L- :(fc !i ,1 THE CHIEF runLimirn nr V. L. McMILLAN. Ol)0 JCht... tlxraonlhl ,1100 50 riJULIHHEI) RVBKV PIUOAY Rntorod at the pout office t Itod Cloud. Nob.as fCoud clam mall matter. AUVKUTISINO ItATKS: Cocal advertising 6 ceiiln er lino jut Ihmio. Local Advertising for oiiterlalnianl. cmi mis, nodal", etc., Riven by churches, charltablo leclellcs, etc., vfliero all money mined there--roin aroused wbally for church or charltablo -oclelle. tint ten llnoii frco and allow ton .nes 3)4 conl l'r lino per Issue. Local advertising of chtcrtalutncnle, concern, recitals, etc. whero per cent Is given to pro motcrs, ft cent" per Hue per Issue. IMSIM-AT AIIVr.llTISINfl. ... t. n .rwi.iOl ... . .... J U' One half column per month . " vine fourth column per month .. . - General display advertising I 8 cunt per Mich perlssuc. Governor Dietrich has issued it proc lamation sotting npnrt Arbor day, 22, ni n tree planting tiny. . -- Tho people of Nobrnskn gnvo tho re publicans tho povvor to clout two sonn tors, but thoro bus boon a Inmontnblo balk In executing tho trust. Colonel Bryan announces Hint ho is .learning to sot typo. For tho last Uto years bo has been ongngod In sotting Ipins. St Louis Globe Democrat. If an extra session of congress i necessary, Cuba will bo responsible. That island continues to causo this government considerable extra ex pense Tu'o propor way to do, if you aro an gry with a bigger man than yoursoir, is to walk ono hundred yards away and -count ten thousand before jou start to roast him. Ex. This wook ends tho first term of President McKlnley. It has made his tory of which tho Amoi loans of tho fuluro will feel proud and which tho Americans of tho prusont havo ap proved by tho biggest plurality in our political annals. - l'ho pooplo of tho wo9t aro gottnig even with our eastern friends. Our lough old Jack-rabbits nro boing sont east and sold us Belgian harts ut fifty ronts each. Tho "pure" honoy and maple syrup wo buy uru it stand-off with our Belgian jacks. Culbortson Bra. town morn than a saloon. She m-ikIs inonny out of town Hint hhoiild keep people at work; sho breeds idleness, tho mother of crime. Tho woman lor whom nothing in this town is good enough, is a wor.su enemy than tho plngiiu. It liai always appealed to 'his paper that tho thing' sold by the merchants and manufacturers who itipport a woman's husband ought to ho good enough for tho woman's hack, and her stomach, and her parlor. If it Isn't good enough she Hhould take the old man to a town where things m her bettor. Kmporla Gazette. m The actual work accomplished by the fifty-sixth congress has an exceptionally laii'o record Aside from tho Porto Itlcaii and Hawaiian act, this congress has passed a financial law establishing a permanent gold reserve of about tlftO, 000,000, fixing the ratio between got I and silver mid reorganizing the bond ing ami banking systems of tho treas ury; reorganizing the army; appropri ating Urn representation in congress on tho basis of tho twelfth census; giving frco homos on tho Indian lauds; pro viding for government participation in tho Louisiana Purchase exposition in 1003; as woll as many other measures of wido general imuortanco. But con gress draws to a closo with some of the most important nieasurei boforo it still in doubt and liablo to oxplro without final action, including tho Nicaraugua canal bill, tho shipping subsidy bill, the Pacific cable bill and tho oleomar garine bill. The fato of sorao af theso measures is very much in doubt, but tho chances are decidedly 'against them. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Lut Monday Albert Btirdlok was brought to this city from Mosutnout with a bullet wound in ono shoulder, 'and lodged in tho county Jul on u Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. ' charge of burglary. Tho facts in tho , ,. . I ciso as near as can be learned are All. the biooa in your voay passes inrouEn . KBir.lnv i.vnliiir lliinllek of E?8$i vour kldnevs onco every three minutes - rfl.-t.IJ ......... no moneys aic yuur blood purifiers, they III ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out j of order, they (all to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu matlsm come from ex cess of uric acid in tho blood, duo to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working In pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries was induced to enter tho store ol one llnwloy In Uosemont through tho in ducements of others, who hud alteady plotted to inveigle him Into the store, and had guards posted to dispose of him when they got him However the ovidenco n adduced, clearly vindica ted Burdick of nny guilt and ho was nt onco dismissed. It showed Unit he had bfcn induced to enter the store through tho inducements of another man who had a Key. The nine I truly a veiy much mixoil up on , one Mich as can onlv comu from llo-tt'innut, and an It used to bo considered that only urinary I , f , t t, , , t , , ()f troubles were to be traced to tho kidneys, i ' f , ,. . ,. but now modern science proves that nearly few months ago. In tell the truth we all constitutional diseases have their begin-1 think It is about tmio tiiai wimn any- nlng in kidney trouble. ono jH m-reHotl i'i lt-.seniout fur n ctimo Ifvou are sick you can make no mistake i ..,.. , ... , ,...,., ,,,.. . . 1 -.. I.IJ -TM. IIJ . It WUllltl IllW I ' IMOIU'I M IHMM UIU II. n.r aire, nnrmrini vmii Kiuiirvs. i nr iiim. and tho extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cure3 of the most distressing cases .-A I. mi-AA nn le mavlta A7 HliU 19 auiu VII 11 ...v. w hv all druPPlsts In fifty- .alflm cent and one-dollar sIz-BlwtriiaH es. You may have a sample bottle by mall Homo of swamp-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Btngtiamton, N. Y. I'm ! I Li'iiil Li Twin - .....h BtlUliiuUH 'ST?1 W Mtr "Pvo got a great schomo." said he; "I shall got rich at it." Again" nsked his friend, who know tho usual results of his schemes. "Oh this will pay. I'm going to tako a largo consignment of mice to Kansas and sell them to saloon-keepers at W ludo.on." Pitts burg Chronicle Telegraph. Two travelers on a country road, says a short grass exchange, mot with mi nccidont to their buggy. While ono of them hold tho team tho other wont to a neighboring farm house for tools to make repairs. Ho nsked tho farmer r ho happened to bo a Swodo, If ho had .. monkey wrench, and this was his reply "No, Al hef not got a mongky ranch; Al hef got a cattlo ranch. Mai tirodor Olo hef got a horso ranch, Nels '.Nelson hof got a hog ranch down by das crick, and a yaukeo foliar hof a shcop ranch bote llmf mile down das road; but Al bait you, no fallor bin blame fulo onouah to start mongky ranch In das country." Au old swlnile, that used to bo worked when the lightning rod man flourished, is being successfully worked in somo parts of Nebraska. A "spec tilator" visits a farm house, looks over tho place and agrees to buy at tho far mer's prico and makes n payment to Wild tho bargain while ho is in tho east getting the money. ;Soou speculator number two tlio;is around and finds jliat tho farm is just what ho wants and olleis a much bolter prico than dot s speculator number one. The far mer Is at onco induced to buy oil' spec ulator number ono nt a good round margin and speculator number two drons out of siizht. It is curious how certain people will blto a bait and got uken In when dally warning Is glvon of swindling schemes. A youne fellow came into town the vithor day, and golLg Into p confection ary ho began to survey tho caudios. His eyes fell upon something, but he lldn't know just what. It looked good to oat, and tho fact of It being mixed up with many othor things ho know were oatablo, satisfied his mind that It was somo sort of sweet stulT, so he concluded to Invest. Bockonlng for she clerk ho said, "Give mo a nickle's worth of that 'ar stuff," indicating what ho wanted by pointing directly toward what ho craved. Tho olork was slow to ascertain tho fellow's want, oven after diver's names had boon applied tolt. At last the would-bo purchaser wuxod bold and exclaimed: "Its thorn things thoro them molasses what havo got millet seed In 'era." Tho clork was on. Kigs were what ho wanted. m Tho woman who won't uso homo made Hour does tho town more harm than half a duzw perpotual cases of smallpox Tho woman who buys her dresses in St. JVsuph has a hainmor knocking at tho temples of hor own lown. Tho woman who patronizes n "mail order" house, hurts her owu Tho tomporanco crusado in Kansas has resulted, as wo predicted some timo ago, in death. During the past week two pitched battles havo resulted from tho raids ou joints in Kansas instigated by Mrs. Carrie Nation. In those two pitched battles the result has been two deatliB, ono a man crusader and ono a joint keopor's wifo, the former nt To poka and the latter atMillfordjKumma. And nsido from this sovoral othets were more or less wounded or injured. This is the outcome of violations of tho laws of thostato, and inltho eyos of tho average conservative, eiu.oi. ilio cru saders are just as much breakers of tho laws of Kansas as aro tbo joint keep ers, as it is just as much against ono of tho laws of Kansas to raise a mob to do violouco ns it is against another of the laws of Kansas to sell intoxicating liquors. And two wrongs do not make ono right. Murder is murder oven if tho instigator does claim to bo uudor tho protection of God. If tho laws of Kansas cat not bo enforced by tin pres ent officials let tho people down there elect officials who will enforco them, or modify them. When Mrs. Carrie Nation attempts to sie.o tho reigns of government and enforco tho existing laws, together witn such others ns she thinks should exist, sho should bo treated by the Kansas officials just tho same as any other person who usurped authority of tho law. One of tho most pleasant events of tho season was the return dnnco glvon by tho ladles Thursday ovening at Bust's hall. Tho hall was tastefully decorated with palms? sinllax and Jap. anese lanterns. In ono corner was ar ranged a booth from which Myra Cook and Buolah Jackson served in a pleas ing manner, delicious sherbet punch and wafers. Each guest upon arrival was presented with a carnation or American Boauty rose, fyghtcen num bers were danced and everyone joined in tho sport and had a morry time. Tho committee on arrangements were Mrs. John Wilas, Mrs. C. 11. Kaloy, Mablo Llndsoy, Nell Fort and Mabel McMillan. Tho following were invited. Messrs nn J Mcailamch: stlgator of th arrest or the person who files tho complaint in ordct to bo sill o and get tho real offender In by gono days Picklevillc, (now Blaib'ti) mod to furnish all tho real downright meanness of Webster county, then it shifted Jto Bluo Hill and ndw it has shifted to Uosemont. Wo are glad to noto tho dismissal of tho prisoner, but wo are sorry that the real olTcudera havo not as yet bcon called to account for their notions. Chatt. l'lntt, Homer Sherwood. W, 9. llenic Trunk Coudcn, IIiikIi Miner, ('. II. Kulojr, M. Finch, Henry Clark, 11. K Crlcc, O HuuIich, J. (). Wlle. I.. H. Fori, D. W.Tiirnure, Fred Tnrnnre, Walter bhcrwood, A. Galuthn, C'rclKhtou. K. A McEdamca: Oeo. J. Warren, C. II Potter, Kdwnrd Llnddcy. Mlweii: Nell Fort. I.ola Pope, Mahell McMillan, Ilernlce llli;by, llunnlo Kmlgh, Kthcl Ilaimcr, Bclon McFnrland Ilculah Hall, Deafnm Cannot be Cured, by local application ns thoy cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho car. Thoro is only one way to cure deafness, and that is byconslitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamed con dition of thel mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whon this tubo is inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and it is entirely closed. Donfness is the result, nnd un less theiutlamir.ution can bo taken out nnd this tubo restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ton tiro caused bycntarih, which is nothing but an mil lined condition of the mucous Mirfaccs Wo will give one hundred dollars for any caMi of Deafness (caused by cat arrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Stmt for clicuhr&, free. F. J. Chkskv & Co , ToIedo,:0 Sold by druggists, 7fiV. Hall's familylpills are the best. Jell-O, the New Dessert, pleases all tho family. Four flavors: Lemon, orango, raspberry and straw berry. At your grocois. 10 cts Try It today. What Shall Wc Have for Dessert? This question arises in tho family every day. Let us answer it today. Try Jcll-O, a delicious dessert. Pro pared in two minutes. No unking! add hot water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, orango raspberry and straw bony. At your grocers, 10 cts. I m fc VWo nro closing out our leggins at cost. FonKi, & Hutchison. I.otta ItontN, Mesira: Uarry LctKon, Flavo Orlcc. (leo. Hadcll. Italph Culler, Kdward Platl, Clare Nexhlt, Paul I'ope, Hoy Caiman. Chai. White. Nolle Warren, Nellie Martin, ' llrrlha Poller, Mablu Undue?. Jessie KcltogR, Btella Dncktr, Uertla Dudley, Gertie Knley, Nellie Shcrinnn, Klla Cook. UharllcPart. James Abel, lieu McParland, Nato riatt. Oconto Ovcrlng. Al. Albright. I'nndt. WalUr Kalcy. Italph Foa. A lrreat inanv women are subject to spells of dizziness, spots before the eyes, and a ringing noise in the head. These symptoms are commonly associated with liver "trouble" as the result of a diseased condition of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and the allied organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures through the stomach diseases seemingly remote from that organ, but which have their origin In a diseased condition of the stomach and digestive and nutritive svstctu. Hence, cures of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and other organs are constantly effected by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. There U no alcohol in the " Discovery" and It is free from opium, cocaine, nnd all other narcotics. Some dealers may offer a substitute as "just as good" as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. There's more profit in substitutes for the dealer. There's more health in the "Discovery" for you. Don't be imposed ou. "It i with the Krei'tcst plrnsure I write you the benefit my mot her lin recclvrd from your 'Oolilcn Medical Dlxsivery.' " eay Ml" Carrie Johnson, of I.OHi'svllle. Ainhtrttl Co Viraliiia hhe mlTered untold inUery with uterine dueake ami ncrvoutiiC'W, and had a constant rpr hiic nnd ringing iwUe in her head. After taklnc U iJotlicH of Dr. I'lcrvf Golden Medic.il His covery he wan entirely cured " When n laxative is required use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Wedding Bells On Tuesday, February 27 about fifty of tho most intimate friends nnd rela tives of the family, celebrated the mar riage of Alico Hassclbacher to Harry Harris, at tho homo of tho brido's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnssolbachor. The coremony was p rformod at 11:30 n.m. by Kuv. Noah Wagoner who did honor to theoccasiou. After due con gratulations tho guests were conducted to different nparlmeiits to partake of a bounteous dinner prepared by the hostess 'insisted by Mrs Will Lippincott whero nil did ample justice, unless Jeff Bcnui'htimp did not(?)get a second cup often. When tho nuptial feast win oer, tho presents were displayed, which woru entiroly too numerous to mention, ranging from cows and hogs to silver salt and pepper shakers, al of which wero highly appreciated by the recipients; then came fruit, candy, nuts nnd cigars in "superabundance1' to all who wished to partnko. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will immediately tako up their a bode on their own tiirm. whero thoy will bo "at homo" to all their friends, March 1st and "forover after". Snoopkk. Balldiav fruut (he Tup Dor, The newest fashion In New York kjscruper construction ib to begin at the top nnd build downward. It seems Impossible, yet thnt ir wnnt a con tractor Is doing with n bank building at Wall and William streets. At pres ent the upper five floors, with granite walls, are practically finished. The lower ten are as yet mero skeleton of girder nnd trinsch. The larger blocks of granite for these lower floora were not ready on time, so the builder decided to go ahead on the one above. It Is perfectly safe, yet the appearance of the structure it so unusual that it is a curlositv, even for Wall street. Chicago Ewnliig News. No less than forty persons havo In formed us within tho past week that spring has como and liko enterprising oiliz'tns wo havo informed them In re turn foi their information that if such was tho case U was timo for them to C'Uiimtmcn cleaning up their premises As yet we can sen no improvements and bunco concluded that it wn mcrcl) a good moruiug salutation. Homeseokers excursion to points north. On tho first and third Tues days of Janunry, February, March, April, May and June, 1U01, tickets will be on sale at ono fare plus $2.00 for tho round trip, limit to twonty-on days from date- of snle, to soveral points in Manitoba, Minnesota, North Dakotn, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Seu ticket agent for further information. A. Conovkh, Agent. Saml. Miller onu.of Webster county's old residents, departed Tuesday for his new homo in New Whatcom, Wash ington. Mr. Miller has been ono of our first nnd foremost citizens and we nro sorrv to loso him but wo wish him suc cess in his new location. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton L. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. mitk: "My wife had Inflammatory rheumatism In every muBClo and Joint; horkuffcrliiK wan terrible and her body and face wero dwoolcu almoxt beyond recognition; had been In bed for alz weeks and had eight pliynlclaim. but received no benefit until ane iricu mo jnyauo uurc lur.uueumaiiBra, It gave Immediate relief and aho was able to walk about In three daya, I am mire it uaved K. l. rice, uruggut, lieu her life." Bold by 11 i;iouu, ncu. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. MrrtlcCuro for rheuniathini and neuralgia readily curca In from one to three (Ihjh. Ha ac tion upon the Hyatem Is remarkable andin8' terloiiN. It rcmovea at unco the cause and the dlseahe Immediately illmippeara. The llmdono ereatly benefit. 75 cents. Sold by II. E. Urlce. Hed Cloud. Neb. Wften (he flair Fails accompanied by mucous patches in the m otith, erup tions on the skin, sore throat, copper colored splotches, ffkllt MVHcn ghiuds, aching muscles II II I and bones, the disease is making rapid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood is promptly and effectually cleansed of this violent destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and Infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the wont cases thoroughly and permanently. MftHtiMicuM ,!:.,';X:ssU did me no good ; I wai Retting wone all the time ; my hair came out, ulcers appeared in rar throat and mouth, my body waa almoit covered with copper colored splotches and offensive sores I suffered severely from rheumatic pains la my shoulders and arms. My condition could have been no worse ; only thoieorfTllctedasI waa can understand my sufferings. I bad alout lost all hope of ever being well again when i ciecmeu 10 try t. a. a but mint confess I had little faith left In any medicine. After taking the third bottle I noticed a change in my condi tion. This was truly en couraging, and I deter mined to give 8. 8. 8. a thorough trial. I'rom that time onthelmprove ment was rapid; 8. 8. S. seemed to have the dis ease completely under control; the sore and ulcers healed and I was hooii free from all signs nf tin. tllimrflrr I have been strong and healthy ever since. I,. W. Bmin, l,ock box 6u, Noblesvllle, Ind. is the only purely vege- raoie o loon piirmer known. $i ,ooo is offered for proof that it contains a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send for our free book on Blood Poison ; ii contains valuable information about this disease, with full directions for self treatment. We charge nothing for medi cal advice ; cure yourself at home, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, QA. SSSi JOB WORK of all kinds at this office. Give us i; a chance to !T. figure on your work. v "tri4wtitfinioecutr "r aXteu''M." TWirTirniTrntfirirtfT pi..m-q