I i L i fi Red Cloud Chief. PUBLISHED WBKKLY. BED CLOUD. MKRRABKA Oornuny has a life Insurance itsso elation of hotclkccpcrs which In seven yaars ImB paid over 300.000 to the families of members. The will of tho Into Jarvis Ford, sf 8t. Joseph, Mo., loaves $20,000 for a free memorial library In that plnco, and $10,000 to the municipal hospital. Charles C. Rumsoy, whoso cqucBtrlnn statue of a North American Indian hat been accepted by the managers of the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition, In a member of the Junior clans of Harvard. Yenlce Is trying to rovlvo the pic turesque ceremony of wedding tho Ad riatic, which haa been discontinued since tho InHt Dogo was expelled In 1197. Plans havo been mado for build ing a HuccnUiur on tho model, of tho last state galley used for the cere-mony. MANY NEW BILLS Nobraska Senators and Legisla tors Moving. Tiff HIDE BILL HAS BEEN POSTPONED 3nlntlon! on Death of Judge Maiwel) Adopted kf a Hltln Tote Hon la Mm! at 9 a. m. and Hold 8f Ion Todr and Tharidaj Afternoon, The new Japanese cruiser Ynkunio, which wnH built at Stettin and recently nailed for Jnpan, has so far given the greatCHt Batliifactlon. The system of vcntllntlon Is so perfect, It la asserted, that durliiK her passage of tho Red sea the teinpernturo of the engine and boil er rooms was not much more than half that In British ships. Attention Is railed by tho Ixintlon lancet to the fact that canned toma toes nrn now being extensively col ored, In order to nuke them look at tractive nnd as If mado from rlpo fruit. Among the roloru ao employed are oal-tar colore and cochineal. The subject of artificial coloring and pres ervation of food Is now receiving great attention In England. When ex-Queen Lilluoknlnnl visited the Island of Maul not long ago for the first time In ten years tho irteam ship which carried her was surround ed by natives bringing gifts of all kinds, fruits. vegetables, fowls nnd even pigs. There was music, dancing, a great feaBt, nnd the whole steamship was decorated with their garlands. An original device for evading tho prohibitory law was recently un earthed by plumbers In a house In Rutland, Vt. The liquor, Btorod In a secret nook, was conveyed In hidden pipes to u radiator In one of the prin cipal rooniH of the uoubo. A small faucet attached to the radiator was tho means by which tho liquid was drawn off for use. The Hungarian government Is about to take steps to effectually put an end to tlm wandering of gypsies, who nro no frequently to be met in that coun try. The stnlwurt Hungarian gypsy, with his inultl-colorod cloak, his dnrk ayed, fortune-telling wife, and his rowd of half-naked children, Is ono f the most picturesque figures in this part of Europe Tho Slcele announces that M. Osiris, a well-known Parts philanthropist, linn Instituted a prize of 100,000 francs to bo awarded by a committee of tho Paris PrcbH Syndicate to the author or au thors of a work adjudged by the com mittee to be tho most meritorious, whether from the artistic or Industrial point of view, or on tho ground of gen eral service to humanity. It has been remarked In connection with the late Lord Armstrong as not a tittle singular that while ho was the founder of Elswlck, the arsenal of the. north, a member of 'another branch of the same family was tho founder of the royal urscnnl at Woolwich In 17K. This was John, a scion of the Lldtles dale Armstrongs, who became a very eelcbrutcd military officer and engi neer, serving with the highest reputa tion under the duko of Marlborough and Prlnco Rugcne. Captain Cotton of tha Norfolk navy yard has made a report on the damage sustained by tho torpedo-boat .Erlcssou on Jan. 2, when she touched bottom In the Delaware and Chesapeake canal, while tho water was low and the Ice thick. The known damage Is n bent propeller. Orders have been Issued for the docking of tho boat at Norfolk nnd It Is expected that she will soon be In readlncaa to Join the torpedo flo tilla which will accompany the north Atlantic squadron on Its winter cruise. The sonata committee on medical societies heard physicians of many schools on a bill to legalize the practice of osteopathy and then reported tho bill to the senate without recom mendation. It wss placed on tho gen eral file for consideration in committee of tho whole. The physicians of the regular school proposed to repeal all medical laws and enact a rigid exami nation law. To this the ostcopathlsta consented but whether the proposition will be followed by the introduction of a bill for that purpose is not known. A bill applying tho Lincoln system of nominating1 candidates in counties having over 30,000 inhabitants, Intro duced by Edgar of Oage, and one for a similar system for metropolitan cities and cities of first nnd second class, by Lyman, were fsvornbly reported by the committee on privileges and elections. A bill was passed to include yonng koldlers in the biennial state roster of loldiers and sailors. A bill providing for registers of deeds in counties hav ing more than 28,250 inhabitants was defeated on Its passage. Report of standing committees on the following bills were adopted in the ton ate yesterday morning: Senate tile No. 1-",', by Cummins, im posing a 8100 license fee on peddlors of jewelry, patent medicines, etc, to pass. Senate file No. 130, by Lyman, relat ing to enrollment of farmers and wage works, male and female, by assessors, to be indefinitely postponed. Senate file No. 311, by Martin, ex empting from taxation property of schools, religious or charitable institu tions which Is routed for the benefit of welt institutions, to pass. Senate Hie No. 21V!, by Cummins, to empower metropolitan cities to Issue certificates of indebtedness, to be re ferred to the committee on municipal affairs. Senate file No. 187, by Cummins, pro viding for a tax of 8100 peddlers, to bo Indefinitely postponed. Senate tile 173, by Lyinun, relating to foss of county treasurers, to pass. Tho following bills were pa ssed at the afternoon session: Senate file No. -I, by Newell, a cur ative act amending section 17 of the criminal code, relating to assault and battery. Senate file No. 112, by O'Neil to In :ludu tho names of soldiers of the Spanish war and the Philippine insur rection in tho list of soldiers compiled biennially by the state, assessors not to receive pay for their labor until they list the names of nil soldiers and sailors In their districts; Johnson of Harlan and Miller of Buffalo alone voted in the negative. The bill legalising the prnetico of os- icopauty, senate mo ro. ioj, was placed on the general file without re commendation. The following woro placed on ,the general tile: Senate tile No. 130, by Young to pro tect primary elections. Senate tile No. 113, by Edgar, a gen eral primary clectlou luw for cities of Uiu metropolitan class and cities of tho tlrst and second class, nnd requiring all political parties to comply with Its provisions. Senate file No, 17, by Edgar, ' a gen eral primary election law for the selec tion of candidates for county o dices in counties of over ','0,000 inhabitants. Senate tile No. ,14, by Lyman, mak ing the giving of otllclul bonds optional for nflicers less than btatc otlleers, and authorizing payment of premiums on guarantee bonds from the nubile funds. Resolutions were passed by the sen ate on the death of Judge Samuel Maxwell. DEATH PENALTY POSSIBLE Antl-Kldnapln Act r tha Sonata Unanlmontly. Lincoln, lob. 18. The Cudaby kid naping caso, which attracted tho at tention of tho entire country, and which resulted In the payment of a $25,000 ransom, stirred up tho people of the atato and a demand wni mado for the passage of an act to punish such crimes. The sonata yesterday took tho first step and passed aenaU file No. 'Si, by Hanson, u bill which provides for the death penalty or life imprisonment for ono grade of erlme. Tho bill punishes kidnaping by sen tence of from three to seven years in the penitentiary. Kidnaping for the purpose of extorting money may be punished by Imprisonment from one to twenty years, and kidnaping with throats of Injury to the person or act ual injury to the person la made pun ishablo by death or imprisonment for life in the discretion of the Jury J An act patsed by tha senate requires the name of the manufacturer and tha number of feet nor pound to bo stamped on each ball of binding twine of fered for sale In this state. Onu effoct of this 1)111 will bo to discredit convict made binding twine, which is now manufactured at more than one peni tentiary in the country. Tho forestry bill introduced by Sen ator Arendk of Otoe, providing that the Increase in value of land by reason of the growth of trees shall not bo taken into consideration for purposes of assessment, was also passed. The senate approved Martin's bill for the repeal of all boards of 'trans portation acta. Miller's bill for the repeal of tho oil Inspection law was Indefinitely post poned. .Daldrlge's bill to submit a con atitutlonal amendment to Increase the supreme court to nine members wan favorably reported by the judiciary committee. Ae amended the bill pro vides that unleM the.voter erases the negative part of the ballot his vole shall be counted as a vota for the amendment. The house yeaterday rooeived the bill making an appropriation for tho purchase of a site for the Stat lair in Lincoln. The committee on public lands and buildinga reported tbo meas ure and the same was placed on gen eral file. Tha appropriation wus amended by the committee to 325,000. Some tittle controversy was aroused by McCarthy, but the majority of tho members favored giving the bill a thorough consideration. The greater part of the day in the house was spent receiving reports of standing committees which wore filed. 'Ph.. l.lll ..r,.. .Unn- tin; state ooaru oi eharlties and corrections passed ou third reading after a long call of tho house to call members to duty. The special committee appointed to draw up a ballot law satisfactory to all parties baa about completed Its la bora. The ballot agroed upon embodica the features of the old blanket ballot and the present single column type. THE A(T STANDS Senate Refuses to Repeal Corrupt Practices Law. SLOCUM LAW IS JEALOUSLY GUARDED vara! Llqaor nitU Killed In tha Senate, and Oaa Is til van I,eae af Ufa llonta Seek Information an Baa- Jacta of Hiima lejiporUaae. ROOSEVELT DONE HUNTING Vice Leave The House, in Scotland tho halfpenny Is called a "bawbee," but how it cam a to receive that name is not n matter of common knowledge. It appears that the first attempt at the portraiture of the un fortunate Mary, queen of Scots, wan made In her 'earliest Infancy, and her "wee" face was engraved upon tho Scottish halfpennies nt the time of her coronation In 1G43, when she was but 9 months old. A number of these smnll coins arc still preserved, nnd it will be easily understood that tho uamo "bawbeo," or baby, was origin nlly given to the coin bearing the baby's efllgy. Misa .lane Rchroeder, who has Just died In Essex, Conn., has left what Is called In sporting parlance 7,000 "bones" to two dogs which she had picked up ou the streets. During her 05 years of life Mlsa Schrocder lived In u tumble down shinny and dovoted her days to visiting tho slrk of the town and picking up Btray dogs nnd eats. During ono of these missions Bhe picked up a child and ndoptcd nor au a (laughter, Oreatchon Schrocder, as tho child Is called, will inherit what re mains of tho $7,000, should tho dogs dlo before bho does. Standing committees reported in tho house yesterday morning immediately after tho house convened. They were adopted as follows: House roll No. 173. to prevent com binations of lumber dealers, to be postponed. House roll No. 173, to compel tho stamping of adulteration of lard on cans or vessels containing the Mime, to be postponed. Tho bill later, on mo tion of Hamilton, was placed ou gen eral file. House roll No. UU, to rermlt the or ganization of home guaranty bond companies, to pass as amended. House roll No. 207, to permit meet ings of statw poultrymen's association at buch times as the board of managers muy direct, to pass. House roll No. '.'00, relating to the Torrens system of land transfer, to pass as amended. The house went Into committee of tho whole with Sprecher In the chair. House roll No. 110, by Mullen, to amend the law relating to garnishment and provide different collection laws, wan first on general file. Mullen wanted action ou (lie uiu postponed till some Omaha men could get here. Tanner moved to postpone ami he said Mullen had asked postponement for considera tion before. The bill was ordered post poned by a vote of thirty to thirty nine. Houso roll No. 300, to provide for tho appointment of a atato prosecutor, to be postponed. Freeldeat-eleet Bona Colorado. Information has been received at Denver that Vice President Roose velt, who has been for several weeks hunting wild animals In the wilds of northwest Colorado, will roach Rifle, Colorado. February 10, and will there board a Colorado Midland train '.o be gin his homeward journey. It is not known whpther ho- will accept tho Invitation that has been extended to him to Btoplu Denver and address the" legislature. KiniMTor ThnnU Hullnn. Emntoror William in thanking the sultan for the reception of tho mission sunt to attend the inauguration of the fountain erected by tbo emperor in Constantinople to commemorate, his visit and that of Empress Augustus Victoria, says he considers It a fresh proof of tho sultau's friendship. Odd Dinner In New York. It is a very unimportant part of the civilized world whose existence is not celebrated by a dinner In this city at least once a year. Australians living in New York are tbo latest to fall Into line, and thoy propose to dine together In a fow weeks. Every civilized nation Is represented here by a dining society. Naarly ovory state in tho Union has its society hero, and at least a dozen coun ties ot this state are also represented by societies. Now York Sun. Lincoln, Feb. 14. The senate occu pied an hour's time at the forenoon session yesterday In flights of oratory and a short period afternoon In dis cussing tha bill introduced by Martin, of Richardson, to repeal the corrupt practices act, a law governing the eon duct of candidates for office. The bill was Indefinitely postponed by a vote of SO to 4. Quite a number of bills wore killed by standing committees, including two or three bills amending the liquor law. Harlan stated that there seemed to be no desire to change the Slocum law. However, one bill permitting saloon keepers to pay their license fee quarterly in advance In stead of annually In advance was referred back to Mr. Harlan's commit tee in order to give Ltddell, of Doug las, an opportunity to present the merits of the bill to the committee. Harlan warned tho senator from Doug las that it was useless to refer the bill back to the committee as the members were unanimous lu their decision against the bill. The house bill to establish two new normal schools was favorably recommended by the coin ralttee on university aud normal schools. Tho house paid particular attentlo n to the passage of bills. Tho bill per mitting Lancaster county commission ers to retain their piesent salaries passed as did a number of other mens ural locently considered in committee of tha whole. The committee on soldiers' homes renorted whnt they had found at Mllford aud Grand Island with recommendations. Ou motion of Ream of Custer the at torney general was requested ,to give to the house answers to the followiug questions: First. Tho specific features of the contract between the state of Nebraska and Guy II. Drown and his successor, II. H. Wheeler, whereby the said Guy II. Drown and II, II. Wheeler compiled, unnoted, indexed and prepared for publication the various editions of the laws of Nebraska since isbo. Second. To what extent does the said Guy II. Drown or ills heirs and II. II. Wheeler hold copyright on aunota tions, Indices, catchwords or other matters of forms contained in said edi tions and the length of time of bald copyrights will yet bold. Thlid. The number of copies of the laws of the state of Nebraska that would be required by the state in or der to comply with the requirements of chapter 47 of tho compiled statutes of tho state of Nebraska, 18'J'J, and tho probable cost per copy of material, printing and binding of the UW stat utcs. THE LEGISLATURE. Proceeding of That nndjr For Saturday, Febroarf I. Lincoln, February 10. The house members were determined to work yesterday. Some of tho representa tives believed the general file might get away from them unless they put in nn hour or two of intense application, and the afternoon was spent in com mittee of the whole after the morning was occupied with committee reports and introduction of bills. In commit tee of the whole a bill providing that in cauntles of 3,000 population or less the county boards shall appoint county attorneys and pay them not to exceed 9300 per annum, was agreed to. This measure will affect about twelve Ne braska counties and is regarded by those who favor it as a stroke in favor of economy. A good portion of tho afternoon was spent discussing a bill to reimburse both ex-Treasurer Mescrve and Treas urer Htnefer for money paid out as oremlura for bonds furnished the state. The entire question of furnishing bonds was discussed and the policy the state should pursue. Many of tho members desired more time aBd the discusnlon wa postponed until Tues day afternoon at S! o clock. Representative LoomlB called up his resolution offered earlier in the week in memory of the late Jndge Samuel Maxwell. They embodied a motion to adjourn out of respect for the eminent jurist. Mr. Loomls spoke very elo quently of his friend and townsman and his speceh was followed by short er onces by Representatives McCarthy, Lane and Speaker Scars. The resolu tions were odopted by a rising vote. A half hour was devoted by tho sen ate to legislation yesterday. During that tune Senator Owens of Dawson, from tho Irrigation district, introduced a constitutional amendment which is designed to do awny nh the common law interpretation of wnter rights. The object of the new constitutional amendment is to dedicate to the public use all water in natural streams, sub iect to annroprlutlon under the lawsof the state. Under reeent decisions of tho supreme eonrt It Is believed that the irrigation laws which appropriate the use of the water to the atate an not bo held constitutional. For the purpose of curing this the irrigation societies of tbo state de round the adoption of a constitutional amendment which will permit the state to eontrol water lu natural 6trcam6 and to pass laws regulating appropriations. A list of bills was killed in tho sen ate on recommendation of the com mittee on agriculture. Included in the list is one for the establishment of three agricultural experiment stations in the western part of tho state, ana another had for Its purpose the regu lation of horseshoeing in sltlcs of 5,000 inhabitants. Kin Resign Mastership. Karl Amherst, presiding nt a special meeting of the grand lodge ot Free Mnsous, In London, announeed that King Kdwnid will assnmo the title and position of protector of tho English Five Masons. The Duke of Connuught was nominated for grand mater In succession to king Kdward. Tho elec tion will take place March 0. NITRIC ACID IN HIS FACE DlToread Wife of an Omaha, Nrb., Man Make an Aoanlt. "1v At South Omaha, Neb., Mrs. Mary Adams, diverted wife of J. ,0. Adams, a commission merchant residing 160S Locust street, threw nltrio acid intoa, his face. She came in from Denver, registered at a hotel nnd took n hack for her former husband's residence knocking at the kitchen door. Adams opened the door. His young wife wad in the kitchen with hlin, be having married Clara Qnaln last June immedi ately after getting a divorce from hi first wife. Adamu setred the infuriated woman, who had followed him into the kitchen took a revolver out of her hand nnd knocked her down. lie then ran tor the police. In his absence the inter loper demolished the dishes and every thing in sight, chasing the bride up stairs, where a few minutes later elm woe rescued by neighbors. Tho woman was taken to jail. The doctor cays Adams is not badly hurt. BANK IS LOOTED. Craekianen Hob HtaU Hank nt rhllllo of Csih on Hand. The state bank at Phillips, Ncb, was entered, tho safe blown to pieces w and alt the money contained therein secured by a gang of presumably four robbers. The amount Bccnred Is esti mated at between 81,000 nnd 51,508, the exact amount unknown by reason of tho fact that through the explosion some of the money wan so defaced and mashed up as to make it impossible to tell just what it was. The sheriff of Hamilton county, at Aurora, was sent for and took the ease in charge. liloodhounds have not sh yet been set for owing to the fact that the bank officials and officers have lit tle faith in their work. "Tf Last June a similar effort was made on the bauk. Iu fact this is the third attempt, it is the only one that liui. been successful. NOW A THINO OF THE PAST Carnegta Bteet Company, at lluh, ! t KalRt. "Tlu Carnegie Steel company, sh such, has ceased to exist except by eourtcsy." This statement wue mnde in New York city by a high official ,f the. American Steel and Wire company, flv this it was implied that all details foVw. the transfer of control of that compa ny to the Morgan syndicate have been completed, and that the only delay in making complete and llnnl 'announce mentis due to matters ntrectiug the other companies which it is believed will be taken in. Charles M. Schwab of the. l.'nrnegio Steel company has been formally se lected as the head of the big 'steel combination. To l'enetxate AfghanUtaa. Prof. A. V. Williams ot Columbia university leaves for India In tho in terest ot the department of Indo-Ira-ulan languages and literatures In the university. He will make an attempt to penotrate Afghanistan through tho Khyber pass and will study the cus toms and religious ceremonies of the Parse and Hindoos. He expeota to return In June. Dollili and Tran Down. William C. Whltnoy is continually spending some ot his vast fortune In building or tearing down. He will give Instructions for the 'erection ot a stable for Instance, atter having carefully considered plans therefor. It is a safe bt that before the building Is eom 'pleted he will order It to bo entirely remodeled. Hamilton McK. Twombly Is another millionaire who Is given to similar changes of mind. A t'harch AcrapU Farker Slalac. The Krauo statue of Theodore Park er, made in 1885, Is still a source ot trouble. It was first rejected, with many protests, by Parker's friends, and wan retired from view, but it has now been accepted by tho First par ish (Unitarian) of West Roxbnry, Mass., and will b st up in fiont t the church ot that congregation. ' To Kiplora tha South Volar Baa. The duke of Abruzzi proposes to start from Duenos Ayres in 1!)02, on a voyage to explore the south polar seas, in a ship which will be specially built in Italy from his own plans and speci fications. He has selected as his com panions Vittorlo Sella, the geographer, and several young officers ot the Italian royal navy. Doi't N4 the Crown Vow. Prince Ferdinand ot Bulgaria twa yean ago ordered a crown designed by a prominent artist at Munich. At that time the prince hoped to be pro moted to kingly rank, but since his ambition has been disappointed he re fuses to pay for the design, and the artist has been compelled to eue. The Mn-VearlnK8plrlt. St. Clair McBlway, editor of th Brooklyn Eaglo, speaking for the laity at tho celebration at Rev, Dr. Mere dith's church recently suld that at tha root of tho caste spirit, too often found In churches, Is the man-tearing spirit. . The Kmparoi Great AdTantnge. Tho kaiser has taken to playing prac tical jokes, And his loyal subjects daro not rotallato, tor thero is leae majesty. Thero are certain advan- American. Bait fof Cincinnati School. A marble trust ot Mrs. Christina O. Sullivan, tho Ohio educator, is being made by O. T. Webber, tbo sculptor, for the Cincinnati public schools. It is the gift of several members of tha National Educational association and the Southern and Ohio Teachore' associations. Cealdn't Count tha Karat. A Maine man sent his small eon ent to count the new brood ot chicken which bad hatched out that ar. When tho boy returned be said: "I counted them all but one, daddy, and that one waB running 'ronnd ao fast I could not count him!' Mirrlnm to Bned 1m: A Washington Feb. 14 dispatch says: When Genernl Fit. Hugh Leo is placed ou the retired list, and he will be in a few days, it is expected that Oeneral Merrlain, now commanding the depart ment of Colorado, will temporarily have charge of the department of the Missouri, with headquarters at Omaha. CONDENSED NEWS Some nlavful corn fed steer, delayed a Russell county school a half day by chasing the lady teacher up a tree. The report drifts in from the Central branch that snow is up to the second story windows. This is ono story too many.- The raiding of Mother Hnlnt's a loon at Holton exemplifies the theory that all Joints look alike to Bucb wreckers as public sentiment. The Belgian hare fad at Hanover has taken a temporary lull since a measly little tabby cat changed own ers for a 9&0 consideration. A spider swung Itself down from the celling of a Jackson county storo by its web and attached itself to tho tall of a mouse and dragged the mouse up till only Ita front feet touched the floor, where it was held by tho spider until lit was extinct. Campbell has a proposition to put in a system of waterworks consisting ot a gasoline engine, an 100 barrel tank, mains, hydrants, 400 feet of hoee and all necessary appliances complete for 2,500. The council will decide upon tho construction of a plant nt the next meeting. Tha Turners of Flattamouth nave an exklbltlon recently and they wera greeted by ne ot the largest au diences sine tho opening ot the Par mere theatre. The society gav this exhibition for the purpose of illustrat ing to the public their methods ot physical culture, and the interest shown was very gratifying to them. They nve made the school board t llbe'ral proposition, with a view of In troducing physical culture into the lo oal public schools. MAY COMPROMISE TROUDl p KfTortto SetUe the Hrbley-Huiuiiion Con IroTfiny. A Washington. FVb. Ift, dispatch says: Senator McComas is making an effort to secure a compromise which will permit contlnnatiou of the presi dent's nominations advancing vnrlnut ofilccrc of Admiral Sampson's fleet for meritorious conduct during tho Span ish war. He suggests that all but Sampson and Schley be confirmed ami that congress pass a resolution creat ing tho grade of vico-admlral, with the understanding that these two of ficers bo given the position. Some op- position u made by supporter of Admiral Schley, who four that lie would not be given the senior positinvx by the president. Kroblan Danotlnc Vairtad Stat. Married men in Sweden nnd Norway wear wedding rings, thereby proclaim ing themselves to all and sundry a (appropriated bloeslngs. Directly thoy become engaged they proclaim the fact to tho outside public by sporting a ring, Just as do their fair flanoeea. Perfume Warrti Oft Cholera. Tho cholera repeatedly during the last coJtury visited London and Paris, but at no tlma was there n death from that disease among tho operatives of tha pcifurao factories. Balloon ! OTer Ten Mile. A balloon fitted with automatic in struments was sent up recently In Par Is and came down safely. The Instru ments showed that It had risen to 56, 000 feet, or over 10 miles. At that height the tomperntiue outside thi balloon was 102 degrees below xcro. Idtag Term a Inanranoo Heeretarr. Santord J, Hall, who had been sec retary of the Springfield Fire and Ma. rlno Insurance company ot Springfield, Maes,, died a few days ago, aged 8o! He had been secretary of thn innnrnn..' I company since 1868. HANGS HIMSELF TO A TREE Fall Ulir Mnn Commit Mileldn Aftrr n Oetmui'h. Worl reached Falls City Neb.. Feb. lS.tlmt tho dead body of a man had been found hanging from a tree by the road side about two miles eastof this place The body was identified os L. Chest nut. The miiti had been on a spree for two days. After going about two miles he drove his teum to the side of the road, tied a hitch strnn :ilmit hU nccic anil tho other end to a tree ant. jumped from tho buck of his wagon. The body was still warm whun dis covered and brought to the city and the coroner notified. The deud' roup was about slxty-flvo years of ago. To l.ajr Mine In Ilnrbor. The work of laying mines nnd tor pedoes about the entrance to 1'ort Or chard dry dock, Tacomu, is noon to be gin. A shipment of five ears of mush loom anchors has been received by the quartermaster's department, consigned to the United States encrineer bv the ordinance department of tho urmv. They are to be used to hold down theJ gun cotton mines and torpedoes. llniid Hndly Crnchcd. Fred Laudt, a laborer on the Bur lington bridge gang, tt proscnt at uork on tho bridge over tho Platte river several miles east of Grand Isl and, has been taken to St. Franci hospital with a badly crushed hand. While another employe was splitting a piling with a twelve-pound maul,' Landt's hand came between the maul uuil the piling. Wobiiii Load of Wildcat. f "Buck" Davis, a cowboy, who luii Just reached Meeker, (Jol., in from tho north, brings the information thut) Governor Roosevelt and his guides and party will count lu with I wo wagon loads of lions and wlldcnts. ( Vilth Tatul Iti'MiltM, A street cur containing thirty passen geih, uu loute from Dayton, ., jumpei the track on a down grade and plunged over u fifty-root embankment into a small stream, injuring all but opo nt the passengers. Sever! may die,