The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1901, Image 6

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Registry of Hides and a Concur
rent Resolution.
Frc Attendance f.nw gold to II Cnron-
MUtlonul and Committed for Anitncl-
tnenl- Movements of rtimta and
Senate Congrmiilnnal Xs.
Lincoln, Feb. Ul Two bills were
sent to the governor lust evening,
being tbts first that lias reached htm
since early In the session.. One was
Minute, file No. 41, by Van Koshlrk, ro
iulrlng a registry mid e.vbtbltlon o(
hides. Tin' net Is Intended to protect
cattlemen from thieves. lintehers anil
others who buy beef must fee the hldo
of the animal and register brands or
marks eon tul ihmI thereon. Those-who
oiler le!f for sale must exhibit the
hldo with the carcass and keep the
hldo for three days.
The other bill is house toll No. 40, a
concurrent resolution asking congress
to call a convention and submit a prop
osition for the election of United Staled
senators by direct votu of the people.
Considerable oratory was expended
over O'NclU's free high school bill, re
Bulling in committing the bill for
umendmnnt, it being the opinion of
ninny that the system of taxation to
pay the cost of non-resident
high schools was unconstitutional.
Two former bills that became laws
tv ere declared unconstitutional. No
bills were introduced In the senate.
The house worked all yesterday
morning and adjourned at noon to
giro committee1 an opportunity to
labor in the afternoon. Hills were
placet! on final passage and several
inensuresrehttiug to procedure in the
supreme court wero passed. Among
these was one to compel the furnish
Ing of bonds in foreclosure suits op
pealed, tn ill: I :i ir the sivme cover the
revenues of the property while in liti
gation. The senate found one bill on third
reading and passed It. The bill so
favorod is senate tile 1.1. by Harlan,
providing that any person who shall
entice away any child under the age
of eighteen years with the intention
of detaining or conceal the same from
Us guardians or parents shall be con
fined in the penitentiary not more thau
twenty years and not less than one
t'OIIrfHlllllll New.
Washington, Feb. !). The senate
spent the day on tho postolllco bill,
making some progress, but not com
pleting it. The amendment of Mr.
Ilutlcr (N. C), proposing a reduction
of about 0 per cent in the pay for rail
. way postal service, was defeated, 18 to
15, after a debute in which Mr. Depew
answered Mr. Sutler's criticism on the
largo profits made by America!!
roads. Late in tlie tiay a snurp contro
versy on the pneumatic tube question
wus precipitated by un amendment of
fered by Mr. Mnson extending that
service to Chicago, and one by Mr.
Vest extending It to St. Louis. Mr.
Hale severely criticised the promoting
, of the system, referring to a job and
lobby. Whon be made a point of oi-iler
that a committee hud not passed on
the amendment the advocates of the
extension .quickly circulated u call
for a meeting of the committee- on
The hnus finally passed the sundry
civil appropriation bill toduy and en
tered upon consideration of the
general defllolenoy bill. Mr. Lentz,
an Ohio democrat, who in this
and previous congress has attacked
tho administration, furnished the sen
sation of the day. He used a news
paper paragraph recounting the ioath
of a federal judge in New Mexi
lco, who had b -en a member of the
legislature which electcd'Senutor Han
nu, as a text for charging corruption
in that election. This willed forth a
rebuke from Mr. Cunnou, who declared
that brave men fought tho living, and
only ghouls ravished the tombs of the
Mr. Sherman offered nn uinendment
designed to prohibit hazing at the ua
val academy on penalty of dismissal.
This Amendment was pending on a
point of order whou the house ad
journed. Stiteen Thought to be !!.
The Russian bark Hopper, Capt;n
Lludblom. which 'sailed from Hull,
February li, for Snpelo, has been
towed iuto Urlmsby with boys serious
ly damaged by collision on the night
y of February 1ft, with the steamer Ho
mer from Libau. The Homer disap
peared after tho collision and is be
lieved to have foundered with tho lo6s
of Bixtcen lives.
UrcliU on An IncrctM.
At tho conclusion of a meeting of the
western wludow glass jobbers' ashocia
tlon, ut Cincinnati, O., It was stated
that an advance would be made to cor
respond to thut of the manufacturers.
It Is generally understood that the
manufacturers have decided on an in
crease averaging 10 per cent.
vlr at llama City.
Fire destroyed the four-story build
ing at 435-38 West Sixth street in Kan
sas City. The building was occupied
by li. Holseinarlc, wholesale dealer In
liquors, and the Juruiobon Manufactur
ing company. The loss is 8100,000,
fully Insured.
Hun. Churlri I.elnnd.
Hon. Charles Leland, ex-state repre
sentative and lote associate justice of
of tho supremo court of New Mexico
under President Mclvlnley, died at
Jf'uldwellf 0., from consumption, He
leaves a widow ond cue daughter.
limine of
Vain In a
limy Day.
Lincoln, Feb. 22. After quite a
qunbblc, the house agreed to hold a
session today, and after the joint ses
sion to adjourn to Tuesday.
The house yesterday put in a full
day's lime. Commencing at 0 a. m., it
was within u few moments of 0 p. in.
when the gavel fell dccloring the ad
journment. During the day the bill
relating to sultirles of county attor
neys was passed. In committee of tho
whole a bill appropriating 87.1,000 for a
new wlugto the asylum forthechronio
insane ut Hustings was agreed to. A
bill relating to schools was agreed to
In committee of the whole also. Long
discussion ensued, however, over a bill
to reduce the interest on taxes where
property is redeemed after sale, and
over a bill providing new regulations
for the bonrd of health In epidemics
of disease, carrying with It the ap
pointment of a state health Inspector
with a good salary. Neither of these
bills was acted on definitely.
Marshall of Otoe county has Intro
duced a bill which Is to prevent car
toonists from taking nu undiio advan
tage, of pimple by publishing carica
tures of tt.t'in In uny pamphlet, paper
or publication. The bill provides a
penalty of a Hue not gieater than S100
for each offense.
A diversion In the senate yesterday
was the attempt of the fusion minority
to secure the appointmont of a sten
ographer for their side of tho house.
It came in the form of a motion to
give the committee on mines and min
ing a stenographer and appeared to be
a joke, but before the mattur was dis
posed of several members become au-
A squabble in the senate over ad
lourmnent until Tuesday resulted in
an adjournment until 11a. m. today.
The senate Indefinitely postponed two
insurance bills, one providing for the
extension of the value policy law to
personal property, and the other a bill
requiring insurance companies to print
mortuary tables and other statistical
matter on the backs of their policies,
The proposed new military code, sen
ate tile 01, was considered in commit
tee of the whole and recoinmeuded for
Crounse of Washington, the. only ex
governor iti'the legislature, introduced
a bill in the senate requiring and di
recting the board of public lands and
buildings to sell the governor's man
sion within one year, either at public
or private sale, the proceeds to go to
the general fund of the stale.
Owens of Dawson introduced a bill to
require baking powder companies to
use on tnetr. cauneii products luoeio
boarlug the names of the iugiedlcnts.
Two bills were signed by Governor
Dietrich, one being senate file No. 44
by Van Hosklrk, to protect cuttle
growers by requiring n registry and
exhibition of hides, and the other
house roll No. 40, by Ileum, a joint res
olution asking congress to suomit un
amendment for the election of United
States senators by direct vote of the
L'linten by tluard OHlpen Ilarrv Archer
Choaen Colonel.
Adjutant General P. II. Hurry, who
is to retire from his present position
the first of March, was elected briga
dier general February -M by the votes
of tho commissioned olllcors of the Ne
braska nntlonul guard. The election
was practically unanimous, there being
no opposing candidates. Howover,
two votes were cast for L. W. Colby,
formerly brigadier general, and three
voles for Capt. Hli Hodglns, of Omaha.
Seventy-one votes were cast for (Jen-
oral Harry. The election was the re
sult of the recent decision of the mili
tary board to form a brigade organiza
tion. Since tho war with Spain there
has been no brigade organization In
the. guard. The two old regiments
entered the United States service and
on their return were reorganized, but'
no brigade organization was formed.
General Harry has served six years as
adjutant gcnerul of the guard and by
his election to the brigadier general
ship he will keep in close touch with
the guard and the guard will secure
the benefit of his military experience
The brigade comprises two regiments,
one troop and one battery.
Tlarry Archer was elected colonel to
succeed colonel now Adjutant General
fl nonl For CapUIn Kvan.
The presentation ef u sword to Capt,
It. D. Evans of the navy was the
occasion of a speech by Speaker Hen
derson of the house paying a glowing
tribute to "Fighting Hob" and to the
American tar in general. The pres
entation of the sword was made In
Washington by the peoplo of Iowa in
recognition of his command of the
battleship Iowa during the battle of
Santiago. Speaker Henderson referred
to the thrilling events of that nayal
engagement. Captain Evans made a
graceful reply to the presentation
speech. A large number of Iowans
prominent In congressional and oMci'
life took part in the uffulr.'
Stephen M. White U llesd.
Ex-Unlted States Senator Stephen
M. White, diod nt his residence in Los
AngolcB, Cul., on the 31st after a short
illness. He had been suffering from
ulceration of the stomuch, but his con
dition was not thought to bo dangerous.
Explosion lu an Oil Tank.
A fire which started from the explo
sloo of an oil tank in the wholesale
grocery house of J. J. and J. E. Mad
dox at Atlanta, Gu., spread to adjoin
ing buildings and caused a loss aggre
gating S600.000.
Rio de Janerio Goos Down
Golden Gate.
Co0ul timers! Wlldiimn Aboard and op-
pouxt Ut be Lost One Hundred and
Twenty Probably Iroiie' -
Other Intertfttlng Now a.
A Sun Francisco disputeh of Febru
ary 23 says: The Pacific Mall Steamer
Mo de Janerio rati on a hidden rook
wlille entering the Golden Gate early
this morning In o dense fog. She sunk
a few minutes after striking. It Is
thought that nearly tf0 persons were
drowned, but It Is Impossible to uncer
tain tho exact number owing to tho
fact that Purser .lohn Ilooney, who
had the passenger list and roster of
the crew, Is among the missing
At 5 o'clock this afternoon ten bodies
had been recovered, two white women,
one white man and seven Chinese
The most prominent passenger on the
steamer was Rounsevllh- Wlldmun,
United States consul ut Hong Kong,
who was uoeonipanled by his wife and
two children. It Is thought ail wero
drowned. The ship was In command
of Pilot Frederick .Ionian when she
sunk. He was rescued.
Capt. William Ward went down with
his vessel.
As near us can be learned there were
801 people on board the Mode .Janeiro,
as follows:
Cabin passengers, 30: steerage (Asi
atic), r8; second cabin, 7; white ollleers,
80; Asiatic crew, 77.
The saved number seventy-nine,
classified as follows:
Cabin passengers; 13: white otllcers,
U; steerage, (Asiatic), lr. crew, Chi
nese, 41.
The lost number Vi'l, classified us
Passengers, 21; ollleers. 10: crew. Chi
nese. Ao; steerage, Asiatic. 411.
The Mo was three days overdue
from Hong ICong. via llonolul u. when
she arrived off the heads last night,
and the dense fogs unwilling at. tho
time Induced Pilot Jordan to tiring hel
lo anchor until he could see his way
clear through the gateway. She laid
in until 4:30 o'clock, when the atmos
phere cleared and she was started un
der a slow bell toward Point Hoiiltu.
All went well until :.:I0 o'clock when
she struck. Most of the p.iss-ugers
were below nt the time, nnd it is
believed that many of thcin were
drowned In their berths.
The first newsof thu disaster reached
here at 7:30 a. in., and soon afterwards
u bout loud of passengers and petty
ofllcers arrived utthe mnil dock.
Tugs were immedlutely dispatched
to tender any H-rvico that might be
needed, but no living persons wore
fWt when they reached tho spot A
number of drownl ng people were res
cued by Italian fisher men and the bod
ies of two white women, throe Chinese
mid u Japanese were brought in by the
tugs. The search for more of 1 ie vic
tims continued" nil day.
From till uocouotsit appears that the
ollleers were cool and guvo the neces
sary orders with the least possible e..
CoumiI Wlldmun, who is presumed to
Iks lost, wus well known here, where.
he resided for a number of years. Ho
first came Into prominence locally
when he purchased Tho Overland,
which ho owned and edited for some.
years prior to entering the consular
service at Hong Kong He resigned
recently the post of consul general at
Hong Kong and was on his way home
with his wife and family. Mr. Wild
man married Miss l,ettle Aldrlch, a
sister of United States Senator Stew
art's wife. Mrs. Aldrlch Is now in tills
city, where she has been waiting the
homecoming of her daughter.
The City of Mo Janeiro wusun iron
steamer of 350 gross tonnage and 3,375
net. She was built by J. Itoacli fe Son
at Chester, Pa.. In 1878. Tho vessel
was owned by the Pacific Mull Steam
ship company, and hud been lu the
oriental service. She sailed from Hong
Kong for this port on Jan vary 'i'i. Cap
tain Ward had' been in the employ of
the Pacific Mall Steamship company
for many years.
The cargo of the Mo was valued at
over $500,000. There watt besides JOOO,
000 lu treasure in the specie tank. The
steamer Itself wus valued at from 30.10.
000 to 9700,000.
HpanUh Spelling Adopted.
A Washington dispatch says: Tho
president has sent to the senate a re
port made by the geographic board
upon tho spelling and pronunciation of
geographic names in the Philippine
islands. A list of 4,000 places Is given.
The board says that the reason for tho
report is seen In the great luck of uni
formity in spelling, some places hav
ing both Spanish and Malay names
and others Muluy names in which at
tempts have been made to anglicise.
The board has retained the spelling
found In olllciul Spui.lsh charts.
Five men were killed fa a freight
wreck at Sharon, Pa.
Mrs. E. E. Northrupof Geneva, Neb.,
died suddenly of heart failure.
Daniel Coll (illmun has resigned us
president of Johus Hopkins university
at Hultimore.
llecuusc of n recently acquired
passion for strong drink, which ho
could not overcome, Thomas J, Evans,
jr., son of a wealthy Missouri mine
owner and ranchman, phot and killed
himself at McCoy's hotel in Chicago.
!iM'tli S. Ilrimn n llrtrRnte at Iinrge
to V. O. VT. Sovereign Head I'limn.
It Is a noticeable fact that all or
nearly all conventions called together
so for this year, to choose representa
tives to national gatherings of their
respective organizations, have set a
pnee characteristic of the Sloth century
prediction, namely: Now blood, vigor
and vim slinll be called upon lo shape
the destinies and lead the countless
thousands of members to a supremacy
surpassing all previous attempts in
, VT";'V'i'. , "XrSKSlMI
that lino, If you will study the char
acter, the ennobling tendencies and
pronounced persistency of the major
portion of those selected, a realization
of hope for belter laws, better man
agement and less friction lu thu work
ings of these organisations can bo
looked for.
In choosing Mr. Jooph S. Hrown, of
Lincoln. Neb., us delegate to the
Soveielgn Head Cuinp, Woodmen of the
Worlds which convenes ut Columbus,
Ohio. May Uth. those responsible for
this high compliment, lepreseiiting tho
jurisdiction composing Nebraska, Kan
sas. Oklahoma, Indian Territory, North
Dakota mid South Dakota, can rest
assured of the fact that they chose not
only wisely but well. Mr. Hrown Is a
member of Lincoln Camp No. il, uiul
bus been nn active piomoter of its up
building for years. His conservative
ness is pronounced, often painfully so.
but gifted with a business tact com
mendable In every degree, his decision
on all subjects are weighed and not
found wanting when formally made
known, lie has studied the needs of
the order very closely, and any legisla
tion introduced 1 him uud '.mile into
luws will result In grout good to mem
bers in every si-etion of the United
Slutis where the Woodmen of tho
World operates. Mr. Hrown believes
in a conservative uiul economical,
rather than nn open and loose policy
not. however, to such a degree that
will hamper and retard progress, but
the ennetuient of such laws that, will
place the orgnnlution upon a founda
tion of solidity and safety for the fu
ture His selection to tills high posi
tion of trust Is u compliment worthily
bestowed upon not only the jurisdic
tion lie goes to represent, but himself
nu hoinecliy, where he Is looked mum
iisji young mail of sterling worth and
Riogruphlcally Mr. Hrown wns born
in the Utile town of Jamestown, llus-M-ll
county, Ivy., thirty years uiro.
Me came to Nebraska in y7g (UHi
worked upon tl ff.Viii near Western
until 16D0, bon became to Lincoln to
(liter tho Huslness College, securing
the position of book-keeper for the
Interstate Newspaper Company in 1800.
Soon nfter he becuuie Interested in the
business ho was made business mali
nger and today owns tho controll
ing stock. In 1S07 he was married to
Miss Amle West, of (Jalesburg, 111.,
and the home life of Mr. and Mrs.
Hrown is surrounded with environ
'incuts conducive of every comfort and
Widow Commit Awful Crime In I'll of
Mrs. Iloso Wurzer, a widow, in a fit
of insanity, drowned her sK children
at Unlontown, Wash. She throw them
into a well thirty feet deep which con
tained two feet of water, then Jumped
in herself and held the children's heads
beneath tho surface until all were
drowned Mrs. Wurzer wus found alive
in tho well with her six children, by
the neighbors, who pulled her out with
a rope. She Is violently Insane. The
woman's husband died a year ago.
sluee which time she has boon support
ed by the county nnd the charity of
tiring Home a I)erter.
Tho tia'isport Kolacn bus arrived at
San Francisco fiom .Manilla with six
oftlceia und seven t;cu piivntes sick and
wounded. Sheuilso bit u lit some pris
unein, among whom Is F. M. H alter, a
deserter, who was captured while nerv
ing as an ollleor lu the Filipino army.
Ho is under a sentence of life impris
onment. Doalh From the l'lnieue.
A white child died a'1. Capetown of
bubonic plague, nnd thseo white chil
dren h ivc. bc?n attacked by tho plague.
A white man Is suffering with tho
plague at Woodstock.
The croamury building ut' Superior,
Neb., owned by (luthrle Hrnthurs, and
occupied by tho llcuulugstm Produco
commission, was burned to the ground,
The Ions on tho building was about
four thousand dollars ami tint stock of
butter and ogg about throo thousand
dollars. Tho origin of tho fire Is un
known. '
Mine nu 11 re.
A messugo bus been received that
mine No. d, at Diuniondvillo, Wyo., is
on fire between tho sixth and seventh
levels. It is thought the lives of tho
men are lu dunger.
Over n Hundred Souls Perish
Rio Janoiro Wrock.
Vaencr I.Wl t'oitnit nnd M'nut IVnr
Continued -'I bird (Ifllri'r Holland
Har I'ollliil tlenrrnl Wllilnimi rtiul
Family Aniline Hie llntnnxd.
A San Francisco Feb M dlsp.iteb
says: So fur as can be ascertained
from reliable data one hundred and
twenty-eight lives were lost lu the
wreck of the Pacific Mall steamer Kin
do Jniierio, Some fishermen found the
papers of I'm set- Kooney. Among them
was the passenger lUt and it bunch of
ciinecllod tickets, uiul as theie were
uuuieson the list whosecuneelled tick
ets did not appear among those ic
covered, It Is assumed thut they laid
over either at VoUnhuina, Kobe or
Honolulu Thut lhc, were not on the
vessel at the time she went down Is
Among the list of pus-eners woie
CoiisuMleiieral Wildmnn. Mrs. Wild
man, and their sou and daughter.
Surveyor of tho Port Spear has es
tablished a patrol along the ocean near
Halter's bench and along the buy shore
Inside of Fort Point. Thus far his
men have picked up four mail bags,
one of these washing In near Hiiliei's
and the other the Ft. Point life living
station. The surveyor linn given or
ders that nil fishing lioits must report,
at the customs olllce. All bodies
brought lu by them and all wreckage
and flotsam picked up by fishermen
must be accounted for to the ollleers
at tho binge office. In this way It In
thought that looting of iiinil bugH uud
trunks may be stopped.
No attempt bus been iniiile to place
the blame for the disaster, but the
Pacific Mull company's ollleiuls state
that the pilot was subjeel to the orders
ot Captain Ward, who went down with
the vessel.
Kuln unit fog hung like a pall over
the ocean and during the night it rain
storm of unusual proportions visited
this vicinity making the work of Ihe
MMiichcr for the lllo's dead a task of
difficulty. Small bouts have hoveieil
ii round the scene of the wreck for the
lust twenty-four hours uud bodies lire
frequently seen flouting in and out of
the harbor with the tide, but the
roughness of thowiitei greatly hinders
tin work of icsciie.
A San Francisco February '.'). dis
puted suys: J. C. Ilolluiid, third otllccr
of the Mo, who on the duy of the
wreck wus among the missing, has re
ported unharmed.
After they struck, Ilolluiid assisted
Capt u in Waul in getting the passen
gers into the lifeboats. Me uiul the
captain walked lift together on the
sturhouu) side uud just us they reached
the saloon the boat gave a lurch and
disappeared deiieath the water. Hol
land wascairled down by the suction,
but inuniigcd to get hold of a life pre
server, which assisted him to rise to
the surface.
United Mine Wmkrm Waul Kiiclm-em In
the Union.
The. animal state convention of the
United Mine Workers of America at
Spritiglit-ld. 111., decided to favor the
passage i'f a law providing thut mine
Inspector be elected by direct vote of
thu people instcud of being appointed
by tin governor. The suinc committee
reported lu favor of recommendations
of President Hunter thut all supplies
be piirnhuseil fiom union firms ami
that u committee he appointed to labor
for the repeal of the liise garnishment.
Inw by the present legislutute.
Another action wus taken which may
result in trouble. It wus decided to
require all hoisting engineers to be
come members of the United Mine
Workers. This is lo be resented by
the National Hrotherhood of c.oul hoist
iug engineers and divisions of the
state are rapidly udopting resolutions
declaring it their intention to icmaiu
with their orguniKution uud to refuse
to become members of tho miners' or
guulutlon, regardless of the recent
action of the national conference of
the miners of ludlaiiupolls or
the state
Swindler Hun lion .
After eluding detective employed
by the Driimmond Packing company
of Kan Claire, Wis., for over two years
Gabriel S. Wegener arrested In
Chicago charged witli wholesale dwindl
ing of packing companies throughout
the west, Wegener, who passed as
tho accredited agent of a largo eastern
firm, Is said to have sold a composition
which he passed off as borax at a fig
ure far below ahe market price of the
reul article.
lera Home lliirned.
Fire, which originated in linden's
opera house, Columbia, Mo., during
the progress of a matiune, destroyed
the bu!ldiug,entulllng a loss of S'iO.Ooo
The audience escaped lu .safety.
Union Iron WorkN riiied.
At Sun Fruncisco eight suits httvo
been instituted In the United States
district court against the Union lion
works by Edward Koscnberg, secretary
of the labor council of Sun Francisco,
asking the sum of 91,000 lu each case
und alleging that the Union Iron
works had brought eight coppersmiths
to this couutry under contract, paying
the expenses of such laborers from
their homes to San Francisco. Henry
T. Scott, president of tho Union Iron
works, says that the company has not
Imported any contruct laborers.
llelii-tad lo tut Milliu of Vlulta Ntn
I'eMon Arrrnlod.
A Chicago dispatch su.s: A tnurdcrt
believed to have been tho result of
vendeltii, was committed near (Irand
and Milwaukee avenue. SulvadorOlo
viiiiiiu was found shot through tho
hearl, with Carlo Huttlstu, who recent
ly arrived fiom Now York, sanding
fug over him. Hiittista says that he
and the murdered inaii wore vvarm
fi lends and thut while on tho way lo
Uiovuniia's homo they wero attacked
by three men. KaltlsU was not In
jured, but carried a revolver which hail
not. been tired. In the dead man's
coat pocket, however, was a rctolver
fiom which three shots had Ik-ou fired.
This mystifies tho Hillco, since Olo
vaniia's wound would have prevented
him from restoring the weapon to coiv
cculment. In his pockets also were
many counterfeit, coins, Olovniina,
one of the inosL prominent Italians in
Chicago, wus u member of several se
cret societies and cauio hero from Now
York three years ago.
Tho police of aro of tho belief that
he wus the victim of tho dreaded Mafia
and hold that he was murdered with
the weapon found on him. Hattlsta
is being held pending an Invcstlgion.
Within live hours uflcr thu murder tho
police raided the house at 141 Milton
avenue and arrested nine Italians, said
to lie sympathizers of tho Chicago
branch o'f thi'tlMiiHa society. The per
sons arrested are Domino Catalan,
Nofel Philip,
Milken, Nulkr
Itafnnl Lltta, Cnpalnn
i Feriia, John Konte,
Simon Kiifuel,
Tony Sparguo, Joscpli
Mhiiiriot tlli"ii Hlljh Award at th
Minnesota secured the highest, award
uud three out of four gold medals at
the butter mailers' national conven
tion, recently held ut St. Paul. Kan
sas won the silk banner for tho high
est state average, SO. 14 percent. For
separator' butler tho gold medal
wont, to li. . Qucnsolil of Owatona,
Minn., whose scon ws07. The silver
medal went to C II. .lessen of Hcriin
dull. Minn., who scored Oil). For
"gutheieil cream" butter tho gold
uieilul went to W. C. .Noble of South
Wi.terfoi.l.. Me., seoie III; the sllvor
medal to M. Mugiisscn of Hee, Minn.,
score '.M)4. The. silver cups went to
Marvin Powers of Corlny, In., score
til.MI; II. Lorcnson of Wtlca, Wis.,
M-ore la.VI; I. IS. Huirelt. of Union,
11I..II3. O L. Dlstailof DeSmel, S. D
':.; William V. Heiich of Charlotte,,
Vt. OX. VI.
Although other si atescompe.ted.slate
averages were announced for eight
states only. led with 0 14"
per cent. Then followed Minnesota
second. -0.30; llllnolsthlrd.HH 04; lowu
fourth, S(.3l: Wisconsin fifth, HH.13
Michigan sixth, HoUO; South Dakota,
seventh, SS.00. and Vermont eighth,.
The scores wcio the lowest made
during the nine years of tho associa
tion's history.
Mr. I'Hlrlmnlii
l'rrldrnl ot
ut Itntoliitioili
A Washington special says Mrs. Fnlr
banks wus elected president general ot
the society of the Daughters of tho
American Revolution. 'l'l' voU wa4
a.s follows: Mrs. Charles W. Fair
banks, Indiana, XIT, Mrs. Uouald Mo
I.eun, New York, UOs; Mrs. Washing-
ton Roebllug, New Jersey, 4"J.
Although the question ns to who will
succeed Mrs. M nulling as president
gcnerul of the society has been tlie ab
sorbing topic of discussion at this con
grcs, u comparatively small number
of delegates was present when the ses
sion was called to order. Tho result
of the election for president general
wa announced as above Indicated. A
total of 5s4 votes was cast, one ballot
being rejected.
Hlshop Sattcrlee, of the Episcopal
see of Washington, opened the meet"
ing with prayer. In honor of Wash
ington's birthday tho bishop read the
Declaration of Independence and Miss
Caldwell, of New York, sang "ill
Sword of Hunker Hill."
Oregon I.eifUl.iltirr Name an Old Katorll
fur Heiiator.
A Salem, Ore., Feb. 34, dispatch
suys; John 11. Mitchell wus elected at
!:30 this morning to succeed J. W.
MnHrlde, whoso term expires on
March 4, next. Ills election was ac
complished by u combination of thirty
five republic-tins and olevon democrat,
making forty-six votes, a majority rt
tho legislature. Thlt result waa
..nebi.d on the twentv-flfth ballot of
the day
uud the fifty-third of tha
Ijw Kufure0Miit.
mass meeting uttendedby il.rtOO
ens of Wichita. Ivan,, under the
iiusulccs of the ministerial association,
wus hold Sunday uud a resolution
passed demanding the enforcement of
tho prohibitory law. It will "be prn
M'lited lo the mayor and county attor
llonplUl r'lr Attended liy Twontjr-Oua
Mail ltd vices from the orient report
thut tlie hospital attached tothoToklo
university was burned on January 29,
und twenty-one. patients wero burned
to dcuth uud ten patients mid eleven,
nurses and attendants Injured. Jt wua
a wooden' structure nnd there were
ninety-six patients at tho time of the
fire, which burned from 4 to 0 o'clock
n. m. Tho hospital was for tho treat
ment of cum- of particular Intercal
I uud hud 150 fice beds.
ti7rs--- nt
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