The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 08, 1901, Image 4

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i n
Oat rar...
Mx months
. 50
Intercd at tho poit offlce at lied Cloud, Neb.a
toond class mall malts.
Local advertising 6 cent per line per Issue.
Local Advertising for ciitcrtalnrasnts, con
itrts, socials, etc., given by churches, charltablo
.octettes, etc., where nil money raised there
from are used blly for church or charitable
ooletlM, Hrit ten line free and all over ten
linen 9!i cents per lino per Imiic.
Ucal advertising of etitettolmncntii, concerts,
recitals, etc., nhrro per cent IS Klvcn to pro
motcra, b ccnta per lino per Issue.
niartAT ivr.nTisii.
One rolumn per month ............ ..
One half rolurau per month ...... ...-..
One fourth column cr month
General display advertising I 8Jf cents per
Inch perlssuo.
.IT on
, SM)
. 1 75
A Miss Aclio nnd Mr. Pay no wore
married in Arkansas n short tlmo ago.
It looks llko n frying-pan lire jump on
tho part of the Iddy, its fnrns mines
aro concerned.
A scientist recently nssortcd that n
man could double his circulation by
bathing his foot in tepid water; and the
editor of this papor is now having a
tank tittod to tho office stove.
A contributor sends its a story in
which is the statement that the fair
heroine "lay upon tho lloor breathing
out her life In short pants." This will
ever do. We can't print such stuff as
that. It might sell papers, but wo
have a reputation to sustain, and shall
do it if it breaks tho management.
Then aro a number of apportion
neat b!'ta under consideration, but
aothlBf, definite baa beeu dose. It la
sot likely that the congressional dis
trict! will be greatly obanged, since It
is oertala that the stato will cot lose a
representative under tho new congres
sional apportionment bill.
There aro too many in this world
who wilt not cast their bread upon tho
water unless thoy aro assured beforo
hand that It will come back in a fow
days a full-grown sandwich, all
trimmed with ham, buttorod and rolled
up in a warranty deed for ono-half of
tho earth and a tnortgngo on tho other
Wo havo hanging up in our sanctum
a plain black band of generous dimen
sions, which appears too small for n
bolt and too largo for n sleeve holder.
Tho article was found on tho street,
and in case tho ownor comes in and
proves property tho sauio will bo
turntd over without tho customary foo
for advertising.
Sovornl towns havo put in claims to
cover tho expense of small pox singes
during tho past two years, but tho fact
that thoro is small pox scattered all
ovor tho stato at tho present tlmo is
likely to prevent tho allowanco of any
of th e claim?, inasmuch as it would
invite a hundred similar claims from
other localities,
Tho Ciiikk staff works lifty-two
weeks per year; that's labor. Now and
then someone pays for tho papor;
that's capital. And onco in awhile
eomo son of n gun of a doadbeat runs
np a big bill and vanishes without pay
ing it; that's anarchy. But later on
justice will overtake the last-named
creature, for there 1 a place where he
will get his just deserts; that's hell.
An old timer was in our oftlce the
other day, and said when he was a
boy at school bo read his lessons some
thing llko this: "Seo the cow. Is the
cow nice? Yes; tho cow can run, Can
the cow run as fast as tho horse?" But
tho latest up-to dnto stylo of reading by
tho averago kid is us follows: "Get
onto tho cow. Ain't she a butc? Suro,
she's a corker. Can tho cow get a
niovo on herself 1 Can sho hum llko n
boss? No, she niu't in it with a boss."
There is n tlmo in u'tnost every
young man's life, says a wise observer,
when bo imaginos ho roally is a warm
number. When he grows older, and,
by exporionco, accumulates a store of
good, common horse sense, ho views
the same class of boys with disgust.
lie meditates on his past, and wonders
if ha ever was such a confounded fool.
A smart Aleck Is about the most
despicablo mortal tbat ovor drew
broath, but the law forbids killing
thom, and pooplo have to grin and bear
thoir pressneo in tho community.
Anothor aaniplo of fusion roform is
found in tho claim of J. B, Mosorve fur
2,000, premium paid on his guaranty
bond This, in spite of tho fact that
ho novor explained whero he kept tho
pormanout school fund deposited, and
has never turned over tho interest from
this sourco to tho stato treasury. And
now an Investigation of tho rovonue
stamps on his bond shows that the
premium paid was only $1,500, unless
tho government was defrauded in tho
matter of stamp duties.
liotwoon fusion mismanagement and
u serious tiro the stato is likely to spend
n good deal of money on tho peniten
tiary. It will be remembered that the
gliiun reform olllulnls miulu their cam
paign cry in 1808 that they had "made
the penitentiary sett supporting," Vet
thoy asked for and secured from the
last legislature an npproptintion ol
930,000 to help run tho Institution, nnd
thoy turn It over to tho republicans
with a claim of ovor 130,000 dellcloncy.
There Is a now debating club In
town. It is wrestling with tho follow.
Ing: "Did tho baboon leavo tho human
family oris man an cstrav fn.m simian
ancostry?" In our judgment, If man
bo a wanderer from baboon origin,
sotiio of him did not wander very far
I'orhaps chronio homesickness has
prevented tho club from indulging in
much foreign travel. When evolution
tackles so no folks, sho seems to use
them to mark tho placos whore she
stopped work. When sho struck this
club, wo nro afraid sho contracted
In answer to the question, 'Where Is
the state of mnirlmony?' The Chicago
World says: Well as near as wo can
locato It this happy state is one of tho
"United" Stntes. It is bounded by
hugging and kissing on one sido and
era lias and babies on tho other. Its
chief productions arc: population,
bioomsticksnnd staying out at night,
It was discovered by Adam and Evo
whlto trying to And a passage out of
paradise. Tho climate is rather sultry
until you pass tho tropics of house
keeping, when squalling weather sou
in without sufficient power to keep all
hands down. For the principal road
leading to this state consult the first
pair of blue eyes you chance to meet.
For tho benefit of the public, par
ticularly non-subscribers and persons
who persist in sending anonymous
communications, the following is
recommotided for their guidance:
"How can I get an articlo in yoar
paper?" asks a correspondent. It all
depends on the article yoa want to get
in the papor. If the article is snail in
bulk, liko a hair brush or tea caddy,
spread tbo paper out upon tho loor,
and, plaotng the articlo in tho center,
wrap it up by carefully folding the
edges over It and tie it with a string.
This will keep tho articlo from slipping
out of tho papor. If, on tho other
hand, tho articlo is no English bath-tub
or a clothes-horso, you better tint try
it at all.
Public Sale.
I will sell at public auction on my
farm 4 miles south and 3 miles east of
Bed Cloud, Nebraska, on Tuesday.
March 12th, commencing at 10 o'clock
a.m., tho following propeity, to-wit:
Nino horses, described as follows; G
brood marcs, 3 goldings, 1 two-year-old
colt. Tbirty-threo head of cattlo, do
scribed as follows: 11 milk cows in
milk or will bo fresh soon; 8 twe-year-old
heifers in calf; 1 two-year old bull;
4 one-year-old steers; 8 one-year-old
heifers, G calves. Eleven head of hogs,
to-wit: 2 brood sows, 2 young Chester
Whito boars, 7 shoats. Tho following
Implement!: Swoop, food mill, disc
and soodor combined, Buckeyo mower,
bay rako, 10 inch riding plow, Ohio
cultivator,lister and sundry small tools.
Terms of Salic: All sums under
110 .cash; on all' sums of 810 or ovor a
credit of ten months will bo given, pur
chaser giving bankablo noto with 8 per
cent interest from date; 5 per cent dis
count for cash on J 10 or over.
It. J. Skken, Owner.
J. D. Fulton, Auctioneer.
D. J. Myers, Clerk.
Public Sale.
I will sell at public auction on ny
farm 2 miles south nnd 8 milos east of
Red Cloud, Nebraska, on the rivor road
known as tho Ueorgo Popo farm, on
Tuesday, March 10th, commencing at
10 o'clock a.m., tbo following prop
crty to-wlt: Thirteen head of cattlo,
tt ' is-rtf -4wfln
Sis K Jsi&EMr
While they are accumulating knowledge
on the profound sciences, are often so
ignorant of their own natures that they
allow local disease to fasten on them to
the ruin or the general health. Back
ache, headache, nervousness, point to a
disordered or diseased local condition
which should have prompt attention.
Dr. Pierce's l'avorite Prescription may
be relied upon as a perfect regulator. It
stops enfeebling drains, heals inflamma
tion and ulceration, and cures female
weakness. makes xveak xvomen strong
and sick women well.
There is no alcohol in "Favorite Pre
scription" and it is entirely free from
opium, cocaine and all other narcotics.
"Your letter Jtit received." write Miss Kose
Kllfclhcr, of 4 West HharpnacU St.. German,
town, Philadelphia, I'cnna "Words fall to
express how thankful 1 am to you for your
advice. I must confess that for the IcUKth of
time I have been usIuk your medicine I have
found it to he the most wonderful and best
leinrdy for female trouble that I ever have
tried Sorry I did not know of your l'avorite
Proscription' years niro,"
Dr, Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of 21 one
cent btamps to pay expense of mailing
only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf
falo, N. Y.
To the Purchasing Public ! I-
Comuencing Tuesday Morning, February 26th
I place on sale my new spring purchases of bright new seasonable merchandise at
Special Guarantee Price Sale Prices.
During the past ten months since starting for myself, by square dealing and selling the best snd most
reliable merchandise at the Lowest Prices, 1 have built up a dry goods business that is second to none
in our city. In making my New Spring Purchases I was very successful in buying at Lower Prices
than ever.' This was partly on account of the change in wholesale markets, many lines of goods being
from ten to twenty per cent cheaper than last season, and also because there were several wholesale
houses who were anxious to have my account with them. I propose giving my customers the benefit
and will place on sale many lines of my New Goods at less than than last year's wholesale cost prices
and also state that we absolutely guarantee our prices the lowest on the same class of goods. My
intentions are to build up a good successful Dry Goods Business here, and by honest business methods
and selling the right kind of goods at lower prices than the other fellow I hope to succeed. A compar
ison of prices will prove that it pays you to buy your dry goods here.
Bright New Drees Fabric at mosey saving pricea- 30 lock
New Poplin Weave, Serges and Henrietta?, new colors, at 25c
per yard, will oompsre with the regular 35 and 40o goodf.
New 40 iaoh blk Drees Goods at 35o per yard, these are the
kind that usually eel I at 60c. New Peplin Lustre Ballllants,
Bergen, Henrietta, &o., at 50c pr yd, special: Also handsome
New Fabrics at 65, 75, 85c II and up to 12 pr yd. Special guar
aate Prices.
The New Lining at money eavhg prices, Best Linings 'Cam
brics 4o per yd, Nisw ISoallMiea at 11 l-2o pr yd. New 25c
bIImUb at 16 l-2c. 18c all Linen Duck at 12 l-2c, Oottoo Duck
at 8 l-2c, 25c Bet all linen Duck at 10 l-2o. Beet 2 in Corduroy
Skint Binding 4c per yard. 2 inch Velveteen Binding at 2 l-2c
per yd. New Near Silks at 15o pr yd, tbeuoual 20 nod 25a kind
B8t Patent HookB and Eee 4c pr nard. Manv UeaWn ask lOo
for this grade. New drese stave at D, 8 and Inc. Nnw Dress
TrimroiDge at Guarantee Sato Prices. Nsw Silks at Money Sav
ing Prices.
Elegant nhoing of lh Now W.ab Gooap, at Lower pncps
than ovwr. The New 15c Zephyr GmghaaiB at lOo. The New
yurd lde 15 Percalee. eMe price 5e. Goran Bnd phh thom. Wo
nave a number ot Choice Bargain Values lu wneh Fabric?.
We have thnm at any orioe you can wisb, 3, 4, -nd Sc. Ele
gant Nw Best Standard Calicoes at 10c per yard.
Now Crashes at rc to 10 c pr yd. special guarantee sale prices
Special values at 5c, 7 l-2o and lOo
Special guarantee tBle prices on Shirtings, Muelins and
Sheetlngo. 10 and 12 1-2 New Fancy Sbirttnga at 8 l-2o
12 l-2c Ranchman's Shirtings at 10c. 7c yard wldtunbleacr
d MuelitiB tit 5 ; yard wide Unbleached Ohees Cloth at 2 l-2c,
Yard wide Untliaehed Mualin at 4?.: 8odoe Unbleached Mut
lin at 0 l-2o; 7c yard wide Bleached Muslin at 5.
Hope Murlln bleached by Lonsdale Mtlls 7c: L'jnsdale or
Fruit ot the Loom Muelin 7 1-2j pr yard; Linsdaie Cambric lOo
0-4 25 Pepperell Unbleached Sheetings at lCo per vd; 9-4 2ro
Ptpperell Bleached Sheetings at 18c 40 inch 15o Pepperell
Bleaobed Pillow case Muslin lie.
Beet apron checked ginghams at fin pr yd. New Sllkollnea
and Swisses at 10, 12 1-2 and 15c, handsome new patterns.
During thia sale I am going to offer the heat values ever
made in Good Table Linens, from lSo pryd to 01c; GOo Bleached
Table Linsns at 39o pr yd 70 inch 11 Bleached Table OS l-2o or
yard. 72 inch II 50 Bleached Table Linens at 94o it yd. 3-4
Siss Bleached Lines Napkins at II pr dcr..
Special selling of tke New Percale Wrappers at 08o.
We will soon hive our New Spring Carr-ta in and promise
you the best prcos thoNet at d Handsoinant Tatttrns.
Special Gua-i tee Prl :e SaV O i LiKe Cortclrn 50 Lce
Curtains that are ellabtly mussed uot uoilod Placed on ssle at
exactly Hiir Price. AMoBpucm VbIubb in tbeNe Lice Curt
ulna at from 2s : t' 2 fiO aoh.
New Spring BoBicry nt Bpnial Ouaranteo Sal" PHcpb. Lint
Fall I made t epeuitl Purchux f f tbren caeo' 150 dz Black
Ribbit Bloyclu Hobp. Wn eolri 2 rjnPB of ihom then, but I kept
oneensefor the early Sp-ing BuynrM. For this sale wn will
make them at 12 l-2c per pair. Not moro than 0 Dir anld to
ono ouatoroer. Lvdiea lOo hoaa at 8c. two oalr for 15c. LaHieB
15c Hob at 10c, Ladles 20c Hoba at 15c, Ladieo genuine Lisle
Thread Hose at 25 o. Mens and Boys box at 5, 8, 10, 1 2 1-2, 15c
The New Coranta at the Right Prices, 25c, 35, 50, 7f and 1,
At Gnarantnw Sal-Priced. 1000 j da. 10c Embroideries and
Ineertlona. Sale Price fio alert bargains In other Embroideries at
10, 12 12, t5c. New White Gaode at 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 1-2 and 15o.
ComraBncing tomorrow morning, Tuesday. Feb. 2Gth. we
will commence uiving prmium coupons with each 10c purchase
nd upwards. Shortly after March ls, we will open up a new
Premium Dapt,, that we feel assured will he very interesting to
our Customers.
We will not b Undersold in any of our linos,
for your Dry Goods buying. It will psy you .
Come to us
Bdell's Gash Bargain floase,
described as follows: 4 milch (cows, 0
ong yearling steers, 2 heifers and 1
red polled bull 3 years old in spring.
Sovonty hoad of hogs, averaging about
115 pounds. Somo sows in pig. One
team of good work horse?. Two aeis
of work harness, 1 good wagon, 1
buggy and ouo singlo harness. Also
tho following farm machinery: Ono
stirring plow nnd hater, 1 drag, 1 stalk
cuttor, 1 cultivator, 1 McCormiek
mowor, 1 hay rnkc, Somo liny nnd
millet, several hundred feet of 10 ft.
fencing, lot of fenco posts nnd nbou
1000 bushels of old ear corn; will moke
good seed.
Tkbms ok Salk: All sums under
10 cash; on all sums of 110 or over a
credit of ton months will bo given, pur
chaser giving bankable note with 8 per
cent interest from date; 5 per cent dii
ceunt for cash on 110 or over. No
property to bo removed until settled
Jos. McCi.kli.anu.
Coi.. C. I.. Winfhey, Auctioneer.
Epworth Leaguers
Send nit your name mid address nnd
I will mail you about April 1, n beauti
fully illustrated foldor giv ngfull Infor
mation nbout the sptuial rates and
truin service to California via tho Bur
lington Route, at the tlmo of tho
Kpworth League mcetiug at S:iu Fran
cisco in July. The folder will enlighten
yuu on every point in connection with
thu trip to San Francisco cost of
tickets; how to nmkti tho trip most
cheaply nnd comfortably; what there
Is to seo on tho way, and why yom
tickets should rend via thu Uuilinglon
lluuto. Tho round trip nvto open to
uverj ono from Omnhii to S-ut Finn
olseo via thu Burlington Homo is 945
Tickets are good bv way of Denver ami
Suit Luku City. J. Francis, (Jeuui'iil
Passenger Agent, Burlington Kouif,
Omaha, Nub.
Low Rates, Wat and Northwest.
At a timu of year when thousands
will take advantages of them, the Burl
ington Routo makes sweeping reduct
ions in its rates to tho West nnd North
west to Utah, Montana, Washington,
Oregon nhd British Columbia.
Jates: February 12, 10 nnd 20.
Mnrch 5, 12, 10 nnd 2(1. April 2, 0, 10
23 nnd 30. Kales nro shown below:
To Ogdcn, Salt Lake, Butte, Helena,
Anaeondn, and MUsoula: 823.
To nil points on the Northern Paeilio
Ity. west of Missoula, including Spo
kano, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, as
well as Vancouver, and Victoria, B. C.
To all points on the Spokane Falls &
Northern Ry. and the Washington &
Columbia Kivor R. R. 925.
Never has tho Pacific Northwest
been as prosperous as now. Labor is
on constant demand and wages are
high. The money making opportuni
ties nro beyond number in miues,
lumber, merchandising, farming, fruit
rMsiug, fishing, and nil the other in
dustries of a grcnt nnd growing count
ry. Literature on request free. J
lrancl,Gon'lPaHAengor Agent, Oma'.a,
Keep Your Bowels Strong.
Constipation or diarrhoea when
your bowels are out of order. Cas
carcts Candy Cathartic will make
them act naturally. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never sold in
bulk. All druggists, ioc.
Jell-O, the New Dessert,
pleases nil tin family. Four 11 tvoi.v
Lemon, oruiigo, raspberry and strmv.
neriy. At our groceis. 10 cts To
it I day.
. -
Spring is lieiv; ho is Hutlcr, wit li n
full lino of light nnd hi'ay luuuess ui
low prices. Call beforo you buy.
The Disease More Prevalent than Ever
and quite as fatal. The best treatment.
Tho grip has surprised the doctors
and health authorities this season by
its rapid spread and by (nine novel
symptoms. Whilo it spares nobody
it is proving especially dangerous to
middle-aged and elduly pursuits. Iu
many cases either a fntnl onset of
pneumonia, or a complete breakdown
of healtu and strength, is apt to fol
low au attack of grip.
Tho wise course for all is prevention.
By wearing a Benson's Porous Plaster
on the chest and back you protect tho
lungs from cold and chill and (with
ordinary caro) you are safe from grip.
For those who are slready suffering
from grip, or the usual wintor coughs
and colds, Benson's Porous Plasters are
a sure and speedy relief and cure.
Highly modicinal and scientific.
Retnse imitations and substitutes.
Only tho genuine are rffectlve. Ex
amine when you buy Seabury &
Johnson, Manufacturing Chemists,
New York.
What Shall We Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it today.
Try Jell-O, a delicious dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No baking! add
hot and sot to cool. Flnvors:
Lninon, ornugo raspberry and straw
bei ry. At your grocers, 10 cts.
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In 3 days.
Morton L Hill of U-banmi. Iml katb: "My
wKu had ItilliimiiiHtory rheumntltim In every
raiikCle and Joint; bur mffotlim wm, tirrllilo anil
her iMxIr and faro were nwookn almost tiesond
recognition; iihiI ,e,'u In bed for Mx weekh and
timl elKtit iditKlriitiiH. lint received no uenwit
in ill Mie trud tho MjMliitnre for lllietimatlMn
Ukkvu lino ediatu relief and .lio wuh able to
walk iilHiiit In three ilajk, lam euro It ta veil
WowWeti. f " 0rlt'0' "'""" "'l
now Are Your Klilner I
Dr. noDbi'BparairuiPIUtouroall kidney 111. Sam.
pis f re. Add. bterllDg Homed Co., Cblciio or N, Y,
Deafness Canaet be Curee".
by local application as they cannot
reach tho diseased portion of tho ear.
There is only one way to euro deafness,
and thnt is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of tho
Kustnehiau Tube. When this tubo is
iiillntiipd j mi havo n rumbling sound or
intellect hearing, nnd it is entirely
closod. Deafness is tho result, nnd tin
less the inflammation can bo tnkon ut
and this tubu .restored to its noimal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed
forever; nino cases out of tenro
causod by catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of tho
mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars for
any caso of Deafness (caused by cat
arrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O
Sold by druggists, 75o.
Hall's family pills aro tho best. 0
Homcseokers excursion to points
north. On the first nml ibirH Tup.
days of January, Fobruarv. March.
April, May nnd Juno, 1001, tickets will
bo on sale at ono faro plus 2.00 for tho
round trin. limit .
rom dnto of sale, to sevoral points in
Manitoba, Minnesota, North Uakoln,
South Dakota and W'sn..i ..X
ticket ncrnnl. fur (nrikn !.. '.-
A. Conoveh, Agent.
Sllllll. Milliir mi.. f ie.,i.. !,
old resident, departed Tuesday for his
new iinmiiin New Whatcom,
ingtou. Mr. .Miller has uoennnuof ntu
first and foremost citizens nnd wo nro
sorrv in 1'un lil in inn m ...ti. i.i.i.
....:. i u nun hum auu-
cem in hi m,w loentum.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
rilYlvV h,f,ff '""'""lra and iiourWcIa
ri-anii) I'tirtw in f'mu one to threo iIuvh iftvac
rt SlmnlK! f.1 O,,C0 e 'HI. 811.1 lllO