r r -, -. n . 1 h I Z.TL-1 ""J"-'-",,"""wiwiiiwiiwiiiiiiiii nnimi mmii m, imm.'fni ,,t ,,.,, ....... mnrm mbm iiiiimimmw iimn iiiiiiinimmiii-Biimiw mm. i jHBHCSS'iBPS? SSJPBr"'iiWBH jBjVBBBBBflBBBBTfT JSBBBBeavG BBBMSfSyWrSa - t -- BBa"BBeBeBeBeBMMBBei Aph - alsBBBBBBKBQHaEBKapvjaaflBBBBBBHl ' " ' TOLTJME XXIX. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. MARCH 29, 1901, NUMBER ltt 7VTINER BROTHERS. Lower and Lower ! trfjrrf,fflff'fjft I LOVELY I Dimities, i Swisses, Foulards, ( Ginghams, r wmieLrooas. Those who have seen our new stock pronounce them beautiful. They are not only delicate and attractive but full of qual ity which will make them wear. Lawns, 25c to 8c. Dimitias, 50c to 10c. Silk Swisses and Ginghams 60c to 45c' White Goods 50c to 10c. If you want cheaper prices than we are offering you cannot expect to get good quality. There is only one way to have quality that is reliable and that is to buy at the prices where they can afford to put Good Quality in Them. We watch this matter of quality and prices so carefully that we are sure you will agree with us about the excellency. Shirt Waist Beauty ! The shirt waist will be more popular than ever this season. The shades and figures are different from those of last year and the new assortment just received gives us an opportunity to show a handsome line at $3.00 tO 50c. Iiadies Tailor JIade Suits and Skirts. Our big reduction in Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Skirts is creating some excitement. $ 6.00 Suits $4.50. $12.50 Suits $ 9.95. 10.00 Suits 825. 14.00 Suits 11.75. $2.75 Skirts $2.00. $4.50 Skirts $3.75. 55.50 Skirts $4.95 Fancy Mercerized Underskirts 2.00, 1.75, 1.50 and $100. Table Linen, bleached, $1.75 to 35c Table Linen, unbleached, $1.00 to 20c. Table Linen, Colored, 50c to c Ladies Wrappers, $3.40 to $1.00. FU0ITUHE--A Feca headers. Regular $5.00 wood beds at Regular 7.00 and 8.00 wood beds at Regular 6.00 commodes at Good oak dressers 3ft, 6in Iron Beds - Cupboards Bed Room Suites Sideboards $3.85 5-25 4.00 8.95 2.10 4.80 14.50 520.00 to 9.50 m I A Mortgage Works All of the Time. ! s I i t So does good newspaper advertising. If properly prepared it does good work, if not properly prepared it is an eqpensive proposition. Our experience enables us to prepare ads that pull business. We would like to prepare copy for your ads we give the matter prompt and careful at tention adn make advertising profitable. 1 'Publishers' Advertising Agency, David City, Nebraska. THE CHIEF, $1.00 PEE YEAB. 1 lliindley's Restaurant! HALK IICILDINO, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Warm Meals at All Hours ,Nice, Comfortable Lodging Rooms. 'FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, NUTS AND CIU KS Oysters if Evkry Styb. IaLL KINDS OK HOT AN!) COLD1 LUNCHES. ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Incidents of Every Day Life Which Very Few People Stop to Think About on Accouut of Their Littleness. Tho regular opting vacation of tho city schools has boon on this week. Wo Inul always supposed that this tlmo was sot npnit no that tno children could help mako utduu to taisu vege tii'ilcs, hut 111 tho ciiso of somu of the 3tuniot ones thoy liuvu obseived the occasion by raising a little, wull wo won't give you tho word Wo can't see why undoi tho sun this vacation is given at this time, for nine times out of ton tho sun is undor a cloud at this time of tho month. -If you want to givo tho .scliolais a vacation give it at a tiuia when staying in-doora is iiksomo and tho outs do world is wreathed in smiles. A young man who recently went away asked us to not say any thing about him in Almost Forgotton. As ho is not married and thereforo has not been mixed up In a scandal with 801110 single lady or somo other man's wife wo will havo to pass him up. If wo thought ha had loft any thing behind wo would givo him a touch of high life Now boys don't bo afraid to go to Oklahoma. Wo undei stand tho now society tho Model n and Ex cepted Ordor of Protected Di unks held their tit st meeting and organized on Tuesday night last. As tho order is of a secret naturo and our information was gained only by strategy, wo aro unable to givo tho names of tho oillcors of the oidtr Tho ofneors of tho ordnraic: Tho Big Ex-Tank, Tho Little Ex-Tank, Keeper of Cases, (nlways empties) Rustler of Cases, (full onot), Lecturer of Cases, (tho ono who always makes a "spiel" for them), Watch, (to see that 110 member gains admission unless duly qualified) Tho meetings aro held each night of tho week as beforo an nounced. Wo understand no session will ho hold on tho night of election until after tho vote is counted, when tho now city otlicors will bo taken in as honorary membora and a banquet served. Talking about banquots tho mombors of tho I. O. O. F. lodgo aro generally treatod in tirst-class shape in Guide Hock when thoy go there for work with tho lodgo at that place. Tho boys from heio wont down Wod uosday night and report tho banquet tino. Oliver Hedge was there and he has always had tho reputation of being a satisfactory cator and ono who is the last to atisofrom tho banquoting board. Ollvor httB beeu around considerably with the team and its uiombers wore onto tho fact that his appetite was gen erally in good trim. Imagine the consternation anil alarm of the mem bers when ho suddenly laid down his koifo and fork, wiped his moustache absent-mindedly on a piece of celery and was tho first to arise from tho table. Frank Cowden faiuted and foil into the lap of Elinor Uoss; Ueoige Stewart, hearing tho commotion grab bed his hat and rushed out of tho door thinking it was an extra from Hastings; Goo. Holllster forgot whoro ho was at and wadod in thinking it was a tight of tho city council; Ed. Ovoring thought ho was presiding and rapped loudly for order; Oscar Tool got the idea that it was a firo and danced a jig thinking of tho policies ho would write upon tho morrow; the rest of tho boys cut up all kinds of antics. When quiet was restored Oliver was asked to explain and he said that ho did not want to go up against Elmor Uoss because he wonld hare to eat all night. Noxt Tuoiday is olootion nnd lot no ono who pride's himself on his republicanism let any little grievances deter him from voting his tlckot straight. It. Is these littlo matters fonght out in city elec tions which mako tho soro spots which aro so hard to hoal when eloctions of greater importance cotniv-The pies eat city council is in good woiking order and we boliovo in leaving a good thing alone. Tho ora of substantial improvement has boon comtnoncod by tho preeent Inonmbonts and thoy should bo allowed to continue tho good work. Ofcitiury. Susan Cobonra was born near Mow- castle, Ueloware, Novembor Olh, 1810, and died at the home of her daughter, Mm. W. W, leaaiM,, tear la Hill, My Lady's Breakfast is Well Served when the hot-bread, hot roll or muffin is Royal Baking Powder risen. Stale bread for breakfast is barbarous; hot, yeast-risen rolls are dyspeptic. R.OYAL BAKING POWDER adds anti-dyspeptic qualities to the food and makes delicious hot-bread, hot biscuit, rolls, muffins or griddle cakes whose fragrance and beauty tempt the laggard morning appetite, and whose wholesome and nutritive qualities afford the highest sustenance for both brain and body. The "Royal linker and Pastry Cook" containing over 800 most practical and valuable cooking receipts free to every patron. Send postal card with your full address. There are cheap baking pow ders, made from alum, but they arc exceedingly harmful to health. Their astringent and cauterizing qualities add a dangerous element to food. ROYAL DAKINQ POWDER CO, 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. ob., March 21st, 1001. In early life her father's family moved to Chester county, Pennsylvania, and lator to Lancaster county, sanio state. In 1832 they moved to Wayne county, Indiana, whoro in 18315 sho was united In mar riago to Josoph M. Frame. Thoy moved to Salom, Henry county, Iowa, iu 1841 and resided in that town and township for near half a century. In 1883 they went with smno of thoir children to Webster county, Nebraska, whero in 1888 tho husband and father passed on before. Since that tlmo sho made her homo with Mr. nnd Mrs Hognte. Mrs. Frame was tho mother of live children, W. li, of JefTeison county, Iowa, Julia (Mrs. Hogatc) of Hluo Hill. Nob., J. II. of Republic county. Kansas. J. l;. uoccascu. ana Albert A. of Rod Cloud. Two sons, J. 11 and J. L., enlisted as volunteers in the UOth Regiment Iowa Infantry, and served until tho close of tho re bellion. -She was a member of tho Society of Friends, widely known and loveu, especially among mo pioneers of Iowa. line " Weather stoi my, snow and sleet. Miss llessio Carpentor of Franklin was the guest of Allen Carpenter this week. She will go to Oklahoma In the near futtiio to mako that her home. The mooting at Pleasant Dalo closed Sunday evening. Tiny will commence again on March Ills'- at 11 a.m. and continue for ono week, conducted by Ror. Miller of Illoomingten. While the Steffens boys wetu thiesh ing t dames Kengle's, a spark from tho engine set tho straw on tiro and burned all grain that was threshed. It oamo near burning the separator. Rov. J.J. Haskius took tho train for Seattle this woek and will mako that his future hojie. J F. Zedlkor of Franklin has blos somed out as a full-fledged magnetic honlor. We make this announcement freo of charge for the benefit of people who have imaginary ills. Those who aro really sick should take Tim Chief, Wo aro willing to guarantae that on year of Tub Chief, if carefully and thoroughly read, will euro anything frm ingrown toenails to baldheadcd- The first pick-nick of tho soason wa givon at tho 11. & M. eating houso on Wednesday evening. Each lady brought u basket full of dolicacies and true to pionic fashion everyone "squatted" on tho floor and ato picnic fashion, A very enjoyablo ttrao was had. I'ho ilegieu team of the I. O. O. F lodge of this city went to Guide Rock on Wednesday evening, to initiate sev eral no ,v members itito tho mysteries, of Odd Fellowship. Tho Rod Cloud lodgo has as good a degree team as can bo found any whero and thoy are iu gtost demand. Henry Hollzman started out t h to other day with a gun on his shoulder, we supposo ho went out for bear, but when about a rnilo from town a large bull got after him and he proved to bo quite a sprinter for About a mile. After ho escaped ho was just hunting ducks and had no use for larger gamo, Campbell Press. Last Friday T. W. Hatflold, whilo laying tho stono for tho crosswalks, lost tho lower part of him, causod by catching It on n. nhnrn nnrnni- nt tlm stone. Nation, This more sorions than wo thought, as we wero informed that ho had onlv sustained the loss of part of a finger, and wo oxtond our sympathy and hope he will soon be ablo to be around. Mansion Hitch oy d!od at his home in this city on Sunday morning at 10.20. Ills nilmont was supposed to be erl. Tho funeral services were beld from the Christian church on Mondav. A slstor of the deceasod, Mrs. Mather of Rod Oak, Iowa, was apparently not satisfied with the cause of his death and decided on an inquest. Tho in quest was held on Tuesday afternoon at the court house bat resulted in the jury bringing in a verdict that they were in uouot as to the cause of hln death, Tho remains wore burled ia tho Red Cloud cemetery on Tuesday evening. -- Goods you want at prices tmmi tfftH u pay at, Mm fa. oV " ""'fc.M'icaa'agir'i finry - wiiv'fyrf "-y ffrrfJm.fwBr'vfp,-fij I1 I