication of powder burns. P When they began the Investigation of the case tho grnnd Jurors first took up the relations that had existed for tiome time nenvepH iiicnnnisun mm only a few days when Richardson was killed. The evidence against George B. Crowley, as gathered by the officers at work on the case and by a detective employed to assist them, Is held to have been the cause of the qunrrol b twecn husband and wife. Stewnrt Kifo has beon' suspected oi the murder, Fife haB been questioned about his whereabouts on the night of the murder, and he said he went U mmmmm&to&$ show that he was a frequent visitor j the rooms of the Owl club early In UW nf tin it MmrilHnn tinnsn irnln there . pvcninK nnn leu nsicep mere, ne uu Crowley himself Is worth about $300.- 000, the greater part of It being repre sented by real estate. dared that he awoke an hour after tht time tho murder was committed. Flft relied on tho testimony of Samuel Wat 1 I ; r IJ r51 i IMI W VW Stewart lirffl J TVFlL jJ - wnanawwwa h mmt 1 G II & 3? BY THE DUCHESS ' ...a..... wl. L. i. vL, .4v wl wl w4 Sat t felrf ttf .V(j &-b Ity embodied would have found It dif ficult to Indicate one passable feature Mildred J 4A X5reH)anton . to - OLD IE i WHITEHEAD lOm ot the Witnesses.) wife. There was evidence that their domestic relations had been strained. In fact, they had practically separated a short time before the murder and Mrs. Richardson went to tho home of her parents at San Antonio. Tex. She remained there several weeks, when thero was a leconclllatlon and she re turned home. She had been at home Taken In connection with the state ment of Dessle Phyllis, the servant girl at Richardson's, who says Crow ley was a frequent visitor at the Rich ardson house, tho evidence against frequently when Richardson was not at home. Crowley lives a mile from town, on a large farm, and has a wife and one child. He owns a great deal of proper ty In Savannah and In the country near the town. His father is one of tho wealthiest farmers in tho state, and Crowley Is regarded by many of the townspeople as pointing him out to Grade and XVar. In 189ft China was our best customer in cotton cloths. We sent $10,273 487 worth of cotton manufactures to China in that year. In 1900 our cotton ex ports to China fell ott nearly one-half. This was the result of the Boxer war. which brought our total exports of , , f ,-nttnn In 1900 down to 120,722,759, a decline In value or 52.S44.155. In 1899, when we exported cotton manufactures to the value ot $23,500, 914 England exported cotton manufac tures to the value ot 93S8.325.U00; Ger many. $53,037,000: Franco, $32,081,000; Switzerland, $25,717,000; Japan, $10, 215,000, and Italy. $10,747,000. The reports show that trie cousumpwuu ' cotton, domestic and foreign. In the United States Is nearly twico as large as In 1890 We produce 85 per cent of all the cotton In the world, but we supply lew, than 6 per cent of the cot ton goods which otner nawuu ,. While tho war in China has been to our disadvantage in cotton manufac ture?, the war in South Africa has been to our advantage in that it has mndc England a larger purchaser of our food products, of horses and mules and has contributed to a great Increase of our Iron aad steel trade In Africa. Great Riltaln bought of us 0.000.000 potind3 more of fresh beer in annum. 1901. than in January, 1900; 9.000,000 . pounds more ot baron, 3,000.000 pounds more of ham, and 1,940,000 pounds more of butter. In the last jear we have also greatly increased our ex ports of booth, shoes nnd other leather products, of wagons and all transport materials, our total domestic exports for tho Foven months ending January, i 1901, reaching a value of $887,702,000, against $787,391,000 for the seven months ending January. 1900. An Affair of Honor. Count Ron! do Castellano has met M. do Rodays on the Held of honor and , inlllctod upon him a wound which will ulve him borne Inconvenience and lay j him up for a week. This settleb mat ters very clearly; M. de Castellano is Innocent of the charges which do Ro days brought against him. Tho pres ence of his bullet In his adversary's body affords Its own convincing proof. Tho wound Is sufficiently serious to show this, nnd yet not grave enough to give ground for tho bellof that M. do Rodays In his misrepresentations -was guilty of wilful falsehood. It he had Intentionally misstated farts tho truth undoubtedly would have been ehown on tho dueling field and M. de Hodays would have been lucky to get off with his life. As It Is. the result affords proof of both Bonl's Innocence and of the unintentional chnraitor of De Roday's wrongdoing. The shallow ness of tho latler's claims Is exposed In the fact that he did not even hit his adversary. Had he done so the ver dict against Castellano would havo been overwhelming. If each had shot the other It would have been known also that while Bonl was guilty as charged his opponent was actuated by malign motives In mnklng tho charges. Fortunately It Is unnpcessnry to spec ulate upon this proposition. M. de Rodays who wns first punched Into fighting and then shot for doing so. may not bo ready to view tho mntter den, the negro Janitor at the rooms of the Owl club, to nrove that ho was there at the time. Other witnesses say they saw him on the street at tho tlmo he says he was asleep In tho rooms of tho Owl club. Fife owned a revolver, and Is said to have flourished it in the saloon 'of E. E. Norrls in St. Joseph, remarking at tho same time that he intended to kill Richardson. He showed letters to a woman In St. Joseph nnd said they had been written to him by Mrs. Richard son. Tho letters were sensational and were signed by the namo of "Adie." in a proper and unprejudiced spirit, lint noni's Innocence has been demon strated to the satisfaction of such per sons as still believe that the duel Is not merely a foolish nnd wicked sur vival of an nge of barbarism. A Challenge to the Xnrder-xe. lrom the Memphis Commercjal-Ap-pcal: Ab the mule center of the aolar system, Memphis can bid defianco to envious rivals. The Pacific Ocean has a greater vol ume of water than Its stormy sister sea. There are 72,000,000 cubic miles of wator In the Atlantic and 141,000,000 in tho Pacific. Water "Rats in Jfaples, Italy. CHAPTER lit. (Continued.) "I suppose it must bo that 1 do not euro to do so," she answered coldly, almoBt Insolently, with an intonation that cut him to the quick; and then ho stepped aside and she paused through. As the last of her dreBS disappeared through an opposite door, the young man turned away, clinched his hands, and muttered to himself: "What a fool I am what a mad fool-to wait all my life up to this, only to fall In lovo with a woman who scarcely care to remember my existence!" With this sclf-congrntulatory ad dress, he strode down the amps mm lnn ttm nnnv rnrrlncc. In which short ly nftorwurd ho drove his sister and "the queen" to the Grange. All things considered, the poor po nies would have preferred any other driver that day, and tho girls a more lively companion; but chu sara, sara, and so all parties had to put up with Denzil. Onco applying tho whip too sharply to tho well-cared-for back of QUI, tho far-off pony, sho thought propor to mnkc a bolt of It for half n mile or so, and persuaded Jack to ac company her, until a steep hill and Dcnzil'H firm hand had onco more re duced them to a kindly frame of mind. During this rather trying halt mile, Miss Voungc, as loudly as sho wall nmiM iimi tnttnn nnrtleulnr tmlns to express her consternation at anil her disapproval of her brother's mode of drlvlnir. until Denzil. provoked beyond bounds by more than otio causo that day, turned nnd advised her, In no very tender tonus, to restrain hor ex citement; after which Rachacl set her thin lips tightly together, and deter mined to have her revenge na speedily as poflfllblo; so when tho Grango had been reached, and they all stood round tho phaeton, waiting for Eddie's knock at the door to be answoied, sho said, sweetly: "What Is the matter with you today, Denzil, dear? You are a little out of sorts, aro you not?" "Am I?" asked Denzil "I don't know most peoplo aro at times, I Btipposo. Why do you ask?" "Oh, for nothing, dearest" If pos sible, spoken more Bweetly still "I was only anxious; and, by tho bye, your persuuslve powers failed to bring Miss Trevnnion with us, did they not?" "Oh, you serpent!" thought Frances Sylvcrton, Indlgnnntly, as sho saw Donzll's handsome face rontrnet and Hush painfully; but all she Bald was. "Mr. Younge, will you come here a"nd see what Eddie haB done to my stir rup? Tho boy grows more Intolerably stupid every day. What Is thero nothing really the mntter with It? Well. I wonder then whnt makes It feel so queer;" and then tho door was opened, and Denzil helping her from her Baddle, they all went Into tho houso. Hero they spent n long halt hour with tho master of tho Grange a hnlf hour that worked wonders, ns Fiances obtaiuod her request, nnd a ball was promised within a fortnight to cele brate her delivery from Uncle Carden's grasp "strictly on tho condition," said old Dick Blount, "that you glvo mo tho first quadrlllo, Miss Frank;" nnd she having promised the desired dance willingly enough, they all turned onco more homeward. Frances Sylverton discovered two things during hor rldo that morning. One was, that tho chestnut thorougn bred she rode that day wont easier In its stride than the llttlo gray maro, her more constant companion; the other, that Donzll Younge wns, with out doubt, very desperately In love with beautiful Mildred Trevaulon. In this picture aro shown two of tho water rats of Naples. They uro only harmless boys who have beon brought up close to the water. These boys can swim llko so many rats and aro as hard to catch by the police as are our boys who live ulong the wharves. These boys of Nnples make a living by iilviiiii for nennles. When tho big America the water runs surround tho boats and cry, "Penny, penny In the water, please. Hurry up, please," and few can resist tholr pleadings. On over goes a penny nnd Into tho watt all the water rats dlvo at once, and soon up comes the lucky one with It In his mouth. Then It Is "Penny, please," again until tho ship leaves port. Thcsi ocean steamers come to Italy from ' bon are mostly fishermen's sona CHAPTER IV. When the Devcrllls made their ap pearance at King's Abbott on Monday evening, Just ten minutes before the dinner-bell rang, thoy brought In their train, uninvited, a cousin of their own, a certain Lord Lyndon, who had most unexpectedly arrived at their place that morning. "I knew you would mako him wel come, my dear," the honorable Mrs. Dovcrlll whispered to hor old friend, Lady Caroline, as they seated them selves on tho soft cushions of a lounge; "and really wo did not know in tho least what to do with him." After which llttlo introduction the young lord waa made welcome and civ illy entreated forthwith. He wjih a middle-sized young man of from twenty-six to thirty, rather stout than otherwise, with nondescript features, and hair slightly Inclined toward the "coloatlal rosy." His mouth, too, was an Inch, more or less, too largo for his face, nnd his eyes might have been a degroo bluor, but, for all thnt.they had a pleasant, genial expression lurking in their light depths, while his smile alono would have redeemed an uglier man. Ho was a general favorite with most of his acquaintances, and a particular one with Mt cousins, the nnyerills, who looked upon him fondly enough In the light of a brotherly relation, time Iiaving convinced them that their chances wore not of that order that would change his position from frlond to husband. The elder Miss Doverlll was a tall girl, gawklly Inclined, pos sessed of a very pronouncod nose, a talent for listening, and a bright, clev or expression, while her sister was par ticularly ugly. There were no two opinions on the latter point, cither In Clliton or olBewhero; and Indeed caar- In the younger Miss Doverlll's face Miss Trevnnion, in a deml-tolletto of black nnd gold, scarcely improved Miss Jano's homely appearanco this evening, as, with her calm, self-pos-Bwmcd manner, sho sallod down the long drnwlug room to receive hor par ents' guests. Then she was Introduced to 1ird Lyndon, nnd oxecuted a llttlo half-bow for his enpeclal benefit, which had tho effect of reducing that amiable young nobleman to n hopeless statu of Imbe cility for the niiHiilnr five minutes. Af- tor that'tlme had olnpsod ho gradually recovered his wonted composure, nnd, summoning back his doparted pluck, took to Hturlng at Mlsa Trevanlon every alternate live seconds, with such uumlstnknblo admiration In his eyes ns caused Denzil Younge In the back ground to utter curses not loud, but deep, Miss Trevanlon was Binlllng vory sweetly nt the new arrival far morn sweetly than sho had ever smiled at him Denzil; and he,-the newcomer was evidently enjoying to the full tho eommonplnce conversation ho was holding with her. Seeing this, Denzil fnlrly gnashed his teeth with excess of Jealousy, and con signed this harmless young lord to all sorts of dreadful places, while telling Miss Sylverton, with his tenderest smile, how dear to his heart was a crimson ioso In masses of fair brown hair. "Who wns It told me you prcforrod 'great wealth of golden hair?' " sho rejoined, mischievously, while sho laughod good-naturedly enough, albeit slightly mockingly, ns Donzll colored and flashed a glance nt hor, half earnest, half reproachful, from his beautiful dnrk-blue eyes. "Mover mind," she whispered, lnylng hor hnnd with a gontlo pressure on his arm ns he took her In to dlnnor "novor mind; I am your friend, you know so trunt me." Whereupon Donr.ll returned the pros- sure very grnteiuuy inueeu; auer which these two felt that they had sworn a bond of mutual good fellow ship. All through dlnnor Lyndon devoted himself exclusively to Miss Trevnnion, whllo she from whnt motive was a mystery came out from her habitual coldness, and laughed and sparkled, and dazzled her companion, until Don zll watching from tho other end of tho table felt IiIb heart ache opprcs Hlvcly, and a dull senso ot tho empti ness of things in general creep over him. Perhaps, had sho vouchsafed him oven ono gracious glnnco, even one smile, not nt him, but In his direction, It would hnvo dulled tho pain, but hor eyes sedulously avoided that sldo of tho room, while sho coquetted with nnd chnrmad her now ndmlrer with nn assiduity that made Frances Sylverton fairly wonder. Once only, before she left the npnit ment, did Denzil meet her glitnce, and then but for an Instant, as he held tho door open for tho ladles to pass through. Mildred, who happened to bo last, having caught her light dress in a slightly projecting corner of the walnncoatlng, ho stooped to release her, and aa ho rose again, their eyeB met. In hers lay nothing but mute, cold thanks; while In his whatever It was sho saw In hl, It cnused Miss Trevan lon to bow hurriedly nnd movo away down the long hall, after tho others, with quickened, petulant steps. "Mildred, darling, how pale you look!" Lady Caroline said, anxiously, ns she Joined tho ladles in the drawing room. "Arc you cold, child, or 111?" Como over there to tho firo nnd warm yourself. These sudden chills are very dangerous." But Miss Trevanlon would neither acknowledge to cold or go near the pleasant, Inviting blaze, choosing rath er to wander away vaguely toward a distant, henvlly curtained window, whero she hid herself from the watch ful, reading eyes of Rachael Younge. Outside the window rnn a balcony, gleaming marble white In the brilliant moonshine. It looked so soft, so sweet, so lonely, that Mildred, whose cheeks had changed from palest whlto to warmest crimson, felt n sudden Intenso longing to pass out and bathe .her flushed face In the cool pure light. With noiseless touch sho pushed open the yielding sash, and found her self part of the silent, star-lit night, with a faint wind fanning her nnd the deadness of sleeping nature nil around. A tall, slight, dark-robed figure, sho stood with one bund scarcely less whlto than the rays that covered it resting on the balustrade, her oyea wandering restlessly over the shadowy landscapu. A perfect queeu of night she seemed, or very fitting Juliet, had thero but been a Romeo. Presently, with steady, eager stepa, came Donzll Younge toward her, and took up his position by her side. "Dreaming, Miss Trevnnion?" he said, Mildred stnrted peceptlbly. Perhaps her thoughts whatever they wore had been far uwuy perhaps too near. Whlchovep It was, sho roused herself with a visible effort before sho answer ed him, "Almost," she said, "although tho night U aomowhat chilly for well ro mantic nonsenao. Howerer, you hare shown me my folly, so there la little danger of my repentlnjt It 8hAIl return to tho drawing-room?" "In ono moment," he answered, hur riedly; whoreupon Miss Trevanlon turned back onco more, nnd, pausing with wondering eyes, laid her hand ngaln on the balustrade. Denzil appeared a llttlo palo a little nervous perhaps In the moonlight, but that was nil; and his voice, when ho spoke, though low, was quite dis tinct. "Why will you not bo friends with mo?" ho naked. "Friends with you!" Mildred repeat ed, with cnlmeat, most open-eyed as tonishment, raising her face to his. "Why, what ran you moan? Have I offended you In any way? If so, I am sorry, and, bollevo me, I did not mean to do so. 1 funded I was treating you as I treat all my other acquaintances." "No, you do not," ho rejoined, with nn odd repressed vohomcncO assort ing Itself In IiIb tone; "you treat mo very differently, iib It scomB to mo. Why, on nil others you bestow a few smiles, a few kind words nt least, whllo on me Miss Trcvanlon.I wondor 1 wonder. If you could only guess how much your simplest words aro to mo, would tho rovelatlon mako you a, little less chary of them?"' "I do not understand you," ahe said, coldly, closing nnd unclosing her hand with angry rapidity: "nnd I bellevo you yourself do not know of what you aro Bpeaklng. , "Yes, I do," ho afllrmed, paBslonate ly. "I know I would rathor havo your most cnrelcsB friendship than the lovo of nny other woman. I would almost rather havo your hatred than what I now fear your Indifference." Tho moon had disappeared behind o, Bullen dark gray cloud, and for a fewj momenta they were left In comparative darkness. Miss Trovanlon'a heart w..a beating loud nnd fast; tho cloudy drapery that pnitlnlly concealed, but scarcely hid her delicate nock umf shoulders was strangely agitated. 8h could not Bee. her companion's face, but felt that ho wa trying to plorco th momentary gloom to gain somo insight Into her soul. Ho should read no thoughts of hers, she told hersolf, with proud reliance on her own strength ; ho should not lenrn from her faco how deeply hlH words had vexed her. When once more the moon asserted herself and shone forth with redoubled brilliancy, Drnzil gazed only" on 11 calm statuesque figure and haughty unmoved features that gave no Index to tho heart beneath. She seemed a beautiful being, a plcco ot nature's most perfect work but a being hard, unsympathetic, Incnpnblo ot nny di vine feeling. He gazed at her In silence, wondering how so fair u creature could bo ao de void of all tender charncterlBtlcB, and, aa ho gazed, a mau'n step sounded lightly on the gravol benenth them. As : she heard It. Miss Trovanlon'B whole expression changed, her face wns lit up witu suiioen unuiinuuii, uiiu uwn an eager expectant look that rendered her ten times more lovely than ho had ever seen her. She moved lightly to tho top of the Ktonc steps that led to tho giounds, nnd watched, with pretty Im patlenco until a gray-colored figure emerged from the darkness, and, see ing her took her gladly In his arms. "Charlie!" she said, rapturously, and, when ho had half pushod her from his embrace, she put up hor hands and smoothed back IiIb sunny brown hair from his forehead, and kissed him three times fondly; nftcr which sho Buddcnly recollected Denzll's presence, nnd. drnwlng bnck, pushed Charllo gently townrd him. (To be Continued.) HuilntM Itefore I'Uatur. An English commercial traveler, for whobo pushing AmerlcanlBm a Liver pool paper vouches with great enthusi asm, started out after a country order. Happening to arrive at the village on the day of a febtlva), he found the shop of Ills customer closed, and learned that the man himself was at the celo bratlon a mile out of town, At once he aet out for the spot, and reached tho ground Just In "tlmo to see hla shopkeeper climb into a balloon pro cured for special ascensions. Tho man of trade was equal to the occasion. Ho stopped forward, paid his faro and climbed Into the car. Away went tho balloon, and was hardly above tho tree-tops when tho commercial trav oler turned to his astonished victim, and mid persuasively but triumphant ly; "And now, sir, what can I do for you In calicoes?" Youth's Companion. Illcilottl inrltatll. Rlcclottl Garibaldi, who will attend tho unveiling of the Garibaldi mqnu ment In Chicago on Septombor 20, Is a lieutenant in the Italian navy. In 1860, when his father commanded a body of volunteers, Rlcclottl had a mi nor commission. He mnrchod against Romo with the soldiers who won tho battle of Monterotonde, took part in tho bnttlo of Mentona, and was cap tured. Ho fought with France against Germany In 1870 nnd after that war mnde his home In Romo, where ho haa been a member, of the Italian parlia ment. Chicago Tribune. Vast loflndrlc at the "800." Vast industries are rapidly dcrolcp Ing nt Suult Sto. Marie. Millions havo already been Invested, and tho projocta already under way will, it Is said, coat $20,000,000 to complete. Theso include, blast furnaces, pulp mills, rolling mills, etc. But not the least of iho groati undertakings at this point ia the con struction of a railroad from the 800 to Hudson bay, a distance ot 500 miles, north. Tho road In already chartered1 and subsidized, and 150 miles will bq completed next yar. L 1 M M-MWWWWWMtfcm,lllai.. Ijggajggjgjjmr j.-- a n "" " ..J r - "Y'vyvvvTr m