The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 22, 1901, Image 3

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Desperadoes Shoot Bank Cash
ier at Halifax, Pa.
Bat Mads Fatal Mutt Olio Mttriirrar
Ktep but Wan l'umiii-.l, Wounded
nd C'MitnrlTno ur In .tail
With Alleged Accomplice.
A Hurrlaburg la.. March M, dU
patch says: Charles V. ltyiin, cashier
of the Halifax National bunk, was shot
to death by Henry Howe and Weston
Kelper of Lyhcns at noon toduy in an
attempt at a daring bank jobbery
The robbers were captured by it party
of cltlMms soon uftor tho crime uiu'l
brought to the Hurrlsburg jail. to.
gcthcr with F. M. Stralcy of likens,
who Is suspected of being nn iieeom
pi Ice.
Koweontl Kelper ilrove to Halifax
v from Kliwti.rlliville this morning, nnd
hitching their team on tin: outskirts
boldly entcied the lank with levolvcrs
presented and dcniiinded thnt the at
taches of tlio bank throw up their
handa mid turn otcr the money. One
of them held in che;k Abiuham Fos
tonbaugh, the president, Isaac Letter,
the teller, and o.vHcpresentntive
Hwrtrttof Dtiiiciiuniin, who was In the
bank on prirnte business.
The other coveted Cashier Kynn and
under the niennee of the levohers the
cashier placed the cash In the drawers
f. amounting o fc.'.U0(i, in the mtohel the
robbers had brought with them. Howe,
with tho satchel In his hand, baeked
ont toward the door ami Kelper also
moved toward the ent ranee of the
.Inst when it .seemed that the rob
bers would Mieeccd in getting away
Cashier Kyau leaped f orward in an
attempt to knock np the revolver of
the man with the money. In the souf
fle several shots weie lired and Kynn
fell to the floor.shot thiongh the groin
by a bullet from tlie plMol of Howe.
Mr. Fosleirhatigh grabbed Howe, and
after a short scuttle thtew him to tins
tloor. Kelper ran out or the door. The
noise of the shots attraeted .1. J
y Lclter, who had a store near the bank
building. He ran out with his shot
gnn and pm sued Kelper for one block
and shot him in the hack of the head,
when the robbers surrendered.
The wounded cashier was taken to
his home after the e.iptuie of the des
peradoes, where he died.
slutl lit .Vicltlfiil.
What eame near being a serious ac
cident oeeurted at the confectionery
store of Kdward (iicgory at West
l'olnl,Nrh.. iccenth. Ila'ns Klothes,
a young boy of eighteen years, eame
into the btore and began to play with
u revolver which he had secreted in
ids pocket. Having forgot it was
londed, he pulled the trigger and the
b met pierced the leg of Herman Huhl,
tearing an ugly gash about live inches
long below the knee, No arrests were
made. and Klothe claims It was puiely
I'nulnnity ill 1)1 Itolilinl.
The postotllee at I)K, nine miles
rabt of Kimball. Neb., was broken
Into and about fctid worth of stamps
und 8tC cash taken from the olllec and
815 belonging to the Hushee .t Vogler
company, in whoso store the postotllee
dl i located. Kutrunce was effected by
removing a pirn- of glass from the
window. A postoltlce inspector is ex
pected. It is thought to have been
the work of amateurs, leslding in the
Not a Iloitin HoiiHr ,f.
A telephone message received fiom
Clovcrport, Ky , thirty-seven miles
west of Louisville, says thnt the fire
which broke out swept the town m
completely that t hoi c are not n half
dozen buildings left and the l.f.uo in
habitants nio in direst (listless. A ie
lief train will be sent from Louisville
A- to Clovcrport. Owing to the lack of
notlve power the tiro engines could
not be sent from Louisville. The total
low may reacli $:00,000. No e isualticu
are reported.
IiMuiml ror Shorter Knur.
The iuternatloal association of ma
chinists will enforce a demund for a
shorter work day. A decision has just
been readied by the International as
sociation. In towns where the ma
chinists are compelled to work ten
hours they will strike for nine hours,
aud towns wheie they work nine
hours they will demand the eight hour
y day. In every ease they will attempt
to secure the same wages as those now
in fore.
Hulk flora i:idel Sim.
Hy the terms of tho will f the Into
Hlr Francis Cook of London, all lii.s en
tatcs In I'ortngul aud two-thiids of the
other property go to the eldest son,
Francis, by tho testator's tirM wife,
and the remaining third goes To his
eon, Wyndliam. Lady Took reeclveb
85,000 pounds and the income for life
from nn investment of '.0,003 pounds.
W. K. Fuller of West" ITiiton, Pa.,
1 will accept nppsitment as an assistant
attorney general, made by President
McKlnley sevcrnl days ago. The story
of his declination was without author
ity, Announcement of hla acceptance
rrtvan made on the authority of his son.
Spantih Hull light Are Fopalsra
The brutal Spanish bull nghta are
m popular as ever In that land. The
averago number of horses killed In
8paln every year exceeds 6,000. while
, from 1,000 to 1,200 bulls are sacrificed. I
VebrmUn l.rglitlMturr.
Lincoln, Mnrcn 15. The houso took
tip the salary appropriation bill yes
terday in committee of Hie whole, this
having been lecommended l tho sift
ing committee. The bill v,s gone
thtough with only as far us tho first
of tlm state departments, but in that
short time It was uppatent that the
temper of the house was to brook no
increase of salaries. The committee
had recommended iuci eases In the bill
in the cose of the most Important dep
utyshlps. These were without excep
tion cut to where they were formerly.
An attempt to lower the salary of the
governor's private secretary was almost
successful. The republicans will get
together this morning at H o'clock be
fore the session, it Is believed, for tho
pnrjwse of considering the appropria
tion bills so Hint all may have ft
thorough understanding as to the pur
poses of the bill. Some of the repub
lican members feel that the committee
hud given the. salary question so
thorough consideration that the work
of the committee should stand.
The resolutions of renpect. for the
memory of Representative David
llrown, of Otoe county, weie called up
for action yesterday and after many
eloquent words of tribute to his mem
ory the same were pushed by u stand
ing vote.
In the committee of the whole the
bouse agreed to a bill providing for a
commission to Investigate the Torrens
system of land transfers. The bill
repealing the mutual hog insurance
law was also recommended to pass.
The senate adopted resolutions ex
pressing son nw over the death of ex
President llenjninln Harrison. A bill
legalizing osteopathy was recommend
ed for passage.
Kliul Out tho Negro Vole.
An Annapolis, Md., dispatch says:
The democratic majority in the senate,
aided by the application of the cloture
rule, succeeded in ptsdng the disfran
chisement bill by u Mite of font teen to
eleven, a strict party division. It now
goes to the house for concurrence in
the senate amendtueuts. The con
sensus of opinion Is that no further
obstacle will ho placed in its way, und
it will soon go to the governor for his
Heroine. Violent ljr iiiftitiin.
Mr .1.0. Hider. living nine miles
north of Fairbury, who attempted to
'ointnit suicide a month ago by cutting
his throat with a pocket knife, lias
gone violently insane. It takes the
combined efl'oilsof four attendants to
prevent him fiom renewing his at
tempts to take his life. He was ad
judged insane by the boa id of lusaiii
tj and will be taken to the Lincoln
,Mrn. ItU'liurrinou lntllileil,
Mrs. A. 1. Hlchaidson was Indicted
by the giand jury at St. .loe, Mo., for
the murder of her husband. Frank
Hlchaidson, the wealthy merchant at
Savannah, Mo., last Christmas eve.
The grand jury is still at work on the
ease, and it is expected other indict'
ments will be returned.
To hcttlf Old drudge.
Claude and Will linker started to set
tle an old grudge against (Jcorgo aud
Will Wright at a church near Kaston,
Mo. Pistols and missiles of nil kinds
were used. Claude linker's skull wns
crushed and he died. All parties In
the light were injured. There weie no
Ilocm Itulillni; Ciiim Colon).
An Adelnlili. Cini. Culrmx- .llon...
says: Krut.inger's Iloer commando is
working. northward aud ba-s eluded
three columns anil carried off all the
horses In tho Albany district. The
commando, though it took horses and
fodder, was civil to tho people.
Slujm IMIlur'fl I'm-e
Count Hon! de Castellano the hus
band of Anna (lould, at Paris, Marth
H, slapped the face of M. Fcraude de
Hoday's. editor of tho Figaro. The af
fair grew out of a published paragraph
which the count, interpreted to mean
lilin. A duel will pi nimbly lesult, ae
both men liuxo named seconds.
MnfTct Indicted.
A special from Council Muffs, la,,
states that tho giand jury indicted
Cillbort G. Moft'et for uslug the United
Stutes mail to defraud. lie is charged
with swindling twenty-ono accident
Insurance companies, railway and
street railway nceiilent companies out
of 310,000.
llvtil for Murder.
At Kansas City the coroner's jury In
vestigating tl o death of Wesley lialn,
whoso body wiw found near the Ft.
Scott road, returned a verdict Implicat
ing Main's wife, Mary Haiti, aud George
Allen. Hoth am held to answer for
the crime.
New Trial for Mm. riotkln.
The state supremo court of Californ
ia granted a new trial to Mrs. Cordelia
Jlotkln, who wub convicted of the mur
der of Mrs. J. P. Dunning in the sum
mer of 18H8 ami sentenced to lifo iin
Mlluuukro Itlrldrnd,
The illrcelois of the Chicago, Mil.
waukect St Paul railroad have de
clared a bemi ... n ul dividend of 3 per
cent, compared with L'H per cent for
the lastsenil-anuiial period.
nmuri for Quanlrrll 1UM.
Out in KaiiRua thoy are itill paxina
claims for damages sustained in th
celebrated Quantrtll raid. Up to th
present tltun f3!)l,U45.45 has boon paid.
The unpaid outstanding claim
amount to 7R,C4li.35.
Mr. Do Mot, the burgomaster oi
lirussela, gave a grand ball In tho city
hall on New Year's ovo, for which he
Issued 1,500 Invitations and had as his
guests tho king and nucon and four
other royal couples of lesser degree.
ItrAiinifi of Mimduj'n rrovrt-illiigii Horn
1'smIiik lllll.
Lincoln, Neb., March lV.The house
ycsteiday put in the time passing bills.
Among these was the bill by Otis for a
ten per cent decrease in rates charged
for the transposition of live stock.
The measure was passed by a voto of
64 to S3 after a long call of the house
made for the rurpose of getting all
the members on rccoid. The bill had
sufficient votes to pass It before thu
call of the house, was ordered. The
Lincoln charter bill, hoiibe roll No. 04,
was passed with but two votes In op
position. It went through with the
emergency clause, the necessary ma
jority lielng secured without it call of
the house. The bouse bill making the
appropriations for i efundlng the money
paid to the citizens of the state for
transporting the soldiers of the First
regiment home was passed. Whltmore
only voting no.
The senate spent a part of the day
discussing the advisability of adding
a new protislon to bonds in foreclosure
cases. A bill which has passed the
house requires In addition to the pres
ent bond not to commit waste reason
aisle rental alue for the property in
the event the judgment is nfllrmcd by
the supteme couit. No action was
taken owing to the lateness of the
hour and the fact that not nil the
Benutors had delivered their speeches.
A new bill formulated by a joint com
mittee on constitutional amendments
was presented in the form of amend
ments to senate llle 10'.). The amended
bill provides for six judges of tho
supreme court, at a salary of 33,(100 iv
year, judges of the district court to
receive the same amount.
The bill was placed on the general
llle. Senate lllo No. 31(1 the last bill
intiodueed In the senate, having been
piesented on recommendation of (!ov
ernor Dietrich, was reported favorably
by the committee on tlnance ways and
menus. It is for the benefit of Nebras
ka City precinct and permits the fund
ing of JMo.oon rnilioail bonds issued
many years ago. 1'lie lefundlng eau
not bo established at present because
tins precinct was found not. to have
been legally formed.
miK I Hilt s(,v,, , Mm in,, ritllegff
i lit en u M'.ire.
A lire was discovered In the furnace
room in the basement of the ladies'
dormitory building iat Doane college.
Crete, Neb. The engineer had made
up huge lliva In the heating furnaces
before going to breakfast aud it Is
supposed that gas formed in the fur
nace. Tills exploded aud burning
soot was foicetl out of tho roar asli
pan, causing some kindling to catch
lire. This smouldeied for some time
and then broke into llame, rapidly ig
niting the rafters and other tlmbei
structures In the furnace loom. The
dense volumes of smoke c.iusud gteat
alarm to the young laily students who
have rooms on the second ami thlid
floors. Their erics quickly brought
assistance. Several of the professors
and young men students quickly re
sponded und rendered elllelent aid.
The college alarm bell was rung and
the city fire department was soon at
the scene of the tire. Ity prompt ac
tion the flumes were soon under con
1 1 til. No one was to blame for tins
tier. The damage is covered by insiir
Alcohol llottln MruuliN nml C'lotlilnc Ac
rldniiliilly IriiIW-h
John llergner. a young farmer living
northwest of Amputate , Neb., was very
severely buiiiiid while In Arapahoe!
He bought it bottle of alcohol, and
either by reason of being broken or
the cork being loosened It ran out and
saturated the clothing without his
knowledge, and on lighting u match
his clothing became u mass of flames
and before they could tsc extinguished
he was terribly burned, the flesh from
his side and arms and legs (hopping off
to tho bones and also his hands being
charred to stumps. It is doubtful if
he cuu recover.
Unitlne Mm n Mropn Until,
Word from Hastings says that Mr.
O. M. Sims, one of Hastings' oldest in
habitants, dropped dead. He was down
town us usual in the afternoon anil ap
parcntly was enjoying good health,
but within ten minutes after lie had
reached ids home he sank down into
his chair, ut. the same time complain
lng that ho did not feel well, lint be
fore any medical assistance could be
procured be died of heart disease. Tito
deceased was a member of the city
council and was filling his third term.
M nrdu red liy Hit 1'nU.
Hubert Walsh, said to bo thu missing
boti of u prominent lumberman resid
ing at Saginaw, Mich., was murdered
in n garret room nt 415 South Sixth
street, St. Louis, Mo., lu the course of
a quarrel over the bpolls of u robbery.
This is the solution of n mvsterv
that had enveloped tho discovery of
mc iiicicsn uouy or. a stranger lying
with a crushed skull In his lonelv lom.i
on the morning of February 3. His
slayer is still ut large.
Wo in it ii Jump From Itrldgu.
Mrs. Mahon commit t.'d ml, .1,1,. ,,
Norwalk, O., ity jumping from tho
wiit'eiing ot inue wiu railroad bridgo
to thu e round below, u llKtnnr,. f Llv.
, .... - .., .. .............. .,. ,.,A-
ty feet. Her head sank In thu mud
uuu ovum was caused oy miiiocailon,
it is ueiieveo sue was insane.
Near Columbus, Neb., Joslah McFar
land und ills wife, an aged eouple.were
Instantly killed by a Union Paoiflo
pasbenger train while mossing the
Kansas Convicts Hold tho Guards
as Hostagos.
Threaten to kill if rictir is made
Oenlh Mir Sur IVimll.t I'iiItm Drtiiund'
for ConriHialoii lit. (Intmeit -Want
llrltrr food - Trlrd I.UIiik on
Mule Mi-hI Surrender.
A Leatcnwoitli. Kim., March m dls
patch says: lu the Kansas state peni
tentiary coal tntue at Lansing, 1)81
pilsoneis who went down into the
mine on Monthly morning have muti
nied nnd are holding llftecn guards as
hostages. They refime to let the
guards come to the surface until War
den Tomllnson ptomlses to give them
better food, and thieaten to kill the
guards If their demands ni not com
piled with.
The mines are run by the worst class
of ptlsoners In the penitentiary, and
among those who have mutinied are
twenty life prisoncis. Waiden Tom
llnson hits icfused to grant the icquest
of the convicts
Many complaints have been made at
the penitentiary b the prisoners be
cause of the grade of food furnished
them, and to this dissatisfaction has
been added allegations of mistreat
ment. The first tioubht Mini.
day night when the miners, who had
cnteied the mine In the morning, le
fnsed to come to tho surface unless
their demands were granted. Warden
Tot n II u so n refused nnd the prisoners
remained lu the mine all night, pre-
ventlniMhc fifteen guaids over tl
to go above ami additional guards from
entering the mine. They killed tho
mules used in the mine and are living
on this meat.
Most of the prisoners are desperate
men nnd serious trouble may result be
fore they sue forced to desist.
The inlneishate threatened to wreck
the mines, but the threat Is laughed at
by Warden Tomllnson, who sayH they
would not attempt this, as such action
would endanger their lives. He says
he wilJ starve them out.
Mhiem (lltn Up.
A Leiueuwoith dispatch of March
to says: The Insurrection was brought
to a close at 11:30 Tuesday night, and
the i convicts at e being placed in their
cells as fast as tltey can be In ought to
the surface The Imprisoned guards
have been released ami areagaln above
the surface.
AVarden Tonlliison aud a posse of
picked men descended the shaft and as
they neaicd the bottom a heavy fusil
lade was opened, the shots being fired
toward the top of thu shaft.
This took thu convicts by surprise
ami they fled. After this the capture
of the ringleaders was easily effected.
Mttjor lr,,r,.l 'lmf rm,.f.,lr1. ,,,
High praise s ffiv.n , y MlJor (J
hUaSf? i'0 ,t0 '!kVrS who wrvcd "
1, ,n . n. ."I "We mi China,
h an .niclul icpon to the war tiepart-
Tl.e services of Major .!,., M. Lee,
Ninth Infantry, acting Inspector gen!
cral, weie conspicuous, denoral Chaffee
fcuys, for excellence in uvery way. He
rccommunds tbut Major Lee bo brevet
ed lieutenant colonel for bravery at the
battle of Tien Tsln ami colirtlor V-
nn( conduct duilng tlm battle while
the allies were en route to Pckln.
General Chaffee also recommends for
brevet the following olllcers: Ma or
Ooorgo P. Scrlven. signal corps, h
eutennnt colonel; Capt. William CW
lor, chief ordnance otllcer, us major:
Upt (irote Hutcheson, Slxih cava ry
Hcting ad utant general, ,,a major
I ik Lleu"''"'"t''- W. Furlong and u.
.Hcr, Sixth cavalry. Under First
L Jrutonunt II. It. l.Vrguso,,, corps o
nglrieers, as captains; Second Lieu-
as tlrst lieutenant. J
(Jenorul Chaffee also commends Sur-'
Copt. h. I)eW. itamsey, Ninth Infantry,
clef quartermaster and commissary
and Second Lieutenant Malin Craig,
Sixth cava ry, who assisted him; Lieu'
tenant Ctshmel J. s. Mallory, Forty
first hntry; Major S. M. Mills, Sixth
nrt leryj .Second Lieutenant Allen
Smith, Jr Ninth Inantry, and Lloten
n' ' 1. Latimer of the uavy.
MortUBKfi Mum Imi I'hIiI.
nl!la l0t!tioD aied ln uo""nn
?8 Tolm'T !lt1C'uvel'"'. O., March
iv'eiSi )',o!j"fclIrBk8that the
... i ,h0U'")' ouo ' t'" oldest
nd best known in the city, be sold to
the eddell estate for 8.100,000. Of tho
later sum It la stated b, due
ff ?BM.P Th lUOTtliaB0 WM "lv""
fnnIIok'a,eH to ie national broom
tnakers convention at (ialesburg, Ul.
MnililnUli on o .Strike.
Tho pmchlnlsts ami boiler makers
employed at tho H. C. II. & N. shops in
Iowa Falls, Iowa, have walked out
and will not return to work until the
(UfTeroneo between tho employes and
officials are adjusted. The action fol
lows that of the union men at Cedar
Hopltls, and it is reported it will bo
followed by tho men ut Kstherville,
Watertown, Albert Lea und other di
vision points.
At Wellston, ()., Jeff Illll, his wife
and ilvo children were burned to death
In a fire which destroyed thoir home.
In tinnier of llfnlnu'lloii l-'or Hhk
Cnmmrrrlxl (turn,
The pyramids of Hgypt have been
and aie today a source of wonder and
a mork of distinction. What would
lt said if it weio proposed to destroy
them ami use the stone for paving pur
poses? The w rid would stand itghasfi
t the honlldnem of the proposition.
What difference Is there between thin
proposition and the one to destiny tlio
big trees of California for shingles,"
Nhacks, and matches? do to California
and see them, ln the words of David
Starr .Ionian:
"Kverywheie ami all about you
are the finest forests on earth on any;
earth the foiests which are the birth
right of California, ami to destroy
which would be iigrleultuial suicide.
Knoimous pines -sugar pine, yellow
pine nml high mountain pine cover
the llauks of the Sierras; giant, fits,
Hpruccs and cedars rival the largest
tieeH on earth, while abovo all, su
premely prominent overall vegetation,
towers the giant sequoln, mlgtlest. of
trees. Some of these are H,(KH) years
old, and on one of the least of these
murdcied at Sequoia Mills I counted
l.tiOJ rings of annual growth. This
tree wns a sapling four feet through
at the time of the fall of Home, but
the great ours were twenty and thirty
feet through lu that far-off time.
" Micro will never be such forests on
earth again. Neither the state nor
the government should ever let another
acre of land on the Sierras bo denuded
of Its timber, for on the preservation
of our foiests drpemls the feitllltyof
our plains. To destroy the noblest
groves and the gtandest for tho lum
ber that Is in them is simply brutal.
"It suggests barbarian demolition of
thu Coliseum In tho middle ages for
the old Iron which held Its stones to'
gctber. Hut it is easier to build n
hundred coliseums than to restore one
sugar pine foiest."
Think KIK lirniT Will Hoon Urlis 1'Mtro
In Sonlli Afrlin.
Lord Huberts, in a letter to a corres
pondent, expresses a confident hope
that Loid Kitchener will soon be able
to Insure peace in South Africa, but
thus fur there Is no sign from Pretoria
or Capetown that peace l near. The
latest news is that (.cuoral Fourle,
witli 600 men, escaped Sunday from the.
Ihitlsh columns that were endeavoring
to corner the eommaudoeast of Itlocm
fontciit. Further big operations will
be started in Orange HIvor colony
within a few days.
General Ian Ilamillou, addressing
tho Authors' club in London last even
ing, made the curious suggestion that
tlie liner prlsoucts should be sent to
Canada tit work the railways where
they would be Kuglish and become Im
bued with Kngllsh sentiments.
Minister Conger has sailed from
Shanghai, China, for tlm United
Certain reforms attempted Uy the
Shah of Persia has caused nn uprising
in Teheran.
Lioutenant-ticneral Miles has ar
rived in Cuba, wheie he will inspect
tho military.
United States Ambassador Choate
lias presented bis new credentials to
King Kdwnid.
F. H. Carpenter, u capitalist of Lees
burg, Flu., shot himself to death. Ill
health is believed to have impaired his
The Hawaiian legislature liun under
consideration a bill to pension ex
Queen Llliiiokalanl. It calls for 812,
000 per annum.
The Texas legislature has adopted a
concurrent resolution mcmorall.lng
congress to pass upon a constitutional
amendment requiring election of
United States senators by direct votu
of tlie people.
Hobert Illssaut., aged twenty-one,
son of Jacob Hlssnntz, u retired hard
waro merchant of Wiehltn, Kan., was
accidentally shot and killed in a camp
at Mortouville, Kas., where he bus
been hunting for several days.
William Casey, aged 60 years, wan
instantly killed by the collapse of a
bridge across the Cottonwood river
near Cash I on, Okl. The bridge wan a
now Btcol structure thirty-five feet
While attempting to light a tire with
kerosene, Anna King, aged 'JO, daugh
ter of a well known railroad contrnc-.
tor nt Monte.uina, Intl., was burned to
death by reanon of hor clothing catch
ing (ire.
In Paris, Karl Curiingtou of Kug
land, special representative to an
nounce officially to Franco tlie death
of Victoria and the accession of Kd
ward VII, was hissed Ity Parisians nnd
greeted with cries of "Vivo Kruger"
and "Vivo les Doers.
II. II. Drake, a farmer, wan found
dead lu his house, five miles north of
Hoso Hill, Iowa, with five bullets In
hla body. Draho was well connected
and wealthy and was known to have
cash about tho place. Ho had been
dead three day a or more.
Fred and Claudo Morford and How.
nrd Miller, Sharpsvllle, Pa., boys, were
poisoned by partaking of wintergrceu
berries. They died in groat agony.
In accordance with President McKin
ley's recent order that the treasurer of
Cuba should bo n cltl.en of that
island, Governor Oeneral Wood lias
cabled to tlie war department that ho
butl uppoluted Carlos Kolos as treasurer
of Cuba. Mr. Kolos previously has
been connected witli thu fiscal branch,
and in considered well qualified for
tills important post. Secrctnry Hoot
confirmed the appointment
Would lint l.rulolHtHr H'lmlM I'nl
If ntlHr.v ami rlnlillkti Llglillnff i'Uul.
(lovernor Dietrich bus sen! two met
Aiigc to the leglslatuie, one relating
to appioiirlatioiis for tchutldlng tit
penitentiary ami tlm otiier to new In
cidental expenses. He also rcconv!
mends the establishment of a state
lighting plant, to beloeateit nt tho
state unhcrslty. He figures that by
doing this the stale can save 110,400
each year.
For tho penitentiary he ask 0,000
to equip the new wing with cells nnd'
y.M),tMI0 to rebuild the old portion, au
As to the state lighting plant h
"I deshe to call your attention to
thu extravagant system of lighting the
various statu Institutions centered In
ami contiguous to tlie city of Lincoln,
and the advisability and wisdom of In
stituting a central electrical plant, nt
the unlveislly of ttudlelent. pioitortlom
to furnish light and power for all of
thsu Institutions."
Independent of thu cxtia labor re
quired and the cost entailed to keep
the plants hi icpalr tho annual cost to
tho state, at this lime for lighting the
eapltol, exoeutho mansion, home for
the friendless, penitentiary, hospital
for the Insane, university farm, school
of music, for coal at university ami for
power at pen, hospital ami weather bit
lean In approximately 2ii,HlMl. Under
the proposed central plant mo can
mated cost Is S510. 100. which would be
a net hilvIiil' of RKUOil It VCIir. Ak the
cost (tf erecting the plant is placed at
350,000, the eential plant wouiu pay
for itself In Use years. At tno prescui,
the inivernor declares tlm HttlltH re-
celxed from the private parties furnish
ing It Is unsatisfactory.
In UiIh Maine iiiessairc he asks 'for an
appropriation of 32,102,-tO which
Isiequlrcd to replace tno 700wooien
blankets delivered to the warden of
the pen on the night, of the lire.
In another inessaire. he askn the house
for an additional appropriation of $18,
000 to defray incidental expenses In
currctl or that may be incurred.
'I lie I,rRllulnro.
Lincoln, Mai eh UO. Oovernor Die
trich yesterday approved aenato file
No. 133, an for tlm appointment of
nine Muprcmu eourl.coinnilsshtncni and
au equal number of stenographers.
The appointments are to be made by
unanimous voto of the court.
House roll No. 160, the South Omaha
charter bill, was also approved.
Tho third bill approved by tho gov
ernor was senate file No. 7L a charter
bill for cities having oter 6,000 and
less than 86,000 Inhabitants.
The house josterday recommended
the salary appropriation bill for pas
sage. This was done after considering
ltin committee of the whole, almost
tlm entire afternoon. Only a few
minor eontesis ocouried over pi o vis
ions contained therein. Theunlveislty
appropriation passeil as tho liommltten
recommended tint necessitated a roll
eall which came up on a motion to
recommit the hilt after the committee
had i eeomiuended It for passage.
Iliirlliialo" 1'iinlnfK In h llrml-on OollU
Ion I'lroiintii .luiurn Itlllnd.
A bad wieek occurred on tlie llur
llugton Tuesday afternoon just cast of
Johnson, Neb, The particulars, us far
as can lie learned ait) as follows:
Passenger train No. 08, in charge of
Conductor Cronkhile, left Johnson,
i nulling east after waiting Home timo
for froight No. 113, in charge of Con
ductor llurlingham, and which wan
late. A blinding snow storm wiih pre
vailing when the passenger struck tho
freight, running at full speed. Firo-
man Janseno' the paaseuger was so
badly scalded that he died, and Kngi
neer McMillan received a broken leg,
Klltlll r.lKKtlOII Itlllt.
A Lexington, Ky., March 10, dis
patch says: Details of an election
fight at Caney precinct, in Morgon
Wmuty, last Sat unlay, in which ten
men were wounded, three of them
fatally, reached hero via West Liberty,
where some of the. men appeared for
examination. The trial was postponed
on account of the danger of trouble,
There were nearly 160 shots lired.
John 121am will die and Will Allen and
John Sebastian are believed to be lie
yond recovery.
'I'lioinnaoii Niinilnitttit
Lincoln, March ','(). Fifty-three re
publican members of the -legislature
assembled in "short caucus" last night,
being thirteen short of tho number
necessary to elect In joint ballot, and
with seventeen absent, nominated D,
K. Thompson for United States sena
tor. Tlie short caucus nomination was
accomplished on tho ninth ballot.
Fifty votes were cast for the nominee
and the nomination was made miaul
Cloning Un Till Cm Drill.
The New York Journal of Commerce
says: Several of tho vendors concerned
lu tho 876,000,000 tin can consolidation
aro in C New York, and it Is expected
that a deal will ho closed up in a short
time. DecdBof the varlouH properties
are now being taken by the purchasers
and the stocks of tho new company, it
lu understood, are about to be dis
tributed, lrlnd NtroiiK IIox Empty,
Ocorgo Graham of Berrien Springs,
Mich., who went to Nlles, Mich., for
tho purpose of applying to tho receiver
of tho suspended First National bank
for 830,000 of negotiable United States
bonds, which he had placed in a rented
strong box ln tho vault of the bank,
found the bonds mlBsing and they ap
pear to have gone with Cashier John
son. Tho bank Is not responsible.
Kid Sly, a Lincoln, Nob., crook, has
been sentenced by Judge Frost toaix
years lu tlm penitentiary for robbing a
urocery store.
., ftf...
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