iri if P4WWI". 1 Y J V, 4ft 1 Notice to Intend in 2: I Camera Purchasers. -9 -J - a - - - - 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 '9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 u 11 i Beginning Saturday, March 30th, we make the following prices on cameras. Sl'KCIAL. KEaUI.AU. Ray Camera, No. 7,5x7, long focus, Unicum shutter $17 CO 135 00 " No. 2. 4x5. R. It. Inns, " " 10 r.0 20 00 ' No 1, 4x5, Cyco shutter GOO 10 00 ' No. K, 4x5. with 12 metal Holders 5 CO 10 00 ' No B. 31x41. with 12 mutiil holders. 4 00 8 00 Toco B, 5x7, It It. leni and Unicuin shutter 14 00 27 00 Tony 1'iomo, No 5, It. 11. Inns unci Victor shutter 15 00 25 00 Cyclone, Fo 5. 4x5 5 50 10 00 Eastman No, 3. Folding Pocket Kodak, SJxlJ . 14 00 17 50 " No. 1, Foldini! Pocket Kodak, 2ix3J 8 00 10 00 " No 4, Hull's Eye, 1x5 ... 00 12 00 " No. 2, " " 3x3 0 10 8 00 " No. 2, Flexo, 3Jx3 1 00 5 00 " Brownie cainoih,lx2J 80 100 We can hold the prices only so long as our present stock lists as tho makers havo advanced their pi ices while toweling their catalogue price. Come in and get a good camera nt the lowest possible price. c- tr tr fr tr c-c-fr c- tr tr tr fr tr !ri tr tr tr tf tr e f- -5(flflflf(ffil111'M,1T1W1111117P11 WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Store repairs nt W. W. Wright's. For (arm loans call on C. W. Kaloy. .f Lamps 25 cenU and ip at tho Fair. Special price on buggy whips. Fo tv A Hutchison. , Wahtid. Good girl" at tho depot restaurant. Hvjbrbt Nkukkbkro. The evangelistic meetings at the Christian church wore closed Tuesday YSBlBg. Jno. Polnlcky returned 8aturdy from a baslness trip to Omalia and other points. T. J. Burkett who has been In Indi ana, for several weeks past returned MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. iiome Wednesday. The Misses Miles and Dillon bavo V organized n new dancing class with a good membership. For Sale Gorman millet seed. In quire of F. E. Wildey, live and one half miles south-west of Itod Uloud. 2i N. Longtin this week moved into the Dr. Moranvillo residence property, ic cently vacated by J as. Burden. There will he regular servico held at tho Christian church each Mrds day nt tho usual hours. 11. S. bouuEH, l'a9tor. J. C. Wolf J, the furniture man, has just received a nice new line of new furniture and carpets. Call and got prices boforo buying. I Did it Ever ! OeeuF to You I that Saving Jttoney Beats - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 Earniog Jlloney ! Wo am saving our customers money every time thoy buy hard ware of ub. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -a -i 9 9 9 S 9 9 9 a !9 9 9 9 .250 OOo .25C 82o 12 60 25c 25c Here nro a few articles you will need to begin sprlag work. Collar pads ... .. - Steel Spade, guaranteed Rakes v 4-ft poultry netting, per rod Barbed wire, with staples 7 lbs nails.. . 12 inch warranted Mo ALFALFA SEED. Wo havo 14 different mien of Hoes from which to select. Don't forget our prices mo tho lowest and goods guaranteed. Wo want your trade ami will savo you monoy to get it. MOKEART Bros. Hardware Co. Tint Cuncr tl por year. Men's shirts 25 cents and up nt the Fair. Wahtkd: Good girl at the Bon Ton restaurant. ' Canvas logging at cost, Foobl & Hutchison. A few of those dandy 25c whips to go at 10c at Butler's. The line of heating stoves at Wright's is auperb. Seo them. .-j W. 8. Bense is having city water put into hia restaurant building. A girl wanted at the city bakery and restaurant. Jos Herbergor. 'Don't fail to got our prices before buying. Fooel & Hutchison. A. U. Kaloy who has boon in Ohio for several woeks past returned home Wednesday night. Will Letson of Dead wool, South D.iknta, is in the city visiting witli his mother and other relatives and friends. i havo 20,000 bushels of primo heed oats for sale last year's crop. Write mo at once. Jno It (iutii, Humboldt, Neb. II. 11. Hillyard and family who havo been visiting relatives ami friends in tho city loft Wednesday morning for Lincoln. Lost Elcvcn-months-old calf. Dark red, whito faco, red around eyes, white on end of tail nud on bully. W. 11. VanPatten. Robert Cochrane, who has been spending tho winter at Fremont, Oiiio, has returned to this state and is stop ping at Inavale. Fred Wolfe, son of J. C. Wolfe, ar rived in tho city tho last of the week from Alvo, Nebraska. Ho will reside here in tbo future. tAlo te No 1 Third avonuo for fresh garden and field seeds of all kinds Also hoadquartcis for the BEST coal in town. Onion seta, cano seed, Knlllr corn, etc. For h band made harness to give wear, mado of tho best oak tanuod leather that will not rip or tear, and warranted to bo made with the best of euro, go to J. O. Butler. v Drs. Folsom & McLaughlin relievo aix headaches out of ten with appropri ately iitted spectacles. At Holland House, Monday and Tuesday, April 1 and 2 Examinations froo. GENERAl CITY fiKWS. KGardm tools cheap at tho hull 'eonts nets a 50 cent whip at Fog til &ll bison's. Seo the lino display of beating stoves at W. W. Wright's. Tho Ciiikk and Chicago Inter Ocean no year for J1.25. Homer Thomas spent Sunday with relatives at Oowles. Gertie Fuller and her father of Camp bell weio hero this week. Pn nl Storey spent Sunday with tola tives and friends at Cowles. R-y Fiamo who has been visiting in Blue Hill teturneil home Tuesday Y Now goods constantly arriving at Mrs.McBiido's. Call and seo them. Geo. Buck, a popular uiomber of the travoliug fraternity was hero Monday Walter Uoby sells tho Singer sowing machine. Pi ices right. Got tho best (trorpo Heed who Is now located in Denver arrived homo Tuesday morn ing Joseph Warren was visiting with hia son Walter and family at Superior tho first of the week. Miss Myrtle Mcintosh loft Saturday for a visit with relatives and frionds nt Grand Island, this stale. ' Adair Galusha Is spending his week of school vacation with his aunt and grandmother at Tupeka, Kansas. j Farm Insurance t MiDaD-tarance-CoJ f OF FUEKI'OHT, ILL. fTho largest old lino eninpany in the? f Wl'Sl e Stars Mutual Ins Co., K ui i.MtuiasK'1, in i.iiiuuiu. s iLargest mutual In tho state wltbJ J over 300 polie'nn in Webster Con My. JO. C. Teel, Agt.i X Ki:i) CI.OUU, NEllHASKA i LOCALLY ('Now sniiiig uoods at Mm. MclhideV. Mi- lis iti ('tiiumiug' is on the siek list. I Clipper bottom boilers 75 cents at t In Fair. Miss Gertie Limllny is visiting with fiitinds at Lincoln. Elmer Cm spent Sunday visiting with flietiiN llastlm-s. Geo MeCiill Guide Uoek as here on buIne. Monday night. k 'o nie closing out our leggins at cost, FO'IKI. vV: IIlITCIIISON. Mr Charlie Potter left Tuesday uioruing for a vl'U at Lincoln. James Duffy of Guide Uoek win looking alter business maiteis here - Tuesday. Tho Cutler Button Then 10 Co. at the miera house nil next week. Admission 10 cents. Mrs. Louis Sodorborg of Longmont, Colorado, a former resident, Is In tho city visiting friends. K. H. Kesler of Napoleon, Ohio, was hero tho first of tho wook nnd wont to Blue Hill Tueiday. Mrs.F V. Taylor loft Tuesday even ing for a visit with relatives and friends at Kansas City. Spring Is here; so is Butler, with a full line of light nnd heavy harness at lowDrloos. ('all Imforeyou buy. Walter Kal v left Monday evening for Orleans where he has accoptod a position in the store of P. W. Shoa. 'Trees, shrub, roi and plants. If you want Mme call on L II. Rust next wook, east of Miner's atom on Blrkner's lot. ' 'Finest linn of Iron b"d nud fnov ronkors in the valley, at boil-rock prices at J C Wolfo's, tho furniturn man. ' Louis S idnrborg formerly of this placo has been placed in nomination for tbo office of marshal at Longmont, Colorado, Last week a inWtako nccutreil in out local columns. In lefening to the price of hogs it should havo read $5 00 instead ot 5f4 00. Geo Hendricks, H former popular hand leader of this eity wns hero Tues- day and furnished tho music at tbo Do greo of honoi donco. Tho musical given nt tho residence of Finnk Cowden last night for tho benefit of tho M. E church was quite largely attended and a neat sum was realized. lV5UViniVWVVWlMfVtnfMMfUMnwwwwt ! COPIilWTS I our extensive and -a Is a a HI HI 3 Everyone compliments us on attractive line of Hats and Shoes FOR SPRING WEAR. ,AVV A sluing novelty in hats is . THE SILVER CRAY in Golf, Fedora, Pasha and Graco Shapes. They sell at $i.oo, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, 2.50 and $3.00. BOY'S HATS 25c to $1.50, CAPS FOR BOYS AND. GIRLS. Greatest assortment ever shown. All shapes. All colors. Prices 25c, 35c, .1.5c and 50c. MEN'S SHOES the SELZ KIND $1.25 to $3.50. rrjjjfrf)trf A line of suits here that is the wonder of the Clothing trade. Prices reasenable and style the very latest. Everything is fabrics such as Fancy Worsteds. Cheviots, Meltons and Cassimcres. Vcstcc suits for the Little Fellows $1.50 to 6.00. Nobby patterns made up in artistic shape. ... a m m We want your trade. We will get it ll low prices and fair dealing count for anything. Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. s & & & & & nnHfinmmmmmmmnmmvmvmm When you havo urgent business with someone in another town or city, re member you can roach your party tho quickest and best by the long distance telephone. H.ites madq known on ap plication to "central." t DON'T BE DECEIVED. SOMB SILVER TUM6UED TALK EU may try to make you believe tho moon is green cheese, and it does not matter much whether it is or not. but when you come to BUYING- FARM TOOLS 32. don't trust him for bo will tell you -,l bavon't got n three vhool lister. K$fc-llo will tell you ho can sell you a 0J irst class, article than 1 can. I would like to show 3011 my goons. ll I i.m't sell you better guilds fort tin name money I will sot up tlio cigars and wo will be as good friends as ever. Hemeinber I nlwajn lead and tho others follow. Hut d n'i take my woid for this. Come and seo for youi self JKS. PETERSON. Evangelist 11. A. Lomon of Lincoln closed a series of mootingsatthe Chris tian church with twenty-ono acces sions, fifteon by baptism and six by lotter. Tho church has been greatly benefitted by this mooting.; If you boo anything in this paper that pleases you if you think it has tbo right ring have your name put on our list as n subscriber. If it displeases you give us yout name anyhow it may pleaso someone olso this timo and you next. The new rcsUtenco of Hon Ludlow near his brick yards has been comple ted and ho moved his household effects thither this week, (with tho exception of a few sotting hens which do not oomo off until next wook). lien has a lino residonco and wo hope ho will mako brick enough this summer for several other people to follow his 3Jx4J example in that lino. J-3 Burlington Route $25 00 to Callfor nia Fohruary 12, ll), 20, Marcji 0, 12, 10, 20, April 2, 0, 10, 23, 80. Lowest rate in yeais. Applies to San Francis co, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Jose and pretty nearly every other impni taut point in California. Through tourist sleepers on till of the above date .rot aboard at any otatiim in Nebraska at which train stops; get oh" at Los Angeles. Seo nearest Burling ton ticket agent, or write J. Francis, Genitrttl Paiseoger Agent, Ooukk, Neb. Jbrs. Folf-nm & McLaughlin for ear and throat diseases, including deafness. At. Holland House, Monday and Tues day, April 1 and 2. Examinations free. Monday night, opening play, "Jason Joskins from Squash Town. Conn.," by the Cutlor-Batton Theatre Co. Change of performance nightly for one week. Admission ton conts. Puny children with weak constitu tions can attain an unusual degree of bodily and mpntal vigor by taking Rooky Mountain Tea this month mado by tho Madison Medicine Co 35 c. C. L. Cutting. Trices on dry plates till April 15: 8IZB STANI.KY CltAMKIt CltOWN Suds 27 G. E. 27o 80c 40c 52u GOu 880 Nkwhousk Biios. Tho state legislatuto 011 Thursday morning snem'ded in electing J li, Millaid of O'imha and C 11. Dietrich I our present governor as senators li is a tit ending to the struggle and one 'thatcanbo njiiced at by all good io oniilicans. Nmv if they will jui ad j turn they am perfectly oxcuswio, The people don't euro to bo tortured for another week or ten duys. L-'"LT WmaJmm Furniture and Furniture ! THE Little Store Room IN TICK Big Damerell Block is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur niture and at prices lower than ever.beforc offered. Call and get our prices before buying. We will save you money and please you with quality. Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb. 4x5 Gx7 My heart and hand another claimed, His plea bad como too luto. It's ever thus with people without pluck and vim, Take Rocky Mountain Tea, don't get left again. C. L. Cotting. 'etkctives Wantkd: By a rollablo agency; incorporated In Missouri; ox porionco not necessary. Wo pay salary and expanses when detailed on opera tions. Wo sro increasing our forces for World's Fair Work. References re quired. Address Lock Drawer 05, St. Louis, Mo, MJrs. Folsom & McLaughlin, oye, ear, nose und throat specialists, will bo at tho Holland House, Monday and Tup?. day, April 1st und 2d und will bo pre- pared to treat all dWeases in their line, including tho fitting of spectacles to those who may need them. Free ex aminations. Next week, all week, then will bo a show given nt the opera Inuiso tiy tlm Oullei-H itton Theatre Co. From what we hav'-bi-aid of the. company It U a guild one ami gives covIm-m- sit'isli!" tion. But by tho win iliiJu-i lemiudu IH of how bid H'li IC'ill) 1I0 need till Ol'KHA JIOUflK. If you ilonl believe this just look aroui'd when you attend thoibow uext week. C. W. Nice has rented tho building on tho north coiner of tho Moon block and opened up a paint shop. Mis. J A.Tulley.saiid daughter Cora ami son Allen departed Thursday noon for a visit to Clay Coiiter, this stale. Jno. C. Myers ih erecting a now resi dence in tho extreme north part of tho city just west of the Mrs. Boone prop erty. Tho Degroo of Honor gave tboir postponed dance at tho hall last Tues day evening. A largo crowd was in attendanco and a good timo is reported. Rmulu. Immediate ana lasting, no- fore and after trying other remedies use Rooky Mountain Tea this month, 'cm bnAn vnn well all summer. A groit spring blossing. C. L Cutting. Jas. Amack, ono of Webster county's old and esteemed residents, died very suddenly at I111 homo in Garliold town ship last Sunday morning. Thu cause of his death is supposed to bo hum t di&oaie. According to a bill passed by tho state legislature Webster county is now situated in tho pevnth judicial ms diet. Tho district euibiaces tbo Hanio counties with tho exception of Buffalo, which is loft out. Tho street car lino at tho corner of Wohster street and Fourth avonuo was changed this week, and tho curvo mado l. niko tho center of tho street instead of cutting the corner otl mo block, it l.u.ks much better now. rim pnnmbill les are Unit in tho near uuue dm people of this city will Hud J. is W Warren coming around stick lug his nose in their business. JIow over treat him kindly us an ussussor bus troublos of his own. It is tun at this season. of tbo your to seo How utisy some people enn bo in the evening making gardens. That is all right ami wo are glad to seo it. Wo only hope thoy will Imvu ambition i ougli when tho garden comes up to keep I he weeds out of it. This is tlio houion of the year when everyone (or at least some) rako tho supeillumis trash-off their lots into the streets and set it on firo. , That is right. But thoy should also not forgot to watch tho lire after thoy havo started it. If you aro going to giva a banquet and want somo swell menu cards, if you aro going to get married and want up-to dato wodding cards, if you are going to havo an opening in the spring and wish to please in this lino, if you want typewriter paper or stationery of any kind, either printed or plain come nnd seo us. Wo havo a fine line. Wantkd Aoknts: During tho next ix months tlio threshers purchase cyl inder and engine oils, greases, belting ind other supplies. Good salesmen can mako monoy handling our lino. Men owning hnrso and buggy prefer led Hustlers only need apply. The Howaud Oil & Guea8k Co., Clove ' laud, Ohio. , List of letters remaining uncallod fu at tho postollicoat Rod Cloud, Nob rtihka, for tlio wook ending March 14, 11)01 Elm Adams, Hannah Donovan, Kli Bennett, Richard Harris, Will D.irby, Clar.i Miller, Cassiu Smith. Those letli is will bo sent to tho (load letter ollieu March 28th if not call ed for boforo. When calling for ubovo pleaso say "advertised." T. O. Hack eh, L'eitMMter. & & I; fr: I ' & 1 ! , v