The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 08, 1901, Image 1

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& d , $, vgS : V
h. aMSS3 ,,-V6.s' 4
A Mortgage Works
All of the Time.
So does good newspaper advertising. If
properly prepared it does good work, if
not properly prepared it is an eqpensive
proposition. Our experience enables us
to prepare ads that pull business. We
1 . would like to prepare copy for your ads
we give the matter prompt and careful at
tention adn make advertising profitable.
Iiindley's tyestawant
Uocl Cloud, Nebraska.
Warm Meals at All
2 Publishers' Advertising Agency, 5
m' navM Citv. Nebraska. m
,Nice, Comfortable Lodging
Oysters if Every Stve.
K. W.MJlaucli of (iuiilo Ruck was in
town ono Any this wouk.
Your Rorrcsponilunl wnn ill last wook
bitt is now on hor (cut iiRnln.
A now btitchur shop tins bucti started
by Uuorgu Iko in thu l'orsons block,
Miss Mstiiuii Swec.y has roturnod
from Su Joseph; whero ahu has been
l)U3 iiitf K" ds.
Colonel lloovur is in Omaha this
week, lie seems to bu exticmely (ond
of visiting in that town.
II M.llallutt, formorly of Uealiice,
who spont pait of last season here, lias
now definitely loeated in Dluc Hill and
will open a stock of wall paper.
Dick Aleiiitt is now miming tlio
bucket pliop foimerly operated by
Cliarloy Comad and llieio is a chnnca
every day to try your luck or your
Tuo funeral of John Green "took
plac on Tuccday afternoon. The de
ceased was a well-known young man
who had many friends and no enemies.
Ho hud worked for Jncob Schunk for
many years.
Claries Conrad hai cone into tho
medicine business mid will soon have
representatives all over tho South
Piatlo country selling his remedies.
Cliarloy will dress like an Indian chief
and lecture on tho sueots.
Mrs. Nation, who had written your
correspondent that she would bo bore
on Febiuary 30th to clean out John
Goos and Louie Schuman, failed for
some reaton, to appear. Tho boys are
still nervous, however, but are hoping
she will not nmko another date with
At the last meeting of tho A. 0. U.
II. P., an address was delivered by Col.
Hoover, the Grand Chief IVovaricator.
"The bald headed man," said tho
Colonel, ''has loo long boon isolated;
ho has eto d back from tho Iking lino;
he has been a wall flower; ho has not
mado himself felt. Ho is now awaken
ing to tho full knowledge of bis
powers. Tho tendency of tho times is
towards consolidation of interests.
We bnvoseen tiustsand combinations
formed, both of capital and labor, and
now wo haTo, ourselves, combined,
Wo nicy not be the Whole Thing but
wo are a Large I'art of it. Wo aro in
tho push; wo must bo taken into ac
count; we hold tho balanco of political
power aud wo must bo soon or wo will
start a party of our own; in union there
is atrotiRtb; united wo stand, but
divided, down goos our meal houso.
We now, in this organization, tako
largo and compribensivo views of
things. No more will wo purchase
singlo bottles of hair restorative ut
oxhorbitant prices but wo will buy our
restorative at wholesale, by car loads,
by train loads if wo dosiro, and, if im
properly dealt with, wo will manu
facture it ourselves. A prospect opens
beforo us of increasing power. Wo
shall have weight and prestigo and
consideration, No moro shall irrele
vant remarks, bo mado in our presonco
concerning i-arly pioty, headboards
and damp churches. The bald headed
man will ceasoto bo nn object of un
seemly meriiment mid hilarity . Ho
will bo ndmind; ho will havo vogue;
ho will bosonio tho fashion and don't
you forgot it." Those words of wis
dom and many others wore spokon by
tho G. C. F, and at tho close of his
address lib was presented with a mag-
nillcont badgo of ofllco, tho presenta
tion speoob boing mado by M. W.
Tbo following versos are a tritlo lato
for the birthday of tho "Father of His
Country," but to tho patriot and the
hero worshiper, the topic is always
Immortal Oeorgo, ilnc. first the world began
We And no record of a greater man.
Ttie Cincinnati!! of the w.etern world,
The State he founded and Hi flag unfurled i
A type of true uobllltjr In youth,
He, like "Columbui." always tpoke the truth.
He Btood the of the mighty elan
That battled for the honest rlghti ef man j
He awrpt the haughty Briton from our coatt ;
I He lived and died, hli comitry'a proudest beait;
He gave liU Martha no fair chanco to ecold,
i But awept the kitchen floor when he was told.
In otatecraft wlic; In oratory great;
HU life an era and hli birth n date;
He rocked tho cradle Jmt a. ho was bid,
Or would havo rocked It had there been n kid.
Ilia mighty Mtloraud bU faith unhllme
King far down tho corridor of tlm.;
Valor that greater aud loner foe o'ercamo
And faith that raw Columbia' futuro fnmo;
Kacb M.nduy mom he nld: ''TUtlinolowHMi,
I'll help you, Martha, joh. I will, by gosh "
Nii'O weather and good toads.
Chin ley Fuller say my name is
Postmaster Puttnati was in Hlvorlon
last week.
Warren Dunnoy is sick with tho
quinsy and grip.
Ed. Unnlon lias conn to Kansas. to
visit relatives.
Cliarloy Scott is homo for a few days'
visit with his folks.
Mr. Gilford built a now barn for
Pat Moore last week.
M. Scott went to Kansas with Harry
Dates but is back again.
Hevlval meetings will open at the
Christian nhuich Sunday night.
It never rains but it pours. Mr.
"Cotton Shirt" has got opposition.
Tho M. E. nid sooloty gavo a pie
social at Mr. PatmorM Tucsdny night.
(. W. Hager is going on crutclios
these days, tho result of a sprained
A number of tho A. O. U. W. boys
visited tho lied Cloud lodgo Tuesday
WiUii!i' llinnotou is clerking for
Greonhalgh & Honton while Mr. Hen-
ton is absent.
J. Ephrihant Waller roporls duck
shooting on tho river, good. Ho got
ono tcil in only two days hunt.
Davo Kaley is expected home from
Carey, Ohio, in a fow days whero ho
went to attend his mother's funeral.
Owing to tho writer being out of tho
city thoro were no items from hero
last wook, Wo will stay at homo nftor
Most of tho lodgos havo docldod to
tnkn advantacro of tho liberal offer of
tho A. O. U. W. for tholr now hall. It
will be a big improvement over tho
old ono.
Walter Wells of Oxford, N. Y., who
has been visiting Landlord Brown,
died at Campbell last Friday. The
body was brought here and buried In
tho Cowles cemetery Sunday morning,
Rev. Hippotoe conducting tho services.
Hrrry Bates, a long-time resident of
Webster county, loaded a car this
week for Sheridan county, Kansas,
whoro ho goes to make his futuro
homo. Wo aro sorry to loso Harry,
but wish him success in his now homo.
About twenty friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Hutchison gathered at their
homo Wodnesday night and epont tho
evening playing games of various
kinds. Georgo looked somowhat sur
prised whon ho camo homo and saw so
much com nan v.
Nation lust wook said something about
Scrlvnor of Andor.snnvillo building a
saloon adjoining his now residence.
Ho says tho parties aro sadly mistnkon
and don't know a bay window from
Mr. Gilbert, the horseman of Hod
Cloud, will locale bore and tho im
piovements at Anderson vlllo in the
near futuro will astonish tho natives.
Mr. Gilbert will start, a hotol; A Car
pouter, :i newspaper, Lewoy Lorlson, a
eieamory; Jack Wllniot, a pottery:
Will itoseiieraus, a blacksmith shop;
Andy Lotison.a lively barn.
Win. 11. Koseui.'rnns sold two loads ol
hogs last Friday for li cents per pound.
Hi also sold live nice liolfers to Lew
Liiison for 9110. He also sold fifteen
head of nice young cattle to the McCall
brothers, and, while ho Is not a pop,
ho will in the near futuro lino up with
several of thorn that havo boon so pros
perous under McKinley's administra
tion as to pay the mortgage nn their
wavo strunk this
A cold
Geo. Wolf has moved to tho Sander
son placo.
N. L. D. Smith Sundaycd with his
nophow, S. C. Munger.
Hnrrv Harris has moved to his ncv
placo, UioChaB. Mlol fnrm.
Charles Hollingraiu is going to farm
J nines DoWttt's placo this summer.
The croKinolo party at Will Usher's
last Thursday was very enjoyable to
tho merry attendants.
Gni field wnH nearly all up to Man
ning's sale last Thursday and several
bought agricultural implements with
which to aggravate the soil this soitson.
J. J. Hynn has just purchasod another
farm, tho wost hnlf of tho William
Wilson placo. The prico was 13,000.
Ho will farm pnrt of it himsolf nnd
John Wolf tho rest of it.
Justin Bryant is hero this woek dis
Doslngof his porsonal property. He
has rentod his fnrm to James McNutt.
Jmtln will farm in tho east part of the
state near Humboldt, whoro his naronts
Tho weddidg bells have again rang
in GorUoid. Tills timo it was Harry
Harris and Miss Alice Hassolbaoher.
Tho young people nr well and favor
ably known nnd their mnny friends
wish them success on life's stormy sta.
First la the heart of all hit countrymen;
, HI iwordne mightier then hit ireatliAot pen;
Last Monday Presldont McKinley's
timo was just half out.
Davo Haskius will move to his faun
ucar North Dranch soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barrett weto
visiting relatives on tho Creek last
Ed. Mountford and Win, Aubuschon,
with their families, woro visiting rela
tives nnd friends In this part recently.
Mr. Rosenerans, who lives ono milo
south of Andersonville, will havo sonio
nice seed potatoes and some niec clean
millet seed for sale.
Somo sickness in our part. Mrs.
Davis, Mrs. Will Mackoy and little
Luda Scrivnor aro ou tho sick list.
Mrs. Davis is reported bettor.
Miss Ward of Red Cloud, the popular
teacher of Andersonville, nnd Miss
Carpenter wcru visiting Miss Sallio
Stevens last Saturday and Sunday.
V. 11. Scrivinir has pasturo for about
twenty head of calves besides his own
stock. Good hIukIu and water. Any
ouo desiring pastuio laud will do well
to see him.
Some ono through tho Red Cloud
The skin is the seat of an almost end
less variety of diseases. They are known
by various names, but are all due to the
same cause, acid and other poisons in
the blood that irritate nnd interfere with
the proper action of the skin.
To have a smooth, soft skin, free from
all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure
and healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic and potnih and the large number
of face powders and lotions generally
used in this class ot diseases cover up
for a short time, but cannot remove per
manently the ugly blotches and the red,
disfiguring pimples,
Eternal vlgilanoo thm prloa
ot a hoautlful oomplBxIon
when such remedies arc relied ou.
Mr. If. T. Bliobe, 1704 1.ucat Avenue, St. Loul.
Mo.iayt! "My daughter wat afflicted for years .
with a disfiguring eruption on her face, which
resitted all treatment, tide was taken to two
celebrated health springs, but received no bene
fit. Many medlclnea w ere prescribed, hat with
out result, until we decided to try 8. 8. S.,end by
the time the first bottle wat finished the eruption
began to disappear. A doien bottles cured tier
completely and left tier skin perfectly tmooth.
She it now teventeen year old, and not a tJgn of
the erabarrattlng dltease lias eve returned?1
S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for
the worst forms of skin troubles. It i
the greatest of n)l blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranieea purely vegetauie.
Haa blood makes uaa complexions.
purines ana invigo
rates tiie 01a ana
makes new, rich blood
that nourishes the
body and keens the
kin active and healthy aud in proper
condition to perform its part towards
carrying off the impurities from the body.
If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt
Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough
and pimply, send for our book on Blood
and Skin Diseases and write our physi
cians about your case. No charge what
ever for this service.
wt rutrie mumny. atunta, .
Dad blood makes
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