K ft ftrt-S4A I After He Comes S i . Jt lie IinH n linrtl cnoti;li Iiiiil , llury. J, 4 tiling tlmt the expectant inuhcr n can ilo to Help Her (.una sni" uioiiiii jj do. One oC thu jjro.itert bliiitiK JJ riio can ivo liim i licaltb, lint to do this, sins must lmvc licaltli Iter- ) self. Sho should use every means JJ to Improve her physical condition. She should, by nil means, supply herself with Mother's Friend. It will take her tlirnui'li tliu crisis easily and mucKiy. Jiisn ; liniment which i fjives strength and vigor to tho muscles. Com mon sense will snow you that tho strotiKcr the muscles arc, which bear tho strain, the lest pain there will be. A woman living in Fort Wayne, Ind ajrs: "Mother's Friend did wonders for me. Praise God for your liniment." Read this from Hunel. Cal. " Mother's Friend is a blessing to jj all women who undergo nature's xt ordeal of childbirth." Got Mother's friend ot tho jj drug store. $1 per bottle. $ THE DRADFICLD REGULATOR CO., Atlantu, Gti. V, Write for our free lllmlmteil book, "Ileforp (s 2 ll.l.yl. Horn." Some Reasons Why You Should I mist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL Uucaualud by any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially ptepured. Kf cps out water. hravy bodied oil. Harness An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness, ever burns the leather ; its Efficiency is increased. tccures best service, titches kept from breaking. OIL s sold in all Localities , Manufactured by Htnadanl Oil ('amp-tiny. Dr. E. A. Ckuighton, Honornrj (iraduato it Silver Mcnnlist Wests i n Uuirersity, Cuniiilii. Calls answkhkb Day and Nioiit. Orrrcr. Ovicr C'toK's 1'iuhmact. J. S. EMIGH. DKNTI8T. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Grows Bridge Wirk ir Teeth Within, l'litei. POKCKLAIN INLAT And all ttit latest taspreTement In 4eatal nscb anlsm Wa can surnish 7011 brick in liny quantity at the lowest pos sible rate, lirick on sale at oithor of the lumber ynvds. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. CATHARTIC I0W IM.10.. ' Hallll " DtbmUU. Genuine itimptd CCC Never told In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "(omethlng uit u good." mf H For 14 Cents W. mill tht r.llowlni rar. M ... .Hi... Itlf.SU. SIm4 Tm.I. Sm4, S .11 I X.rlkr !. Sil, ,li 1 '. l.l.rll.U.IS..4, .10 I SB.rsl4Ur..a(.ak.rHM4, ,10 1 (llfU.H.. I1..ISM4, ,0 I " ll-D.T 1U1I.SS..1, ,10 I UL M.r.f I Ull... S..4, .It S ' MrtUlt.l ll..r S.W, ,u Worth $1.00 ibruoSiu! Ab4T 10 peVkM r BOTtlUfl Wltl Mtil yea tt; iMihr with ur irt IUuitr.tt4 Hs4 CftUloc, IMIIoi ill kUul Wlitr'aUUllon Dcllar flratt Alio Cholco i)nom Hetd, Or. lb. Tcthfr with thft..odir.f MrHriirt. UWn M Urm mJi api rrlptriio. Qltkltntlr. Whto ttjf trim Htlltr t Hila will ir da all kan . I JOHN A.SAtltl tt(D Sa. UCmw.iTU. 3 TRIUMPH INCUBATORS JUtchoaalllUtchabloEggi.-. Uae. tow 011 man any oiaer macoine made. Requlrmi no supplied moist ure. Perfect Von tlUitlon. Equal Head. Absolutely Automatic, i Catalogue free. TRESTER SUPPLY CO.. mWi.tim aacNts.. 103 8. 11th 8t., Lincoln, Neb, B vgi vy -a. MMnv aTaV TafaaV W Al ' EJ3?n-lil.KjinvTcaaTJaill BZ7m uaTTr 1 Irf CI Bart Covjh dyrup. TaaiwCloua. DnH B la lata. Bola tr drug lua. g SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Hrltnln makes yui),000,000 yards of linen a jciir. It it up up out s.or-f.finn tf.ns of h i .' war, almost halt of the oi at , ' 'act. CoiiMtl .Seliiiniiuin, of Maluz, notes thai n ' ''man Kiniplc room has been opened at Constfitiilnople. According to Jllanco'n work on the flora of the Philippines, there arc 28 genera of palms, with 87 hir-cIcb, on those island. A French scientist has found a name for tho Anger-biting habit. Ho calls it onychophagy, from the Greek, meaning nail eating. The German consul general at Syd ney reports to his homo government that the Australian market hns been largely taken posKObslon of by Amer ican industry. In koine grottoes In Algeria French explorers have recently discovered stono implements mingled with the remains of extinct animals belonging to quaternary times. A French scientific journal warns It' renders against the time-honored custom of using spiders' webs to stop bleeding. It is claimed that webs arc peculiarly liable to be Infected with microbes, and among other nflllctlons that have been traced to the use of old dnsty spiders' webs bound upon wound is tho dreaded tetanus or lock jaw. VEST POCKET COOK STOVES. 0miut nad Oonyenleat Oontrl- vnnaca for the Uae of Unci Sara'a Snlillcra. The commissary general of the army has recent) bought, for the special u-c of our soldiers, large minilicis of lit-j tie cookers of a kind iicwlj iiiventeil.l '.,'.., : H ......... leae p. M.thi,tth.M...ltr.vn..r,.11.s,,e! merit of being easllj portable, while' I.aeh of them is hanllv IiIl-lmt than a pohscising the additional advantage of cNticiuc .simplicity and cl e.ipms. With a single twist one uiiM'ieuh from it a metal rim, anil this, having tlncc, legs, is niiiiie to icrve as a Iripoil-staml ,nl, for holding a brass receptacle fr which i e cover in removei with m. other twist, soys the Saturday Even- ing I'ost, I The reeeptnclc, which is nothing but a small cylindrical cup, is partly filled with a whltNh-looklug substance that has the appearance of spermaceti. One N infnimed. however, that the Mull is in icalit.v a uiiMiire of wood alcohol and "Minus vegetable material," the nature of which l not explained. On being touched with a match it catches fire instantly and burns with a steady, lambent lliiine, which, though almost Invisible to the eye, is cm i cutely hot. Now, the small quantity of'alcohol mixture in the cup-it Is quite solid will burn for an hour ar.d a half, and the cost of it is almost nothing. It will serve to heat water, or for any purpose- of minor cooker v. a saiicetinn or light pot being placed upon the1 tripod. When the fnel-inkturc is used I up, a fresh supply is scooped out of i a pint can with a spoon and put into xne nrass cup. so that culinary opera tions may proceed. In a region where1 fuel is scarce as In China, for e.aninle. or In parts of the west such a con trlTance,is Invaluable. It is likely to be adopted by sportsmen for use in camp. The navy has purchased a quantity of these impromptu conkers, and Is fur nishing them hv w.i of experiment to Mime of the ships. As a meant, of heatingshaving-watcr, under conditions where the ordinary conveniences are not at hand, the con trivance described ia specially avail able. INVENTIONS OF THE PAST. 1 Coantl. Model of ( Patrat ()Hc MiotT WbU l'roreas IIm llca Md. Tho cxperirnee of the patent office with lt "hall of models" throws an in-' teresting light upon the progress of' American invention. For many years j the government required an nppfieant for a patent to submit a modi I of hit invention. If the invention wire a ma chine, none of the three dinit nsions of the model was to exceed 1'.' inches. The models weredisplnjed in show -cases on the upper floor This extensive eollec- 1 tion of little engines, pumps anil mow ing machined came to look somewhat like a toy shop, and to it hundreds of ! visitors were attracted, says Youth's Companion. Hut so long ago as 1880 it became ev ident that the practice of receiving models must be discontinued. The ! space they occupied was needed by the 1 ofllce for Hb regular busimss. So the ' models then on hand were sorted over, and the most interesting ones were re- tallied, appropriately grouped, as a patent ofllce museum. They have since , been frequently sent, aa a' part of the I government's exhibit, to great fairs like that at Chicago in IBM. I ' The rest of the models are now kept ' I on two floors of n large storehouse neaT the post otllee, which have been rented I I for that purpose. The few visitors who chance to stroll through that wilder ness of showcasps are reminded of the diverse channels In which American in ventlveneaa has sought an outlet. It is a singular fact that, to under stand a machine, the nfit,nt nfllii . I amlners prefer a mechanics) drawing I toen actual model, so trained have they ui-i-uuic 111 irunniating' me convention al marks of a diagram into thepbyaical reality for which it stands. Ifuralna' Baa. In caoh buehWe are a number of nursing beta who do not fro out to gather honey, but look after the egM and youiiff, and a certain number arc alwnys told off to ventilate a hive. These atand close to the entrance and fan strongly with, their wlnga. Science. EMBAIIGO ON RATS. Measures Adopted by the Health Board of Louisiana. llcpi1tlona Ouvrrnlutr the IfnloaaV la f Shlna to KffP ! I'rat- Urcvdlnv Itmlenta fruni Uad in- I'fnri of (lie l'laame. Ever since the dreaded bubonic plague made Its appearance thu cause of Its spread and means to prevent Infection from It has been the study of scientific men all over the world. One theory has been tolerably thor oughly established, and this is that thu ordinary ship rat has been and is the chief factor In the spread of the Infection, says the tit. 1-ouls (llobe Dcmocrnt. When the disease made It's appear ance In Honolulu, mid while efforts were being miule to stamp it out, tills fnct was recognlcd, and strict meas ures were employed to guard agalnbt the transfer of rats from ships which had touched at infected ports to the island. Now the attention of the people of the United States- is directed to the coast citlea of Brazil, where the dis ease hns been reported. Our close commercial relations with that coun try, particularly In the importation of great quantities of coffee, make an absolutely close quarantine against the ports nlmost tin Impossibility. To tlevise ami put in lorcc a sysieni ,,, c of careful disinfection, the i,oiiIhIhiiii 'VOU 11 pay tor It state boaid of health has promulgated I Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver regulations governing the unloading. of coffee ships from the suspected Oil is the readiest cure for South American ports, which, almost t t ,. , ; f from first to la-t, arc aimed against . ' the rat. The board proceeded, in ' your doing 110 WOrkyOU Can't fnuiiliijf the rules, on the theory tlmt , lOI1Ir l,e well and Stroiio- without , family is the medium of ,n.'lfc u WCliatia Strong, WItnoUC .... . I,,1LMI0.8tr.nken nor,lsome Sort of activity. most to be feared, and these are the regulations which were evolved as a ' result of this theory: r..cr.... ui.i..u c,,,,. i(,.ni,i tuii-u shall be tho.oughly disinfected at thclfclod It. send I fo ,,.,n,ti, station and detained there;0 Qf ' . ft five davs. beinir disinfected on lhc fourt'i day The tcc1 mnv then conic to tlie city and anchor 100 feet from the wharf, It being calculated that it rat which tiled to swim this distance wou'd drown. After daylight the vessel may be hauled in to within not less than 45 feet of her wharf by means of hnws ers, each of which shnll be provided with a system of metal funnels and disks, to prevent the passage of rats. These funnels must be of tin, Inc or galvanized iron, with a diameter of not less than 20 inches, and must have sharp serrated edges, and must be hinged, to permit of close adaptation to the hawsers. The metal disks must be of tho same material, and must nlso be tit ted with sharp edges. When within 15 feet of the wharf, the regj! ltlons provide that stagings hall be placed, across which the un loading must be done. While unload ing is going on the regulations- pro- tide that "men with shotguns" shnll watch the stairliiL's and holds for nits, and shall kill all rats on sight. The man In charge must nlso "keep men with shotguns in skiffs on each sido of the vessel," lest the unfortu nntc animals should attempt to escape by jumping overboard. Not later than sunset each day the hawsers must be hnuled on board and the ves sel draw off to her anehornge. The rules significantly state that "rubber gloves shall be used in handling dead raK" and that "dead rata shall be cremated." The secretary of the board was busily engaged in seeing the agents of coffee ships and securing their ac quiescence lu the regulations. It is provided that nil the expenses of the quarantine are to be borne by tho ves sel. The rules arc effective t once. Their publication caused a great deal of comment, especially the portions referring to rnts, which caused a much lnughter as criticism. The board says that the rat is the most dangerous fnctor In the spread of the plague, and that unless the rules nrc compiled with the importation of cof fee must stop. No I'ollelea on Prlncea, A flutter has been crentcd through out Europe by the refusal of the con tinental Insurance companies to take the chances of anarchist activity. At all events one company at Trieste has refused to grnut a policy to King Alex ander oi Hervia, Having nnd to pay 3,000,000 franca for King Humbert's life. King Alexander reigns over n somewhnt turbulent population, and there Is always "trouble in the Hal kans." Other monarehs will lie af fected as well as Alexander. Many of them hnve insured their livoe for large n mount a, but the companies are Raid to be anxious to relieve themselves of the risks, despite the large premiums they pay. It is said thnt other insur ance companies will follow the lead of the Austrian concern nnd refuvj to jeopardize their stability by taking any further riskB upon the lives of poten tates. Chicago Chronicle. "CCC." on Every Tablet. Every tablet of Cascarets Candy I Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, ioc. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In 3 days Morton I,. Kill of Lebanon, Itn! hh: M lfo hail liitlftuimatory rheumatism In ien imikClo ami Joint; hor mlTorluK vhmi rrll.le Mint livr lNMl'giu fare wvru awoolttiHliiin Ihmiiihi ri'rop'illlnrii hail lioen In bed for x wt-i'lt. mihi Intil vUbl pliyalrlana, but reri-l '! tin Ihih i hi III lie tried Hie Mjhtlo I'ure fr lilU'iitnHtiMii It Knve Imu edlnte relief Hint Ih w.i hIiIo in whis annul in tnrot iIh), I h d ti rt It HTt'ct iirrnie." soia ut 11. k. i (lit rv if .t I td Cloud, Neb. Getting Thin is all right, if you arc too fat; and all wrong, if too thiti already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you can but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion ofCcd Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it true but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If vou nave not greoable taste will JX ant-nr-lcm inti "-H- Chemists, 409 Pearl Street, now ui rt. ,- 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If uii hixTcn't n rcsular, hrnlthy movement of the liowila mry iln. jou'ni III orM Uv. Kc your lnw'luxn,anlli "ell. lorcc. in tho .nnpouf vlo lent li.lc-iir illl .oIun,I .Iniitt. rou. The amooth cit,i'uslcat, lnut I'Orf.ctwuy o( kfi'liltiK thu bowels clttiraml clean I. to take JgSl CANDY ve lyH i nnn mv EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Vli if nut, 1'nlntnMr. t'otrtit. Tn.tn flood. Do (lood, Nrtirsicki'ti. Wraken.or Orlpi", 10, S- nml 61 rent. iht box Wrllo loi fife raniptc, nml booklet "n honltli AililreM 1 STKI1LIM1 HI.KIUIY (USI'INT, CHIUCO or .NSW V0I1S. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN A Dairying Proposition doe not go badly with thatol railing No. 1 Hard Wheat. Both are at Itlactory in the Great Agricultural diitrhti ot Manitoba, Auinibola, Alberta and Satkatchewan. Moit lavored dis trict. In Western Canada. Mlxid Farming it an assurud suceuss. r.r.ry .audition I. r.Tor.blfc Srksolh rhnrchr. lUllwajA, Cll. mat. mHl ...rT rwiulr.mnnt. II; letter from .atll.r. wo And utter n few jetrV rr.lt.ncn, on man who cam. to We.t.rn Canada with IIS. I. now worth tlO,(H, an. other who hroaght II.UJU I. now worth &n,000,anotner who cam. with tifir.ljr.mmfth mon.7 to buy a team, I. now worth t JU.MU, and mi on. 1boe land. ar. tho moat Taluabl. on Hi. continent, ltallroad and othor land, at low figure adloln Kronme.t.ad Land.. For fuller Information, map., rauphlet., .to., nililr... r. rdl.r, Hii.rlnt.ndnt of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to di:nxi:tt. ... . SOI N Y. Lire lildB., umnna, sseo. Special low excursion rates during. February. March and April. Kdaaate Tour Bowala With Cascareu. Candy Cathartic, eure constipation foreter. Wo, SKc. It C. C. C, tall, dnif (lau relaad monay. Stitii w j lV fl s m It '! 41 I ITra-fc. m H W. V. "aaaJaVii 1 1 lllj aTlal SR?"'",fflal PiifllllniMiH ' Ll?! ! BBBBBBTlIf $ 3ETr -aHIllBBBBi ililltrill. E BBtMaBBBl bl aVflaaavM0 i liT ? 4 rFaall tnaal ljHliiiiHHHtt i tvi'il'lilfilliliilliliililiiiVti ! W. B. ROBY, IlKAI.KIt IN Flour, Peed, Oats, Corn, Baled Haytand Coal Oil. HARD a- A2VI - No. i Third Avenue, Red PL ATT & Chicago - Lumber - Vard. RED CLOUD. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRADERS DUMBER CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COA foctildirigE material, Bto. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" h H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT 1H COLD TO EVERY STOCKMAH AND FARMER. How many or you liavo lost tho price of this EnRlno In ono day on account of lo punlctent wind 10 operate your wlml mills, leuvlui; our Block without water, (let on now to do your puiiiplnn wliun tlioro Is no wind or to do It nnlurl. Woatlior does not iitH'ct Its work, hot or mid. wet or dry, wind or calm. It Is a'i tho samo to this machine. Will also shell corn, grind feed, saw wood, churn huttcr and Is handy fcrahundrodother Jobs. In tho lioliso or on tho furm. Costs noililni; to keep when not worklmr, and only 1 to a conta per hour when working. Kltlppeil complotuly set up, ready to run, no founda tion needed, it Rreiit lnlxir and money saver. Heqtilres practically no attention, and la absolutely safe. o mnko all Blres of (Jasollno Engines, rrom W to 75 horso power. WrlU or circular and special prices. FAIRBANKS, MORSE City Dray and E, Jfl. ROSS. PROP, Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONErNO. 52. SOUTH SIDEi SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALKR IN Vines. Liquors, California brandies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. -CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYRpm,,! Tl if frNlX ... a-1lataJSJarBTBtU aT PILLS ula. coi CIIICIIKSTEIfS ENQLISU r. ru.bl. I.dle ... Urarflrt la UKU ..4 U.ld utttllle to... m.i.iI Ha W. rlbb... Tak. .tk.r. Hra. Iluru. HWltU.. u tmll. tlaafc B.y or y..r llr.ftl.t, r w.411. t. uoip. rr Haril.Bl.n. ThIIbhIi ul Heller tmr LadlM," imi-, r r. tun. Mall. 1 a.OttO THUI...I.U B.ldkr &11 nrvcrtmL. ITklha.tAV Clkl.l Cm. MntloaU.lir.iHir. Jfa.l.oa t'uk.l'llltJL..aA. PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM , nitmtet .nil txaatinr. tb. hair, l'rouiulf. a lTiiiul.nl itowUi. Never Falls to li.atoro Ormy Hair to Its Youthful Color. Curt, tr.lp diMuc. ai hair UUlnf. ttk;.ndai(Uat llruttuti O. V. JLTtGABRIGUT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. IltCD ri.OUD. NKllltiSKA, l.i'ndsm es, Flow-rs, Fruits and Pop rrHita uiiuln to order. JIO IN DAUKHKLL BLOCK. I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE $ FARM LOANS. Look Hux 23. (lulde Itock, Neb. vv p luils of property bought, sold and uxcbanRGd, COLLKCTIONS MADB. TKKMS KKABONAln SOITS- COAI. Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. FREES CO., NEBRASKA. & CO.. OtTlAHA. NEB. Express Line. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest TIMETABLE. B. & M. B.Y liED CLOUD NElili. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY S7. LOUIS and all points cast and south. DENVER HELENA BUT'lE SAL1 LAKE C'Y PORTLAND SAM FRAXCISCO and all jwinti west. TtlAINS LEAVE AA rOM.OWft! No, 13. PacBeiiRer dully for Obcrllu mid St. KrauclN braurhca. Ox ford, McCoolc, Denver uud all points west . 8:25 a.m. No, 14. 1'asBCtiKer dally for St. Joe, Kaunas city, Atchison. St. Loula, Lincoln via Wymote and nil points east and south 8'lfip.ca No. 17. raMCiiger. dally. Denver, all points lu Colorado, Utah and California .-................. 8:10p.m. No, IS. I'asscngcr. dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis and all points east and south 10:00a, m. No. 144. Accommodation, daily except Sunday. iia.unKB, uranu is land. Mack Hill's and ail points in the northvrcst... 1:00 p.m. No. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberltn, Kansas, and intermcaiaio siauous, via lie- nun nubllean... ,...12:30p.m No. (H. Frelcht. dally. Wymore and St. Joe and Intermediate junction points 13:45 p.m No, 03. Freight, daily for Itepubllrau Orleans.oxford and all points vrcst 10:40a.m. No, 66. Freight, daily except Sunday for Wymore and all point east 6.4ft a.m No. 173 FrciKiu nany in uxiora aim Intermedlato tmliitB. 1:30 p.m SleepliiK. dlnliiR, and reclining n nfiMlr nava. (scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conover, Agent, lied Cloud, Nebr. or J. Frauds, General Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. CONSTIPATION the frrau.nl cuh of Aprvmlkltl. and many olh.r son lou. llll i .houlrt n.T.r bo mslsrttxl. Tb. objection to th. mual cathartic remedies I. their coatlro rvactlon which Inrnwt ronatlpaUon lutead of curliuf It, rAUKKUH UINUMI TONIO I. tb prp.r reined;. It aetaon the Uier, and when ned as alreotoil, permanently reuMma th. oomtipaUoo. M Ota, d; ILM at aU Urugvlsu. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourUfeawayl Ton can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking MO-TO-UAO, that makea weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Orer BOO.OO0 cured. All druggista. Cure guaranteed. Ilook let and advice FHltB. Address STUIU.INO lUiMKDV CO., Chicago or New York. 437 Don't Be Fooledi Take the gtntlr', rlflaal ROCKV MOUNTAIN YEA Mae aaly by Madlsoa Mtl eloe Co., Madlsen, Wl. It ktepe you wall. Oar traaa aark cut en each aaofcage. Price, as ceata. Nerer aM la balk. Accent ne aatMtl mi i eae . Aa year arafgui. C"