r MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. GENERAL CITY NEWS. LOCALLY f Come in and see . that new f 1 . I stock ot t c a GAJIIERAS 4 J 4 AND SUPPLIES. Wc are making -9 -9 I Lowest Possible Prices I 4 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 on these in order to move quickly. CAMERAS - c- s fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr FROM $1.00 to $35.00. This is the tinost and complotost lino orer in the city, flemhoase Bros., 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 Red Cloud, Neb. Jewelers and Opticians. TTTTTTTt WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Store repairs at W. W. Wright's. f7ov farm loans call on C. W. Kaley. Overalls, jackets and work shirts at the Fair. Special price on buggy whips. Fo qkl & Hutchison. Willis Morgan and wifo of llivertoti wero in the city Thursday. Kevonuo Collector Stewart of Hast ings was hero this week. Will Parker was looking after busi ness mutters in Fairbury this week. Mrs. George Kodgers of Lincoln is iti tbo city visiting with L. il. Fort and family. Jno. Polnicky is in Umahn this week attondiug a meeting of tho Kctnil Liquor Dealer's association. There will bo regular service held at tho Christian church each Lords day at tho usual hours. 11. S. Soudku, Pastor. 4t tb th tb b th tfc lit b tfc tfcih tit tLkbbbkiiUiLfallibtb life Do you realize 1 that we are 1 after your 1 trade? How do we 1 expect to get it? J Just think i for a moment -- I on these prices. POULTRY NETTING. 4 feet high, 32c per rod. 5 feet high, 40c per rod. 0 feet hign, 47c per rod. Other sizes in proportion. I Another thing we wisn to call to your 4 attention. 4 4 4 X 4 4 CREAM CANS. UlhTY tin (itiimhin. Pfinn JlOo. fr- 14 lb IX tin Columbia cans with gauge 35c. I Bear in mind 1 our garden 1 seeds. They are new, f tresn ana bright. " -r-M A t 3 sme irrass ana fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr & fr e fr s-e- fr fr t Clover also. Be sure and see us. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. fr , (T1W 1!TTf 1T1T T Tjik t'HiEK $1 per year. Spndcs, boos, rakes and forks nt tho Fair. Wantkd: Good girl at the Hon Ton rostauraut. y Canvas leggins at cost. Foor.i. & Hutchison. A few of thoso dnndy iMc whips to go at 10c nt Butler's. Tho lino of heating stoves at Wright's is superb. Seo them. James Mcintosh was a business vis itor to Hebron this week. Don't fail to got our prices before buying. Fooei. & Hutchison. Aivn Seliars has been quite sick this week with grip, but is now able to be around again. John S. Marsh of Guide Hock wns looking after business matters hero tho tirst of tho woek. Forty thousand foot of onk lumbor for sale cheap. Enquiro ot E, II. Goblo at Rod Cloud Mill site. L. A. Haskins has further improved his property in tho south ward by plac ing a now fonco around it. V. Hnrwood of Sumner county, Kan sas is in tho city called hero on nccount of tho illness of J. Y Harwood. have 20,000 bushels of primo seed oats for salo last year's crop. Write mo at once. Jno. K. Gihd, Humboldt, Neb. Mrs. C. F. Gund of Bluo Hill wns visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miner, and other relatives this week. Tho county commissioners have been in session sinco Tuesday. An nccount of their actions will bo published next week. Homer Fox, ono of nur enterprising young men, contemplates starting n gun shop in Audursonvillo in tho near future. Mrs. Ed. Lindsoy and children who have been visiting with Geo. Lindsey and family left Sunday for St. Charles, Missouri. Con. Wilson was doing busiaoss in Omahn mid Council Hinds tho fore part oi tho week. Lost Eievcn-niontliB-old calf. Dark red, white face, red around eyes, white on end of tail nnd on holly. W. II. Van Patten. C. II. Kaley has had a largo tank built to hold Hit water pumped by his windmill. It is a good improvement to hit properly. Elwood Shoppnrd, son of Mrs. Shep paid and brother of Elizabeth, arrived in tho city Thursday from Boulder City, Montana, for a short visit. iGo to No 1 Third avenue for fresh garden nnd ilold seeds of nil kinds. Also hendqunrtcrs for the BEST coal iu town. Union sots, cane soed, Knllir corn, etc. Tho stone for the other three cross walks nt tho intersection of Fourth avenue nnd Webster streot arrived this week and will bo put in soon as the weather will permit. For a hand made harness to give wear, niado of the best oak tanned leather that will not rip or tear, and warranted to bo made with the host of care, go to J. I). Butler. Miss Nellie West who has boon here for severnl weeks on account of tho smallpox epidemic at Falls City re turned to her duties in tho public schools at that place Sunday. Win Greer and family of Almonn, Kansas, arrived in (ho city the fore part of the week and will make this their future homo. Mr. Greer will worK for tho B. & M It. 11. Compnny. A number of the young friends of Guy Toothncro tendored him a very pleasant surprise ou Wednesday even ing, tho occasion being his eighteenth birthday. A very enjoyable time was had. J. W. Harwood, father of Tress Har wood, and who occupies the H. E. Pond residence in the north part of tho city, is very low with appendicitis and fever and little lr pes aro entertained of his recovery. When you have urgent business with someone in nnother town or city, re- 1 member you can reach your party tho , quickest and best by the long distance 1 telephone. K.Ues mado known on up 1 plication to "central." The danco given at tho residonco of Peter Mcintosh west of this city last Saturday o veiling was a very pleasant ' and ni.jovahlo event. Thoso present ( report Mr. and Mri. Mcintosh very I ho-pitalilu entertainers and hopn they will be again given an opportunity to onjoy their hospitality. The managers of the Red Cloud com otery aro to be e.ntiiplinienU'rt on tho good wink lii'ini: iltiiio in i in city of Hie dead. Walk and ilnvuw:t8 urn bi iug graveled and curbed with md stunt stinii) mid the grounds am being other wisn artistically arranged, Wu aro al ways pleased to note such improvements. ?. Wash boilers, tubs nnd wringers nt thFnir. rht cents gets a 60 cent whip at Fogol & Hutchison's. Seo the iino display of henting stoves atW.W. Wright's. Tho CniKF and Chicago Inter Ocean noyenr for 81.25. M. M. Stern nnd wifo wero Omaha visitors this week. Chris Fussier of Bluo Hill wns in tho city on business Monday. Soth Iteed of Suporior was in tho city Saturday and Sunday. J. Hose, tho Iliverton restaurant man, wns in the city Monday. Geo. Hadell left for tho west Sunday evening with a lino of clonks. Attorney Blackledgo wns in Crete on business tho fore part of thoweek. Mrs. C L. Olmstend of Cowlos wns visiting frioi ds in tho city Friday. Chns.Crabill was visiting friends in Franklin last Frldny and Saturday. Walter Hoby sells tho Singer sowing machine. Prices right. Got tho best. W. M. Hooves and family of Gutilo Hock wero visiting with friends in tho city tho foro part of tho week. Tho public sale of Jos. McClelland, which was advertised for March 10th, has been postponed until March 28lh. I Insurance, I Abstracts, Notary Public. l 'WA. X O. C. TEEL, i RED CLOUD, NEB. S Is tho best. r Hns the shortened hitch. Has tbo best wheel. Hns the best steel frame. Has the least draft. Has n pivot pale. And is therefore the easiest handtod of any cultivator on the market. I havo riging cultivators as low as S18.0O. I havo walking cultivators as low as 810.00. I havo sulkey listers ns low us $32.00. This is just a fow of tho prices I can olfor you. Como and see me. It will pay you. I am loaded with goods and they must go. JKS. PETERSON, R. W. Plants of Concordia, Kansas, arrived in tho city tho fore part of the week nnd has taken charge of the Ne braska Mercantile Co.'s store forOlnoy & Gaston, and will conduct tho busi ness in the future. Mert Adamson and Miss Florenco Fuller, both of Co vies wero united in tho holy bonds of matrimony on Wed nesday. The Chief extends congratu lations and wishes them a long aud happy lifo of connuubial felicity. J. Nustein, our popular cigar mau wont to Bluo Hill and Bladen Monday to dlsposo of a few of his excellent smoKes, Jake makes good cigars and wu havo no hesitancy in recommend ing them to the general public. He httN just put a nowbrnnd on tho mar ket, called tho "Blue Front" which is a.u excellent article. Burlington Hontf!$25 00 to C.vlifor nla February 12, 19, 120, March 0, 12, 10, 20, April 2, 0, 10. 23, 30. Lowest ri.li. til Vi'iir.q. Alil)liia In Sun Krnnnlu. ci, Los AuguloH, Sacramento, San Jose and iii'ettv nearlv everv otht-r iinoni- titiit point in California. Tlir ugh J I. in rlut mIiiiiiiI'i fill fill llf I III! II lull'.. I tlatiH ;.'ut uDiririi at any station in Nebraska nt which train stop-; gut otr ul Los Angeles. See nearest Burling ton ticket agent, or write J, Francis, General Passenger Agent, Oinuba, Neb. Exnmino tho lace nnd ribbon nt tho Fair. Howard Ueisley of Innvnlo was in tho city Tuesday. Miss Lottio Donkin of Cowles wns in tho city Saturday. E. U. Overman wns transacting busi ness in Oxford this week. Al. Garner and E. E. Lnddof Innvalo were in tho city Saturday. (rank Daggett of Phlllipsbuig, Kan sas, wns hero this week, Wo nro closing out our leggins at cost. Fooki, & Hutchison. Bom, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Brunei', on Tuesday, March ID, a girl. Mrs. II. Michnels returned from a visit nt Weeping Water last Saturday. J as. Murphy of Edgar transacted busino s in tho city the foio pnrl of tho week. The Court of Honor, a now beneli clary otdcr, wns organized iu this city Inst Saturday evening. J. 11. Lnshley will next week move with his family to luavalo whore ho will farm this summer. Earl Hickman, n cattlo dealer from Atwood, Kansas, wns in tho city on business last Saturday. Spring is her; so is Butler, with a full lino of light nnd heavy harness nt low pricos. Call boforoyou buy. 11. A. Hichoy, tho blind man who lives on Seventh nvenuo cast of tho school houso yard, is soriously ill. Louis Foam of Clay Center, this state, who has been visiting hero for some time, returned homo Thursday. Walter Chlnnock and wife, former residents of this city were her visiting friends and relatives tho first of tho week. Newton Soibort and Chas. Cockrall left Tuesday for Annmosn, South Da kota, for tho purposo of hunting up n now locution. Tho Easter services of tho Kniglits Templar will be held on April 7 at the M E church in tho morning and nt Episcopnl church iu tho evening. Tho sotiior class of tho high school will give nn ontcrainment nttho school house on Friday evening, March 20th. The price of admission is but ten cents. I wish to nnnouncn to tho public that I mil prepnred to cry sales. Thoso needing my services will lind it to their advantugo to seo mo. Ci.oykd Cum minos. famous Ohio Siilkey Galti vator. &' Tho D. of H. gavo a very pleasant surprise to Mrs. Lilllo E. Orering on Thursday evening, the occasion boing her 49th birthday. A very pleasant and enjoynbl time was had. Mrs. H. A. Shinkle died at her homo in tho south part of tho city on last Saturday evening. Tho funeral ser vices woro held on Sunday afternoon nnd tho remains wero laid to rest In Ued Cloud cemetery. Tho Ued Cloud hog buyers aro over doing thnmsolves this week. Tho prico hns been as higli as $1 GO por hundred during tha week. Gosh, this makes u nowspapor man wish ho was a farmor with a hog that weighed three hundred. If you seo anything in this paper that pleases you if you think it hns tho right ring have your nnmo put on our list as a subscriber. If it displeases you give us yom name anyhow it may please someone elso this time nnd you next. The secretary of the Fraternal Aid Association of this city received a war runt for one thousand dollars this wi'hk in imyiiituii of the death henellt on tlm life of the late Mary Hansen, wo it'll will be paid to her husband, 1'. A. Hansen. This lodge has boon forg ing to tho front lately and many now members aro beiug tiken in. , a .News Arrivals a You all remember these eleg-tnt negligee shirts from tho "Lion Brand" factory, wohnd last season. You remember how well they ITt, how well they wore, and, abovo all, how well thy In Id their colors. Wc have just received a big new assortment from the factory. More bright nice nobby pattemg than ever. Ask to seo the "Malvern," ,,Biltmorc,,, "Hazclton," "Glcnmorc," "Cortex," for correct things in spring shirts. 3 -a -a ' n 3 3 3 1 iE6H flEWS I 3 3 3 3 3 Everything fer proper nrck dressing. New styles in high band nnd straight collais ai.d the grainiest usMortment of up-to date neck ties over shown in Hid Cloud. 'lVcks, new stylo Pour-in-Hands , Windsors, Bat Ends, Bows mid Clubs. 3 3 3 3 -a SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Nobby Spring Suits ! In nddltiou to our regular spring lino of men's tine .suits we pur chased of Arnold & Lochheim, Philadelphia, 9000 worth of el gain mii'iy iiiiiortiii muiiik mium iuii ureal sacriuoe oi reguiai wholesale prices. We place this special line on our tables at tho greatest discount ( ver known for high class clothing. su 7 no Suiis 11tar2.no. SlUOOSoitn at WOO. Sill 01) Melton Suits at $10 00 CiiHMinuri! 5 Are you interested? We u3 3 Cowden-Kaley 3 THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. Talk about improvement, thero is at lenst ono business man in town wo uro proud of. This is W. S. Bonse. This week ho recoivod his new soda fountain aud it is a iino one, in fact as nico a ono as can bo found any WLoro iu thostnto. If all of tho businessmen of this city would take as much trouble to (ix up their places and accommodate their customers ns does Mr. Bouse the city would bo better oft. A few dollars spent in improving n piece of residence property enhances its valuo nt least one-third nnd it is tho samo with a placoof business. A few dollars spent in making it nppcnr up to dnto in creases tho business in proportion. Wo nro glad to see Mr. Bonse do well. Ho deserves it. Such busiuess mea nro n credit to tho town. aSixtoon members of tho Odd Follows lodgo of this city went to Franklin Tuesday ovening to assist tho lodge nt that place in their degree work. Nineteen candidates wero in ducted into tho mysitciios of tho four degrees of tho order. Tho team ol this city in point of efllcieucy ranks with tho best in tho state and their work Tuesday evening wns highly com monded by tho Franklin brethren, l'ho ccromeny Insted until 3 a.m., the boys roturning home Wednesday morn ing. Thoso from hero wore: E. J, Overing Jr., Goo. J. Wnrren, George Ovoring, Prof. Shins, O. O. Teel, Geo. Holliater. W. W. Wright. J. Nustein. F. W. Cowdon, A. J. Means, D. W. Turnure, Al. Saladen, Wm. Rachjon, (ioorgo fierce, V. u. lleugo, George 'tickets. Tho masquerade ball given at tho B, & M. eating houso Inst Wednesday ovening wns n most enjoyable event. Tho affair was in chargo of the MIssch Dillon and Miles who havo been con ducting tho dancing school hero for some time past and who took this way of bringing their engagement hero to a close. Tho spacious dining hall was taxed to its utmost by the merry throng of dancers and onlookers. Tho grand march began nt nino o'clock and for several hours tho delightful pastime was kept up. Many unique costumes wc re in evidence, and the line-up In tli march was very striking indeed. Wo would be pleased to make mention of all costumes but space unit time will not allow. The niot striking costume. to us at least, was that of tlie Imlniti chief, worn by Alderman Finch, unit Whlell WO MI)IHII WIS llliilllt til ' I . sent tin) lli;t Cloud (iiikk. VII iu al1, tni.- was one of I In most deliglitfi.l , filTf.It'4 lit till, kfltil itt'm irltri.ti In tl,. city. The "LION BRAND" Shirts for Spring. Special Showing of Child's Vestcc Suits and Pants for Spring. Special values at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50. Pants at 25c, 50c, 75c, f nt 910 00. mid Chuviot Is S3 and 13 50. A. are ready to show you. Clothing Co. Aucuon' Meeting;. At a mealing of the assessors i f Webster county held in Bed Cloud, March 19, the following bnsis of assess ment wns adopted: Ukai. Estatk At an nverago of 13 00 per aero. I'KitsoNAi.-Stnllions, $25 to $50; horses of all ages, $.1 to $10; fat cattle, lc per pound; cows, $0, 2-year-olds, $0; yearlings, $2 u 15; sheep, 50a per head; hogs, II per hundred; steam engines, 925 to $70; tire and burglar proof safes, $5 to $10, billiard nnd pool tables, $20; carriages and wagons, $2 to $10; watches nnd clocks, $1 to $10; sewing inaclilnex, $2 to $5; pianos, $20 to $40; organs, $3 to $8; corn and oats, 3c per on.; wheat 0c per bu ; ryo, 8o per hu.j household goods, $2 to $30; bioyoles; f3 to $5. K. IIouoiliN, Chairmnn. Jos W Waiiukn, Socretary. - If you nro going to give a banquot and want some swell menu enrds, if you are goinu to get marrk'd and want up-to dnto wedding cnid, if you are going to have an opening in the spiiug and wish to pieaso in this line, If you want typewriter paper or stationery of any kind, either printed or plain como and seo us Wo have a tius line. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is sure to know of the wonderful I! cures made by Dr. Kilmer's SwamD-Root. the ereat kidney, liver and Madder remedy. j; It Is the great medl Sj cal triumph of the nlno- teenth century: dls- covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and (s s wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst form ef kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s Swnmp.Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you havekld ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work. In Drivata practice, amoog tho helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this penerous oner in tnts paper and send your address torfiUlP' Dr. K mer&Co..B nc-BJiSft a'KM!uj& namton, N. Y. The ---ii!ai!! :. t. ' " uai iy :: ? - regular titty cent and Homaotsyimp-noot. dollar sizes are sold by all good dtaggists. m- r t . i. I ?' tWrf nv v4c vmomrmsi