""""mmtlWtoiitUUiui - 4 4 .- v s .. r -i M Vk lb l kfa b b t b lb lb b lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb tb fc. Come in and see that new stock of GAJIIEHRS SUPPLIES. Wc are making -9 4 1 4 -a -9 4 9 9 a I 9 9 -9 9 ft ft c ft -9 -9 9 9 -9 i Lowest Possible Prices f -9 -9. 9 9 9 9 -9 9 -9 4 9 9 -9 9 9 9 4 on these in order to move quickly. CAMERAS FROM $1.00 to $35.00. This is tho tiuost and complotest lino over in the city., flemhouse Bros., 4 -9 9 4 Red Cloud, Neb. Jewelers and Opticians. uMurffffi WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Stovo repairs at W. V. Wright's. Llor (arm loans cnll on C. W. Kaloy. J Special prlco on buggy whips. Fo oel & Hutchison. Attorney L. II. Hlaeklcdgo was look- ing alter legal business in Lincoln this week. O. F. Gather has rented tho front rooms over Colting'.s store for a real estate oflicc. The restaurant man MeFarland of Riverton was doing business here one day this week. I). W. Turnure and wife were In Reynolds this week to attend the mar riago of frionds at that place. Spring U here; so is Butler, with a full line of light and heavy harness nt low prices. Call before you buy. Tho creamery at Superior burned to day at noon. The plant was entirely consumed and there was no insurance. Leslie Graves who is working for tho U. & M. at MeCook was hero tho first of tho week visiting with old frionds. There will bo regular service hold at tho Christian church each Lords day at tho usual hours. II. S. Souukk, Pastor. Mel Sherman has located n Cham pion mowing machino headquarters in the Noah's ark building south of this office. Mrs. I. B.Stansorwas strickon Inst Friday with sonio sorious complication and hM not been ablots speak or seo ulnco. Mrs. C. It. Besso who has bean visit ing with her daughter, Mrs. CoraKidd, atSedalia, Missou.i.forsoveral months past has returned home. V L. H. Rust says if you want nursery stock, lot him know what you want soon, unit, suaiio aim oriiumuuuw trees, small fruits, shrubs and rosos. L. H Fort has moved his ofllco to the Moon block and is now nicoly situated in tho ollleefoimerly occupied by R. O. Ro.ifnrd where ho will still continue to dlspeneo abstracts and insurance to patrons. Cbeam Baking For a third of a century American housewives have found Dr.Price's Bak ing Powder invariably a guarantee of light, sweet, pure and wholesome food. Always makes the perfect biscuit, cake and bead. rnicc baking powoen oo. CHICAGO, MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Thk Ciiikk 81 per year. Dell Wiills is in Hclvldeio this week. r Canvas leggins tit Hutchison. COSt. FOOKt, & A few of thoso dandy 25o whips to go at 10c at Butler's. Tho line of heating stoves at Wright's is superb. See them. ''For blacksmithing go to A. M. Beers, north of Day's barn. Al Galusha mado a business trip to Lincoln this week. Mrs. C. W. Knh'V is MiflVrlng tit's week from cititio rheumatism. tDmi'l fall to gt our price before buying Fom:i. & I'rinusov. The life of a lawyer is full of trials, but ho always confronts them with a pleasant smile. Mrs. J. M. Chaflln returned Satur. day from a visit witli relatives and friends in tho east. Dr. i. E. McKeoby of Superior was hero to attend tho banquet given by tho Knights Templar. Forty thousand foot of oak lumber for sale cheap. Enqulro of E, B. Goblo at Rod Cloud Mill situ. Attorney Morcor was down to Lin coln this wcok looking after legal mat tors boforo tho supremo court. Goo. Newhouso was looking after tho optical part of tho Arm's business in Rivorton and Franklin this week. Hlauhstnith work is like everything else tho best Is tho cheapest. Seo A. M. Beers southeast of Miner Bros. When a young man hi-inm to toll '' best girl his trouhlis it is a sl;n sho will soon be invited to share them. Mrs. L. H. Riftt wont to Beaver City, Monday to look after tho welfare of her sister who was so unfortunate as to fall and break her arm Attorney Overman was In Bladen this week helping tho village board of that placo out in matters pertaining to the conduct of a village. "Wo have put all our 75e,85r, 81.00, $1.25 men's laundried shirts on our tables at GOc and 75c. Big bargains for ?hlrt wearers. Cowdkn Kai.ky Co. Hugh Minor Jr., left Sunday morn- i g for Chicago whore bo will person ally Inspect and select a largo invoice of new grods for tho linn of Miner Bros. If tho men could now only iuduco Mr.'Carrle Nation to organize a band of followers to destroy women's hat fac tories, corset factories, etc , what n blessing it would bo. For a hand mado harness to give wear, mado of tho best oak tanned leather that will not rip or tear, and warranted to be mado with the boat of care, go to J. O. Butler. 1). W. Turnure, A. J. Means, Ed. Overing nnd Oscar JTool wero In Franklin Tuesday night to help tho I. O. O. F. lodge of that placo in the work of tatting in a number of new mombors. Two lovers of tho drama, Bon Me Farland and Charloy White went to Superior Saturday night to witness tho Shakespearian I'lny tho Merchant of Venice. They report a good play and a full house. Caud ok Thanks: Wo wish to ex tend our thanks to the friends who so kludlv assisted in the funeral s i- viccH of our imiit Mrs. E. E. Beack. Mu ani Mus L. 1). Wi:li.s and Miis C. D Rouinson. 10WJ)ER NOTE.-HiWnffpowdenimn'le from nlnm una oilier liHisli.cHUMlcnHilttiiro lowenn prlce.but infrr.urlnnm V uiiU Injurious to tliu btumacn. ' GENERAL CITY NEWS. ', A. M. Beers, (or blacksmith work. 1! A. Hoivntd is on tho sick list tills week. Stuwnrt Albright was in Superior Mou as nay. rents gels a CO cent whip at Fogol & Hutchison's. Oljdo Olmstead is tick at the B. &M. eating house. Seo tho lino dl-play of heating stoves nt W. W. Wright's. Tho Cuikk and Chicago Inter Ocean no yea r tor 81.25. Miss Dollie Siiephcids m of Rlvertou iwis hcto Monday .shopping. V Wo are closing out oui leggins at CO.st. I'0(li:i. & HUTlMUSUN. Kll Soigtiiiscn of Nebraska City ar rived in the city Saturday night. Mrs. E. J. Overing nnd little daughter wero visiting in Alma this week. Walter Roby sells the Singer sewing machine. Prices rignt. Get tho best. Pay your subscription and got a cal culating pencil. They nro a littlo won der. Ira Ferrior formerly of the dopt forco horo was down from Franklin this week. Geo. Topham returned Tuesday night from Edgar to bo prcsont nt tho mar riago of his sister. Mrs. A. M. Wood and children of Denver arrived in tho city Wednesday for a visit with J. L. Miner and family. Mrs. Wood Is a sister of Mrs. Miner.. I wih to announce to the public that I am prepared to cry sales. Those needing niv services will liud it to their idvautago l 1 en in'. CLOVKI) t'UM MINOS Mrs w. Ii Xntidcrs gave n very pltasant party nt her home on Cedar street on Tuesday evening last to ft lends to the number of sixteen. Dainty refreshments wero seived and a pleasant timo was had. Cam ok Thanks Wo desire to ex press in- heartfelt thanks to tho many friends who so kindly assisted us thr ugh the sickness and death of our beloved daughter and sister. M it. and MltS. H. DlKSLY AND FAMILY. If you are going to givo a banquet and want somo swell menu cards, if you are goinir to get married and want lip-to dnte wedding raid", if you at going to have an opening in thw spring and wbh to please in this line, If ou want tj powriter paper or stationery of any kind, either printed or plain como nnd see us. Wo have a fine Hue. J. O. Wiles has put in a crosswalk from his restaurant across tho street. This is a good improvement, but owing to tho deep mud on tho crosswalk at tho corner and tho on tiro lack of walk at other places it was tho city's right to put in this walk. It is not right for privato citizens, in order to save their patronage, to bo compelled to put iu walks when tho necessity for them is caused by others. Notwithstanding tho story that tho goods of the Noimika Mercantile Co., would not be opened up here, but won d h divided op unit sunt lo pur ties out of town, the store was opemd up for lnirtiiii'-s Wedne-day. Aeoord ing to their advertisement which will be found iu this Ismip, the stocx bus been plae d iu Ui IuiimU of It, I). G i-- ton, as trusten for the creditor, hum will bo oloseil out at a'great reduction in in )'" Kililingtuu Route $215 00 toCtlifor uia Feliruary 12, 10,20, March S, PJ, 111,20, Aim i 2, , 10 a 3. :J0. I, iwia rate in yeuis Applies luSui Kruieis- CO, 1'l Allgell'4, M.li'l'aillltlllii, Sill .JiihO and pieiiy nearly every oilier iiiinni unit iitnt iu C'liifiiiiiiii, Tin null t'llllNl Meepi l's mi !ll of llm itlinvo ,1 ,i,..ji.i niin'inl tit. any MiHi'Hi in Nhriukn at willed iriin ni-; 'i . h" al l.os Angeles. eo lieuiet Kuriniu ton ticket agent, or write J. Kiaueis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Insurance, Abstracts, f Notary Public, i 'WW I O. C. TEEL, I RED CLOUD, NEB. ) LOCALLY When you have urgent business with someone In another town or city, ro member you can reach jour party tho quickest and best by tho long distance telephone. R.Ucs made known on ap plication to "central." A very pleasant social dance was given on Tuesday ovoning by a mini bur of the young folks in honor of Ben MeFarland, who will soon leave ngaln for Duadwond, South D.ikota. A very pleasant time wns had by thoso pres ent. If you see anything in this papar that pleases you If yon think It has the right ring have your iianie put on our llf-t as a subscriber If it displease you give us youi niiinn anyhow it may '3 3 a please someone else this time and yen next. A telegram hearing the sad tidings of the death of tho mother of C. W., A. U. and Miss Bess Kaleo was re ceived last evening ami tho two latter at ouco departed for Carey, Ohio, to attend the funeral. C. W. could not go on account of tho illness of his wlfo. William Dickson an old aottlor of this county died at his homo north of this city on last Frl lay afternoon, Fobruary 18th, after a short illness. He was born April 18, 1835. Ho was a inoinbor of tho A. O. U. W. and G. A. R. societies. The funeral novices wore held at tho Congregational church on Sunday after noon uinl the it-mains wero laid to rest in tho Rod Cloud cemetery. Mayor Warren has figured up tho ox pontes, to the city Incurred in tho MUill-pox quarantine in this city and has made a claim for the Mini auniu-t tho state thuro bein several other towns asking for relief from tho same source. Senator Pitney and Represent ative Peislgerof this county have inter ested themselves iu the mattar ami a bill has been presented to too legislat ure by the. Inner. The) believe theio will bo no opposition and the city will be reimbursed for lis outlay. A number of Knights Templar Messers. liroiisuii, Cole, Willits, Mc Cluru and Wilcox of MeCook, Lucu of Republican City. Pair and McKooby of Superior wero hero Thursday iiudiiuveii candidates wero raised to the exalted order of twelfth degtoo Masons. A ban quet with plates for eighteen was serv ed by W. S. iienso iu tho style nnd sumptiiousness iu which that popular caterer is so well versed. Nothing which the season n Honied wns lacking iu the bplcuilhl menu and the neighbor Itnights departed for their ho ties with the satisfaction of know inn that Red Cloud is a pleasant place to visit. The drama "Among Tho Breakers" which was given by the coming gradu ates of tho high school and thu "has boons" wns largely attended, tho house being crowded, all of which shows that wo need n good opera houso in which our homo talent in music nnd tho dra ma may have a chanco to show them selves to advantage. While wo wero not present and can theroforo givo tho participants but passing montlon we understand that tho entertainment was well under baud and up to a good standard, and many parts wero played with exceptional merit. Wo wish to seo thoso same young mon and ladies appear in a new ground Hour opera houso, otherwise wo will havo to forego tho pleasure. Wo aro pleased to chroniclo this weok tho happy event of tho marriago nt Mr. Ralph K McCall and Miss Rosa Topham at the homo of tho brides par ents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Topham in Line township on Wednesday evening last. A largo number of friends of the family were present and left many valuable tokens as rouiemurnt.ecs of I he start out In life of the happy couple. The bride is tho daughter of Joseph Topham a prosperous farmer, and tho groom .is tho son of Mrs. Oliver McCall and they nro both estimablo young people of much worth antl havo many frUnda. Au txcellaut wedding supper was partaken of after tho cere mony. Tho Cuikh- with thtir many friends extend congratulations. Hrindley's Restaurant S IUI.K HI ILlUNO, f 1 lleil UIIIUII, niiuiiiSMi. J warm Meals at Aili Hours. 5 ... " f-....1.1 1 ,r,:.-.rr t SiNlCe, Vomioriiiuit; t,uuK'Bi Rooms. RtUll'S, CUNKBiM'IONBKY. ) NUIS AND UUAlt.) OVSTUKS IF liVKUY STYI.K. i IA RINDS OK HOT AND COLD J MJNOI1KS. i OVER COHTS AND I DUCK COHTS jS At almost your own price. '3 anceofour a a a a Men's, Boys' and Children's a a i Overcoats a a a a a a a a AND Duck Coats i at 33r Discount. Also some great 5 weight Suits, Pants and g a Underwear. a t a A. positive sacrifice in order to make room the big i v2 stock now on the road. A great sale. You : jS will miss it if you miss it. fe 1 . I, a Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. 'X THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS. 5 Death of S. E. Wolcott. Ontho2Glh of December last, Mis. Julia A. Wolcott was burled and on February 17, a little loss than two months sho wns followed by her hus band. Fatality seems to often mark cases and this scorns to bo one so mark ed. Two woeks prior to her death they wero both in good health, two weeks after and tho husband was stricken with disease which the best medical aid could not arrest. Sidney E. Woloott was born at Col Chester, Vermont, Juno, 24, 1812. At tho ago of nineteen he entered tho First regiment of Cavalry raised in tho state in the First Company nnd served until tho oloso of hostilities with tho southern states. With his regiment ho saw much flovoro lighting, having done heroic Horvico in tho following large battles, besides many minor ones nnd skirm ishes: Cold Harbor, Antietom, Wilder ness,' Petersburg and Vicksburg. At the close of tho war he became a farmer by occupation and in 1800 was iiurriedtoJullaA Stem, atllurlington Vt. To this union two children were horn, one a girl dying in Infancy, the other, Arthur, thu only living iiioiuIk r of the family left. The family moved to Ackloy Iowa from Vermont, in 1881 and threo years later to Webster County whero they havo since resided. Mr. Wtlcott was sick about five weeks, primary cause of tho sloknoss being stomach troublo from which lie has suffered since tho wnr, which later developed into peritonitis, lie also Buf fered much from a sabre cut in the bond which occurred iu a hauiMo-hand conflict vlth n gray coat at Winchester Viiglnla.ln 180'J, at. which time his horso was shot lroin under him. ll) was a iiieiiiner of the Modern .odimiu. (J. A ll and H.o .Nmr ( flintier, the W Illiell 'uklng lllllell of ' ... ,11.1 1..I. ....... n...l I he care nt mm in ni '"- "i"111"" ""M dea'h The funeral was held at tho M K. Church at Inavalo on Tunsilav f.. lowiiiit the death, and was luluelv ntteinlefl, the easWet being nlinr.8 en tirelv (wvmvd by llovveis donated by he thieedilferent orders to which no lielmiued. R.v. IM-iokwell of Ayr delivered the funeral sermon in a very touching way utler vvli'CIl Ho tl' w,,,',' followi ll i.iiiieeiuieien ami phi '! oythe ntdo of hi- wi'ollieii' I" h'cp till llm hist mil i e il i"i CAIIIHIfr' THANKS -" I'h loll'llll- in Miir uiiwi neii in Uiaiiks to Uio liii-iMl" uinl nt'igi w" "" ""1 hulpid us in our time of grief and trouble, the sicklies-, anil death of our father. Aktuuu and Noua Wolcoit The bal- e e bargains in heavy jfj . 4 ft - 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 THE TIME TO BUILD HAS ARRIVED. 4 4 Aro you in linoT The proper way to save inoiioy on a building Is to bring your bill for hardware to us to llgare on. flARDWflHE f AND NAIliS ft i ft I ft ft ( ( ft ft & ft ft ft ft I ft & & aro on tho upward tondenoy but wo got in early so are in u po sltiou to do you some good in I 4 ... ...... ',,., i, ..,.. the nutter, l) nrt fall to come I"? "' "" ' "J""' 4 savo your hard earned money. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 WB MB AN WHAT WE SAY. JUST TRY US. imorhart Bros. Hardware Co. -3 4 4 4 4 4 4 -1 4 4 4 -3 4 4 3 1 4 4 4 I 1 i ii kit -r AAVrrV,'w,"r mmmAmb y wp Nr-VJflv.i4i.