in TRUSTEE'S SALE F THE BANKRUPT STOCK iOF THE- Nebraska Mer yO a i. i I v i d 1 9 Iv ' Kl ft (V &" k fll Hn 'fH I'.' t Jfei 4 The Nebraska Mercantile Co. made an assignment on January 23(1, fr the hen- fit of its creditors and the undersigned has been appointed by its creditors, trustee, with power to sell and dispose of all the stock of goods, wares, merchandise, furniture and fixtures, the property of the Nebraska Mercantile Co. at less than cost price. The Nebraska Mercantile Co. was by far the largest department store in this section of the state. Its stock of goods invoices This immense stock of merchandise will, by order of creditors of the Nebraska Mercantile Co., be sold at much less than whole sale cost. The stock was selected by experienced buyers and bought on the lowest market, and I am instructed to turn the stock intcf cash at a large discount from the last price. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, BOOTS AND' SHOES, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE CROCKERY, NOTIONS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AND CLOTHING. Local merchants in this and surrounding towns will find it to their advantage to inspect this stock with ;i view of purchasing -job lots of these goods, as I can sell them to you cheaper than the wholesale houses. Highest market prices paidfor butter and eggs. THE CHIEF PUBMKIIKU BT w. u. McMillan. Oaa ymt .1100 SUmonths PUHL1SUKD EVERY FRIDAY Entered at the poit offlce at Rod Cloud, Mob. a cond class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES: Local advcrlUtng 6 cems per Hue per lime. Local Advertising (or oiitortaliimanti, con It tls. socials, etc., gtveu by churches, charitable isclelles, etc., where all moneys railed there from aroused wusllj (or church or charitable locletlei, first ten ItitOK (rco and an over leu lines 9M ceuu per line er lame. Local advertising o( entertainments, concert, recltali, etc., whore per cent Is given to pro moter!, 6 cents per Hue per Issue. Disrunr auveiitibuw. One column per month.. ..... W go One half column per month .. 8 Jjo Ono-fourlb column per month .................... I .o General display advertising I 8 cents per Inch perlssue. K-iusas is proline- in freaks. Not long ngo it was l'offer, then emtio Mrs. Loaso and now it is Mrs Nation. No wonder sonio of Mm wcMem states do not show Up well in the late census. Should snnii' of Mm would-be mashers wlio stand around tho corners or the depot platform Mating ladies out of countenaueo run "up against a oirctim stanee," home of these times, they will possibly tnko a tumble and not bo so obnoxious. Tho president of a college, when ask ed by n student it ho could not tnko n short courso replied: "Yes, but that depends upon what you want to make of yourself. When God wants to mako nn onk ho takes a hundred yenrs, but when ho wants to mako n squash he takes six months." Hi ro is a discouraging proposition for iHiihlhltionists: "A Kansas man has discovered that brandy can be mail Mit nf wet s iwdust Now a discouraged prohibitionist asked what ehaneo can a really Rood oauo have when a iiimi rnu ro forth with a rip caw nnd fct drunk on a rail fence " Kx. Tim society editor, in describing the belle of a New Year's ball, concluded, saying, '"And her dainty, feet were in cased in shoos, that resembled fairy boots," but he was honor sttieken Mm next morning on glancing down the columns of hi- paper to sen that Mm blundering printer ha 1 set it up ijt this manner: "And her dirtv feet iteiti in (wed in shoiu that re-emhlcd feirj boats." Ivtus-t-riM l Inter. " An itxdiango thus t-xpl tins tho big ''iilli'ijajjce of the editorial "wo" "It ."may have liave a variety of meanings. For example, when you read, "We ex- $ poet our wifo homo today," "wo" refers to the editor." Wo lire u littlo Into with I our work." includes tho wholo office force, ovon tho devil nnd tho towl; in "wo nre having a boom" Mm town is meant; but "wo have hog cholera in our midst" means Mint tho man who takes our paper nnd does not pay for it is ill. m The conundrum "Why is a newspa per like a woman t" is going tho rounds just now. The various answers given are: "Uecauso it has to have someone to run it." "Uoo'tufto both havo to be known to be appreciated." "Uecauso both are good advertising mediums.'1 "Because both havo to bo pressed." "because it sometimes changes its dress ami tells tales." Thocorrect answer is, "because every man should have one of his own nnd not be running after nis neighbor's." Of all classes of kickers in tho world the Loup City Times editor thinks the town and city kicker is tho hardest to get along with. On the farm Micro is he long eared mule and the cow which kicks over tho milk, but tho cow cn.n be sold for beef and the mule worked oft" on tho unsuspecting in a trade. Hut tho town kicker is hopeless. He wants nil the privileges of municipal life with out paying for them and blocks every public improvement which will cost him a cent. It is contrary to law to shoot him; ho will not move away; he never dies hut onco and puts that oil as long as possible. Two Sedgwick county Kansas farm ers aro negotiating for a eouplo of 18-year-old elephants to use in wheat rais ing. An elephant is as strong as Ave good draft horses, just as intelligent, inured to hot weather, and adds to this his great weight and rem irkablo utility f Ids trunk. It is expected that with one elephant nnd a four gang plow one man can ulow eight, a n n of stub ble a day. These elephants aro from Mm lumber regions of India, wlioro they have been trained to pile lumber with gieatskill. With this preliminary training Mm.v will soon learn to stark wheat bundles, and also to load them into rafihS and throw to the highest stacks. The legislature will probably pass n law that will imterially change tho .method of pimilrispig -applies fur the tale iiistlMiiinns. IJiib'r the present svsteui Mii"h inMlu ions inn'eliasc Icy contract anil usually of the hicul mer chant, Tim hill now pending provides iIimI the bo, ii'd liny purchase supplies when it pli'ifes and whore it poa-es and In large itiatitites. The idea or aim is to purchase at one time for all tho 1 8.O0O.00 Institutions, buying by tlio car-load or i" wholesale lots. This method will savo tho state many thousands of dol lars annually. Iowa has such a law and n review of town's expense sheet shows that the method is n great saving to t o state over Nebraska's method. That tho bill is being urged for passago by tho governor, is nnotnor evidence that Dietrich has business mothnis abouthlmuud will put them into forco in the management of affairs of the state. We naturally look for somo reaction in business from tho booming of tho holiday times, nnd tho sagging back that comes with a season that is as tho farmers put it "botween hay and grass," but wo havo not yet seen any evidence of serious domoraliz ttion following ex pansion, nor of such a change as indi cates auy condition of unnatural inlU tion. Tho reports of the business agencies aro favorable although con sorvativo. Wo may look for a contin uation of fair business activity through out Mio country, even if foreign business falls off somewhat, which would bo only natural. Our prosperity has been founded on solid growth ami develop ment, nnd although adverse winds may blow they wilt not affect tho great body of umino-H that is legitimate nnd Sub stantial. Death Blow to Fusion. Tho following is tho clauso in the proposodelecticu law now under con sideration by the Kansas legislature. If tho law is passed there will be no moro fusion in Kansas: "Wherever nny person shall recoivo two or moro nominations for tho same office, ho shall bo deemed to have ac eepted tho nomination lirst mado nnd to havo declined tho others, unless wiihiii the time limited for tiling cm tMieatesof nomination ho shall tilo in the dllco w Intro such cortitlcates ot nomination aro required to ho filed a written statemunt, signed and sworn io by him, designating which one of uh iioininaiions ho desires to accopt, mid upon tiling thereof ho shall bo deemed to havo declined tho othor nominations. Whenever any person shall receive 'wo or more nnmluntiniis for Mm samo 111 ' at tin samo lime, it shall bo his Inly, within the timi limiielfor mo ll'ingof eriilieutesof nomination, to lie with the ollh'i'r wiih whom tho n nilleates of nouiinalion are tiled a vriitcu statement, signed and sworn o by him, designating vhi h one i f inch noiiiinations ho desires to -icce , and upon tho liliug tlieicnf, ho shall ho deemed to hnvt declined -tho other R. D, C ASTON, Trustee. nominations; and if lie shall refuse or nominate neglect to llle such an election, the officers with whom tho certificates of nominations aro Hied, shall, iinmcdi ntely upon tho expiration of Mio time for Mio liliug of certilicates of nomin ation, make and tilled in his office nn election of one nomination for such candidate. Tho officer charged with tho printing of the official ballets shall print such candidate's name upon the t&xG&ailFfrfR&J This picture is the tunic iiiutU of SCOTT'S KMW,SION. iiiul i on every bottle ot SCOTT h KMUi. SION in tiie World, which now amounts to itintiy millions wuly This great business hub giowit to such vast proportions, Frsf;-Becausc the proprietor have nlwnys been most careful in selecting the various ingredient used in its composition, namely the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the purest Hypophosphites. Second;-Because they have pi skillfully combined the variou ugredients that the best possibl results are obtained by its use. 77irtf:-I3ecause it has made -"imy sickly, delicate childret rong and healthy, given healt' id rosy cheeks to so many pak neinic girls, and healed the lung!: i.l restored to full health, so main njusands in the first stages of 'onsumption. It you linve net tried it. semi for free sample, nsrccuhlt: mue will mrprue voii. SCOTT & HOWNK, Chemists. 409-41 Tear! Street, New York. 50c, and f 1.00; all druggists. 14 A officinl ballot tiiiderdho designation so selected, but under no other designa tion whatever. Party certilicates of nomination shall designate in uot moro than two words of which the word "partv" shall bo one. the political party which the convention, primary election, or resented; as, for instance, "Republi can party," "Demojratio party," "Peoples party," "Ponolist party," or "Prohibitionist party;" but a com pound hyphenated word shall not bo used to designate the name of a po litical party within the meaning of this net." PICKED UP FRESH. Two young men in a Kansas town who aro.tboih in love with tho samo girl havo decided to tight a duel to sec who shall bo the bride groom and who shall bo the corpse. Tho old fashioned lover gave his girl a candy heart which said: "Will jou bu mine?" Tho lover ofiho fashionable novel gets down on his kt.ees and swears al ject devotion through life. But those times are gone. The lover of today generally goes courting 1 1 a different liotiso every night. The lover of today is very coy and smooth and has to bo caught and hold. Children don't think a party is com plete withont something to eat. Men don't think it is complete unless there is something to drink. A woman is quite satisfied without either so long us she has on her best clothes. A burglar always knows how to got in n house when there is no one at home. All he has to do is to look un der tho pots, kettles, pans, nnd other nrticles which surround tho kitchen door. Tho woman who sews one button on her husband's shirt shows more real af fection than the one who talks for an hour about the love she feels for him. Talk about woman not being a pro. gressive creature. Now sh is of mom impoitance than man, while hack in Kve's time she was only a side issue. Somo women will work day in and d iy out and oven go so far as to take In washing in order that their husbands may sit around and chew ami Hiuoke and drink and talk about times. It is a thousand limes hotter to be lied about than to lie about somebody else. A little girl who vi-iied in Mm conn try refused to It ink milk for thciet sou that her hostess hud let it set until it bud a thick scum overit. It wn- id,. Ilrstllino sho had ever seen any real cream. n" t 'III' me Excuse' Made by many a man for taking a drink at the liar is that he needs n bracer. He feels weak, bis stomach is "out of sorts" 1 and liquor makes him " feel good." The tiretl man who sits on a pin leaps up with new energy, but no one would ! sny that this energy was evi dence of the strength giving power of a pin. So with the en ergy induced by liquors. They only spur the bMy on, but do not strengthen it. Strength is made from food prop erly digested nnd a ssi m ilated. When the stom ach is diseased there is n failure to extract the nutrition from food and the body grows weak. Tho weak body needs strengthening, not stimulating. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach nnd other organs of digestion and nutrition, so that the nutrition of food is perfectly ex tracted and afsiinihited and the Ixy nourished into health nnd strength. ' There is no alcohol in "Golden Medical Discovery," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and nil other narcotics. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is no other mediv cine "just ns good " for diseases of the stomach nnd allied organs. "Your 'GoMeu Medical Discovery' and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy have been of (treat benefit to me," writes (I'rof.) Pleasant A. Oliver, of Viola, Pulton Co., Ark. Before I used the almve mentioned remedies my sleep was uot sound: digestion bad; a continual feeling of misery. I now feel like a new man." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate Uae bowels and liver. A hoy in bed is worth two in ifio parlor when his big sister has com pany. Tlio difference between a deep sea stark mid a land t-hark is that a deep sea shark will bite your log off while a land shark w II merely pull it. Iteer is said to ho fattening, but too much of it will mnko a person Itnn up against n fence post or treo. The person who generally say sthey I wmnii wnirnnin tleaih ns n lellef fn in ,tlie sufferings and pains of this woifc I is tho oiin who generally wants three of founlooiois sent for ns soon as tiny catch 11 cold. I A uniformity of opinion noiv ejei-ts among men Diet, eoo.l .husbands aro made by letting Mieui havo their on 11 way. - Verily, I sy ,ll0 y()lli ,s ( w,,0 father that knowoth us much ns his ten year old son in this day and age. s