The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 15, 1901, Image 5

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    " "-ilttSH
3 t
Come in
r l"imfci
"'"' mhim i ill i wmmrtmaammmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmumMm
and see
that new
stock ot e-
We are making
1 Lowest Possible Prices I
on these in order to
move quickly.
$1.00 to $35.00.
This is tho finest and completost
lino over in tbo city.
flemhoiise Bros.,
Red Cloud, Neb.
2 Jewelers and Ootlcians.
fni titti iiTnm
Stove repairs itt W. W. Wright's.
Fur farm loans call on C. W. Kaley.
Mrs. Samuel Dyer was visiting in
Innvnlo this week.
Special prlco on buggy whips. Fo
jel & Hutchison.
V. J. Whitton of Blue Hill was look
ing after business matters.
M. K. Fait field and L. W. Sabin
of Guiito Hook wero here Monday.
Mrs. F. Studebnkcr returned Fridny
from a several weeks visit in the east.
E. W. Shirley loft this weok for a tiip
n Frontier county where hn may lo
cate if tho country suits him.
There will bo regular service hold at
the Christian church ouch Lords day
jit tho usual hours. II. S. Soudeu,
Tho awning in front of tho Fred
Newhouso building was blown down by
tho high wind tho fore part of tho week
but fortunately no daniago wai done.
9 " Jv -
I that we are
1 after your
1 trade?
How do we
expect to
get it?
! Just think
I for a moment
1 on these prices.
4 foot high, 32c per rod.
r feet high, 40o per rod.
(J feet hlgn, 47c per rod.
Other sizes in proportion.
1 Another thing
9 i j
we wisn to
call to your
ii iti TV tin Columbia cans
14 Ih IK tin Columbia cans with
gauge 3!5o.
I Bear in mind
1 our garden
I seeds.
1 They are new,
"J fresh and
I bright.
I Blue Grass and
Clover also.
I Be sure and
see us.
Co. I
Thk Chuck $1 per year.
Canvas leggins nt cost. Fookl &
j' Tho finest glnss assortments, only loo
at tho Fair.
A few of tlioso dandy 25o whips to go
at lOo at Hutler's.
Tho lino of heating stoves at Wright's
is superb. Sco them.
Don't fail to get our prices bofero
buying. Fount. & Hutchison.
David Dickey nnd James Ryan wore
business visitors toRivorton this week.
Ed Hurt of Guido Rock was hero
this week looking after business mat
ters. Dr. H. S. Bailey of Lincoln was
hero again this week attending Mrs.
C. W. Km ley.
C. L. Winfrey and family havo moved
into tho old McFarland property on
Seward street.
Forty thousand foot of oak lumber
for sale cheap. Enquiro of E. B Goblo
at Red Cloud Mill site.
Mrs. Ayor of Oregon who has been
visiting friends nnd relatives hero re
turned homo again Tuesday.
Mrs. Sterner, a former resident of
this city, now residing at Oberlin, Kan
sas, is hero this weok visiting friends.
l have 20,000 bushels of prime seed
oats for sale last year's crop. Write
me at one . Jno. R. Gikd, Humboldt,
Tho Misses MlleVand'Dlllon of Hast
ings wero hero Wednesday holding
their regular oncoa-week dancing
Mrs. Tan Baren, daughter Mabel
and sen "Bessie" returned this weok
from Esbon, Kansas Bess will in the
future, work in tho marble works here.
Got No 1 Third nvenuo for fresh
garden and Held Feeds of all kinds.
Also headquarters for tho REST coal
in town. Union sets, eano seed, Kafllr
corn, etc.
For a hand made harness to give
wear, made of the best oak tanned
leather that will not rip or tear, and
warranted to be made with the best of
enro, go to J. O. Butler.
When you havo urgont businoss with
someone in another town or city, re
member you can reach your party tho
quickest and best by the long distance
telephone. Rates made kuown on ap
plication to "contrnl."
A citizens convention was held on
Wednesday evening at tho court house
and tho following ticket was nominat
ed: Mayor, D. J. Myers; Treasurer J.
Horbergcr; Clork Ward Hiatt; Alder
man 1st ward E. J. l'ulslfcr; Alderman
2nd ward J. Nustein; Members of
school board J. C. Wolfo and T. J.
If you are going to give a banquet
and want somo swell menu cards, if
you arc goincr to get married and wnnt
up-to-date wedding cards, if you are
going to have an opening in the spring
and wish to please in this line, if you
wnnt typowritor paper or stationery of
any kind, either printed or plain corao
and sco us. We havo u fine line.
Tho republican city convention met
as per call published last weok, on
Wednesday afternoon and nominated
tho following ticket for city officers for
tho ensuing year: Mayor, G. J. War
ron; Treasurer, G. W. Dow; Clerk, J.
E. Kesler; Alderman 1st ward, S. F
Spokoslield; Alderman 2nd ward, M
Finch; Members school board, L. II.
Reck and C. F. Cat her.
Rev. J II. N. Cobb of tho Mothodist
church has just completed the publica
tion of a very interesting book entitled
"Don't." Tho book is, as the name
signifies, suggestions of whatnot to do
After a careful perusal of its pages we
concludo that if everyone would live
up tn its teachings this wonld not bn
such a wicked world. l contains goms
of thooght for every mind that aro
well worth living up to and keeping in
Chas. Reigle the popular head clerk
of the grocory department at Turnure
Bros., uarao very near losing his posi
tion tho first of tbo wcelr. Everything
lie diil up was in seven and ono half
Hound pneknges nnd every timo anyone
uskod for anything hu would say "She
u i daisy " It was nil on account of
'In- iirrival of a seven and one half
.1 mill girl at his homo on Sunday
mruii'ir. .Mother and daughter doing
ii . iiimI the medical man in attendance
a present has hopes of Charles still 10
tivfi-ing his houses. We smoke
I'iih Woodmen and Workmen lodges
f n. i- city liavfl been vorklng and tig-
inig for Hume limo upon the possibil-
nf putting a third story on the Put
i W'iuht building to be unnil nx a
du- loimi.and wu are pleased to un
mi n unit arrangement" aro imw
1'ii'i'trd whereby those two ludg n will
i a thud ntorv on this building fur a
'jn rxiiiu. This act on the mri ol
,.-... wu IihIl'i's is a cutiiuii'iidahlw on
ii I 'munl l)n emloiX'il hy nil Ii
will give Ri'd Cloud one of iIih bi'-i
,(! society lodge rooms in the state
and bo a good tbiug for tho towu.
Phin Fair went to Wymoro Thurs
day. F. M. Hopkins of Riverton was hero
35 cents gets a HO cent whip nt Fogel
& Hutchison's.
F. W. Cowden was iu Superior tho
last of tho week.
Sco tho lino display of heating stoves
nt W. W. Wright's.
Tho ClliKK and Chicago Inter Ocean
neyenr for $1.25.
Elmer Crono has been on the sick
list a portion of this week.
r l'ho Fair has hosiery, underwear,
towels, ribbons, lace and notion cheap.
Walter Roby sells tho Singer sowing
machine. Prices right. Get tho best.
C. D. Robinson and James Burden
were in Lincoln the first of tho week.
U. S. Rohrer of Hastings was look
ing after business mattets hero Satur
day. Mrs. Jno. B. Stnnser who has boon
sick for somo timo past is reported to
bo worse.
r Don't fall to call nt tho new Fair
Storo in tho Moon block and see what
wu havo cheap.
Amos Cowden has returned from
Superior and will remain hore for tho
present ho having not been in good
health for some timo past.
This weok tho two Racket storos of
Red Cloud wero consolidated into one.
Mr. Black, the proprietor of tbo Fair
Storo having purchased tho stock of R.
E. McBrido. Whilo wo aro sorry to
lose Robert from our business circles
wo are glad to noto that the new man
has enough confidence in our town to
warrant such an outlay.
Burlington Route $25.00 to Califor
nia February 12, 11), 20, March 0, 12,
1U.20, Apul 2, U, 10. 23,00 Lowest
rate in yenrs. Applies to San Francis
co, Los Angeles, Suuriiiiienio, San Jose
and pretty nearly every other impot
taut point in California. Through
tourist sleepers on all of the nbove
dales get nbiiaid nl aiiv station iu
Nebraska ui which truiii stops; get off
at Los AugeltK See neatest Burling
tun ticket, agent, or write J. Francis,
Genoml Passenger Agent, Oninlta, Neb.
List of letters lemniuiiig uncalled for
hi tho poslollice at Red Cloud, Nob
niska.for Urn week eudiiig Mmvli 14,
Ciins Alviuil F,!im Bkiui
E L. Gilhfii Wilier Hitirinut'iii
W A M'rs Mnilii- SiikU-is
J N. ThiiiniiM
liichi' ifii h will hi. -.(Mil to the detut ,
letter ofilce Much 2Sih if not call i
eil fur befuie. When calling for above
iiIi'mhh say "advertised." T. U. Hack
Kit, Postmaster.
Notary Public.
-'WW 1
i For years tho Hendey buggy has stood at tho head of tho
buggy family, and they still olaud thero. I nUn havo other s
f buggies that will please you. I havo a good buggy nt 3
3 ami a better ono nt 65U. All the hit m iniiiuvenientH. In j
farm implementH the price tiro below all competition. i
Frank Burvvell of Inavalo was hero
Dr. Spencer of Riverton was hero
J M Chaflln was In Guide Rock
(Goods you want at prices you can
nITord to pay at the Fair.
r' We aro closing out our leggins at
cost. Fooki. & Hutchison.
G. Ii. Grifils returned Saturday night
(nun a business visit at Lincoln
Deputy Sheriff Rimliok and Thud
Saunders went tn Lincoln this week.
(J I) Robinson. R T. Pntlr, L. S.
Wilson and A. Galusha weieln Lrban n
Cha. Gmncy returned the (mo putt
of the week from an extended visit near
Boston, Mass.
Earney Morauvllle and wife visited
with friends and relatives in Guide
Rock Saturday.
A trained nurse from Omaha hns
been secured to look after tho welfare
of Mrs. C. W. Kaley.
Mrs. A. Lewis of Auburn, Indiana,
is hero on account of the serious illness
of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Kaley.
Dave Kaley who wns in Carey, Ohio,
to attend tho funeral nf his mother,
returned homo again Saturday night.
Miss Alta Smelser returned tho Inst
of tho week from a visit with friends
nnd rolatives at Grand Island nnd
Miss Lizzio Markr returned from
Lincoln this week where she has born
nt' ending hor bister who has been nlcV
at that place.
Joe Blair who i now holding n posi
tion in n dry goods house nt Hastings,
was hern Sunday visiting with tho folks
nnd other friends.
Tho dance given by the Degree of
Honor Tuesday night was called off on
account of tho Inclement weather cans-
ling a lack of attendance
If the present weather keeps up wo
will quit forecasting. All wo can do
now is to predict two dujs ot winter
and then two days of Mimmer.
Jay Pope has iccently purchased tho
John Burns property in tho northeast
part of town nnd is lemodeling it, and
will move into it iu the near future
I wish to announce to tho public
thnt I am prepared to cry sales. Thoso
needing my services will find it to their
ndvantngo to) oe me. Ci.oykd Cum
Mrs. L. 11. Rust, who has for sovernl
week's past been at Beaver City look
ing after tho welfare of lif-r sister, who
bad tho misfortune to receive n broken
arm nnd other injuries, hns returned
home again.
The Eastern Star he-Id n short
business session on Monday evening
after which, by invitation the Masouiu
fraternity called upon them, and pnr
look of a bounteous supper which had
been prepared. A very pleasant time
was had
If you see anything in this piper that
pleases you if you think it has the
right ring have your name put on our
ln-t as a Mioscnner if it displeiiscs
ou give iisioui iiiiuieun)hmv itnmy
please aoinoouo elsi this limn and V n
Alfred Hadell gave bis annual -printi
opening last Monday t'M'ei'iiif and in
Any that it eclipsed nil former ores
sunlit bn pulling ' v ' ''uht. I'M
.niie hall lli'fli iMslelu I 'Hoi mUMM'
nihil in'nlf i 'ii- iV'"'. I'i'l 'i in'
i h 'i I ' "in H '
r . . . - v l l in IK'i
H,l!C. !' I'll it t ' V. II i
fit III. illlSI 'I f .. I I I i '
this ever ) ii -..- ..
inorcbant. Eac- vMmr n g von a
present as u Hiuivenir of ilii'iicciiinn.
I News Arrivals
The "LION BRAND" Shirts
for Spring.
Yuu all remember these
elegant negligee shirts
from the ' Linn Brand"
factory, we had last senson.
Ynu remember how well
they fft, how well they
woie, nnd, above all, how
well thev hi Id their colois.
Vc have
just received
a big new
assortment from
the factory.
More bright nice nobby
patterng than ever. Ak
to sin tho
for correct things in spring
Everything for proper neck diossiug. Now styles In high band
and s.riight eollms ni.d tho grandest unMirtment of up-to dat
nick ties ever shown in Rsd Cloud. Tecks, new styla Four-in-IlandH
, Wiudsnru, Hat. Ends, Bows and Clubs.
I Nobby Spring Suits !
In addition to our regular spring line ot men's tine suits we pur
chased nf Arnold & Lochheim. Philadelphia, $0(10 worth of ele
US gam finely tailored spring suits at a great sacrifice of regular
!C wholesale prices. We place this special Hue nu our tables nt
9 tho gicalest discount ever known for high class clothing.
$17 00 Suits at $1'J.00.
;$ $12 00 Suits at $9.00.
2 $Ut 00 Mellon Suits at $10 00 .
$10 00 Casstmere and Cheviot Suits $d and 88 50.
S Are yuu interested? We are ready to show you.
3 Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Miss Lillian Price of ltlvoiljn visited
friouds in tho city this week.
Miss Nellie Mnrtin left for her homo
at Wymoro Saturday evening Inst nfter
n pleasunt visit of sovernl weeks here
with friends.
Mrs. Lucy Brown, who has boon hero
visiting with the family nf Chas. lliu
tier, left Tuesday for her homo at
ArUoo, Missouri.
A nutiiotr nf Guide Rock ladies,
Mesdames Proudfit, C.'rnry, Garbcr,
Lovitt, Hnyos, Burr, Jones nnd Doud
nu spout the day hero Wednesday vis
itlug with Mrs. George Morhart.
All holding invitations fur tho dance
glvon by the Degree of Honor, March
12, 1001, will bo ncccpted March 20.
D.inco wns postponed on account of
stoim. By order of committee.
Tho Motor Barber Collego, Utnnhn,
Nub , wants young men to learn tho
trade. Thoy say they have calls for
their graduates fiom nil parts of tho
country and on nccount nf their profi
ciency domand tup wages. There is
comparatively no expense. A two
month's term completes. They mail
free catalogue giving particulars
Omer Butler, son of J. O. Butler of
this city has been awarded a lint prizo
of $2 50 in a picluie drawing conlebt
glvon by the St. Joseph Daily Gazette
Herald. The winner won out among a
largo number of contestants, many of
whom wero residents of St. Joseph.
This young man has for somo time pst
shown rnro nbility In drtwing nnd
painting and he is to be congratulated
on Ids lain achievement.
Pr'." for letters ahout Nebraska. A
round trip ticket frnm any Burlington
Rnn? station In NobnisRi tn Tellnw
.' N'l'iniiiii Puk .iti'l a complete
(.ii m iniii ' in- hi i. . H'- uf I ' ii' y
in . -..ii nil n (ui liiirliiiifinii Route I
'.,, Hi' '!-' ii-l "I- llllilllu
I ) n r in , - i iN t" I 'ninrailo, me
it .OK llll". (J'lU'llg ll'l 1. L"Ui". I
i iii-n- in- i -I'Veinl i'hsu nnzes. 'J'na
lliiniiiv'Kiii IT-I - ilii'i-e p'i. s for let-
Him' 'Mil ( iii'nur IC" I in in lljl ii Hon tn
. in i.mi In- l'l d. f-nnpiive of sue
: tn tin ining, hi nu raising, dnio
i'ii. f in urnwlng mid similar pursuits
t.i'Whft f"i Hi-' nu n-se in view.
i ( Mil, 81, 1001. Cir-
, v in in i In' in i i-Hi witl lie
. n .. .1 I I'llKNOIS (i'-li-
u i w" i. ().. i, .N.-li
- - I
Jell-O, the N.w Dissert, i
. ... ,i no. I' ii 11 kVnis:
Leiinui, inaiu'i', rticplii'ii and sttaw
herry. At otir irrneeiH. 10 cts. Try
ii today.
Special Showing of
Vestcc Suits
and Pants
for Spring.
Special values at
$1.50, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.25, $2.50.
Pants at 25c,
50c, 75c.
Spnng Is here; so Is Butler, wilh n
full lino nf tight and heavy harness nt
low prices. Cnll boforoy ou buy.
Notioic Lost, nearly now nickel
frame eyo glasses, in case, nbout Fob
ruary 1st. Thought to luvo been left
nu some counter, may hove beon drop
pod. If the finder will pleaso leave
them at this office be will recoivo n lib
oi nl reward.
Tho smokers of Red Cloud can find
on sale by 11. E. Grico nnd n few of the
locnl dealers one of tho choicest and
most phenomenal retailing cigars over
manufactured in tho west, tbo "Tuck"
cigar. It is hand made throughout and
iinequiiled in workmanship by any 5
cent cigar ou the market. Tho "Tuck"
cigar has in its tiller tho finest grade of
old uullavored tobacco that can he pur
chased and used lu n R cent cigar. Its
draft Is perfection. Tho "Tuck" cigar
is packed in tin foil in packages of live
with the object iu view of keeping it
fresh, retaining the itavor and protect
ing It from breakage when carried in
the pocket.' The "Tuck" cigar is in
fact perlectiou iu everything thnt is
n (nil til to make a choice smoke.
Thero if mi cigar made in the five cent
cigars that equals the Tuck cigar, in
fine workmanship, quality, dratt and
filler. Try the "Tucks".
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.
The Discoverer of Swamp-Hoot at Work la
His Laboratory.
There Is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by
It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
or apoplexy are often the result of kidney
disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad
vance the kldney-polsoned blood will attack
tho vital organs, or the kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Then the richness of the blood tho albumen
leaks out and the sufferer has Brlght's
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root tho new dis
covery Is tho true specific for kidney, bladder
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands
of apparently hopeless cases, after all other
efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent
and dollar sires. A sample bottle sent free
by mall, also a book telling about Swamp
Root and Its wonderful cures. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. and
mention this paper.
. r.